February 28, 2016

A graphic depiction of the problem John Kasich has right now.

I'm watching the Sunday morning shows, and I thought John Kasich gave a great interview on "State of the Union with Jake Tapper." I jumped out of my comfy chair to come over here to the internet and get the video to post for you, got to the "State of the Union" page, and here's what I see:

(Click image to enlarge.) I scroll down a full screen, and it looks like this:

Oh, there. See? Down at the bottom? "Kasich: Trump 'probably going to win' all Super Tuesday states." Sigh. I'll just say, he made a good impression on me. And I thought it was interesting that he was rejecting the #NeverTrump hashtag — which Marco Rubio is using. The GOP candidates made a pledge to support whoever wins the nomination, and Kasich, directly asked, said he would keep the pledge, because he respects "the arena." In politics, the winner wins, and he means to win. But Rubio is getting pretty close to saying he will not keep his pledge. And I note that none of those clips up there refers to all the discussion of the pledge that I heard on the show, including some strong statements from Trump, hammering Rubio for threatening to break the pledge.


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Saint Croix said...

We don't disagree about Trump except for approach, Chuck. I'm of the opinion that attacking Trump and his supporters is counterproductive.

It's counterproductive when incompetents do it. Rubio is sharp and quick and funny.

You know in Heartbreak Ridge, when that dummy major got mad that Eastwood's man "cheated"? And by "cheated," what he meant was that he went for the nuts.

And Eastwood, mad, said, "He adapted and overcame!"

Fuckin' A.

Now I don't know that Rubio's attack on Trump's hair and tan (and how is it that a billionaire has such a bad fake tan anyway?) is presidential. I grant you Reagan wouldn't do it. Washington's unhappy. But Washington's a slave-owner and Reagan put O'Connor and Kennedy on the Court.

Leaders assess the situation and do the best they can. I'm glad he's all in.

As for those people who say that Senators can't lead, ha! Look at that wimp Kasich. Trump is "probably going to win" all the Super Tuesday states. What are you running for, Worst Coach in the World? My mother gives a better pep talk. Go back to Ohio.

If Trump was smart, he would aim for the high road. But he's too busy googling what the Klan thinks. Work the google, Donnie! Disavow, disavow, disavow!

Big Mike said...

I find you people who are rather strange.

@Althouse, thank you for your 11:19 response. I am interested in politics because I think that this country is very much on the wrong course, and politics is the less bloody of the two ways to correct it.

I don't like that free speech is under assault from the left. I demonstrated against the right restricting free speech back in the 1960s; if anything I find that the assault from the left is more onerous and more pernicious.

I demonstrated for civil rights back in the 1960s, hoping for an eventual color-blind and race-blind society. I see efforts from the left to re-segregate American society and I'd like to think that JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr., were they still alive, would be appalled.

As a corollary, I believe that affirmative action has totally outlived its usefulness.

I see what certainly looks like the rise of anti-Semitism from the left. It scares me. I will fight that with every fiber of my being.

I believe that self-defense, in the phraseology of the Founders, is a natural and unalienable right, and that accordingly there should be no restrictions on the right of citizens to own semi-automatic firearms for hunting, for sports (e.g., IDPA, SASS, N-SSA), or for self-defense.

I believe that small businesses and family farms are unfairly burdened by Obama administration regulations, and that deregulation is badly needed. I think that this alone will help restart an American economy that has been stalled out since 2008.

I see corruption permeating modern politics, with bribes taking the form of free dinners, jobs -- sinecures, mostly -- for politicians' children, donations to foundations, and extra-legal campaign contributions. Hillary Clinton, to name names, is only the most openly corrupt of the politicians in both parties.

So, Althouse, do you not see the same things I see? I assume that they bother you less or you'd engage more. Perhaps you'll settle for being cruelly neutral right up to when the revolution comes.

Birkel said...

As a Democrat, Donald Trump should disavow all the racialist groups in his party, including the KKK.

The KKK is a subsidiary of Democrat politicians. Just like the Black Panthers and BLM. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, too.

Donald Trump should explicitly denounced all Democrat race-hatred groups inside his, Democrat, party.

boycat said...

Hillary has nothing sewn up. She's a propped up candidate is what she is.

Anonymous said...

"I don't like that free speech is under assault from the left."

""One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win … is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws.

So that when the New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace, or when the Washington Post … writes a hit piece, "we can sue them and win money, instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.

Trump continued his speech, threatening to roll back the media’s First Amendment protections in the Constitution.

“With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people… We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never got sued before,” he said."


Birkel said...


I agree that Donald Trump's attack on the First Amendment is exactly the sort of thing Democrats should stop. As a Democrat, Donald Trump must be quite disappointing to you, Amanda.

College campuses and Donald Trump, Democrats, the lot, should be embarrassed. Thank you, Amanda, for taking a lead against Democrats who would restrict free speech.

Now, about that other civil right: self-defense...

Anonymous said...

"The KKK is a subsidiary of Democrat politicians."


"Scalise, David Duke and the stain on the Republican Party

Buried in the headlines about the new Congress, and among the furious efforts of the Republican leadership's attempt to change the subject, was the reprehensible case of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.). As you might have heard, Scalise has now admitted to giving a speech earlier in his political career to a white supremacist group founded by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. Trolling for votes in Louisiana, Scalise thought it was a good idea to speak to one of the most vile hate groups in America.

Duke ran for several elections, and the wise people of Louisiana largely rejected this neo-Nazi, and he only won a seat to the state legislature in 1989 by fewer than 300 votes. But it seems that the radical right vote was potent enough that Scalise sought it out as part of his electoral coalition, which would eventually elevate him to a senior leadership post in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives."


boycat said...

It's counterproductive when incompetents do it. Rubio is sharp and quick and funny.

Yeah, but whether it's actually hurting Trump is a dubious proposition and remains to be seen, and more likely than not it's diminishing Rubio as much or more in the exchange-- gravitas not being his strong suit to begin with.

Anonymous said...

AprillApple: No Anglelyne. The KKK? The sad tired and dying skin color supremacist organization called the KKK...

No shit, AA. So why, exactly, are you adamant that there's something deeply important going on with these sad sack nobodies that requires a politician's kowtowing to yet another bullshit media demand for ritual disavowal?

....should be kicked to the curb. Not worth it.

Astonishing that you interpret my criticism of your call for disavowal as some kind of argument that anybody needs to cultivate the KKK vote.

I'd say the same for black skin supremacist groups.

Was somebody here calling for a round of virtue-signaling on one's anti-racist cred?

Time for this shit to end.

It ends when silly white people like you stop taking the bait.

Michael K said...

"because Trump has the mentality of a child"

This is what turns off thinking people who don't know what is going to happen. You sound like a fool.

I don't know what Trump will do and I know it is probably out of my hands and those of most Republican voters.

The people who are trying to stop him are the people that got us here.

Chuck, why did we not have 12 appropriations bills written, debated and passed in the House last year?

Why is there still a "Continuing Resolution" even though Harry Reid is not majority leader ?

Birkel said...


I already know you are stupid AND dishonest.

The KKK was formed by Southern Democrats after the Civil War, which was prosecuted by Republican President Abraham Lincoln.

But do go on, you Democrat KKK apologist.

gadfly said...

The "Pledge" was extracted by Fox News from each of the candidates except Trump in the very first question in the monster media event that was the first GOP "debate" which in truth has always been about the media and Trump. It meant nothing then and it means nothing now. How many of Donny's positions have changed since the first debate and not a peep from Fox or CNN or . . . .

Obviously Kasich is not running for President and all he wants is to get then give up the Ohio delegates he attracts to Trump in exchange for a place on the ticket. But Kasich is not all that popular in Ohio and Trump is even or ahead of him now - but it is a split-delegate state.

If I had to pick two candidates that I have never understood how or why they are still among the standing GOP candidates, they are Trump and Kasich - both mealy-mouthed bastards. Sorry, I just took a shot at Donald's Scottish-born mother but I will not apologize. Paraphrasing T-Rump: "I won't do that because I said nothing wrong, but I do hear she was a lovely woman."

Anonymous said...

April Apple,

You can't hope to get through to fellow conservatives who have a chronic case of the "angry". I understand conservatives were very dissapointed about two Obama wins, but really children, time to grow up and stop the temper tantrum already. I don't care if you want to blow up your own Party, but I do care that your antics threaten to harm America.

Anonymous said...

Birkel sweetie,

Dixiecrats became Republicans. It shows a lack of judgment and intelligence to underestimate your opponent. You dear Birkel have recieved a beating from various people today on these various threads. Don't be mad. Try harder.

LOLing again.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If the media dropped Hillary, she would collapse. + there's that 'she's a felon' thing.

I'm no Trump fan, I'm no Trump blind faith true-believer, but He will get my full support against Hillary.

Whatever that's worth.

Birkel said...

That is a nice story, Amanda. It only took those Dixiecrats 120 years to flip, right?

Under that timeline, I assume you can prove the KKK is filled with Southern Dixiecrat vampires who live damned near forever.

Your underlying racism is showing, Amanda.

Anonymous said...

Birkel, I find it amusing that even your fellow conservatives here have your number. You're having a bad day, take heart, there's always tommorow.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The visual

Those of us who are not crazy about Trump are, for the most part, worried that he will be a weak general election candidate. (we are not certain - just a hunch) Is that difficult to understand? It doesn't mean this or that or the GOPe or the Cruz or the Rubio or the whatever - it's Trump specific.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The KKk is democrat. David Duke is a democrat, right?

I wouldn't want David Duke's support. If I were Trump, I'd tell him to F off. Trump seems to hate the GOP more. I find that curious.

mccullough said...

The NYTimes and Washington Post are corporations. I thought corporations weren't supposed to have constitutional rights. So while the first amendment might protect an individual who excercises the right to speak or publish corporations arent supposed to have those rights.

bleh said...

I have a theory about Kasich's reluctance to denounce Trump (and Christie's decision to endorse). Besides the obvious currying favor in case he wins the nomination, they also want to be seen as acceptable alternatives to the Trumpkins if Trump fails to win the nomination. If Rubio wins the nomination, then Kasich and Christie have strengthened their cases for veep.

Christie comes off as a fat blue collar blowhard just tellin' it like it is, like Trump, and he threw his support to Trump at a crucial moment. In other words, a Rubio/Christie ticket would do more to unite the party than a Rubio/Cruz ticket. Christie would not have this leverage if he did what everyone said he should have done and endorsed Rubio. Now he has Trumpkin credibility.

The same is true about Kasich, to a lesser extent. Kasich has avoided mocking Trump or being condescending. He also comes off as a blue collar guy. I think he is hanging around to see if Trump implodes and perhaps he can fill the vacuum and command the support of the Trumpkins.

Anonymous said...

April, I suspect that is exactly how Bernie supporters feel about giving their vote to Hillary. Democrats and many independents will vote Hillary! Because of the alternative, Trump.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Corporations are people, don't you know?

Big Mike said...

@Amanda, why on earth would you assume I'm a Trump supporter?

Chuck said...

Seriously, the question isn't whether Hillary gets 98% of the black vote; she will. The question is whether she'll get 135% of the black vote. That is to say; will she get an extra 2 million black voters to turn out, as was the case with Barack Obama? Those voters haven't turned out regularly since 2008. They fell out in 2010, and 2014. They of course turned out in 2012, and for the first time in American history, black voter turnout barely beat white voter turnout in a national election.

I say she won't get them. That's significant. It will be significant, no matter who the Republican nominee is. It's why this is a winnable election.

Birkel said...

Stupid AND dishonest.

Two great personal traits that taste great together. Right, Amanda.

So you admit the KKK was a Democrat organization. Then, you allege without evidence that the Democrat KKK switched, 120 years later, to Republican. I assume the reason is: because shut up.

Democrats from Woodrow Wilson to Amanda are racist shits.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike,
I didn't know where you stood with Trump, but bottom line is that Trump is running as a Republican, claims he's a conservative. So painting liberals with that broad brush needed some pushback.

Birkel said...

But wait, Amanda might say, Democrats passed the Civil Rights Acts under LBJ...

LBJ was a racist.
Amanda supports racists.

Anonymous said...

Birkel, you are now just blah, blah, blahing. Repetitive and tiresome, not even speaking of boring. You're flailing and making me feel sorry for you, so I'll just ignore you for a while...'kay?

Sebastian said...

@Michale K: "The people who are trying to stop him are the people that got us here . . . why did we not have 12 appropriations bills written, debated and passed in the House last year? Why is there still a "Continuing Resolution" even though Harry Reid is not majority leader?" Political reality, that's why: the GOP can only do what is acceptable to the least conservative reps needed to make a majority. Many of the least conservative reps are elected in districts (senators from states etc.) in which there are not enough conservatives to elect someone more conservative and in which the GOPe official needs to accommodate moderates to hold on to office. The "GOPe" consists of rational politicians, many from places in which a move to the right would mean being kicked out of office.

Look, I share the dismay at Congressional shenanigans, and I understand the frustrations of the Trump supporters. I even understand the temptation to support Trump as savior (not implying you do). But as a conservative I favor reality and logic over ideology and temper tantrums.The reality is that without more conservatives and O out of the WH, the GOP in Congress could not have achieved substantially more than it did. From the failures of the GOPe it does not follow that Trump will fix the actual problems that get anti-GOPe-ers upset. He will not eliminate the absurdity of continuing resolutions, and of course he actually favors amnesty. Not to mention his other "proposals" (trade war, anyone?) that will cause much more harm than anything the GOP has done in recent years.

wildswan said...

"Those of us who are not crazy about Trump are, for the most part, worried that he will be a weak general election candidate. (we are not certain - just a hunch)"

This really interests me. For instance in the 2016 Democratic SC primary there were 200,000 fewer voters than in 2008 and these voters were 60 % black whereas blacks are 28% of the state population. The SC Republican primary broke records for turnout as did Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Those SC voters support Tim Scott as well as Donald Trump. Regardless of Democratic party smears that is who those Republican voters are, they are not racists.
So what does it mean? The Democrats are bleeding support but those who stay are conventional Democratic party voters. The Republicans are confronting the actual situation in America (including a loathing of PC lecturing from DC enabled idiots), cannot agree on policy, cannot agree on a candidate and are attracting a mass following of new supporters by this one weird trick. But were the new supporters attracted by the galaxy of talent -Walker Fiorina Cruz Kasich - and the PC putdowns - Trump- which the debates displayed? Are they uneasy with Trump alone. But if that's it and they don't want to be confined to Trump, then his vp and Cabinet choices are crucial to Republican success. So, GOPe try to get a galaxy helping Trump, not opposing him?

Anonymous said...

AprilApple: I wouldn't want David Duke's support. If I were Trump, I'd tell him to F off. Trump seems to hate the GOP more. I find that curious.

Your curiosity is misdirected. Nobody wants David Duke's support. Nobody gives a shit about "David Duke's support" except media dirtbags trolling for a "gotcha", retarded groupies like Amanda who bark and slap their flippers together when they think they've found one, and the invincibly gullible Republicans who take the bait every time.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Trump doesn't need the KKK vote. There are only 20 or 30 of them left and they are all on the CIA payroll to manipulate narratives like character actors used in Old South films about reconstruction; and in a few civil rights marches episodes in the local politics of Mississippi and Alabama of 1965. That ended 50 years ago.

The political Party called the KKK was mostly a midwestern aberration that had some success from 1910 until 1930.

Trump should keep demanding the media produce one that exists first.

Bay Area Guy said...


"Nobody gives a shit about David Duke"


That's why I can't stand Leftists. The KKK has largely been defeated and discredited through the heroic work of many people over many decades. David Duke is an obscure, powerless remnant, without influence.

Meanwhile, Chicago & Detroit are killing fields, where honest and honorable black folks are kept under siege by violent and dysfunctional thugs, who often are black, groomed and coddled by the welfare state.

The Left will focus on the former to distract the populace about their role in creating the latter.

That's another reason to deny the White House to Hillary, the lying thief - even if it means supporting Trump.

Anonymous said...

Oh my yes, you will surely convince April Apple to love the Trump. Everyone of normal intelligence, who isn't a Trump groupie, but that's redundant, cares about a David Duke endorsement. David Duke is poison and if you seriously think it will mean nothing to independent voters you are very foolish indeed.

Anonymous said...

"Deny the White House to Clinton"? You are giving it to her on a silver platter. And that's OK with me, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination. It will be an epic win and I'll be happy to come here and say "I told you so".

Anonymous said...


"Let’s be clear: Trump is no fluke. Nor is he hijacking the Republican Party or the conservative movement, if there is such a thing. He is, rather, the party’s creation, its Frankenstein’s monster, brought to life by the party, fed by the party and now made strong enough to destroy its maker. Was it not the party’s wild obstructionism — the repeated threats to shut down the government over policy and legislative disagreements, the persistent calls for nullification of Supreme Court decisions, the insistence that compromise was betrayal, the internal coups against party leaders who refused to join the general demolition — that taught Republican voters that government, institutions, political traditions, party leadership and even parties themselves were things to be overthrown, evaded, ignored, insulted, laughed at? Was it not Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), among others, who set this tone and thereby cleared the way for someone even more irreverent, so that now, in a most unenjoyable irony, Cruz, along with the rest of the party, must fall to the purer version of himself, a less ideologically encumbered anarcho-revolutionary? This would not be the first revolution that devoured itself.

We are supposed to believe that Trump’s legion of “angry” people are angry about wage stagnation. No, they are angry about all the things Republicans have told them to be angry about these past 7½ years, and it has been Trump’s good fortune to be the guy to sweep them up and become their standard-bearer. He is the Napoleon who has harvested the fruit of the revolution".

YES INDEED. It would be funny if it wasn't threatening to this nation.

Bay Area Guy said...


Nice try. Nobody's giving anything to that felonious harpy. We're having a vote - democracy in action. My guy (Rubio) is losing, Trump is winning fair & square. That's life. At some point, after the dust settles, it will be Trump v Hillary, and folks will simply choose.

Hillary is a lying Leftist. What kind of a modern woman allows her husband to cheat on her repeatedly and systematically?

Anonymous said...

Bay Area Guy,
I like Rubio, he has a dazzling smile, like Obama. My first choice would be Sander's. I'd even vote for Kasich over Clinton, if he got the Republican nomination, but that won't happen, thanks to the "angry" people.

Bay Area Guy said...

Trump is speaking in Alabama. - 30,000 in attendance. Sen Sessions to endorse him.


I doubt you'd vote Kasich over Clnton, but, if true, we can have a truce on these pages:)

But I'm gonna continue to hammer Hillary - she's worse than Trump (in my opinion).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh poor Ted Cruz, just stabbed in the back by Senator Jeff Sessions. After all that name dropping Cruz did last week, today Sessions endorses Trump. Ya can't me this stuff up folks. The Republican Party is having a nervous breakdown

Big Mike said...

@Amanda, Trump blockages before he has all the facts, or has even thought about the fActs that he does have. Sorta like you.

I think Trump is what a low information voter -- like you -- thinks a conservative ought to be like.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jeff Sessions endorsement marks the end of the beginning. Trump now has endorsements from senior moderate and very conservative Republicans. The party is coalescing around a candidate, it just doesn't happen to be Rubio.

Anonymous said...

Now Trump is a "severe conservative" like Romney. LOL!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Amanda said...

This is a neocon whose rice bowl gets filled by the more war crowd. Incredible as it may seem to you, Trump is a more restrained voice on US military action than Hillary. Obviously the neocons are outraged that their once tight control of the Republican party now lies in ashes. Perhaps the Dems could learn a lesson for once. And, while we are the topic of the dumb fucks that run the Dems, how about learning how to represent the economic interests of working people.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bay Area Guy said...
What kind of a modern woman allows her husband to cheat on her repeatedly and systematically?

A large fraction of all the wives of very rich and powerful men. You should read the Daily Mail every now and then.

Lydia said...

Reporter mumbles "and the KKK" on top of Trump's answer...

That's simply not true. Jake Tapper very clearly asked Trump about the KKK -- "I'm just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here." No mumbling or talking over.

Trump side-stepped answering that directly and went off on saying he knew nothing about white supremacist groups that might be supporting him.


Lydia said...

David Duke is a democrat, right?

Nope. He became a Republican around 1990.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No ARM, it's not incredible to me at all. I know Clinton is more of a war hawk than Trump. He's just hot air. I have heard him say we should've never invaded Iraq, that we should've allowed the various dictators to stay in power. I agree with him. Doesn't negate the fact that the man is a megalomaniac and unsuited for the position of POTUS. He is a loose cannon, has a terrible temper, has cellophane skin, and a mega ego. He is a misogynist and a con man. A fraud of epic proportions will be visited upon the USA by this man. I,don't give a rats ass what happens to the Republican Party, they brought it upon themselves. I do however care what happens to this country

Birkel said...

Amanda supports the guy who supports Cuba and the Soviet Union.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Amanda said...
I do however care what happens to this country.

So do we all. The country is in much better shape than it was 7 years ago when the world seemed to be melting. But, the financial crisis exposed the long term economic problems within the country in a way that many people could finally understand what is going on. White working people are literally dying because the economic structure of the country has been rigged against them. Of course they are pissed. As the nominally left wing party, the Democrats should have addressed these problems head on. They failed, utterly. Trump took advantage of that failure to hijack the Republican party. All power to him. Yes, he is a brittle egomaniac but at least he is not in the tank for the finance industry, unlike almost every other politician in the country, of either party.

Fabi said...

Senator Sessions endorsed Trump? Anyone have a link? If that's true, it's a big effing deal.

Anonymous said...

Democrats and liberals are also angry about the rigged system and the deprivations of the economy that was hoisted upon us by Bush's policies and then the failings of the Democratic Party, but you don't see us hoisting a megalomaniac on to the highest office in the land. The man is dangerous and no I won't willingly give the man power. That is the last thing he should be entrusted with. And you don't know what beds Trump will be jumping into, he has no scruples, he is a opportunist and I don't believe for one second he truly cares for the "little" man.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Fabi, look it up for yourself, don't be lazy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

oh thanks Lydia. I don't really keep tabs on David Duke.. In fact, shouldn't he be dead by now?

Fabi said...

Sorry to see that my sarcasm went whooshing over your head, Amanda. It is the banner on Drudge. A few people check that sight. You may now return to stew in your juices.

Fabi said...


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The country is in much better shape than it was 7 years ago.

Laughable and wrong.

Unemployment. Black unemployment. Under employment. Obamacare/GruberCare was sold on lies and is a tax payer graft failure.

Obama looting the treasury to pay off insurers
Obama looting the treasury to pay off insurers

Birkel said...


The world is much better now? Libya melted down. Syria at war. Iraq lost to Iran. China is aggressive in the South China Sea. Russia invaded the Ukraine. Millions of immigrants destabilizing Europe. Economic turmoil with China in a full collapse. Japan with negative interest rates. America with almost no interest rate, no economic growth and 19+ trillion in debt.

You, sir, are high on some really good shit.

Anonymous said...

Oh surrrrrre Fabi, "sarcasm", good excuse for being lazy.

Anonymous said...

Lydia: Trump side-stepped answering that directly and went off on saying he knew nothing about white supremacist groups that might be supporting him.

[Eye roll] "White supremacist groups". Sad-sack tatooed mom's basement dwellers or the occasional prison gang. Important electoral demographic, that. The existence of these socially marginal groups is useful, I guess, for SPLC slimeballs shamelessly hustling money out of naïve old people.

Can't say I've ever had any social contact with a "white supremacist", real or virtual.

Really, Lydia, "white supremacist groups" are a significant feature of your daily life, or that of people somewhere within a few degrees of separation from your daily life? Didn't peg you as somebody that far down on the socio-economic food chain.

Tell us about your tattoos.

Anonymous said...


Rational people are repulsed by white supremacists. That you simply shrug them off is very odd.

Birkel said...


I am repulsed by the eugenicists and other white supremacists who have long populated the Democrat Party.

Down with Woodrow Wilson. Down with FDR. Down with LBJ. Down with Margaret Sanger.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The families of the 6 Sikhs that were murdered by a white supremacist in the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting certainly don't roll their eyes and dismiss the deadly power of white supremacists. Dismiss them at peril to this nation.

Fabi said...

I'll get you a tissue, Amanda.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Amanda said...
Democrats and liberals are also angry about the rigged system ..

But, they seem so impotent and irrelevant. Trump has mojo. The Dem coalition has become so convoluted and complex that it has become literally impossible for them to state a coherent ideology. Trump blames foreigners, wall street and the neocons for our problems. In part, it's true. It's a simple message and I doubt the Dems can come up with anything to beat it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Birkel said...
Iraq lost to Iran.

That happened the day Bush put the Shia elite in charge of the country. Possibly the stupidest geopolitical move of the modern era.

Anonymous said...

For what Fabi? For being horrified at what happened to the innocent people worshipping in their temple? I suppose you don't care about the black folks at the prayer meeting in shot dead by a white supremacist in SC either. I must ask, what is wrong with some of you?

Birkel said...

The type of person who focuses on race to the exclusion of other factors is a racist.

Amanda, above, is focused on the religion of victims.

Amanda, what sort of -ist do you wish to claim yourself?

Anonymous said...

Sorry the Dems lost you ARM. I have been dissapointed also, but I won't hitch my wagon to something much much worse. I always consider the alternative.

Birkel said...


The catnip of Iraq was too strong to be resisted.

I guess you admit the rest of my list, correct?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Amanda said...
Sorry the Dems lost you ARM.

I'm not lost. I vote for whoever I think has the best chance of solving some long-standing problem in the country. The Dems economic solutions currently consist of government supplementing the pitiful wages provided by the service industry through various transfer payments. This is not a viable long term solution. The country's strength was built on building things. We ceded a large fraction of that economic activity without a fight. The Germans weren't too proud to use protectionism to allow its industries to reorganize and remain competitive. But we had quislings undermining the country from within, selling off our industrial expertise to the highest bidder in order to maximize shareholder returns. These fuckers have hollowed out many of our most productive industries. The country has lost its collective mind chasing financial 'innovation' rather than the real innovation produced by R&D and an expertise in actually building things. Trump, no matter how ghastly his buildings may be, has actually built something.

Michael K said...

"Bush put the Shia elite in charge of the country. Possibly the stupidest geopolitical move of the modern era."

Bush's dumb decision was putting Bremer in charge. He immediately went for "DeBaathization". and the country collapsed. Patton was correct in 1946 when Morganthau wanted to rest all the members of the Nazi Party and plow salt into the German soil.

The Iraqi Army was most Shia conscripts but the officer corps was efficient and is now running ISIS.

" The country's strength was built on building things. We ceded a large fraction of that economic activity without a fight. The Germans weren't too proud to use protectionism to allow its industries to reorganize and remain competitive."

We could cut about 3/4 to 9/10 of regulations and get manufacturing going again.

"The country has lost its collective mind chasing financial 'innovation' rather than the real innovation produced by R&D and an expertise in actually building things. "

I agree again. I have read a lot about Ford Motor Company and how they changed in the 60s to being run by lawyers and accountants and engineers were put in the back of the bus.

The Toyota people had to teach us all over again what Deming taught them in 1950. He learned from Walter Shewhart. This stuff is all American knowledge that we forgot.

Undoubtedly, Dr. Shewhart is regarded as Father of Statistical Quality Control. To Celebrate his Quasquicentennial (125th) Birth Anniversary, the Quality Technology and Quantitative Management[1] (QTQM) (ISSN 1684-3703) journal has decided to come up with a Special Issue[2] on "Advances in the Theory and Application of Statistical Process Control". The special issue will be edited by Prof. Min Xie of City University of Hong Kong and Dr. Amitava Mukherjee of XLRI - Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur, India.

Look where the Shewhart disciples are.

Michael K said...

Morganthau wanted to "arrest..."

Damn autocorrect,.

Fabi said...

@Amanda: My 6:09 posted before the refresh caught your 6:08 comment, so the sequence does look odd. My 6:09 was certainly not in response to your comment directly above it. It was in reply to your previous comment to me about doubting my sarcasm. Hope that helps. I mean that sincerely.

Birkel said...

Pearls before swine, Fabi.

Fabi said...

You're right, Birkel. I should resist the urge to respond to such a pitiable being.

Brando said...

Trump's fans are being too cute by half defending his KKK "non-comments". He was directly asked whether he repudiated David Duke and the KKK, and it's true that he was asked these questions before and the media repeated itself. But that's what the media does! Of course they want to keep asking these things, particularly as they're pushing the theme that Trump is appealing to bigotry. You either answer them again or say "I already answered your question, please see my earlier comments." What you don't do is say "I'll have to look at the facts"--what facts about the KKK could change your mind about them?

And yes, they're a long-defunct joke organization--but so are the Nazis and the American communist party. You still don't play cutesy about their support. These groups still have relevance to voters today (even "the blacks" that Trump claims love him). And yes, it's just as pathetic that Dems won't disavow Al Sharpton and black racists. But how far we've come that the GOP front runner is afraid of alienating the Klan? Best case scenario he had a brain fart and will correct himself.

Rusty said...

Amanda said...
The families of the 6 Sikhs that were murdered by a white supremacist in the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting certainly don't roll their eyes and dismiss the deadly power of white supremacists. Dismiss them at peril to this nation.

I think we have more to fear from liberals with guns than we do 'white supremists'.

Anonymous said...

Brando: Trump's fans are being too cute by half defending his KKK "non-comments".

How many millions in tax dollars are being funneled to these racialist supremacist contaminators you're so concerned about? Wake me up when the media starts trying to play "gotcha" for being associated with La Raza, and you silly puppies stop salivating on cue to your media masters' Pavlovian stimuli.

These groups still have relevance to voters today...

Not to worry. I'm sure voters who are deeply concerned about the influence of racialist groups on American politics will take those concerns into account when they vote.

Anonymous said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Birkel said...
Iraq lost to Iran.

That happened the day Bush put the Shia elite in charge of the country. Possibly the stupidest geopolitical move of the modern era.

2/28/16, 6:11 PM

Put them in charge? Shia make up over 60% of the country. If you were Shia in Iraq do you think you'd bow down to another Sunni tyranny? They had elections and chose their own government. Bush didn't impose any one.

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