January 24, 2016

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump.

Last night on SNL:

"I'm here for all you teachers and teamsters, you farmers and charmers, whether you're a mom or 2 Broke Girls or 3 Men and a Baby, or a rock 'n' roller, holy roller, pushin' stroller, pro bowler with an abscessed molar...."

"I hope no one's allergic to nuts, 'cause we got a big one here. She's 2 Corinthians short of a Bible...."


Saint Croix said...

Okay, let me slam Tina Fey here. I've read her work. She's constantly complaining about the boy's club at SNL, and how hard it is for the ladies to get their work seen. And what does she do? Works on a skit that slams Palin and hits Trump with kid gloves. Watch that skit and tell me there is not a double standard. She's crazy but he's normal? Why are you idiots still attacking Palin? Why does Palin's endorsement drive you up the wall and make you attack her, again, while you tiptoe around Trump?

I'll tell you why. SNL is afraid to turn off viewers who like Trump. So you malign and attack Palin instead, who's an easier target. You attack a woman, because she's an easier target.

Ann Althouse said...

"SNL is afraid to turn off viewers who like Trump."

Maybe it's more about NBC. Both SNL and Trump's Apprentice are/were NBC shows.

Ann Althouse said...

Tina Fey does a great Sarah Palin impersonation. No reason not to go big on this. Palin's speech was great material to riff on.

What was cheap was just saying Palin is crazy.

Palin and Trump have similar enough speech patterns that something much more revealing and interesting could have been done.

Saint Croix said...

Yes, spot on.

Saint Croix said...

I doubt that NBC polices the skits on SNL, but maybe I'm naive on that.

I'm more inclined to think it's laziness and unexamined bias. Probably that skit was written by a man, hating on Palin and scared of Trump. A weak man.

Saint Croix said...

Or a weak woman, actually.

Again, Tina Fey participated in this.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Yes, it could have been better if it worked in Trump speaking seriously (instead of asides) and the shooting of someone in the middle of 5th Avenue (even though it wasn't that bad if you listing to it in context) or other similarly crazy stuff. They could have exchanged crazy riffs. Tina Fey's depiction of Palin was funny but they definitely let Trump off by having him in on the joke.

traditionalguy said...

Palin is shown again as a total backwoods red neck. She gets waives of every of every known red neck ridicule meme, while Trump is cast as an observer from NYC like them, just using the crazy hick's sexuality.

I don't think the NYC guys like Sarah very much. But oddly, she still really likes the Trump's common man style and strong leadership.

That darned Napoleonic Donald has blown away the old class divisions between red states and blue states.

Saint Croix said...

I think a real man would defend a woman who is attacked. Especially if she is attacked for association with him.

Let's see if Donald Trump is a real man.

MPH said...

There really was no reason to parody the actual Palin performance.

Tank said...

Plain does not need a white knight.

JAORE said...

And the oh so much brighter voters on the left will come to believe the Fey lines are all direct quotes. I can see Russia from my house!

Tina Feh.

Humperdink said...

JAORE, I actually had a democrat voter tell me that. She swore up and down it was Palin saying it (the seeing Russia from my house quote). It was a hopeless endeavor to convince her otherwise.

PB said...

SNL is really getting desperate in their political humor - taking things completely out of context and then parodying them. Great comedy plays off the full context of true events/people.

Fabi said...

Trump is a true Republican. Palin wouldn't have endorsed him if that weren't true. QED.

jaydub said...

If Palin did not exist or if Tina Fey did not resemble Palin, would anyone even recognize the name "Tina Fey."

If Tina Fey did not exist or if Palin did not resemble Fey, would Palin be any more or less relevant?

Whom is the light-weight here?

JCC said...

Wjile watching the (genuine) Palin endorsement, I wondered if Palin was drunk or something, or just unprepared and extemporizing. That aside, the SNL skit is nothing but a cheap attempt to mock the rednecks who aren't up to NYC standards. Even though Trump is kind of a buffoon, he's NY's buffoon and thus superior to the other fly-over morons, maybe just a temporary, make-believe buffoon for the benefit of the Republicans until after the election. Something.

Ann Althouse said...

"If Palin did not exist or if Tina Fey did not resemble Palin, would anyone even recognize the name "Tina Fey.""

Another way to put that is, which analogy is more accurate?

1. Tina Fey : Sarah Palin :: Vaughn Meador : JFK

2. Tina Fey : Sarah Palin :: Andy Kaufman : Elvis

Sharc said...

A fine impression. But is it funny, even to a lib?

MathMom said...

Vaughn Meader did a good job as JFK. Had to look him up, didn't realize that he was the guy I remember from when I was in 3rd grade, saying "Let me tell you this about that".

Never saw Andy Kaufman as Elvis, but he was seriously oogie so I choose answer 2.

Phil 314 said...

Per Jaydub:

Palin and Fey need each other.

MathMom said...

I wonder where they got the cardigan. It was immediately sold out after Palin's endorsement.

I think the sweater is the part that makes you realize she's lampooning Palin.

Dan in Philly said...

Like when Trump was on SNL earlier this year, it seems they're afraid to really go after him.

wild chicken said...

All I'm getting is the lion in Botswana thing.

David Begley said...

That Palin sweater is sold out everywhere. Hope it is a new trend.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, poor Vaughn Meador. I gather he was a talented comedian before he hitched his wagon to JFK. I vote for #2, Fey is to Palin as Kaufman was to Elvis. I was in high school when we got "The First Family" album, and I thought that Meador's ribbing of JFK was gentle and had a lot of affection in it. I recollect thinking when I saw it that Kaufman's take on Elvis was pretty mean-spirited.

As to Fey herself, I had been planning to see her movie "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" when it comes out, but perhaps I should rethink that. Why enrich a woman whose career, such as it is, is built on hating Sarah Palin?

Robert Cook said...

I'm a big fan of Tina Fey and of Darrell Hammond (who, I discovered years after the fact, was a student at the same university, in the same college, and in the same major as I was at the same time as I was...it's even possible we may have been in some of the same classes).

However...this skit fell flat. Hammond's Trump seemed deflated and dull, no doubt because here he was portrayed as a straight man to and editorial commenter on Fey's Palin. However, Trump's appeal is his own outsized ego and consequent clownishness. He is no one's straight man. Fey's Palin was well-performed, as always. The fatal flaw in the skit was the back and forth from Palin's remarks to Trump's sidebar put-downs...very puzzling given that he consented to have her speak for him, and that he greeted her with great enthusiasm. The premise is logically incoherent from the outset. That Palin, at the end, would offer her own comment as to Trump's insufficiency to be President follows from and confirms this logical incoherence. It's a failure of the writers. They were unable to express what they wanted to--"they're both kooks and incompetents!"--without inserting these overt comments by the two principles putting each other down. Better writers could have conveyed this more subtly and less didactically.

Robert Cook said...

"I recollect thinking when I saw it that Kaufman's take on Elvis was pretty mean-spirited."

Not in the least...Kaufman LOVED Elvis, and his imitation was offered as a tribute. Supposedly, the real Elvis loved Kaufman's impression.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Tina Fey does a great Sarah Palin impersonation. No reason not to go big on this. Palin's speech was great material to riff on.

In a couple of years when she can't get anymore gigs, Fey will blame the fact that she was typecast or too closely identified with Palin.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liberals love to hate Sarah Palin. Moderate Republicans also love to hate Sarah Palin.

I find it a bit bizarre. I certainly don't hate Palin. I view her as John McCain's Hail Mary in 2008, which, sadly for the country, didn't work. They simply lost big-time. But I don't think she deserves scorn and ridicule, any more than any politician who tries, but falls short.

So, I would ease up on the enmity towards her, as well as the adulation. Physically, I would add, she's a lot hotter more than Tina Fey, though.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"I recollect thinking when I saw it that Kaufman's take on Elvis was pretty mean-spirited."

Not in the least...Kaufman LOVED Elvis, and his imitation was offered as a tribute. Supposedly, the real Elvis loved Kaufman's impression.

1/24/16, 9:13 AM

Yep! You got that right.

Robert Cook said...

"If Palin did not exist or if Tina Fey did not resemble Palin, would anyone even recognize the name 'Tina Fey.'"

Absolutely. Fey was lead writer then a featured performer on Saturday Night Live for years before she ever did Palin. In fact, she had left SNL and was the creator and star (and often writer) of her own show on NBC, 30 ROCK, a show about a mediocre SNL-like program of which Fey's character was the producer, but it was also about NBC as a corporate entity. She came back to guest-star on SNL to perform as Palin after she had done her time on the show and left.

jr565 said...

"Liberals love to hate Sarah Palin. Moderate Republicans also love to hate Sarah Palin."

And soon Tea Partiers will love to hate Sarah Palin.

jr565 said...

"Fey's Palin was well-performed, as always. The fatal flaw in the skit was the back and forth from Palin's remarks to Trump's sidebar put-downs...very puzzling given that he consented to have her speak for him, and that he greeted her with great enthusiasm. The premise is logically incoherent from the outset."

Wow, I have to agree with Cooke here. Trump is not the straight man to Palin's crazy. Trump is gonzo in his own right.

Triangle Man said...

Palin's original speech was funnier than Fey's (spot on) impression. The SNL writers took A+ material and turned it into a B+ bit. How the Hell do they give Trump a pass and portray him as more reasonable than he portrays himself? Colbert's segment that had clips of Palin herself was funnier.

In a civil society, when politicians deliver huge piles of bullshit it is the duty of comedians to turn it into magnificent humiliation. The SNL writers are not holding up their end of the deal.

dustbunny said...

I'm surprised that people think Tina's career depends on this impersonation! As Robert Cook said she had and still has a thriving career w/o Palin. I remember a interview where she said she was tired of doing it and her Republican parents didn't like it but come on, she is funny and it's hard to wLk away from the guy to whom she actually owes her career, Lorne Michaels

Michael K said...

"would anyone even recognize the name "Tina Fey."

Nobody over 30 would recognize who she is except for the impersonation.

The hatred of Palin is mostly on the left and also the big lobby GOP types like Nicole Wallace and Peggy Noonan.

The Tea Party as far as I know still love her although she is more social conservative than libertarian.

Crimso said...

"Content unavailable." That's been the case with SNL since the mid-90s.

Gahrie said...

Tell me again about the Republican war on women........

Limited blogger said...

Andy Kaufman's Elvis was scary, it was so perfect. The fact that he transformed from the doofy, greasy, Andy Kaufman character into the beautiful, powerful Elvis added to the uneasy disjointedness.

Shouting Thomas said...

I like Palin and I like Fey's send ups of Palin.

Is there a problem with that?

JAORE said...

"In a civil society, when politicians deliver huge piles of bullshit it is the duty of comedians to turn it into magnificent humiliation. The SNL writers are not holding up their end of the deal."

Pretty much all comedians have not been holding up their end of the deal for over 7 years now.

Fabi said...

Palin's endorsement speech for Trump was cringe-worthy. Fey went easy on her.

Chuck said...

"Donald Trump" as straight-man. As frightening as it is strange.

Of course, there'd be no Sarah Palin in 2016 if there was no Donald Trump in 2016.

Ann Althouse said...

"I recollect thinking when I saw it that Kaufman's take on Elvis was pretty mean-spirited."

Not at all. The joke in fact was that it was completely respectful and genuinely loving toward Elvis. That was surprising.

Chuck said...

Michael K: I don't understand the allegation that the GOP establishment has been out to get Sarah Palin.

To the extent that Sarah Palin was ever given a huge life-changing break, the GOP establishment, if there is such a thing, handed it to her on a camouflage platter. It was the hated John McCain -- that RINO Washington insider -- who has shown Sarah Palin more loyalty than anyone short of her husband and Glen Rice.

Palin's trainwreck personal affairs and reckless speech are certainly not the fault of the GOP establishment. Sure, the left-wing media hates her; I'd never argue with that. They hated Dan Quayle, too, and treated him just as badly. Quayle just didn't give them more ammunition to hurt his own cause.

And I do agree with a comment above, that the hugely talented Tina Fey (who will never vote for a Republican and who works in a building with three or four thousand other people, virtually all of whom will never vote for a Republican) went easy on Sarah Palin. I do think that Tina Fey is mostly all about the comedy and producing a good show. She's not Michael Moore.

Skeptical Voter said...

Sarah Palin is the best thing that ever happened to Tina Fey. And Tina's being an ungrateful witch in return.

David said...

"2 Corinthians short of a Bible" is a very good line.

Chuck said...

Maybe we can all agree that the media saturation of Donald Trump has one undeniable benefit which is that it has forced NBC/SNL to bring back Darrell Hammond as the consummate Donald Trump.

Birkel said...

So Chuck wishes to criticize Palin for "train wreck personal affairs" which can only be described as attacking parents for the behavior of children.

That is low, Chuck. Shamefully low.

Freder Frederson said...

Sarah Palin is the best thing that ever happened to Tina Fey. And Tina's being an ungrateful witch in return.

Oh come on, Tina Fey was incredibly successful (head writer on SNL, star and creator of 30 Rock) long before anyone outside of Alaska had heard of Sarah Palin.

Chuck said...

No, Birkel; I don't necessarily blame Mom for the sins and mistakes of adult children. Although it seems to something of a pattern, and not rare mistakes, on the part of the Palin kids. Palin has a rather large number of managerial questions to answer about time as the Wasilla mayor and as governor of Alaska. And there's the part of her quitting as mayor, mid-term, for frankly unexplained reasons.

I am in the midst of defending Michigan governor Rick Snyder from all the nationwide calls for him to resign, mid-term. They are illegitimate claims, as to the Governor. And it is something of a betrayal of the system, to resign midterm short of a disability to effectively govern.

There's no explanation for Sarah Palin, apart from apparent self-interest. I have a personal dislike for reality-show culture. Not necessarily Tea Party culture. And so I confess my prejudice, on that level, versus Mrs. Palin.

I actually expected to get hammered for mentioning Glen Rice, and not for alluding to the things immediately above.

chickelit said...

@Birkel: Chuck is a big fan of the late Joe McGinnis and especially his "work" on Palin (as demonstrated just the other day here). So, no surprises here.

chickelit said...

@Chuck: So far you've got this "I'm a Michigander attorney involved with defending Rick Snyder and PS I'm the only true conservative and PPS Sarah Palin and Donald Trump suck" thing going on as a persona.

Did I leave anything out?

chickelit said...

@Chuck: Of course, commenter "archetypes" like you have to exist. Otherwise Althouse would have to invent them.

Michael K said...

"Palin's trainwreck personal affairs and reckless speech are certainly not the fault of the GOP establishment."

I assume you are referring to her children. They have certainly been no help to her. I assume your children are much better.

Chuck said...

No, chickelit, I am no fan of Joe McGinnis. I never said any such thing. I don't know where'd you get such a thing.

I voted for McCain-Palin, and supported the ticket. I've turned against Palin as she morphed into an unserious reality tv star, and as she said stupid stuff about her own political party. I have a real distaste for unserious people.

I see now that several people have -- without much bothering to read or think -- presumed that I have attacked the Palin children. It does seem to be something of a strange and possibly messed up family, but that is not what I said and it is not why I have so little affinity with Mrs. Palin now.

Six or eight years of her saying dumb and unhelpful things about Republicans is what did that.

Unknown said...

-- It was the hated John McCain -- that RINO Washington insider -- who has shown Sarah Palin more loyalty than anyone short of her husband and Glen Rice.

Absolute ahistorical non-sense. The biggest shock of my politics-junkie life was how McCain let Palin twist in the wind - as his own staff sabotaged and criticized here. Nicole Wallace became famous for being the backstabber and now is on television for her participation. You would have thought someone who survived the Hanoi Hilton would have known how to protect a wingman.

It was Palin who has shown loyalty to McCain, endorsing in his last, meritless campaign- a loyalty that was above and beyond what “Maverick” deserved.

-Palin has a rather large number of managerial questions to answer about time as the Wasilla mayor and as governor of Alaska. And there's the part of her quitting as mayor, mid-term, for frankly unexplained reasons.

You probably meant quitting as governor mid term. If you did then you continue with inaccurate and false slanders. Her reasons for quitting were thoroughly documented as the result of Democrat-Leftist unfounded lawfare (slightly unique to Alaskan laws) which she would have had to expend personal and state money to defend against.


What Palin succeeded in doing as governor was demonstrating that both political parties participate in exploiting the polticial process to their own benefit - with Alaska being a microcosm of DC and many corrupt states. This is what put the bullseye on her back. She has continued in what is called fighting the establishment and this fight has been inherited by Trump, Cruz and Carson to the detriment of Jeb Bush and the other establishment pawns - Christie, Pitaki, Kasich etc.

Birkel said...

Now when Democrats attempt to bankrupt Alaskan governors with frivolous lawsuits it is the governor's fault?

So tell me, Chuck, why lawfare is the victim's fault. What other victims are to blame for their victimhood? Demonstrate your evenhandedness, Chuck. Give us a list of which victims deserve scorn.

I blame Chuck's parents for raising a witless, no-account, partisan, hack poseur. Where do I send the parents' Bill, Chuck?

narciso said...

No he has not, the hones memo is testament of that. Larry persilly who got his job on the pipeline due to his slander is as well. Of course tuna doesn't point out the 's malign neglect of veterans under obama, the territory he abandoned to the Islamic state.

narciso said...

Breitbart revealed how Simon and scuster libeled her through mcginness having no proof of their allegations

Anonymous said...

"She's crazy but he's normal? Why are you idiots still attacking Palin? Why does Palin's endorsement drive you up the wall and make you attack her, again, while you tiptoe around Trump?"

They're both crazy, but she makes Trump look positively normal. Despite that I doubt we'll ever see Palin anywhere in the same vicinity of Trump ever again. He may be crazy but he's not that stupid.

narciso said...

Lawfare has been employed against stevens, delay, perry, Paxton most likely and walker, it is never emplyed against the guilty.

Birkel said...

Amanda of the many accomplishments steps forward to dribble on her own chin. Somewhere a clowder of cats is missing its lady.

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Now when Democrats attempt to bankrupt Alaskan governors with frivolous lawsuits it is the governor's fault?

So tell me, Chuck, why lawfare is the victim's fault. What other victims are to blame for their victimhood? Demonstrate your evenhandedness, Chuck. Give us a list of which victims deserve scorn.

I blame Chuck's parents for raising a witless, no-account, partisan, hack poseur. Where do I send the parents' Bill, Chuck?

Yipes. Have a nice day.

narciso said...

Actually she does an impression of her Greek aunt that she passed off as palin

mccullough said...

SNL has done a great job satirizing every president except Obama. Guess they're afraid to mock Muslims.

furious_a said...

..it has forced NBC/SNL to bring back Darrell Hammond as the consummate Donald Trump.

I wish KFC would bring back Hammond's Col. Sanders. He gives it this creepy, beady-eyed serial-killer vibe that's totally missing from Norm Macdonald's earnest goofiness.

Chuck said...


Yes, I meant "[Alaska] governor," not "[Wasilla] mayor." And I thank you for correcting my error on that.

As for McCain and Palin... After Donald Trump made the comments about John McCain being a "hero because he was captured" -- a comment that can only be described as despicable and shit-headed -- and after Sarah Palin endorsed for president the despicable shit head who said that, John McCain had the grace to say this of Palin:

"“We remain very good friends,” he said. “I respect her decision that she has made and it has nothing to do with our personal relationship.”

So yeah I give great credit to John McCain. I often disagree with McCain. Like, McCain-Feingold. (Where alleged RINO Mitch McConnell has led the opposing fight.)

As for Sarah Palin and her comments about Republicans, here is her entry into the crazy bitch club:


And of course here:


And, uh, here; the old "impeachment" strategy:


I wouldn't call Sarah Palin a crazy bitch simply for making an argument about impeachment. That is, I wouldn't complain if she made a good case as would be done by a serious conservative like a Michael Mukasey or a Chris Christie or an Andy McCarthy. All serious lawyers with Justice Department backgrounds. (And histories of dealing very critically with entrenched liberals in the DoJ, to boot.) But Sarah Palin's approach is just demagoguery to low-information types, and insultingly she challenges the patriotic bona fides of anyone who doesn't accept her "impeachment" claims.

furious_a said...

"Palin's trainwreck personal affairs...

Especially letting Trig live instead of handing him over to Planned Parenthood to be sold off for parts.

Paul said...

" And there's the part of her quitting as mayor, mid-term, for frankly unexplained reasons."

Most ignorant statement yet from Cuck? Hard to say...so much material to wade through.

Anonymous said...

Birkel, I have an observation about you on the Charter School thread (if it gets posted since the thread is on moderation). I think you should read it and give it some thought. It speaks to your odd penchant for honing in on other commenters rather than the subject matter of the actual blog post. I think that your focus on other commenters reflects some strange agressive behaviors that you cannot express in your life offline (if you have one), and instead take the coward's track by being a pompous moron online.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Palin is a rich target because she has gotten rich in part for being a target, sometimes seemingly the target. Everybody wins.

Trump is a soul brother.

As am I.

What the hell are you?

Paul said...

Chris Christie = serious conservative.


I think TDS inflicts as much collateral brain damage as BDS ever did.

Levi Starks said...

Watching things like this is a whole lot more funny since I decided to stop caring.
I'm gonna have nothing but fun for the next 9 months.

Levi Starks said...

So wait... Trump was channeling Groucho?

machine said...

the former half-governor should quit her job again.

Fabi said...

Not only is Amanda going to teach us non-liberals a thing or two about politics, but now she's conducting pro bono psychoanalysis!

Thanks passive-aggressive cat lady -- you're the best!

Anonymous said...

Not fab,
You're welcome, but I own no cats. So are you another one? Can't get out your agressive tendencies at home or work, so you save it all up for your persona online? I've seen this behavior on both liberal and conservative websites, but it does seem more prevalent here at Althouse, I wonder why.

Guildofcannonballs said...


chickelit said...

Amanda wondered...I've seen this behavior on both liberal and conservative websites, but it does seem more prevalent here at Althouse, I wonder why.

To be honest, I think it's because you remind people of someone else here who disappeared suddenly. I never had as serious problem with that person as others did, but that's the problem as I see it.

I'm just answerin' what you asked.

Birkel said...

Oh, Amanda. I mock the mock-worthy online as a character. On other websites I play other characters. You should try it instead of playing the supercilious scold you are in real life.

And if you believe I give a moment's thought to you outside of mockery, then my bridge would be a pleasant addition to your fantasy life. I will sell it, cheap.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Lullaby 'em into a lull of slovenly lushness, is what Traditional guy, the most mysandrist recorded in history, being a lawyer natch, or indeed of neccesity, spelled as I like ZSir, and again, the, again, then.

The Godfather said...

The thing is, the skit WASN'T FUNNY. Yes, Fey still does a good impression of Palin, but her lines weren't funny, so who cares? (Vaughn Meader, as those of you who are old enough to remember the Kennedy Administration know, not only did a good Kennedy impression, but he was also funny.) The guy they have doing Tromp did such a bad impression of Tromp that I thought they were setting up a joke about him being "low energy". You remember that your mother told you "if you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything at all"? SNL's mother should tell them "if you can't say something funny about a Republican, don't say anything at all".

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Birkel, I do think that you have a personality that only your mom could tolerate (maybe) and that's why you express it here so often, where know one knows you. If the behavior you display here, were to be displayed elsewhere offline, it would get you ostracized or fired or divorced in a hurry. Role playing on political websites? Odd, very odd. Your behavior is far worse than scolding behavior. It's oddly aggressive and seems to be overplayed here

Birkel said...

"...strange agressive behaviors that you cannot express in your life offline (if you have one)..."

I like the fresh smell of projection in the morning. It smells like a clowder.

Anonymous said...

When you are challenged and called on your over the top nastiness, this is what you come up with? "I know you are, but what am I?" Childishly odd. You sir are a pompous moron, as others have noted.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The only real narrative is Mark Goldstein and Jeff Steyn.

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

I never said it was a broad statement.

Birkel said...

In a world where you claim to be representing your true self online and I acknowledge my active role-playing, only one of us can appropriately "be" pompous.

Leftists cannot think tolerate mockery. They are so earnest.you are very earnest. One ponders whether Amanda is aware. And then one knows... one does not care.

I worry for that clowder.

Birkel said...

Now, please tell me what was "nasty" about what I have typed.

I have said nothing vulgar. I have said nothing defamatory.

Define nasty, precisely. Quote nasty.

chickelit said...

Clowder, chowder, Ava Crowder -- none of it's Justified.

Anonymous said...

Birkel, you are not very self aware, are you? Your responses to what you perceive as some ' liberal insult' is disproportionate to the 'offense'. That is partly what makes you look so oddly aggressive. A smart introspective person might give that some thought. What makes you overreact the way you do? Others here react to comments they disagree with, but not in the strange way that you often do. Actually you do this daily, but few here seem to be willing to point out the bizzare way you behave because you most often behave this way only to liberals. I have seen shades of it to even fellow conservatives here.

Birkel said...

So, no precision is available.

Anonymous said...

Birkel, your 1:25 PM comment was a disproportionate response to mine shortly before that. Is this how you respond to people you disagree with offline? Do you not recognize that your over the top comment makes you look weirdly agressive?

Anonymous said...

Also, as I stated, you most often make strange personal comments about liberal commenters, while ignoring the subject of the blog post. This tells me you are here mostly to play out some character you find to be appealing, or more likely that is who you really are deep down. You obviously think your behavior is acceptable because it's directed mostly at liberals. As I said, you sir are a pompous moron, as others have so aptly noted.

Now I'm done responding to you on this thread, as I've said what needed to be said for quite sometime.

Birkel said...

You called people crazy. That was your name calling @ 1:02pm.

And then you object to somebody calling you out? Because calling you out is "weirdly aggressive" and you wouldn't do that offline?

But you cannot understand my mockery? That clowder mews incessantly, one supposes.

The Godfather said...

B*rkel and A*anda: Will you please shut up, nobody cares about your personal problems.

Birkel said...

Thanks for caring, The Godfather. I have no personal problems of which to speak. If any develop I shall assiduously avoid announcing them online.

My mockery will not yield, however.

Anonymous said...

Dear Godfather, I already said I was done responding to him, so your admonition was wasted on me. Perhaps Birkel will heed your advice. Have a good day.

Birkel said...

So, name calling at 1:02pm and then objecting to receiving the same 23 minutes later?

And then you wish no further conversation. Weirdly aggressive, yo.

Guildofcannonballs said...

From Boston, cunt-whooore most maximly, and maybe you too as far as your kjow, or kojw.

Known whas what I was working towrards, sacred ":h:" included but only later.

Michael K said...

"I blame Chuck's parents for raising a witless, no-account, partisan, hack poseur. Where do I send the parents' Bill, Chuck?"

I am not the angry at "Chuck" but he shows the hostility to Palin so typical of the left and the RINO GOP faction.

He is also suspiciously invested in leftist myths, otherwise known as machine's posts about her.

She is not a lawyer and was offered money for doing some TV things that probably paid a few lawyer bills for her.

I am not surprised that she endorsed Trump because they have both experienced the back stabbing of the RINOs.

McCain by the way seems to be an asshole although I supported him in 2000 and was a volunteer.

A friend of mine was an F 18 pilot and flew a plane to a rally of some sort for McCain. McCain walked down a receiving line and ignored the guy in the flight suit as he hobnobbed with the local pols. Pretty obvious snub for a guy who is supposed to care about the military. My friend flew combat missions in Gulf War I.

Trump was crude as usual but there are people who are suspicious of McCain and Kerry on the whole MIA question.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Looks like Nature Supremus, aka Ronaoldus Maximuis, New England Patriots didn't sacrifice their one and only soul for whatever that tight ent murderer whorebitch mafia shitted-against stool all-but-oter-than-sample of me thinks: uh oh.

Per the Great Barnhardt, I;ve must cinsiditger.

How cn duh that I?

I spehnt time, muchloey,l can';t back g3e, t, so.......


Bricap said...

Who didn't expect this skit to happen? That's the rub, we expected something yuuuuge, and it couldn't possibly live up to the expectations of it. Not to mention, the endorsement event itself was so ridiculous and outrageous, how does one effectively satirize it even further? Part of a good sketch is going for angles that aren't always so obvious and expected, also.

Guildofcannonballs said...

It is time, as I speak as the Great William Frank Buckley Junior, to acknowledge why people ought give attention, a paramount of success in society today, the idea "Dale Carnegie and his perhap0s str90hgo7 bjew ty09uhts are only fuewl for George Soros.

So kill any neighbor that won't give you everything you desercve: everything yes, but also every thought.

Every notion.

Each and every possible concept: after all, ending up bad could happen: HAS INFACT.

Unknown said...

Oh, McCain caller her 'his friend'. Very special that you tell us this.

But he didn’t call for civility when it counted during his election when ::

Democrats called Palin 'C*nt'




When a prominent liberal “comedian" called for Palin to be raped by a group of men if she came to NY.


When David Letterman joked about her daughter being raped


Hmmm, do you suppose the insurgency against the establishment Republicans would have been as powerful if McCain had insisted Palin be treated with the respect she should have gotten?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Injustice, called by Traditional, anywhere, is cause for the most extreme unviolent actions called descriptions "disturbing" peace only the rich white person is capable of feeling, and niot only tht, but only people within th last few fuch years bitch that I saw are cuking warranting warrendnedss asshole.

Yopu got a fucking problem

You got shit inyou braiojn I clean o0ut jnot botuc???

Dyxg kuj smalldoni don't kuvce Denver k

Guildofcannonballs said...

You tiny cunts make me care, y0u buest be.///



Chuck said...

Michael K:

Who's been harder on Sarah Palin's Vice Presidential run; me, or the 2008-Donald Trump?


I didn't think that she was such a terrible pick at the time. And of course (I've already said so) I think that the media was inordinately hard on her, as they are on all Republicans. Nothing new there. I fault Sarah Palin very pointedly for her regular betrayals of our party after abandoning her governorship in Alaska.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Innocence was in my brain, my mind, something we all can agree was influenced.

So why not smart lawyers hiring smart Ruth Ginsburgs (don't bother looking it up, I'm as anti-semetic as Trump and I want those chosen disturbing the chosen, in America, previous to the Jews where we were all known, for once, sovereign, curing cancer AND TAKING THE BLAME.

For Christ's sake.

Already enough.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The best words uddered on this site were by "michael" who said something close to:

Don't anybody comment on Paddy O, a fucking docTorite of theology.

Watching Fargo is humerous because of the Great Fran McDormand, most definately not in spite of her only-organic patterns limited to a speach-wise discorse.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I have a lot more respect for Paddy O than I do me.

I ain't fucking just sad to say that, but rock bottom disgusted.

Every advantage I had I assumed, and then my genius concordance.

narciso said...

tell me again how he respects her,


narciso said...

trawling from the flint river, it seems,


chickelit said...

@narciso: Andrew Sullivan eulogized McGinniss at his memorial service, natch.

Anonymous said...

Will you please shut up, nobody cares about your personal problems

Speak for yourself. I, for one, am enjoying watching Birkel finally come out and say he is just putting on an act that even he doesn't take seriously. Very refreshing seeing a Moby admit to the game that is being played, they don't usually do that.

Now if he can just own-up to the many different sock puppets he logs in under. (I count three in this thread - how many can you find?)

Birkel said...

I never use other accounts. I use one voice here at Althouse which I.find amusing.

Darcy said...

Clowder, chowder, Ava Crowder -- none of it's Justified.

<3 <3 !

Birkel said...

Further, madisonIngafella, I do take seriously my voice here.

And I am no Moby. I think you do not know what the term means.

It is interesting to watch you project so.

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