I really, really want to be for Cruz. Every time I get close to it, he does something asinine. I [actually] expect such from the Donald. I hold actual politicians to a higher standard. They continually let me down.
Graham said something similar about Cruz, and a couple of weeks later he found himself having to throw his support to him. I guess we should be expecting Ted to get behind the Donald any day now.
In the shadows where the fascists lurk jokes about murdering Donald Trump are au currant. Every totalitarian who thinks his rights to self-expression supersedes my right to peaceable assembly has his favorite "Death to Donald" chant. I'm saddened but not surprised to learn Cruz is keeping company with the enemies of the Constitution. Joining the mob is such a courageous thing to do, isn't it?
Cruz wouldn't dare make such a joke about Obama or Hillary, however.
I don't care about this stupid joke. You get much worse in the Army. Trump wont care either.
What I do care about is Cruz and his supporters teaming up with the SJW's to ruin Lewandowski and damage Trump. As an employer I have been attacked by SJW's and know what it is like to have garbage like this used against you. That is a bridge too far and I started this campaign out dreaming Ted would be the nominee.
Trump is trying to make a deal with the RNC in DC as we speak. I wonder if the RNC finally has had enough of Trump and his idocy? Cruz's joke was funny, maybe he got a heads up about the RNC throwing Trump under the bus, car, wheels, whatever....
trad guy: "Mr Dupping Delight takes great delight in duping people into seeing Trump as a danger that the a Media mob uprising must lynch and destroy. Then Cruz can resume duping us into believing that he is a Christian."
Trump's mention that he was no longer bound to support the Party Nominee without knowing who it is, matching the two losers' comments, came out of nowhere for no good reason. This RNC meeting in DC is the reason. Trump is now free to make them an offer of double or nothing to their betrayal games.
As Old Hickory Jackson said to his motley crew assembled in front of New Orleans as the British Army advanced, open fire and don't stop.
SJWs are the new illuminati. They're everywhere. There's nothing so obvious (Lewandowksi acted like a douche) that it can't be explained by a conspiracy (it's a set up).
I'm a #NeverCruzer but I found the joke funny and well delivered. Cruz does have a sense of humor. His true speaking problem is not that he isn't smooth; its that he's too smooth by half. His pauses are one microsecond too long, his cadence too regular. He reminds me of a really good high school actor who will never get into college drama.
People are so confident that an apology would have worked wonders, when Fields was always out for Trump scalps. Her question (a distortion seeking to hurt Trump with AA), her handsy manner with Trump across her security detail, her lose-my-balance stiletto heels, her mother honduran-refugee-activist never-Trump, her 5 previous "I was assaulted/harassed" attention plays (Matt f-ing Damon? really?).
Both Bens are liars + worms (Ben Terris worse than BenShapiro). Don't take my word for it. Listen to them.
He should just break into the appropriate dialog from The Princess Bride whenever he needs to be funny. He's really funny when he does that, and most people love The Princess Bride.
Why do I think Trump will win? Because he is drawing the flak storm.
Larry Sabato said Hillary wins with the states that polls have "leaning Hillary" if the vote were held today. That means zero, as he prefaced his remarks saying. But it is the exciting News of the day on Fox following up a careful interview in which Karl Rove points to his white grease board drawn up showing that the candidate called not Trump has more delegates than a real candidate of that name. Which again means nothing at all.
The flack smoke blowing is reaching the highest level ever seen on the anti-Trump Cable News Nets. It is so thick you can walk on it.
I can't believe anyone is freaking out over the line. It was silly. I thought the whole interview went well. Men at work is a great first concert. He owned up to liking muselix.
@Tank If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned.
Who's "they"? The main-stream media? The ones Trump has made a campaign out of ignoring? How can "they" hurt him at all?
Trump's hit a ceiling of 35-40% of Republicans. He's not going to get the nomination unless he breaks through that ceiling, and he's not going to break through if the other 60-65% perceive him as a thug.
"Trump and his supporters hate political correctness - but if anyone dares to joke about Delicate Donny - roll out the fainting couches."
Remember the Trumpist motto--rules are for thee, not for me. For a supposedly anti-SJW and anti-PC group, they sure are sensitive.
"If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned."
We'll never know, because a Trumpist never admits to doing wrong. And if "they" (the Left, I presume?) used overkill after Corey apologized and tried to get him fired over it, they'd be the ones looking stupid.
"As an employer I have been attacked by SJW's and know what it is like to have garbage like this used against you."
I personally think comparisons between Michelle Fields and SJW's are asinine. If you think she's overshooting, okay, but the comparison is way too kind to SJW's. She at least has a bruise to complain about, and is complaining about a real aggression if her story is accurate. All SJW's ever complain about are words and "microagressions" that don't rise to the level of the slightest actual aggression even if every word they claimed was true. Not even in the same ballpark.
Ted Cruz is a desperately unfunny person. Such people should not tell jokes. When they do, it creates a vortex of unfunny that sucks all humour out of a room.
1) It's not funny. If a joke isn't funny, you lose.
2) He'd never make the same joke about Hillary or Obama, and if he did? Oh man! Sexism! Racism!
This joke demonstrates what's wrong with the Republican party and our culture. We are too timid and scared to attack Democrats and the Republicans who attack other Republicans, even when joking, are highlighted and given prime media positions from which to expound further about their differences with Republicans.
Of course, if Trump had said the same about Cruz, and anyone complained on Cruz's behalf, the Trumpbots would be here saying "Toughen up" and "You butthurt, bro?" and this would just be more evidence that Trump refuses to bow down before the great heathen PC gods. The double standards are pretty staggering.
What I do care about is Cruz and his supporters teaming up with the SJW's to ruin Lewandowski and damage Trump.
Lewandowski only hurts Trump because he doubled down on the now disproven denial. Had Lewandowski apologized, there would be no scandal.
You could not be more wrong.
If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned.
This is exactly right. The people saying, "If only he had apologized" haven't been paying attention.
Why do you think Trump has gained so much popularity? Because we are sick and tired of the apologists. I mean, c'mon people! The apology just puts the whole thing back front and center. The Republican party has apologized it's way into defeat after defeat.
Stop freaking apologizing for doing nothing wrong! Lewandowski did nothing wrong, no need to apologize.
"Why do you think Trump has gained so much popularity? Because we are sick and tired of the apologists."
See, maybe that's where I differ with the Trumpists. I am against insincere apologies and unwarranted apologies. But a "no apologies, ever" policy implies you can never admit doing wrong, and that's dangerous in a leader.
"Lewandowski did nothing wrong, no need to apologize."
Really? So he correctly stated that he never touched her, he was correct that she imagined the whole thing? I guess that goes hand in hand in Trump World--no apologies because nothing Trumpists ever do is wrong.
Trumpists really are a lot more like the SJWs than they realize.
Qwinn: Of course, if Trump had said the same about Cruz, and anyone complained on Cruz's behalf, the Trumpbots would be here saying "Toughen up" and "You butthurt, bro?" and this would just be more evidence that Trump refuses to bow down before the great heathen PC gods. The double standards are pretty staggering.The double standards are pretty staggering.
Of course.
Wait, who are the Trumpbots here on this thread getting all butthurt about Cruz's joke?
Blogger Brando said... "Why do you think Trump has gained so much popularity? Because we are sick and tired of the apologists."
See, maybe that's where I differ with the Trumpists. I am against insincere apologies and unwarranted apologies. But a "no apologies, ever" policy implies you can never admit doing wrong, and that's dangerous in a leader.
"Lewandowski did nothing wrong, no need to apologize."
Really? So he correctly stated that he never touched her, he was correct that she imagined the whole thing? I guess that goes hand in hand in Trump World--no apologies because nothing Trumpists ever do is wrong.
Trumpists really are a lot more like the SJWs than they realize.
I don't know if you were reading and paying attention when this story broke, but seriously, he was being accused of trying to throw her to the ground, assaulting her, and the rhetoric was way over the top.
It's not too hard to imagine that the guy has been at dozens of Trump rallies, has touched hundreds of people who have come near Trump, and didn't think twice about a half second interaction with this woman and seriously has no memory and no idea of who she is.
I don't think he was lying when he said he never touched her. He was being accused of something quite nasty, and when one looks back on the film, he was right to deny wrong doing.
She should apologize for making the story about her. For trying to become the victim and gain cry bully status. It's people like Michelle Fields that really make me sick.
"Wait, who are the Trumpbots here on this thread getting all butthurt about Cruz's joke?"
"In the shadows where the fascists lurk jokes about murdering Donald Trump are au currant. Every totalitarian who thinks his rights to self-expression supersedes my right to peaceable assembly has his favorite "Death to Donald" chant. I'm saddened but not surprised to learn Cruz is keeping company with the enemies of the Constitution. Joining the mob is such a courageous thing to do, isn't it?"
This joke makes him a Fascist AND a Totalitarian AND keeping company with enemies of the Constitution?
"Mr Dupping Delight takes great delight in duping people into seeing Trump as a danger that the a Media mob uprising must lynch and destroy. Then Cruz can resume duping us into believing that he is a Christian."
I don't even know where to begin with that one.
"Why are you surprised? Cruz is a high functioning asshole."
No butthurt there!
And the countless "That's not funny!" posts to boot. Reading this thread is like being at a NOW convention after someone telling a "How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb" joke.
"I don't think he was lying when he said he never touched her. He was being accused of something quite nasty, and when one looks back on the film, he was right to deny wrong doing."
Except don't we know that they had a conversation early on where he apologized privately and only denied remembering it after he refused to give the same apology publicly?
Trump makes everybody stupid. Lewandowski is charged with simple battery, not sexual assault. BFD! It's a nonconsensual touching. If he's convicted and the judge sees the tape, he might get a $25 fine.
Maybe the Trumpists can move along soon and stop whining like Democrats.
Let's see, someone said Trump could murder someone and his supporters wouldn't care. Who was that? Oh, yeah: Trump.
Cruz actually made an important point about Trump in that interview: He said, in reference to Trump's statement that women who get abortions should be punished if abortion were legalized, that Trump "hasn't seriously thought through the issues, and he'll say anything to get attention." If the Trumpsters are through sliming Michelle Fields, maybe they'd like to address that statement.
Uh, Qwinn, they can correct me if I'm wrong, but, with the exception of tradguy, none of the people you're quoting as butthurt "Trumpbots" are actually Trump fans or Trump voters. Quaestor? I don't think so. David? Not unless there's another David around here I'm confusing him with. And nobody "knows where to begin with" anything tradguy says about anything.
Otherwise me and (I think) Tank are the only "Trump supporters" making a comment here about Cruz's joke. You're welcome to analyze those comments for evidence of butthurt.
Where would the law place intent with respect to an illegal abortion? Or maybe differently, how would a law which explicitly exempted the woman fit into traditional jurisprudence?
And can I get something similar with respect to myself and my firearms?
I can't believe anyone is freaking out over the line. It was silly. I thought the whole interview went well. Men at work is a great first concert. He owned up to liking muselix.
Me too. I think most people commenting on it did not watch the clip. Cruz handled himself well considering Kimmel (who isn't at all hostile) is a hollywood lib.
"And Fields is not a SJW. Rather the opposite in fact. Same with Shapiro."
Fields accused Allen West of grabbing her boob.
Fields accused the NYPD of knocking her down with a baton.
Fields accused Charles C. Johnson of hacking her computer.
There are many stories with less corroboration with several other people that have been a victim of this talentless social climber who is now big news because of her accusation against Lewandowski. She has a history of making herself the story and using false accusations to get what she wants.
Anyone who sides with these people is wrong. They will come after any Republican who is nominated. You will be all alone when they do. Someone has to fight these people and stop this.
Cruz is actually pretty funny and uses a lot of pop culture references. They don't show the good stuff, only something that falls flat or can be taken out of context to make him look bad. The people hammering him seem oblivious to the fact that they are being manipulated by the media.
"I don't know if you were reading and paying attention when this story broke, but seriously, he was being accused of trying to throw her to the ground, assaulting her, and the rhetoric was way over the top."
Her initial rhetoric (about him trying to throw her on the ground) may or may not have been over the top, judging from the video it's hard to tell--but his reaction of saying he never touched her followed up by "she's making this up" was obviously false and can be damaging for a reporter's reputation. I can see why she had to follow up the story. But what would have been so bad about him simply saying (if he genuinely didn't recall touching her) "hey, if I grabbed you too hard I didn't mean it, I was just protecting my boss"? Maybe "SJWs" would have wanted his scalp, but most normal people wouldn't. These things happen all the time in reporters' scrums.
Filing the police report was over the top--I think that's an abuse of the criminal process. But he was wrong to peddle the story that she made the whole thing up, in part because it kept a non-story alive.
"It's not too hard to imagine that the guy has been at dozens of Trump rallies, has touched hundreds of people who have come near Trump, and didn't think twice about a half second interaction with this woman and seriously has no memory and no idea of who she is."
I'm sure that's the case. But there's a big difference between "I don't recall that happening" and "that did not happen and you're delusional".
"She should apologize for making the story about her. For trying to become the victim and gain cry bully status. It's people like Michelle Fields that really make me sick."
She was wrong in this too, but Corey L wasn't blameless for his part in this. And frankly, why give ammo to people like Fields? None of this would have gone anywhere if the Trump team had handled this reasonably at the beginning.
Cruz made a joke. He smiled, paused for effect, delivered the line to applause and cheers on Jimmy Kimmel's show chuckling good-naturedly following his delivery. Was Trump joking when he said these things?
“I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that . . . ? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
“Knock the crap out of them. . . . I promise you I will pay for the legal fees.”
“Maybe he should have been roughed up.”
“I’d like to punch him in the face.”
“I think you’d have riots. I wouldn’t lead it but I think bad things would happen.”
“Next time we see him, we might have to kill him.”
Trump delivered nearly all of those lines in seriousness or anger. It is surpassing weird how some people hold Trump to almost no standards and tsk tsk at his opponents for barely comparable comments.
Tom: "I wonder if the secret service is laughing?"
The Secret Service had best concern itself with not looking Hillary in the eye, not being in the hallway when Her Majesty strolls about and better serve the drinks when Hillary and Bill command it.
Fair enough, though Quaestor's post certainly sounds pretty Trumpbot taken by itself. What else could motivate such a screed?
Agreed re: tradguy. Every single post by him makes me like Cruz more and Trump less. Kudos for disavowing his crap.
The thing is, I'd have a lot more respect for Trump supporters at this point if the only remaining opposition was a Jeb, or a Kasich. But Cruz has told the establishment to go screw every bit as much, and in fact has been far more consistent in doing so. Do you totally dismiss the possibility that he's planning on throwing the race to Hillary, and given their long established friendship, on what basis?
Qwinn: Fair enough, though Quaestor's post certainly sounds pretty Trumpbot taken by itself. What else could motivate such a screed?
Bit of circular reasoning you've got going on there, no? Only a "Trumpbot" would be disturbed by the brownshirts running around shutting down free speech and free assembly? Only a Trumpbot isn't a Cruzbot? Wut?
Agreed re: tradguy. Every single post by him makes me like Cruz more and Trump less. Kudos for disavowing his crap.
Lol at the very notion of "disavowing" tradguy. That's like "disavowing" the guy on the corner downtown who talks to invisible space aliens but agrees with me about affirmative action or the mortgage interest deduction.
Birches said... I can't believe anyone is freaking out over the line. It was silly. I thought the whole interview went well. Men at work is a great first concert. He owned up to liking muselix. 3/31/16, 2:30 PM
The above confession is exactly why I think Cruz is behind the National Enquirer article. He needs to convince people he doesn't look, speak and act like he has a lifetime membership to NAMBLA.
"Only a "Trumpbot" would be disturbed by the brownshirts running around shutting down free speech and free assembly? Only a Trumpbot isn't a Cruzbot? Wut?"
Oh, hell, no. As much as I loathe Trump, the lefty fringe trying to shut him down (or pretending to do so in order to increase his support, as they see him as more beatable) are worse, of course.
But to actually make an equivalency between those fanatics and Cruz's joke? Come on.
"That's like "disavowing" the guy on the corner downtown who talks to invisible space aliens but agrees with me about affirmative action or the mortgage interest deduction."
Well, if you and that guy from the corner downtown are two of the most vocal people discussing affirmative action in the same forum for months... yeah.
Cruz is actually pretty funny and uses a lot of pop culture references. They don't show the good stuff, only something that falls flat or can be taken out of context to make him look bad. The people hammering him seem oblivious to the fact that they are being manipulated by the media.
"Every time I get close to it, he does something asinine."
Yup. Cruz is creepy. I'l vote for him if he is the nominee but I expect he would lose, even to Hillary.
"Her initial rhetoric (about him trying to throw her on the ground) may or may not have been over the top, judging from the video it's hard to tell--but his reaction of saying he never touched her followed up by "she's making this up" was obviously false and can be damaging for a reporter's reputation. "
Bullshit. She is doing this for a reason I don't yet understand but she has a plan.
Had Lewandowski apologized, there would be no scandal.
Trump won't be the president.
Precognition. Look into my crystal ball as I tell you what could have happened. Or will happen.
I have no problem with the joke. And I like Cruz, except for 2 things:
Cruz wants to impose a value-added tax on products under the euphemism of a “business flat tax.” A VAT is the most insidious tax scheme ever devised. If you are against more taxes you should be passionately anti-VAT.
If Cruz were to become the nominee the Democrats, with the eager assistance of the MSM and possibly some eGOP members, would beat him as they have every other conventional, issue-oriented GOP presidential nominee since it seems like forever. To win against the Democrats in a presidential race requires someone who can break through the MSM-dictated narratives that are imposed on GOP presidential nominees. Only Trump in recent times has shown any ability to do this, however imperfectly or crudely.
Not making excuses for him but Trump is Trump. He is a business man first and everything else second. I do not approve of the way he says much of what he says. He is absolutely used to being able to say whatever he wants, how ever he wants to say it because nearly everyone else in the room is beholden to him for something (job, contracts, deals, etc.).
I absolutely think he needs to tone down the violence rhetoric. I say that knowing full well that those "across the aisle" say and do far worse but also know that they typically get a pass from the MSM (and others like the SJWs).
Trump wants MY vote. I expect better from those that I vote for. That is why I came down on Cruz and why I come down on Trump. Why I came down on the MSM when they went after Sarah and her map with the targets on it, and why I try to call the BS flag on much of this hypocritical crap.
I know that the "other side" has no morals and does not "play fair" and will always get a pass from their friends in power and in the media. I expect better from "my team" and I will continue to hold them to my standards. No apologies if that means some think I am "butt hurt" cause basically I don't care. I don't know you and you don't know me. I am going to do what I think is right and I am going to continue to point out what I think is wrong. m'K
Trump has to yell Burns will flail Cruz may well fail and (we hope) Hillary winds up in jail...
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This was a mistake.
"I ran into my old girlfriend the other day. So I backed up and ran into her again."
Shit stupid joke to make...
Cruz has no sense of humor, that shows.
I really, really want to be for Cruz. Every time I get close to it, he does something asinine. I [actually] expect such from the Donald. I hold actual politicians to a higher standard. They continually let me down.
Douche move. If you truly abhor someone's game, don't play it.
A humorless joke with insufficient nuance.
Well right now Cruz is in Trump's rearview mirror.
Mr Dupping Delight takes great delight in duping people into seeing Trump as a danger that the a Media mob uprising must lynch and destroy.
Then Cruz can resume duping us into believing that he is a Christian.
Great--now Trump is going to tweet a dirty limerick about Ted's daughters, because he hits back twice as hard.
Graham said something similar about Cruz, and a couple of weeks later he found himself having to throw his support to him. I guess we should be expecting Ted to get behind the Donald any day now.
Really, we have lost our sense of humor.
No joking allowed !!!
I pass no judgment on the running over part, but needing a backup camera makes him a homo.
Whatever happened to gallows humor like we had in the old days on icebreaker ships. Roughnecks they were!
In the shadows where the fascists lurk jokes about murdering Donald Trump are au currant. Every totalitarian who thinks his rights to self-expression supersedes my right to peaceable assembly has his favorite "Death to Donald" chant. I'm saddened but not surprised to learn Cruz is keeping company with the enemies of the Constitution. Joining the mob is such a courageous thing to do, isn't it?
Cruz wouldn't dare make such a joke about Obama or Hillary, however.
I don't care about this stupid joke. You get much worse in the Army. Trump wont care either.
What I do care about is Cruz and his supporters teaming up with the SJW's to ruin Lewandowski and damage Trump. As an employer I have been attacked by SJW's and know what it is like to have garbage like this used against you. That is a bridge too far and I started this campaign out dreaming Ted would be the nominee.
He should know better.
It didn't work for Rubio, and Ted is even worse at stupid jokes.
All for the Jimmy Kimmel viewership of 10,000 teenage boys.
Todd said...
I really, really want to be for Cruz. Every time I get close to it, he does something asinine.
Why are you surprised? Cruz is a high functioning asshole. (How's that for civility?)
He gets points from me for using "were" instead of "was," and suggesting that he drives his own car (although it has a backup camera).
Didn't Lindsey Graham make a jok elike that about Ted Cruz?
Gahrie said...
"This was a mistake."
Siding with the SJW's to attack Lewandowski is much, much worse.
Trump is trying to make a deal with the RNC in DC as we speak. I wonder if the RNC finally has had enough of Trump and his idocy? Cruz's joke was funny, maybe he got a heads up about the RNC throwing Trump under the bus, car, wheels, whatever....
trad guy: "Mr Dupping Delight takes great delight in duping people into seeing Trump as a danger that the a Media mob uprising must lynch and destroy. Then Cruz can resume duping us into believing that he is a Christian."
Crikey! Seriously?
What I do care about is Cruz and his supporters teaming up with the SJW's to ruin Lewandowski and damage Trump.
Lewandowski only hurts Trump because he doubled down on the now disproven denial. Had Lewandowski apologized, there would be no scandal.
Cruz has nothing to do with it. This is an unforced error by the Trump people.
And Fields is not a SJW. Rather the opposite in fact. Same with Shapiro.
Mild, tame joke. Not that funny, but not worthy of umbrage either.
It was a joke. ...On a late night comedy show.
Trump and his supporters hate political correctness - but if anyone dares to joke about Delicate Donny - roll out the fainting couches.
Trump's mention that he was no longer bound to support the Party Nominee without knowing who it is, matching the two losers' comments, came out of nowhere for no good reason. This RNC meeting in DC is the reason. Trump is now free to make them an offer of double or nothing to their betrayal games.
As Old Hickory Jackson said to his motley crew assembled in front of New Orleans as the British Army advanced, open fire and don't stop.
The comedic effect of a joke has to overcome the potential negatives of telling the joke. This is not such a joke.
This was a bad move by Cruz.
Trump won't be the president.
If Cruz were about to step off a curb and into the path of a speeding bus, I'm not sure I could find words adequate to the occasion.
SJWs are the new illuminati. They're everywhere. There's nothing so obvious (Lewandowksi acted like a douche) that it can't be explained by a conspiracy (it's a set up).
I'm a #NeverCruzer but I found the joke funny and well delivered. Cruz does have a sense of humor. His true speaking problem is not that he isn't smooth; its that he's too smooth by half. His pauses are one microsecond too long, his cadence too regular. He reminds me of a really good high school actor who will never get into college drama.
I'm not confident which pedal I'd push
Conclusion: Cruz drives a pedal car.
Lance said...
What I do care about is Cruz and his supporters teaming up with the SJW's to ruin Lewandowski and damage Trump.
Lewandowski only hurts Trump because he doubled down on the now disproven denial. Had Lewandowski apologized, there would be no scandal.
You could not be more wrong.
If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned.
People are so confident that an apology would have worked wonders, when Fields was always out for Trump scalps. Her question (a distortion seeking to hurt Trump with AA), her handsy manner with Trump across her security detail, her lose-my-balance stiletto heels, her mother honduran-refugee-activist never-Trump, her 5 previous "I was assaulted/harassed" attention plays (Matt f-ing Damon? really?).
Both Bens are liars + worms (Ben Terris worse than Ben Shapiro). Don't take my word for it. Listen to them.
He should just break into the appropriate dialog from The Princess Bride whenever he needs to be funny. He's really funny when he does that, and most people love The Princess Bride.
Why do I think Trump will win? Because he is drawing the flak storm.
Larry Sabato said Hillary wins with the states that polls have "leaning Hillary" if the vote were held today. That means zero, as he prefaced his remarks saying. But it is the exciting News of the day on Fox following up a careful interview in which Karl Rove points to his white grease board drawn up showing that the candidate called not Trump has more delegates than a real candidate of that name. Which again means nothing at all.
The flack smoke blowing is reaching the highest level ever seen on the anti-Trump Cable News Nets. It is so thick you can walk on it.
Cruz might not be very humorous but rehajm is.
I can't believe anyone is freaking out over the line. It was silly. I thought the whole interview went well. Men at work is a great first concert. He owned up to liking muselix.
If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned.
Who's "they"? The main-stream media? The ones Trump has made a campaign out of ignoring? How can "they" hurt him at all?
Trump's hit a ceiling of 35-40% of Republicans. He's not going to get the nomination unless he breaks through that ceiling, and he's not going to break through if the other 60-65% perceive him as a thug.
"Trump and his supporters hate political correctness - but if anyone dares to joke about Delicate Donny - roll out the fainting couches."
Remember the Trumpist motto--rules are for thee, not for me. For a supposedly anti-SJW and anti-PC group, they sure are sensitive.
"If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned."
We'll never know, because a Trumpist never admits to doing wrong. And if "they" (the Left, I presume?) used overkill after Corey apologized and tried to get him fired over it, they'd be the ones looking stupid.
"As an employer I have been attacked by SJW's and know what it is like to have garbage like this used against you."
I personally think comparisons between Michelle Fields and SJW's are asinine. If you think she's overshooting, okay, but the comparison is way too kind to SJW's. She at least has a bruise to complain about, and is complaining about a real aggression if her story is accurate. All SJW's ever complain about are words and "microagressions" that don't rise to the level of the slightest actual aggression even if every word they claimed was true. Not even in the same ballpark.
Ted Cruz is a desperately unfunny person. Such people should not tell jokes. When they do, it creates a vortex of unfunny that sucks all humour out of a room.
I have no doubt for myself.
Geez, when did we become such a bunch of old women in this country? Lighten up, people. It's a mistake and a bad move only if his delivery sucked.
Which, being Cruz, I admit, it probably did. Nonetheless.
There are too bad things about this joke.
1) It's not funny. If a joke isn't funny, you lose.
2) He'd never make the same joke about Hillary or Obama, and if he did? Oh man! Sexism! Racism!
This joke demonstrates what's wrong with the Republican party and our culture. We are too timid and scared to attack Democrats and the Republicans who attack other Republicans, even when joking, are highlighted and given prime media positions from which to expound further about their differences with Republicans.
Of course, if Trump had said the same about Cruz, and anyone complained on Cruz's behalf, the Trumpbots would be here saying "Toughen up" and "You butthurt, bro?" and this would just be more evidence that Trump refuses to bow down before the great heathen PC gods. The double standards are pretty staggering.
Blogger Tank said...
Lance said...
What I do care about is Cruz and his supporters teaming up with the SJW's to ruin Lewandowski and damage Trump.
Lewandowski only hurts Trump because he doubled down on the now disproven denial. Had Lewandowski apologized, there would be no scandal.
You could not be more wrong.
If he had apologized, they would have treated it as a confession and beat him and Trump over the head as women batterers for weeks until he resigned.
This is exactly right. The people saying, "If only he had apologized" haven't been paying attention.
Why do you think Trump has gained so much popularity? Because we are sick and tired of the apologists. I mean, c'mon people! The apology just puts the whole thing back front and center. The Republican party has apologized it's way into defeat after defeat.
Stop freaking apologizing for doing nothing wrong! Lewandowski did nothing wrong, no need to apologize.
"Why do you think Trump has gained so much popularity? Because we are sick and tired of the apologists."
See, maybe that's where I differ with the Trumpists. I am against insincere apologies and unwarranted apologies. But a "no apologies, ever" policy implies you can never admit doing wrong, and that's dangerous in a leader.
"Lewandowski did nothing wrong, no need to apologize."
Really? So he correctly stated that he never touched her, he was correct that she imagined the whole thing? I guess that goes hand in hand in Trump World--no apologies because nothing Trumpists ever do is wrong.
Trumpists really are a lot more like the SJWs than they realize.
Qwinn: Of course, if Trump had said the same about Cruz, and anyone complained on Cruz's behalf, the Trumpbots would be here saying "Toughen up" and "You butthurt, bro?" and this would just be more evidence that Trump refuses to bow down before the great heathen PC gods. The double standards are pretty staggering.The double standards are pretty staggering.
Of course.
Wait, who are the Trumpbots here on this thread getting all butthurt about Cruz's joke?
Blogger Brando said...
"Why do you think Trump has gained so much popularity? Because we are sick and tired of the apologists."
See, maybe that's where I differ with the Trumpists. I am against insincere apologies and unwarranted apologies. But a "no apologies, ever" policy implies you can never admit doing wrong, and that's dangerous in a leader.
"Lewandowski did nothing wrong, no need to apologize."
Really? So he correctly stated that he never touched her, he was correct that she imagined the whole thing? I guess that goes hand in hand in Trump World--no apologies because nothing Trumpists ever do is wrong.
Trumpists really are a lot more like the SJWs than they realize.
I don't know if you were reading and paying attention when this story broke, but seriously, he was being accused of trying to throw her to the ground, assaulting her, and the rhetoric was way over the top.
It's not too hard to imagine that the guy has been at dozens of Trump rallies, has touched hundreds of people who have come near Trump, and didn't think twice about a half second interaction with this woman and seriously has no memory and no idea of who she is.
I don't think he was lying when he said he never touched her. He was being accused of something quite nasty, and when one looks back on the film, he was right to deny wrong doing.
She should apologize for making the story about her. For trying to become the victim and gain cry bully status. It's people like Michelle Fields that really make me sick.
"Wait, who are the Trumpbots here on this thread getting all butthurt about Cruz's joke?"
"In the shadows where the fascists lurk jokes about murdering Donald Trump are au currant. Every totalitarian who thinks his rights to self-expression supersedes my right to peaceable assembly has his favorite "Death to Donald" chant. I'm saddened but not surprised to learn Cruz is keeping company with the enemies of the Constitution. Joining the mob is such a courageous thing to do, isn't it?"
This joke makes him a Fascist AND a Totalitarian AND keeping company with enemies of the Constitution?
"Mr Dupping Delight takes great delight in duping people into seeing Trump as a danger that the a Media mob uprising must lynch and destroy. Then Cruz can resume duping us into believing that he is a Christian."
I don't even know where to begin with that one.
"Why are you surprised? Cruz is a high functioning asshole."
No butthurt there!
And the countless "That's not funny!" posts to boot. Reading this thread is like being at a NOW convention after someone telling a "How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb" joke.
"I don't think he was lying when he said he never touched her. He was being accused of something quite nasty, and when one looks back on the film, he was right to deny wrong doing."
Except don't we know that they had a conversation early on where he apologized privately and only denied remembering it after he refused to give the same apology publicly?
Trump makes everybody stupid. Lewandowski is charged with simple battery, not sexual assault. BFD! It's a nonconsensual touching. If he's convicted and the judge sees the tape, he might get a $25 fine.
Maybe the Trumpists can move along soon and stop whining like Democrats.
Donald Trump
Made a thump thump
When Cruz chose the pedal
That goes to the metal
Let's see, someone said Trump could murder someone and his supporters wouldn't care. Who was that? Oh, yeah: Trump.
Cruz actually made an important point about Trump in that interview: He said, in reference to Trump's statement that women who get abortions should be punished if abortion were legalized, that Trump "hasn't seriously thought through the issues, and he'll say anything to get attention." If the Trumpsters are through sliming Michelle Fields, maybe they'd like to address that statement.
Ted just needs to be a bit more suave.
Qwinn: Seriously?
Uh, Qwinn, they can correct me if I'm wrong, but, with the exception of tradguy, none of the people you're quoting as butthurt "Trumpbots" are actually Trump fans or Trump voters. Quaestor? I don't think so. David? Not unless there's another David around here I'm confusing him with. And nobody "knows where to begin with" anything tradguy says about anything.
Otherwise me and (I think) Tank are the only "Trump supporters" making a comment here about Cruz's joke. You're welcome to analyze those comments for evidence of butthurt.
So yeah, seriously.
Where would the law place intent with respect to an illegal abortion? Or maybe differently, how would a law which explicitly exempted the woman fit into traditional jurisprudence?
And can I get something similar with respect to myself and my firearms?
Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz
You barely blew point .02 booze
When Kimmel invited your droll
Just blame sticky cruise control
@ Birches
I can't believe anyone is freaking out over the line. It was silly. I thought the whole interview went well. Men at work is a great first concert. He owned up to liking muselix.
Me too. I think most people commenting on it did not watch the clip. Cruz handled himself well considering Kimmel (who isn't at all hostile) is a hollywood lib.
Cruz is not funny.
Obama hit the gas.
Cruz would depress the clutch.
Hopefully, Trump will hit the break.
I like how Cruz pronounced it "Muselicks"
It's pronounced "Muselee" (I think, anyway)
Lance said...
"And Fields is not a SJW. Rather the opposite in fact. Same with Shapiro."
Fields accused Allen West of grabbing her boob.
Fields accused the NYPD of knocking her down with a baton.
Fields accused Charles C. Johnson of hacking her computer.
There are many stories with less corroboration with several other people that have been a victim of this talentless social climber who is now big news because of her accusation against Lewandowski. She has a history of making herself the story and using false accusations to get what she wants.
Anyone who sides with these people is wrong. They will come after any Republican who is nominated. You will be all alone when they do. Someone has to fight these people and stop this.
"It's pronounced "Muselee" (I think, anyway)"
Yeah but it's crunchier if you pronounce it the other way.
Ted Cruz
Might still lose
But it won't be to Trump
The human speed bump
Cruz is actually pretty funny and uses a lot of pop culture references. They don't show the good stuff, only something that falls flat or can be taken out of context to make him look bad. The people hammering him seem oblivious to the fact that they are being manipulated by the media.
"I don't know if you were reading and paying attention when this story broke, but seriously, he was being accused of trying to throw her to the ground, assaulting her, and the rhetoric was way over the top."
Her initial rhetoric (about him trying to throw her on the ground) may or may not have been over the top, judging from the video it's hard to tell--but his reaction of saying he never touched her followed up by "she's making this up" was obviously false and can be damaging for a reporter's reputation. I can see why she had to follow up the story. But what would have been so bad about him simply saying (if he genuinely didn't recall touching her) "hey, if I grabbed you too hard I didn't mean it, I was just protecting my boss"? Maybe "SJWs" would have wanted his scalp, but most normal people wouldn't. These things happen all the time in reporters' scrums.
Filing the police report was over the top--I think that's an abuse of the criminal process. But he was wrong to peddle the story that she made the whole thing up, in part because it kept a non-story alive.
"It's not too hard to imagine that the guy has been at dozens of Trump rallies, has touched hundreds of people who have come near Trump, and didn't think twice about a half second interaction with this woman and seriously has no memory and no idea of who she is."
I'm sure that's the case. But there's a big difference between "I don't recall that happening" and "that did not happen and you're delusional".
"She should apologize for making the story about her. For trying to become the victim and gain cry bully status. It's people like Michelle Fields that really make me sick."
She was wrong in this too, but Corey L wasn't blameless for his part in this. And frankly, why give ammo to people like Fields? None of this would have gone anywhere if the Trump team had handled this reasonably at the beginning.
Donald J. Trump
Went bumpity bump bump
Ted peeled off saying "so long, sucker"
Answered Trump "hit my 10 foot high wall, fu*cker!"
The video shows Cruz, laughing, while Kimmel and the audience share in the joke.
I still believe it was a joke in poor taste and should have been resisted.
I wonder if the secret service is laughing?
But it's certain he would not push the "copulate" pedal.
Cruz made a joke. He smiled, paused for effect, delivered the line to applause and cheers on Jimmy Kimmel's show chuckling good-naturedly following his delivery. Was Trump joking when he said these things?
“I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that . . . ? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
“Knock the crap out of them. . . . I promise you I will pay for the legal fees.”
“Maybe he should have been roughed up.”
“I’d like to punch him in the face.”
“I think you’d have riots. I wouldn’t lead it but I think bad things would happen.”
“Next time we see him, we might have to kill him.”
Trump delivered nearly all of those lines in seriousness or anger. It is surpassing weird how some people hold Trump to almost no standards and tsk tsk at his opponents for barely comparable comments.
Writ Small:
I have written off Trump and his hardcore supporters.
Birkel: "I have written off Trump and his hardcore supporters."
I have not.
Tom: "I wonder if the secret service is laughing?"
The Secret Service had best concern itself with not looking Hillary in the eye, not being in the hallway when Her Majesty strolls about and better serve the drinks when Hillary and Bill command it.
You think you can appeal to them logically, Drago?
Do, tell!!
Donald Trump
with Ted's tracks on his rump
Called the GOP Ted Cruz Complaint Hot Line
But was put on hold and then told, "Get in line."
Funny enough for a debate dork.
Fair enough, though Quaestor's post certainly sounds pretty Trumpbot taken by itself. What else could motivate such a screed?
Agreed re: tradguy. Every single post by him makes me like Cruz more and Trump less. Kudos for disavowing his crap.
The thing is, I'd have a lot more respect for Trump supporters at this point if the only remaining opposition was a Jeb, or a Kasich. But Cruz has told the establishment to go screw every bit as much, and in fact has been far more consistent in doing so. Do you totally dismiss the possibility that he's planning on throwing the race to Hillary, and given their long established friendship, on what basis?
Bob Boyd
Some rhymes
That made me LOL about a thousand hundred times
in rhymes as funny as a fatty tumor?
Meade, Lawrence
rhymed in torrents
and according to rumor
was the King of Clerihewmor
Qwinn: Fair enough, though Quaestor's post certainly sounds pretty Trumpbot taken by itself. What else could motivate such a screed?
Bit of circular reasoning you've got going on there, no? Only a "Trumpbot" would be disturbed by the brownshirts running around shutting down free speech and free assembly? Only a Trumpbot isn't a Cruzbot? Wut?
Agreed re: tradguy. Every single post by him makes me like Cruz more and Trump less. Kudos for disavowing his crap.
Lol at the very notion of "disavowing" tradguy. That's like "disavowing" the guy on the corner downtown who talks to invisible space aliens but agrees with me about affirmative action or the mortgage interest deduction.
Birches said...
I can't believe anyone is freaking out over the line. It was silly. I thought the whole interview went well. Men at work is a great first concert. He owned up to liking muselix. 3/31/16, 2:30 PM
The above confession is exactly why I think Cruz is behind the National Enquirer article. He needs to convince people he doesn't look, speak and act like he has a lifetime membership to NAMBLA.
"Only a "Trumpbot" would be disturbed by the brownshirts running around shutting down free speech and free assembly? Only a Trumpbot isn't a Cruzbot? Wut?"
Oh, hell, no. As much as I loathe Trump, the lefty fringe trying to shut him down (or pretending to do so in order to increase his support, as they see him as more beatable) are worse, of course.
But to actually make an equivalency between those fanatics and Cruz's joke? Come on.
"That's like "disavowing" the guy on the corner downtown who talks to invisible space aliens but agrees with me about affirmative action or the mortgage interest deduction."
Well, if you and that guy from the corner downtown are two of the most vocal people discussing affirmative action in the same forum for months... yeah.
"He needs to convince people he doesn't look, speak and act like he has a lifetime membership to NAMBLA."
But it's Trump that gets all the hate. Right.
Howard - it takes a special kind of cognitive dissonance to think that Cruz is behind his own hack-job-slime lie published by Trump's pal Pecker.
MidlifeLawyer -
Cruz is actually pretty funny and uses a lot of pop culture references. They don't show the good stuff, only something that falls flat or can be taken out of context to make him look bad. The people hammering him seem oblivious to the fact that they are being manipulated by the media.
Worth repeating.
Make that 2 thousand hundred times.
Cool rhymes, Bob and Meade.
I laughed a lot... indeed.
April, sweetie, it's just a joke ... like the republican primary.
Qwinn: But to actually make an equivalency between those fanatics and Cruz's joke? Come on.
We've established that "Trumpbots" were not the ones doing this, which was my only point. We're done here, Qwinn.
"Every time I get close to it, he does something asinine."
Yup. Cruz is creepy. I'l vote for him if he is the nominee but I expect he would lose, even to Hillary.
"Her initial rhetoric (about him trying to throw her on the ground) may or may not have been over the top, judging from the video it's hard to tell--but his reaction of saying he never touched her followed up by "she's making this up" was obviously false and can be damaging for a reporter's reputation. "
Bullshit. She is doing this for a reason I don't yet understand but she has a plan.
Had Lewandowski apologized, there would be no scandal.
Trump won't be the president.
Precognition. Look into my crystal ball as I tell you what could have happened. Or will happen.
I have no problem with the joke. And I like Cruz, except for 2 things:
Cruz wants to impose a value-added tax on products under the euphemism of a “business flat tax.” A VAT is the most insidious tax scheme ever devised. If you are against more taxes you should be passionately anti-VAT.
If Cruz were to become the nominee the Democrats, with the eager assistance of the MSM and possibly some eGOP members, would beat him as they have every other conventional, issue-oriented GOP presidential nominee since it seems like forever. To win against the Democrats in a presidential race requires someone who can break through the MSM-dictated narratives that are imposed on GOP presidential nominees. Only Trump in recent times has shown any ability to do this, however imperfectly or crudely.
Not making excuses for him but Trump is Trump. He is a business man first and everything else second. I do not approve of the way he says much of what he says. He is absolutely used to being able to say whatever he wants, how ever he wants to say it because nearly everyone else in the room is beholden to him for something (job, contracts, deals, etc.).
I absolutely think he needs to tone down the violence rhetoric. I say that knowing full well that those "across the aisle" say and do far worse but also know that they typically get a pass from the MSM (and others like the SJWs).
Trump wants MY vote. I expect better from those that I vote for. That is why I came down on Cruz and why I come down on Trump. Why I came down on the MSM when they went after Sarah and her map with the targets on it, and why I try to call the BS flag on much of this hypocritical crap.
I know that the "other side" has no morals and does not "play fair" and will always get a pass from their friends in power and in the media. I expect better from "my team" and I will continue to hold them to my standards. No apologies if that means some think I am "butt hurt" cause basically I don't care. I don't know you and you don't know me. I am going to do what I think is right and I am going to continue to point out what I think is wrong. m'K
Trump has to yell
Burns will flail
Cruz may well fail
and (we hope) Hillary winds up in jail...
Note that no woman was bruised or attacked by that joke.
If you wish to put any money against my prediction, name the number.
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