“Loved how you broke the system,” one person wrote in a text message that said he or she knew where Ms. Lange’s grandchildren went to school. “Prepare for hell. Calls won’t stop.”
Another person left a voice mail message saying he thought Ms. Lange should be “hung in public execution” for her actions.
“I’m scared for my family,” Ms. Lange said. “Scared for my kids.”
May 17, 2016
"Thrown chairs. Leaked cellphone numbers. Death threats spewed across the Internet. No, this is not the work of Donald J. Trump supporters..."
"It was angry supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders who were directing their ire at the Nevada Democratic Party — and its chairwoman, Roberta Lange — over a state convention on Saturday that they think was emblematic of a rigged political system."
But Republicans and Rightwingers are the intolerant ones.....
From the picture over the article... and elsewhere.
Trending: Overweight, female SJW types: show your rage!
Let it all out girls. "It's healthy."
So it's a civility off week for the left? We need to recycle the homeland security threat level colors to alert everyone re status..
This is what democracy looks like!
Eight years ago the Nevada Republican Party was accused by Ron Paul supporters of hijacking the process. I don't remember death threats; I do remember a lot of really pissed off people.
Reno and Vegas: the Cain and Abel of cities.
It's cute how they work the false characterization of Trump supporters into the leading paragraph. We are left to understand that in this one rare occasion the Neanderthals are not Trump folks.
To be fair, the thought of Hillary becoming President can be upsetting.
The events of this election season have removed all doubt that Barack Hussein Obama is one of the luckiest politicians ever. Not only did he benefit from affirmative action all his life, he was the lucky vessel for the "never Hillary" faction of the Dems in 2008. Of course, they would never have called it that -- and the media would not have allowed it to get out if they did. But, a young, untested, charismatic half black man, or a 74 year old grouchy white socialist -- whichever -- as long as they are not Hillary.
How have you missed seeing Trigglypuff before now? Where have you been hiding? (No, I really want to know so I can hide there, too.)
Death threats means they got the support of unions.
A knee-capped society is a polite society.
"Thrown chairs. Leaked cellphone numbers. Death threats spewed across the Internet."
Hell, this was Thanksgiving with my ex-in-laws.
Funny that there is no mention of Harry Reid and his Las Vegas machine in this NYT report.
When someone threatens me, I get an erection. It's like I can't wait to pull the trigger.
A knee-capped society is a polite society.
I watched a doc on the Weather Underground last night, so these events are especially... poignant.
Imagine a different headlines, "No, this is not a black lives matter rally."
Stalin and Trotsky had their differences too. A Dictatorship has to settle succession issues either by violence or by real votes. Stealing votes by counting them a rigged way removes the voting option, which leaves the violence option.
No, this is not the work of Donald J. Trump supporters...
Nice. Right in the opening of the second paragraph. Surprised the NYTs even published this, unless they are that deep in the tank for Hillary.
It was never Trump supporters. In Chicago the mob scene were the Bernie agitators. They guy that got punched at a Trump rally was flipping everyone the bird.
It was never the Tea Party either. Their rallies were peaceful and they cleaned up after themselves. They didn't burn businesses.
Violence and ugliness seems right in line with socialist movements. The blue fist of Union Wisconsin efforts matched their statewide tactics perfectly.
Watch everything flip upside-down this summer. Trump will run the GOP convention like the Greatest Show on Earth, and the Dems may have a rough contested convention.
I thought sending Babs "Ma'am" Boxer out to taunt the Free-Sh*t Army after Hillary!&Co rigged the NV Caucus was a nice touch.
UN-happy campers there.
Appearantly it will be televised afterall.
Call their bluff. Take it to the convention and nominate the guy on the government dole forever to run the country.
I look forward to the convention. Bernie supporters storming the hall. Fights inside the building, riots outside. All the hate and violence that Dems have preached, encouraged, funded. Karma is a bitch. When you set out to divide and create hate for one another, the result is the Democratic Party.
Pass the popcorn, it is going to be wonderful to watch.
If the voicemails linked in the article are the best examples of how bad the threats are, I can only shake my head. It's not like someone wrote "Sanders" on her driveway in chalk...
I've heard more ominous threats from my own children during a family Monopoly game.
End the Clinton nightmare once and for all.
coupe said...
"When someone threatens me, I get an erection. It's like I can't wait to pull the trigger."
You probably shouldn't own a gun.
I love how they throw Trump supporters in there as the expected miscreants when they've done nothing more violent than troll Twitter. In the words of Curtis Yarvin: Right represents peace, order and security; left represents war, anarchy and crime.
Pass the popcorn!
Thank you, Gusty Winds, for your answer. The mediablob loves to elide who is punching whom and burning cars and it's important to keep correcting the record. Futile. But important.
I don't remember the Tea Party types acting like this, even as they lost their momentum.
How have you missed seeing Trigglypuff before now?
There's even a dance mix now.
Someone needs to quantify this. You can always find a lunatic who harasses a public figure. Give me an accurate picture of the slightly-fringe support for Bernie (but not N=1 mentally ill). Otherwise it's just a slimy "what kind of person supports Bernie?" propaganda hit.
Since they've been doing it to Trump, I guess kudos for rubbing the same tactic in their face. Maybe they'll feel how they don't like it and behave better next time. That's always the hope when you expose hypocrisy - that they just weren't AWARE of it.
Maybe the new age of point to point media, rather than relying on the hub and spoke controlled narrative of Liberal Newspapers and Network Anchors can change things. But now we even see efforts by FB and Twitter to control information.
It has yet to be determined if the media created Trump, or if Trump was just smart enough to understand a new information age faster than the ‘experts’.
Throughout history it has always been a concern of the Kings and Nobility when the peasants revolted.
I’m not a Bernie fan, but I can understand how his supporters feel screwed. Oregon and Kentucky will be interesting tonight.
Bernie is nuts, and his wife’s bankruptcy of Burlington College gives us an indication of their financial acumen. Somehow our education system and universities are promoting, rather than preventing this craziness. Protest. Shout and shut down free speech. Bear false witness.
Shit. Even Madeline Albright can’t speak on a college campus without the kids throwing a tantrum. It’s sad, but they deserve it. America’s left wing educators have successfully indoctrinated an entire generation to the resentful ideology of the left.
When you give tenure and benefits to a guy like Bill Ayers, and prop him up like some type of counter cultural hero, it’s no surprise that his young disciples follow his path of violence and threats.
Jonathan Graehl said...
Someone needs to quantify this.
That's no fun and, even worse, it would take some effort to do, and even more worser, it doesn't help sell advertising.
Since they've been doing it to Trump,
Even though it has nothing to do with Trump, they put his name in the headline in such a way as to imply "Trump's not the only one with violent supporters." Next time there's a ruckus at a Trump rally, let's see if they put Sanders or Billary in the headline.
"It’s the New York Times. What did you expect?" -- Carson
Burn that bitch down!
Did some reading. From a Rolling Stone article:
"According to the Nevada Democratic Party, the Sanders campaign had a sizable advantage in delegate slots (2,124 to Clinton's 1,722) going into the convention, but it failed to fill all of those slots — only 1,662 Sanders delegates showed up on Saturday, compared to 1,693 Clinton ones."
Reading on, it appears that the Sanders campaign (in general) was signing up anyone who supported them, regardless of eligibility to be delegates to the convention.
Roberta Lange should be thrilled at the opportunity to sacrifice herself and her family for the greater glory of Hillary Clinton.
This is what (democrat) democracy looks like.
I thought all hell broke loose when the chairwoman refused to recognize a motion from the floor. Is it a surprise that people would get upset when those in charge refuse to follow the same set of rules they seek to impose on their subjects?
The Left has always had a thing about violence or threats of violence, they just can't help themselves.
I am not surprised. Been saying for years that politics brings out the absolute *worst* in people - which is why I never discuss the subject. When people get this riled up, it makes me think of the Catholic-Protestant conflicts in Europe. I'm shocked we don't see more dead people hanging from trees.
I am dreading a Trump presidency mainly because I dread being surrounded by perpetually angry Pacific NW liberals for 4 years. The weeping, the wailing...the gnashing of teeth, the cries of "MOVING TO CANADA" (while doing no such thing). Ugh, its a good thing most people are absorbed with their smartphones and wearing headphones.
Joe: So you're saying that we should believe Rolling Stone on this one? Why?
The weeping, the wailing...the gnashing of teeth...
Music to my ears. A Trump presidency will be far from heavenly, but it will have one thing in common with the celestial realm. In Heaven there's really only one thing to do that isn't instantly boring, and that's looking over the edge to watch the damned writhe in their torment.
Since it will be at least four years short of an eternity I think I'll escape the empyrean ennui.
Ya see, this is what happens when Government promises to solve EVERYONE'S EVERY NEED.
Government is happy to make that promise because - more power to Government.
Can't be done, of course. People have conflicting needs, ya see.
Most folks have a forgiving nature, and are willing to give Government a pass in spite of broken promises.
Then, too, nobody wants to piss off Government by complaining they failed. Ya know what that can get you!!
But eventually comes a time when Government is just PISSING OFF EVERYONE.
Times tend to get ugly when that happens.
Smart folks would delay this by just avoiding the temptation to call on Government to solve personal problems.
Not the work of Trump supporters, but of Bernie Babies? Just like all the fights at Trump rallies.
BernieBros have gotten everything they wanted their and been told they are the specialest of special snowflakes their entire lives. When you have people with the emotional maturity of three year olds, how do you expect them to act when they don't get what they want?
"In Heaven there's really only one thing to do that isn't instantly boring, and that's looking over the edge to watch the damned writhe in their torment."
Christianity spoils all the fun. If you were the sort who would be amused by watching the writhing damned, you're likely to be one of the writhing damned. Who, I gather, aren't amused.
It seems there really isn't much occasion for amusement in heaven or hell.
That violence is the next step of Socialism as in Germany's "Night Of The Long Knives" and "Crystal Night".
Ah, the amusement in Heaven will be in the being there after all of this.
James Pawlak
That would indeed be the case if the progs were not at heart dog stone lazy. The Germans of those days were more energetic.
Blogger James Pawlak said...
That violence is the next step of Socialism as in Germany's "Night Of The Long Knives" and "Crystal Night".
Ask Doc Mike, but I believe that a few nights with a Steely Dan will cure your hysteria. What kind of sissy believes Mr. Rogers and all his dweeby neighbors are gonna turn into Brownshirts?
Found the Trump part interesting. Almost inevitably when there is any violence around one of his rallies, it is either Hillary people or Bernie people behind it. The conventions are going to be interesting this year. My prediction is that the Republican one will be fine, as they will keep most of the Hillary and Sanders people out, where they can protest to their heart's delight, and maybe whittle down each the other's numbers. The Dem convention should be more interesting, with Berniebots figuring they got screwed by Hillary, her minions, and the system, including giving that much clout to all the party leaders as SuperDelegates. Hijinks like this by the Nevada Dem party, and the Hillary campaign, are not going to help. I expect almost as much noise and disruption as they saw in 1968. We shall see.
typical liberals. Look at the viciousness of their criticism of Palin.
What kind of sissy believes Mr. Rogers and all his dweeby neighbors are gonna turn into Brownshirts?
Don't be fooled by Mr. Rogers and his cardigan and comfortable slip-ons. Those are just his civies.
They got their anti-Trump headline in. The "No" comes later after the stupids assume it IS about Trump.
Drudge is reporting that Bernie's staff living quarters have been ransacked, and someone shot-up his Las Vegas HQ.
I wonder if they filed a police report, or if this is just so much I-am-the-victim-here obfuscation.
It seems like its the left htat is always bringing the violence to the demonstrations. Trump got a bad rap for saying to hit the protesters (back) but this is who he was dealing with. A bunch of people that go to an event and threaten violence. Maybe then the left needs to be a little more introspective.
Bernie's official statement on Nevada. He's doubling down. This revolution will be televised.
Grievances from the statement:
>The chair of the convention announced that the convention rules passed on voice vote, when the vote was a clear no-vote. At the very least, the Chair should have allowed for a headcount.
>The chair allowed its Credentials Committee to en mass rule that 64 delegates were ineligible without offering an opportunity for 58 of them to be heard. That decision enabled the Clinton campaign to end up with a 30-vote majority.
The chair refused to acknowledge any motions made from the floor or allow votes on them.
>The chair refused to accept any petitions for amendments to the rules that were properly submitted.
It's always interesting to see how much editorial content is contained in a NYT news report. At least the WSJ keeps its opinions where they belong.
Hey Khesanh. The NYT calls that a two fer. You get both news and editorial comment in a single article. And if you want to waste your time separating the flyshit (news) from the pepper specks (editorial content) you could call it a three fer. You get a puzzle as well.
"Michael Briggs, a spokesman for Mr. Sanders, said the Vermont senator did not condone violence of any kind."
Bernie and Trump supporters may be similarly violent prone, but Bernie's hands are clean with respect to incitement.
"How to you get a spirit to stick to fire and brimstone? Wouldn't that be like air sticking to pork sausage?"
Obviously, its spiritual fire and brimstone. When things get theological we can assume anything. Sometimes applies to politics too.
jr565 said...
"Maybe then the left needs to be a little more introspective."
Instrospection is more effective when your eyes are swollen shut.
Pretty obvious that the Democratic machine was playing very dirty pool.
There are numerous eyewitness posts on Democratic Underground (yes, I do try to get out sometimes). They are stupid people for the most part, but they were indeed cheated by people who are astoundingly shameless. I sympathize with them, it is one thing to hear or read these things, it is another thing entirely to have it done to your face.
And, moreover, it wasn't just some local party people in this thing, there were Senators (Barbara Boxer) and congressmen, the party itself. You should see the Boxer Youtube. There is a Spanish expression, "cara dura" - hard face. That was Boxer. The whole thing was disgusting. Swine, all of them.
The "violence" business is a deflect, from totally biased media. The Democratic party just doesn't like being booed, as they were.
Re incitement, it was Bernie supporters who went, like so many brownshirts, to try to shut down a Trump rally. Why not just let them meet? Incitement there came from Bernie's side.
Let's go get in the face of a bunch of Trump supporters and act as provocatively as we can and if anything happens? It's Trump 's fault! It is such a transparent tactic.
Still and all, the Democrats are treating you the way the GOP treated the Tea Party. Throw the fuckers out, that's what we did.
writ small wrote:
Bernie and Trump supporters may be similarly violent prone,
Are they though? Because it seems like Trump supporters are only violent when people come in to disrupt events violently. If there are no disruptive incidents where is the violence?
"Re incitement, it was Bernie supporters who went, like so many brownshirts, to try to shut down a Trump rally."
I wonder. I suspect most of them were hired for the purpose by organizations allied with the DNC. I know some of the protesters at Burlingame were affiliated with the SoCal party machines. La Raza is really a good old boy (mostly ex Cal State alumni) political network, and most certainly not a Sanders inclined organization.
(cont) for example, how often have you seen Trump supporters charge into Bernie Sanders events or Hillary Clinton events to dirupt them. Have you EVER seen that?
"Another person left a voice mail message saying he thought Ms. Lange should be “hung in public execution” for her actions."
I'm picturing the Saddam Hussein hanging. Ms. Lange is at the gallows in an old warehouse in Oakland, a noose around her neck. The crowd is screeching like an agitated and fearful pack of apes. Ms. Lange is haranguing the crowd, defiant and arrogant. It's chaos, hatred and fear combining. Suddenly she disappears, as if by magic. For an instant the crown is awestruck. Has she escaped by some fabulous trick? No, there she is, hanging from the rope under the gallows. She is swimming in the air in a crazed elliptical pattern. Her legs and arms appear to be moving. Is she still alive? A roar grows as the front rows of the crowd surge forward, reaching with outstretched hands, grabbing and tearing at her clothing.
(Do you suppose that would have a deterrent effect on the Clinton supporters?)
When you subvert the democratic process, you will get violence. Democracy is about deciding winners and losers without a battle.
I don't think Ms lang can be "hung" Not with the current sex reassignment techniques, anyways. "Hanged" maybe.
For a lesson in usage, see Blazing Saddles:
"That said you was hung!"
"I is!"
"I'm shocked we don't see more dead people hanging from trees."
I'm not shocked, I'm disappointed. Mightily disappointed.
The thing is that all of this plays right into Trump's advantage. Hillary is feeling the Bern while Trump enhances his glowing tan.
Nina Turner
Nina Turner, a Sanders supporter was there
Will Hillary be able to govern if she becomes President? She'll be viewed as illegitimate by large swaths of both Republicans and Democrats. Her people are blatantly cheating on camera to get her the nomination. She was caught red-handed violating federal record keeping and national security regulations. Her foundation stinks to high heaven.
If she loses the general, she may leave public life as one of the most unpopular figures in American politics. If she wins she'll likely become one of the most despised human beings in modern history.
Just kidding. She'll be great. When did something Hillary attempted not turn out wonderfully?
Roberta Lange should be thrilled at the opportunity to sacrifice herself and her family for the greater glory of Hillary Clinton.
Lol. Yes!
Because multiple sources have reported the same facts. The rejected delegates weren't registered Democrats. This points to a very disorganized Sanders campaign and a Clinton campaign that will do anything to win. This will make for a really exciting Democrat convention.
All Heaven has for composers is Elgar and Liszt.
Franz Liszt? The composer of the Mephisto Waltzes? Hmmm... that sounds unlikely.
If there are any Franzes Up There composing it's Lehar and Von Suppé, with arrangements by Lawrence Welk.
There's ten minute video of the relevant point - when Roberta Lange calls for a voice vote, everyone shouts NO, she says "the ayes have it, the convention is over", bangs the gavel, and runs off the stage. Everyone is milling around - booing and explaining events to each other and taking pictures. Suddenly a line of sheriffs deputy's files in and the delegates are told to go or they will be arrested. More booing, delegates arguing about whether to go, but they start to leave. Then the lights are turned off on them.
Then the 27 year-old "reporters" get a press release from Ben Rhodes or somebody and write up "violence by Sanders delegates." Repeaters would be a better name than "reporters".
And there was another great video - Barbara Boxer telling Sanders supporters they don't understand conventions and practically saying "disperse, ye rebels, disperse" and being roundly booed as every lie comes out of her face.
Kind of heavy on operettas in heaven then?
Lehar wrote for some slightly racy stuff, and the fact that "The Merry Widow" was Hitlers favorite has to be considered.
However, being Catholic is a definite plus.
Suppe is a solid choice, it seems, from the heavenly residence point of view. More sprightly than saintly, though that may be a good thing.
Other operettists are less likely though.
Offenbach is, I think, right out for, well, many reasons.
Jeez, I'm trying to satirize Heaven, and you're sitting there arguing that an eternity of The Merry Widow wouldn't be all bad. Even with the accordion music?
Who's to say Hitler isn't up there playing Parcheesi with Saint Pete? Maybe he sincerely repented in between pulling the trigger of his PPK and the bullet liquifying is noodle.
The Merry Widow, with intervals of the Poet and Peasant overture and the Light Cavalry, should be tolerable for a few days anyway, though I concede that I am a strong man and such endurance cannot be expected of all.
Mr Wibble said...
All Heaven has for composers is Elgar and Liszt. They do have all the good choreographers, however.
5/17/16, 4:09 PM
Bob Fosse?
Interesting link Sunsong. "The ayes have it." OMG. Well, I guess anybody who has the kind of unbroken string of coin toss wins like Hillary is just destined by the almighty to win so there was probably some weird acoustic effect going on that only made it seem in that recording like the Nays had significantly more support than the ayes. That has to be the explanation because we all know Hillary is a straight shooter and would rather run through a fresh mown stubble field barefoot than tell a lie.
How does it feel to have insinuations of racism used against Sanders' supporters by the Shills for Hillary, BTW? Infuriating, isn't it?
Here is another one for the every growing annals of "Hillary is like Nixon."
Bernie Sanders revealed Tuesday that shots were fired into his Nevada campaign office and that an "apartment housing complex my campaign staff lived in was broken into and ransacked." The Democratic presidential candidate did not explicitly blame his rival, Hillary Clinton...
No, I am sure that the more unsavory parts of the Democratic Machine underbelly had nothing to do with this. It was probably Trump supporters!
Hillary better call off her dogs. Seriously. Or the nomination will be worthless by the time she "garners" it and the party will be as fractured as the GOP, with less time to recover before the general election.
Leftists pouting, throwing stuff, breaking stuff, not allowing others to speak and threatening to remove anyone who does not follow them? Well...that's never happened in the history of the planet. Good thing the NYT is on the case. Sometimes it's hard to see the world from Manhattan.
It's like the Three Stooges without Curly and if Moe was a girl.
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