In fact, her boss Roger Ailes was apparently so tickled by the fact that he would not have to pay her a reported $25 million to remain at Fox News that he was heard “snickering” in a Thursday meeting when the special was mentioned.Did Donald Trump make that happen or did he just sit back coolly and let it happen or — if such a thing is possible — is this not even about Donald Trump?
May 21, 2016
"[I]n addition to being a ratings and financial failure, Megyn Kelly’s interview with Donald Trump..."
"... has resulted in her losing most of the leverage she had in her upcoming contract negotiations."
Megyn Kelly is just another person who sees more competence in herself than other people do. The interesting thing is that some people will criticize her for not being as good as Barnara Walters. I considered her to be poor at interviewing. Perhaps entertainers are given slack that they don't deserve?
Megyn Kelly was getting a bit impressed with herself.
Dunning Krueger.
Megan Kelly was an average talent with a pretty face. Those seem to do well in the media. Most of the people talking on TV are not that smart.
I am trying to think of someone on TV now with a broad range of intelligence that includes more than just social skill and a pretty face. I don't think a single one of them could trouble shoot a light fixture if they had a Youtube video playing in front of them.
She went Hollywood in a big way. The hairdo and the aggressive manner.
I don't know why Fox doesn't hire Sheryl Attkisson, a real investigative reporter.
That would be serious journalism, something Fox needs badly.
Megyn Kelly was an amazing interviewer. Anybody saying otherwise is re-writing history. She was outstanding. She still is normally. The Trump thing was just bad. Happens to the best of them.
Trump got considerably more popular after the first debate flap with Kelly, then won the nomination. Not sure how she managed to mentally twist that into thinking anyone cared what SHE thought. The MSM trying to use her to take down Trump made her think the publicity was about her.
Pretty amusing.
Megyn was an aggressive proud blonde announcer bimbo, when that was the career track that worked best. Then she decided to morph into a sexy Edward R. Murrow and compete for head political talking head and a mega contract.
But The Donald tagged her as the second rate light weight which is all she is. That will never go away. And blonde announcer Bimbos are a dime a dozen.
She does not have it. And she does not have the charm and realness of a Katie Couric or a Savanna Guthrie to save her career.
That's a shame.
Kelley tried playing gotcha with Trumpy and she was got. Why God loves Trumpy I don't know (or maybe he is being setup for the grand fall) but if Trumpy was pissed at Kelley like he was reported to be he just got his revenge served really cold. If Trump was a drinker this would call for a really good bottle of champaign. I wonder when Trump is going to remind Ailes that he owes him $25mm and how is he going to repay him for the favor.
I kinda Megan Kelly - but she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. She's direct and that's rare in the media. But, she attacked Rand Paul as anti-women and then dialed it up for Trump. Paul was polite and simply explained. Trump spits back. My guess is that Kelly is getting along with everyone at Fox News about the same way. And she's not worth $25m a year.
I think it's the haircut.
And I don't mean Trump's.
I have figured out Althouse's fascination with Megyn Kelly. She secretly wants to replace Megyn at Fox when she leaves.
Think of the segment possibilities!
Meade doing his own "Watters' World" whacky segment.
Laslo Spatula riffing on whatever.
Interviews with Dylan and other 60's cultural icons. Also a "Daily Dylan" comment.
Witty interviews with President Trump. AA would not take any crap from Trump!
Fashion stuff.
The only issue I see is whether it could be done from Madison. Moving to NYC would be too much.
Her viewers were tired of the unfair debates on CNN and MSNBC and were expecting more from FOX. Seeing Kelly stoop to their level was a betrayal and her former viewers aren't willing to forgive. Sucking up to Roger Moore right after the debates in an interview didn't help.
If Fox would gut contract negotiations because of the outcome of a single special, Meghyn really shouldn't be working at FOX anymore. It really is becoming the Trump channel.
Which will really suck for them if Trump actually becomes president, OR doesn't become president. MSNBC may in fact end up being the channel where you get actual info from.
In a culture so splintered, it would take a great personality with brains and the trust of middle America to break through.
Ellen and Oprah seem to have done that. Kelly thought she had and discovered she hadn't.
There's a shitload of fakery out there, up to and including out and out lying. Russell Simmons was caught on the stand lying about how much of his ghetto wear he sold (his public claims did not match up to company records by a huge margin). And thriller writer Clive Cussler claimed he sold far many more millions of his books worldwide to the producers of "Sahara."
If I were running a media outlet, I'd replace every unverifiable quote with "he claimed" to remind the reader of that point.
Ms. Kelly is direct--and as noted above that's unusual. She's also less of a blowhard than Bill O'Reilly (a relatively easy goal to achieve). My opinion of her has slipped; she was sharper when I saw less of her. Her presence does not wear well.
Her real goal in life is to become Number One on Fox News and replace/supplant Bill O'Blowhard Reilly. I think she can still achieve it, although you tend to measure people by the goals they set for themselves. She disappoints in that regard. Ailes may have the upper hand in this year's salary negotiations, but there'll always be another round.
So then, was Trump right about Kelly all along?
She's just not as good as she thinks she is.
Maybe she should ask Sean Penn for advice. They both have the same hairdo.
Kelly is trying to create a personal franchise.
She is already hawking her book that comes out in November,
The book is about how she rose above a life she didn't like as a married lawyer to find one in media she did like.
Unfortunately for her I think her viewers liked the humbled newcomer better than the rising star.
Sorry Megyn… a good reporter does not feel the need or the ego to be considered a principal.
Yet Megyn Kelly said "the candidates are in the arena, and so am I"
It's not about you, Megyn. It's about them. You are a ref, not a player. And you are hurting your effectiveness by trying to insert yourself as a player. That's what idiots like Candy Crowley and John Harwood do when presented with an opportunity to moderate. You proved yourself no better than them...
jr565 said...
If Fox would gut contract negotiations because of the outcome of a single special, Meghyn really shouldn't be working at FOX anymore. It really is becoming the Trump channel.
Which will really suck for them if Trump actually becomes president, OR doesn't become president. MSNBC may in fact end up being the channel where you get actual info from.
5/21/16, 11:07 AM"
Switching from one party's house organ to another party's house organ won't result in the viewer getting actual info.
The Dixie Chcks effect. She received a boomlet when she gave Cheney and Trump a hard time, but that's not what the core Fox audience tunes in for. Her recent interview with Trump was insufficiently hostile to gather her much support among the left and too wary to be much fun for Trump supporters. She hasn't found the sweet spot.
Full disclosure: although I've seen clips here and there and maybe caught a few seconds while channel surfing, I've never actually sat down and watched an episode of Megyn Kelly's show, so I can't really comment on the content of it beyond that. And I haven't really watched the interview in question either and have only gotten impressions second hand.
But I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Kelly as an ostensibly center right woman who seemed talented, beautiful, and whose great success drove a lot of people on the left up the wall. So all this is a bit of a bummer for me.
It seems to me though that she dared challenge the one person who in the minds of a fair number of her (at the time) loyal viewers was a messianic near-god who was beyond all criticism, and she paid and continues to pay for her blasphemous transgression. She flew too close too the sun and got burned.
It's telling that ultra-left havens like Salon are gleefully reveling in her downfall. Any person of whose fall Salon cheers for I'm going to automatically have another look at.
MK's forte is combative interviews so a make up session with Trump was not working to her strengths. That question to Trump about whether he's ever been wounded emotionally was literally cringe worthy. WTH? Kelly could skipped all those questions about whether Trump realized the responsibility of being president, duh, and should have delved more into details about immigration, trade and the military. That would have added some value, but obviously she wasn't ready. She would have been better off interviewing Corey Lewandowski.
"Ellen and Oprah seem to have done that. Kelly thought she had and discovered she hadn't."
Oprah is a special talent. Ellen is a run of the mill liberal victim class beneficiary. Ellen and Megyn are on the same lvl but there are no freebies for Megan.
Her job is to represent the concerns of all women.
That pays less because who cares.
Kelly's problems are several. As someone already said, she had gotten so full of herself that she was no longer a journalist but rather wanted to be the "star".
She seemed to always want to make herself the central focus of the interview. Instead of eliciting interesting insights from her guests she turned it into the me Me ME show.
Too cute by far with all her simpering, giggling and overly sexy inappropriate for the occasion clothing.
I don't want to call her a bimbo because I feel that she is actually a very smart woman, however....when you act like an entitled prom queen, act like a bimbo and dress like a high priced call girl, well....bimbo it is.
It's not about you, Megyn. It's about them.
It is about Donald Trump. People don't want to watch Donald Trump play nice.
I used to like Megyn Kelly, some years ago.
Then she chopped her hair off, got married, had kids and lost her personality and good looks.
Now when I see her, I think Hollywood.
I agree with Michael, they should hire Atkinson.
The last time I watched a Fox news segment was right after that first Republican debate where Megyn was taking credit for the 24 million viewers who tuned in to watch...her (she thought), and the rest of the Fox panel, and, oh yeah, some guy named Donald.
Fox spent the next two days crowing with behind-the-scenes "how we did it" stories.
With that hubris, they lost me. Not that I moved to CNN or -- yeech -- MSNBC, or the broadcast nets.
I simply fully acquire my news elsewhere now and am that close to cutting cable altogether.
Cultic Cronkite-like news icons are so 90's or even 60's. I thought they were full of them themselves then; I don't watch -- or believe -- any of them now.
traditionalguy said... The Donald tagged her as the second rate light weight which is all she is.
Ah..but that's simply Trump's reflexive characterization of anyone he disagrees with.
I remember him pouting how "she wasn't nice".
jr565 said..." MSNBC may in fact end up being the channel where you get actual info from."
I laughed so hard I shit my pants!
Boxty is the only one on this thread who completely gets it. Conservatives were saying to themselves -- whew, a GOP debate on Fox; we actually might find out about the issues rather than have 2 hours of thinly veiled hate and outright attacks. And what happens right out of the gate? Attack, attack, attack. (And I wasn't even a Trump supporter then, although I am now.)
She might as well have been Candy Crowley or Andrea Mitchell. So I turned it off right then, and as Boxty says, her sucking up to Michael (not Roger) Moore soon afterward sealed the deal as far as I'm concerned.
Megyn is a Fox News Sampson
Like every other blond on that network, She lost everything with her hair.
Short of reporting Trump as a mass abortionist or planner, journolistic traps laid for him will backfire.
This whole Media meme is laughable! So Megyn got the second highest rating in Fox's history and they call it a ratings disaster! These liberals who anoint themselves as experts in this category are a joke! Firstly, they are jealous of Megyn cause she got an interview with Trump. Secondarily, every one of these critics are no fans of Trump. Plus they would not have been satisfied unless Megyn took Trump down or shot (literarily) him. Finally, this is a classic hit operation against Megyn by Liberals. Not a great fan of Megyn, but I'm quite surprised at how a large segment of Althouse's commentators here is taken in by such a simpleton operation from the Left.
Whoever at FOX scheduled Megyn to go up against NCIS did not do her any favors. Not only was it the finale episode (always a ratings bonanza), but it was the heavily hyped DiNozzo farewell episode.
And what other interview/news show gets the 8:00 P.M./7:00 Central slot? I'm amazed she got the numbers she did. NCIS beat the combined numbers for FOX, ABC and NBC.
Not everything is about politics.
I don't think a single one of them could trouble shoot a light fixture if they had a Youtube video playing in front of them.
Tim Russert dealt straight, so does Jake Tapper. It was/is about the story, not about them. I still hold out hope for Anderson Cooper because the way Fox News is trending CNN will be the only sane alternative, if only by comparison.
I never got Barbara Walters' supposed "gravitas" -- she was People Magazine for prime time.
"Fox News Channel" is deceptively named. Likewise CNN - the "Cable News Network." Probably 95% of the content is opinion, conjecture, and commentary. Much of what does qualify as "news" is in the fields of entertainment or sports.
Megyn Kelly has allowed (or made) herself to be the focus of events. She is no longer a news finder, nor even a news reader. She is an entertainer.
"the charm and realness of a Katie Couric or a Savanna Guthrie" Yeah, sure. Explains a lot.
"the second rate light weight"
That seems to be the prime qualification for a presidential nominee these days, so it's not necessarily a problem for journalists.
hstad said... [hush][hide comment]
This whole Media meme is laughable! So Megyn got the second highest rating in Fox's history and they call it a ratings disaster! These liberals who anoint themselves as experts in this category are a joke! Firstly, they are jealous of Megyn cause she got an interview with Trump. Secondarily, every one of these critics are no fans of Trump. Plus they would not have been satisfied unless Megyn took Trump down or shot (literarily) him. Finally, this is a classic hit operation against Megyn by Liberals. Not a great fan of Megyn, but I'm quite surprised at how a large segment of Althouse's commentators here is taken in by such a simpleton operation from the Left.
Agree, and what is the big downfall? Poor Meghan only gets fifteen million instead of twenty five? Like the Yahoo lady ceo, turns yahoo into profit loser, gets over thirty million severence. Don't know about you guys, but I gotta work pretty hard for my millions and millions and millions of dollars.
And, speaking of Oprah, saw her and Dezel lamenting the "fact" that black people are being held down by the white man. Oprah have any job training programs for inner city people? Any Oprah trade schools in America?
Megyn will soon be appearing in an adult film. I may tune in for that but I sure don't watch her show anymore...
Kelly played attack dog on Trump in that first debate. Us Trump supporters, a lot of who are/were regular Fox viewers, notice that sort of thing. That role is best played by the lefty shills on lefty cables where their lefty viewers can get their jollies off with ‘gotcha’ questions for non-Lefty guests/victims. Her attack backfired and enabled Trump to win that first debate and capture the center podium at all subsequent debates. But of course ALL of Fox except perhaps Hannity and Bolling were/are against Trump. So she was only doing what she thought her bosses at Fox expected.
On the cable panel talk shows:
Watching “The Five” is like watching a shooting match with Trump as the target. Falsehoods, half truths, straw men and hyperbole is their ammunition – exactly the same as from the Lefty cables. They parrot any piece of crap they hear, accuracy be damned.
Eric Bolling sometimes attempts a half-hearted defense of Trump but is hooted down immediately by the rest. He fares some better on his own show, “Cashin’ In,” but his guests and regulars are mostly #neverTrumpers. He is hampered in his usually weak defense of Trump by an apparent ignorance about Trump’s actual policies and statements.
Gutfeld is having visible discomfort. Gutfeld fancies himself as a non-conforming rebel and would like to support a candidate who is the same. But the only non-conformist in the political field has been Trump and Gutfeld had impulsively decided early on that he was going to be a #neverTrumper. Now he is stuck with that decision and it’s eating at him. He can’t switch now or he would risk looking like a flip-flopping opportunist.
Now that Trump has laid the GOP field low and is about to conduct an evisceration of Hillary, they’ve changed their tone at Fox a little bit but are still grumpy that Trump has confounded all of the MSM’s(which definitely includes Fox) increasingly desperate attempts to destroy Trump. Their shit usually works like a charm. It worked on McCain and Romney. They just cannot understand it.
At MSNBC’s Morning Joe they are going every which way. Joe alternates between defending Trump from some of the more egregious media distortions and condemning Trump for various vague transgressions. Mika claims bragging rights for taking Trump somewhat seriously from the beginning but she is very, very worried about Hillary’s “bimbo eruption” problem. She knows that Trump is going to play the Enabler Card on Hillary and she knows that Hillary is vulnerable on this issue.
But Joe and Mika have improved - minimally. They no longer reflexively say “Trump’s ban of Muslims” but seem to be making an effort refer to it as a “temporary” ban.
They are still putting their hopes on Trump’s “unfavorables,” which is about the only negative element left in Trump’s performance in the polls.
Its a Gabriel sherman story..pretty much unhinged with anything Fox news and Roger ailes
It would be really neat if we had a journalist who thought their job was to unearth information and help their audience learn about the world around them as it is. Any journalist. Anywhere.
Instead we have a bunch of pretty faces who think they are smarter and more interesting than the people they interview. Journalists are just not that smart and not that interesting.
grackle said...
"They are still putting their hopes on Trump’s “unfavorables,” which is about the only negative element left in Trump’s performance in the polls."
The unfavorables polling is total garbage. You will get massive unfavorables on any candidate you want. You can get good unfavorable polling on any candidate you want. Additionally it is cool to trash all political figures. It is naturally gratifying to say how much someone else sucks. If you don't say I will vote for this person but I think they suck you miss out on free gratification and assume some responsibility for how they fare.
If you want to find out how people will vote ask voters "Do you favor strong border enforcement or open immigration?" "Do you support TPP.?" "Do you believe the second amendment gaurentees an individual right to bear arms?"
Issue polling is always more accurate.
The unfavorables polling is total garbage. You will get massive unfavorables on any candidate you want. You can get good unfavorable polling on any candidate you want.
Lol. Just you watch. I comfortably predict that in a Trump-Hillary race, the two most unfavorably rated candidates in American history will lead to historically low voter turn-outs.
Which might not bother you, since Republicans tend to be anti-voter and anti-democracy anyway. But it will indicate the utter lack of legitimacy and mandate on the part of the winner, giving more space than ever before for movements (or at least candidates) to supplant, co-opt, take over and otherwise railroad him/her and his/her position.
I tend to like Megan Kelly, "or Kelly Megan, whatever her name is," but that interview was dull. Don't you have to try pretty hard to make an interview with Trump boring?
"Do you believe the second amendment gaurentees an individual right to bear arms?"
I think it does. Every individual criminal, psychopath, loony, present churchgoer, etc. When did any of those people stop being individuals? So give them their individual rights already, you damn statist.
Remember Trump saying that with him there would be so much winning we'd get sick of it? It's like the Twelve Days of Christmas - 26 states, 16 Republican candidates, every media interview. I'm not a fan because he supported Planned Parenthood but his list of Supreme Court candidates was another victory for him among people like me.
And still, each and every time, people expect him to fail, they expect it. ... isn't there something about Donald Trump that isn't understood?
They no longer reflexively say “Trump’s ban of Muslims” but seem to be making an effort refer to it as a “temporary” ban.
They can't use Trump's word--moratorium--because their viewers wouldn't know what they were talking about. More atorium? We need less!
grackle said...Now he is stuck with that decision and it’s eating at him. He can’t switch now or he would risk looking like a flip-flopping opportunist.
Oh..all he has to do is borrow the phrase "I'm changing!"
"Republicans tend to be anti-voter and anti-democracy anyway. "
Automatic Ritmo bullshit. Right on time.
I wasn't a Trump supporter in August. But her attack on Trump with the same old Left-wing "war on women" crap made me MK hater.
The only reason to watch Fox News over CNN is the conservative POV. If they're going to be as Liberal as CNN, I'll watch CNN.
And there's nothing more annoying them some "I am woman hear me roar" feminist playing the "I'm just a poor little woman, please stop the bullying" card.
I watched part of the interview with DT, but she managed to make every question about herself. Every One. I turned it off. She doesnt seem to realize, she is not the kingmaker.
Lol. Tell me which voter registration and voting access provision you favor then, Michael KKK.
Megyn before and after:
Whoa! It's television people! You'd swear the people on TV, or internet or whatever and those who watch the stuff think they and TV is as important and weighty as the people doing the stuff making it on the news. Who is Megan, Mehgun, Maygan Kelly anyway?
Trump will be his own press secretary.
My suggestion as a voting qualification - current property tax bill or prior year income tax form 1040.
Property and wealth, modest as they may be, select for prudent persons less easy for demagogues to sway, and less easy to buy with government programs.
"Tell me which voter registration and voting access provision you favor then, Michael KKK."
Hilarious bullshit. How about the same ID you need to get a drivers' license ? In California, you don;t even have to be a citizen.
Oh, and the KKK were all Democrats.
Megyn and Trump are All Played Out (Kindle Edition)
If Salon says it, it must be true.
They're still telling us that Venezuela is a victim of its own overly-successful economy.
I know the particular author writes mainly anecdotal slime-pieces on the right-wing target de jour. He's also a college lecturer on comic books...oh, sorry...visual rhetoric. Sounds so much better that way.
I didn't watch the interview because I couldn't care less about a non-substantive block of time. I think I found a hockey game to be more useful.
I'm pretty sure Megyn Kelly will be just fine, even if Salon thinks/hopes she's all washed up.
Oh, and the KKK were all Democrats.
Interesting theory you got there, Michael KKK. It looks like you're going to have to tell your friend David Duke that Donald Trump is really a Democrat, then. Either that, or that you'll need him to switch his vote.
Any other Klansmen you need to clarify things to, then? It seems like they all love your candidate with wild abandon. What is it they see in him that you don't, Michael KKK?
For his own part, your star candidate said that it's no problem because he never heard of the KKK, anyway. Ha haha.
Hilarious bullshit. How about the same ID you need to get a drivers' license ? In California, you don;t even have to be a citizen.
Oh, I see. So because you are so frightened of non-citizens voting that you'd prevent old (American, possibly even KKK supporters like yourself) ladies without licenses from voting, you're ok with every notorious Republican voting suppression strategy, from shortened polling hours, to purging voter rolls, to insufficient polling resources for accommodating the eligible precinct, to gutting the Voting Rights Act.
One thing's for certain, Michael KKK. You really do live up to your name.
R and B
It is a matter of historical record that when the Klan was a real force, it was all Dem. Ask Senator Robert Byrd (D. WV).
If we have non-citizens voting, then we don't have a country. Under your theory, the Clintons could get 50 million votes out of Africa.
KKK were all Democrats
At least the KKK was rightly concerned about retributive change.
However, today, Democrats still support class diversity (e.g. racism). As well as gender chauvinism (i.e. sexism), selective exclusion (e.g. "="), anti-native policies, progressive wars, impulsive regime changes, opportunistic abandonment, displacement/replacement (e.g. immigration "reform", mass exodus, refugee crises), and, of course, the "final solution" a.k.a. abortion rites. Then there is planned parenthood or clinical cannibalism. If it wasn't for the various opiates redistributed, the Democrats would be a cultish minority at the twilight's fringe.
Well, let's see if the Republicans can do a better job of reconciling moral and natural imperatives.
I'm wondering if Michael KKK will stick up for the Trump volunteer with the "Heil Hitler" "88" tattoo stamped on her hand. Because, as she put it, it's just an homage to her hero Dale Earnhardt Jr. Which is obviously a VERY believable explanation.
Oh, there's an excuse for everything if you're a Republican! Credible or not - it doesn't matter. Just come up with an excuse! No responsibility no apologies that's the GOP way!
It is a matter of historical record that when the Klan was a real force, it was all Dem. Ask Senator Robert Byrd (D. WV).
Ok so now that it's not a "real force" but just an apparently imaginary force it's all great and wonderful to seek their support as a voting bloc. Good to know.
If we have non-citizens voting, then we don't have a country. Under your theory, the Clintons could get 50 million votes out of Africa.
The Clintons do favors for non-citizens because the GOP elite donor base pushed for a Supreme Court that doesn't care about bribery or contributions or anything like that among politicians. And keeping non-citizens from voting is a hell of a lot less objectionable than the political aims witnessed and openly admitted to by Mike Turzai - to keep blacks and the working class from voting.
The real reason you want strict registration requirements is to prevent fraud. And this does go on on a massive scale, and it always has. Even in the US. That's why every advanced country, and plenty less so, have strict ID requirements, usually with a national ID. I vote in Spanish elections and I have to prove my ID through our consulate. In Spain I would have to present my cedula in the municipality in which I'm registered. In the Philippines the requirements are even more strict.
If you want a known, documented example of the sort of "flying voter" fraud IDs and registration are supposed to prevent, consider the famous 1975 Moscone-Barbagelata San Francisco mayors race, acknowledged by the participants, now, to have been stolen by Jim Jones Peoples Temple acting as flying voters (bussed from place to place registering on the spot). And this was wealthy San Francisco. It's known because it's here and had such cultural relevance (Moscone, Harvey Milk, Jim Jones, etc). This same thing happens in huge numbers in local races in the LA basin but the press doesn't care, it's just some Mexicans cheating each other.
Filipinos understand this kind of fraud very well, it's ubiquitous and all hate it. In the US it is defended because it has a partisan bias.
Sucking up to Roger Moore right after the debates in an interview didn't help.
Have I missed something? I thought it was this load she sucked up to (Yeeech! What an image.)
And keeping non-citizens from voting is a hell of a lot less objectionable than the political aims witnessed and openly admitted to by Mike Turzai - to keep blacks and the working class from voting.
R&B means those nefarious efforts to deny voting rights by the requirement to produce those same impossible to obtain photo IDs that keep blacks and the working class from driving and cashing checks.
The real reason you want strict registration requirements is to prevent fraud. And this does go on on a massive scale, and it always has. Even in the US.
RIght. Which happens so often that there's never been a documented case. But rant on, Bulahiya, rant on. Like you always do. We need someone to come up with endless paragraphs of nothing.
I've got to love this "massive scale" fraud that's happening so much to concern the very same Republicans who sweep the Congress, etc. Those Republicans must be pumping up the fraud on their side very massively, because if it's Democrats committing this fraud then obviously the Congress would be like 90% Republican by now instead of just the measly 60% or so at the moment. Obviously.
in south africa, prog paradise for a generation they have voter id, cloward and piven knew what they were doing when they expanded the franchise without restriction, although curiously servicemen and women get the short end of the deal.
I like Megyn. I like The Haircut. She's got a funny,self-deprecating humor that is engaging, and a direct, no nonsense style of interviewing.
That said, she can be infuriatingly obtuse when she's pushing her own agendas, which tend to revolve around women's and LGBT issues. She comes dangerously close, and occasionally crosses the line, into contentious debate.
She's also become far too aware of herself-as-story. The Trump interview was boring. He gave her nothing, and she looked like she was flailing. I think that she thought she could charm him into revealing something significant about himself, but he was not charmed. Honestly, for all the crap he takes, Hannity does a better job of drawing Trump out.
Megyn can get a lot better at what she does, and I think she will.
Just look at our highways and urban avenues — bumper to bumper Aston-Martins and Bentleys driven by white guys who are either on their way to their law firm's chambers to crack a few whips over the heads of their toiling paralegals before cutting out for an early three-hour luncheon followed by tee time at the Club, or bejeweled matrons in diamond tiaras dashing from the beauty spa to the fourreur. And all because the much sought after driving license can only be had by the very rich and white and Protestant (Don't kid yourself, the myth that wealthy Catholics and Jews occasionally operate cars, is just that — a myth spread by Donald Trump.) Anonymous but reliable sources have told me that the all members of Skull and Bones receive a lifetime non-revokable driving license upon graduation from Yale. (Keep that under your hats, please. I'd hate to learn my source has met with an untimely fatal mishap.)
yes, it's full of category error, I didn't hear that, I did hear they receive a 15,000 stipend, probably inflation adjusted,
It's entirely possible for Megyn Kelly to have gotten too big for her britches AND at the same time for libtards to be gleeful about her supposed comeuppance and demise. These are not mutually exclusive things.
Deny all you like; most of this fraud happens in Democrat-controlled areas where both those cheating and those cheated are Democrats, for the most part, as are the people who would investigate or prosecute. I gave you a famous case.
It's cited over and over and over. Look for it. This form of fraud is impossible in the Philippines, anymore, except through gross conniving by the local authorities which is getting more rare. But it's perfectly possible in many places in the US.
I know somewhat about this as I (and my mother, brave lady) was a volunteer for some years in Joe Concepcion's NAMFREL during the dictatorship. Look it up. This is not a joking matter.
And the international standards are as I stated. This is undeniable. I have in my hand, by chance, came in today, my Spanish form to request an absentee voters packet (general elections, June 26) from my Spanish municipality. It's in the Basque country so it's half in Basque, very interesting. It requires my DNI (cedula), Passport, consular certification, etc.
" you'd prevent old (American, possibly even KKK supporters like yourself) ladies without licenses from voting,"
Another leftist myth. All state DMV offices provide ID cards for non-drivers.
I will resist any further impulse to respond to your drivel. Sober up and maybe you'll make sense.
AS to no evidence of vote fraud, another lefty talking point,
The common factor is the difficulty of prosecuting these cases by relucatant prosecutors who probably have other things to prosecute.
I get to practice Basque. That is probably the most internationally useless tongue in existence.
Here -
... irudi-fitxategia erantsi:
- Espainiako Noratsun Agiri Nazionala (NAN)
(This is the DNI/cedula/national ID)
- Espainiako agintaritzak luzatutako pasaportea
- Espainiako nazionalitate ziurtagiria (inskribatuta zauden Konsuletxe edo Embaxadan doan luzatzen dena) ....
I don't think there's a language that generates as many autocorrects as Basque.
yes it's like speranto, it's odd how it is so alien to french or spanish,
DNA sequences derived from Neanderthal teeth show that our sister species carried a Forkhead box protein P2 gene largely identical to that belonging to modern humans, suggesting that Neanderthals had a spoken language.
It was probably Basque.
The Ailes story is almost certainly bullshit, intended to make him look bad (snickering). His bread and butter is talking heads who pull an audience. He WANTS her to be popular and appealing.
I was thinking Cro-Magnon myself, being a bit less speculative, but who knows.
I bet they cared who voted for chief and how.
Btw, the Basques have, possibly, the most ancient uninterrupted tradition of Democratic process in Europe.
Wife can apply for Mexican passport (her dad lived his whole life in the US with a green card and never lost Mexican nationality). She was looking into it for buying property in Mexico. Anyway, it seems that in Mexico, also, you need a national ID for voting.
as long as megyn kelly's ratings continue to be okay on foxnews, her salary will be equal or higher than bill o'reilly in the next contract negotiation.
and i see her trump interview as a success if trump becomes president. trump needed her more than she needed trump.
salon claims she wants 25 million? oreilly is only making around 15 million!
that seems improbable, but then salon is a parody of itself, that chase (which bought hambrecht and quist) carries as a tax loss,
Ok. So 31 potentially credible cases out of a billion votes cast, no evidence that election results were affected, and most cases based on trying to use imprisonment status as a means for disenfranchisement. Sounds like you've got a real issue there, MKKK.
ah, the argument clinic, we'll ignore the fraud in the franken race, among other exemplars,
yes, that's the obvious one, why would cro magnon, remain a language only in the basque region, nowhere else,
It proves it happens, 31 cases, it does not indicate the frequency because there is no good way to audit the system. All these cases were caught by happenstance, not through a general audit.
The frequency of cases in Milwaukee just tells me that someone is looking for fraud there. What would you find, if some investigator looked hard at, say, Baltimore?
A proper registration system with IDs centrally recorded would be auditable, as in most of Europe, and fraud if any kind would be extremely difficult.
As for Cro Magnons, that's just a bit of fun. Still, if you look at Cavalli-Sforzas genetic gradients (Cavalli-Sforza has been supplemented by xplenty of new research, I recommend Razib Khan's Gene Expression blog if you want to follow the subject),most of Western Europe shades out from a nodal point in the Basque country.
So something significant was going on here, the details of which are still undetermined.
R&B: "there's never been a documented case"
(Tons of evidence)
R&B: "Only 31 cases in one area? Out of BILLIONS?"
The goalposts called, they are having trouble maintaining warp velocity.
RIght. Which happens so often that there's never been a documented case
Obviously you know nothing of Chicago politics. It is to laugh.
I'm going to make a prediction. Every voting precinct in Chicago is going to vote overwhelmingly for Hillary.
Taking bets that R&B will be claiming "not one documented case" in another thread in a few weeks. Cause it's not like he hasn't been shown the evidence before.
The strategy is to exhaust us all rebutting their bullshit. It's easy to claim 4 bullshit words in every thread, it's exhausting to post the links over and over rebutting it, and if you do, he'll just move the goalposts, as just demonstrated.
These practices are entirely consistent with someone attempting to defend fraud. In fact, they're not really consistent with anything else.
I have no opinion. I didn't watch it.
"Taking bets that R&B will be claiming "not one documented case" in another thread in a few weeks. Cause it's not like he hasn't been shown the evidence before."
Fact-free posting, as usual.
Hey, Rhythm & Balls!
Why have Democrats for 55 years now insisted that we should not worry about the Kennedy brothers meeting with Sam Giancana and his capos at Frank Sinatra's place in 1960, because it was "only" about discussing setting up election fraud in Illinois for the coming election?
The fraud is "undocumented".
The strategy is to exhaust us all rebutting their bullshit. It's easy to claim 4 bullshit words in every thread, it's exhausting to post the links over and over rebutting it, and if you do, he'll just move the goalposts, as just demonstrated.
The goalposts are what makes a realistic enough difference to justify efforts that disenfranchise more people than they properly disqualify, dildo. It's like when you Quaalude-takers wanted to build a missile defense system against the Soviets, without taking note of the costs, likelihood of success, and weighing that against the infinitesimally minimal benefit. While at the same time figuring that all atmospheric science is wrong and somehow changing the atmosphere will be cost-free. So pat yourself on the back for another technicality that means nothing in the real world while ignoring and arguing away actual issues. You guys are really into that sort of thing.
These practices are entirely consistent with someone attempting to defend fraud. In fact, they're not really consistent with anything else.
RIght. Because dildos like you and this scumbag are really honest brokers about your motivations. Attempts to correct fraud as defined and implemented by admitted fraudsters. Yep, there's your party credibility.
I think Ritmo is still drunk from last night.
No, I just gave a decent response to a stupid objection, Dr. KKK.
Did you not read the product labelling either when you overdosed those "black warrior gene" patients on enough prescription opioids to rival all the damage caused by their cannabis use, Dr. KKK? (Whatever that damage was).
Reading is good for you. And writing is not a sign of drunkenness, Dr. god complex. Get out of your country club more.
Waiting for an answer, R&B.
Also for an explanation of what that valise full of $100 bills that JFK gave to Judith Campbell to take to Chicago and deliver to Giancana was about.
Oh, I know Hagar. It's just one of those extremely pressing issues in 2016. JFK, the mob, etc. Precisely what Mike Turzai meant when he talked about bills intended to "get Mitt Romney elected."
No, no, R&B. It is about you and your claims. If that meeting and money was not about organizing election fraud in Illinois, what was it about?
It was about events apparently that took place in 1960 and not 2016.
But you do have a point, Hagar. If only we could invent time travel machines and make the problems of 1960 problems in 2016 then boy oh boy would we have a real important election issue on our hands.
In the meantime that 56%+ Republican representation in the House and owning the voting machine companies seems to be a real impediment to you, doesn't it? If it weren't for all that electoral fraud in 1960, then Republicans would reach their true American representation in the Congress of 90%+ - just like Saddam Hussein had! Never mind that Democratic positions poll extremely popularly with the American public. Republicans are being cheated out of their rightful claim to 99% representation across the country because of undocumented effects in post-JFK elections.
You say Democrat election frauds do not occur. Other Democrat appologists say that these Kennedy shenanigans we should not worry about, because they were "just routine misdemeanors" and standard for any elections.
So, which is it?
Rhythm and Balls said...
Now that the Klan isn't a '... "real force" but just an apparently imaginary force..'
The KKK is real, but it's no longer a real force, that is, a significant player in national affairs, in the sense of being a "force to be reckoned with". It's just a smattering of rednecks in unconnected small groups, with no political clout, no matter how large and terrifying it looms in your imagination.
Speaking from personal experience working in both major parties at the county and state levels at different phases of my life, I believe that the Democratic Party was more machine-oriented and corrupt than was the Republican Party. Attempting any kind of reform in either party is impossible to do from the inside, which explains why Trump can be successful.
It's great the way Aisles looks out for his own that way... At least if their name is O'Reilly and they were slapped with a lawsuit for jerking off over the phone and making a subordinate listen to it.
Megyn Kelly, not so much.
The KKK is real, but it's no longer a real force, that is, a significant player in national affairs, in the sense of being a "force to be reckoned with". It's just a smattering of rednecks in unconnected small groups, with no political clout, no matter how large and terrifying it looms in your imagination.
And it sure is great to say all the right things necessary for securing their vote, ain't it!
Why shouldn't Trump want to get EVERYONE'S vote?
I love the way you trumpies all gather in a pack and try to marginalize any independent conservative journalist who will not bow to Trump, withmassive character assisination. You guys are even less tolerant of diverse opinions than the SJW's you claim to be fighting. It reminds me daily why I hate Trump so much.
Hagar said...
No, no, R&B. It is about you and your claims. If that meeting and money was not about organizing election fraud in Illinois, what was it about?
There has never been vote fraud in the great City of Chicago. Ever. Or in cook county. Or in Cicero. Nope. Not ever.Tony Rezko notwithstanding.
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