May 7, 2016

Trump on Hillary: "She's been the total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives."

"She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful."


Gahrie said...

When he's right, he's right.

If she was really a feminist, or had an ounce of self respect, she would have divorced him long ago.....

mccullough said...

Nice in kind contribution to Bernie's campaign. But Bernie will probably defend Hillary.

cubanbob said...

Is it me or is the link bad?
As for enabling, Trump is right. What kind of feminist does a Tammy Wynette while putting down bimbo eruptions? Hillary is so mockable. If she wasn't so vile one could almost have so sympathy for her.

Bob said...

Bad link for me, as well.

Big Mike said...

About time someone got that out in front of the people of the United States.

M Jordan said...

This point (and many other Clinton points) has been simmering for years: how could the feminist left ignore Bill's peccadillos? Ignore them they did for it put their entire narrative/argument to bed. A man holding the greatest power differential in the world gets an intern to give him a B.J. in the Oval Office. How is that not rape, according to modern feminsist's definition?

But no one has ever been able to make this argument because 1) the media refused it and 2) if you did, look out. The Clintons turned Ken Starr into the pervert, not Bill Clinton.

Trump can and will make it. He is impervious to the media ambush. This is why I turned to favor him. I have seen no one like him able to withstand their assault and come out the winner. He'll win here, too.

Rob said...

Contemplating an election contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I'm reminded of what Henry Kissinger said about the Iran-Iraq War: Pity they both can't lose.

Will Cate said...

Malformed link

Phil 314 said...

A man who knows women and knows everything about marital fidelity

traditionalguy said...

Poor Bill Clinton. He just can't get any respect. Not from Hillary's opponent, anyway.

Hillary's Woman Card is a big Card and it is a nasty Card. Especially when the woman has no self respect left from 50 years of accepting her Husband's daily unfaithfullness as a trade for a cut of his money and power.

And The National Enquirer has not yet begun to front page her.

damikesc said...

It hurts because what he is saying here is 100% accurate.

damikesc said...

A man who knows women and knows everything about marital fidelity

Trump isn't holding himself out as a paragon of marital fidelity. Hillary is holding herself out as a primo feminist. There is a difference there.

Etienne said...
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pm317 said...

Maybe this will bring all of GoP together to support Trump.

Etienne said...
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Anonymous said...

Nah, pm. The smart true conservatives want free trade even if it kills us and open borders for only our country. The idea of catering to normal Americans for once appalls them far more than Hillary.

Because if there's anything a true conservative despises, it's the blue collar people that vote for them. Damn hillbillies are off the reservation now.

Gk1 said...

There goes my theory that Trump was a stalking horse for the Clintons. He is going to maul her so badly even if she survives she will be badly damaged as a brand.

Etienne said...

I like how Trump has named Warren "goofy".

I think Disney should probably sue because their dog face has more style.

shiloh said...

Althouse, Trump already called Hillary an enabler months ago. Please, try to pay attention and get up to speed. Or are you gonna post a thread every time Trump calls Hillary an enabler.

Or anytime Trump says something negative re: Hillary? Rhetorical.

btw, previous mentioned here I used the enabler tag at a blog in 2008. Many female bloggers at the time weren't very happy.

Add on to that Trump may be the absolute worse candidate/nominee/platform in regards to using the enabler tag.

ok, ok, his negatives can't get much worse re: female voters. Throw the kitchen sink and see what sticks.

Phil 314 said...

"Trump isn't holding himself out as a paragon of marital fidelity."

Behold the man!

“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [they] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

What a guy.

Paul said...

"I like how Trump has named Warren "goofy"."

Pitch perfect.

Like when Romney stuck his nose in awhile ago and Trump called him a stiff. Hilarious!!

cubanbob said...

No doubt Shiloh will give us a convincing explanation why we should vote for Clinton after the FBI makes it's referral for indictment.

cubanbob said...

Phil 3:14 said...
A man who knows women and knows everything about marital fidelity

5/7/16, 12:15 PM"

And who skated past an impeachment resulting from his marital infedelities twenty years ago. What news with Bill? Any more flights to pedophile island? Any recent bimbo eruptions? Do keep us informed.

David Begley said...

Attention all.

This strategy and line of attack is how Trump wins over the female vote. It goes like this: Hillary not only allowed Bill to cheat on him, but she was his defense lawyer in his rape trials. And it is worse than that! By letting him get away with one, she consented to letting him do more. Hillary is no better than a rapist herself. Hillary is an enemy of REAL women. And then play the audio where Hillary cackles and laughs on how she got that rapist off in that Arkansas criminal case. The victim was very young. Her life was ruined. Her hillbilly credibility was attacked by that Yankee Yale lawyer.


Levi Starks said...

One has to wonder, if she won't allow her husband to be held accountable for the actual things he's done to specific women before and during his presidency, how can she possibly think she has the moral authority to condemn Trump for mere words?

buwaya said...

Hard to tell what works in politics.
Personally, I'd think what Clinton advocated doing to, and how she spoke to, the WV coalminers should have ended her career right there. The sheer stone faced cruelty of it.

cubanbob said...

David Begley what you said in irony is actually a pretty good plan of attack for Trump.

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe that's why Bill turned to Monica, because of Hillary was always trying to suck and blow at the same time.

Paul said...

This is how Trump wins. Hillary has been coddled and protected by the media for years but she is so scandal ridden and vulnerable that Trump will just take her apart piece by piece in the national spotlight, and there ain't a damn thing she or the press can do about it. She has never been held to account for all her malfeasance and thus is totally unprepared for the coming assault. I fully expect her to have a meltdown and some embarassing overreactions that will further sink her in the polls. Many of Trump's detractors on the right will come around after watching Trump eviscerate the hated Hildebeast. All but the worst cuckservatives, and good riddance to those assholes. They are worse than liberals.

John Enright said...

This looks like the underlying story if no one else has posted a good link yet:

Bob Ellison said...

Dark time in America.

Gusty Winds said...

To claim you are Native American, when you are not, and look completely European, is kind of goody.. Dishonest and goofy.

The name works because unlike Warren, Trump can't imagine having to fake ethnicity for some advantage.

He is going to act like there is no reason to even take her seriously.

Does Trump want Hillary to pick Warren as VP figuring Americans, even women, won't be able to stomach to total bitch ticket? Maybe.

David Begley said...


Not being ironic. I was serious. But I doubt Trump will go into the detail like I did. He speaks in shorthand. My text would be better in a TV commercial.

Phil 314 said...

"And who skated past an impeachment resulting from his marital infedelities twenty years ago. What news with Bill? Any more flights to pedophile island? Any recent bimbo eruptions? Do keep us informed."

That really is all that its about isn't it?

"Well they did it too!"

"Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C. S. Lewis

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's actually a somewhat effective way of making the attack. He may pull this off yet?

Anonymous said...

Begley, shorthand annihilated Lyin' Ted.

How did screwing Carson in Iowa and bragging about his smoke filled caucus delegate victory in Colorado work out for him? Cruz is a man of detail, but he couldn't stump Mr. Shorthand.

I think these true true conservatives are so enamored with their own sense of intelligence that they forget most of the public WANTS it short and sweet. Your party needs Trump badly, whether you realize it or not. He'll teach you how to win, dragging you all along as you kick and whine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

btw, previous mentioned here I used the enabler tag at a blog in 2008. Many female bloggers at the time weren't very happy.

It's eight years later now, Sparky. Are those "bloggers" now part of the under-45 year old demographic or the over-45 year old demographic?

Hillary fans get older and fewer and closer to the grave every year.

Anonymous said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bad link, Professor.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosalyn C. said...

I had a flashback this morning of Mitt Romney and his performance at the third debate with Obama where Romney was blindsided by Candy Crowley and how ineffectual Mitt was. (his little meek smile) And I can't imagine him going up against Hillary Clinton, or any of the typical Republican men doing so.

Links: Candy Crowley Injects Herself Into the Presidential Debate

Obama’s claim he called Benghazi an ‘act of terrorism’

Trump is also bringing attention to the hypocrisy of feminists who complain about equality but live advantaged lives thanks to the aggression and criminality of their husbands and are totally supportive. Hillary is one of those.

boycat said...

Hillary isn't as strong among women as she likes to think. The scab Trump picks at uncovers one reason why.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good. She's pure evil and deserves all of it. Perhaps with Trump saying it, people will listen?

G-Man said...

The silver lining in the Trump fiasco is that finally someone will go after Hillary.

Che Dolf said...

M Jordan - This point...has been simmering for years: how could the feminist left ignore Bill's peccadillos?

"What this obvious double standard accomplishes is to specifically clarify what feminism now consists of. Feminism has less and less of anything to do with Women’s Liberation. It is now a targeted method of violence used to wreck the lives and career prospects of men that the wielder of the feminism does not like. If an “Asian Gang” can drug, beat, terrorize, rape and then peddle the pudendae of 1,400 underage sexual slaves, than who can take the recent uproars over guys named Bill all that seriously? The people who peddle feminism could give a rat’s rear-end less whether the average woman on the street gets raped and left for the maggots. Their only question is whether or not the perpetrator is someone they’d like to take down a peg."

- Jonathan Peter Wilkinson

boycat said...

The silver lining in the Trump fiasco is that finally someone will go after Hillary.

That's no silver lining you see. That's the brilliance of the sunshine that is Trump. It blinds many, usually people predisposed to vision issues.

Rosalyn C. said...

I know it is a little off topic but for the sake of completeness, here is the link of Hillary Clinton standing by President Obama in the Rose Garden with him making the announcement about the Benghazi Attack. Obama did say "act of terror" @4:19 rather than act of terrorism, which is a term referring to acts by organized terrorist groups. The whole connection to Al Qaeda in Libya was swept under the rug. I also noticed Obama's forceful pledge to bring to justice those who committed that attack, which never happened, and no one is even talking about that, except maybe for Sean Smith's mother.

Trump is just getting started. There's a lot to do and if Hillary wants to talk about championing women's rights, how about discussing the treatment of women in the Islamic culture as sanctioned by the Koran? Honor killings, beatings, sex slaves, etc.

Jaq said...

It wasn't the infidelity, it was rape and serial sexual harassment that got Bill in hot water.

Jaq said...

How about the millions of refugees her foreign policy has created and the 1,000 sexual assaults and rapes committed in one evening in Cologne by those migrants.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry about the bad link. Fixed.

cubanbob said...

David Begley said...

Not being ironic. I was serious. But I doubt Trump will go into the detail like I did. He speaks in shorthand. My text would be better in a TV commercial.

5/7/16, 1:35 PM"

The guy is a pitchman. I'm sure he and his staff are capable of cranking out ads eviscerating Clinton. Trump has no shame so he will be shameless in his attacks. And with Clinton the beautiful about his shameless attacks will that they will be all true.

Jaq said...

So shilo was mad at Hillary back then, but ethics are different now.

cubanbob said...

Phil 3:14 said...
"And who skated past an impeachment resulting from his marital infidelities twenty years ago. What news with Bill? Any more flights to pedophile island? Any recent bimbo eruptions? Do keep us informed."

That really is all that its about isn't it?

"Well they did it too!"

"Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C. S. Lewis

5/7/16, 1:36 PM"

Yes Mr. Moralizer tell us which pure candidate is running.

Sebastian said...

This is the one thing I will enjoy about Trump's candidacy. At least he will make an effort to destroy the opposition. No more turning the other cheek.

traditionalguy said...

Trump's message is how much Bill got away with with Hillary's help and how much Hillary now expects she is entitled to get away with in secret Bribes that sell out the USA for 30 Billion Pieces of silver. Meanwhile the Bush and Romney Elites say go for it, so long as we get a cut.

Chuck said...

I wouldn't want to defend Hillary; I'll leave that to the Democrats.

But of all of those people now cheering on Trump; what did you make of Trump's donations to Hillary's senate campaigns and to the Clinton Family Foundation? No other Republican ever did that.

Not for one moment do I believe that Trump businesses depended on one Democratic U.S. Senator. And Trump himself, claiming that that is what businessmen do, has never described how it was smart business for him to donate to the Clinton Family Foundation. And particularly not, if Bill and Hillary Clinton are such reprehensible people.

Trump supporters bristle when others suggest that they are dumb. But really, isn't it plainly dumb, to ignore all of the evidence suggesting that Trump does whatever it is that serves the interest of Trump Celebrity?

Achilles said...

AprilApple said...
"Good. She's pure evil and deserves all of it. Perhaps with Trump saying it, people will listen?"

Sebastian said...
"This is the one thing I will enjoy about Trump's candidacy. At least he will make an effort to destroy the opposition. No more turning the other cheek."

I switched from Cruz to Trump later than some, earlier than others.

This is why. Cruz does not have the ability nor the talent to go over the media's head and get the message out the way Trump does. We also need Trump to defenestrate the media so we can get people like Cruz elected. Hopefully Cruz ends up on the SC for the next 45 years.

I just hope Trump doesn't destroy Hillary too soon. Biden or Booker would be far more formidable candidates. But I think Hillary has too much dirt on Obama and would take him down with her if Obama allows Hillary to be indicted.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
"I wouldn't want to defend Hillary; I'll leave that to the Democrats.

But of all of those people now cheering on Trump; what did you make of Trump's donations to Hillary's senate campaigns and to the Clinton Family Foundation? No other Republican ever did that.


Trump supporters bristle when others suggest that they are dumb. But really, isn't it plainly dumb, to ignore all of the evidence suggesting that Trump does whatever it is that serves the interest of Trump Celebrity?"

You are totally ignorant of what running a business is like now. I have had to kiss up to bureaucrats and put signs in my yard to get local politicians re-elected. Talk to any contractor anywhere in this country. If they are running a "legit" business you spend a lot of time kissing ass and working permits through the system.

A large developer in the state of New York doing very large projects in New York city? If he isn't buttering up the senator of New York he is going to lose out to the contractors that do.

It is plainly dumb to speak about things you don't know about. You are not as smart as you think you are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media covers for Hillary - but Hillary is a walking embarrassment in all directions.

Achilles said...

Sebastian said...

"This is the one thing I will enjoy about Trump's candidacy. At least he will make an effort to destroy the opposition. No more turning the other cheek."

The best part of the Trump candidacy for me is the removal of the Romney's and Bush's. They didn't turn the other cheek to republicans remember. They just liked the democrats more than the republicans.

I hope Trump grills Ryan up on Wednesday. Ryan needs to chose between his donors and this country. The chamber of commerce pets need to be sent away to fend for themselves.

shiloh said...

"So shilo was mad at Hillary back then, but ethics are different now."

Trump's pure as gold ethics aside, politics, as always, comes down to choices.

But it's good that Althouse and her con flock are getting all excited/hyperventilated about the 2016 presidential election even though undecideds don't start paying attention until after the conventions.

If there are indeed, any undecideds left. RCP has Hillary leading 47/41. No current poll has Trump above 43. Many cons here are assuming the national electorate is gonna be like the Rep primary where Trump had no discernible opposition. Time will tell, but the low 40s may be Trump's ceiling not taking into consideration a third party run by another Rep.

Hillary basically is running for Obama's third term. If Obama is doing well in the polls come Nov. Trump has a very large hill to climb, his built-in negatives notwithstanding. Keep hope alive!

Fabi said...

Nice to hear that Trump had no discernible opposition in the primary. You just can't make that shit up!

eric said...

Blogger AprilApple said...
The media covers for Hillary - but Hillary is a walking embarrassment in all directions.

But Trump is too big to ignore.

So they won't be able to cover for her now.

Fabi said...

When I read Chuck's comments it helps to imagine him as Tonya Harding whining and crying to the judges about a broken shoelace.

Michael K said...

Hillary basically is running for Obama's third term. If Obama is doing well in the polls come Nov. Trump has a very large hill to climb, his built-in negatives notwithstanding. Keep hope alive!

shiloh, as usual, is not interested in the realities of Obama' s and Rhodes' real policies.

It would be good for you to read another opinion.

Rhodes is the reflection. Obama is the originating image. Rhodes is just a flunky who transcribes what the president dictates. Still the Samuels article, by printing the administration's admission of its willful deception on Iran policy, provides crucial insight into the fascinating subject of whether Barack Obama -- if you believe he is a failure -- is incompetent or malevolent.

Which is it?

I understand that Hillary! voters are not interested in this stuff. It's dull and real, as opposed to things that come with the right kind of smoke.

Don't even mention Bernie ! voters.

I don't know if Trump will win the election but it is a much less certain thing than you think.

shiloh said...

"You just can't make that shit up!"

Also-rans aside, Cruz got 44% in his home state Rep primary. Kasich got 47% in his home state. Trump got 36% in Ohio. Seriously, that's pathetic for a "favorite" son considered a leading candidate.

Trump got 60% in NY. And he wasn't a "politician" until last year. ok, ok, the 40/50% who call themselves birthers in the Rep party weren't looking for a politician.

Please tell me who was his strong competition? Carly/Jeb/Christie/Rubio/Carson/Santorum/Paul/Huckabee/Jindal/Graham/Walker/Perry.

Indeed, you can't make this shit up!

shiloh said...

"I don't know if Trump will win the election but it is a much less certain thing than you think."

On the contrary as you've been quite emphatic in many posts over the past several months that Trump will win a landslide!

Or was that just pedestrian/sarcastic hyperbole?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Hillary is grossly overdrawn on her woman card.

Feminists will have their woman card cut unless they can empathize and reconcile their differences with women.

Fabi said...

You first said "no discernible competition", shiloh -- that's a world of difference from your latter claim of "strong competition". Try being intellectually honest.

Hagar said...

And the men:
Jim McDougal
Vince Foster
Webb Hubbell
Ron Brown
Mike Espy

Chuck said...

Has anyone, anywhere, ever itemized what Trump needed and/or got from Senator Clinton, in furtherance of Trump businesses?

Why Clinton? Why the Clinton Family Foundation?

See; I think it is all a lot simpler, and even a lot less sinister, than anybody might suppose. I don't think Trump needed any particular business-related favors from the U.S. Senate. Trump's businesses (golf club operations, condo development, celebrity appearances and endorsements) just aren't that big of deal. He's not a fortune 500 corporation. Not even close.

I think Trump gives out money (parsimoniously at that) in order to secure the right party invitations for himself and his family, and to secure the attendance of desired celebrities at his own events.

What we know about Trump's giving is that he has never given any money to any conservative causes or organizations. He's a billionaire (self-professed) who has given virtually nothing to Heritage, the Manhattan Institute, Heartland, AEI, National Review, American Spectator, the Hoover Institution, the Anscombe Society... or any church.

Brando said...

Absolutely right and should be repeated through the cycle. Any "feminist" supporting Hillary needs to explain why rape accusers should be taken seriously except Juanita Broaddrick, or why his use of Lewinsky wasn't creepy, piggish and despicable if not illegal. Or why they don't believe he sexually harassed Paula Jones, or molested Kathleen Willay. And of course why they are not asking where Hillary was in all this--helping protect her predator husband.

I'm not looking forward to the result of this election (considering one of these people will be president) but I am absolutely looking forward to Trump making this entertaining and getting focus back on exactly who these Clintons are.

David said...

Here we go.

Achilles said...

I am glad shiloh is here. It reminds me how stupid Hillary supporters are and just how out of touch the baby boomer women are.

Millennials wont buy your shit. They don't like rich powerful women like Hillary trashing lowly interns who were taken advantage of by men in superior positions.

Hillary is also the only warmonger in the race now. This fact is being overlooked but it motivates a lot more voters than many would like to admit.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
"Has anyone, anywhere, ever itemized what Trump needed and/or got from Senator Clinton, in furtherance of Trump businesses?

Why Clinton? Why the Clinton Family Foundation?"

Chuck. We get it. You don't know. You are clueless, but you think you know more than you do.

We understand you are going to vote for Hillary. Romney is going to endorse her too. So will Bush. Go. Be free.

The republican party is no longer about open borders. It is no longer about new entitlements. It is no longer about passing every bad trade deal that comes along. Free trade will mean America sells products to other countries too and actually be free. Not They sell all of their stuff here and we can't sell there because they protect their people.

The republican party serves Americans now. All of the Oligarch pets are to the left now.

Phil 314 said...

"Yes Mr. Moralizer tell us which pure candidate is running."

Are you really suggesting that if there is no "pure" candidate then there's no behavior out of bounds?

Really quite biblical of you (in a perverse sort of way)

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Fabi said...

If the Trump Organization were a listed entity (or required to file a 10-k) its gross revenue of over ten billion dollars would place it into the Fortune 300.

Phil 314 said...

After months of reflection, Donald Trump says he still doesn't regret his decision not to ask God for forgiveness for his sins.

How he got the evangelical vote, I'll never know.

Clyde said...

100% True, re: Hillary the nasty, mean sexual-harassment (or worse) enabler.

BTW, I love Trump's new label for Fauxcahontas: Goofy Elizabeth Warren.

Phil 314 said...

If the Trump Organization were a listed entity (or required to file a 10-k) its gross revenue of over ten billion dollars would place it into the Fortune 300.

Too bad Mark Zuckerberg isn't running.

Chuck said...

Fabi - you seem like an earnest person. The Trump Organization never, ever, ever had "revenue" close to anything like $10 billion. I want to save you from making any laughably bad assertions.

Donald Trump claims a net worth of $10 billion. Not revenue of $10 billion. And no credible financial reporter gives any credence to Trump's claim. Forbes was generous to Trump in the last Fortune 400 issue. They said Trump's net worth was $4.5 billion. That is by far the highest credible estimate I have ever seen. It is based on real estate valuations that have rebounded dramatically since 2010.

Alex said...

Trump cheated on his first wife Ivana with Marla Maples and then married the mistress. Shitty behavior, but nothing compared to what Bill Clinton did. 50% of American men have done what Trump has done, no biggie. So if Hillary tries to throw the Marla Maples thing out there, good luck with that.

Alex said...

Chuck - it's pretty laughable when you consider all these tech billionaires worth many times what Trump is. But they're all Democrats, so it's ok.

Alex said...

But hell we've got the Koch Brothers($100 billion), The Waltons($149 billion) so there.

Fabi said...

I don't know if you saw my post from a few weeks ago, but I was CFO of an IT company that sold for billions -- I know what the fuck the difference is between revenues and net worth, Chuck.

Here's a credible source -- Fortune -- listing Trump Org. revenues in excess of $10 Billion back in 2007 (with more than 20k employees) and shown as the 31st largest private company in the US.

Rick said...

shiloh said...
But it's good that Althouse and her con flock

I see people only interested in being aholes are back for election season, not a good development.

Chuck said...

Fabi; I owe you an apology. You corrected me rather thoroughly. I won't read your posts the same way ever again. I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. Thanks to you, I now see Trump revenue at $9.5b in 2014. My bad.

Fabi said...

@Chuck: We've mixed it up a few times, but there's no need for an apology. It's the Internet and it's in the middle of a very heated campaign -- I've said stupid shit and made wrong assumptions -- these things happen. Hit 'em straight!

John henry said...

Blogger Chuck said...

Donald Trump claims a net worth of $10 billion. Not revenue of $10 billion.

He submitted a very detailed financial statement to the FEC under penalty of perjury. I know you have said that it was not audited. Well OK.

As detailed as it is, it seems like someone should be able to go through it line by line and say "He claims this building is worth $10mm, we think it is only worth 5. This business is supposed to be worth $50mm but based on cash flow and standard valuations we think it is only worth $40." And so on. It should be pretty easy to estimate the value of every asset in the report within 10% or so.

So far as I know, nobody has done that and found a substantial difference from the $9Bn or so in the statement.

Have they?

I remember the last time I asked you about this you sent me to someone who had not even read the financial statement and said so in the article.

I think you are full of shit on this, Chuck. If he had lied on that statement, a criminal offense, do you really think that one of the other 16 candidates would not have pointed it out?

John Henry

John henry said...


Do you know the difference between revenues and profits? Revenue is how much the business takes in. Profit is how much is left after the bills are paid.

I would question $10bn profits for all of Trump's businesses. $10bn in revenues certainly seems feasible given the overall scale.

John Henry

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Way to go Chuck and Fabi; adults.

cubanbob said...

Phil 3:14 said...
"Yes Mr. Moralizer tell us which pure candidate is running."

Are you really suggesting that if there is no "pure" candidate then there's no behavior out of bounds?

Really quite biblical of you (in a perverse sort of way)

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

5/7/16, 5:41 PM"

Phil you do keep up with current events? Seriously, look who is running and tell me again about the purity and ethical no-go's of the two leading candidates.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Maybe this election season is going to be AWESOME after all...

walter said...


walter said...

"With Hillary Clinton I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding,” You know why? She had no choice because I gave..."
That's a bad "deal"..

walter said...

..gets into that whole who's worse? The john or the hooker...

Achilles said...

walter said...

"I am a moby."

Your posts are so boring.

walter said...

So Trumpian, Mr. Achilles.

JAORE said...

"It still was her husband that actually screwed the women over. She was the enabler, he's correct, but it was still Bill Clinton's primary responsibility."

The missing point, and one Trump could exploit was the Hillary statement (via Tweet, IIRC) is that women that make accusations of sexual assault should be believed.

Here is the ad:

Hillary's tweet read aloud.

Ms. Broderick accused Slick of rape, she should be believed. Ms. Wiley accused... she should be believed, Paula Jones...

Yet, when these women came forth, at great personal risk, where was Hillary?

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