February 18, 2016

"Thousands of Latinos, immigrants and their allies are descending on the state Capitol in Madison today to defeat what they believe to be anti-immigrant legislation."

"The rally is called 'A Day Without Latinos and Immigrants in Wisconsin.' It is intended to both defeat the legislation and show the economic power of Latinos and immigrants...."

They're opposing 2 bills in the state legislature, one that keeps counties from issuing ID cards to people who are in the country illegally and another that bans "sanctuary cities."


David Begley said...

Bigger crowd for the Crazy Legs run. Not impressed with that crowd.

Lewis Wetzel said...

It used to be that we let citizens determine immigration policy. It is, after all, the citizens who are supposed to run this country.
Not 'activists.'
Not business.
And certainly not non-citizens.

Curious George said...

Hey Paco. You're not an "immigrant." You are an illegal alien.

n.n said...

Class diversity politics.

The minority fiefdoms need a fresh infusion of refugees.

MadisonMan said...

This helps me connect some dots in my facebook feed.

Someone posted a picture of the Middleton Mickey Ds drive-through saying they'd be "close" on Thursday. And lots of people thanking them. Now I know why.

Etienne said...

Since a "sanctuary city" is by definition a lawless city, you would be creating a law against lawless cities. Chuckle.

Here in Oklahoma we depend on Mexicans to do manual labor. These people are fantastically wealthy, run their own section of town to keep that Tijuana look, even with their lower wages. They vote in every election, and none of them are citizens, except the children who are bred like cattle.

If Oklahoma would deport all of its illegal immigrants, the state would be a ghost town of tumbling tumbleweed, as most Okies don't know which end of a shovel is which.

FullMoon said...

Arrest the illegals. See what happens.
I used Mexican shops and workers for various things.
Reasonable prices, quality work.
These Mexicans would not be protesting. They are nervous
that the attention generated by this sort of think brings
negative attention to them. And, they are right.

Been using a guy for custom upholstery for over twenty years.
Not sure if he is legal or not, but he pays a mortgage, runs a business
and works six days a week. There are many like him, who have bills to pay and no time for circuses
Speed up immigration process. It is stupid for immigrants who want to be citizens to
compete with illegals who will never begin the process.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

lol, so their message is there wouldn't be any Latinos in Wisconsin without ID cards for illegals or sanctuary cities? Niiiiiice.

Larry J said...

Legal immigration is not the same thing as illegal immigration. Millions of people (including my wife) followed the rules to become legal immigrants and citizens. Their first act upon entering the US wasn't to break our immigration laws. I guess that makes them chumps. When my wife started the naturalization process almost 33 years ago, we had to sign paperwork stating that if, for any reason, we had to go on public assistance, she would be deported. It didn't matter if I was paralyzed in an accident, we were not allowed to be dependent on the government. My, how times have changed. Now, it's come here illegally and protest to demand free stuff.

traditionalguy said...

I just want to know one thing. Is Scott Walker so anti Hispanic that he is now trying to outlaw Bull Fights? It is just choreographed Livestock slaughter. Think of it as Brats for chipotle.

Chuck said...

I'm okay with "No Latinos."

But can we really do, without Latinas?

So many ethnocentric questions, and so little time. Perhaps if we knew whether or not the Latinos were gay or straight, and whether they were members of a collective bargaining unit in organized labor.

Heatshield said...

I cannot remotely imagine going to another country, breaking their laws, and then feeling entitled to protest any attempt to enforce the laws I broke. Chutzpah.

averagejoe said...

So are the illegals going to refuse benefits for those days, decline to use services like gas, heat and water, stay off the roads, go to no stores, restaurants or theaters, not use telephone, television or radio? If not, then they are just taking a day off. Day without a Mexican=Bogus agitprop. I wish they'd all leave the country for say, a year- Let's see if we can't live without these leftist cancers.

Humperdink said...

Out of many, not one, but ..... Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Pacific Islanders, New York Islanders, Gays, Transgenders, Transmissions, Eskimos.

lgv said...

So, basically anyone here illegally should be given all rights and privileges of citizens? To all those who support illegal immigration, are you OK with open borders? I mean, that's what we have if we don't enforce anything.

Bay Area Guy said...

This is simply another "branch" of Leftism. These activists are more Left, than Latino.

If these morons are upset about something, then something good is happening.

averagejoe said...

coupe said...
Here in Oklahoma we depend on Mexicans to do manual labor... If Oklahoma would deport all of its illegal immigrants, the state would be a ghost town of tumbling tumbleweed, as most Okies don't know which end of a shovel is which.
2/18/16, 1:21 PM

Bullcrap, but it says more about your attitude toward your fellow Okies and Americans that you harbor this stupid belief. Just like progressives who look around at the nannies and gardeners and bus boys serving them, then say "We can't get along without them, because you other people are useless." As if America was just a pile of rubble until the immigrant invasions of the '80's and '90's and decades since. As a construction worker, the brother of construction workers, the son of a construction worker, I spit in the face of fucks like Coupe who employ illegals to save themselves a few bucks, then have the fucking gall to blame American workers. The same kind of brain-dead thinking that decries the minimum wage and demands $15 for every worker, but searches for illegals to work for them "under the table". Fucking hypocrite cunts, all.

averagejoe said...

The number one source of wealth for the country of Mexico is remittances from Mexicans working in America, mostly illegally. If these illegals went back home, it won't be Oklahoma or America that collapses, it will be Mexico.

Birkel said...

Brevity is better.

Title of the blog post should read "Thousands of (Democrats)..."

buwaya said...

" Is Scott Walker so anti Hispanic that he is now trying to outlaw Bull Fights?"

I was a bullfight fan. When I was a little kid, living for a while in Spain my favorite TV show was the bullfight highlights shown at 6.00pm daily during the season.
My favorite was El Cordobes.

n.n said...


Out of many, not one, but

Divisive and rarefying.

The rainbow paradigm is a step back from the equal representation advanced by a white paradigm.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


So are the illegals going to refuse benefits for those days, decline to use services like gas, heat and water, stay off the roads, go to no stores, restaurants or theaters, not use telephone, television or radio? If not, then they are just taking a day off.

Hey, I just spent three weeks like that in Berkeley, in an Airbnb place that was damned Spartan. I can't speak to "gas, heat, or water," except to say that I did drink water. And went to Trader Joe's. Other than that: "stay off the roads": I don't drive. Restaurants, theaters: A couple of the first, zero of the second. Telephone, television, radio? None available.

It can be done, though admittedly it isn't pleasant.

The number one source of wealth for the country of Mexico is remittances from Mexicans working in America, mostly illegally.

Are you sure? Remittances topped oil revenues just now, but I think tourism is still the biggest chunk of Mexican commerce.

rehajm said...

Thousands? My stars. Did they disrupt the good work of The Solidarity Singers?

Anonymous said...

So all "Latin American" immigrants are criminals?

What an interesting message they've decided to send.

Go Walker!

You going to cover Bradley v Kloppenberg?

Hagar said...

Yes, dear, that is what the word "illegal" means.

I do not see that anyone is benefitted by the current anarchy, and certainly not the "latinos" that belong here.

Todd said...

Did you hear what the Pope said yesterday? If that is really how the Pope feels, I would be very interested in knowing the exact number of refugees that are currently living in the Vatican. I mean have you seen that place? There must be room for a few hundred, easy!

When he is sharing his bedroom with a Syrian family that actively practices Islam, I will consider him not a hypocrite...

William said...

They always ask Republicans how is it possible to deport 12 million undocumented immigrants. They never ask Democrats if there are any undocumented immigrants that they are willing to deport.......How many Syrian refugees have applied for visas to emigrate to South or Central America?

Bob Loblaw said...

They had one of these "day without Mexicans" things in California, and it didn't work out the way they planned. Everyone looked at the greatly diminished road traffic and said "I wish every day was like today."

Rusty said...

Chicago has the second largest urban hispanic population outside of LA. As soon as they pass the city limits they are eligable for welfare, housing and medical assistance. It's not for nothing Chicago has the highest property taxes in the country.

mccullough said...

A day? How about the illegals go back to their country and really show us what's it like without them.

E-verify; wall; sensors and drones on the southern border; and tax remittances to Mexico at 20%. And stiff fines for businesses that employ illegals.

Also, a tariff on goods from Mexico tied to the number of illegals crossing the border. The higher the number of illegals, the higher the tariff. They'll figure out then how to keep the illegals in Mexico.

Real American said...

how about make every day "Day without Illegals Day". The slogan will be "GTFO!"

Real American said...

If you're here legally then you shouldn't have anything to be concerned with.

Titus said...

I rarely see latino's in Wisconsin other than working at republican farms which get huge amounts of dollars from the taxpayer every year.

Oso Negro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oso Negro said...

Titus - I suppose the Republicans in Wisconsin would have to be farmed, they occur so infrequently in the wild. But by Latinos?

DanTheMan said...

I'm still waiting for my Mexican ID card, and presidential ballot...

Titus said...

The latino's live in the republican's old farm house. While the republican farmer has built a new McMansion-tacky of course.

Dude1394 said...

Trump/Walker would be sweeeeetttttt..

Sigivald said...

If they're legally there, the bills aren't about them.

If they're not, they don't mean "without Latinos and immigrants", they mean "without illegals".

I agree it's an odd message to send, implying that every Latino in the state is an illegal, rather than a native or a legit immigrant.

And it also glosses over all the other immigrants, who are overwhelmingly legally here - if only because you can't walk or drive in from Europe or Africa or Asia.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

No wonder my Mexican went missing.

David said...

I am strongly pro immigration. Legal immigration, which has been the backbone of our country for a very long time. Our immigration law is quite open. I would open it more by making it easier to come here to work but harder to become a citizen. But laws which only affect those here illegally are not anti immigration.

David said...

"No wonder my Mexican went missing."

A lot of Centro Americanos have gone missing. Actually they have gone home, and not because we threw them out, but because they chose to. This involves people here illegally and legally. The current trend is never the permanent trend. People forget this.

Levi Starks said...

So to boil it down, they're against the rule of law.
They want to make America just like the countries they came from.
Where will they go then?

holdfast said...


Oh, Canada?

CWJ said...

"So to boil it down, they're against the rule of law."

Yep. Full stop.

Big Mike said...

So native Madisonians will have to shovel their own driveways, change their kid's diapers themselves, try to remember how to run a vacuum cleaner, and, come spring, mow their own lawns. They're tough; they can manage it.

CWJ said...

"Quality work"

Since moving to KC, I can't back this up. I wish I could, but no. Not saying Anglos can't screw things up, but all three major projects I've had done using Mexican labor had problems directly traced to the labor itself. I'm beginning to think this is just something we say to signal that we are not anti-mexican per se.

Michael K said...

"So are the illegals going to refuse benefits for those days, "

They had one of those "day without illegals" in LA a couple of years ago. The traffic was great for a couple of days. We've been trying to get them to do it again.

Did they bring Mexican flags with them like they do in LA when they protest?

MaxedOutMama said...

Well - to be fair about it, it is anti-ILLEGAL-immigrant legislation. That is quite a different matter.

Hagar said...

And "sanctuary city" amounts to sedition and eventual secession.

Rusty said...

Blogger CWJ said...
"Quality work"

Since moving to KC, I can't back this up. I wish I could, but no. Not saying Anglos can't screw things up, but all three major projects I've had done using Mexican labor had problems directly traced to the labor itself. I'm beginning to think this is just something we say to signal that we are not anti-mexican per se.

A lot of them don't read or write their own language.

Mr. T. said...

Since this the madison newspaper, what they really mean is "a few hundred that we bused over from Chicago."

MadisonMan said...

Original Pancake House was also closed today because of this. Culvers wasn't though.

Laslo Spatula said...

'A Day Without Latinos and Immigrants in Wisconsin..."

Would this increase black employment?

If so, can we call it a Work Program and fund it?

I am Laslo.

Wayne said...

Phil Collins said it best, "It's no fun, being an illegal alien."

Big Mike said...

@MadMan, I'll add doing without pancakes to my list of tribulations that non-Latino Madisonians will tough their way through. My hat is off to your fortitude.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Sanctuary cities are more dangerous because they attract violent illegal immigrants who would otherwise face deportation. See, e.g., http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/dad-of-man-slain-by-illegal-goes-nuclear-on-sanctuary-city-champion/. I wonder if anyone has done an econometric study to determine whether this reduces real estate values in sanctuary cities.

Curious George said...

I would change the law to prohibit sanctuary cities...except in Madison. Then all the lefties can enjoy the fruit of their discord. And Mad Man can have his McD's and pancakes.

ramvan said...

"Sigivald said...
If they're legally there, the bills aren't about them.

If they're not, they don't mean "without Latinos and immigrants", they mean "without illegals".

I agree it's an odd message to send, implying that every Latino in the state is an illegal, rather than a native or a legit immigrant.

And it also glosses over all the other immigrants, who are overwhelmingly legally here - if only because you can't walk or drive in from Europe or Africa or Asia."

Have you forgotten Obama's transcontinental railroad? I thoroughly recommend that you bring your own food because I've only had problems with their surly waitstaff.

MartyH said...

A few thoughts:

a) Looking at the tone of this thread, it's no wonder Trump is doing so well. The public does not support illegal immigration and Trump is the only candidate vocally opposed to it.

b) This is another example of Federalism at work. Wisconsin makes it slightly harder for illegals than other states; illegals are incentivized to move to other states. Does that help Wisconsin and hinder those states, or are the effects reversed? Does it even make a difference?

c) Speaking of not making a difference, it appears that this protest didn't.

Nichevo said...

Not at all, Marty. Instead of signing the bills, I'm sure Gov. Walker signed them with glee.

Curious George said...

I'll bet garage was out there showing his support. He's tight with the Latinos. I mean, his daughter is like a sister to one.

Trashhauler said...

We should consider why we have to pass laws that tell us to obey the law.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Big Mike,

So native Madisonians will have to shovel their own driveways, change their kid's diapers themselves, try to remember how to run a vacuum cleaner, and, come spring, mow their own lawns. They're tough; they can manage it.

Yup. My parents do all that. (Well, they're past the diaper-changing stage now.)

James Pawlak said...

Perhaps we should try a "Decade Without (Illegal) Latinos"!

Big Mike said...

@Michelle, one truly hopes you are past the stage where you need diapers. Although, come to think about it, Depends is in business because someday we're all going to need diapers all over again. Or so their advertising tells us.

But you didn't say whether your parents are tough enough to do without pancakes if Madison's Original Pancake House is closed.

Marty Keller said...

I noticed how incredibly slanted the referenced article was. It was laced with comments from the "protesters," but offered only two quotes from supporters.

This method of propagandizing The Narrative of the "progressive"/rent-seeker axis is tiresomely repeated every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year across the nation in such a brilliant way that Goebbels must be weeping in his grave with jealousy.

No wonder logic, that evil invention of dead white men, is banned from our political discourse.

n.n said...

They're progressing an irreconcilable conflict that entraps the anti-native and pro-immigrant faction in a muck of their own creation, while illuminating the ulterior motives in constructing minority fiefdoms controlled by leaders under Democrat supervision who were rejected in their own land.

Sammy Finkelman said...

anti-immigrant legislation.

They have a problem being honest, and they won't win until they are.

They've really got to come out in favor of at least tolerating illegal immigration.

And Cruz and Rubio are one of the last persons who can argue such a policy is contradictory.

I don't think they are in favor of repealing the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 (passed at a time when there were no quota restrictions on anyone coming from thw western hemisphere.)


I guess I should add also the policy of paroling Cubans into the United States.

The policy, since 1980, is that Cuban attempting to come to the United States are stopped and turned back. The U.S. actually has an agreeement with the Castro governmen.

But Cubans who make it - or who cross the Mexican border - can stay.

This is instant amnesty. Because it is not just Castro keeping them in Cuba.

But it would be too much to expect anyone to discuss this as if they were in possession of the full range of the facts.

The leftwingers want to get rid of it, or say they do.

Sammy Finkelman said...


Sammy Finkelman said...

FullMoon said...2/18/16, 1:22 PM

Speed up immigration process.

That would mean inccreasing the quota, at least temprarily. Expect strong objections from senator Jeff Sessions. He will exaggerate figures, too.

I don't think most people have an idea what immigration law is. The hard=liners aren't exactly interested in informing people.

I'd be interested in finding out what hey really want. Maybe more room for corruption, bribery and blackmail.

It is stupid for immigrants who want to be citizens to
compete with illegals who will never begin the process.

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