April 30, 2016
"We went under a fence and through a fence, and oh, boy, it felt like I was crossing the border, actually."
Said Donald Trump and even though I just got done writing that Donald Trump doesn't use metaphor, I thought he was talking about the way he got into the Republican Party and became its presidential front-runner. But he was talking about how he got to his rally yesterday, when he had to get out of his car and walk across a field and up an embankment — surrounded by Secret Service agents — because of the protesters who foolishly believed they could block access and stop the event and ended up making him look hearty and game.
Now that's funny!
Yes, I think it was good for him. It made him look strong and unflappable. (Although we know he is ordinarily pretty "flappable") :)
They'd have to lift Hillary over the fence.
One way Trump is able to campaign so cheaply is the stupid opposition that provides these great visuals to enrage two thirds of American voters. The other third is looking for a unisex bathroom.
The "protestors" were out in front of the hotel. The Secret Service took the Donald up the service road to a free way running in back of the hotel and the cortege unloaded and walked down the embankment, through a gate in the R-O-W fence (or did they cut the fence?), up the slope to the hotel service road, and entered the hotel through a back door.
So, yeah, somewhat like crossing the border illegally.
Trump's the next President. America, what a country.
Speaking of unisex bathrooms, the Republicans in Congress should immediately pass a bill that states that all bathrooms of the federal government, and any contractors are to immediately become unisex. How could the democrats object?
The little old ladies that do all the work in the federal government will just love it, I'm sure.
I hadn't noticed the change to the Donald's coif until yesterday. A little more understated, and less Orange. Looked quite good.
These protester make the much-touted "Republican circular firing squad" appear downright linear by comparison.
I call upon Hillary Clinton to denounce the actions of those protestors in the strongest possible terms.
CNN tries to spin the protests into a negative for Trump. But it don't work.
Americans prize fairness. They see that these contrived protests are not fair to Trump supporters.
"We went under a fence and through a fence, and oh, boy..."
I thought he was talking about how he got off the reservation.
Mexifornia erected its wall and sent their trained by Soros Border Patrol. But fixed fortifications could not stump the Trump.
So the media story line is that this violence is a justified reaction sinceTrump attacked their land first.
Here is the video of Trump and his secret service outsmarting the protesters. I like how the secret service guy (at 58-59 sec mark) corrects (for lack of a better word) Trump's fly-away tie. He is seen taking special care of Trump (and others) in other frames too.
“They'd have to lift Hillary over the fence.”
It would take a lot of muscle to lift her sedan chair over a chain link fence.
“I call upon Hillary Clinton to denounce the actions of those protestors in the strongest possible terms.”
It would easier for her to dock their pay.
“They'd have to lift Hillary over the fence.”
If you look at the video posted above, Trump didn't have an easy time jumping down the big step. He is no spring chicken.
Waving the Mexican flag.. Did Trump make direct reference to that gift?
From elsewhere:
"At one point, seven women wearing no shirts and Bernie Sanders stickers over their breasts entered the square outside the amphitheater. They said they were protesting Trump's lack of engagement on issues of gender equality and women's rights.
"I feel like he wants to make America great again, but certainly not for women, for the LBGTQ community, or for the lower class," said one of the women, Tiernan Hebron. "He has, like, done nothing to help with gender equality or women's rights or reproductive rights or anything."
Tiernan Hebron reminds me of the story about the woman activist on the plane who sat down next to the salesman.
The punch line of the joke is "Tonto Liebowitz."
...but my friends call me Bubba
The lessons from all this -
Trump needs more exercise. He will probably have to make such maneuvers a habit.
His opponents should keep the Mexican flags at home, and replace them with breasts.
Laslo, probably, can advise on which breasts are best for the purpose.
A Letter from Miss Harriet Tubman, Kansas, 1954:
No, I am not THAT Harriet Tubman.
The big news in town is that Mr. Hampton the Grocer hired himself a Mexican. Of course people are upset: there are plenty of white folks around here that could use a job, and I hear Mr. Hampton pays the Mexican even less than what one would pay a Negro.
Sometimes it makes me fear for the future of our Country. I worry that there will be more and more Mexicans, speaking Mexican and taking our jobs and leering at our women. But then I realize that surely our Government wouldn't let that happen: we already have a Negro problem, we don't need to import another.
Maybe the Mexican will realize he isn't wanted here and just go away. Problems work themselves out that way sometimes.
I am Laslo.
She's no Melania..they rarely are, unfortunately.
Yes, Trump and his security team all looked a little portly, and not so spry in that video. Nobody's missing any meals.
Still good to see him solving problems, getting things done. He may even make California great again?
Trump supporters should have countered with "wet lines" wearing Cesar Chavez shirts.
I just wonder if the Trump that Bitch! shirts were on sale there.
Look at these fine examples of Americans protesting in CA!
Angry mob ransacks Trump supporters' car:
This is the Democrat constituency. Ask yourself, based on their actions: Who do they fear?
I occurred to me yesterday that the Battle of the Little Big Horn was in essence an anti-immigrant demonstration. Do you suppose the usual suspects who denounce Trump for being "anti-immigrant" will denounce the tribes for the same sin?
I wonder if Zoey Tur was involved with the coverage.
Tierna would pull her pasties over one of Zur's history:
"..she sparked controversy by saying that a transgender woman using a women's locker room at a Michigan Planet Fitness was a dangerous predator; she said that the trans woman was really going to the bathroom to "perv out on women".
A Letter from Miss Harriet Tubman, Kansas, 1954:
No, I am not THAT Harriet Tubman.
Well, that was fast: now there is ANOTHER Mexican in town, working for Mr. Reed at the Hardware Store. The town has managed to do just fine without Negroes, and now we are taking on Mexicans? I thought this was America.
People are suspicious: these two Mexicans sit together in the Town Square at lunch, talking Mexican so we can't hear what they are planning. It can't be good.
With this growing Mexican problem tempers got hot at the Town Council meeting on Tuesday. There has even been talk of building a wall at the south end of town to keep the Mexicans out.
I hope it doesn't come to that. Surely our Government recognizes the problem, and is taking action this very moment. I mean, isn't that the point of Government? To do what's right for the American people?
I might even write a letter to my Congressman. I have Faith the right thing will be done, and soon: the politicians can't be THAT stupid.
I am Laslo.
Trump should be so lucky to have these protesters follow him everywhere. It has been hilarious watching the left-leaning news organizations trying to spin these protests as bad for Trump's electoral chances. I have never once in my life seen a politician that more successfully preys on the stupidity of his opponents than does Trump.
A Letter from Miss Harriet Tubman, Kansas, 1954:
No, I am not THAT Harriet Tubman.
It was bound to happen. Mrs. White's house got broken into and she had pantry supplies stolen. And a pie. Mrs. White makes a great rhubarb pie, everyone knows that.
And everyone knows it was the Mexicans, because we don't have any Negroes around.
Unfortunately, Police Chief Roberts said he couldn't do anything about it because there was no evidence, and all he could do was rough them up a bit. It's nice that he roughed them up a bit, but people in town are angry.
I mean, what more evidence does a person need? There was a burglary, and there are Mexicans in town: it seems pretty straightforward to me.
It seems like the Government is treating the Mexicans better than our own people. Even a Negro would be angry at this, I believe.
I see dark times ahead.
I am Laslo.
He is even more successful peeing on the stupidity of his supporters. (And yes Iam calling his supporters stupid)
Maybe Trump should make a donation to moveon.org:
“So here’s the plan: We’ll support MoveOn.org members to call out and nonviolently protest Trump’s racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, and violent behavior — and show the world that America rejects Trump’s hate,” the email read. “And to keep it going, we’re counting on you to donate whatever you can to cover the costs of everything involved — the organizers, signs, online recruitment ads, training, and more.”
I see auto correct turned "preying" into "peeing". Lol my computer made a Freudian slip.
On the offense
A bunch of protesters waving Mxican flags tried to shut down free speech. What a clever way to defuse the immigration issue and make Trump look like an extremist.
" (And yes Iam calling his supporters stupid)"
Yes,that works well in winning arguments.
This is a nice preview of the 3rd world country we steadily have become. This is all fun and games until someone gets killed. I would think the liberals would want to avoid a typical Venezuelan "election". They act like they will always be in control for some reason.
Mexifornia welcomes Trump.
Michael K:
I understand and agree -- who wouldn't? -- that calling your opponents in a debate "stupid" is no way to win them over to your side. It may not even work do well, in convincing neutral observers to your side.
Personally, convincing voters is not exactly where I am at. I am not trying to help, or to build anything. I just want to be right. I want to separate myself from any taint of Trump. From the birtherism, to the vaxxerism, to the trutherism, to the incomprehensible disappointment on Trump's side when he is electorally defeated, to the incomprehensible disappointment for most of the country if Trump were somehow elected, and proceeded to tangle with a Congress in which both parties hated him.
Don't get me wrong; it would indeed be terrible if a Democrat won in the fall, and even worse if Democrats won the Senate and the White House and appointed two more young ultraliberals to the Supreme Court in the first year. I happen to think that a Trump nomination is a good way to achieve that.
As much as I am worried about the White House and the Senate in 2016, I am also greatly worried about another battle just as big which is the control of all of the Republican state legislatures in 2020, in order to draw congressional districts. I do think the damage Trump is doing could last that long.
someone is getting ribbed today..
Well, Chuck, you could start by never typing the name Trump ever again.
Yes, that works well in winning arguments.
Perhaps you've noticed that's Freder's one and only one-sizes-fits-all argument.
"I just want to be right"
This is a problem right here. I get that you want to be right, but want isn't is, and we all insist that we are. So the meaning really is "I want to assert that I am right".
The sin of pride and all that.
And in this messy, unknowable world (or unknowable to us mortals) it's rather, well, presumptuous.
You may well be right, in some sense, but there's many a slip, etc.
The Christian way of putting it is "I hope I am right, but if I'm wrong please forgive me".
Many weeks ago Donnie promised to give us a list of 10 potential Supreme Court nominees, and he would pick from that list.
He made this promise because many Republicans are worried that Donnie might put a pro-choice person on the Supreme Court.
Donnie has not fulfilled this promise, as he has failed to deliver on many of his promises in the past.
If he keeps winning states, he won't give us the list, and will nominate whoever he damn well pleases.
If, however, there is Republican pushback, and Donnie has to fight every step of the way, then he might have to give us the list after all.
I very much want to see the 10 names he thinks would be a fit replacement for Justice Scalia. I beg pro-life Republicans to think, and think hard, about his failure to deliver his list of 10 potential nominees.
For those of you who aren't pro-life, you might want to ask yourself, how good is this man's word? If he failed to deliver on one very simple promise, why would you trust him with much more difficult promises?
Chuck I'm resigning myself to vote for Trump as a vote against the felonious traitor. Two things I'm fairly sure of: 1-Trump won't be worse than Hillary. 2-Trump won't be worse than Obama. Admittedly that is a pretty low bar but considering where we are and where we will be if the felonious criminal is elected it might as well be Mt.Everest. If Trump gets the nomination and wins the election I do hope that Rudy gets appointed as a special prosecutor to finally bring the Clinton's and their operatives to justice.
Saint Croix: "I very much want to see the 10 names he thinks would be a fit replacement for Justice Scalia. I beg pro-life Republicans to think, and think hard, about his failure to deliver his list of 10 potential nominees."
And if he doesn't, then.......what, precisely?
AllenS: "Well, Chuck, you could start by never typing the name Trump ever again."
Actually, he could also start by beginning, very gently if necessary, to cautiously offer up some criticism of Hillary.
The Heritage Foundation went ahead and released a list of nominees after Trump failed to deliver on his promise.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
I hope the Donnie voters are happy with his nomination for Scalia's seat. 1000 to 1 against Donnie actually using the Heritage list (unless forced to by primary voters!)
Remember, both David Souter and Sandra Day O'Connor said there was a Constitutional right to stab a baby in the middle of birth.
This is assuming Donnie nominates a Republican! Entirely possible the son of a bitch will nominate, oh, I don't know, Garland Merrick.
Wake up, pro-lifers! The Scalia seat will affect Supreme Court jurisprudence for the next 30 years or so. What kind of nominee will he put on the Court?
Saint Croix
What is it about progs that compels them to use what they consider demeaning nicknames for their opponents? It does not reach the level of childish but does serve as a marker of a lightweight :thinker." FYI
Chuck, I think we are heading into uncharted territory. I will not be surprised if there is a Trump landslide.
I would have much preferred it if a conventional Republican like Walker had adopted a couple of his themes, especially immigration and Muslim immigration. They didn't and we have what we have.
Maybe Trump is the only one who is immune to PC and elite pandering to the crybullies who attend elite colleges.
I do worry about him becoming a Mussolini figure, especially as the opposition gets more and more vicious.
I just plan to lay low with guns and gold.
What is next on our blog author's Saturday posts of Self-Criticism?
Rejection of the counter-revolutionary wing of the Democrat Party, loud and long and earnest?
I never once, not ever, suggested that I'd ever vote for a Democrat for president, to somehow signal my disaffection with Trump.
And I call bullshit on the Trump-proponents who claim that there are lots of "GOP establishment" types who will vote for Hillary, or donate to Hillary, or campaign for Hillary.
I'll vote for the Republican nominee, almost assuredly. And, I'll say what I wish about Donald Trump before, during and after any general election. And because I just might cast a vote for Trump, it will be all the more important to me personally how much I dislike his candidacy.
In my own political circles, where I have to engage with Democrats regularly, I see where they are going; a systemic attack on all Republicans, on the basis that the Party's innate racism, xenophobia, misogyny, ignorance and derangement-level hatred of Barack Obama. "Trump = Republican" will be their message. Up and down the ballot. I want no part of that. I refuse to be Trump's defender.
I don't ever want to have to have to take Trump's side on where Barack Obama was born, or whether MMR vaccines are safe, or whether 9/11 (or Seven-Eleven as Trump likes to say) was an inside job with the knowledge of the Bush Administration.
Drago said...
...Actually, he could also start by beginning, very gently if necessary, to cautiously offer up some criticism of Hillary.
Trump is your fucking candidate, Drago; why don't you take care of that? You don't need any "GOP establishment" (whoever and whatever that might be); Trump doesn't need any GOP donors. Trump and his followers have spent the entire campaign bashing all aspects of the Republican party. So, I say to you; do it yourself.
What is it about progs that compels them to use what they consider demeaning nicknames for their opponents? It does not reach the level of childish but does serve as a marker of a lightweight :thinker." FYI
Yeah because "lightweight thinker" isn't a demeaning nickname. Sheesh.
You know you can rewrite that paragraph, right?
What is it about Donald J. Trump that compels him to use what he considers demeaning nicknames for his opponents? It does not reach the level of childish but does serve as a marker of a lightweight thinker.
I mean, I appreciate the correction. Very helpful to me as I go through life. You know I'm not actually running for office, right? Again, sheesh. Maybe you should try applying your rules to people seeking authority over you. You think?
And if he doesn't, then.......what, precisely?
You could run an ad about Donald Trump's promise
and then run clips of him saying beautiful things about 10 stupid celebrities. "Britney Spears is so talented." Will she be Donald's nominee? Come up with his list for him, since he failed to deliver. Hammer him on it. It will play to Cruz's strength.
I think the Supreme Court vacancy should be a primary focus of Cruz as we fight to the finish here. Just my two cents.
Chuck said...
"Personally, convincing voters is not exactly where I am at. I am not trying to help, or to build anything. I just want to be right. I want to separate myself from any taint of Trump."
We are going to fight hillary and the Left. Trump is going to be the nominee and he is going to destroy hillary.
The Cruz supporters have a choice. There are no more than 10% of Americans that support Cruz and those numbers dwindle every day. You can be a part of the fight against people waving Mexican flags chanting make America Mexico again or you can go pout in the corner like cowards and "separate yourself from any taint of trump." If the conservatives make the choice to go be moral preeners cowardly hiding in a corner I will be sad. Conservative ideology will be irrelevant for a generation.
We notice Chuck seems unconcerned about hillary so you are no Cruz supporter. Probably a GOPe apparatchik about to have his rice bowl kicked over.
Chuck said...
"Drago said...
...Actually, he could also start by beginning, very gently if necessary, to cautiously offer up some criticism of Hillary.
Trump is your fucking candidate, Drago; why don't you take care of that? You don't need any "GOP establishment" (whoever and whatever that might be); Trump doesn't need any GOP donors. Trump and his followers have spent the entire campaign bashing all aspects of the Republican party. So, I say to you; do it yourself."
I can't wait to see how pm317 reacts when her hero Trump really starts ripping into Clinton and oh boy he surely will. He'll bring up her role as enabler, her disgusting toilet habits, her voice, her looks, etc etc. He will tear her to shreds.
Saint Croix
"Lightweight thinker" would not be a 'demeaning nickname" rather an accurate description of someone who cannot use language as it is meant to be used and who resorts to a sophomoric and ineffective form of mockery.
Hillary Clinton has received fewer votes in the 2016 primary to this point than she did in the 2008 primary when she lost. Democrat primary turnout has been drastically lower this year.
By contrast Trump has 2 million MORE votes that Romney did at this point. Republican turnout has been massively higher.
Cruz supporters can be part of the fight or be irrelevant for a generation. Choices.
You GOPe types can make sure the door doesn't hit your ass on the way out to hillary's campaign
Achilles: You can be a part of the fight against people waving Mexican flags chanting make America Mexico again or...
Such things don't even register with the deck chairs/Titanic crew you're addressing.
George Will just came out with a column saying that Republicans have to keep trump out of the white house even if it means hillary is elected.
You GOPe types will not be treated any differently than the people running around with Mexican flags chanting "make America Mexico again."
hmmm who is this @Serrah acting like he/she knows me.
@Saint Croix, may be he learned that it was not a good thing after Cruz released his VP name! I am just surprised people are not mocking Cruz enough for his stupidity.
George Will just came out with a column saying that Republicans have to keep trump out of the white house even if it means hillary is elected.
Will is about to find himself with a whole new circle of friends who will utterly disgust him.
Achilles does have a point and I say that as Cruz supporter (voted for him in my primary and donated to his campaign and want him to somehow be the nominee). Trump does seem to be riding a preference cascade. If he is indeed the nominee then i suggest to the nevertrumpers be careful what you wish for because you will get Hillary.
Best to hold your nose, vote for the Trumpster and then vote straight GOP down the line. A Republican Congress will keep Donnie in line. I suspect Donnie just wants to win for the ego satisfaction of winning and leave the governing to his cabinet and a Republican Congress. He is 70, super rich, married to a great looking younger woman and the job ages a person faster than just about any other job there is. I don't think Trump would be looking be in the job until age 78 when he will no longer have any energy left. Who he picks as his VP will be key. I suspect he will be an Arnold Schwarzenegger president. Get one or two things done and go along with whatever the legislature gives him which is why it's vital in the general to vote Conservative for Congress and for state and local elections. There is no plausible scenario where Trump would be worse than Hillary, especially if the Democrats take control of Congress.
For a guy who assures he will hire the best, would be good to hear who he has in mind. I think that would be a good thing to do in all future presidential elections.
I am not sure Trump will be better than Hillary. Hillary would have a loyal opposition. Trump may get enough RHINos and Democrats on board to be quite awful.
That is not a prediction. And I hope Trump lives up to his supporters' best hopes.
If nothing else, I believe Trump loves America. That is a much better starting point than the loveless Hillary.
The Leviathan State needs a good old fashioned ass kicking.
"Lightweight thinker" would not be a 'demeaning nickname" rather an accurate description of someone
So as long as the insults are based in our physical reality you are okay with them?
Is Tiny Hands a demeaning nickname or an accurate description of someone?
It's not so much that Little Baby Satan is rude, crude and mean-spirited. Whenever anybody plays in the mud with him, all of a sudden it's a Speech Foul. He gets to say whatever idiotic idea comes into his mouth, while the rest of us are apparently going to be up to our ass with Microaggression Reports Filed in Triplicate.
Please believe me when I say I don't give a shit if I hurt his feelings, the whiny bastard better get used to a free society if he hopes to run it!
Birkel: If nothing else, I believe Trump loves America. That is a much better starting point than the loveless Hillary.
An astute observation, Birkel (and nicely phrased), which I think most analysts miss. As a motivating sentiment, "this is my own, my native land", has been deprecated as corny, "isolationist", "excluding", morally suspect, and at any rate altogether passé, but it's real, and out there. What difference it will make remains to be seen. I suspect it runs deeper than most realize, even in themselves, and the effects can be explosive.
'You GOPe types will not be treated any differently than the people running around with Mexican flags chanting "make America Mexico again."'
Oooo. Sounds ominous. Sounds threatening even.
"Cruz supporters can be part of the fight or be irrelevant for a generation. Choices."
The choice between Trump and Hillary is the choice between national socialism and internationalist socialism. You go ahead and choose your poison. I'm not interested in the lesser of two evils this time.
A starting point is nice. I wish there were a better predictive understanding of a hoped-for Trump Administration.
It's 1968 all over again! I feel like I've seen this movie before.
Maybe he needs decaf..
BN said...The choice between Trump and Hillary is the choice between national socialism and internationalist socialism.
Boron nitride, single handedly keeping the Trump=Hitler meme alive at Althouse.
Trump has been the ultimate capitalist all his life. To call him a socialist because he played the politicians (which you have to do to build buildings in cities, in case you didn't know) is just fundamentally ridiculous.
As for Chuck, you said yourself, you're more concerned with being right than understanding voters. So why are you in politics? Go be an academic, where you can try to be right all day long.
You're in the wrong field. Politicians are supposed to reflect the people. The people aren't supposed to reflect you because you're just so much smarter than everybody. You love to hit on Trump's ego because you are projecting. Chuck, YOU have a large ego. Ever noticed?
"Trump has been the ultimate [crony] capitalist all his life."
Trump is a big government, unprincipled blowhard, classical "strong man" demagogue who will say and do anything to obtain and use power. Like Hillary and any other big government liberal. Call them socialists, call them fascists, call them progressives, call them liberals, whatever you want. All i know is neither of them is for liberty or the Constitution.
And btw, Chicklit, Hitler didn't invent national socialism; it was invented long before Hitler mixed paints. Not every reference to fascism or national socialism is a reference to "Hitler." I'm talking about the political philosophy itself, and the implications to economic and individual liberty.
All i'm saying is I'll only vote for a conservative this time around. That ain't anything close to Trump.
" I'll only vote for a conservative this time around. "
I'm sure you will be pleased with Hillary,
Telling people how they should vote is tiresome, Michael K.
Why argue with anybody because they conclude, in good faith, differently than do you?
The style too many of you have adopted is that of the Left and it is sickening.
Next up, your pTb does a perfect swallow dive with a half-twist out of his copter, with a go-pro and his favorite reporter filming the entire scene into the diving tank he had installed at the rented Michigan Stadium filled to its 100k capacity. Which was blocked at by trespassers at every entrance The crowd goes wild. Triggering an earthquake in DC. The more the Soros rent-a-mobs abuse voters, the higher his numbers. We need that same reporter that was negotiating a bargain prices for baby parts to record the rent-a mob discussion, And trace it back to Soros or some other wealthy silicon valley Billion Dollar a minute donor. Of course the local prosecutors, all democrats will continue to arrest him and your pTb will continue to post bail, the same way he did for Lewandowsky who, like all loyal staff asked the boss to replace him when he found he was out of his depth because he didn’t have his eidetic memory to inhale and navigate a smoke-filled room patriarchy primary processes. And their understanding that talking about the threats would just encourage more even though he had good reason to believe a Squeaky Fromm type was making a lunge with a knife at his boss and he was going to put his body between him and her. Nothing quite like a loyalty that's shared between partners and friends with a common purpose. We'll know the culture is changing when 3rd grade teachers start making creative writing assignments to write a few Trump-isms and explain why they have such impact. Short and memorable because they trigger a memory of something truly horrific. Something like: “He’s going to beat Ms. C like a Baby Seal”. Where the press made a fetish out bloody pictures that closed down a money making business in fur, denied a food rich in fat to nursing Inuit mothers, for which for the dirt poor Inuit’s destroyed entire towns, broke up families and caused one in ten fathers to suicide. C which should immunize them from being manipulated by the press in the future.
Maybe they will remember to ask “why?” of everything they read that causes an hormonal emotional response. Next up, the Japanese whale hunt where the harvesting of oil, flesh and skins supported entire cities. Or stopping the harvesting of the littoral fish, the food supply for sharks which that means tens of Aussies die each year because humans are no longer at the top of the food chain to say nothing 100s of millions of dollars better spent elsewhere then on expensive helicopters and specialized EMTs. Then again it makes for great entertainment while eating popcorn soaked in butter. Nice to see your FDA trying to return your planet to its natural state with its food pyramid, its 1950's "science" now invalidated, to say nothing of it being corrupt and self-serving and politics at its worst, starting with the war between the grain farmers and meat farmers.. The Pyramid gets exactly wrong. You used to eat only asparagus and blueberries, and saturated fat that real carnivores had killed a few days earlier and hadn’t finished eating after gorging themselves. Grandmother says this is why humans were herders first, because weed and grain eating animals are deigned to turn grasses into saturated fats. No saturated fats and humans die, horribly. That’s what the insulin system does, turns sugars into saturated fat using some exotic chemical processes with lots of terrible byproducts. Your FDA's silliness has created all of your Diabetes, Cancer, obesity and Heart attacks problems and a medical industry that spends so much it makes your defense spending look like pocket change. I f you ate sensibly the only medicine you’d need are bandages and stuff for managing sprains and hives from walking through poison ivy. Grandmother says you were doing without all this stuff 1000 years ago and lived well, if not longer with witchdoctors who could lift curses and cauterize the wounds from the occasional lions, tigers, and bears.
BN said...
"Trump has been the ultimate [crony] capitalist all his life."
I had to go talk to county commissioners to get conditional use permits. I put signs in my yard. Am I a crony too?
Just because we played the game doesn't mean we liked the game.
0 points.
Birkel said...
"Telling people how they should vote is tiresome, Michael K.
Why argue with anybody because they conclude, in good faith, differently than do you?
The style too many of you have adopted is that of the Left and it is sickening."
Not voting for someone because you made a bunch of shit up and/or read an NRO article while applying no critical thinking skills and then refusing to help defeat someone as evil as Hillary is a total bitch move.
I think that is sickening. Totally your choice though. Make conservatism irrelevant for a generation if you want.
The myriad assumptions you make must surely help you sleep nights. Rest easy and go away untroubled.
Some day you might consider introspection. But I warn you, it is hard.
From the pits of hell, I mock at thee.
Some jackass TV reporter said one Trump supporter "got in a fist fight" with several protesters. Yes, that's what he called it when a lone man was surrounded by dozens of the opposition and beaten, and he's not the only one who referred it that way. I'm no Trump supporter, but I hate the anti-Trump people more.
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