Drop certain topics! If they're afraid students will be moved to gunfire by whatever it is they are teaching, why weren't they already afraid?
And here's slide giving advice on how to phrase your anti-gun argument:
IN THE COMMENTS: Mark Caplan said:
And most important:And Tari said:
There have always been guns on UH campus. Bad neighborhood, commuter students and lots of night classes means lots of women with handguns. The professors are probably safer now, assuming all those who want to carry on campus will bother to get a CHL.
Most of the UH students I've met over the years could give 2 sh$ts about the faculty's hysteria over this issue. They are by and large incredibly hard-working, no-nonsense kids who just want to get an education to get ahead in life.
John Dillinger is supposed to have once said, "You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word."
Hahaha! I bet everyone feels so much safer now.
Don't say anything that might provoke someone? Isn't that already the general rule on campuses?
They forgot one:
Wear dark pants.
What sort of idiot thinks that rules against concealed carry keeps loose cannons from carrying them anyway?
I live near DC, & I always assume when I'm in a crowd, like on the Metro, there's some asshole who's carrying an illegal weapon. Guns are easy enough to get, especially if you're some street hood whose life may well depend on having a gun to ward off your fellow gang-bangers when a deal goes south on the street.
But, Texas, c'mon. I'll bet 4 out of 5 boys who grow up in Texas grow up in a household that has at least one gun. Hell, I grew up in northern Alabama, & my dad like to hunt a bit, but he wasn't really a gun afficionado, & we had four guns in the house.
Used to be that if you didn't want your students to kill you, you didn't allow them to languish 15 years in the math department as PhD candidates. That's way too long to think about the ways they could justifiably murder you, with or without campus carry.
Why pay to attend such an institution with professors so lacking in common sense.
This is in Houston? The one in Texas? I'm not surprised that the faculty are mostly pussies, but I would be surprised if the Texan parents of prospective UH students are mostly pussies.
I do agree that the "Man Who Shot . . ." reference is probably too obscure: That movie was released in 1962. The students would have to ask their grandparents what it's about.
If the faculty at UH are afraid of students carrying, they're even more immune to reasoning using actual data than might be thought otherwise (i.e., they're just plain stupid and like the good little commies many of them are, can't abide ordinary citizens carrying firearms). CHL holders have been shown to be more law abiding than the general public and unlawful use of a gun by a CHL holder is extremely rare.
Ever drive through the part of Houston where UH is located? You'd feel a lot safer with a gun, I promise you.
Pussies. The students are not threatening teachers now except for a few African Americans saying give me a good grade for no work or else you will be turned in for racism.
Imaginary gun violence is a red herring. The liberals all want to disarm everybody for political power.
When this works to stop school shootings it will not be mentioned.
"What sort of idiot thinks that rules against concealed carry keeps loose cannons from carrying them anyway?"
The last people I'd be worried about are licensed concealed carriers. If it were legal, we could use a few hundred of them on the DC Metro when the feral children start their little reenactment of Children of the Corn.
Not official, some bunch who dare not speak, walk, or drive off-campus and fear they may soon not do so on-campus.
The UH says they will issue something next week. Let us hope it will be a lot more sensible.
I'll bet Metro riders are a lot happier that they are not allowed to carry guns! How that robbery/shooting took place is a mystery to me, perhaps the shooter didn't realize he wasn't allowed to have a gun on Metro?
Apparently some public university faculties hate that they get their money from the public and are required to bow to the commands of the legislature. They seem to think that they have a right to our money because they are just so wonderful. It is socialist ideology at it's most basic.
It's not the person who has qualified for a conceal carry permit (CHL in Texas-talk) that the professors have to worry about -- it's the person who doesn't have a permit but is carrying a concealed handgun anyway. You'd think someone smart enough to earn a Ph.D. could grasp that.
But if tenured professors want to resign in fear of their students, I'm sure there are plenty of adjunct professors in their fields living hand to mouth who'd be glad to teach a classroom full of students who may -- but probably aren't -- carrying a handgun.
Yes, Amanda, I DO feel safer! I will be open carrying a pair of Ruger Redhawks. So keep you greasy liberal paws to yourself when you pass through Texas and there is nothing for you to be concerned about.
@Amanda, there are young women who have a permit, a handgun, and the will to use it who will feel a lot more safe walking to their dorms or apartments late at night knowing that they have the wherewithal to fight off multiple attackers.
Poor: I'm scared of Muslims.
Good: My students are scared of other student's who are Muslim.
I'm curious as to whether for the anti-gun side open-carry or concealed carry is the bigger problem (or to put it another way, which is an easier sell to the general public). Open carry obviously would make some anti-gun folks nervous, but then you'd at least be able to see who's armed (and the cops may prefer that to not knowing who is armed and who isn't--legally, anyway).
Also, are concealed carry and open carry laws often mutually exclusive (where one is allowed but the other isn't)?
I ask this as someone who lives where this is all moot because we have strict gun laws and the mysteriously high gun crimes rate.
Used to be that if you didn't want your students to kill you, you didn't allow them to languish 15 years in the math department as PhD candidates.
Good sir, we in philosophical engineering have already beat you to it.
"@Amanda, there are young women who have a permit, a handgun, and the will to use it who will feel a lot more safe walking to their dorms or apartments late at night knowing that they have the wherewithal to fight off multiple attackers."
With one in every two women on campus being raped at least once a week each, this seems a better option than campus courts.
I remember when it became clear that with a Walker victory concealed carry was to became legal here in Wisconsin...about the same time Walker was slapping down the Teachers Unions. All the teachers were wetting their pants over the sure to be coming soon OK Corral gunfights. Moronic bed wetters.
The guns were already on campus. If people weren't afraid then, then they shouldn't be afraid now. The same rules regulating force and social etiquette are still effective today. Only the criminals should be concerned that their opportunity cost has increased with more people who feel empowered and trained to act in self-defense.
Universities replaced insane asylums in America in the late 20th Century. In your tour guide you will see that many have large stadiums so that their inmates can play tackle football. This therapy alone generates huge profits for the asylums.
"Don't say anything that might provoke someone? Isn't that already the general rule on campuses?"
No, heretofore provoking white heterosexual males was tacitly encouraged.
This does not look good for your profession. Irrational and unhinged.
Notes to professors: Regardless of concealed-carry laws, all of your students are unarmed except for the ones that look like this. Act accordingly.
You May Want To
--Limit student access off-hours
--Good: "It restricts the access of the students to their professors"
So professors should choose to make a useless gesture that makes nobody safer in order to punish students for the voters' choices, then argue that the result of the professor's choice was actually a consequence of the voters' choice.
I can see where Obama learned his government shutdown strategy.
I fail to see how the change in law would put you at any additional risk from "that student"
With four out of every three women being victims of sexual assault on college campuses I would think that a gun in the purse might be warranted. The statistics tell us that being a female on a college campus is more dangerous than wearing a bikini in downtown Mogadishu.
Meeting *any student* (not just "that student") in a controlled -- and observed -- location is a best practice. If I were a department head I'd be alarmed if I heard of professors meeting students where the interaction could not be observed.
In any event, students killing a professor with guns is a rare event. I don't waste much time worrying about rare events. More professors died last week in automobile accidents than by gunfire, but apparently death by vehicle is okay at U of Houston and nothing to be alarmed at.
Ironically, the "arguments" for an irrational position make a good case for prospective students to avoid attending the University of Houston.
I am especially fond of "The Military doesn't allow guns ...". That didn't work out so well for the soldiers. If you can't trust your own people to be first responders...
I wonder if that mentality was the origin for the current ROE, where it is die first and shoot later.
Actually they're best argument is this one:
We already ignore the first amendment. Why should we worry about the second?
"With one in every two women on campus being raped at least once a week each, this seems a better option than campus courts."
The newest statistics show that 170% of college students are raped by a classmate during their sophomore year. The number is greater than 100%, scientists say, because many of the students are raping each other.
It's a sick world.
Oh -- and that 'Too Obscure' argument? Made me laugh.
The Texas university system is heavily subsidized by the Texas taxpayers.
You would think that a bunch of college profs would have heard the old saying "he who pays the piper calls the tune."
Even Texas is part of America. The anguished profs can always quit and go to another college more to their liking.
Campus thinking: Men have cocks so they must fuck something. This leads to all the sexual assaults. Students that have guns must shoot something. This will lead to professors getting shot.
"Vigilante Justice has no place in a University."
They did not think that one through very carefully. The implications are detrimental to the whole SJW subculture.
And why the errant capitals? No grammarians in the UH Faculty Senate, evidently.
"The statistics tell us that being a female on a college campus is more dangerous than wearing a bikini in downtown Mogadishu."
I love how based on the stats the Left cites, the sexual crime rate on campuses is much higher than it is in the Detroit slums. Yet if they really believed that, you'd think they'd move off campus and try their luck in the slummiest parts of town. The fact that they don't tells you they don't actually believe in their statistic, they just want to keep using it.
I'm not sure the brainless asshat who created that slide ever watched The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance or that if he did, he understood the message. Stoddard may not have been the one to shoot Valance - but he armed himself and went out prepared to do it or die trying.
And most important:
"Ask for a show of hands who would prefer that people leave their guns home," reads a slide advertised as a "more aggressive" classroom approach. "Ask that licensees understand and abide by the will of their peers."
Licensed students feel traumatized, hurt, threatened, shaken and angry by professors.
Talking points for licensed professors:
All we can do, really, is convey our solidarity with our wonderful students. We share your pain. We share your anger. We stand with you. You are not alone. Be strong. But make no mistake: civil discourse on campus has suffered a grievous blow.
"A University of Houston PowerPoint presentation to faculty on how to adapt to the new Texas campus-carry law."
Above all, don't use PowerPoint. Makes my trigger finger itch whenever I see it.
"It restricts access of students to their professors."
I smell a lawsuit just around the corner.
In re: slide 1. I guess we're all done with the "STILL DID HIS JOB" memes we were all treated to when that lady in Kentucky declined to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
There have always been guns on UH campus. Bad neighborhood, commuter students and lots of night classes means lots of women with handguns. The professors are probably safer now, assuming all those who want to carry on campus will bother to get a CHL.
Most of the UH students I've met over the years could give 2 sh$ts about the faculty's hysteria over this issue. They are by and large incredibly hard-working, no-nonsense kids who just want to get an education to get ahead in life.
Well, it tends to make people much more polite, I'd say.
Out of curiosity, generally, who are the folks on college campuses these days, who protest, riot, boycott speakers, need "safe spaces" and walk around with mattresses?
They should really be concerned about concealed scalpel carry. Scalpels are used to deny over one million unwelcome Americans at a uniquely vulnerable phase in their evolution of their unalienable Right to Life. Apparently, conception is a trigger warning, and evolution is a microaggression. Don't be a victim.
Ask that licensees understand and abide by the will of their peers.
Because as we all know, college is all about learning to submit to peer pressure.
1) Based on the two slide sample, whoever created the presentation needs to be fired, it's horrible. I would bet good money that at some point gun clip art has been placed on some of the slides.
2) If the Texas students are smart, they'll just shut up about what or if they are carrying. As any instructor worth his salt would say, "Concealed means concealed,:
"...But, Texas, c'mon. I'll bet 4 out of 5 boys who grow up in Texas grow up in a household that has at least one gun..."
In our home we keep a handgun and a shotgun, and I am not a gun maven. My father had a gun cabinet in the den while I was growing up. His gun collection has grown since he has retired; he now controls an arsenal. Boy Scout leader, elder in his church, instructor at the local university. Unclear why anyone would be afraid of him.
FALSE TAG ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! University of Houston is NOT the University of Texas. Please, leave us Longhorns out of this.
Is the anti-concealed gun hysteria really all that wide spread among the UT faculty or is it just a handful of fussbudgets getting way more attention than they merit?
Back in the day (this would have to have been over fifteen years ago) one of our admins complained that when she started dating her father used to make boyfriends coming to pick her up for a date wait for her in the den.
Where her father kept his guns in a display case.
And his trophies from shooting competitions.
Although she was very pretty, for some reason she was still unmarried in her late twenties.
Been through a lot of conversations with students and professors inveighing against concealed carry and the armed campus, .380 inside my right waistband. Listened to a lot of reasoned but impassioned anti-gun commentary, a computer soft-case draped over my left shoulder, the center compartment with a 1911 and a couple spare Wilson Combat magazines. I have not yet been made. (I have broken up 2 situations, one a rather comical home invasion mistake, and one in which a convicted murderer was working himself up to an assault; no shots fired.) The one that has actually evoked my response is the statement that my interlocutor feels himself to be just too hot-tempered to be trusted with a gun, and if he's willing to admit that about himself, just think how intemperate all these gun crazies must be who think they are in control of themselves. People like that earn my mild assent; I think they are right and politely agree: they ought not to arm themselves.
For what it's worth, several years have passed since the Regents of the University of Colorado exhausted their appeals, pissing away a great deal of tuition and appropriated money, fruitlessly arguing they had the right to overrule the Colorado Supreme Court and the Legislature on the subject of concealed carry on campus. Thank you Tillman Bishop, you 999-fine tergiversator. As some of the readers here doubtless suspect, our right-wing media have successfully stifled all stories and all outside knowledge of the dozens of students who have killed one another on campus since that dark day.
Prediction: Campus carry will be a non-event. Six months after it goes into effect, it will remain in the public consciousness only to the extent it is useful for the clerisy to keep it there by complaining about it.
I would tend to think this gentleman, Jon Snow, knows nothing.
Professors at Texas state universities are uniformly over the age of 21, Doogie Howser being a native of California.
Unless they are forbidden from possession of a firearm by former felony convictions or misdemeanor domestic violence convictions or adjudications as mentally ill or use of unlawful drugs or dishonorable dismissal from the military, they can get their own selves a CHL and carry a firearm for self defense, too.
Maybe there is something we should know about all these protesting professors. Perhaps they are all drug abusing, spouse beating, former military criminal escapees from mental institutions. That would explain sooooooo much.
I also note with disdain that the inherent human right of self defense is apparently described as "vigilante justice" in the presentation.
To hell with the entire lot of them.
When the young woman asks "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"
Can be answered with "it's a gun."
Don't Sleep With Anybody's Girlfriend
For the anti-argument what's wrong with I'm scared of Guns? It seems to be the most genuine of anything on the list. What wrong with a little pathos now and then?
I mean Wisconsin teachers and other moronic lefties were predicting shoot-outs as a result of concealed carry. This despite the fact that Wisconsin was the 49th state to enact it, and these shoot-outs never materialized in the previous 48 states.
These people are teaching our kids. I weep for our future.
"Above all, don't use PowerPoint. Makes my trigger finger itch whenever I see it."
Re Rocketeer at 3:26 and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance -- I wonder if John Wayne was really on the side of Jimmy Stewart. I think he thought Stewart was a total puss, and shot Liberty Valance because he did not want to see the woman he loved hurt when Valance killed Stewart - who stole her love from Wayne. He'd rather lose her for good than see her hurt.
Think about the first pair on this every time a campus figure tries to separate themselves from the current nonsense on campus.
-Poor: I'm scared of guns.
-Better: My students are scared of other students guns.
First they said "it's for the students", but then they realized the crybully tactic is more effective by the students themselves. So they trained them.
Students didn't turn into quivering piles of amphibian sheet on their own, they were trained into it.
Prof. Snow is a professor of isotope geochemistry. He is not a professor of the obvious.
"FALSE TAG ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! University of Houston is NOT the University of Texas. Please, leave us Longhorns out of this."
Oops! Sorry.
What a bunch of wimps. They pee in their panties when they even hear a microagression that upsets them.
What CHL first came to Texas they said it would be 'Dodge City' with blood running in the streets. Didn't happen. Then when OC came to Texas they said it would be 'Dodge City' with blood running in the streets. Didn't happen. So I suspect (since other states have campus carry) there will be no 'Dodge City' with blood running in the streets.
Geeze, what a bunch of pussys.
Vigilante justice? Any idiot?
Leftists hate non-Leftists. Leftists aren't big fans of personal firearm ownership, nor of the idea that (law-abiding) people might carry firearms. If you're a non-Leftist they hate you and think you're stupid. They're afraid that you're so stupid and so terrible a person that the only thing preventing you from harming others (with your hateful, stupid ways) is your immediate access to a firearm. There's some combination of actual fear for their safety (even though the empirical evidence--from where concealed carry and/or stand your ground laws has been introduced elsewhere doesn't support that fear) and anger that non-Leftists might get their way wrapped up in responses like this.
The Left isn't afraid to use force to achieve their ends. They call for "some muscle over here" when they want to, support domestic terrorists, encourage/defend riots, etc. They're happy to see the State use armed gov. employees to enforce laws (at least when the Left favors those particular laws). It doesn't seem to occur to them that I have no interest in carrying a weapon as a means to get my way politically. I have no interest in using my firearms against anyone for anything other providing for my protection. These guys, though, are convinced I'm a threat to them. And they're convinced of that because they hate me and people like me.
Don't ever forget: they hate you and wish you harm.
If you don't like firearms, don't carry one. No, that doesn't work?
The most laughable part is people trying to pretend like what really offends these professors is the harm they think has been done to OPEN DIALOG on campus. Because, you know, that's what's been in the news for the last year, all these leftist academics just clamoring for more freedom of speech, more controversial ideas, more open dialog and discourse, right? Geez, talk about using the wrong argument at the wrong time.
They must be terrified whenever they go off campus.
Much of the list is irrational feelings of the ignorant and unsupported claims. It is unclear to me if this is a serious thing or a parody. It cannot be both. My guess is parody, but we are beyond parody these days.
The author does not appear to understand the definition of "vigilante" unless he thinks that concealed carry folks regular run around in Batman costumes. Shooting someone who is trying to kill/rape/rob you or someone else generally does not qualify as "vigilante justice" unless the drama department's showing of Romeo & Juliet gets really out of hand.
I am baffled by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance reference. First, he misspelled "Valance" which makes it hard for the industrious student to look it up on IMDB or NetFlix. Second, one of the themes of that film, perhaps unintentional, was that guns solve things. Jimmy Stewart's character tries to do it the civilized way, fails miserably, realizes he is an idiot, and gets himself a damn gun. Liberty Valance reign of terror was not solved by safe spaces nor academic conferences or court orders but by someone putting Liberty in the ground.
I'll teach you law; western law!
Roger Miller has the right idea for appropriate advice on the PowerPoint slide from his "Ballad of Waterhole #3."
It's the code of the west
When a showdown is comin'
When a shootout is due
Face up to the danger
Throw a slug into a stranger
Before he throws one into you
You gotta do unto others
Do unto others before they do unto you
I met a woman from Houston 20 years ago who told a very funny story of going on an important errand to a public building with a "No Guns Allowed" sign. She went to the front desk and asked where she could "check" her gun while she went inside. Hilarity ensued.
@Oso Negro said...
FALSE TAG ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! University of Houston is NOT the University of Texas. Please, leave us Longhorns out of this.
Althouse apologized but the Campus Carry law affects all public universities in the Lone Star State, which just happens to include UT-Austin and UH-Downtown.
I just gave a presentation at Harvard Public School of Health-one of the top in the country. Most all the master students have undergrads from Ivy or Little Ives.
UH sounds so low class and not fab.
The author does not appear to understand the definition of "vigilante" unless he thinks that concealed carry folks regular run around in Batman costumes.
I've run across this misunderstanding. An otherwise intelligent, but gun-ignorant person, who believes that if you are carrying, and you hear a gunshot, you will immediately run to the area where you heard the gunshot, try and locate the shooter, and shoot at him or her. This person really, honestly believed that the desire to do this was what motivated people to acquire a permit to carry.
@Beach, that's the gist of it, but the point stands that Stoddard realized it was gonna take a gun to solve things.
"For the anti-argument what's wrong with I'm scared of Guns? It seems to be the most genuine of anything on the list. What wrong with a little pathos now and then?"
Because it is accusative. The person saying it may be told that they are foolish for being scared. You can't do that with "My students are scared of other students with guns." The argument is more difficult to answer (you can't just say 'no they aren't!'
The example I used earlier works. If you say "I am afraid of Muslim students" you get called an islamophobe. If you say "my students are afraid of other students who are Muslim" you cannot be accused of being an islamophobe.
"You know that new guy at work? That Muslim guy who wears a robe, prays five times a day and says that one day soon he's going to come into work with a gun and kill all of us kaffirs? Well, I really like Islam. It really believe it is the religion of peace. But the other workers are afraid for their safety and we need to talk about that."
I have a relative who teaches at UT-Austin. He thinks that someone with PTSD might see a gun and go berserk because of it. Could happen I guess, but not likely. More likely to react to someone in a robe with a dish rag on his head and a heavy vest/belt around his body.
"Don't Sleep With Anybody's Girlfriend." This!
The South, including the Southwest, is the safest place to live if you avoid adultery, arguing with drunks, and insulting strangers.
Everyone is missing the key point: someone at UofH knows how to use powerpoint!
I enjoy Titus entering a thread to regale us of his special sort of bigotry.
Tell us some more bigoted things, Titus.
Anyone with a passing understanding of "gun culture" knows that, wherever there are women with unscreened handbags, there are at least a sprinkling of handguns. Doesn't matter where or what the laws or workplace rules are. Don't even get me started on what's in the parking lot. I don't think anti-gun people understand how prevalent guns are in this country.
I laughed out loud at least 4 times reading this thread (very rare, except the odd DKos thread--for different reasons). Another Althouse 'Diamond™'
(The award is sort of if the Academy grouped best actress with best supporting actor & actress)
If my fellow students "voted" to ban guns in class it would confirm me in my intention to bring mine to every session. ΜΟΛΟΝ ΛΑΒΕ.
Titus wrote: I just gave a presentation at Harvard Public School of Health-one of the top in the country. Most all the master students have undergrads from Ivy or Little Ives.
I hope they are more adept spellers than you are, Titus.
Leftists all know what Mao said: "Power grows from the barrel of a gun." When the NRA says that guns don't kill people, people kill people, leftists know this. As the follow-up knife control in England shows, this is not about guns. It's about power, and denying it to law-abiding citizens.
I have a tag on Althouse! I'm so flattered! Not being sarcastic - seriously. Thanks Professor.
They disarmed the babies with equally good intentions. This progressed to decapitating, disemboweling, and ultimately cannibalizing their remains. The Planned Parenthood offices are veritable abortion fields. All because the babies were rendered defenseless through a twisted conception of human rights and a religion pulled from the dark fringes of a penumbra.
Aren't there two l's in excellent?
It's an interesting article. I really thought that I would find that the professor and his friends were throwing an intentional tantrum: Show how terribly upset we are by exaggerating our feelings of panic.
From the comments, I don't think so. There is a clear attitude throughout them that people with guns are really dangerous scary people, and no rational person could expect the rest of us to have to deal with them. They have trouble understanding any other way of thinking about it.
Titus said...
I just gave a presentation at Harvard Public School of Health
Sounds like a vocational high school near Harvard.
Just funnin' you! We all know it was The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and fab!
It is sad that those "____" were not teaching at Virginia Tech or Northern Illinois U. as were "Gun
Free Zones".
Crocodile fears.
"My god, I've learned only now that the townies have guns!"
"They do?!"
"Why, yes! They're allowed!"
"Good lord! Some of them didn't even go to college!"
"Clearly, it isn't safe to leave the campus."
"I submit that the best course of action is to sleep here in our offices, subsist on restaurant delivery, and hope that all restaurant delivery people are aware that we do not allow guns here."
"Just in case, I think we should maintain silence in the face of any problems with the food."
HoodlumDoodlum said...
Vigilante justice? Any idiot?
Leftists hate non-Leftists. Leftists aren't big fans of personal firearm ownership, nor of the idea that (law-abiding) people might carry firearms. If you're a non-Leftist they hate you and think you're stupid. They're afraid that you're so stupid and so terrible a person that the only thing preventing you from harming others (with your hateful, stupid ways) is your immediate access to a firearm. There's some combination of actual fear for their safety (even though the empirical evidence--from where concealed carry and/or stand your ground laws has been introduced elsewhere doesn't support that fear) and anger that non-Leftists might get their way wrapped up in responses like this.
The Left isn't afraid to use force to achieve their ends. They call for "some muscle over here" when they want to, support domestic terrorists, encourage/defend riots, etc. They're happy to see the State use armed gov. employees to enforce laws (at least when the Left favors those particular laws). It doesn't seem to occur to them that I have no interest in carrying a weapon as a means to get my way politically. I have no interest in using my firearms against anyone for anything other providing for my protection. These guys, though, are convinced I'm a threat to them. And they're convinced of that because they hate me and people like me.
Don't ever forget: they hate you and wish you harm.
2/25/16, 6:19 PM
I really think that a big part of leftist getting the vapors over guns is that they know at least a few people in their group (and some may be self aware enough to see themselves) that are so over the top that if they had access to guns, would actually go on a rampage. They assume that everyone is like the people in their group and so no one can be trusted with guns. It is 98% projection.
"Vigilante Justice has no place in a University."
Tell that to the Duke lacross team.
Many liberals somehow believe that, absent extensive firearm training, the typical concealed weapon carrier will stupidly wave his gun around and randomly shoot things and people. They also seem to believe that any concealed carrier might be suddenly overwhelmed by emotion and decide to shoot someone in the heat of the moment. There are, of course, no statistics to support such ideas. Statistics show quite the opposite, in fact. Why they believe these things might be partially due to ignorance, but the fact that they have little respect for those who disagree with them probably much to do with it.
The evidence is pretty clear. Students have more to fear from University professors (Click@Missou) and administrators (no due process for the accused) than professors have to fear from students.
What is the word for irrational fear?
"My students are scared of other students guns"
Shouldn't that be "students' " guns? After all, a university power point should be correct in its punctuation if it cannot be correct in its advice.
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