February 22, 2016

"Robert B. Reichhhh Produces the Best Campaign Ad Ted Cruz Could Wish For."

Says Rush Limbaugh, about this:

I'm thinking: a great ad for Cruz for people who are already for Cruz. But it's a great ad for Trump.


Fabi said...

Never take advice from a bitter midget.

traditionalguy said...

That was pro Trump, right? The SOB just told the moderates to vote for Trump.

Unfortunately, Reich being in total agreement with the Cruz Cultist's wet dream also will make them keep fighting to the bitter end. They will probably rehire Rick Tyler, change his name to Lord Haw Haw and run guerilla prayer meetings that issue whoppers. They just can't wait for somebody like Cruz to prove they are the extremely smallest known group of smart ones.

All Trump offers is to Make America great again, and that lets everybody in on the win.

rcocean said...

Wow, Cruz is a "Crazy ideologue" for believing what the vast majority of people believed 20 years ago.

Guess Cruz really is K-K-razy.

rcocean said...

Reich is about 5 feet tall. He's like a human Muppet. Sorta of like Yoda - only without the wisdom.

rcocean said...

I haven't heard about the guy since the Clinton Administration. I thought he was dead - run over by a tricycle.

Guess I was misinformed.

Deb said...

I expected to see "I'm Ted Cruz and I approve this message" at the end. LOL.

tim maguire said...

I like how he makes Cruz look like Hitler. Real subtle, thoughtful stuff. Pretty good for hoth Cruz and Trump.

Etienne said...
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Beldar said...

Reich is addressing himself to malicious Democrats or independents in open-primary states who aren’t too excited about either Bernie or Hillary, but who definitely want the GOP nominee, whoever he is, to lose.

It’s basically incitement to cast a strategic spoiling vote, without wrapping it in that language. There are Dem websites that will link and promote this video, probably including dKos.

As a loyal Clintonista, Reich is supremely confident that the Dems can beat Trump, no matter who they nomninate; polls back him up, at least with respect to Hillary, so it’s not a particularly novel thought among those on the Left.

But he’s terrified of Ted Cruz. And he should be, for some of the exact same reasons he listed.

The current Dem meme about Cruz, by the way, is that he will turn the United States into a theocracy. It’s a particularly easy meme to explode on contact with actual facts or Cruz’ actual positions, but that’s about the best they can come up with.

But Trump? The oppo research almost does itself. Hey Trump fans! Were any of you even the slightest bit dismayed this week when you learned beyond any shadow of a doubt that Trump has been lying to you when he’s insisted that he was on record as being against the Iraq War? No?

Okay, can you at least imagine how some less, umm, enthusiastic Trump supporter than you are might see this as evidence of him telling a big whopping lie on a key issue? This is, after all, his sole claim to having any kind of good judgment or smarts on foreign policy. (Unless you count licensing his name on foreign hotels, which I don’t.)

Well, then: There will be audios and videos and reprints popping up continuously between now and the day Trump is knocked out of the race, whether that’s done by a Republican candidate or by the Democratic nominee. Your guy blabs his motor mouth constantly, and he contradicts himself by accident even when he isn’t deliberately lying (which is plenty frequent, we know).

Farmer said...

What an adorable little gnome!

Bay Area Guy said...

The problem is the structure and the substance of the argument: it would embarrass any first year poli sci student:

The 4 Conclusions:

1. Cruz is fanatical
2. Cruz is a true believer
3. Cruz is disciplined and strategic
4. Cruz is a destroyer.

So, why is Cruz fanatical, Professor Reichhhh?

Well, he supports the death penalty (which is legal and longstanding), he supports traditional marriage (which, for 5000 years was the norm), he denies man-made global warming (scientific bullshit based on hypothetical modeling), he wants to abolish the IRS (does anyone like the IRS?) and he's pro-2nd Amendment (as is a vast majority of the country and a majority of the Supreme Court, see Heller).

This is not, what we'd call a "sound argument." The evidence presented does not lead to the conclusion reached -- only that the target audience are clueless wussies, who dogmatically buy into Leftwing sloganeering.

But, hey, Reich gets credit for at least attempting to structure an argument, which liberals no longer do.

Fritz said...

Cruz; I'm sold.

Tom said...

Robert Reich gave an amazing talk on the issues with raising the minimum wage back in the early 90s. I remember watching and I can still remember his argument - that raising the minimum wage hurts workers who make just above minimum wage because their wages don't go up but business pass the cost of the minimum wage hike onto low end consumer - many of whom make just above minimum wage. So the real value of their wages goes down and the cost of goods inflates. THEN, a few years later, when Bill Clinton needed some votes, there was old Robert as Secretary of Labor shilling for the president's plan to raise the,what?! Yep, you guessed it. The minimum wage.

I so wish the video of his original talk was somewhere online, but I can find it.

YoungHegelian said...

Reich has become such a lefty putz in his old age, his prejudices hiding behind the veneer of an "eminence-grise economist".

Notice what Reich doesn't do is go at it mano a mano with a conservative economist in publicized fora. There's a good reason for that.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


Occasionally he is on NPR where you can rest assured that he will be parroting whatever the Democrat talking points are for the day.

Original Mike said...

"But it's a great ad for Trump."

Yeah, if you're a liberal who has to choose between Cruz and Trump.

YoungHegelian said...
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YoungHegelian said...

This video is of a piece with a meme now floating around on the left: Hillary may not be able to beat Cruz, but Hillary can beat Trump. The Left sees Trump as a buffoon that the "wily" Hillary can easily defeat.

I don't. I think Trump has confounded the pundits because there are social trends afoot in this country that no one yet knows how to take the measure. Trump is riding the crest of whatever that wave is.

Both Trump & Hillary have extremely high negatives. The difference is that people on the moderate right & moderate left think Trump is a blowhard & buffoon, but both the far Left & all of the Right think that Hillary is evil incarnate. The passion stirred up by voting against evil incarnate gets more folks to the polls than voting against buffoonery. Also, very few blacks & Hispanics are worked up to vote for Hillary, but they sure as hell won't vote for Cruz. But, Trump, with his celebrity & in-yer-face ways just may be able to peel off some of those votes...

Henry said...

That makes me want to vote for Ted Cruz and I don't even like him. Maybe it's the charming cartoon scalawag face. Reich declaims his tragedy and the Greek chorus sings "and this is the best you've got?"

D. B. Light said...

That does it -- I'm voting for Cruz.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Bay Area Guy said...

...and he's pro-2nd Amendment (as is a vast majority of the country and a majority of the Supreme Court, see Heller).

Half the Supreme Court, see Scalia.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

eh. Predictable leftwing morons proclaimed that GWB was going to turn the US into a theocracy! leftwing lunatics say it every time.

FullMoon said...

Reich Makes me puke.
However, when commenters here disparage his diminutive stature, this joint begins to resemble WaPo comments, or worse, NYT.

And, no, I am not short, I am perfect. In fact,I often lament
it's hard to be humble, when I am perfect in every way

Simon said...

Seriously, if this were a paid advertisement for Cruz, he couldn't get better moneysworth.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AD tells us more about the left, than anything else. "These are our issues and you shall not deviate. Obey and stop thinking!"

Chuck said...

traditionalguy said...
All Trump offers is to Make America great again, and that lets everybody in on the win.

I gotta get an email out to the Cruz campaign; stop with all that principled stuff and just start saying, "Make the U.S. Powerful Again." Because everybody will feel good about that. And my email to the Rubio campaign will tell them to just start saying, "Make Our Country Wonderful Again." Because that lets everybody feel good, too. Policy Schmolicy. All you need is a slogan.

Honestly, I look at that ad, and all it does is add to the picture of what a low-grade and unreliable candidate Trump would be for Republicans.

If Donald Trump says that he is for traditional marriage, I believe him about as much as I did when Barack Obama. And with realistically two SCOTUS picks for the next president, I don't want Trump making those picks.

And with all of the Tea Party crowd screaming about the last budget deal, I regard Trump as the LEAST likely to be able to crowd out the Democrats in the Senate. Cruz would take a tougher stand, and Rubio would at least have all the Republicans in the Senate working with him.

On about three or four different dimensions, Trump is the nominee that the Democrats want.

Big Mike said...

Reichhhhh is upset that Cruz doesn't believe in liberal economic theories. Are we talking about those same theories that led to the 2008 economic meltdown? To the "L shaped" recovery -- meaning no real recovery at all? Is Reich okay with an economy that let Wall Streeters collect big bonuses while ordinary people were called into auditoriums and told "All you Americans are fired"? Yeah, Cruz scares crap out of Reichhhh. Somebody needs to scare the crsp out of him. For the good of the country.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The scary thing is Reich is a mainstream Democrat. His views are no different than Hillary's and the 44 Dems in the US Senate.

I'm Full of Soup said...

YoungHegelain- I always thought Reich was an economist too but learned he is nothing but a sociologist.

Birkel said...

Everything Althouse seems is a Cruz nail. Or a Trump hammer.

Any ghoulish comments about Claire McCaskill by conservatives like there were for Scalia by liberals?

rcocean said...

"However, when commenters here disparage his diminutive stature, this joint begins to resemble WaPo comments, or worse, NYT."

Sorry dude if you're short. But when the Left starts playing fair, so will we.

Until then, stop playing tone police.

rcocean said...

"The scary thing is Reich is a mainstream Democrat. His views are no different than Hillary's and the 44 Dems in the US Senate."

That is the scary thing. I agree. They are in favor of open borders, Trillion dollar deficits, abortion in the 9th month, Wall street uber alles. What crazy fucking thing isn't "the Left" in favor of?

44 Dems in favor of the ACLU, felons, and 15 year olds voting, legalized drugs, and no immigration laws. And they love Israel and hate the US military!

Really. They are fucking insane.

mccullough said...

An ideologue calling another ideologue an ideologue. Amusing

Luke Lea said...

Trump can't lose for winning.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dude1394 said...

Scott Adams would agree with Ann because he thinks that Trumps only problem is that he is scary.

The real problem here is that Cruz IS an ideologue and is seen that way by....well...everyone. Even his supporters who think an ideologue is super-keeno-happy-hour.

Most people do not.

Jupiter said...

Oh, it is rich. It is tasty. I suppose it won't last. Google Robert Reich, and take a look at the biographical sketch, over there on the right side. Hah!

Jupiter said...

How do you suppose they managed that. Does that thing come from Wikipedia?

Jupiter said...

OK, Full Moon, I guess you're right. It's kind of a low blow.

Mary Beth said...

FullMoon, I bet you get better looking each day.

The drawing of Trump looked like Conan O'Brien to me. It was a little weird.

Roy Lofquist said...

I have been calling him the midget for years. It has nothing to do with his height.

Jupiter said...

Kicking a man when he's down.

rcocean said...

Are you pretending to be stupid, numbnutz ? I am taller than you piss-ant.

Really? 'cause i'm 7'2"" - how tall are you?

rcommal said...

The only thing that I can say re: now is that this situation has been a long-time coming. Ignoring realities on the ground, those realities persistently ignored over a long period of time, equals ignorance.

To put it more plainly, in terms of the body politic, in these times: Ignoring = ignorance.

Full stop.

B said...

He's an originalist! Oh God, what are we going to do?

Farmer said...

However, when commenters here disparage his diminutive stature, this joint begins to resemble WaPo comments, or worse, NYT.

It's not really his lack of height as much as his delightfully elfish voice!

FullMoon said...

rcocean said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Are you pretending to be stupid, numbnutz ? I am taller than you piss-ant.

Really? 'cause i'm 7'2"" - how tall are you?

7'4", measured in internet height.

FullMoon said...

Mary Beth said...

FullMoon, I bet you get better looking each day.

...can't wait to look in the mirror

Joe said...

I'm with Henry; I don't like Cruz, but Reich made him look pretty good.

Original Mike said...

"Really? 'cause i'm 7'2"" - how tall are you?"

"7'4", measured in internet height."


Michael Fitzgerald said...

So Cruz has principles, discipline, and consistency, but progressives prefer the unprincipled, scattershot self-aggrandizing demagogue. And the summation of Cruz's policy positions was pure Geobbels. I guess it's a good ad for Trump if you know nothing about Cruz and don't take the effort to see, if you like Trump or hate Cruz to begin with, or if you don't know that Robert Reich is a democrat party member attempting to poison the candidate he thinks will actually enact conservative reformations. Trump is the republican that democrats can "work with".

Spiros Pappas said...

I think Americans will accept a liberal, tough on the border, Republican over Hillary. That's Trump! But Cruz? This jerk wants to privatize social security (good luck if your old and poor) and voucherize Medicare (oh my God!) and slash taxes for the ultra wealthy. These are extremely unpopular opinions! And do you really think this man will stop the flood of cheap, union-busting labor from Latin America? Cruz is a crazy bastard who doesn't have a chance in the general election.

grimson said...

I'm thinking: a great ad for Cruz for people who are already for Cruz. But it's a great ad for Trump.

Don't see how this is a great ad for Trump at all--not sure why Reich even bothers to mention him.

But for the contingent of Trump supporters that just want to blow up the system, Mr. Reich is here to tell you "no--Cruz is the destroyer." He also tells you that unlike Trump, Cruz actually means what he says.

rcommal said...

I'm 5'1-1/2, and I've been that since I was around about 13. Believe you me, I learned long ago (and at least twice or thrice over) to neither be impressed or threatened on account of height alone. Silly shit, that sort of thing is.

Ken B said...

What is the point of this day? Who is it aimed at? People who like rambling about how "dangerous" the other party is?

walter said...

Blogger traditionalguy said..
Unfortunately, Reich being in total agreement with the Cruz Cultist's wet dream
Ah..do tell..or switch to decaf.

Costanza lives!
And if any of you folks want some of his books my wiened UW-Madison elders had me purchasing, willing to make a deal...

walter said...

Oh..that was supposed to read wizened..but it still works at a certain level..

walter said...

(reichhhh books..filled with unrealized predictions)

Sebastian said...

"I don't like Cruz, but Reich made him look pretty good" I do like Cruz, as Rubio's VP.

eddie willers said...

As usual, Rush is right.

effinayright said...

Reich is just bitter about losing that lucrative gig as Travelocity pitchman.

Rusty said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...
Bay Area Guy said...

...and he's pro-2nd Amendment (as is a vast majority of the country and a majority of the Supreme Court, see Heller).

Half the Supreme Court, see Scalia.

And I'll raise you 'all of the founders'.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Theocracy!" STFU you state worshiping creeps.

damikesc said...

Just as a reminder, Reich lied about how meetings went to his own diary. Video footage even showed he lied about it and he stood by his recollections.

JAORE said...

Please stop making me re-look at Cruz as a good choice.

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