"... but the ideas of the Cuban Communists will remain as proof on this planet that if they are worked at with fervor and dignity, they can produce the material and cultural goods that human beings need, and we need to fight without a truce to obtain them."
Said Fidel Castro.
The path to utopia is littered with marginalized individuals, broken bodies, and one man's dreams of change in a "secular" church.
Never held an election in 50 years.
Imposed a restrictive emigration policy -- nobody could leave.
If he had had the same emigration policy as America -- one can leave and travel anywhere and anytime -- would anyone have stayed in Cuba?
Viva Fidel! The longest tenured Dictator in the modern era!
Our President made peace with this psychopath.
Can't come soon enough, pal.
A mad, communist great uncle of ours once tried to defect to Cuba.
He got as far as Mexico before, I suppose, he figured that the Cubans would make him work for a living.
Cuba has the expertise to save all of us seeking health care from Obamacare and could cheaply provide any-term abortions, as they've been doing for decades, to women who can't get them in Texas and other repressive Amerikan states.
Utterly self-deluded. Sort of like Bernie Sanders.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Or, in this case, denying the results.
Burn in Hell, Fidel.
What material goods--a few cigars?
One of the dirty little secrets of the world is that Cuban cigars are terrible.
A truly evil human being.
"Maine man shoots self in head three times with flare gun while driving propane-powered truck."
--Actual Headline
But about as sensible as communism.
Well, the results weren't too good, were they?
Just die, you bastard. Quit talking about it. You lived about 55 years too long.
The article didn't say anything about it, but in fact this is the 55th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs.
The man was quite literally a bastard.
We should have never allowed him to rule this long. The Roosevelt Corollary is still operative. The Cuban people deserve better.
So basically he's learned nothing.
This is the price of living in a bubble filled with Yes Men.
His early death would have vastly improved the lives of millions. One of the worst people in the world. And a lousy pitcher too.
This guy makes me want to believe in Hell.
Bernie with real power.
The high-end Cuban cigars remain incredibly good, but the Dominican Republic cigars are nearly as impressive at a decidedly cheaper price point.
Fidel Castro Net Worth
$900 Million
He will never be like "all the others." He will be like the small handful that have no compassion for mankind and the power to prove it.
Fidel's former body guard wrote a book about him. Devasting. We should smuggle in millions of copies.
Feel the Fide
Is there a more perfect example of failure than Communists? I mean of all the endeavors a man could put his mind too, is there any more dishonest, more disastrous, or more delusional? Yet millions still imagine it an answer. The most intelligent species is really a dolt of an ape sometimes. Of course, no other apes fling poo at themselves, and their own potential like we do.
Would anyone consider his assasination in the 60's to be a mistake? All those lives wasted, all those years. We were too good for that, I guess. Yea, that's the ticket.
Is there a more perfect example of failure than Communists?
That's only because it hasn't really been tried yet!(I can't tell you how often I have heard this)
Look, to be honest, Communism is perfect, in theory. The problem is, in reality you have to deal with human nature. Because it fails to account for human nature, Communism inevitably leads to complete disorder, or totalitarian dictatorship.
Why doesn't this worthless Communist murderous bastard just die already and do the Cuban people a favor?
Cuba = Epic fail!
Well Fidel Castro is coming; and I hear that the Devil has ordered a few extra loads of coal (from the mines that Clinton and Obama want to shut down). You need to lay in some supplies against a shortage.
And you can be recognized by lawprofs and their favorite president before you die! The thousands who died in gulags will be remembered only by boring old white men who prattle about Communism while the cool hippie chicks think about something else. History moves on, and injustice is forgotten. (As are, to be honest, the hippie chicks.)
Castro and Che had the giagante huevos to take on and defeat Uncle Sam. It's no wonder that you chickenhawk pussies hate them with such a fervor. No wonder you cunts quake in your boots over Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
Bago: The Soviet Union was the best example of the failure of Communism. Cuba is the best example of the failure of the Domino Theory.
Cuba: Low infant mortality. Free medical care. Strict gun control, and a great climate.
This is why all those folks in Miami are getting in inner tubes and heading south.
Cuba: Hundreds of thousands of broken eggs. No actual omelets.
Fidel has $900,000,000?
For a commie, he sure seems to like capital.
"One of the dirty little secrets of the world is that Cuban cigars are terrible."
The cigar makers all left early. Tampa and Dominican Republic, among others.
When Castro finally dies expect a hot summer. Like Breshnev, the gates of hell will be opening for him.
"Cuba is the best example of the failure of the Domino Theory."
Domino sugar? Yes Howard.
Communism, and, in fact, all Marxist-derivative ideologies, are pragmatic religious philosophies designed to secure capital and control for a minority elite through establishment of monopolies. Their inevitable failure is predicted through their intentional destruction of competing interests, which precludes the peaceful curtailment of men and women with god-complexes from eventually, inevitably running amuck.
Castro is 90 cause he has everything. Being dictator he has the best doctors, best living quarters, best food.
And dictators never ever want to give up power.
And remember folks, Bernie just LOVES communist. For a socialist is just a polite communist.
Would anyone consider his assasination in the 60's to be a mistake? All those lives wasted, all those years.
We tried Operation Mongoose, but it didn't work.
his father was a plantation owner, he just expanded his holdings, it's possible it could have ended like fanya kaplan's attempt on lenin,
His afterlife will be spent standing on a crowded plaza in 100F heat, listening to a boring six-hour speech on an eternal loop.
Everyone knows that all of Iran's problems stem from the CIA's overthrow of their government back in the fifties. If we had not meddled, Iran would today be a free prosperous democracy with a woman president, free health care, and liberal marijuana laws. Same thing with Chile. If Nixon had not overthrown Allende, that country would today be a worker's paradise with an even higher standard of living than Venezuela if such a thing is even possible......If the attempt on Fidel's life had succeeded, he would have left a far better legacy than that which he now leaves. Communism succeeds best in the land of counter factuals.
In the Fuhrerbunker, a few hours before the end, Hitler's secretary, Traudl Junge, was called in to take down Hitler's last will and testament.
She recalled her heart was pounding in her chest. Finally, it would be revealed what so much suffering had been all about. Germany destroyed. Europe in ruins. All those millions dead.
There was nothing. The same old stupid platitudes. The same scapegoats. The same old "scheiss". The Great Man was just a preposterous and vicious fool just like she had always refused to believe but secretly suspected.
Same thing now with El Commandante.
Yes, Taheri explained in nest of spies, how mossadegh's support was strong among the communists, (Tudeh) but not among the bazaaris (merchants) and mullahs, similarly
Chile was very prosperous under pinochet, now it's going to pot under bachelet,
Bet ya a million dollars Obama goes to Castro's funeral.
Now Fidel Castro is not a real, total idiot, so what's going on here? I think he's saving face.
Bay Area Guy said...4/19/16, 6:52 PM
Viva Fidel! The longest tenured Dictator in the modern era!
he asked himself: What kind of a dctator has the least chance of being overthrown? And he answered himself: A Communist dictator. Although 1989 showed him that the dictatorships weren't immortal.
"Cuba is the best example of the failure of the Domino Theory.
Not for lack of trying on Cuba's part.
The rest of Cuba has everything Gitmo has but the prisoners are allowed to walk around.
Hey Howard, you know what it is said about Communists? The only good Communist is a dead Communist. So run along now and make yourself a good Communist.
Howard said...
Bago: The Soviet Union was the best example of the failure of Communism. Cuba is the best example of the failure of the Domino Theory.
Venezuela and Bolivia would disagree.
Episode 1: 'The Commie Whisperer' must leave USA City, but through activist-inspired laws, Jazz-Music-Parties, Lectures, Organizing For Action, and the Hope he left in every heart, his Dreams will live on in the People.
***Meanwhile in Havana, perched on a rotting balustrade, Uncles Fidel and Raul tear-up and wave thankfully as 'Commie Whisperer' takes a bow.
'Fidel, The People do not have to be silenced and murdered in bloody Revolution and State oppression, they can rise up in endless activist Protest. The Markets can Be used for State redistribution. ACA is an Obra De Arte.'
'Raul, tienes razon. It is time. De-Nationalize The Sugar so that we may Tax with Pure Democracia and People-Will-Freedom-Peace-Love'
***Cheering and Uproarius applause
Closing shot: A Vermont man with White Rasta Dreads cries. Thumbs-Up. 'We are Just Humans Being, Man. Racism is Gone!
One of the anomalies of the early Cold War was how much blood and treasure we spent trying to keep South Vietnam from falling to the Communists, and when it came to Cuba we greenlit the Bay of Pigs invasion and that was it. There are reasons for this of course, but it's an odd result.
When Castro officially goes (assuming he isn't a corpse puppet at this point) America should drink a Cuba Libre in celebration of riddance of this thug. Sadly his regime remains.
I have a profound dislike for Obama for too many reasons to articulate in this post.
But I am of the conviction that his overture to Cuba will be his most significant, and possibly only, lasting major legacy.
No, communism is not perfect even in a perfect world... as said above. It is an evil system, Castro is evil and the people who pose in front of Che murals just might be evil, too. Hope the Castro brothers rot in hell.
Never held an election in 50 years.
That's Progressivism for you. One man, one vote, one time.
Look, to be honest, Communism is perfect, in theory. The problem is, in reality you have to deal with human nature. Because it fails to account for human nature, Communism inevitably leads to complete disorder, or totalitarian dictatorship.
As I've always said, in theory, people can walk thru doors (there are spaces between molecules, after all). I would suggest against trying, however.
Communism is an abject failure and anybody who supports Marxism is no better than a Nazi. Except the Nazis didn't have many people who felt their life's work was to cover up the huge problems and massive death counts.
“I’ll be 90 years old soon. Soon I’ll be like all the others. The time will come for all of us, but the ideas of the Cuban Communists will remain as proof on this planet that if they are worked at with fervor and dignity, they can produce the material and cultural goods that human beings need, and we need to fight without a truce to obtain them."
The usual claptrap. If your communism doesn't work out, it's because you aren't communist enough.
Never mind that for almost it’s entire history, Cuba was an economic basket case, a welfare queen milking the geopolitical interests of the Soviet Union. When the Soviets collapsed, it immediately went hat in hand to every other communist dictatorship it could find to beg for money.
Never mind that for almost it’s entire history, Cuba was an economic basket case, a welfare queen milking the geopolitical interests of the Soviet Union. When the Soviets collapsed, it immediately went hat in hand to every other communist dictatorship it could find to beg for money.
Or that they are far less prosperous now than they were in the 1950's.
Fidel is a fabulously wealthy third world kleptocrat who believes his own BS.
Congratulations Fidel for having destroyed the one country in Latin America that had it all.
Without you today Cuba would have been another Hong Kong with a powerhouse economy and one or two MLB teams.
Instead you turned it into North Korea with beaches and palm trees.
Be proud Fidel, be very proud.
Yeah, if you shoot enough people and torture enough of them - and it's a small island sealed off from the world and with a small population - you can pretty much stay in power forever.
It helps to have sycophantic liberals and a boot licking world press defend you. That comes in handy.
Lesson learned there Commandante Fidel.
Most of the world - outside of the US - has been trading with Cuban for decades. The Swedes pored billions into it.
And it had no effect on the dictatorial hold on the people. Well, actually it helped solidify it as the party hacks got the money and the people got very little.
Anyone thinks trade with the US will change things is ignoring all of that history.
The only way the thugs running that hellhole will change is when they are hung from lamp posts
And why would he not believe his own BS? Anyone who told him the truth would face the same fate as those who performed an accurate census in the USSR in 1937 (when the results displeased Stalin the census takers were sent to the gulag, and the next census-takers made sure they got it "right").
In the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis both Castro and Che were begging - literally pleading - with the Soviets to launch the missiles. NOT the missiles in Cuba but the nuclear missiles in the Soviet Union.
Yes, they were willing to have a nuclear war - millions killed - if the great evil America could be harmed.
Che himself said this: "If the missiles had been under Cuban control, they would have fired them off. While expounding on the incident later, Guevara reiterated that the cause of socialist liberation against global "imperialist aggression" would ultimately have been worth the possibility of "millions of atomic war victims".
That's not having balls, that's being nuts.
There's "Nixon to China", and then there's Obama's pilgrimage to Havana for selfies with his boyhood idol.
Adiablo, Fidel!
Castro is worth hundreds of millions of Dollars. This proves that even he is not dumb enough to really believe in Communism. Lots of rich westerners still love him though, it is the perfect example of rubes self-identifying, as Instapundit would say.
At least Che died like a hunted animal, gunned down in a ditch by Bolivian peasant miltiamen were up to HERE with his revolutionary bullshit.
All the Fidel snugglers who are packing for five fun-filled says in Fabulous Havana, remember that you're paying your hotel and tour agency in dollars and they're paying their employees in worthless pesos.
Only party members in good standing get to shop at the hard-currency stores.
Under Castro and communism, the Cuban people are told what they can think, what they can read, where they can go, and what they can read.
Yes, they've been liberated.
What good is it to teach a child how to read and then control everything - even as an adult - they can read?
Of course, it's because of this that many - not all - progressives like it. It's exactly what they want to do.
If it weren't so evil it would be silly.
""... but the ideas of the Cuban Communists will remain as proof on this planet that if they are worked at with fervor and dignity, they can produce the material and cultural goods that human beings need, and we need to fight without a truce to obtain them."
So does that mean that Cubans did not work at it with fervor and dignity? Because there is no proof that the Cuban system did in fact provide the material goods that Cubans actually need. Is he talking about a different Cuba?
Gahrie said...
Look, to be honest, Communism is perfect, in theory. The problem is, in reality you have to deal with human nature.
Hence the dislike of genetics and its implications. Epigenetics is attempted Lysenkoism.
jr565 said...
Because there is no proof that the Cuban system did in fact provide the material goods that Cubans actually need.
Doesn't everyone need classic cars?
Blogger damikesc said...
Never held an election in 50 years.
Liberated from that pesky process of choice..like sifting through endless deodorant brands.
(any milk of magnesia will do)
Fidel is right about Communism's success - if and only if one is Fidel.
This is an individualism beyond belief - the whole country was a prison for 50+ years and the entire population enslaved, to provide HIM a wonderful life.
Shut up and die already Fidel.
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