January 14, 2016

Using children in politics — it's creepy, not cute.

Here's what happened at a Donald Trump rally...

... but before you gear up to defend/condemn, remember the height of horror that was these schoolkids for Obama:


Anonymous said...

Both are creepy as hell. Also politicians should stop using children in political ads, especially their own.

Limited blogger said...

Ann, you are on a roll!

I don't think its creepy. Ridiculous maybe, not creepy.

Ok, a little creepy.

CatherineM said...

Ew. Reminds me also of those kids used I those feminist ads who cursed about the "fucking" sexism. Just ew.

Clyde said...

Yes, it's creepy, no matter who's doing it.

As for the upcoming election, I will be voting against the Democrat nominee, no matter who that might be. I don't like the Republicans, but I loathe the Democrats, so it's an easy decision for me. If Trump is the Republican nominee, than I'll vote for him over Clinton or Sanders or whatever other unhanged criminal gets their nomination. Not that I think that Trump would be a good president; he's got a lot of the narcissism of Obama, and I fear that he also would think that he was always the smartest person in the room and not listen to his advisors. That said, I think he'd cause less damage than Clinton/Sanders/other Democrat hack.

eric said...

I can't see the video right now, but the Obama kids were creepy. There were more than one. There were the black kids dressed in camo gear and boots, and the Obama kids whose school teacher lead them in a ode to Obama, ugh. Very creepy.

Anonymous said...

Little girls shaking their butts in ode to Trump, shame on their parents.

traditionalguy said...

Don't be so Northern provencial. Cheerleaders are used at all ages of football teams in The Panhandle.

That rally was way down upon the Suwanee River in FSU Land. They have a mixture of South Alabama culture and Florida retirees that were once active duty personel in the US Navy Carrier pilots school and the Airforce's huge Eglin Base that brings in both top pilots and top civilian weapons system experts for the Aerospace giants. Then add in a strong contingent of Army Ranger training and Navy Seal Training Schools.

Athletes are king there. Some include the kid that just lead Alabama to the National title after not maaking it at QB at Florida State, and the special golfer, Bubba Watson.

Trump could not have kept that crowd under pussification if he had wanted to.

Hunter said...

One important difference: the kids never used Trump's name or referred to him personally at any point.

The song wasn't about Donald Trump or his messianic promise. It was just a generic (and cheesy) pro-America song.

Quaestor said...

Yes, I do remember that "all hail Obama" atrocity. I consider it the single most egregious case of political child abuse since Hitlerjuend Quex. These cheerleaders are are yet another example of the same political sin, though of a more venial degree. But what does one do with this kind of dance-for-girls-with-two-left-feet earnestness? Tell them to get lost? It's a no-win any which way you deal with it. The Obama ad was much worse because none of those kids were responsible for it. Their song was composed, orchestrated and conducted with professional polish. The videography, the sound recording and editing were also top-drawer -- all things considered a jewel of the propagandist's craft that Joseph Goebbels himself would have envied. Trump's cheerleaders? Gong Show rejects.

garage mahal said...

But this is different!

Anonymous said...

The girls sang about "President Donald Trump". Did you even watch the video, Hunter?

Known Unknown said...

Political rally vs. school. Both creepy, but one less weird than the other.

dreams said...

The Donald is a Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote: But this is different!

Curious thing about irony, those who attempt to use it without understanding it usually achieve the opposite rhetorical effect from their intent.

garage mahal said...

Trump did just compliment Kim Jong un. Maybe Trump digs him more than he let on.

virgil xenophon said...

On the same continuum, but the Obama stuff was TOTAL TOTALITARIAN CREEPSTER, the Trump girls only marginally inappropriate..

Hunter said...


I had to listen again to the whole thing again CARE-FUL-LY to hear the line "President Donald Trump knows how to make America great" at 0:30 (his name goes by so quick that I missed it by blinking, which makes no sense but there you are).

The rest of the song has nothing to do with Donald Trump, so I maintain it's still far less creepy than the Obama children, but does cross the line of propriety.

Even based on my first impression, I didn't find it appealing, nor would I have my kids, if I had kids, participate in such a thing.

n.n said...

Children should neither be seen nor heard. There must be a reasonable threshold where that totalitarian ideal ends. Children can not properly develop in a climate stasis.

That said, privacy, clinic, planning... Oh, never mind.

Anonymous said...

Hunter, the implicit message is that "President Donald Trump" will be the only one who can make America be the freedom loving utopia the girls are singing about. Mein Trumpf. Trumpf Jugend..

Freeman Hunt said...

More liberty means less government and less parental hectoring about government.

eric said...

Interesting. They aren't singing about Donald Trump, but they do mention him.

Whereas the other songs were about our new god emperor, Obama, and they were songs focused on him and his greatness and how he was going to change things, rearrange things, make things hoped changey.

While this may also be creepy (I still can't watch) its definitely not creepy in the same way, for obvious reasons.

Hunter said...

Here are the lyrics. I listened for long enough to type them. I don't know why. It sucked. You're welcome.


Cowardice (Are you serious?)
Apologies for freedom (I can't handle this!)
When freedom rings (Answer the call!)
On your feet (Stand up tall!)
Freedom's on our shoulders (USA!)

Enemies of freedom
Face the music (Come on boys, take 'em down!)
President Donald Trump knows how
To make America great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time

Over here (USA!)
Over there (USA!)
Freedom and liberty everywhere
O say can you see
It's not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom's call

We're the land of the free and the home of the brave
The stars and stripes are flying
Let's celebrate our freedom
Inspire proudly freedom to the world

Ameri-tude(?) (USA!)
American pride (USA!)
It's attitude, it's who we are,
Stand up tall
We're the red white and blue
Fiercely proud, that's who!
Our colors don't run, no sirree

Over here (USA!)
Over there (USA!)
Freedom and liberty everywhere
O say can you see
It's not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom's call

The Godfather said...

At one time, Barbra Streisand could really sing. I liked her work. But anyone who would vote for or contribute to a candidate because Barbra supports him/her is an idiot. Same for the Tromp kids. Whether you like them or not (I do; they're cute and remind me of my granddaughters, but YMMV), they aren't a reason to vote for Tromp for president. The Obama kids are mostly the same, except for the very VERY creepy business at the beginning and end, in which Obama is hailed as the messiah.

garage mahal said...

"Deal from strength or get crushed every time."

That is so freakin awesome.

Hunter said...

"Sing For Change" lyrics:

We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ’em

We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it
We’re gonna change the world.

Now’s the moment, lift each voice to sing
Sing with all your heart!
For our children, for our families,
Nations all joined as one.
Sing for joy and sing abundant peace,
Courage, justice, hope!
Sing together, hold each precious hand,
Lifting each other up;
Sing for vision, sing for unity,
Lifting our hearts to Sing!

(Yes we can! can! can!)
(Yes we can! can! can!)(Lift each other up)
(Yes we can! can! can!)(Lift each other up)

We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ’em

We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it
We’re gonna change the world.

dbp said...

They are both creepy, but the Obama one is creepy and sinister; in that IIRC the kids were in a tax-funded school. Government agents compelling their charges to adore "dear leader".

Quaestor said...

Amanda wrote: Hunter, the implicit message is that "President Donald Trump" will be the only one who can make America be the freedom loving utopia the girls are singing about. Mein Trumpf. Trumpf Jugend..

Bullshit. So what's the implicit message of the Obama ad, Ms. Information? Let's annex Poland and fry some Jews?

Hunter said...

garage mahal said...
"Deal from strength or get crushed every time."
That is so freakin awesome.

I think Trump might have written something like that in a book.

A book about deals, and making them. And how it's sort of an art.

Titus said...

The crowd in the back looks like they are from the nearest senior center and all white-

Anonymous said...

Annex Poland? No I think he is more interested in making Muslims register on a national database and deporting Mexicans by the millions. Maybe he'll annex Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Quickster, Quakster, eh whatever.

Anonymous said...

Trump, not Obama, that is.

Hunter said...

I find the Obama ad a lot more blatant and a lot creepier. There is no mistaking at all that the song is all about Obama and what a wonderful and transformational figure he is.

Part of the creep factor is that it's sung and filmed in such a solemn, reverent tone. It really does feel something like a video out of North Korea. Whatever the Trump thing is, it's definitely not that. It is way too goofy to take seriously.

Hunter said...

Not ad, song. Music video. You know I mean. I'm not deleting and reposting that comment a second time.

PB said...

How are you going to indoctrinate the population if you don't grab 'em at the earliest age possible?

Jason said...

Not even remotely comparable.

Libtards have lost all perspective.

tim maguire said...

I wanted to draw a distinction between parents making them do it and teachers making them do it, but then the video started and...yeah. Creepy. Embarrassing. Leave the kids out of it.

garage mahal said...

"Not even remotely comparable."

This wouldn't have anything to do with party affiliation by chance, would it?

LOL. Just kidding.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hunter said...

Jason said...
Not even remotely comparable.
Libtards have lost all perspective.

They have... but it is remotely comparable.

Only remotely. Maybe just a little bit more than remotely.

But far, far from equivalent.

eric said...

Hunter, thanks for posting the lyrics to both.

Not remotely the same. The subject of one is obviously us, the USA. The subject of the other? Ugh. It's all about him.

Freeman Hunt said...

The adults would have been better off using these patriotic outfits and talents to work up a nice show for the town Independence Day celebration. In fact, now that they have the outfits, why not do that? Maybe they are planning to do that already.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

But far, far from equivalent.

Of course. Oooof course.

mccullough said...

If they are going to do this routine, they need batons. I want to see some batons whirring

Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote: Of course. Oooof course.

We all know you're an idiot. You may cease proving now.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I thought the Trump one was hilarious.

The lyrics sound like they were crafted by a Junior Matron in Training with artistic pretensions. Given its Pensacola perhaps a Air Force Captains wife or the wife of a local developer.

The juxtaposition of the two videos provides an excellent contrast between the cultural differences between the left and right.

In the Trump video the colors are red, white, and blue in homage to the flag, USA is sung 10 times in a 36 line song, freedom eight. The basic message of the song? The U.S of A. is just fine, but its been mismanaged lately. Donald Trump understands what the U.S. of A. is about and will correct the mismanagement problem.

The Obama video utilizes the red, white, and blue motif also, but it is much more subdued and in the form of the Obama logo (Obama = USA). More prominent is sign declaring "Hope for Change." A message also seen repeatedly on the T-Shirts worn by the children. A message further underscored by the songs repeated assurance that Obama is going to change it. This song also speaks of spreading freedom, as does the Trump song. But I notice that U.S.A is not mentioned once. Message, we aren't jingoists and Obama is going to transform the U.S.A and the indeed the world spreading joy and abundant peace. Indeed, Obama is going to bring an era when all nations will be joined as one. In other words, Obama is the messiah.

Yeah, ones a little more creepy than the other.

garage mahal said...

We all know you're an idiot. You may cease proving now.

There was absolutely ZERO chance that you or other commenters here wouldn't come to the same conclusion that this video IS IN NO WAY COMPARABLE TO THE OBAMA VIDEO. Every comment was totally predictable. Either you're a shill or part of the Borg. Sucks to be you.

Jason said...

Oh, look. Garage accusing other people of being "shills."

That's precious.

Jason said...

Here's why they aren't comparable... the Obama videos involved public school teachers, on the public payroll, turning public schools into an partisan political weapon. They even brought in professional videographers to join the creepy MayDay parade.

There is no evidence of taxpayer funded institutions getting perverted to support the Trump campaign. Democrats have specifically attempted to turn public workers into a partisan fundraising tool for their campaigns. They were willing to burn down Wisconsin to do it, remember?

There's nothing of the sort happening in this Trump campaign video. No evidence of coopting of taxpayer funded institutions at all. To Democrats and other fascists it's now routine. The fact that garage can't see the difference is telling.

It's the same instinct towards fascism that allows the Obama Administration to weaponize the IRS against conservative groups.

Fernandinande said...

I bet the airplane turkey knows the Obama song.

CWJ said...

It's always cute when leftists like Amanda use the word "utopia."

Drago said...

Titus: "The crowd in the back looks like they are from the nearest senior center and all white-'

Almost, as white as the democrat contenders for the Presidency.


Drago said...

CWJ: "It's always cute when leftists like Amanda use the word "utopia.""

Amanda, like all leftists, knows that utopias require mountains of human remains which, inevitably, the New York Times and other lefty organs will assist in covering up.

CWJ said...

I'm just starting Anne Applebaum's "Iron Curtain." Part of her thesis is that some liberal elements in Eastern Europe survived Soviet occupation for a couple of years after WW2 because they were not initially considered essential to the party. Controlling youth organizations was considered a high priority.

Drago said...

I should not have used "human remains" and "organs" in the same sentence.

That always gets garage and the baby parts brokers overly excited.

Drago said...

Amanda: "Both are creepy as hell. Also politicians should stop using children in political ads, especially their own."

Another Amanda-rule which shows up just in time to miss obambi.


Drago said...

CWJ: "I'm just starting Anne Applebaum's "Iron Curtain.""

"Iron Curtain" is just another term for "Springtime for Stalin and the Peoples Progressive Paradise.""

Surprisingly, it never won a Tony.

Drago said...

Titus: "The crowd in the back looks like they are from the nearest senior center and all white-'"

Almost as white as a list of Academy Awards nominees in Hollywood in 2016.

Almost as white as The New Republic or Vox staff.

Almost as white as the mobs of Bostonians who tipped over busses protesting black students being bussed into their schools.

Almost as white as the WI rural leftist enclaves surrounding Madison where the folks sometimes have as many as 1 black friend once in their lives for a short period of time but like to reference it repeatedly as a sign of their open-mindedness.

CWJ said...

OK, both clips are cringeworthy. They truly are! However, context is important. A political rally is a very different place than where the children's recorded paeans to Obama took place.

Freeman Hunt said...

One is a fight song, and one is a hymn. That is the difference.

Phil 314 said...

A word of advice, when the other side is embarrassing themselves, just sit back and be quiet.

D. B. Light said...

Democrats ruin everything. Every time I think, "Oh please, don't go there" they do.

Hunter said...

garage mahal said...
There was absolutely ZERO chance that you or other commenters here wouldn't come to the same conclusion that this video IS IN NO WAY COMPARABLE TO THE OBAMA VIDEO.

I said that it was in some way comparable.

Hunter said...

Drago said...
Titus: "The crowd in the back looks like they are from the nearest senior center and all white-'

Almost, as white as the democrat contenders for the Presidency.

Almost as old, too!

machine said...

"the kids never used Trump's name or referred to him personally at any point."

uh, check again.

and they were faking it just like him.

Drago said...

Let's face it, there was absolutely ZERO chance that garage or any other lefty commenter here wouldn't find fault with this ad after having had no problem whatsoever with the 8+ years of obambi using children in his creepy ads and political campaigns.

victoria said...

both creepy

Vicki from Pasadena

Thorley Winston said...

I don't support Trump. I don't think he will be the Republican nominee or elected President. But if I am wrong, I want this played over and over again at his inauguration until everyone who says they’re leaving the country if he’s elected President either makes good on their promise or goes on suicide watch.

FullMoon said...

Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote: Of course. Oooof course.

We all know you're an idiot. You may cease proving now.

Some commenters educate me. Garage always makes me feel smarter. I am grateful

rhhardin said...

Children in politics is for women, who are idiot voters.

Disparaging children in politics is also for women.

The guy position is who cares.

Wince said...

One difference: I felt like the Trump cheerleaders were trying to convince me; in the Obama video it looked like the exercise was to indoctrinate the kids.

wendybar said...

There were 6 songs that students were MADE to sing about the I WON president....http://thetruthwins.com/archives/6-videos-of-school-children-singing-songs-that-praise-barack-obama

Larry J said...

Hunter said...
One important difference: the kids never used Trump's name or referred to him personally at any point.

The song wasn't about Donald Trump or his messianic promise. It was just a generic (and cheesy) pro-America song.

There's also the significant difference in that the girls at the Trump rally were performing of their own free will, while across the country, kids were getting indoctrinated at schools across the country into the cult of the Dear Leader. "Barack Hussein Obama, umm, umm, umm."


Chris N said...

Sometimes at my Coffee Party meet ups, Klaus will start humming the same Obama youth song while getting his laptop out.

Every week.


Jason said...

The difference is the kids in the Trump video were there of their own free will.

The kids in the Obama videos that were filmed in public schools were forced to be there by compulsory attendance laws.

The Trump video was an exercise in liberty; the Obama school kids were exercises in the most vile kind of statist indoctrination.

The difference is fundamental.

Though it doesn't surprise me that people like Amanda and thugs like garage can't tell the difference right away, or don't care.

Scratch a liberal, you will find a fascist. Every time.

Jon said...

" Clyde said...
Yes, it's creepy, no matter who's doing it.

As for the upcoming election, I will be voting against the Democrat nominee, no matter who that might be. I don't like the Republicans, but I loathe the Democrats, so it's an easy decision for me. If Trump is the Republican nominee, than I'll vote for him over Clinton or Sanders or whatever other unhanged criminal gets their nomination. Not that I think that Trump would be a good president; he's got a lot of the narcissism of Obama, and I fear that he also would think that he was always the smartest person in the room and not listen to his advisors. That said, I think he'd cause less damage than Clinton/Sanders/other Democrat hack.

1/14/16, 3:34 PM"

I don't know for sure (of course), but based oh the fact that T is a successful CEO, I think he might not be so Obamian as to be like that.

Rusty said...

Amanda said...
Little girls shaking their butts in ode to Trump, shame on their parents.

Yes. They should hve been aborted.

Blogger garage mahal said...
"But this is different!"

I know, right.Trumps was the model of lame American hucksterism. While the Obama clip boardered on the the religious. No god but Obama, right.

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