April 4, 2016

We finally found it: a Hillary sign in Madison, Wisconsin.

Spotted today by Meade:


We'd been looking for a sign — yard sign, bumper sticker, anything — for months.


buwaya said...

And in other signs of the times. re the public mood - gun sales hit another record - the eleventh straight month of record background checks, in March.

AllenS said...

Watching the Brewers on tv, and after two innings there have been 2 Kasich commercials. Nobody else.

Bay Area Guy said...

Not surprising the dearth of Hillary signs. From NRO today:

But Hillary Clinton’s negatives among women voters are broad and deep. Our poll results, which mirror those of many other recent media polls, show that Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable ratings outweigh here favorability ratings in these areas:

In every region: In the East, 39 percent view her favorably; 53 percent view her unfavorably;

in the Midwest, her ratings are 36 percent favorable to 62 percent unfavorable;

in the South, 36 percent favorable to 60 percent unfavorable;

in the West, 38 percent favorable to 54 percent unfavorable.

Among women on the right and in the center: Her ratings among Republican women are 9 percent favorable to 90 percent unfavorable; among independent women, they are 24 percent favorable to 65 percent unfavorable; among conservative women, 10 percent favorable to 88 percent unfavorable; among moderate women, 42 percent favorable to 50 percent unfavorable.

Nobody likes Hillary.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I saw a Hillary commercial on TV yesterday. She was wearing a bright blue Mao style pantsuit. It was all very disturbing.

Nonapod said...

It's always easier to point out your opponents flaws than to highlight your own virtues. As much as Hillary sucks, the alternatives may suck more in the minds of voters.

madAsHell said...

gun sales hit another record

Obama's true legacy, and I have contributed.

In other news, the city of Seattle has established a nickel tax on every round of ammunition. I've always ordered on the internet, and have delivered to my house.....tax free!!

Fabi said...

Interesting that the sign is in the window -- is that common?

I saw a Bernie sign yesterday while driving to a friend's house. It was a dark blue oval sign made of wood, with "Bernie 2016" hand-painted in yellow. It was very attractive and adorned a small rock wall in front of the house. That's passion.

cliff claven said...

Only slightly better than his used Kotex offering. But a lot less creepy.

mccullough said...

They'll be all around Madison in the fall and almost everyone will have forgotten about Bernie and Wisconsin's electoral votes will go to the Dem for the eighth straight presidential election because it is a true blue state at the presidential level.

Danno said...

Right in your own neighborhood!

James Pawlak said...

That reminds me of the signs once put up when the children of a house had some such disease as measles or polio of chicken-pox.

In Madison, "Hilliaritus" appears to be more endemic/occasional than epidemic.

jaed said...

Something I've been wondering about...

Why does Hillary's campaign logo have an arrow pointing to the right? Is this a subtle dog-whistle on her part?

chickelit said...

I have yet to read an impartial "rice bowl" theory* of RNC and DNC shenanigans which seem determined to give us Hillary on one side and a Bush-approved proxy on the Republican side. For the record, I count the uninspiring Ted Cruz as a sell out because he had sold out on H1-B immigration before it became politically impossible to appear so; he will move back back left when he can.

One reason I haven't read a good rice bowl analysis is that I haven't looked. Suggestions welcomed. But, another reason such analyses are hard to find is that all of the major pundits on the left and the right are not interested in publicizing one.
* "Rice bowl theory" as espoused by Steve McQueen in the film "The Sand Pebbles."

Brando said...

"Why does Hillary's campaign logo have an arrow pointing to the right? Is this a subtle dog-whistle on her part?"

I'm sure in designing her logo she had consultants pore over every part of it endlessly to make sure it has maximum impact. My guess as to the arrow's direction is that they want to imply the arrow is going forward, and left to right is naturally how we read so we expect that pointing to the right is pointing forward.

They probably also considered the arrow pointing up, but figured it would look like a house or like the Hillary H was giving everyone the middle finger. Which would be a little too on the nose.

Todd said...

madAsHell said...

In other news, the city of Seattle has established a nickel tax on every round of ammunition. I've always ordered on the internet, and have delivered to my house.....tax free!!

4/4/16, 2:21 PM

I wish that Walmart would allow you to purchase ammo over their web site instead of only in the stores. They are always out by the time I get there. They could easily require in-store pickup which I would not mind as their prices are usually quite good which is also why they are always out. A number of the locals know when the shipments come, get there early, clear them out and then resell at the flea markets / gun shows for a steep markup.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

The first sign I saw this cycle was in the tony Brookhaven neighborhood of GA (bordering Chamblee, in fairness)...for Trump!
There aren't too many of those around me, though--lots of Bernie yard signs and tons of Hillary bumper stickers.
At my office I've seen a Carson bumper sticker, a Rubio window decal, and a Hillary sticker (might have been from '08).

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Brando said...and left to right is naturally how we read so we expect that pointing to the right is pointing forward.

Cultural imperialism at it's most troubling, Brando! Not everyone reads English..tsk tsk tsk.

chickelit said...

Nonapod said...As much as Hillary sucks, the alternatives may suck more in the minds of voters.

It's the beginning of a huge media-backed downwards deference cascade.

Etienne said...

Vinyl siding - figures...

I think it is only normal for Americans to toggle between the Bush and Clinton dynasties. I mean we tried the big city mulatto, and he was a loser. Let's go back to the country hicks.

Jeb (Jethro) and Mrs C. (Elly Mae) should have won all the states! Now that would be a contest.

Alas, Hollywood is screwing up the Primaries with their Apprentice show candidate and the Generation Y are over-dosing on entertainment.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...a Hillary sign in Madison, Wisconsin.

Is there such a thing as vice signaling?

madAsHell said...

Todd, one word.....Cabela's!!

Dan Hossley said...

Hillary will be the nominee of the Democrats. Trump will be the nominee of the Republicans. Why do I feel like both parties are selling tickets for an Atlantic crossing on the Titanic?

I'm sure everything will be great until the end.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

madAsHell said...Todd, one word.....Cabela's!!

Gadner Mountain's had some pretty good deals on .22 lately. The Walmarts by my home & work don't sell any ammo, but there are several pretty good shops not too far away (Adventure Outdoors doesn't always have the best price but usually has plenty of stock).

+1 for mail order, though; AmmoSeek & LuckyGunner usually find some sort of a deal and it seems like shipping is less of a burden now (possibly I'm just buying in larger amounts).

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

That sign makes me feel unsafe.

--Burner for Bernie

Meade said...

Besides the Hillary sign, here's another little datapoint I found interesting in a conversation I had with Hillary-supporting millennial today at a commercial establishment in our neighborhood.

Me: I see you're wearing a Ready for Hillary button. Do you think she can win Wisconsin?
Hillaryite: She WILL win Wisconsin.
Me: What do you think of the Republican's frontrunner?
Hillaryite: Can't stand him.
Me: Since you're sure Hillary will win tomorrow, wouldn't it make sense to cross over and use your vote to help stop Trump?
Hillaryite: Why would I do that"
Me: To help stop Trump, who you say you can't stand.
Hillaryite: Hillary will crush Trump in November. If I cross over tomorrow, it will be to vote FOR Trump. Fuck the Republicans. They deserve Trump.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

After depression, comes acceptance.

chickelit said...

Meade wrote: Hillaryite: Hillary will crush Trump in November. If I cross over tomorrow, it will be to vote FOR Trump. Fuck the Republicans. They deserve Trump.

So, Meade's Hillaryite lacks ethics. Quell surprise.

gerry said...

Is that sign in the window of a condominium apartment? What are the owners' association rules regarding signage in windows?

Cultural imperialism at it's most troubling, Brando! Not everyone reads English..tsk tsk tsk.

Is a foreigner reading or speaking English a cultural appropriation?

Wilbur said...

2016: the year the Republican base gave a collective middle finger to the GOP establishment. Can anyone make the case they didn't have it coming?

smitty said...

Here in the 'burbs of Milwaukee I've yet to see a Hillary sign. Actually the only sign I've seen in the past month is a single Bernie sign in a West Allis window. Does the lack of signs indicate sad resignation?

PoNyman said...

Are you sure it wasn't a Sir Edmund Hillary fan who just got a little befuddled?

Gusty Winds said...

Bernie and Trump have so much in common.

But the fact that Bernie can only drum up support in white communities like Madison isn't talked about much. I guess that type of racial divide doesn't really count. You know the distance between Madison and Milwaukee that will be illustrated by tomorrow's Democrat Primary results.

Does anybody think that rather than African-Americans loving Hillary, they just aren't too fond of the fact that Bernie is Jewish?

Anonymous said...

chickelit: It's the beginning of a huge media-backed downwards deference cascade.

"Deference cascade". Nice coinage. Yours?

Danno said...

Gusty Winds said ..."Does anybody think that rather than African-Americans loving Hillary, they just aren't too fond of the fact that Bernie is Jewish?"

That is a thought that never occurred to me. Shades of Al Sharpton bubbling up.

Big Mike said...

@jaed, @Brando, I think the arrow on the sign means that if you're on the left you need to move to Hillary.

Tank said...


No noticing.

Sydney said...

Her logo reminds me of those "I'm with stupid" T-shirts. Intentional?

Static Ping said...

The larch

Curious George said...

"The Frugal MD said...
Her logo reminds me of those "I'm with stupid" T-shirts. Intentional?"


Marcus Carman said...

Notice it's inside. Afraid it will be stolen by Bernie's deranged followers? Just positing.

mccullough said...

Blacks don't know Sanders. He's an old white guy. I doubt most of them even know he's Jewish or a senator or from Vermont. Bernie's campaign infrastructure in black communities is GOP level. Bill Clinton is popular among blacks and the Clinton relationships in black areas are good. Losing to Obama didn't mean blacks hate Hillary. They don't hate Sanders either. But they don't know him and his campaign is geared toward whites. He wants to make them as dependent on government as blacks. Blacks know the welfare pie isn't big enough to support blacks and half the white population. They understand economics much better than Sanders.

Curious George said...

I've received four Trump robocalls in the last 24 hours.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gusty Winds said...

In Madison, when they vote for Hillary in the general election, they'll all be able to say, "Well, I supported Bernie in the primary. That's who I really wanted." And they'll pat themselves on the back for being avant-garde socialists.

It's interesting that "the establishment" does not even act threatened by Bernie's campaign. Here's a guy that want's to break up the banks, and double federal spending.

He's such a cute wittle Bernie-wabbit. xoxoxoxo

Rosalyn C. said...

I don't get the point of voting "to stop Trump." The GOP establishment gave massive amounts of money to Jeb! I wouldn't expect them to come up with a better choice at the convention.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Spotted Port Mansfield, TX yesterday, blue yard sign: Hillary/Satan 2016

Lewis Wetzel said...

I wonder how an old woman in a wheelchair could have reached up high enough to post that sign?
Perhaps her social worker put it up for her.

AmPowerBlog said...

Meade gets my vote, lol. (Great repartee with the knuckle-dragging Hillary supporter.)

n.n said...

What sign would trigger a rock throwing event?

chickelit said...

@Angleyne: Yes. Just of those finger in the wind, free word associations. We are doomed.

Meade said...

"I have yet to see a Clinton sign."

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

That is one frigid looking sign. Brrrr.

chickelit said...

Tomorrow we shall see if Milwaukee Co. is still a leading manufacturer of votes.

Titus said...

I just flipped on CNN and wasn't following the election coverage in Wisconsin.

CNN was interviewing supporters of dems and pubes.

Both left and right in Wisconsin are the whitest, fattest, stupid sounding people you will ever encounter.

That ignorant, uneducuted accent they have is abs hideous and unforgivable. None of them can see their private parts...so humiliating. Do they have to like lift up the huge pieces of fat in order to expose their cock and vaggay in order to actually penetrate......ewwwww! I imagine they just say fuck it, it is too late and I am no longer fuckable.

Too many buffets in Wisconsin.

And the obvious obesity is offensive.


SGT Ted said...

Here's your sign.

Birkel said...

More bigotry, Titus?

StoughtonSconnie said...

Don't worry Professor, the Bernie-bedecked Subarus throughout Madison will be dutifully re-stickered with those weird Hillary arrow stickers when the time comes. It will, however, be interesting to see how many of the homes along Midvale switch their Bernie yard signs to Hillary signs.

Rich Rostrom said...

Interesting point. Here in Illinois. I saw only a handful of "Hillary" stickers and signs before the primary, but a fair number of "Bernie"s. (I think I may have seen more fossil "Obama 2012" stickers than "Hillary" stickers)

Granted, my area is the hipster/college suburb Evanston and the Chicago lakefront.

But Clinton beat Sanders 54-42 in Evanston. I would note that Clinton's black supporters wouldn't bother putting out signs or stickers, I think.

bagoh20 said...

Feel free to steal their mail. They think it's cool.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Meade said...
"I have yet to see a Clinton sign."

That is a hate site you linked to, son.
Room 101 for you.

madAsHell said...

Weltweite Rüstungs-Exporte auf Rekordhoch
Die Friedensdividende nach Ende des Kalten Krieges ist Geschichte. Zudem grassiert nicht nur im Nahen Osten islamistischer Terror.
Da sitzt das Geld für Investitionen in die Sicherheit wieder lockerer.

The world wide armament exports hit a record high.
The peace dividend from the end of the cold war is history.
Besides the rage of not only the Islamic near East.
There sits loose money for investing in security.

There are preparations for war
People are preparing for war.
Fuck you, Obama.

Brando said...

"Cultural imperialism at it's most troubling, Brando! Not everyone reads English..tsk tsk tsk."

Hey, if we don't stand up to those right-to-left reading Chinese now, we'll have to fight them tomorrow on the beaches. When they buy up our beachfront property and won't let us use it for surfing and stuff.

Rusty said...

madAsHell said...
Todd, one word.....Cabela's!!

Overpriced. Remember when they were the discount outdoor source? Stick with Gander Mountain, or even better, online sources. Dicks has better ammo deals than Cabelas.

Todd said...

Rusty said...
madAsHell said...
Todd, one word.....Cabela's!!

Overpriced. Remember when they were the discount outdoor source? Stick with Gander Mountain, or even better, online sources. Dicks has better ammo deals than Cabelas.

4/5/16, 6:10 AM

Sorry, after that crap Dick's pulled with the "evil black rifles", I would do without before spending $0.01 at Dick's.

Gander is a little pricey but they do have stock (causation anyone). I have perused online but even they have shortages of what I am looking for. Once you add in shipping, I might as well wait for "perfect timing" and get local.

Russ said...

I haven't seen any hillary signs either.

If everybody hates her so, why does she keep winning?

Jaq said...

Either a nurse or a teacher lives there.

mikee said...

The Hillary supporter, knowing the behavior to be expected of socialist supporters of Bernie Sanders in your local area, very likely put the sign behind glass to avoid it being stolen. In the general election, these folks will have a broken window to fix.

Todd said...

mikee said...
The Hillary supporter, knowing the behavior to be expected of socialist supporters of Bernie Sanders in your local area, very likely put the sign behind glass to avoid it being stolen. In the general election, these folks will have a broken window to fix.

4/5/16, 1:50 PM

As a conservative, I feel that way all the time as to being vandalized by "progressives" and "liberals" for expressing non-Democrat views. Always a concern that the car will get keyed, that the lawn signs will get stolen, etc.

I have to admit that I do get a slight warming feeling in my guts watching libs "eat their own" and learn to fear the children they have birthed. It was all fun-n-games as they vilify conservatives / tea party types. Well now that they have set the rules, welcome to the new game and guess who is "on the menu".

RonF said...

I have a "Clinton" bumper sticker. The rest of it says "for prison", however.

chickelit said...

Russ wrote: If everybody hates her so, why does she keep winning?

They say the same thing about Trump.

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