A lot of Democrats don’t want to admit it, but Donald Trump isn’t the only presidential candidate playing with fire and recklessly courting an angry mob. For the latest round of curse-word hurling, chair throwing, social-media stalking and conspiracy-theory swapping, look no further than the supporters of Bernie Sanders. Over the weekend, dozens of Sanders devotees lost their minds after the Nevada Democratic Party, meeting for its convention in Las Vegas, awarded a majority of delegates to front-runner Hillary Clinton. Convinced that the establishment had rigged the rules and that Sanders delegates had been excluded for unfair reasons, they booed and traded barbs with people on stage, including Clinton surrogate and keynote speaker U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer....Since Hillary Clinton is not exciting, it needs to be the case that the others are too exciting — they're lunatics.
May 18, 2016
Who's too scary now? Bernie Sanders.
That's the memo. From The Sacramento Bee:
The SACbee slandered Trump again. Trump and his supporters had nothing to do with the Nevada Democratic Convention. In fact the violence at Trump rallies has been from these Bernie supporters causing the same issue. Trump supporters are just willing to fight back
Listen to the voice vote and you will understand the frustration of Bernie's supporters. I mean losing six consecutive coin tosses? What are the odds, 64 to one? That *could* happen, but listen to the voice vote that got called for Hillary.
Sanders says his worker's apartments were ransacked. That sounds easy enough to check. As are claims that his headquarters in Nevada were shot at.
They booed
And traded barbs
With Barbara Boxer.
Kind of poetic.
" For the latest round of curse-word hurling, chair throwing, social-media stalking and conspiracy-theory swapping..."
Gee, I missed seeing any previous "rounds" for which Trump supporters were responsible.
I'm starting to think Trump will win this thing walking away.
And I don't like thinking that. I thought Romney would win.
It is too complicated for me, but had indeed DNC/Harry Reid & Sons, LLP stacked the deck for Hillary!?
Trump isn't a lunatic.
Moar popcorn. Moar!
Also, what dreams said.
So Hillary has gone to the playbook and now Sanders supporters are "racist" and "violent."
I wonder if it gives any of them pause to wonder whether maybe these charges against Republicans are also unfounded.
It's very strange to me. Does the DNC think that Hillary can win without Sanders voters in the fall? Yes, Barbara Boxcar and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the whole of the DNC are deep in the tank for Hillary. Why do they think they need to cheat at this point? And why rub the noses of Sanders supporters in it? At best the Sanders voters will respond by sitting on their hands come election day; at worst from a DNC perspective) they'll become Trump voters.
There is an article in the Daily Beast contrasting 2008 to what is happening now. Hillary and Obama were neck and neck unlike where Bernie is now. There was a lot of dissatisfaction with Hillary supporters when they were disenfranchised. But there never was this much anger and violence from either side, though we probably would have seen similar anger then if Obama was not the intended one. These liberal lefties are unhinged and they are not just hindering Hillary but also Trump. One tweet among many from a woman was saying annihilate Hillary and Nevada is just a harbinger of things to come. Bernie calling for a revolution is yet another example of calling for violence from the top. The righties hating Hillary is more fuel in the fire. I say call Bernie's bluff. Take it to convention. Hillary will be stronger for it.
Bernie has to earn at 65% or more to surpass Clinton's earned delegates (not talking about the supers) in the rest of the contests (according to that article).
Translation: sit down and shut up, your superiors are deciding this.
It's funny how the candidates are the ones said to be "playing with fire".
Yeah well the prospect of Hillary's grasping claws getting near the Oral Orifice or Oval Office scares me. She's scary! Too bad the Democratic Party is so undemocratic in their processes.
Pass the popcorn!
"Since Hillary Clinton is not exciting, it needs to be the case that the others are too exciting — they're lunatics." Fortunately for them, what needs to be the case, is. Not that I expect Prog consistency in MSM, but it would be nice if they'd call out the lunatics when they attack or bait the GOP and Trump as well.
I must have missed Trump supporters rioting.
Nina Turner, a Bernie supporter was there:
This is her take, different from the corporate media
Bernie is scary? Vince Foster, Ron Brown (and 34 others), Jim McDougal...
"Bernie is scary? Vince Foster, Ron Brown (and 34 others), Jim McDougal..."
Yeah, but her followers are boring. They won't care that much when they lose.
"Big Mike said...
Why do they think they need to cheat at this point?"
Google "The Scorpion and the Frog"
Just when I thought this Presidential election couldn't get any better, it does. As far as entertainment value, it just keeps on giving.
The GOP had an easier time with their revolutionary hostile takeover, because...well...Trump actually won with the most votes etc... GOP voters are unifying around Trump quickly, while the leadership dries it's tears.
The opposite of the GOP problem may be true for the Dems. Their leadership will "unite" around Hillary, but the Sanders voters may not.
Hillary is actually in the lead with votes and pledged delegates. Sanders only hope now, is to flip the Superdelegates and re-rig the system so the guy that loses, actually wins. And his supporters are going to go nuts when this doesn't happen.
Sorry, but I hope this gets uglier. The Democrats deserve it.
Donald trump supporters don't disrupt other people's events. Left wingers, who are very likely sanders supporters do.so let's be accurate in our coverage. The left really seems to have a problem with violence and anger.
Trump is less likely to put up with their shit than other candidates.
This kabuki slandering of Bernie for having supporters who yelled at the Chairperson for miss- reporting the winner of a close vote, after she refused to count enough of the votes for Bernie, is classic Stalinist Bolshevism. And Bernie is the Stalinist. This is not going to end well unless Bernie is threatened with being suicided.
Today we get to watch Hillary's minions on Clinton News Network busily conflating a crowd yelling at a crooked Umpire with a crowd physically assaulting one. That is actually funny.
The CNN moderator then says to Bernie's Spox, "This is a bad thing when WE act like WE say Trump's crowd acts."
And in fact this is why Donald trump is so stupid. Clearly it's the left that is behaving reprehensibly as always. Yet the media pegs him
As being violent. Why can't he come out and say "the media says my voters are violent. But where are the instances of my voters disrupting any events or throwing violent fits? Meanwhile my event got shut down because Bernie supporters stormed my event. Another event the disrupters weee seen outside pushing over police cars. If there's violence going on its not from me. All I said was that if you tried pulling that shit at one of my events, and especially if you start throwing punches then my supporters will potentially hit you back."
Something like that.
Stop allowing the media to frame the debate. Stop allowing your enemies to have their talking points go unrebutted.
Curious George said...
Bernie is scary? Vince Foster, Ron Brown (and 34 others), Jim McDougal...
The Whitewater figures listed triggered a thought that Bernie supporters might not understand what it was all about, so here's a quick summary:
McDougal and Tucker (the sitting Arkansas Governor) went to jail for violating banking regulations and conspiring to hide it from federal bank regulators. Hillary was their lawyer from the initial setup of the fraud, which used straw owners to hide regulatory violations and create the appearance of income for the S&L. She denied any involvement with the client but billing records show her billing the S&L on every single day federal prosecutors met with the accused. These billing records were under subpoena but disappeared from the law office and so were never part of the evidence reviewed. They were later discovered by a white house employee boxed in a corner outside Hillary's private office.
Compare the facts to Hillary and Bernie's rhetoric. Her actions don't sound much like someone who wants to crack down on Wall Street, she sounds like someone trying to break through the wall to get in. Just another in a long list of outrages the left is willing to support in exchange for more cushy government jobs.
(Cont) and they can't even control their own people at their own events. Either the sanders people are violent or the democratic establishment is acting like thugs. Either way it's a democratic problem. Not a Donald trump problem. So check yourselves libs (before you wreck yourselves).
And in fact use that exact line. A lot of brothas who hate trump might say "whoah, he's Quoting Ice Cube! Maybe he's not all bad!"
Not a Bernie supporter (though enjoy watching him), but think the Democratic machine brought this on themselves. What happened in Iowa was obviously corrupt and absolutely flipped the state from Bernie to Hillary. You have a lot of young voters participating for the first time utterly shocked that this type of blatant manipulation and cheating occurs - its their first introduction to the Clintons! I don't think what happened in Nevada was as bad as Iowa, but I understand why the young Bernie supporters are so angry. And if they ever get around to watching the 13 minute video of Hillary lying, maybe they won't be so willing to wear "I'm with Hillary" buttons 3-4 months from now. It's all good!
Hillary is only 90 delegates short of clinching. There are 712 superdelegates, of which 525 have declared their intention to vote for Hillary and 39 their intention to vote for Bernie, leaving 148 undeclared. So she may already have it in the bag.
Hillary is exciting more people to vote for her (12,989,134) than Bernie (9,957,889) or Donald (11,165,486). Cruel Neutrality, isn't that the only excitement that counts?
How does any of this disqualify Hillary as the first woman President?
Hillary is robbing Peter to pay Paul. The only problem is that this time, Peter and Paul are both Democrats.
Hillary is only 90 delegates short of clinching
Sure, as long as you count people who can change their votes at any time as not having the power to do so, she is close. Otherwise, she hasn't won a primary decisively in some time, and barely won Kentucky in a shootout. Statistically a tie.
What do you think are Hillary's best qualities Left Bank of the Charles? Why do you think she should be president? Why should Bernie drop out now or his voters give up on him? I haven't heard a decent defense of Hillary. Let's have one.
When it comes to Bernie and Hillary, whether the game is actually rigged or not isn't what's relevant. What's relevant is what Bernie supporters believe to be the case. If Bernie supporters feel they're being swindled and laughed at, you can list all the superdelegate counts and popular vote results you want and it won't matter to them. They'll feel cheated. And they'll be bitter. And at that point it may be difficult to convince them to shut up, fall in line, and vote for Hillary in November.
@Left Bank, how many Republicans who voted for one of Trump's rivals in the primaries will vote for Hillary Clinton and how many will vote for Donald? How many of the ten million people who voted for Sanders -- given the way he and they have been treated by the Democrat establishment! -- will vote for her on November 8th and how many will vote for Trump or not vote at all?
Just askin'
Big Mike,
The answer is most of them. Sunsong may not like Hillary right now, but she will be schooled soon enough. It's always the same. The other guy is worse.
@eric, I don't think so. Hillary and the MSM seem to be losing control of the narrative.
In fact, I think that "You're likeable enough" was merely Barack Obama's first big lie.
eric said... It's always the same. The other guy is worse.
It's kind of unknown at this point. How many fervent Bernie supporters will ultimately swallow their pride and vote for Hillary in November because Trump is evil or whatever? Is their fear or hatred of Trump greater then their disliking of Hillary and the Dem machine that crushed their beloved savior? Or are they more likely to succumb to apathy and disenchantment and just not vote at all (keep in mind there's lots of millennial Bernie supporters).
You could have a similar discussion regarding the #nevertrumpers I suppose. But with them I'd argue there's more pragmatism at play due to them being mostly an older more determined lot (meaning they'll be more likely to vote Trump versus not vote at all I'd argue).
RAH said...
The SACbee slandered Trump again. Trump and his supporters had nothing to do with the Nevada Democratic Convention. In fact the violence at Trump rallies has been from these Bernie supporters causing the same issue. Trump supporters are just willing to fight back
5/18/16, 12:07 PM
Not according to Ritmo. Trump supporters are instigating violence 24/7 according to them.
SacBee is and has been a progressive rag. When I was an intern on a Senate Committee during Schwarzenegger's reign, they were just as bad--consistently slamming the evil, racist right while playing up anything and everything by the left. They should have been registered lobbyists for the Stem Cell Proposition that bilked billions out of stupid CA taxpayers. I saw deals the left made that make me sick to this very day. (And I do not mean Trump-type deals. These were dirty, filthy, underhanded deals made with no regard for the peon citizenry, whom they could have given a rat's ass about. Then there was the intentional corruption of data, and the destruction of any research that didn't result in desired outcomes.
Historically, Socialism yields tyranny AND violence.
Boss Tweed looks over Hillary's deeds and says "I'm not worthy!"
The Bee is all in for Hillary. I watched the cell phone video of the event...lot's of yelling, lot's of protesting, but saw no chairs thrown. The only person arrested was a Hillary supporter that attacked a female Bernie supporter. The chairwoman of the convention clearly violated a couple of Robert's Rules and was so fearful of the delegates she brought in a line of uniformed police officers (big types) to form a wall between the rulers and her subjects. Not a pretty picture.
A presidential candidate is not responsible for his or her looniest constituent any more than Althouse is responsible for her nuttiest commenter. Need I say it? Candidates are responsible for what they say and do.
The SacBee is holding Bernie to a pretty high standard. They admit he has done nothing to encourage violence and that he has condemned it. Their beef is that he has not condemned it strongly and quickly enough. Compared to "maybe he should have been roughed up" Trump, Bernie is the model of a responsible politician. But it is entirely fair for the newspaper to have high expectations of politicians. Because Republicans chose to reward Trump's veiled and overt threats of violence does not mean Democrats must lower their standards, too.
It's the Boxer Rebellion, 2016.
(I didn't read through the comments before making this too easy witticism so apologies if it's been made. And apologies, too, for it being a one-pronged pun with no bite. And finally, apologies for these apologies.)
A presidential candidate is not responsible for his or her looniest constituent any more than Althouse is responsible for her nuttiest commenter. Need I say it? Candidates are responsible for what they say and do.
Unless your Donnie Trump or Barack Obama. It almost as if that's one of those rules that has an unspoken party identification clause. I mean who said "Get in their face"? Who gets blamed when some random guy attending his rally gets provoked over his limit?
. Because Republicans chose to reward Trump's veiled and overt threats of violence does not mean Democrats must lower their standards, too.
LO Fucking L, come on, you said it, let's hear 'em. Did he say "Get in their face!" Did he say "Punch 'em back twice as hard!" No that was somebody else.
Oh the horror. "Booing and trading barbs." Very dangerous. What will the world come to next.
Just more Shillarying from another press outlet about how the half of Shillary's party who actually believes it has a right to be heard should have no such right. Nothing to see here.
How does it feel Sanders supporters when Clinton Shills come on here and insinuate that you are racist? How does it feel when they spread the lie that you guys booed a black speaker? Probably same as Tea Party people felt when they used the same tactics on them.
Oh noooo.... No way they could have been lying then! This is the first time they have ever lied! amirite?
Get control get out, Sanders Agree with this article.
Notice that these same goons of Sanders that closed the Trump rally in Chicago.
How does it feel Sanders supporters when Clinton Shills come on here and insinuate that you are racist? How does it feel when they spread the lie that you guys booed a black speaker?
It feels like they are losing the party.
@sunsong Thanks for the link. Shines a lot more light on the NV convention.
SacBee is the California equivalent house organ for the CA bureaucracy.
Nobody but government employees read it.
Welcome :-)
Hillary isn't a lunatic? Oh wow.
By the way, what happened was that a bunch of people got angry and yelled at each other. Oh the horror.
What happened to Amanda? She could clear up this mess I bet.
Seriously, you're an anthropologist from Mars...
What to make of this year's election choices and the state of America?
And as far as instigating violence, is there another option at this point?
Bullets for sale!
Red hot fuckin' bullets!
...will trade for liquor!
Listen to the voice vote and you will understand the frustration of Bernie's supporters. I mean losing six consecutive coin tosses? What are the odds, 64 to one?
The Clintons may well be the most corrupt figures in the history of American politics,but I seriously doubt they'd try to swing the nomination by the such a childish trick as a rigged coin toss.
Let's talk statistics and probability for a brief moment. The odds in favor of predicting six coin tosses in a row is 1 in 64 (1/2^6), However Clinton's odds of wining each time was 1/2. Tossed coins have no memory. In fact streaks like this are common in practical applications of probability.
Tossed coins have no memory. In fact streaks like this are common in practical applications of probability.
Sure they are, but only if you toss the coins a lot of times, the odds of winning all six on six straight tosses, 64 to 1 (I think, I am doing this in my head). Like I said, it could happen. The probability of it is less than 2%. I doubt she used a two headed coin, I just think that they put her down as the winner same way as they declared her the winner of the voice vote. They may not even have tossed a coin.
What would it take to call Hillary divisive. If the news started calling her divisive, which is what she objectively is, her candidacy would collapse and the nomination would devolve to the only guy with the balls to stand up to the Democrat machine.
Seriously, you're an anthropologist from Mars.
You probably would have picked up a broadcast of the movie "The Fifth Element" so it would all fit right it.
I can't believe I'm saying this but Sunsong has brought an interesting light on this whole thing.
Speaking of boorish behavior, watch Justin Trudeau shove a woman out of his way into a desk in parliament in Canada.
Women like it rough from the Canadian pretty boy
This campaign season is a lot like whiskey. It'll be fun and entertaining while it lasts, but you know the hangover will be painful when it's all over.
Hopefully the NeverHillary contingent turns the convention into a real show.
Here's another take on the Nevada convention from a Sanders supporter. Headline: "RIP Democratic Party." She's pretty upset. Not sure how many Sanders supporters are of a like mind, but I'm guessing plenty.
It is no wonder the Bernie Sanders voters are angry ... the DNC/MEDIA/HRC have all done all sorts of unethical and illegal things to him. Of course they are angry, but also the reports are either exaggerated or untrue. The real video of the guy "throwing" a chair was of him picking it up, putting it down. That is their version of throwing things. Ridiculous, but that is the very bias media doing everything they can to make Bernie Sanders look bad or they completely ignore him. When Hillary wins a primary and the ONLY primaries she has won have been the closed ones that are all shrouded in fraud allegations and investigations. Is that just a little suspicious to all Americans, the media go on and on. When Bernie has won they just say "Bernie Sanders won" period - no narrative, or very little that follows. It is so blatant and, if you are not a Bernie supporter you probably would not notice it, but just pay attention. The problem is .... if they had not sabotaged him he would already have won the nomination. THAT is what is wrong. The DNC/MEDIA/HRC are all taking our right to choose our nominee away and every single American should be mad because the next time it happens it could the be the candidate of your choice. I bet you too would be angry. This is supposed to be America and the people are supposed to pick who they want. That is not happening in the Democratic party. I am done with the Dems.... I will not vote for HRC ever now. They have lost me.... I am going to the green party because Trump is bat-shit crazy. HRC is a criminal and unethical and Trump is insane - wow.... what a choice. Bernie Sanders is the ONLY one who cares about the American People and everyone should protect their constitutional right to choose their nominee/president. That has been taken away from us and you may not have even noticed. That is why fighting for Bernie is even more important.
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