February 25, 2016

Justice Scalia spent his last days, it seems, in the company of members of a "male-only society" that wears "dark-green robes emblazoned with a large cross and the motto 'Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes'" ("Honoring God by honoring His creatures").

WaPo reports on the "exclusive fraternity for hunters called the International Order of St. Hubertus, an Austrian society that dates back to the 1600s":
After Scalia’s death Feb. 13, the names of the 35 other guests at the remote resort, along with details about Scalia’s connection to the hunters, have remained largely unknown. A review of public records shows that some of the men who were with Scalia at the ranch are connected through the International Order of St. Hubertus, whose members gathered at least once before at the same ranch for a celebratory weekend.
Hubert is the patron saint of hunters and fishermen.
“There is nothing I can add to your observation that among my many guests at Cibolo Creek Ranch over the years some members of the International Order of St. Hubertus have been numbered,” [Cibolo Creek Ranch owner John] Poindexter said in an email. “I am aware of no connection between that organization and Justice Scalia.”


Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'll wait for the movie based on a Dan Brown novel.

Brando said...

That is about as ominous as a pine cone.

Wasn't Bill Clinton a member of a whites-only golf club before he got elected president?

traditionalguy said...

Did someone say Male Only?

Henry said...

Next up: The New York Times discovers the existence of Rod and Gun clubs. They're everywhere.

MadisonMan said...

From the Why Is This In The Paper? Department.

Brian said...

An order so secret and sinister that you can learn all about them on their web site.

William said...

Their Dallas office is located in an office building just across the street from the Book Depository.

Marc in Eugene said...

Noted the WaPo journalist's nonsense earlier and wondered if it would amuse AA. I'll come back later on to read about the nefarious connections etc. 'Secretive', she wrote. No Twitter fees! No Facebook page! Pft.

rhhardin said...

Beaver Scouts give boys a head start. That's sort of hunting related.

Henry said...

Althouse reader Henry spent last Tuesday, it seems, in the company of members of a male-only* society wearing khaki shirts emblazoned with paramilitary badges and the motto "be prepared."

*Actually, some of the scouts' moms were there.

Laslo Spatula said...

Green robes are OK: Purple robes mean you are nuts.

I am Laslo.

Ken B said...

That's just the tip of the iceberg. You'd be shocked to learn how much time lower court judges spend in the company of criminals.

Wilbur said...

A pretty ridiculous stab by WAPO to make something out of nothing.

But I am curious as to how one "honors God's creatures" by hunting them.

Marc in Eugene said...

It only now occurred to me that if they can somehow seriously defame Mr Scalia's memory then that would be useful as they try to obtain a successor to their liking; perhaps this is a feeble attempt at that.

Bob Boyd said...

"But I am curious as to how one "honors God's creatures" by hunting them."

Well first you gotta get 'em to hold still.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Scalia gets poindextered, again.

traditionalguy said...

I suspect Baylor Bears are behind this sillyness. They are trying to appear classy as if they hunt European Stags, but everyone knows they hunt cows in Texas.

Karen of Texas said...

...""honors God's creatures" by hunting them."

Ask the Native Americans. They valued the sacrifice the animal made to sustain them and honored the creature for doing so.

Wince said...

"We now consecrate the sacred bond of obedience..."

"That you, sir, may I have another!"

Larvell said...

"But I am curious as to how one "honors God's creatures" by hunting them."

A question no leftist has ever asked about Native Americans.

Robert Cook said...

"Ask the Native Americans. They valued the sacrifice the animal made to sustain them and honored the creature for doing so."

The native Americans needed to hunt animals for food and for their skins, from which they made clothing and teepees. These were overfed rich guys who went out with high-powered rifles and killed animals simply for "fun."

rehajm said...

...Bohemian Club, Alfalfa Club, Skull and Bones, etc. All pretty much excuses for elites to get together for PG-13 debauchery.

Also to maintain a shallow pool of world leaders from which to choose.

Also clubs to which Trump does not belong.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Wilbur said...

But I am curious as to how one "honors God's creatures" by hunting them.

Medium-rare, with a side of greens and a nice Pinot Noir.

Henry said...

Correction to my first comment. Washington Post, not New York Times. Next up: The Washington Post discovers the existence of Rod and Gun clubs.

The order claims to be "hunters who are also wildlife conservationists and are respectful of traditional hunting ethics and practices." Interestingly they were banned by Hitler for refusing to accept Nazis as members.

(hat tip to Brian, upstream for the link)

It's interesting to me how interesting the tangential stories to Scalia's passing turn out to be. Poindexter is an interesting guy. These St. Hubertus guys are interesting.

buwaya said...

Hunting animals for fun is (often, not always) great fun.
There is also something about it that's above and beyond fun I think, especially as a social activity. There is a feeling, in a hunting party gathering on a hill at dawn, that I have felt nowhere else. Nature letting us know what we are designed to do maybe.

Karen of Texas said...

@Cook - Was not commenting on the "Hubert's group" and their hunting and killing practices. Trophy hunters would have been despised by Native Americans.

But not all hunters kill for the "deer rack display". Some would equate all hunters to trophy mount types. My remark was to point out that hunters can honor the creature even if it ends up dead.

Michael said...

Robert Cook

They did not use "high powered" (LOL) rifles to kill animals at the ranch. They were bird hunting or pheasant shooting or pigeon shooting. Shotguns were used. And as much fun as it is to shoot birds it would be more fun still if they screamed when they were hit and fire shot out of their assholes.

Michael said...

The article notes that the Bohemian Grove is a secret society. It is actually the rural location of the Bohemian Club which is not very secretly located in San Francisco . Its members, as the name suggests, are often artists, actors, writers, people with talent. Very many of whom are lefties.

rhhardin said...

Everything about native American societies is risible.

This spills over into hunting a little.

traditionalguy said...

Well at least when Texans dressed in Baylor Green unis go hunting cows, they do eat what they kill, and also share some with the rest of us. But we have to grow our own potatoes.

rhhardin said...

An AP news story long ago reported somebody had used a native American slur.

I don't know any native American slurs. One must speculate.

Hey wampum-nose.

buwaya said...

I find the modern male obsession with video games a very poor and unhealthy substitute for the real thing, hunting.
Much like so many of our other commercial products attempt to fill needs arising out of natural instinct.

Original Mike said...

"These were overfed rich guys who went out with high-powered rifles and killed animals simply for "fun.""

Yeah, the "high-powered" pejorative was a nice touch. Robert would have them crouched on a limb, naked, with knife in teeth waiting to drop on their prey.

Original Mike said...

"There is a feeling, in a hunting party gathering on a hill at dawn, that I have felt nowhere else. Nature letting us know what we are designed to do maybe."

I concur.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

If you can honor God by honoring His creatures, then I guess it follows that you can honor God by honoring pretty much anything that exists.

Curious George said...

I can guarantee that not one of the attendees ever uttered "Can I get me a hunting license here?"

Howard said...

Jesus, that's even more disquieting than a murder conspiracy. The Humbert Humbert "rod and gun" club is beyond creepy. Sometimes a banana is just a shriveled up non-functioning penis.

Fernandinande said...

I often confuse St. Hubertus with St. Hubbins, the patron saint of quality footwear.

Larvell said...

These were overfed rich guys who went out with high-powered rifles and killed animals simply for "fun."

Yeah, they should get their meat the right way, from a slaughterhouse.

holdfast said...

What is a high-powered rifle anyway?

.223? Hah!

.308? Meh.

.338 Lapua? Maybe

.416 Barrett? Yeah

.50 BMG? Absofrigginlutey!

Birkel said...

You sniveling, ignorant wretches who think Native Americans used every last piece of the animal are racists, straight up. (TM)

My forebears were not noble savages. Quit lying.

Bay Area Guy said...

The story makes Scalia and his hunting comrades seem weird and creepy.

Is the story designed to make a reasonable reader believe that Scalia and his hunting comrades seem weird and creepy? That's propaganda, not journalism.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's kind of a shame that Scalia didn't die at some super-secret sex club like in Eyes Wide Shut.

Tom said...

So? I mean, really.. so what?

Hagar said...


Again (and again and again!) a "high-powered rifle" (and actually of course, it is the ammunition, not the rifle that is "high-powered") by definition is a rifle using anything hotter than a .22 Long Rifle ammunition.

Big Mike said...

These were overfed rich guys who went out with high-powered rifles and killed animals simply for "fun."

The article mentions hunting pheasants and "a type of partridge." Anyone who can hunt game birds with a rifle deserves everyone's deepest respect.

Neither my father nor I ever hunted, however most of my uncles on my father's side hunted game birds, and quite proficiently. I assure you they ate what they shot.

traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...

I saw a Catholic Tag. Does that mean the Green robe is like a ceremonial robe the Romans use?

I don't know. Wouldn't that contradict the special Fish on Friday commandment enforced by the Catholic's usual death penalty.

Again, I suspect this is Baptists from Baylor playing a trick on us.

Rocketeer said...

The article mentions hunting pheasants and "a type of partridge." Anyone who can hunt game birds with a rifle deserves everyone's deepest respect.

When I was a kid we'd take wild turkeys in the spring by shooting their heads off with a .410 slug. Didn't want to damage the meat or the giblets. Does that count?

Tank said...

Brando said...
That is about as ominous as a pine cone.

Wasn't Bill Clinton a member of a whites-only golf club before he got elected president?

Clinton is a member of Trump's Golf Club. That makes him a Trump supporter.

Big Mike said...

@Rocketeer, oh heck yes. You must have been pretty close to the birds considering that I've never seen a .410 with a rifled barrel.

Hagar said...

Incidentally, the .22LR really is also a .223 caliber. The extra .003 is only added to indicate this is a centerfire cartridge.
And the .223 really is only good for hunting frogs or shooting prairie dogs.

The military thinking is that the rounds will tend to wound the enemy's soldiers, which then must be taken care of, and so weaken the enemy more than dead soldiers would. This does not work so well in the East, where they generally do not bother with the wounded, anyway.

Simon Kenton said...

It's even worse than the reporters revealed. If they could have dug just a little deeper, they would have learned that Justice Scalia actually seduced Justice Kagan into coming along on a hunting trip out west.

Squeaked Justice Kagan, "But wait, I'm the victim here."

Justice Scalia twirled his mustaches and obtruded his sinister half-smile. "No woman, not even the most committed feminist, can stand against my Second Amendment ploy," he crowed (pigeoned? turkeyed?) in the resonant baritone that has been known to set even the yonis of NOW members aglow. "Miss Kagan never had a chance."

Robert Cook said...

"Yeah, the 'high-powered' pejorative was a nice touch. Robert would have them crouched on a limb, naked, with knife in teeth waiting to drop on their prey."

Why not?

The fact is, these shit-bags don't need to hunt any game for food, so it's purely rich guys indulging in narcissistic circle jerks of killing.

Rusty said...

"Ask the Native Americans. They valued the sacrifice the animal made to sustain them and honored the creature for doing so."

Nah. The mostly took their resources for granted. They'd run thousands of buffalo over cliffs and then just take the tasty bits. They'd set fire to 100s of thousands of acres of prairie just to drive game. Most was left to rot. Mostly our native American brothers and sisters were just as big environmental assholes as we were.

Since god gave us dominion over the beasts of the earth it is up to us to use them wisely.
And besides they're tasty.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"Yeah, the 'high-powered' pejorative was a nice touch. Robert would have them crouched on a limb, naked, with knife in teeth waiting to drop on their prey."

Why not?

The fact is, these shit-bags don't need to hunt any game for food, so it's purely rich guys indulging in narcissistic circle jerks of killing.

Uhoh. Somebody's having fun and Bob doesn't approve.

Rocketeer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rocketeer said...

@Big Mike, it may seem farther in memory than it really was (and full disclosure, I'm a Kentuckian so take it with the appropriate amount of salt) but I'd guess 40-50 feet. Had a Savage smoothbore single .410, bead sight - that thing shot where you pointed it, period. It was better than a rifle for the job, IMHO. Best gun I ever owned.

They do make rifled .410s by the way...

Lewis Wetzel said...

And Umberto Eco died just six days after Scalia? Coincidence?
I think not.
"International Order of St. Hubertus", indeed!
I see the hand of the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross at work.

Wheels within wheels.

Etienne said...

Catholics scare the hell out of people. I think it's kind of cool when they can speak Latin fluently.

A Catholic secret group speaking Latin at a hunting lodge, where one is killed and the residents can remain anonymous.

I like that...

Rick said...

Reporters should quit using secretive or exclusive to mean "a group I've never heard of whose members I hate".

holdfast said...

Again (and again and again!) a "high-powered rifle" (and actually of course, it is the ammunition, not the rifle that is "high-powered") by definition is a rifle using anything hotter than a .22 Long Rifle ammunition.

What is this .22LR you speak of? I have heard of it, but haven't seen any in the wild since around January 2013.

Remember, Obama is the greatest guns and ammo salesman in US history.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Aren't the words 'secretive' and 'exclusive' the perfect words to describe Ezra Klein's Journolist?
Why, yes they are.

Bill Peschel said...

Thanks, Rusty. I was just about to mention that little tid-bit.

For those who want to learn more, read "Son of the Morning Star" by Evan S. Connell, about Custer and the Little Big Horn. Brilliant, memorable book.

Smilin' Jack said...

"Justice Scalia spent his last days, it seems, in the company of members of a "male-only society" that wears "dark-green robes..."

So he wore a dress to work and a dress on vacation, but opposed gay rights. Self-hatred, or just in denial?

Bob Loblaw said...

Meh. When you're just a regular schlub you go hunting with your buddies. If you're super successful you join an "organization" and go hunting with your buddies.

Bob Loblaw said...

Uhoh. Somebody's having fun and Bob doesn't approve.

That's the difference between us and them in a nutshell. If you do something I don't enjoy, well, different strokes. If you do something lefties don't enjoy whatever you're doing is wrong and a sociology professor somewhere will produce a "study" proving that to be the case.

The Godfather said...

I tell you what, @Robert Cook, why don't you tell us what you do for recreation/amusement, and then the other commenters can mock YOU.

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