June 21, 2016

After the assassination attempt on Trump, shouldn't the media tone down the Trump hate?

AP reports:
A British man arrested at a weekend Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas tried to grab a police officer's gun so he could kill the presidential candidate after planning an assassination for about a year, according to authorities."
After the assassination attempt on Trump, shouldn't the media tone down the Trump hate?
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tim maguire said...

I'd be happy if the media got honest and started doing its job. Cut out the underhanded dishonesty in support of Democrats and the rest can be managed.

Hagar said...

Planning for about a year to grab a cop's gun at a Trump rally and shoot Trump?
Darwin award.

MayBee said...

Most of the media seems less interested in this than when a random person in a Palin crowd yelled "Terrorist" when she was talking about Obama.

Drago said...

Has this illegal been offered a regular gig on MSNBC yet?

Michael K said...

I'm of two minds about this.

More coverage combined with the hostile tone of most media toward him would increase the risk of copycats.

I don't expect any neutral coverage so it is a risk.

I am very concerned about more assassination attempts. There is better protection than there was for Huey Long and Trump resembles him more than most comparisons with Mussolini, Hitler, etc.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

After the assassination attempt on Trump, shouldn't the media tone down the Trump hate?

Doesn't what they should do depend on what they want to happen?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

It wasn't just an attempt, it was successful. Then he want back to his own time and bragged about it, and a fellow time-traveler had to come back and set things right.

Brando said...

Is this more civility bullshit? No one should advocate violence (like that nut on Vox) but hate away. Just remember if you go overboard with your hate you lose your credibility, no matter who you're hating.

This is a highly charged year. I can see the nuts coming out a lot more. Interestingly there hasn't been a serious assassination attempt on a president or candidate since Reagan in '81. Either the Secret Service has gotten a lot better at heading off threats, or assassinations have gotten a lot more passé.

Oso Negro said...

If they went after Madame Clinton the same way I would be delighted.

Bob Boyd said...

If guns are so easy to get in America, how come the guy had to try to steal one from a cop?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Oso Negro said...

If they went after Madame Clinton the same way I would be delighted.

Just for clarity, I assume the they you refer to are the media, not the would-be assassins, right?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Actual conversation --

Me: Did you hear an illegal tried to kill Trump?

Lib: He wasn't illegal. He was from England.

Me: Racist.

Drago said...

Brando: "Just remember if you go overboard with your hate you lose your credibility, no matter who you're hating."

I am afraid this asertion is completely detached from current reality.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Planning for about a year to grab a cop's gun at a Trump rally and shoot Trump?

I'm straight out stealing this but, "worse assassination plot ever."

Henry said...

The logic is circular.

Trump is like Hitler.

Someone tried to kill him before he could seize power.

No one would do that unless he was like Hitler.

Squeaky Fromme waved a gun at Gerald Ford to save the Redwoods.

YoungHegelian said...

In the overnight broadcast of BBC World the BBC reporter stop just short of blaming Trump for someone trying to assassinate him.

The more you hear about the would-be assassin the more you start to think: yet another example of no-good coming from our broken immigration system.

Michael K said...

This will be the most violent election year I can recall from history.

The guy that shot Reagan was crazy. Squeaky Fromme was a nutty cult follower.

The Kennedy assassins were a communist and a Palestinian.

This year will be more like those years. There will be at least one more Muslim terror attack.

I would not be surprised to see a BLM attempt on Trump although those people seem to like property crimes better.

MayBee said...

Things are spiraling out of control:

Look at this tweet:

Elizabeth Warren ✔@SenWarren
.@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.
7:08 PM - 20 Jun 2016
4,140 4,140 Retweets 5,549 5,549 likes

Laslo Spatula said...

Ever since my Daddy named me Lee Harvey I knew I was born to a Mission.

Mom wanted to just name me 'Doug' after her brother but Daddy said there were no famous Dougs anywhere, and you had to give a boy Purpose right from the start. Daddy, he hated Presidents. Besides, Doug was in prison for a misunderstanding with a young girl and an ice cream cone, so Daddy said he ain't naming his boy after a child-poker, and that was that.

Heck, on his Deathbed Daddy said "Son, I thought you'd have killed yourself a President by now. I am disappointed in you." Then he died. So that was kind of rough, him dying disappointed in me and all. A lot to deal with when you're twelve.

It's not like I haven't tried. I got close to the President once, but the Secret Service caught me and forced me to go get drunk at a strip club with them. I woke up with a hooker that said if I would've had happened to kill the President she would've given me that blow-job for free. That would've been nice, because I blew a lot of cash in the Champagne Room with the Agents. If you were at a pawn shop that summer and bought a watch engraved LH on the back that was probably mine. Real nice Timex, too.

Just this past February I put some guns in the trunk and headed out to the Washington DC, but my transmission blew up just outside of Walla Walla. It was a Japanese car, too, I thought they built cars better than that. Wasted that three hundred dollars: Dad woulda no doubt kicked my ass for buying a Jap car in the first place. You can buy a fine American car for three hundred dollars, that's what he would've said.

So now I'm just kinda waitin' til the time seems right. For awhile I thought I'd warm up on a Mayor or something, but it would suck going to prison over just a mayor. Anyhow.

Daddy: I haven't forgotten. I'll make you proud, even if you are dead and all.

I am Laslo.

MayBee said...

5 million likes!

Danno said...

Ron Winkleheimer said...I'm straight out stealing this but, "worse assassination plot ever."

What would you expect in the age of Pajama Boy?

Michael K said...

Apparently, this kid is a nut, too.

The father of a British man accused of trying to assassinate Donald Trump today revealed his 'insular' son had travelled to America to be with his girlfriend but had gone off the rails.
Michael Steven Sandford, who appeared in court on Monday, tried to grab a police officer's gun and wanted to shoot the billionaire Republican presidential candidate on Saturday.
His father Paul Davey told MailOnline he has no idea why his son would attempt to shoot the billionaire presidential candidate and claimed someone must have put the vulnerable boy 'up to it.'
He also claims that he and Steven's mother Lynne told American authorities they were worried about Sandford but officials failed to act upon it.
He said: 'He's been refusing to come back and we were worried about him, we were in contact with the American Embassy telling them we were worried about him. The American authorities said "he's over 18 we can't do anything".

Of course, he's only an "undocumented migrant."

Unknown said...

"After the assassination attempt on Trump, shouldn't the media tone down the Trump hate?"

You mean, like the Repugnants and GOP toned down the Obama hate over the past 7+ years.

Trump is big enough to look after himself. Oh, wait, Trump is small enough to be taken care of by the big secret service staff.

Original Mike said...

Hey, Chuck has a British accent.

TrespassersW said...

Calls for "civility" from the left are merely another way of saying "Shut up."

Tim said...

Didn't Obama and Hillary already funnel weapons to ISIS through Libya?

Jaq said...

Bush hatred was never a thing.

holdfast said...

He said: 'He's been refusing to come back and we were worried about him, we were in contact with the American Embassy telling them we were worried about him. The American authorities said "he's over 18 we can't do anything"

WTF does one have to do to get deported under this Admin? Question Obama's birth certificate? Support the Second Amendment?

Freeman Hunt said...

A British guy? Why is he obsessed with our election? Go home and obsess over Brexit, man.

RMc said...

"After the assassination attempt on Trump, shouldn't the media tone down the Trump hate?"

You mean, like the Repugnants and GOP toned down the Obama hate over the past 7+ years.

And the eight years of Bush Derangement Syndrome before that (which lead to people saying things like "Repugnauts").

And so on.

CWJ said...


If you want one of the troll jobs here at Althouse, you're going to have to do a lot better than that.

Up your game, in the words of the hostess.

Bob Boyd said...

This is what happens when you leave your safe space.
Never leave your safe space.

mockturtle said...

The best answer would be: The media HOPE someone kills Trump.

holdfast said...

Sandford, who suffered from Aspergers and OCD, moved out from Dorking, Surrey, to a flat nearby and met the girl.

Best. Town. Name. Ever.

traditionalguy said...

The CBC here in Canada runs ten minute roasts of tweets their listeners send ridiculing Trump. Then when they stop howling in laughter the announcer gets very serious and says, "Ridicule is a weapon no one survives..." Then he' smiles again.

Of course this Brit was a perfect lone wolf type. If memory serves me ALL assassinations of Presidents and world leaders are done by Lone Wolves with No Connections to the CIA... None at all....ever...who could imagine such paranoia...ever.

holdfast said...

If only we had proof of a Legty Brit fetish for assassinating US Presidents.

Death of a President is a 2006 British docudrama political thriller film about the fictional assassination of George W. Bush, the 43rd U.S. President, on 19 October 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. The film is presented as a future history docudrama and uses actors, archival video footage as well as computer-generated special effects to present the hypothetical aftermath the event had on civil liberties, racial profiling, journalistic sensationalism and foreign policy.


Mark said...

Having seen people tell others to commit suicide on this blog within the last few days, I don't think people on this blog have a leg to stand on.

I see similar violent language here, and not just from Laslo (who no one ever calls out).

Freder Frederson said...

Reporting that Trump lies consistently, brazenly, and often contradicts himself, is not being "hard" on Trump, it is merely reporting the facts. Reporting that Trump's policy proposals will alienate our allies, increase the deficit, and are just impractical, is not being hard on Trump, it is merely reporting objective facts.

You seem to think that critical reporting is invalid.

mockturtle said...

People who don't understand blog hyperbole are the same ones who don't get Trump.

Michael K said...

"You mean, like the Repugnants and GOP toned down the Obama hate over the past 7+ years.

And the eight years of Bush Derangement Syndrome before that (which lead to people saying things like "Repugnauts")."

And the assassination porn directed at Bush by the lefty nuts.

The big difference, and what is called "hate" by the lefties, is the fact that Obama came out of nowhere with no record. He was elected to the Senate after the Illinois GOP, a loyal member of the "Combine" blocked Peter FitzGerald, the incumbent Republican Senator and nominated a guy named Jack Ryan whose sealed divorce records were opened revealing some trash in a child custody case (Ex-wives never lie in custody cases) causing Ryan to drop out. The one contested election Obama had he lost to Bobby Seal, a black radical and Panther.

We kind of wondered who he was and were told to SHUT UP! Just a little suspicious. No college records. No roommates.

Hmmm. And I still kind of wonder.

Michael K said...

"You seem to think that critical reporting is invalid."

No, some of us think that most of your hyperbole is bullshit.

Sebastian said...

All your options are irrelevant. Anti-GOP, anti-christian/white/male violence doesn't matter. Hate that leads to violence agains the right kinds of people doesn't matter. Only hate and violence in the other directions matter. Therefore Trump is on his own, a legit target for assassins, being egged on daily. No one outside a small GOP subset will shed a tear. As MSM have shown, he is already responsible for violence against his supporters; if he gets killed, he had it coming.

Paul said...

"policy proposals will alienate our allies, increase the deficit, and are just impractical,"

Good thing these things would never happen under a democrat administration you would enthusiastically support and defend.

Michael said...

If you had the chance to kill Hitler you would, wouldn't you? This is the objective of the Hitler-hurling left. Incite to murder in the name of changing the course of history. Vile and stupid people occupy the left.

OGWiseman said...

Calling a nutjob's attempt to wrest a gun away from a cop in a room full of other cops an "assassination attempt" sort of takes the sting out of the phrase. How close did he actually get to killing him? If I fire a gun on my property, but shout Trump's name before I do it, does that also qualify?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Reporting that Obama's policies have alienated our allies, increased the deficit, and are just impractical, is not being hard on Obama, it is merely reporting objective facts.

I fixed that for you Freder- unfortunately, the media has failed to do its job when it comes to Obama.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

OGWiseman said...

Calling a nutjob's attempt to wrest a gun away from a cop in a room full of other cops an "assassination attempt" sort of takes the sting out of the phrase.

This guy traveled thousands of miles, stood in line for hours, paid to practice shooting the day before, and was in the room with Trump when he got his hands on a gun, all for the stated purpose of killing Trump. If that's not an assassination attempt, what the fuck is it?

Jeff said...

I voted for "Trump deserves all this hostility", but then again, so does Clinton.

Matt Sablan said...

"Calling a nutjob's attempt to wrest a gun away from a cop in a room full of other cops an "assassination attempt" sort of takes the sting out of the phrase. How close did he actually get to killing him? If I fire a gun on my property, but shout Trump's name before I do it, does that also qualify?"

-- No. That's exactly what it was. It was a poorly planned and thankfully failed attempt, but it was still an assassination attempt. I understand the left wants to de-legitimize violence against the right, but let's not try and pretend a thing that happened didn't happen because it wasn't close enough to successful for you.

Laslo Spatula said...

Mark said...
...I see similar violent language here, and not just from Laslo (who no one ever calls out).
6/21/16, 9:05 AM


I am Laslo.

Jason said...

To be a Salon subscriber, you have to believe that Sweet Cakes By Melissa caused a Muslim Democrat to massacre people in a gay bar while pledging allegiance to the Islamic state people who spend months calling Trump "Hitler" totes have nothing to do with feeding an autistic's delusions and leading someone to try to assassinate him.

Captain Drano said...

"Vile and stupid people occupy the left"

And they are busy busy tweeting away to get two memes started, "#delete your account" and something like "#trumpsopoor"
They live and are indoctrinated by Twitter. I see it every day--young people and lefties getting excited that they helped make something "trend." It's stupid and creepy, but that what they do, then "journalists" can report it.

The problem with Trump (while he's much better than dopey Rommey was--at least he's using Twitter to engage) is that his campaign does not have the groundwork set up to combat the incoming Tweets, or to advance ones he has started. Same with comment sections--legions of HC supporters infest them and Twitter. He needs to get this going, pronto.

wildswan said...

Hey Laslo
Do all those things you report on really happen? If not, should you be reporting on them? I'm calling you on this

Michael K said...

I thought OGWiseman said... was an interesting take on the Trump assassination attempt so I looked at his blog.

Guess what I found ?

Is this a troll assault and will it get worse until November ?

So all Bush is doing in trying to present the appearance of candor is being less candid than when he was just a liar. After all, if everyone knows he is a liar, then he is candidly a liar. But now he is trying to be a liar who doesn't look like a liar, which is the least candid state possible.

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising this happened. Trump is his own worst enemy.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Apparently if you are not Jason Freakin Bourne then any attempts to kill candidates for public office due to their expressed political views is not to be considered an assassination attempt.

Henceforth such attempts are to be referred to as "hijinks."

wildswan said...

Hey Laslo,
Some of your comments remind me of an underground paper talking about Republicans. But you aren't just talking about Republicans - ARE YOU? Do you think you can just make jokes and remarks? DO YOU?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Unknown said...

It's not surprising this happened. Trump is his own worst enemy.

If I had to rank them, I think Trump would fall significantly lower on the list of his worst enemies than the guy who just tried to kill him.

Fucking moron.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Unless they are successful, then, if the victim is a Republican, they are to be referred to as "the inevitable result of the candidate's own, intemperate, indeed inflammatory, rhetoric."

Anonymous said...

The guy who tried to kill him was inept. Trump is very skilled at riling up people. Trump's mouth is more powerful than a skinny little Brit who couldn't shoot straight. As I said he is his own worst enemy.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Unknown said...

As I said he is his own worst enemy.

As I said, fucking moron.

Anonymous said...

As I said, Trump is his own worst enemy and its moronic to not understand this.

Matt Sablan said...

"Trump's mouth is more powerful than a skinny little Brit who couldn't shoot straight."

-- He probably should watch how much he drinks and the length of the skirt he wears too.

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, with what he was saying, and that look in his eyes, he was asking for it.

wildswan said...

I feel Laslo is inciting confusion for unknown purposes or else he has no purposes and merely plays with words or else he's doing something else or else nothing. Laslo. Straighten up. Be obvious. Somewhere out there someone is bewildered. Listen to me, young man, and wipe that silly smirk off your face. Is it fair, is it right, is it the American way to be incomprehensible? [- almost - but yet I think he means ... but no, last week he said ...sometimes it's almost. No I refuse to try ... yet ... shampoo, snigger]

Rusty said...

I gotta go there.

Unknown said...
"As I said, Trump is his own worst enemy and its moronic to not understand this."

Radical liberals want to assassinate Trump. Moderate liberals want radical liberals to assassinate Trump.

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"...I see similar violent language here, and not just from Laslo (who no one ever calls out).
6/21/16, 9:05 AM"

Here's a buck, kid. Go buy yourself a sense of humor.

Michael said...

Unknown makes it clear that lefties have no agency. Rile them up with intemperate language and they have no choice but to resort to violence. Trump made him do it..

Aptly named that "Unknown."

Matt Sablan said...

I just saw someone mention that, at a previous event, someone rushed the stage with a knife.

So... yeah. Civility.

Matt Sablan said...

[Of course, I hadn't heard that until today, so I'm willing to believe that's wrong. I do know people have tried to rush the stage before, but I hadn't heard about anyone being armed before.]

wildswan said...

Trump is still rising in the polls. Will Seabiscuit pass the Eastern favorite?

When Trump was lower in the polls and losing, it was a knife. Now he's higher and still losing, it's a gun. When he completely loses and is being sworn in, it will be a bribe soaked in polonium. Only Hillary will get it - by "accident."

CWJ said...

OK, this thread may be close to dead, but I just asked my wife about the attempted Trump assassination. She, who each morning calls down the latest news to me from the upstairs office computer, said she knew nothing about it. I said "Exactly! That's all you need to know about the people feeding you the news each day."

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