March 5, 2016

"Trump's speaking in ways that men today still speak, when they're not hounded by the modern eclipse of feminism and its supporters."

"Men speak this way to each other. They crack jokes this way to each other. It does not make them bad people. And I think there's a yearning for it among a whole segment of the population, women, men, they want this kind of gruff, fearless, tell-it-like-it-is persona. They don't think it's destructive. They don't think it says anything bad about the country. They don't think it says anything bad about the people who speak it. And it may be over the top, but the reason it's happening is because there have been so many invisible shackles put on people who are walking around on eggshells in this country for the last 30 years, afraid to be themselves, afraid to say what they really think, be who they really are, for fear they're gonna get fired, for fear that somebody's gonna lodge a complaint against 'em and be called before some tribunal to explain themselves, when there's nothing wrong with them. So here comes Trump...."

Said Rush Limbaugh on his show yesterday.


Michael K said...

The PC driving Trump again.

We are seeing the revolution that Ritmo thought I was asking for last summer.

Meade said...

Social change is hard. Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete.

rhhardin said...

It's not eggshells without the media. The MSM reaction is soap opera fare and holds the women in the audience.

That's the editors' chair for all public debate.

Trump's sand-in-the-gearbox is the only cure.

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

Right on. Trump's disrespect for PC is his main attraction.

Once written, twice... said...

It is not that complicated. Trump is the world's biggest blowhard. Everyone knows that. That has been his brand for decades, He is now going to be the Republican's presidential nominee. How do you think that is going to workout?

Amexpat said...

Men speak this way to each other. They crack jokes this way to each other.

In some contexts yes, but they never have in a presidential debate. With good reason, the focus should be on command of policy issues and how they handle themselves in a high stress situation.

Meade said...

Walking on eggshells is torture. It's like waterboarding.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Meade wrote:
"Social change is hard."
Sometimes it is also just stupid, and should be resisted.

Michael said...

"Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete."

With emphasis on the "quietly adjust" you are correct. Real men don't complain, period. But they also recognize bullshit and when they do they quietly note it. When next in the company of their fellows they may see if that same bullshit is being recognized by their fellows. Over the course of thirty years evidence has been built that a lot of the "quiet" has been enforced. Because even a peep of pushback against the bullshit can get you fired.

So they are quiet but have decided not to adjust much. Vote wise.

Paco Wové said...

Hounded by an eclipse?

rhhardin said...

On bicycle commutes, on encountering a WORKERS AHEAD sign, I pause and ask the always-male crew whether they'd run out of MEN WORKING signs.

Why does that joke always work?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Like when he made fun of Charles Krauthammer's disability or Carly's face?

Yuge manly awesomeness.

rhhardin said...

Guys care about what their woman thinks, not what all women think.

PC is the opposite.

Humperdink said...

Meade: "Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete."

Yep, I remember reading how they competed quietly as they were tossing tea into Boston harbor.
One of them was quoted as saying, I think Patrick Henry: "Give me free stuff or give me your stuff". I could be wrong here on exact wording.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I heard him yesterday. He was good.

Meade said...

"Why does that joke always work?"

Possible the always-male crews are not always laughing with you?

rhhardin said...

Carly's face is ugly owing to her voice. Metonymy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Little Marco" - that's a great schoolyard insult. Impressive and progressive.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think Hillary is ugly. I wonder why Trump won't say so?

rhhardin said...

Possible the always-male crews are not always laughing with you?

Ohio road crews aren't enlightened.

Meade said...

He will.

Meade said...

Ohio road crews care about what they think is funny, not what some old weirdo on a bicycle thinks is funny.

Fernandinande said...

Meade said...
Social change is hard.

Nowadays it's mostly trivial and stupid.

Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete.

Unlike the pussies who whined -

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Bay Area Guy said...

Meade: "Social change is hard. Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete."

This is pretty accurate. As a kid growing up, the social rules were clear - boys competed against boys, the winners got the best girls.

This has changed. Now, young men have to be prepared to compete against young men under 1 standard and against young women under an oft-changing different standard. It is a trap for the unwary and does require adjustment.

But there are two societal byproducts of these new "rules of the game" - (1) miserable working women, who burn out early and are either poor mothers, absent mothers or non-mothers and (2) many 50-year old men who didn't go to college, lost the competition and are prematurely idle. It can be rough out there.

rhhardin said...

"Little Marco" isn't a real usage. That's the movie version of male sexual obsession, written for women.

The male obsession with women is in the head. The same hormone flood that gives ejaculation ends it also in the head. The guy gets a few hours of peace.

There's no dick obsession.

Sebastian said...

Rush appears to mix things up. Yes, PC has created eggshells; many people don't like the eggshells; Trump breaks eggshells, therefore, they like Trump. But no, most men don't speak to each other Trump's way, at least not past middle school; among real men, Trump-like blowhards don't last long; his first little-Marco-style taunt would be his last. And no, Trump doesn't make "jokes"--sure, it is funny to see someone on a public stage epater les Progs, but in actual interaction no one mistakes witless insults and self-aggrandizement for jokes. Doesn't sound like Rush quite accounts for the mysterious illogic of the Trumpkin mind: from loathing of PC and the GOPe it doesn't follow that Trump is the answer.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Humperdink said...
Meade: "Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete."

Yep, I remember reading how they competed quietly as they were tossing tea into Boston harbor.
One of them was quoted as saying, I think Patrick Henry: "Give me free stuff or give me your stuff". I could be wrong here on exact wording. But then they realized that the Sons of Liberty was not inclusive. That there were no women or pederasts or people of color amongst their members. This made their whole movement nothing more than an extension of the racist homophobic patriarchal monarchy.
Quietly they cleaned up the ships and turned themselves into the royal authorities for sensitivity training and community service.

3/5/16, 9:13 AM

dreams said...

Trump just won't preemptively surrender unlike other Republican politicians, he won't play fair. If attacked, he attacks back, He is so mean and nasty.

rhhardin said...

There's a suggestion, over at Instapundit, that in addition to period days off for women, men who work for women be given her period days as well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"Everyone knows that."

Says the little guy who thinks he knows what everyone thinks.

"the mysterious illogic of the Trumpkin mind: from loathing of PC and the GOPe it doesn't follow that Trump is the answer."

After you have tried "Approved answers" for 20 years, you kind of get impatient.

I don't like Trump, either, but I see where he is coming from and why.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Hillary is so unattractive that nobody mentions it. She's not competing with it.

Carly on the other hand looks like every newsbabe and acts like it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sebastian said:

"Rush appears to mix things up. Yes, PC has created eggshells; many people don't like the eggshells; Trump breaks eggshells, therefore, they like Trump. But no, most men don't speak to each other Trump's way, at least not past middle school..."

Along the way, this past year, I found it refreshing and I appreciated some of Trump's PC busting. Especially with regard to the hack press. The school yard insults are not PC busting, and should not be confused with actual PC busting. School yard insults are a crutch and a cover for Trump's inability to offer an actual argument.

rhhardin said...

School yard insults are a crutch and a cover for the iniiabilty to offer an actual argument.

That's a crutch joke.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...Like when he made fun of Charles Krauthammer's disability...

Don't tell me you're still falling for that meme.

rhhardin said...

I can't recall using schoolyard insults in the schoolyard. Or anybody else using them either, for that matter.

I think it must be a movie version of life again.

rhhardin said...

One way to tell movie versions is that there's a prom in it.

traditionalguy said...

The subject is Trump. So here it goes. It helps if you think of The Donald as a tortured man of the South seeking his real self in winning competitions against other dangerous men where you either survive or you die, written by Tennessee Williams of course.

The South has lost a war. When that happens the money is all gone. And the rich winners take what they want and you starve. Trump sees China doing that to us. Trump asks why the current dumb asses leading us take big bribes and just just pretend to ignore that we are losing a war?

As for style, he is what he is. He will never become an Episcopalian Aristocrat who reverences the American Presidency as if it is a sacred object. He just wants to borrow it long enough to save our dumb asses.

Laslo Spatula said...

Crutch. Crux. Crotch.

Cruz. Croutons.

I am laslo.

rhhardin said...

I'm trying to think of potential Krauthammer insults.

You could write "Krauthammer wheeled around" in some narrative of his response to an insult, but that's more like a Tom Swifty.


Anonymous said...

A chunk of the hysterical over-reaction to Trump comprises "conservatives" who don't want to admit to themselves just how meekly they've gone along with progressive social engineering and thought-policing. "Compliant" and "passive" are not antonyms of "vulgar", but they'd dearly like to convince you that they are.

Complaining about someone's brusqueness and vulgarity when public culture is a sewer is part of that.

dreams said...

"I think Hillary is ugly. I wonder why Trump won't say so?"

Trump called Rosie O'Donnell ugly, he said she was ugly on the outside and on the inside and shut up that bully at long last. And that was a tell for me because Rosie's good friend Barbara Walters didn't come to her defense supposedly because she and the Donald are also good friends. Trump was the only person with the nerve to stand up to that bully.

David said...

Men enjoy gallows humor and cracks at the expense of others. Usually it is light fun and given and taken as such. When it isn't light fun, everyone is aware that it's pointed and personal. That is because they are also aware of the vulnerability of the person to whom it is directed, which vulnerability is generally avoided in group settings. The tone of the jab doesn't change much but the context does.

The stigmatization of Jeb Bush as "low energy" is a great example. Most people saw this aspect of Jeb, but it had been covered up out of politeness. Trump pulled the covers off.

"Politics ain't beanbag" is what Mr. Dooley would say of this, far more succinctly than most of us do.

rhhardin said...

I do have a schoolyard insult program from the 1980s

$ insult 10
You pestiferous wastebasket of colicky leech jakes
You baneful letter file of infective bobolink precipitates
You misproportioned sleeping bag of pathological right whale stumps
You forbidding bushel of chlorotic harbor seal draff
You harassing mussuk of abandoned Brown Swiss excrement
You unendurable horn of mortified man-o'-war bird gas
You piteous calabash of venomous marlin squirt
You unpleasant wok of insalubrious Brittany spaniel rags
You grim trencher of unwholesome water snake spit
You afflictive decanter of rheumatic bettong leavings

pm317 said...

Hillary is not ugly. She is in fact quite beautiful, if you look at her younger pictures and she is aging well too.

rhhardin said...

If this were Britain, Rubio could be calling Trump a cunt.

The Brits have added a dimension to the performance of the word.

pm317 said...

Trump says things that are on people's mind, good, bad, and the ugly. He says the 'ugly' things to take his opponents down and walks it back when moderate people protest but his goal is already achieved because it is out there and everybody is thinking it. If we can give the Bushes and Obamas to run the country why not somebody like Trump? That is my bottomline. The establishment is protesting too much and that anyway is a sign that something is very wrong (with them and their choice).

Chuck said...

So Mitt Romney -- in a private gathering, taped surreptitiously -- says 47% of the population is going to vote against him no matter what -- and Donald Trump criticizes Romney for that.

Trump -- on national tv, in a presidential debate -- proclaims his genitals are working fine, and that when he orders national security officers in the military and CIA to torture terror suspects and kill their families, they will obey because Trump is such "a leader."

And Trump is the great truth-teller and communicator?

To me, this is why it is not really enough, to hate Donald Trump. A majority of Americans already feel that way. Now, it is important to go after that 30-35% of Republican primary voters who are supporting this cretin.

This is why I want to take names, now. Now is the time. Later, if Trump is the nominee, a large number of loyal Republicans will hold their noses and vote for him. I imagine that is what I'd do. But I want it to be clear that Trump doesn't represent Republicans, doesn't stand for anything I like or believe in, and that he is just an ugly, stupid guy who is appealing to ugly, stupid people.

Now is the time of choosing. Trump, or not. And for anyone who is choosing Trump now, I want to be able to come back and rub your noses in it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do they, though? Do men really say to each other that they, "love the poorly educated?"

rhhardin said...

This would all be moot if women didn't vote.

David said...

"School yard insults are a crutch and a cover for Trump's inability to offer an actual argument."

These are not schoolyard insults. They get to the center of the crucial issue in a presidential election for most voters. "What kind of a man is this?" How someone responds to a provocation is part of the information. That provocation may touch on an obvious or latent vulnerability or bounce off because it palpably isn't true.

Remember when Gore strolled across the debate stage and tried to get into Bush's space? Bush shrunk him with a simple glance.Gore just withered. All part of the process. Are you man enough?

Which is why the rise of powerful women has complicated politics for men and the audience. The norms are different. How do you play this game within the norms of male female interaction. It's more complicated for the women too, but that's a different subject that all these males staking out territory against each other.

rhhardin said...

The poorly educated are better at picking up the ironies of position.

dreams said...

"Hillary is not ugly. She is in fact quite beautiful, if you look at her younger pictures and she is aging well too."

I can remember when she was sexually attractive, when we were both younger.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Social change is hard. Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete.

As they did in Auschwitz. Or in prison. Or when Rome was over-run. Meade sucks it up and embraces national decline and economic stagnation because he's a "real man", or whatever.

Just go live in a shack in the desert or a third-world country then, you phony suburban marital pet.

Meade said...

Bay Area Guy said...
"But there are two societal byproducts of these new "rules of the game" - (1) miserable working women, who burn out early and are either poor mothers, absent mothers or non-mothers and (2) many 50-year old men who didn't go to college, lost the competition and are prematurely idle. It can be rough out there."

I agree that these are serious problems. The question of how a Trump candidacy and/or a Trump presidency begin to solve these problems is interesting to me.

Michael K said...

I think of Trump's boastfulness and crudities as a bit like Patton;s crudities and some of his boastfulness. Of course, Dizzy Dean said "It ain't bragging' if you can do it."

Patton was the pampered son of wealth. He married the daughter of even greater wealth. If you look at a photo of him as a young officer, he has an expression similar to Trump's "game face."

I suspect that both are (were) covering up doubts of self worth or courage. Patton did pretty well until his impulsiveness annoyed the PC equivalents of the time. The Germans, when they heard about him being relieved for slapping a soldier for cowardice, could not believe their luck. They would have shot the soldier without breaking stride.

I don't know what Trump will be like as president. If he does well in the closed primaries coming up next week, I hope the GOPe gets its head together and shuts up.

David said...

"that [Trumo] is just an ugly, stupid guy who is appealing to ugly, stupid people."

Wow. Trump loves you for saying that. That attitude is the center of his appeal. "Fellow Republicans, the better-than-you class of the party doesn't love or respect you. I do. Who will you vote for?" And he doesn't even have to say it that starkly. You do it for him, Chuck and Mr. Romney, yes you do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The poorly educated are better at picking up the ironies of position.

The irony of an orange-haired brat whose multi-hundred million dollar inheritance underperforms DJIA growth and bankrupts himself four times while declaring his wealth the best argument for his presidency notwithstanding.

robother said...

"Real men don't complain about "not winning anymore." They quietly, confidently adjust and compete."

But of course, as we all know, that isn't how it works at all. The "Political" in PC is all about the rules only applying to one politically disfavored group, i.e. white hetero men. Even then, a Bill Clinton who is advancing the Narrative gets a complete pass to say and do whatever the hell he wants to women.

Black men are the best examples: they can say pretty much anything they want about women, gays, other minority groups, even routinely use the "n-word" or joke about lynching in performance. (Witness Chris Rock's Oscar monolgue.)

Its not competition, if the other side doesn't have to play by its own rules. To be forced to pretend it is, to be quietly complicit in your own defeat, is the opposite of competition.

Meade said...

Hey, I know, and perhaps Trump has already come up with and spoken about this solution: Idle, low-educated 50-year old men who didn't go to college could be hired by miserable working women who burn out early to care for the miserable working women's miserable children.

Or... those 50-year old men could just hang around Trump rallies and compare their respective sizes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Real men love national decline.

They don't go climb mountains, open a clinic for kids with cholera, or take to the streets in protest of the treatment of their fellow man.

They sit in a tony suburban utopia and talk about how well they've outcompeted others for the life they married into.

Meade said...

Real women support real men who support real women...

Birkel said...

Juxtapose this with the professor fired because of her speech. Wouldn't it be grand if Leftists had to live up to their own standards, which individualists could largely ignore?

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your "support" of the woman supporting you takes about as much effort as it does to put on a jock strap.

Birkel said...

The attacks on Meade and Althouse for personal decisions about living arrangements is bizarre and disgusting. You creeps need to be (proverbial or otherwise) punched in the nose until you gain the proper respect for other's private lives. You're fucking grotesque.

Etienne said...

the Christian priest Salvian wrote that “almost all barbarians, at least those who are of one race and kin, love each other, while the Romans persecute each other.”

So it goes...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh get a fucking sense of humor, Chairman BIRKEL.

Meade said...

"Your "support" of the woman supporting you takes about as much effort as it does to put on a jock strap."

Not even.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When someone spouts off with their supposed philosophy of personal virtues, how they (publicly, I might add) live their life in accordance with said virtues is fair game. Otherwise there's no such thing as "integrity", you inveterate nose puncher.

Seriously. What a dork. Get a sense of reality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not even.


Less, then?

hombre said...

The GOPe stood by as the media, union schoolteachers and Democrats destroyed the Republican brand among potential crossover Democrats, women, young people, ethnics and, of course, the takers. More recently, they worked diligently to destroy the Republican brand among the Republican base.

Trump popularity is fueled by emotional reactions to political correctness and hatred of the Republican Party by many disaffected Republicans who incorrectly project their emotions onto the rest of us. When we react to, and point out, Trump's lies, inconsistencies, narcissism and, most importantly, ignorance, they focus their hatred on us then go ballistic when we respond by saying we won't vote for an asshole supported by boneheads.

Demographics militate against a Republican presidential win anyway, even with the dunces and criminals put up by the Dems. The emergence of Trumpadopes to replace Obamadupes cements the loss. That the Trumpadopes apparently include many Evangelicals is, for me, heartbreaking.

JSD said...

Trump got a medical deferment for heel spurs. Patton he ain’t.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

For a palate cleanser on the rigamarole of how "real" househusbands live, I suggest this hilarious take by The Onion on Joe Biden washing his Trans Am in the White House driveway.

Or else we could have a stupid, pretend "culture war" over the public vagaries of private marital propriety, whatever that means.

Birkel said...

Everything is political to the Leftists. No sphere of private life.

Maybe nothing outside the state?

Kinda catchy...

Come 'round any time "Rhythm and Balls" and try your sense of humor on me and mine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

JSD @ 10:21


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Come 'round any time "Rhythm and Balls" and try your sense of humor on me and mine.

I think the smug, arrogant humorlessness would keep me several hundred miles from it. But if I got within range, the stench would keep me from the innermost hundred yards or so.

You seriously are starting to sound like one of those 2nd amendment obsessive gun suicide cases, in waiting.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chuck said...
if Trump is the nominee, a large number of loyal Republicans will hold their noses and vote for him.

This is the thing I don't get about partisans, they hang on desperately to the illusion that they are the member of a 'team'. If you think the 'team' is fucking you in the ass, you should still keep voting for them? It is nonsensical.

The founders of the country hated the idea of teams. To be true to the constitution and the fathers of this country you should reject 'team' and think for yourself.

Gusty Winds said...

Rush said... People who are not racist have been called racist. People who are not bigots have been called bigots. People who are not homophobes have been called homophobes.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

April, the clip you're looking for is here, at about 6:36.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

JSD said...
Trump got a medical deferment for heel spurs. Patton he ain’t.

Did you vote for Romney?

Birkel said...

Sell creepy condemnations of other's personal lives elsewhere. No market for that here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only thing that's creepy are your threats of violence in response to free speech, you Chinese communist.

Michael K said...

"Trump got a medical deferment for heel spurs. Patton he ain’t."

We still disqualify applicants for heel spurs and they are all volunteers.

I didn't say they were the same but there are similarities.

"Demographics militate against a Republican presidential win anyway"

Oh, OK. I guess it doesn't matter to you then.

Birkel said...

You have an odd definition of threat. Try again.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Birkel said...
Sell creepy condemnations of other's personal lives elsewhere.

So you are fine with gay marriage?

Birkel said...

No safe space required. You say creepy shit. I call it creepy shit. Laugh away.

Anonymous said...

ARM: This is the thing I don't get about partisans, they hang on desperately to the illusion that they are the member of a 'team'. If you think the 'team' is fucking you in the ass, you should still keep voting for them? It is nonsensical.

It's a sad commentary on conservatardism that lately you're often the guy around here making the most conservative sense.

(I also wish to be patted on the back for restraining myself from making the obvious, juvenile, and scurrilous bug/feature crack your hypothetical is crying out for.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls - I'm pretty confident the left-wing media (Hillary media complex) will NEVER use the massive treasure trove of silly and ridiculous things that have popped out of Trump's mouth. That wouldn't be FAIR.

At least the Donald can sue.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM - do you support Hillary or not?

Birkel said...


As I have written before,I want the state out of personal lives. Simplify the tax code and do everything by contract.

I care about one marriage. Mine.

Bay Area Guy said...


It's not about being partisans. Many intelligent commentators here (Chuck, Meade, Begley) have pointed out the several flaws of Mr. Trump.

I see the flaws too.

At the end of the day, though, it's about a choice: Trump or Hillary. I honestly think Hillary is so bad, an awful combination of blind ambition, cultural leftism & rabid statism, that I honestly think Trump, flaws and all, would serve our country better than the alternative.

And, on the substantive issue of free trade, I fear that The Donald may be right. I supported NAFTA and many other free trade agreements, but it may be the case that these gutted our blue collar manufacturing base (50-year old Male workers) in exchange for getting cheap trinkets from China. I want to hear more from him on how the free trades worked in practice, not in theory.

So, it's not mere partisanship. Any fool can see many problems and broken promises within the GOP. That's not had to say.

Anonymous said...

From the safe commune of Madison, Meade sanctimoniously croaks to us about how social change is hard. Social change is always good to him, I suppose.

Why don't you move to the US border across from Ciudad Juarez, Meade? The drug cartels skipping back and forth over the line is just social change, after all. Hard. You should go get used to it, quietly adapt and compete.

Or perhaps London would be a better choice, so you can adapt to the Muslim hordes and watch the United Kingdom transformed into a Muslim plurality country. By the way, the UK has nukes. No nuclear triad, but they do have nukes.

You virtue signalers crowing from your ivory towers 1000 miles behind the battle lines need to just learn to close your mouths. This country is being eaten alive, and you're still worried about tone of voice.

You nice-guy chuckleheads are a lot of the reason we are IN this mess, and we lot know it.

Man talk.

shiloh said...

"He will."

He probably mentioned it to her at the church reception line after he married Melania.

Melania is good looking, but not a great beauty. She has a similar look to Leelee Sobieski in some of her pics. I'm sure she has many other attributes that won The Donald over.

Indeed, the Hillary/Trump debate is gonna be totally one sided re: vulgarity, especially if the polls portray Hillary in a landslide. Hey, if you're gonna go down, go down in a "blaze of glory!"

A lot can change in (11) years or even a couple days ...

Meade said...

TCom said...
"From the safe commune of Madison, Meade sanctimoniously croaks to us about how social change is hard. Social change is always good to him, I suppose. "

You suppose wrong.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"You say creepy shit. I call it creepy shit."

....Come to my house.... say things about my hypocrisy that I will find insulting (because I have paper thin skin)... incite me to the violence I'm so eager to commit...

Yes. Creepy shit. I imagine you saying that in a "Transylvanian" accent like The Count on Sesame Street.

Or maybe a Palestinian accent.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Anglelyne said...
(I also wish to be patted on the back for restraining myself from making the obvious, juvenile, and scurrilous bug/feature crack your hypothetical is crying out for.)

Your admirable restraint has been duly noted.

Etienne said...

JSD said...Trump got a medical deferment for heel spurs.

That's why they call it a deferment. First you get the farm boys, then the street urchins, and finally, after the pickings get slim, you go after the deferred.

My dad was drafted at age 27 in 1943, after being honorably discharged in 1939 for a severe leg injury.

When they went after men in 1943, they needed bodies to throw at the Germans. They didn't care about anything less than missing arms and legs.

If we would have been serious about Vietnam, like we were in Germany and Japan, then you can bet that the only people to get a deferment would be men over 50.

So, while I agree that Trump beat the draft, he beat it fair and square. Unlike Cruz's father who ran off to Canada.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Balls - I'm pretty confident the left-wing media (Hillary media complex) will NEVER use the massive treasure trove of silly and ridiculous things that have popped out of Trump's mouth. That wouldn't be FAIR.

If they're smart, they will. They will use every bit of stuff that came out in David Brooks' column yesterday. And it will be more effective than if the Republicans try it first, because no matter how bad Hillary is (and especially how GOOD Bernie is), they never scammed people with phony courses at a phony university that left people in debt for the mere promise of being groomed to "look as successful" by learning to act like Trump.

Birkel said...

Somebody has an active imagination.

"Rhythm and Balls" just had an entire conversation inside his own head and typed it for our amusement @ 10:50am.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...



Shaking one's head requires that one first have a head to shake.

Anonymous said...

Then learn to explain yourself better, Meade. Nice comeback, by the way. Lot of effort expended, I see. You managed to at least read the first paragraph before sperging your silly response, so I guses that's an improvement. Try reading the whole thing. Might learn something.

Perhaps you should explain to us rubes why your opinion from lily-white Madison should matter one whit to people who actually deal with reality.

We have bigger problems than tone of voice. It's time for men with balls to run the place. Sorry, guess that leaves you out.

Birkel said...

Never scammed people is better than never lied to grieving parents over the coffins of four dead Americans, in "Rhythm and Balls" world.

Birkel said...


You asked. I answered. You going to leave it at that?

Fabi said...

Chuck is taking names again! Quit being such a fucking pussy. Who do you think you are to be taking names? Keyboard commandos are so laughable.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AprilApple said...
ARM - do you support Hillary or not?

I do not, but in fact, like a lot of people here, both 'teams' look out for my personal interests reasonably well. That is what bothers me.

shiloh said...

"Keyboard commandos are so laughable."

Some folks entire lives are looking at a computer screen, especially at a political forum. But hey, being semi-detached from reality can be a good thing if it keeps them off the streets.

Lewis Wetzel said...

R&B wrote:
"If they're smart, they will. They will use every bit of stuff that came out in David Brooks' column yesterday."
'Came out in David Brooks' column yesterday.'? Good grief, conservative pundits have been hammering away this for months. Brooks might as well have cut-n-pasted what Kevin Williams and Jonah Goldberg were writing last Autumn.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Never scammed people is better than never lied to grieving parents over the coffins of four dead Americans, in "Rhythm and Balls" world.

Not just mine.

That's the problem with gerrymandering. You think you know what works in every little minute and grotesquely convoluted congressional district of the ignorantly contrived "communities" in America while forgetting what matters to the country overall.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
They will use every bit of stuff that came out in David Brooks' column yesterday.

I am not sure David Brooks has his finger on the pulse of the nation at this point. It is well known that Trump ran casinos. Compared to casinos virtually no other business can be fairly called a scam. You generally do not have to pay for the privilege of having someone take your money for no return. Yet, our government loves them some casinos.

Anonymous said...

Jesus. Let's simplify this. Some men are assholes. Those same assholes don't like being classified as assholes and whine about it to each other. Doesn't mean that we should stop calling them assholes. Trump and Limbaugh are assholes with a large audience who are trying to influence gullible people. Some of them are already assholes, some are assholes in waiting and some reject assholish behavior. So, normal men and women, don't meekly accept the assholes in your midst, fight assholish wherever it exists. Women teach your sons not to be assholes.That is all. Thank you.

Birkel said...

Well good, so I expect you to continue criticizing Obama, Jarrett and Clinton regarding their lying about Benghazi.

Finally some agreement, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Brooks might as well have cut-n-pasted what Kevin Williams and Jonah Goldberg were writing last Autumn.

Yeah, but some of us have the taste to avoid the journals that gave us a Republican party so self-defeating and ultimately ineffective in its mission as to leave the presidency with the only thing that they could bring us: A bellicose loudmouth who promises everything and has the mammonite bling and flash to supposedly "back up" his empty words with action.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, rhhardin is an asshole. Why does he own only female dogs? I think there's a story there.

Anonymous said...

Amanda: Oh yes, rhhardin is an asshole. Why does he own only female dogs? I think there's a story there.

His assholery is inferior to yours; his wit superior.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am not sure David Brooks has his finger on the pulse of the nation at this point.

I think he does. Americans generally don't want to "discriminate" against anyone just for making a buck - save pornographers or some such. But affordable college educations are a bigger issue than your girl Hillary understands. Scams that have hurt people personally are what matters, and everyone understands that gambles or casinos are fair game and have an element of risk that college programs should avoid. Trump's appeal is almost entirely based on the "successful businessman" schtick that Republicans eat up like catnip. Explaining how the guy was more of a thief though takes better gumshoeing than the non-right wing media has portrayed.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Yeah, but some of us have the taste to avoid the journals that gave us a Republican party so self-defeating and ultimately ineffective in its mission as to leave the presidency with the only thing that they could bring us"
Both Williams and Goldberg manage to avoid using run-on sentences.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I mean, half of Trump's entire appeal is that by following a so-called "entrepreneur", you can become one too! So he sells courses on becoming a mogul, and even they turn out to be complete bullcrap. Yes, there's a story there. Other than his plutonium-powered mouth, it's the lynchpin to his whole candidacy.

As for college, we're talking about traditional social investments that people put a lot of time into in order to become successful financially and personally. Post-secondary education is a big deal in this election. Even if Trump or Sanders want to bring back manufacturing and the trades, those require better attention as well. You've got an entire generation of disillusioned under-30 somethings who have caught on to the abominable Reagan-Romney lie and are finally ready to assist the nation by doing the heavy political lifting of getting rid of it.

Not that the establishment notices or cares.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Birkel said...
You going to leave it at that?

I was, but now I am going to give you a gold star.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Both Williams and Goldberg manage to avoid using run-on sentences.

1. That wasn't a run-on sentence. You are bad at identifying objects.

2. Simple minds like simple thoughts... and simple words.

Simple minds will not solve this country's problems.

Were you able to understand all that?

Birkel said...

You cannot help being a prick, "AReasonableMan"?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
Trump's appeal is almost entirely based on the "successful businessman" schtick

I think it is more that he says things that 'successful businessman' normally fall all over themselves trying to avoid saying.

Try to imagine any other 'successful businessman' saying this: "I will tell you that our system is broken. I gave to many people. Before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me. And that's a broken system."

Chuck said...

Fabi are you voting for Trump in a primary?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jesus. Let's simplify this. Some men are assholes. Those same assholes don't like being classified as assholes and whine about it to each other. Doesn't mean that we should stop calling them assholes. Trump and Limbaugh are assholes with a large audience who are trying to influence gullible people. Some of them are already assholes, some are assholes in waiting and some reject assholish behavior. So, normal men and women, don't meekly accept the assholes in your midst, fight assholish wherever it exists. Women teach your sons not to be assholes.That is all. Thank you.

Hillary wasn't raised to be an asshole. Just a Barry "Goldwater Girl." Which meant that she felt extremism in defense of the "liberty" to reject civil rights was no vice.

But I'm sure she's a very changed and mature and trustworthy person nowadays. Like Trump, what she says just depends on what stance you're looking for and what day of the election cycle we're in.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Birkel said...
You cannot help being a prick, "AReasonableMan"?

Possibly not. But I have redeeming qualities, I like rainbows, unicorns and puppies.

Fabi said...

I voted for Cruz last Tuesday, Chuck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, I already said that. His mouth is the other half of the equation to his appeal.

Unrepentant mouth + Business mogul image = Trump!

It gets people to believe that saying anything you want to can be profitable. And let me tell you, there's a lot of money people are dying to make and a lot of things they'd love to get away with saying!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
I mean, half of Trump's entire appeal is that by following a so-called "entrepreneur", you can become one too!

That's a lot more honest than candidates telling you they are 'public servants' or they are 'fighting' for you.

Anonymous said...

You are a true card carrying member of The Asshole Club. No need to keep waving your card around, we know you're an asshole.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's a lot more honest...

No, it's a fucking lie. And you're showing us the best exhibit for how Trumpbotism takes root. Not everyone will become a mogul and those who do will generally have the good sense to avoid pretending that it was on account of growing a multi hundred-million dollar inheritance at a rate lower than the growth of the DJIA over the same period of time while putting his picture and name on everything.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I'd like to know how many people actually signed up for "Trump University." Millions of people are voting for Trump in the primary. If only a few hundred actually paid to attend his "university", there probably isn't much crossover.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
That's a lot more honest...

No, it's a fucking lie. And you're showing us the best exhibit for how Trumpbotism takes root

It's more honest than sucking at the government teat while regulating the lives of the great unwashed.

Michael K said...

"I am not sure David Brooks has his finger on the pulse of the nation at this point. "

Pretty good comedy.

Peggy Noonan has pretty well figured it out. That is her third consecutive column that has the right ideas.

I knew Tuesday night I was witnessing something grave, something bigger than 1976, that traumatic year when a Republican insurgent almost toppled the incumbent Republican president. Bigger too than 1964, when Goldwater conservatism swept the primaries and convention and lost the country. What is happening now is bigger and less remediable in part because the battles in the past were over conservatism, an actual political philosophy.

The GOPe killed it. The Whigs could not reconcile slavery and the Republicans picked up the pieces.

The GOPe cannot reconcile immigration and Muslim immigration, plus the pernicious effect of political correctness on society.

The Social Conservatives are also adrift and may just join the Trump bandwagon because they have been stiffed by the GOP and, unlike the blacks, they understand what happened.

It'a a very interesting year. The next closed primaries will tell the tale.

Lewis Wetzel said...

AReasonableMan said...
Possibly not. But I have redeeming qualities, I like rainbows, unicorns and puppies.

Unicorns? Are you F'n kidding? Do you think that horn is just some kind of decoration?

Lewis Wetzel said...

I can't help but feel that if Trump announced that he wanted to do to America what Chavez and Maduro have done to Venezuela, he'd get R&B's vote.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'd like to know how many people actually signed up for "Trump University." Millions of people are voting for Trump in the primary. If only a few hundred actually paid to attend his "university", there probably isn't much crossover.

Yes, because people have to be personally injured by Trump to be offended at the injuries he causes!

Thanks for showing us the stupidity alive and well in the Republican party, that's been destroying this country for decades, and is now at least kindly doing America the favor of committing its own suicide by splintering into a faction committed to a hyper-nationalist personality cult narcissism and a faction that's just oblivious and idle as it always was.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I can't help but feel that if Trump announced that he wanted to do to America what Chavez and Maduro have done to Venezuela, he'd get R&B's vote.

I guess that's because you can't help being stupid and never thinking in anything but stereotypes.

Life, for you, is but a cartoon.

Please have the decency to stop pretending that you have a clue as to what ails this country or how to fix it.

n.n said...

PC is progressive corruption. It is a side-effect of the State-established pro-choice religion based on a faith emanating from a penumbra of special or peculiar interests.

shiloh said...

"But I'm sure she's a very changed and mature and trustworthy person nowadays. Like Trump, what she says just depends on what stance you're looking for and what day of the election cycle we're in."

So she's a typical American politician running for president. Makes me wonder why Obama chose her for Sec of State. ok, that Barack Hussein guy must be a typical politician also.

But you gotta give props to a guy like Sanders ie didn't have a real job until age 39 when he became a career politician, so living off the govt. basically his entire life, what a guy.

As previously mentioned, not a big fan of Hillary, but compared to Sanders and his pipe dream giveaway proposals that have no chance, even in a 60 seat Dem controlled senate. Not a close call.

Indeed, there's a reason Sanders left NY for the cozy confines of socialist VT ~ he couldn't get hired to a real job in Brooklyn.

< rant off >

I yield back the balance of my time to that self-righteous defender of truth, justice and the American way ...

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that what many here seem to be missing here is that Trump has a target market, and he is going after such. For example, the guys working on a construction site who whistle (etc) at the better looking girls walking by. A lot of this target market do not have the manners we, here at Althouse, take for granted. One important thing to keep in mnd is that they have been a major Dem constituency for much of the last 200 years. We are talking lower middle class/working class ho mostly didn't graduate from college, and, often, didn't even start. A lot were union members, until their jobs went overseas, or were taken over by illegals. One of the big segments of this demographics are the Jacksonians. Much of Trump's approach seems tailored to that demographic, including his bluster and bravado. Interesting to me is that the other candidate who seems to do decently with them is Cruz, whose claim is that he says what he means, and does what he says.

Back with the election of Jackson, much of the political establishment was mortified by his followers. They had no class, and we're proud of it. 200 years on, and Trump and his followers don't seem to many of us that much more cultured than did Old Hickary and his supporters.

BTW - this is part of why I think a Trump/Webb ticket as unlikely. Jim Webb was elected to office on the backs of the same demographic, and, thus, wouldn't help Trump with the larger electorate all that much. Better, I think, Ted Cruz, with his Princeton and Harvard degrees

Chuck said...

So I've got no problem with you, Fabi. Ted Cruz's candidacy represents a healthy difference of opinion and a respectful intraparty debate.

The Trump candidacy represents how little we have progressed as a society and as a nation. "More free stuff! This time, for middle aged angry white guys! Obama phones for Reagan Democrats."

jr565 said...

I am totally ok with men talking like men. They don't have to talk like idiots. Since that is not synonymous with talking like men. That would in fact be a feminist critique of men. Trump can be as politically incorrect as he wants. He needs to back up his talk with FACTS. And he can't come across as the most think skinned guy in the room when he is the one throwing all the rocks in the first place.

jr565 said...

Who is Trump? He's the idiot who will finally come aruond to where he thinks on an issue after he puts his foot in his mouth at least three times and then has to walk back his position.
Or will answer a call to explain his position by calling you a doody head. (and then have to walk back his position after putting his foot in his mouth one too many times).

If you get past all his bluster, what is he? He's actually a democrat. On almost ALL issues. The bluster is either based on deliberate lying on his part, or based on him not really understanding how things work and trying to sound loud to compensate.

When he talked about how he woudl force the military to engage in torture simply because he said they needed to. And that's what leadership is about he got a big applause line.
I wish we knew who applauded that, so we could ask him about his new position, and whether he woudl applaud that one? That says a lot about the Trump supporter AND Trump.

shiloh said...

"Better, I think, Ted Cruz, with his Princeton and Harvard degrees"

Plus he may be the only one "willing" to accept, as they are two peas in a pod. But Cruz does nothing for him electorally, Latinos/Hispanics notwithstanding.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I yield back the balance of my time to that self-righteous defender of truth, justice and the American way ...

It's not hard. You stick to the same principles you stand for with some consistency about them.

Maybe you don't know who you are or what's important to you and identify with that in politicians. I don't.

Indeed, there's a reason Sanders left NY for the cozy confines of socialist VT ~ he couldn't get hired to a real job in Brooklyn.

It's a beautiful place with beautiful people who have beautiful, bucolic values.

As previously mentioned, not a big fan of Hillary, but compared to Sanders and his pipe dream giveaway proposals that have no chance, even in a 60 seat Dem controlled senate. Not a close call.

I'm so glad that we have Democrats like you who are so focused on how to accommodate the same Republicans whose party is splintering before our very eyes. It's very important that Republicans have allies and enablers, instead of articulate challengers. Because they're already so bad at standing up for and getting what they want on their own.

But you gotta give props to a guy like Sanders ie didn't have a real job until age 39 when he became a career politician, so living off the govt. basically his entire life, what a guy.

If you hate public service, then don't vote. It will make things much easier for all of us.

So she's a typical American politician running for president. Makes me wonder why Obama chose her for Sec of State. ok, that Barack Hussein guy must be a typical politician also.

Diplomats at State have to be good at pretending to be all things to all people. Maybe she was good at that and maybe she wasn't; I don't have a set opinion on her tenure there. But Obama was not a typical politician. He was an excellent campaigner and rhetorician but one of the first of his degree in that skill who, other than a few pieces of legislation and/or easily repealed executive action here or there completely sold out anything he said he stood for on the trail. He was, like you must be, completely afraid of "disappointing" (if that's the right word) Republicans. He lived for their approval - an approval which never would have been forthcoming anyway. He thought he'd look too angry for white Americans to stomach. So he acted all professional in his figurehead position and did a halfway competent job beyond just looking the part. But that's the only reason you're voting for Hillary anyway so it's not like you're able to see any of that, either.

It's always a bad idea to vote for someone who only wants a public office because they have psychological issues to work out. But it's possible you might identify with that sort of dubious aspiration.

Lewis Wetzel said...

In a very possible future America . . .
"Today, president elect HILLARY CLINTON has announced that she is nominating SYDNEY BLUMENTHAL as Secretary of State. Ms CLINTON also said she is confirming BLUMENTHAL in that position, since she has declared the do-nothing senate to be in eternal recess. Mr. BLUMENTHAL says that his first act as Secretary of State will be to exhume the body of CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS. Mr. HITCHENS' remains will be put into the costume of a penitent, mounted backwards on ass, and paraded through the streets of the capitol of every state, in order of admittance to the union. Citizens will be invited to cast such offal as they have upon the remains of Mr. HITCHENS."

buwaya said...

Brendan Eich.
Created Javascript, put critical features into Netscape, co creator of Mozilla (the ur-browser), a man who was foundational in the creation of the internet economy. And by all accounts a gentleman in every way. Brought down in large part by the people, the industry that he did much to create.
So when he was brought down by PC, the thought ran through many men's minds- what is the value of virtue, manners, achievement and talent?
Eich is not the only one, the body count is quite large among the unknown.
There seems no point in any of these, virtue, achievement, talent, because none can protect you.
The only thoughts left are, first, fear, for any man, no matter his value, no matter his manners or internal filters, can be destroyed by a word or gesture, and if you have a career it exists on the edge of the abyss. For certain it is clear that any man in even the most menial position in a large company or as a contractor to one, has no freedom of speech in private as well as in public; this extends down the ranks to anyone not represented by a union. The other reaction is rage at the Stasi.
People with nothing to lose or no obligations can be brave, those with obligations, wives and kids and not quite enough go-to-hell money, have to shut up.
I have heard nothing but praise for Trump in my circles, mainly light-blue collar (I am the white collar HQ guy).
The situation in any technical industry is exactly like this. It's Vaclav Havel-play level absurdist menace. Trump is wildly popular for excellent reasons. He gives speech to the speechless, and enrages those who should be enraged.

shiloh said...

"It's a beautiful place with beautiful people who have beautiful, bucolic values."

Inane deflection.

btw, what has Sanders accomplished in the House and Senate?

"If you hate public service, then don't vote. It will make things much easier for all of us."

Another inane deflection.

You're second to last paragragh is irrelevant gobbledygook, but I will agree Obama had the disadvantage of being what Jackie Robinson was to baseball ie he had to tread lightly. Plus Reps absolutely hated his guts, especially for having the audacity/uppityness to actually get elected president.

Read your last paragraph (3) times ?!?


But let the record show you didn't disagree with:

But you gotta give props to a guy like Sanders ie didn't have a real job until age 39 when he became a career politician, so living off the govt. basically his entire life, what a guy.


Yes, Sanders does well w/younger idealistic white voters and whites in general. But Hillary blows him out of the water w/African Americans and Latinos ie core liberals, go figure. ok, they're just stupid and haven't seen who Hillary really is like you have.

buwaya said...

I have no idea what sort of President Trump would make, but I understand why he is popular.
The best metric of attitude on this matter I think are gun sales. February is the ninth record breaking month in a row.
This is an incredible phenomenon in fact. These are some of the many millions of people over the last seven-eight years immensely increasing their firepower. These are useful, productive people for the most part (I know many; these are the people who operate critical infrastructure; if they are psychologically unsound because of their gun purchases then we are in far worse danger than just because of the fact they buy guns) with the disposable income to make quite a large investment in something of little practical value.
It is rather an expression of insecurity. These are not the people who should feel insecure. That they do means something is very wrong.

shiloh said...

"February is the ninth record breaking month in a row."

But that's an argument for Hillary if you want to keep gun sale business booming!

carry on

cubanbob said...

I can't hardly believe all of the energy and angst regarding the candidacy of Donald Trump all the while a felonious criminal traitor is the frontrunner of the Democratic Party.

buwaya said...

I think the gun sale business, especially for the sort of guns being sold, is not a good thing at all. That good, productive, virtuous people are leading this wave of buying is a very very bad sign.
I have no position on the American idea of owning weapons being a civil liberty. The fact that it is intended as a measure that acts as a check on the government - well that is important to note, that so many, perhaps subconsciously, are arming for a revolt. The type of weapons they are buying are disproportionately just the sorts that would be most useful for this.
Yes, Hilary winning probably will increase gun and ammunition sales into incredible levels. This is a good thing that such enormous masses of people will do this?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Inane deflection.

Your whole point was inane. People can decide to live wherever they want to live.

btw, what has Sanders accomplished in the House and Senate?

Vocally speaking out on all the issues that he ended up being 20 years ahead of his time on. What else is anyone supposed to do in legislative chambers? Not speak out and up for what they think should be law? Be a warm body to fill in the votes beyond what a majority already agreed with? Good God are you fatuous..

"If you hate public service, then don't vote. It will make things much easier for all of us."

Another inane deflection.

It's true. And it calls out the inanity of your hatred of public service. You obviously hate public service... so there's no point in debating democratic politics with you.

You're second to last paragragh is irrelevant gobbledygook, but I will agree Obama had the disadvantage of being what Jackie Robinson was to baseball ie he had to tread lightly. Plus Reps absolutely hated his guts, especially for having the audacity/uppityness to actually get elected president.

Read your last paragraph (3) times ?!?

I can't dumb down complex thoughts for poor readers with simple minds. The world doesn't become less complex in order to accommodate the simple nature of your own thoughts. Other people don't become less complex in order to accommodate your own simplicity. For fuck's sake you sound like a Republican. Why are you even debating me? At least Republicans know where they stand. You have no clue what you even want.

This country will be fine without you pretending to have any interest in its politics. Those things get done by the people who care about them, which you obviously don't.

Yes, Sanders does well w/younger idealistic white voters and whites in general. But Hillary blows him out of the water w/African Americans and Latinos ie core liberals, go figure. ok, they're just stupid and haven't seen who Hillary really is like you have.

You know who also does well with the "poorly educated" (and brags about it)? Trump. But his supporters aren't so arrogant to resent what they haven't achieved in life.

Sanders does not owe a region of the country that never elects Democrats the favor of pretending to look and talk like however it is that they think he should look and talk. He does fine with Northern blacks and people who aren't too old to vote with nothing other than resentments borne of decades past. He also has momentum. Hillary has virtually no appeal. The people voting for her don't even seem to know why they would. You are one of them. A resume is no substitute for good judgment and defensible positions. You think Hillary has legislative "accomplishments"? Good grief. She named a post office for someone. And pretended to oppose gay rights. What a resume, I'm so impressed. Bernie Madoff had a very impressive resume.

Oh, she also pretended to work well with Republicans by endorsing most of their positions. Which only cause them to hate her more. At least they respect Bernie for being an effective advocate of his convictions. Robo-Democrats like you and Hillary? You just merit their contempt.

I don't blame them.

And it doesn't work on the electorate, either.

Somewhere early in your life, you were neglected of any opportunity to learn the meaning of self-respect. I can't change that for you.

shiloh said...

Ritmo, as mentioned in another thread, take a deep breath and count to ten. You have every right to be a Sanders supporter and I will defend your right ...

Less is more.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I wanna go into public service! Guaranteed no layoffs, you get to fuck with people . . .with a little luck you can become a millionaire! Any private sector goof can be corrupt, steal money and engage in fraud, but man, you gotta be in public service to get a slice of that simony pie!

Lydia said...

Patton did pretty well until his impulsiveness annoyed the PC equivalents of the time. The Germans, when they heard about him being relieved for slapping a soldier for cowardice, could not believe their luck. They would have shot the soldier without breaking stride.

Many a German would also have been thrilled, I imagine, to learn that he, too, thought Jews "lower than animals".

Chuck said...

cuban bob;

The real angst is with Republicans, terrified that Trump will get the nomination and thereby ensure a Hillary Clinton presidency. Oh, and a liberal Supreme Court lasting perhaps until the year 2030.

buwaya said...

Chuck, the Repubs never defended the people that Trump is appealing to. They could have done this. Nobody in politics defended Brendan Eich. Nobody has tried to revolt against the Stasi. As Instapundit is so fond of pointing out, culture is upstream of politics.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Yale, Spring, 1970 . . .

Bill: "Hi! You must be Hillary! I'm Bill!"
Hillary: "Cool! What kind of law you going into, Bill? Corporate law? Copyrights?"
Bill: "Actually, I was thinking of public service."
Hillary: "Me, too!"
They share a long look.
Bill: "We are going to be so fucking rich! Bwu-ha-ha-ha!"
Hillary: "Filthy rich! Filthy rich!" (Cackle)
Bill: "I'll help you with your cackle if you help me with my evil laugh."
Hillary: "It's a deal!"

Michael K said...

"Thanks for showing us the stupidity alive and well in the Republican party, that's been destroying this country for decades, "

Ritmo had a few sensible comments but I knew it couldn't last.

"I have no position on the American idea of owning weapons being a civil liberty. The fact that it is intended as a measure that acts as a check on the government - well that is important to note, that so many, perhaps subconsciously, are arming for a revolt."

Have you noticed the people who really are revolting ? They are in Ferguson and Chicago and places like that.

The gun buying is largely defensive because a lot of us, and I include my family, no longer are confident that the police can protect us. My daughter-in-law, who is uncomfortable with guns, is going to take lessons with some of her friends and they are all going to buy guns. Her son, my grandson, was out shooting an AR 15 and a Walther PPK three weeks ago with his father and me. He will be 11 this week. Two years older than I was when I got my first gun but not a bad start.

"Nobody in politics defended Brendan Eich. Nobody has tried to revolt against the Stasi. As Instapundit is so fond of pointing out, culture is upstream of politics."

Yup. Eich is the poster child for the techies who think they are immune to the mouth breathing underclass that will take down anyone who dares to oppose them.

readering said...

I guess Rush has never listened to a television show or radio show or play or movie or record from more than 30 years ago. Whatever their manners in private, people in public were polite prior to 1986. This had nothing to do with political correctness. It has to do with basic manners and social graces. Forget about comparing Trump to Clinton. Compare Trump to all the other Republican candidates this year. None of them speak this way. People have taken to Trump because he has made promises that appeal to them and which they apparently believe he can deliver on even though his business career demonstrates that all his businesses have failed except for the ones premised on rising values of real estate in select markets and his talent as a reality show performer. But for his operating companies, starting with the New Jersey Generals, Trump Air and his Atlantic City Casinos, all failures.

Traveling the world, I have found that American traits that have stood out with foreigners is our politeness and openness. Rush is just trying to make excuses for an asshole.

buwaya said...

I am not convinced that the anxiety is fundamentally about self-protection in the present circumstances. There is no great increase in crime, robbery rape or murder. There was no great increase in gun sales in the 70s-80s when there was a huge crime increase, and enormous publicity of the fact.
No, I think something else is going on subconsciously. There is a more basic insecurity that is justifying itself as concern for personal protection.

buwaya said...

American traits that foreigners pick up on first, speaking as a foreigner, are self-confidence, initiative and forthrightness.
These are traits under severe negative selection pressure under modern social circumstances.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's "less is more" and then there's unprovoked sniper fire (like at choppers in Bosnia?) that takes umbrage at return artillery.

All I wanted to know is what good it does to vote for a DINO like Hillary. That's the least response such a challenge of her populist challenger should require.

I'm sure her own attacks are also short and sweet, but substance is not a shallow thing. And substance matters.

shiloh said...

"No, I think something else is going on subconsciously."

Indeed, America elected a Black man president who according to the NRA/Republicans/conservatives is/was gonna take away your guns, and gasp America re-elected him!

Which of course was very good for the NRA's bottom line and Reps kowtowing to their base what a bad guy Obama is.

Again, this is not rocket science, rather base politics 101.

buwaya said...

It's not base politics. It's not simple "black man" anxiety.
Millions of people are thinking it's reasonable to buy guns that are wonderfully suitable for guerilla warfare, and individually spending thousands on these and their ammunition.
The NRA didn't create this. No one organization created it, they just tag along behind. Nobody said, in public, popular media, to arm for war.
Don't dismiss this. It is critical. This is what comes of poking the Tiger.

Birkel said...


You should pretend to take buwaya puti seriously. I know it will be hard to consider why his (?) experiences are different and perhaps superior to your own in judging human behavior. But difficult is not impossible and you might gain insight.

Nah! I was just kidding. I know you can't.

shiloh said...

bp, believe what you want to believe. It's part fear of terrorism, but mostly fear of Obama taking away your guns or making it impossible to buy guns which is a non-sensical premise, but true nonetheless.

shiloh said...

Birkel I take what bp says at face value and you or anyone else are free to disagree w/what I say.

Just before I left here, Nov. 2011, for an extended "vacation" many Althouse cons were 100% convinced Obama would lose to mittens and not just lose, but lose in landslide. I took all those fools at face value also and just smiled. Indeed, I was overwhelmed by the superior conservative intellect it took to make those astute political predictions, skewed poll nonsense notwithstanding.

And feel free to ignore my posts as I wasn't talking to you anyways. But thanx for taking the time to respond. btw, your post didn't actually disagree w/me as you were basically just telling me that bp had a superior intellect far beyond my grasp.

As always, I'll give it due consideration.

take care

Michael said...


Afraid of Obama taking away our guns? LOL. Obama is not a secret Muslim. Obama was not born in Kenya or in Indonesia. But Obama may well be secretly in the employ of Glock. Or S&W.

Awesome salesman. Record, chart breaking, record.

buwaya said...

I don't have guns. I'm against selling M16 clones. But that is your US law and custom, I am not American.
But people do, plenty of them, millions of intelligent, well off, skilled people, including, from what I have seen, a large majority of the fellows who keep us all alive, the industries and professions that create and deliver food, water, energy, every material requirement.
This can't be ignored. It is unprecedented as far as I know.
Your explanation does not match the nature and concerns of the people I know who have been buying these.

Birkel said...

superior experience =/= superior intellect

Try again, shiloh.

Michael K said...

"self-confidence, initiative and forthrightness. "

I guess everyone has forgotten that, in Belgium a few months ago when a Muslim came out of a train restroom firing a rifle, three Americans rushed him and disarmed him.

Remember that?

"Millions of people are thinking it's reasonable to buy guns that are wonderfully suitable for guerilla warfare, and individually spending thousands on these and their ammunition. "

Ignorance is not a sin but speaking from ignorance is kind of dumb. People buy "M-16 clones" because they are light and are modular so calibers can be changed and because guys who serve in the military get used to that configuration.

"I took all those fools at face value also and just smiled. "

Yes, there were a lot of us who that the American people were too smart to put up with this empty suit for another four years.

Glad you are enjoying it. This is what the Great Depression would have felt like without the welfare state.

Michael K said...

Who thought that...

Lewis Wetzel said...

I bought a handgun last December. I had owned a gun until about ten years ago. One day I realized that I couldn't remember where I had stashed it (I hadn't had it out of the case in five years), so when I found it I got rid of it. Why bother?
One of the reasons I bought a gun, again, is because the feds would like to stop me from buying one. Screw them. I certainly did not buy it with the hopes of actually shooting a person.
The gun I bought was plain-vanilla 1911 .45 semi-automatic. At $700 it wasn't cheap, but you can spend a lot more on a Colt 1911. Ammunition isn't cheap. FMJ goes for a little less than $40 for a box of fifty. I spend an hour a month at the range. Range cost is $25, two boxes of FMJ is ~$80, so it's a $105/month hobby. I could play three rounds of golf for $105.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Shiloh is a fool. Since Obama took office, the feds have tried several gambits to make gun ownership more difficult for the law abiding. His supporters sued to get the EPA to ban lead bullets. OSHA investigated shutting down indoor shooting ranges because of the fumes. Gun owners are pretty sure that the feds are trying to do an end run around the 2nd amendment.

Fred Drinkwater said...

bp: I wouldn't read too much into the prevalence of long gun purchases vs pistols among new gun buyers, or even among prior gun owners. In many states, by law, it is simply vastly easier to buy and operate a rifle than a handgun. For instance, look at California law on handgun ammunition purchasing.

Rusty said...

Blogger shiloh said...
bp, believe what you want to believe. It's part fear of terrorism, but mostly fear of Obama taking away your guns or making it impossible to buy guns which is a non-sensical premise,

Why non-sensical?

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