January 20, 2016

Take a look at the Republican media consultant who says Trump supporters are "childless single men who masturbate to anime."

And: "These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity."

It's Rick Wilson, appearing on MSNBC's "All In with Chris Hayes."

I'm not sure if Rick Wilson is someone who matters in the overall course of humanity or even what he looks at when he masturbates. I've never heard of him.


jaydub said...

He looks at photos of Sarah Palin.

Jupiter said...

"What’s really driving the party, though, is still a limited government conservatism," Wilson continued. "We don’t always get there by a straight line path. We don’t always get there in a direct way. But that is still what drives this party."

Yeah, sometimes the path to limited government veers off course and starts cutting cookies in Rick Wilson's bank account.

Wince said...

Saw this at the gym last night.

I would venture to guess most Trump supporters, even the childless single men who masturbate, don't even know what anime is.

jaydub said...

Of course, it could be Laslo, too.

damikesc said...

Gee, wonder why the conservatives don't want to vote for the party guys...

Triangle Man said...

Trump supporters may not watch anime, but anime watchers support Trump, because Trump is going to make anime real.

LYNNDH said...

Sorry but the answer to the question is HILLARY!

Dan Hossley said...

More proof that the RNC made the right call to cancel their debate on NBC. No matter how you dress it up, it's still a freak show over there and the Republicans have enough problems with their candidates without inviting the silliness of NBC to taint the debate.

Mark said...

... like there's something wrong with that.

bagoh20 said...

You don't need to be childless or single to masturbate, as the rest of you well know.

ddh said...

Rick Wilson's willingness to say things like that may have had a lot to do with his being asked to appear on MSNBC. It's not as if the network would be losing a chance to broadcast the next Republican debate.

Anonymous said...

This reference is a dig at 4chan's /pol/, which reveres Trump as God Emperor of mankind. They are pumping out boatloads of meme magic to support him.

Nonapod said...

It's a well known fact that childless single men who masturbate to anime are 4 times more likely to support Bernie Sanders than Donald Trump.

David Begley said...

Chris Hayes is the worst Dem hack of them all. He knew what that guy would say.

I've been to two Trump rallies in Iowa. Average people upset at Obama and the Republican establishment.

And I would add that Hayes is all worke up about AGW causing the subways to flood in NYC in the near future. The definition of a NUT.

Alexander said...

Woah, woah, woah.

Did he just use 'childless' as a pejorative?

Someone alert the feminists.

David Begley said...

Worke = worked

eric said...

He started this election cycle being nasty to Ann Coulter on twitter. Because of her support of Trump.

This guy has some screws loose. He seems like one of those Republicans who is a Republican because it gives him more cache to attack Republicans.

Bob Boyd said...

This is loser talk....sore loser talk.

rehajm said...

He's a media consultant. His remarks were a test to see if anyone watches MSNBC anymore. Apparently a few...

Last week he appeared on CNBC in his tightie whities. Did you see it?

narciso said...

He's the new Dr. Evil, Steve Schmidt, none will hire him, and he proves why on twitter,

Quaestor said...

These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity.

Considering MSNBC's ratings Rick Wilson's comment more plausibly applies to Chris Hayes and his production staff.

cubanbob said...

His 15 minutes of fame has been deeply, yuuuuuuuuugly discounted when it's on MSNBC.

Nonapod said...

This reference is a dig at 4chan's /pol/, which reveres Trump as God Emperor of mankind. They are pumping out boatloads of meme magic to support him.

So this Rick Wilson guy (or one of his minions) visited 4chan and apparently took all that stuff seriously. Good stuff.

mccullough said...

This is what happens when you don't have any useful skills. Learn to fix cars or something else productive or you may end up having to say outrageous things to make a living.

Appalled said...

If you are a political consultant wanting to persuade your base, he only thing worse than being dismissive, is being quotable and dismissive. Can't imagine he'll be helming many GOP campaigns in the future.

Michael K said...

Trump is going through the media class like International Harvester. They hate him almost as much as they hate Sarah Palin.

Now, they are together and the consultant class heads are exploding.

I'm enjoying it. I understand Starbucks may be hiring fellows.

mezzrow said...


First - location, location, location.
Next - Rick Wilson has a specific individual in mind here.
After that - this tells me something interesting I didn't know.
Finally - Don't borrow his cell phone. Just don't.


Big Mike said...

Now we know why Obama won the last two elections.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Trump supporters are "childless single men who masturbate to anime."

This offends me. I am neither childless nor single!

Fabi said...

They don't call the GOP the stupid party for nothing. Dislike Trump all you want, but to unleash vulgarity like that on his supporters only ensures that they'll think twice before ever supporting a mainstream Republican candidate again. Rick Wislon is merely saying out loud the things that Jeb and his loser compatriots (such as our boy 'Chuck') truly believe.

They can all eat a bag of dicks and then die in a fire.

Quaestor said...

Wilson is lusting after David Brooks's plum position as the millennials' punic poseur. You can tell by the anime reference. Only pimply Gen-Y nancy-boys in footie PJs whack to anime. Real men still use Playboy.

Static Ping said...

There are some things that, no matter how true and/or funny they are, you should just keep to yourself, especially in his line of work. It will be very difficult for anyone to take him seriously going forward. He's going to be the anime masturbation guy for life now. 4chan will have a hundred photoshops up within an hour. Some will involve tentacles. Oh, yes! There will be tentacles. So many, many tentacles.

On a more serious note, I wonder if he realizes the that the single, childless male tends to be the revolutionary kind. When you have nothing to lose, anything can be an improvement. When they get done onanizing, they have the bad habit of taking their frustrations out rather violently.

robinintn said...

Appalled: "Can't imagine he'll be helming many GOP campaigns in the future." Your just kidding, right? The McCain/Alexander/McConnells adore this stuff and provide permanent employment for these people.

RAH said...

A perfect example of New York Values . Demeaning and arrogant.

Big Mike said...

And I might add that Hillary Clinton supporters are unmarried, childless, white women's who masturbate to images of Lena Dunham in granny panties.

I beat Laslo to it.

Static Ping said...

Quaestor said... Only pimply Gen-Y nancy-boys in footie PJs whack to anime. Real men still use Playboy.

They got rid of nudity in Playboy. I'm as big a fan of well written prose as the next guy, but I sense the audience for self-pleasuring literary fans is pitifully small. Those guys jacking off in the library generally are not sharing an intimate moment with a volume of Proust. Or were you the guy in the apartment with thin walls and the weird neighbor screaming out Shel Silverstein's name over and over again in fits of passion? "Giving tree! Giving Tree! A Boy Named Sue! SO THIS IS WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS! SYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYLVIA'S MOOOOOOOOTHER!"

Nevermind. You have obviously suffered enough.

Rae said...

I love how Trump brings out the worst in the right people.

Brando said...

Everyone likes to picture their opponents as losers, it's much easier than trying to figure them out.

The Left has long tried to paint GOP voters as a mix of super-rich plutocrats leading a vast horde of racist, religious morons who deal with their poverty by clinging to guns and religion. But the typical GOP voter, while whiter and more religious (and gun owning) than the typical Democrat, is also more educated and wealthier. It would be wise to figure out why so many well-off and moderately well-off and educated people would be religious and would support Republican policies.

Anecdotally, the hard core Trump supporters I know happen to also be rich and well-educated. Much as I disagree with their choice of candidate I wouldn't dismiss them as stupid. Intelligent people can be wrong.

And while I haven't masturbated to anime, what exactly is wrong with that? They're not out raping or fathering illegitimates so more power to them.

Bob Ellison said...

I'm gonna put down this bass line, and then you come in with the guitar riff we talked about. No, not like that. Yes, that one, on the lead pickup.

Michael said...

His 15 minutes!! And he wasted it on MSNBC

Anonymous said...

Michael K wrote: "They hate him almost as much as they hate Sarah Palin."

At Trump events most of the media sit or stand opposite the candidate, on a raised temporary stage, a carnival type contraption of black pipe and board. At the beginning of the campaign season the looks on the faces of the various reporters were one of amusement and contempt. Now it is contempt mixed with fear as they realize that only a small platform, four or more feet off the floor, separates them from the crowd of Trump supporters, who for the most part despise the media as much as they despise Obama, the democrats, and the GOP elite in Congress.

Bay Area Guy said...

Rick Wilson? The obscure drummer for the Beach Boys, perhaps? Never heard of him.

Palin - she has a following, her endorsement has value, and it's a nice coup for Trump, and a loss for Cruz. Period. No need to psycho-analyze.

JAORE said...

El Predicto sez:

Rick Wilson will become a fixture on MSNBC as a voice of the conservatives.

Until he serves no further purpose.

madAsHell said...

I'm sure Mr. Wilson's (who?) words were less than spontaneous, and were agreed upon before the broadcast. I just don't understand who would think these words would erode Trump's support. The words only reflect poorly upon the character of the speaker. Although, I now know that Mr. Wilson is not married, and what kind of porn he prefers.

I wonder what Mr. Wilson's next gig will be??

Michael K said...

NY Post just published a piece on "13 hours." It says what I think.

The movie is a study in the difference between thinkers and doers, between the theoretical and the practical, between Harvard graduates and guys who drew hot rods in their notebooks during algebra class.

I added, "Harvard Gender Studies" graduates.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

He should have saved time and just said "They are not the backbone of society."

After all, "The backbone of society is the married, committed couple who channel their sexuality into making and growing the next generation. Those who do other things are free to make choices, but we as a society have no reason to facilitate their choices, especially their destructive choices."

So, agreement.

SGT Ted said...

Then they complain that Trump says mean things about people.

traditionalguy said...

This guy rents out as a WWF villain walk on to get ratings. He is acting.

If he is sincere then he is the Suicide Belt wearer screaming out Bonzai to his Bushido god, Emperor Bush.

Quaestor said...

You have obviously suffered enough.

Truer words have yet to be written.

Perhaps I should have specified back issues... Which brings to mind a photocopy of an advertising solicitation from Playboy that circulated around IBM Boca. Their sales department had statistics to show that copies of Playboy were retained longer than any other major periodical publication. Consequently advertising pages were viewed much more often and remembered much longer than comparable pages in throwaways like Time and Newsweek, therefore the smart advertising dollar should be spent on Playboy.

Quaestor said...

If he is sincere then he is the Suicide Belt wearer screaming out Bonzai to his Bushido god, Emperor Bush.


Another one for the unintentional hilarity file.

Birkel said...

"Social Justice" as used by a SJW: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25848/

Let Althouse ponder that, for a minute.

eric said...

Rick Wilson will be supporting Trump soon enough. Trump has already pivoted to the establishment side of things. The establishment just doesn't see it yet. But, he is already talking up ethonal in Iowa and I'm sure he will talk up whatever they like in NH soon enough. He also talked up Mitch McConnell.

It's going to make a lot of heads explode. How can this guy, whom we hate, agree with us? We tarred him as a radical right wing nut, but he is acting like a typical Republican, with Sarah Palin on his side. Kaboom!

Sebastian said...

"Real men still use Playboy." Apologies for piling on but -- for what? The cat litter box?

When will a "Democratic consultant" start criticizing single childless women who masturbate to whatever as losers who don't contribute to humanity? It's their prime constituency, after all.

William said...

I note that the Academy Awards now have a separate category for best animated picture. Anime has made great strides in recent years. Anime characters are better represented at the Oscars than black people, and their verisimilitude is evolving faster........Due to my advanced years I can't get into rap music or anime porn, especially the stuff that involves Sponge Bob, but I can see where the future lies. It pains me to see a Republican strategist casually dismiss such a large and fast growing sector of the electorate. Within the lifetime of many here, cartoon characters will be given the vote.

Roughcoat said...

National Review Online published two vehemently anti-Palin articles today.

I smell fear.

traditionalguy said...

The god Private Property is always subject to men making deals so it can be put into use.

The Congress has for its entire existence operated as a giant trade off what one of six American areas need sponsored in DC, traded for what another area needs. It is not pretty. But it makes economic events happen that for a season helps one American group more than another one. It is a Representative tug of war.

The fact that it helps other Americans is it's claim to fame...like American corn farmers in Iowa.The Republicans have played this game since the 1870s and done well at robbing the old Confederacy blind...well sort of a foreign country to the Radical Republicans in Congress. under Stephens.

That was the Grand Old Party that cemented the North's status won by the Grand Army of the Republic's blood.They actually elected as President Unconditional Surrender Grant. Then looted the place.

Now think hard, Eric. Does Trump want to give our favors to foreign trade partners or to Americans. That is the only question.

The bad part is when overseas clout is paying pols and getting the big favors in DC.

Michael K said...

"National Review Online published two vehemently anti-Palin articles today. "

Yes, they have been firmly in the pansy-Republican party since Rich Lowry fired Derbyshire for telling his interracial children the truth.

The default principle in everyday personal encounters is, that as a fellow citizen, with the same rights and obligations as yourself, any individual black is entitled to the same courtesies you would extend to a nonblack citizen. That is basic good manners and good citizenship. In some unusual circumstances, however—e.g., paragraph (10h) below—this default principle should be overridden by considerations of personal safety.

And NRO could not allow this deviation from PC rules.

They still publish a few good pieces but are sliding farther left as we watch.,

tim maguire said...

Nonapod said...
It's a well known fact that childless single men who masturbate to anime are 4 times more likely to support Bernie Sanders than Donald Trump.

That was my first thought--childless single men who masturbate to anime are overwhelmingly liberal.

jimbino said...

It is those masturbating childless men who are doing their best to save the planet for the spawn of the breeders, and who are taxed to subsidize the breeding and mis-education of their spawn. And who will soon be taxed for carbon use in order to save the planet for sole benefit the very same spawn that is not their own.

Fernandinande said...

Republican media consultant
I doubt it.

It's Rick Wilson

appearing on MSNBC's

Chris Hayes.

I'm guessing the Dem media plant was referring to the childless child in the front and ignoring all the people of gender.

Drago said...

jimbino: "It is those masturbating childless men who are doing their best to save the planet for the spawn of the breeders, and who are taxed to subsidize the breeding and mis-education of their spawn. And who will soon be taxed for carbon use in order to save the planet for sole benefit the very same spawn that is not their own."

Not to worry.

You'll be dead soon enough.

Exit Question: Has any human being ever suffered as much as jimbino? I can't even imagine how that could be possible.

Drago said...

I am surprised that Wilson was okay with the viewing audience sitting in on his job interview.

Michael K said...

jimbino is showing us what sarcasm is.

Oh wait...

Lewis Wetzel said...

If the Republican party still represented the conservative coalition, they would have coopted Trump's populist stands while making them less toxic. This is a democracy; there is nothing wrong with enforcing the immigration laws passed by the people's congress. Free trade is not God.

walter said...

I thought Jocelyn Elders destigmatized this sort of thing. Damn "wank-shamer".
But if we're going to go there, the millenial circle jerk around Berno's free stuff deserves mention.

JZ said...

I wish commenters would use sir names rather than pronouns. I don't have the energy to go back to the top and figure out who they are referring to.

Roughcoat said...

"Sir names"? Come on.

Skeptical Voter said...

"These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity"?

Rick Wilson--a ""political consultant" who can say something like that in a public forum is both a brainless and a dickless wonder.

Any masturbatory efforts on Rick Wilson's part will only involve short strokes.

Unknown said...

I bet this guy wishes that their names were different.


hombre said...

Looking at recent history of Republicans presidential campaigns, Trump's emergence and the damage to the Republican brand over the last decade, it's difficult to imagine how Republican political consultants matter.

Dude1394 said...

Who (honest question) is Rick Wilson and who is he currently working for? He has GOP STRATEGIST in front of every reference.

So...who is he working for.. I would like to give THEM a talking to. Rick Wilson isn't worth the air.

Robert Cook said...

I must correct the writer of the scurrilous article: Trump supporters don't masturbate to anime, but to SURVIVALIST and GUNS & AMMO magazines. They tear up at the song "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me."

bgates said...

They can all eat a bag of dicks and then die in a fire.

I have the vague sense that that sequence of events happens rather often in anime.

robother said...

Wow, the ante for MSNBC house cuckservative just got seriously raised. How will Morning Joe respond?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Alexander said...
"Woah, woah, woah.

Did he just use 'childless' as a pejorative?

Someone alert the feminists."

It's ok, he said childless MEN.

Will said...

When you hear about the GOP Establishment increasingly losing their sh*t… they are talking about this guy.

Being a political consultant these days is like being a journalist. Anybody can be one and everyone is one on twitter.

A legend in his own mind who wields a poison pen to get attention, Rick Wilson thinks he is Hunter S. Thompson without realizing he is one of the compromised & corrupt that Thompson hated and ridiculed.

walter said...

Ah..Cook..to get you hip to the proper shorthand for that stereotype: "ammosexuals"
Now you can be one of the cool kids.

Fabi said...

Real men might masturbate to Guns & Ammo, but only a pussy would fear the same.

Fernandinande said...

JZ said...
I wish commenters would use sir names rather than pronouns.

Feel free to refer to me "Sir Fernandinande" rather than "it" or "that jerk".

Gusty Winds said...

So this strategist writes off and insults an entire constituency (which he clearly made up and doesn't understand)that the GOP needs to regain the White House.

What a self promoting bitter idiot. He's exactly the kind of guy fed up, loyal, Republican voter are sick of.

Will said...A legend in his own mind who wields a poison pen to get attention, Rick Wilson thinks he is Hunter S. Thompson without realizing he is one of the compromised & corrupt that Thompson hated and ridiculed.


Gahrie said...

Trump supporters don't masturbate to anime, but to SURVIVALIST and GUNS & AMMO magazines. They tear up at the song "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me."

Still beats being Pajamas Boy.

Bilwick said...

How would he know? Has he actually ventured from the Cocoon to take a poll? "Pardon me, sir, do you masturbate to anime? And if so, who are you supporting in the presidential election?"

I've always thought of "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion addicted, power-tripping State fellators") whack off to posters of either Hillary or Michelle holding a whip and wearing an "Ilse, She Wolf of the IRS" outfit.

Drago said...

Cook: "Trump supporters don't masturbate to anime, but to SURVIVALIST and GUNS & AMMO magazines. They tear up at the song "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me."

As opposed to "MASS GRAVES MADE EASY" while tearing up to the tune of "The Internationale" .

But to each his or her or xis or xer or He'er own.

As it were.

David said...

"Here's looking at you kid."

lonetown said...

This jackvass worked wonders for John McCain, oh wait...

Bilwick said...

Drago, I was thinking of Cook when I wrote: "I've always thought of "liberals" (and by that I mean of course 'tax-happy, coercion addicted, power-tripping State fellators') whack off to posters of either Hillary or Michelle holding a whip and wearing an 'Ilse, She Wolf of the IRS' outfit."

Cook probably has a copy of that poster laminated for his shower.

David said...

Rick Wilson fakes his orgasms when he masturbates. (and whispers "Oh Hilary . . . Oh Huma" while he fakes it. Even that does not do the trick.)

Don't ask me how I know. Some things you just know.

Brando said...

"Drago, I was thinking of Cook when I wrote: "I've always thought of "liberals" (and by that I mean of course 'tax-happy, coercion addicted, power-tripping State fellators') whack off to posters of either Hillary or Michelle holding a whip and wearing an 'Ilse, She Wolf of the IRS' outfit.""

You know who I wish would whack off more? Street thugs pumping out thousands of society-burdens every year. But somehow as a society we've decided to stigmatize something that beats the alternative of unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

As for the image you call up, I'm sure there's someone out there with exactly that sort of fetish. Better they enjoy that poster than bottle it up and unleash themselves upon society, I say.

MD Greene said...

Contempt seems to be the prevailing sentiment of both parties' top candidates, as well as their mouthpiece commenters and their strong supporters.

2016 is going to be a long year.

David said...

Rick Wilson is the genius who came up with the brilliant idea of an ad that called triple amputee war hero Max Cleland a traitor. This tells me pretty much all I need to know about Rick Wilson.

n.n said...

He's using reverse psychology to shame Americans who may have contracted with an abortion clinic to hold abortion rites and Planned Parenthood to cannibalize a viable human life so that they may live forever.

Just to spite him, join the pro-choice cult and choose evolutionary dysfunction. Keep selective-child and redistributive organs, tissue, etc.

Make abortion, not life.

jg said...

No anime waifu for Rick Wilson, nosiree. Only the most tasteful of escort services - where no one would know you're paying - will satisfy a man of his caliber.

Rick: enjoy your 15 minutes of "look at this idiot" fame. But remember: it's the *truth* that hurts.

Anonymous said...

That's all well and fine, Rick, but what we're really waiting for is for you to tell us what to think about Pepe.

Bilwick said...

Indeed, Drago. If "liberal" and "progressive" State fellators would just get their sadomasochistic jollies jerking off to statist porn and leave the rest of us the hell alone, we'd have a more free and prosperous society.

Bilwick said...

I meant "Brando" not Drago."

Quaestor said...

Sebastian wrote: Apologies for piling on but -- for what? The cat litter box?

OK, I get it... In your neighborhood it's German bukkake, but I thought I'd keep it aboveboard just for propriety's sake.

(Note to self: Avoid giving certain commenters an opportunity to live down to my expectations.)

And since when do real men need cat litter?

eric said...

Blogger William Chadwick said...
I meant "Brando" not Drago."

I get them confused also. Not sure why. Sometimes I want to say, hey, weren't you just hating on Trump the other day? Then I realize I have them confused.

Michael K said...

I've seen that guy Wilson on Meet The Press or ThisWeek as an official Republican. I think it's only when they can't book Nicole Wallace of Katie Couric fame.

The bubble is bulletproof.

Michael K said...

Wilson does have a way with words.

Wilson insisted that the donor class “can’t just sit back on the sidelines and say, ‘oh well, don’t worry, this will all work itself out.’”
“They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump,” Wilson said. “And that’s a fact.”

I guess the donor class is where his checks come from. He certainly did a great job with Perry.

Republican pollster Chris Wilson says he personally saw Cain sexually harass a woman at an Arlington, Va., restaurant in the late 1990s. At the time, Wilson was working for the National Restaurant Association, which Cain led.

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Wilson is one of three people connected to Perry’s presidential bid with ties to Cain at the trade group.

Among those three is consultant Curt Anderson, whom Cain accused Wednesday of being the leak for a story in Politico.

He doesn’t really sounds like my type of guy. I guess Herman Cain was another of those people who need “a bullet in the head.”

walter said...

"republican pollster Chris Wilson "

A different Wilson, no?

Fabi said...

No comments by Laslo on this thread? I may have to cancel my Althouse Platinum Membership™.

walter said...

Sir Spatula..may have received a new selection of dildos to review.

Bob Ellison said...

Rick Wilson is a Laslo sock puppet.

jeff said...

I don't think Chris Hayes is old enough to know what masturbating is.

jr565 said...

Trump supporters might be dumb, but I don't know where he gets the idea that they watch anime.

Susan said...

Has anyone ever seen this Wilson fellow and Laslo in the same room?

jr565 said...

"Rick Wilson is the genius who came up with the brilliant idea of an ad that called triple amputee war hero Max Cleland a traitor. This tells me pretty much all I need to know about Rick Wilson."

Yeah lets all hate on Rick Wilsom. Trump wasn't much better when he called Mccain a loser for getting captured.

JAORE said...

Yes it was a dumb, really dumb, unbelievably dumb idea.

But this part of your statement, "war hero Max Cleland", is incorrect. Mr. Cleland was injured in an accident, not due to heroism. He never applies that honor on himself.

Bob Ellison said...

jr565, the problem is this guy apparently gets paid for this crapwork.

Don't gotta like the guy to see that he's either incompetent or insincere.

JAORE said...

Oops I remembered initially incorrectly and misspoke. Max was a hero and was given medals. But his acts of heroism preceded and were unrelated to his injuries. He corrected people when they assume the injuries were by a heroic act.

Michael K said...

""republican pollster Chris Wilson "

A different Wilson, no?"

You're right. I have seen the right guy on TV and mixed him up with the other guy, who also seems to be a creep.

Skeptical Voter said...

Oh come on Jeff at 5:07--Little Chris Hayes just needs a hand. With some help he can figure it out.

Drago said...

David: "Rick Wilson is the genius who came up with the brilliant idea of an ad that called triple amputee war hero Max Cleland a traitor. This tells me pretty much all I need to know about Rick Wilson."

Max Cleland served honorably and heroically in Vietnam. However, David, your statement above (probably intentionally) is written in a way to give the impression that Max Clelands injuries were sustained in combat.

They were not, which is why Max Cleland, triple amputee, was never awarded a purple heart.

Max Cleland was in a non-combat area and dropped a grenade of his own, bent over to pick it up, and it detonated and blew off his appendages.

I'll say it again, Max Cleland served heroically and honorably in Vietnam but was not wounded in combat.

Kirby Olson said...

The left argues that capitalism's monsters are the most horrible beings who ever lived. What? Trump is worse than Stalin? Trump has to be a good businessman, which means he understands and lives within limits. Ditto for Fiorina. It's the left who are just mindless managerial idiots who can't do anything but legislate us to death and get in the way of industrialists with brains with their idiotic notions. Who could have been less enlightened than Ceausescu, Stalin, Pol Pot, or Mao? Who could have left greater corruption, and greater environmental havoc?

The answer to the one-world purists is two kingdoms. This is a very old theology going back at least to Augustine and before that to Jesus when he says it's fine to "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" presumably because His Kingdom is NOT of this world, but belongs only to the next.

The great mistake of the left is to abolish all thought of the next world (as Marx does) and try to create heaven on earth. In doing so, they create Hell on earth.

That's my two cents.

Etienne said...

Drago said......Max Cleland, triple amputee, was never awarded a purple heart.

Not true. He has a Purple Heart.

The rules before 1996 were that no service member could be awarded the Purple Heart for amicicide.

After the Iraq helicopter shoot-down, Congress relented under extreme pressure, and ordered the military to issue Purple Hearts for amicicide and misadventure casualties.

Since the War on Terror, the whole world has been declared a combat zone, so even soldiers inside forts or on trains to Paris can get a Purple Heart if a terrorist (or even his budy) draws blood during the battle.

These awards were made retroactive.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Look, I can't be the only conservative who masturbates to anime, but who is not a Trump supporter.
Anyone else?

Drago said...

coupe: "These awards were made retroactive."

I need to look that up but I have no reason to doubt you.

rcocean said...

First, does anyone know - or care - Rick Wilson is?

Second, it takes one to know one.

Third, from seeing his picture, its obvious the ladies must love Rick. Is there anything sexier than an old, bald, white, Republican with glasses talking about masturbation?

rcocean said...

10-1 Rick Wilson finds Sarah Palin irresistible.

Drago said...

Coupe, do you have a link for your amicicide and misadventures cite?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Wasn't Rick Wilson the guy who played the soccer ball opposite Tom Hanks in Cast Away?
Good role. Should have been in the running for an Oscar.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam L. said...

That boy's a FOOL.

rcommal said...

Here's the first of the comments I could make:

Be careful what you wish for.

rcommal said...

(Or, as I would have put it in another time, for example:

Be careful on account of that for which you are wishing.)

rcommal said...

General comment with regard to this political season:

Hands have been overplayed.

Anonymous said...

Let's see him mock the masturbatory habits of women, and see how far that gets him.

The sexism in our culture is rather sickening. If you're male, most anything private is fair game. Meanwhile, by far the top selling books are female masturbatory fantasy yarns about strong, yet sensitive alpha men.

Let's see him mock those habits.

And for those saying 'how does he connect anime with Trump?' Once again, he's talking about \pol\. They support Trump as enthusiastically as it is possible to imagine, along with constant interspersed pictures of scantily clad anime girls (common across 4chan). And no, it's not 'satire'. It's more accurate to say that it's 'honest hyperbole' from their perspective.

AllenS said...

There is nothing complicated about the eligibility criteria for the Purple Heart Medal. There never has been.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rush played the whole clip and just giggled.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - it is funny. Perfect that this guy wilson is on MSNBC where he belongs. the joke network.

furious_a said...

Trump supporters are "childless single men who masturbate to anime."

Quit knocking my hobbies.

Robert Cook said...
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Robert Cook said...

"The left argues that capitalism's monsters are the most horrible beings who ever lived. What? Trump is worse than Stalin? Trump has to be a good businessman, which means he understands and lives within limits. Ditto for Fiorina."

1.) Who ever said Trump was worse than Stalin?

2.) Trump has filed for bankruptcy four times. Now, Trump has said he "used the law" and made money filing for Ch. 11 bankruptcy when he did. Fine. However, given that he had to file for bankruptcy four times in only 25 years to save his companies is not as indicative of a "good businessman" as if he had never had to file for bankruptcy, of if it were only once, or at least fewer than four times.

3.) Fiorina was a terrible CEO.

4.) Why is it assumed that a President of the United States must be a good businessperson, or have business experience at all?

Etienne said...
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Douglas B. Levene said...

Rick Wilson deserves some credit for attacking Trump day in and day out at a time when most other GOP officials and consultants were running and hiding. If you go to his TL and look at some of the vile (white supremacist, Jew-hating, neo-nazi) stuff directed at him, you'd be impressed that he stuck with it.

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