"The media covered it all up, a shocking dereliction of duty to report the news. Why are we having a discussion about the feelings of the men who committed these crimes and whether they will be offended that we are stating the obvious, that thousands of them across Europe were of the same ethnic group? A war on women was brazenly unleashed that night around Europe. If the perps were local nationals, then throw the book at them and put them away for a long time. If the attackers were refugees and asylum seekers, then they should forfeit the right to live in the West. Those men - local or refugees - knew wrong from right but decided to prey on physically weaker victims. These were crimes of control and delight in the infliction of terror. Subjecting them to culture classes will do no more than lecturing to murderers that taking a life is wrong. It sure would be nice if the politically correct would stop throwing women as a group under the bus in the name of trying to judge these mass atrocities as some kind of balancing test. Punish the offenders and keep anyone with the mindset that women are fair game to be raped out of the West, period."
That's the top-rated comment at the NYT on an op-ed titled "Germany’s Post-Cologne Hysteria," by Anna Sauerbrey, who concluded "We need to regain our sense of balance — or it’s just a question of time until we hit a wall."
"It sure would be nice if the politically correct would stop throwing women as a group under the bus in the name of trying to judge these mass atrocities as some kind of balancing test. "
Women, and conservatives, and Republicans, and Christians ...
The Muslim immigrants are gradually turning up the heat, as the western frog sits in the pot enjoying the warmth.
Oh Oh. If even the NYT readers get it, we may be in for a Trump landslide.
C'mon! The suspense!
Pointus interruptus?
The mental illness of the left, perfectly described by their codependency with Muslims who are the antithesis of what they proclaim to believe in. It sickens me; and these perverted folks run the media and the education establishment. Nearly all leftist politicians suffer from this as well. How anyone could vote for that in the US or Europe is beyond my understanding.
To all things there is a season. Now it is the season for young white men in Germany to form fraternal organizations to protect their women and culture from untermenschen. Sigh.
I skimmed that terrible article. She's got another "white people are bad" article, which asks:
"Is this the new face of hate in Germany?"
The obvious answer which she studiously ignores is that the invaders are the new face of hate in Germany.
Your link connected to the article but it doesn't display any comments.
This link included comments.
From the linked article:
The police have since identified 31 suspects. They are a multinational lot, including Germans, a Serb and even one American. But 18 of them are asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa.
Found this on line.
The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.
The author of the opinion piece is being disingenuous. Two are Germans, but no mention is made of their ethnicity.
And does any one believe a random American suddenly joined up with a bunch of middle eastern men to harass women on the street in Germany?
This was going twenty years ago when I lived in Paris. On New Year's Eve 1993 we were enjoying the fireworks at Place de Concorde when two or three Arab guys ran up and molested our dates. Being former Marines, we chased the guys down Avenue Foch. We caught one and kicked the crap out of him. The others got away. The little pussy we caught cried like a baby.
My experience doing military training with Arab men is that they are lousy soldiers, are generally pretty big pussies... that's why they attack women and children.
The basic problem is the culture of the new colonists. Culture or religion, it's the same thing.
The Arab/Islamic culture divides women into two categories. Ours, those inside veils, part of the family and under the protection of a male member of the tribe, and others. Those free, loose, available women, walking around the church square, potential chattel, for any man strong enough to take them. The women of the weak Westerners...
This will not end well for at least one of these groups, because there is no room for a middle ground in this culture war...
Men's feelings matter.
For xenophobes and racists, or merely anyone opposed to immigration, this story is Christmas come a week late. Rightwing politicians are salivating at this juicy new angle of attack on Angela Merkel’s “open door” refugee policy – although German authorities say the perpetrators’ origins are unknown and there’s no evidence linking recently arrived refugees to the attacks. Just watch the misogynistic dinosaurs defending young women’s right to party...
By trying not to give succour to racists, the risk is that we end up miserably self-censoring
So no wonder liberals would do anything to avoid fanning these flames, since we see in all this righteous indignation a blatantly racist old trope about barbarians at the gates. We bend over backwards to report it responsibly, to moderate the frothing rage bubbling up below the line. Quite rightly, we argue that punishing millions of refugees for the actions of a few criminals of unknown origin makes no more sense than branding all white men paedophiles because of Jimmy Savile. Or we say there have always been muggers and gropers, they’re only global news when they’re not white.
But by trying not to give succour to racists, the risk is that we end up miserably self-censoring, giving the “why can’t we talk about immigration?” brigade ammunition for their conspiracy theories.- The Guardian
Sometimes things are tropes because they are true and calling them "tropes" doesn't change the fact.
"Your link connected to the article but it doesn't display any comments."
You have to click the comments icon. I like to link with the "permalink" URL.
Shouldn't some thought be given to supplying sensitivity training or consciousness raising to journalists? With the proper indoctrination I see no reason why journalists cannot become useful members of society, but, first of all, they must admit they have a problem and be willing to change their anti-social behavior.
18 of 31 identified are asylum seekers. Sammy Finkelman hardest hit.
Is this really so surprising? Several Althouse commenters were a bit quick on the draw to assume these were new transplants, but Sammy worked awfully hard to sell the opposite assumption. I suppose he may fall back to yes but none were Afghans and only four were Syrians. Still, this is damming. One of his arguments was that the transplants were currently not in the big cities but segregated in something like government camps. OK, but if they have this much trouble with the limited number of "free range" transplants extant, what reason does anyone have to think things won't get exponentially worse when the rest of the "asylum seekers" are released into society?
Satan visited Earth as Mohammed, just as a lark. Have some fun stirring up some banal tribes to their evil impulses, write a few pages giving them justification: just a whim, really.
Little did he know that -- hundreds of years later -- his whimsy would still be going, stronger than ever. So what if they were worshipping him under another name, naming their children that name: a rose by any other name.
His followers, raping women in the shadow of the Cologne Cathedral, a relic of a belief to which most have turned their backs.
Who'd have thought that -- in Germany -- the Neo-Nazis would be the Good Guys.
I am Laslo.
Anyone else catch the mayor of Philly denying the cop shooting was by a Muslim? Same mental illness.
Short version: "Trump was right!"
Eventually, the left's contradictions meet head on and that's what's happening here. Anti-sexism meet anti-xenophobia--ism.
If conservatives play the long game, they always win.
Leftist Thunderdome--two groups enter, one group leaves.
Refugee immigrants vs. women
Muslim fundamentalists vs. libertine societies
African Americans vs. homosexuals
Feminists women vs. voluntary stay-at-home moms
Low education low skill citizens vs. cheap labor immigrants
Who will win? Trick question, we all lose.
@tim in vermont
yeah, for some people anything is better than admitting your parents were right.
If events like this continue, and I have no reason to doubt they will, then Trump will seem like The Second Coming of Christ before the election in November.
1) Along the same line as Ron Winkleheimer's comment, not only does the op-ed dutifully fail to mention that the perps were all Muslim men, it talks about "the patriarchal and religiously conservative worldviews that some refugees bring with them." So, don't you dare think that this is in somehow related to Islam; this is just another manifestation of the problems we have here with men and the Religious Right.
2) Given that the same thing happened at the same time in multiple cities, I was thinking that this was planned, but Jake's comment makes me realize that that is probably not the case. I read somewhere else that there is about a 10-to-1 ratio of young men to young women coming in. which would be an immigration disaster regardless.
2) If "hysteria" had been used for the title of an op-ed on this topic written by a man, would there be howls of protest from the perpetually aggrieved?
Warranted judgment = "hysteria"? Epistemologists missed out on that one.
These are the tactics of an invading barbarian army. Plan accordingly.
Lazlo has a point. Merkel is hellbent on proving the new neo-nazis right (at least when to when it comes to Arab-Muslim immigration).
The only time I was ever molested--touched inappropriately, whatever you want to call it--was in Paris, on a bus, in 1985. (I was 23.) It was very crowded. I had ridden subways in New York, buses in Rome, etc., so was used to crowded public places, but never had had an experience like this one, and never did again: I felt something hard poking me in the crotch. Right on the clit! I thought it was a corner of the briefcase of the nicely-dressed, black man in front of me. I shifted position, and it happened again. I happened to look up, and he was staring at me. It was his hand! YUUCCCKKK! More specifically, he had sort of cupped his fingers together into a point, and was shoving it in my twat (I was wearing a Laura Ashley dress). I was shocked, but not so shocked that I didn't jam the point of the umbrella I was carrying down on his foot damn hard. Neither of us said anything. But, you know, obviously, I still remember it. Men from Africa and the Mid-east are worse even than Italians when it comes to this sort of thing. In Italy, it's sort of like New York, not cool, and annoying, but you never get the feeling they'd rape you if they could. (When I was 5, walking with my mother in Rome, a man followed us and pinched her behind. She walloped him with her pocketbook. I still remember that too, I guess!)
@Ron, that's like the coverage of the Charlie Hebdo aniversery on the CBC (Canda) "Two French born men killed a Muslim police officer."
On Jan. 7, 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building where the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a Muslim policeman outside. Over the next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then stormed a kosher supermarket, killing four hostages. All three gunmen died.
And they wonder why Trump is so popular. They are so obviously lying. They wonder why nobody believes them on "global warming" they wonder why we proles don't just believe everything they tell us, yearning for the time when Mass was in Latin and nobody had a copy of the Bible besides priests, err, I mean yearning for a time before their every word was subject to critical analysis by their readers.
I was on the Rhine visiting several cities and towns and went through Cologne just before this occurred. I can assure you that there were an inordinate number of young Arab men on the streets at all times, looking for trouble. There was also a large police and military force present. It seemed that after Paris, the Muslims were out to show the flag, so to speak. But, in the Christmas crowds I also saw a large number of fit German men of young age, just the type that I now see in watching the newsreels of pre-WWII. I think that the government hiding this information and the attacks on the most vulnerable (women, regardless of the feminist crap). Will result in pressure on these men to act, much as they did in the 30's, after all our governments are failing us just as they did prior to WWII.
Remember that viral video of a lone woman walking the streets of New York enduring verbal catcalls posted by Hollaback and the outrage it spawned? No - we've forgotten already, or at least the media has.
Just checked their site: http://www.ihollaback.org/share/ not a peep outta them. There is a section on the site where women can share their stories and sympathizers can click the "I've got your back" button!!!!
I think the women and girls that were victims of these crowds should post their stories on this site to provide contrast to the incidents on the site at the moment.
Jack Wayne said...
Anyone else catch the mayor of Philly denying the cop shooting was by a Muslim? Same mental illness.
Said Mayor (D) announced that this shooting was exhibit 1 in the case for more gun control. then:
1. he learned that the shooter had been pleaded out with no jail time for a previous felonious gun crime in Philly, and
2. The gun used was a stolen Philly PD Pistol.
The irony is that the Cologne attacks, by highlighting the issue of refugees and their culture, raise an incredibly important question and at the same time make it almost impossible to have a reasonable conversation about it.
Another way to say this would be "The facts on the ground intolerably weaken our argument therefore reasonable discussion is out and we will resort to lying."
Hey H8ers! Why do you fear widows and orphans?
And feminists, get off your high horse. A few gropes and rapes here and there is a small price to pay for the Crusades.
Muzzies in the West are just about done. Like those who glibly say Black lives don't matter to Blacks, those who think Europeans will supinely succumb to Islam have no understanding of human nature. Sooner than anyone thinks today, there is going to be a forced Muzzie exodus from Europe and a severe curtailing of Muzzie entry to the US. The Left have made a serious miscalculation in befriending Islam.
The idiotic left will be in denial until the bitter end -- then they'll hide behind us for protection. I'm shooting the liberals first. You are warned.
Read the European and English papers. This was a huge coverup of the molestation of hundreds of women in the main square of a European city, before an historic church. By Muslim men. The authorities and press averted their eyes. It was too large a group of victims to slut shame. Too many Muslims to pretend it was a sorry few.
Importing large numnrrs of rogue men.does not bode well for pampered women.
The citizenry need to dispense justice because the police and other institutions in Germany are worthless when it comes to this. The police's Only job now is to ignore complaints from refugees that German citizens are beating them up. Make life for them hell so they go back to the shithole countries where they belong.
Seeing the reliably lefty NYTimes commenters attacking Sauerbrey's idiotic screed, I wonder whether the Times isn't secretly hoping for a Trump presidency. They are helping fan the flames of his support.
"Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that you are not allowed to rape our women" is a statement that was never uttered by any culture that survived to enter the historical record.
They can't really do anything about it now.
Believe me, we on our side of the world have hundreds of years of experience with this. It will go on interminably, effectively a low grade guerilla war forever and ever. They let far too many of the wrong sort in, and there is no way to either reform them or get rid of them. The best they can hope for is a perpetual simmering pot, and the perpetual effort to keep a lid on it.
I'm sue ARM would be happy to take these refugees in.
After all, it would keep America from sending boots on the ground!
These are the obvious acts to be expected from of a Superior Raider Band taking charge over the third rate vermin people that do not have Allah on their side and are therefore despised and dominated by their Ismamic Masters.
The poor Germans have ALL BEEN DISARMED by their EU potentates. So we will see how they enjoy being submitted under Islamic submission the way Mullah Obama wants to see us all submitted to the sweet Call To Prayer screaming out our submission from many loud speakers on the Islamic Towers all over town, five times a day forever and ever.
If the Germans had imported patriarchal and conservative Chinese, Hindus, Buddhists or other non-Muslim Asians this controversy would not exist.
"Integration will fail if Germany cannot resolve the tension between its secular, liberal laws and culture and the patriarchal and religiously conservative worldviews that some refugees bring with them." WTF? I mean WTF?
Why should Germany or Germans have to resolve this tension? Does this mean that Germany, Germans and German women need to somehow move towards the immigrants (to lessen the tension)? Maybe women cover up or no longer go out alone or try to look attractive. Would that help resolve the tension? Just what the hell has happened to some of the feminists in the West.
I can't believe she used that utterly sexist word 'hysteria,' which traditionally meant women going batshit over trivialities because of those pesky uteri.
So outrage over random public sexual assault by members of a foreign contingent in your country at your expense for no benefit to you whatsoever = triviality.
By all means disarm US females.
Hopefully, the Russian coalition will fill the vacuum left by premature evacuation and progressive wars, and prevent the worst consequences of peace in our time, the social justice movement (e.g. "Arab Spring"), the abandonment of friends and allies in the Middle East, and the opportunistic "refugee crisis."
It's not "hysteria" for people to have this reaction if the reports are true. it is simply further evidence of Islams overall incompatibility with Western values. The Muslims most compatible with Western Societies are those that have fled Islamic countries due to the oppressive, everyday culture and not due to war.
Mother Nature can be brutal. Especially to the ladies. It doesn't help when "female" chauvinists promote a self-defeating ideology and the ascendancy of a Dodo Dynasty.
I wonder if religion or moral philosophy was first promoted by women in order to temper liberal excess. Accompanied by a faith in a father figure, God, with notably feminine qualities, would be a nice offset to the baseness of Nature's matriarchy.
It was too large a group of victims to slut shame.
Not that Mayor Reker didn't try with her advice for women to keep at arm's length from strangers and not to leave your group to go off with strange men, even if you're feeling in the mood to party.
The Germans should put these hooligans into camps where they can concentrate on how their behavior is wrong.
Holy socks, Batman. If we can't muster some level of outrage, distaste, discomfort, or general icky feeling at the attempted mass rape of innocents, what are we allowed to respond to?
And I don't think it's "hysteria" here, aside from the fact that as a cis-gendered white dude I'm feeling micro-agressed by that term.
The five German cities I've heard named are all in former West Germany. Merkel was born in East Germany. Maybe she's using Muslims to make the West as shitty as the East.
And maybe Merkel, like Obama, is somewhat of an AA hire.
Leftists were warned. Conservatives knew it would come to this. And we knew it would be conservative men who made the sacrifices to contain the monster Leftists created.
And so here we are, again. I only hope there are enough men left to kill those who so desperately need killing. Otherwise, things will get out of hand quickly.
@jake 9:09
Your comment is fully consistent with the performance of the Iraqi army.
We should have crushed ISIS in the beginning when it was rolling out of Syria. But Obama had to keep his promise and "end wars."
If we had a leader and a will to win, we could do so in short order.
I would also add that Islam is not compatible with the West. We need to contain and disassociate ourselves from Islam. First thing is to become energy independent and we could do it in two years with an OPEC oil tariff.
Out of touch, out of reach yeah
You could try to get closer to me
I'm in luck, I'm in deep, yeah
Hypnotized, I'm shakin' to my knees
I gotta know tonight
If you're alone tonight
Can't stop this feeling
Can't stop this fire
Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria
Oh can you feel it, do you believe it?
It's such a magical mysteria
When you get that feelin', better start believin'
'Cos it's a miracle, oh say you will, ooh babe
Hysteria when you're near
Out of me, into you yeah
You could hide it's just a one way street
Oh, I believe I'm in you, yeah
Open wide, that's right, dream me off my feet
Oh, believe in me
I gotta know tonight
If you're alone tonight
Can't stop this feeling
Can't stop this fire
[Repeat Bridge]
[Repeat Chorus]
Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria
Oh can you feel it, do you believe it?
It's such a magical mysteria
When you get that feelin', better start believin'
'Cos it's a miracle, oh say you will
Ooh babe
Hysteria when you're near
Come on
[guitar solo]
[Repeat Bridge]
[Repeat Chorus]
"We need to regain our sense of balance — or it’s just a question of time until we hit a wall."
I have to wonder whether Anna Sauerbrey is sufficiently self-aware to consider the hypothesis that she's the one who is lacking a sense of balance? Earlier in the article Sauerbrey writes
"Integration will fail if Germany cannot resolve the tension between its secular, liberal laws and culture and the patriarchal and religiously conservative worldviews that some refugees bring with them. We cannot avoid that question out of fear of feeding the far right."
Damned right!!!
"But integration will also fail if a full generation of refugees is demonized on arrival."
One needs to consider the possibility that integration really is doomed to fail. Like it or not there is a branch of Islam that views raped or molested women as having "asked for it." Reeducating hard core believers and men who trail along behind the hard core believers could take decades, if it's possible at all. How many German women have to go through the modern variation on "Frau komm" while Sauerbrey and her ilk keep trying to integrate the un-integrateable? Can Sauerbrey give us a number?
"The left has long ignored the established correlations between crime and the poverty and poor education that plague refugee communities; the right has long overestimated the link between the refugees’ culture and criminal activity, even when studies show no such link exists (excepting so-called crimes of honor, which are extremely rare)."
Like various climate studies, I'd like to see the methodology and raw data behind those nameless studies Sauerbrey references. I can't escape the notion that the studies are set up and conducted to demonstrate that the pre-determined results, regardless of what the data shows. That's if the studies exist anywhere other than in the wishful thinking of Sauerbrey and the people she with whom she shares a bubble.
The real question we should be asking is not whether there is something inherently wrong with the refugees, but whether Germany is doing an effective job of integrating them — and if not, whether something can be done to change that."
So when does Sauerbrey -- and Merkel! -- begin to consider the possibility that nothing can be done "to change that"?
Do you remember the liberal stories about "culture of rape", the authorities trying to silence the victims and minimize the issues?
I wonder how many people will now read the liberal publications from last year and watch liberal movies and giggle? Rape culture in American can universities? Ha-ha. Student fraternities attacking young girls? That's funny.
It would be amazing if during 2016 GOP will not talk about "war on women", "rape culture" and won't link them directly to liberal-Islamic political complex. Bill Clinton and Islamists united to molest women, while liberal media silences and ignores the victims.
"But integration will also fail if a full generation of refugees is demonized on arrival
The Turks haven't integrated, and they've been in Germany since the 60s. Why would anyone expect Syrians to integrate. At best, they'll have their own ghettos, just like all of the other Muslims in Western Europe.
It couldn;t be asylum seekers. Not only has the presence of any asylum seekers in any of those places NOT been reported, but if it was asylum seekers, iot would have to be virtually 100% of the men there, but if it was drunken people of Islamic extraction from Morocco who grew up in Germany and live somewhere in or near Cologne or the other cities where this happened on New Year's Eve, it would NOT be nearly 100% of the Moroccans.
There is one way it has been suggested that this could be related to the refugees. Angela Merkel apparently pulled a lot of local policemen away from normal duty to guard the refugees and there were maybe less than there should have been for these rowdy New Year's Eve celebrations.
I'm not sure if this is true either, that is, that local policemen were pulled away and the size of the force reduced, but that would be one way the presence of the refugees could cause that.
Like it or not there is a branch of Islam that views raped or molested women as having "asked for it."
No, there isn't. Islam believes in easy come easy go marriage, but not in extramarital sex. Voluntary Sex is not distinguished very well from rape. The question is, is the sex act permissible.
ISIS has revived slavery, and sex with slaves is permitted according to its fatwas (but a man can't sell a slave after having sex with her) but they certainly can't just grab women off the street, and drinking any kind of alcohol, like these men did, is forbidden.
Now these men may believe they'll get less punishment if they go after Christian or non-religious women than if they go after Moslem women, whose father or brother) let alone husband) may know who they are, and possibly even kill them.
Another thought these men may have had is that none of these women were married at least Islamically, so at least it is the assults are not attempted sex or molestation of another man's wife. And besides these European women have sex with lots of men before they get married so it can't matter too much to them because really they are the same thing as prostitutes. Look how they dress - hair and even flesh exposed! They probably say things like that to each other.
But these are almost certainly all people who grew up in Germany. Their father's did not do that.
It will make thing worse in the short term, but the Germans need to forbid chain immigration of women and families for these young men. If they want wives, let them go home.
To do anything else gets you what the Brits have with whole Muslim villages transported to the English Midlands with a 10th century Sharia culture.
Conservatives knew it would come to this. And we knew it would be conservative men who made the sacrifices to contain the monster Leftists created.
I'm not sacrificing anything. Let the lefties choose between more immigration and liberated women. Whatever. I'll go along either way.
The Interior Ministry identified the 31 suspects as nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, an Iraqi, a Serb, an American and two Germans. Most of the crimes they were accused of involved theft and violence, said a ministry spokesman, Tobias Plate, but at least three acts were considered sexual assaults.
They would have got them on theft because this was also, and even primarily, pickpocketing, and then when they used the phones, or the credit cards, they would have been caught. They would be expected to be the more in-experienced criminals.
They are definitely a mixed bag. We have 17 people from Algeria or Morocco, (a majority) so indeed there is a strong North African component, as was being reported.
Now there has certainly been no mass wave of Moroccans or Algerians coming to Germany in 2015. Here 13 were not asylum seekers, and at least 3 of the non-North Africans are unlikely to be asylum seekers, so at least 6 of the North Africans have to be asylum seekers, but they could have come ten years ago. Cases drag on even longer.
Only 3 had western citizenship, including one American (?)
It is more legitimate, by the way, to worry about crime than about terrorism because that's always a possibility, and can get worse with time if it is not nipped in the bud.
There is some rape (although mostly prostitution) going on by recent arrivals, but of course mainly in the refugee housing, where it is often being ignored, and sometimes the police take bribes. And then they get a defense attorneys
Police insist they have no proof that the rapes are taking place, although a police raid on the facility found that guards hired to provide security at the site were trafficking drugs and weapons and were turning a blind eye to the prostitution.
And then comes lax punishment.
On August 28, a 22-year-old Eritrean asylum seeker was sentenced to one year and eight months in prison for attempting to rape a 30-year-old Iraqi-Kurdish woman at a refugee shelter in the Bavarian town of Höchstädt. The reduced sentence was thanks to the efforts of the defense attorney, who persuaded the judge that the defendant's situation at the shelter was hopeless: "For a year now he sits around and thinks about — about nothingness."
Crime is a long term problem. The highest liklihood always has to be from people who grow up in places where proper action is not taken against crime, and that's not Assad's Syria. It's just about not anywhere except certain usually urban locations in almost every modern western society.
Differential law enforcement. This goes on all over. You don't need any kind of immigrants for that. In the United States, it's concentrated among a group of people who have been here since 1619.
But there been a marked amount of criminality among these people only since about the 1930s. It's gone up and down by the way.
OK, Sammy Finkelman. Keep bailing. Sooner or later that boat may float.
It's amazing that the combined might of the United States of America and NATO could not confront and defeat the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations, thereby propagating anti-native policies including but not limited to a refugee crisis. The Islamic State et al seem capable of projecting power on the order of the Axis powers, the Soviet Union, or Communist China.
Simple solution...send them back to the ME.....dickless and handless....they will never grope or rape again.....and that solution is within the tenets of their faith and culture...
Simple solution...send them back to the ME.....dickless and handless....they will never grope or rape again.....and that solution is within the tenets of their faith and culture...
Hysteria? Meh.
Get back to me when dogs and cats are living together.
"The real question we should be asking is not whether there is something inherently wrong with the refugees, but whether Germany is doing an effective job of integrating them — and if not, whether something can be done to change that."
The real question is how this DFC can get that much stupid into a skull cavity no larger than a healthy grapefruit.
"To all things there is a season. Now it is the season for young white men in Germany to form fraternal organizations to protect their women and culture from untermenschen."
Assuming this is sarcasm, the assumption seems to be that German women don't wish to be protected (or "protected," as the case may be).
And perhaps you're at least somewhat correct. Is there anywhere a poll showing if there's a difference in overall anger at this behavior, or overall inclination to welcome these refugees (or "refugees," as the case may be) that shows significant differences between German men and women?
I'm open to the possibility that it is men who are angrier at the behavior and less welcoming, but it would be interesting to see actual data. Assuming the German press would print it if it had it, of course.
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