২০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

I talk about race, gender, guns, and the 2016 campaign with Glenn Loury...

... on the new Bloggingheads, recorded on Monday:

ADDED: This was the first time we used Skype. I am not happy with it at all. Not only do I look herky-jerky, out of sync, and ludicrously red-cheeked, but every time there is overtalking, he gets predominance. There are times when I am completely silenced, even when he is interrupting me!

AND: Here's the most intense feminist part, with the Skype-enhanced suppression on full display (and the deployment of the word "peccadillo"):

৪৩টি মন্তব্য:

n.n বলেছেন...

The race for gender-neutral rights to use guns in self-defense by 2016.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Geez, is Lowrey dumber than rocks or what. I'm at 16:00 in.

Althouse is wrong to try to explain it as feminism. It's Hillary slashing the accusing women.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Interesting how Glenn tried to ignore your point about Hillary being involved in covering up Bill's sexcapades. I also thought his tactic of interrupting you was quite annoying. I'm sure Glenn is a nice guy but he came off as a little too invested in Hillary to have a rational discussion on the topic.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Clinton cheated on his wife, and his wife helped cover up the infidelities (not necessarily rape) to further his, and therefore HER, political career. Is that a feminist thing to do? No, but Hillary is feminist, or feminist-ish, for the very same reason she covered up for Bill; she's an ambitious politician, and she knows it will garner votes.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

We used Skype for the first time.

I'm all out of sync and whenever there's overtalking, he gets precedence.

Skype is sexist.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

...and whenever there's overtalking, he gets precedence.

Skype was developed by men. Male privilege is built in.

As it should be.

( It was developed by white men, so it was kind of up in the air as to whether whites or men should get the preference. Then they listened to some women talk. )

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Loury is right about #BLM. From Trayvon on, every one of their causes celebres have been fallacious.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Skype makes you look like Janet Yellen. Did you talk economics?

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Trump can be hit with an antisemitic attack? How so? And Sanders isn't from Vermont, he's from NYC. But JEWISH NYC, not Trump NYC.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Your color balance seems to be off.
This may be a camera setting.
Those are white walls behind you aren't they?

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Funny, Loury never thought that an otherwise-innocent person might unlawfully carry a gun and be prosecuted for self defense? Hasn't he ever heard of Bernhard Goetz?

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

Haven't watched it yet. First became aware of Ann through bloggingheads.tv, which I discovered as a Mickey Kaus groupie. Glenn Loury has always been one of my favorite commenters on the race question, though he remains stubbornly wed to a lot of social justice precepts. His arc from right to left is relatively less common among public intellectuals it seems. His dialogues with John McWhorter are almost always very good.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Your face is so red it looks like you just came in from ice skating for an hour.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Mexican standoff:

Glen: It's just sex and black men WILL have their sex anytime with anyone.

Ann: It is sex by a male employer over a female employee and women Will have their legal protection to work and be self supporting.

That will never be compromised.

Etienne বলেছেন...

It could be skating on a pond is hazardous to your cheeks (no not those cheeks - sunburn on the only body parts exposed).

MaxedOutMama বলেছেন...

Nicely done!!! I thought you articulated that very well, under pressure. I was losing my temper a bit over the "pecadillo".

If it had been one affair, that would have been different.

I think it is hard for those who support Hillary to admit what really happened, because all but the most obtuse and oblivious do really know this was extremely bad behavior on her part. The worst kind of enabling.

I admit, it bothers me. It has always bothered me that those who wore the feminist mantle could support her.

I am so, so heartened that younger women are not falling into that trap.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

I found a color picture of my mother from ~1930. The photographer colored her cheeks with pink after the fact. It makes her look like a circus clown.

I guess that bastard works for Skype today.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

He needs to check his Skype privilege.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

ahhhh....he was using ear phones, and you were depending on speakers. I can hear reverb in your voice. I don't hear that in his voice. I'll bet that Skype employs echo cancellation software to manage excessive reverb.

Solution.....get earphones.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

And Loury is dishonest. Trump is using Bill's peccadillos to deflate her "war-on-women" issue. Perhaps, he dis-remembers the "bimbo eruptions" argument.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Hmmmm....did I make myself clear. You were squelched because of the reverb. Mr. Loury was selected because his signal didn't have reverb, and required less bandwidth.

rehajm বলেছেন...

He references 'affair'. Singular. He's a Clinton denier.

Triangle Man বলেছেন...

He references 'affair'. Singular. He's a Clinton denier.

There was only the one consensual one though, right?

Unknown বলেছেন...

It's slightly ambiguous as to whether you're standing or sitting down with a camera pointed downwards at you, until you reveal that you've been at the standing desk all along with your rightfully indignant backwards step at 1:19.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The whole Clarence-Thomas and Clinton-Lewinsky scandal forever changed the way I saw the MSM and the liberals. People keep forgetting - deliberately in some cases - that the Clinton was accused of Sexual Harassment by Paula Jones. Clinton instead of settling out of court, tried to get Lewinsky and other women to LIE UNDER OATH. He later, LIED UNDER OATH.

If this was a Republican, he would've resigned. With Democrats of course, its different. Power is the only thing that matters. And toeing the party line. They all showed that their feminism and concern with "ethics in Government" and the "Rule of Law" was just BS.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

Not meaning to be critical, but you should have made it clear at the outset: I'm not talking about what Bill did: I'm talking about what Hillary did.

Later, you could circle round to the point that what Bill did was not an "affair" or some "pecadillos", but was sexual harrassment (and worse) by a powerful man toward weak, subordinate women -- but his actions are important only as they provide the context for her actions.

tola'at sfarim বলেছেন...

maybe you can ask loury abt obamas senate race with Jack ryan, and the "sexual peccadilloes" involved. Was that the slimiest of politics?

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Well, Althouse, you really put your cards on the table at the end on Second Amendment rights, for which I thank you. It was gratifying to hear you take an common sense and rights-based position on gun ownership. I had no idea that was where you were on that topic.
All the best to you.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I originally listened to this discussion as a purely audio podcast before coming here and seeing that the professor had posted the video-and-audio version. When I listened to the audio the first time, I couldn't see any of the Skype-silencing that Glenn did or the professor's rosy cheeks, so it was a rather different thing altogether when I watched the video. On the podcast, for what it's worth, Glenn came off as argumentative and pedantic but still pretty civil; not so in the video. Sort of a "Nixon won the radio debate, Kennedy won the TV debate" kind of thing.

Quote of the day from the professor, when asked by Glenn whether she keeps a firearm after her defense of the inviolability of certain individual rights: "I am glad weapons are owned, and I think that whether people own them or not is not necessarily something one ought to talk about." Wham. As some clickbait link on Facebook might say, "WATCH This Conservative Law Professor's Pitch-Perfect Response When Asked Whether She Owns a Gun."

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Althouse 1, Lowery 0

Good show Professor. Lowery is better than the average racial grievance huckster, but you were more articulate and authentic on the substantive issues, in my humble opinion.

Mutaman বলেছেন...


Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Thanks for the heads up regarding the overly emphasized redness. I thought it was time to grab the colorimeter and recalibrate.

Anywho, overly red or not, Althosue looks as good as I've seen. And, don't gals from Althouse's era add tons of pigment to their cheeks so they can obtain this sort of look? Presumably her golden gal pals envy such natural flushness. If nothing else, Meade must be envied by the other oldie dudes when y'all go to oldie meets to complain about whatever proverbial lawn intruding whipper snappers happen to have your goat du jour.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I spent part of my career at Octel Communications in product marketing. We were the lead dog in the voice mail industry until bought out by Lucent...

One of the biggest issues we had was the difficulty in recording the female voice. Certain female pitches (pitches) would confound our DSP chips and would simulate certain DTMF tones (touch-tones) and voila! the system would start doing some weird stuff.

I hate to think what your vocal fry would've done to those systems.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"I hate to think what your vocal fry would've done to those systems."

What fry?

I thought Althouse was on the record as anti-fry. I doubt she's taken a can't beat em, might as well join em pov.

chickelit বলেছেন...

What fry?

The Glenn Frey. Take it easy.

Writ Small বলেছেন...

I was amused when Althouse used a dumb guy voice at around 35 minutes saying "there's kind of a idea about Donald Trump that it's uneducated people, it's sort of dumb people who. . . " She never got to finish with "support Trump" because Loury interrupted and said "I thought that's what the polls were showing, Ann?" While Althouse unconvincingly answered with "there's some detail to that," the amusing and ironic part was that Althouse's "dumb guy" voice was a pretty fair impersonation of Donald Trump.

It does make you wonder if that's part of Donald's appeal. He has a kind of "dumb guy" affectation that makes some educated people underestimate him thinking he's dumb (he's not), and makes other less educated folks see him as relatable. Maybe that's the secret sauce he and Palin share.

jr565 বলেছেন...

This was the first time we used Skype. I am not happy with it at all. Not only do I look herky-jerky, out of sync, and ludicrously red-cheeked, but every time there is overtalking, he gets predominance. There are times when I am completely silenced, even when he is interrupting me!

Skype is, in fact, sexist. When the woman speak Skype has to get all wonky.

jr565 বলেছেন...

writ small wrote:
It does make you wonder if that's part of Donald's appeal. He has a kind of "dumb guy" affectation that makes some educated people underestimate him thinking he's dumb (he's not), and makes other less educated folks see him as relatable. Maybe that's the secret sauce he and Palin share.

he's not dumb. He just is not nuanced. which can sound dumb.

jr565 বলেছেন...

In regards to how Clinton intersects on all the issue Althouse brings up, its because Hillary said "We must believe anyone who says they were raped". Because, obviously, it so deeply undercuts her brand and undermines her talking point.

grackle বলেছেন...

I got an impulse for Loury to gravitate toward Trump out of it. He’s halfway there and I like how our hostess gave him encouragement to come on out of his Trump closet. I think Loury’s consciousness was a bit altered, especially the last few minutes. Interesting, that mention of a “cascade effect.”

For folks wondering how Trump would run the office after he takes the oath I say this: Trump, in a short space of time, has opened up the tenor of discussion and national consciousness on several controversial issues that have been hotly debated for years. All by his lonesome he has modified the conventional wisdom on several fronts. And here’s the kicker: He isn’t even President yet.

For our hostess I would recommend a 9mm or smaller caliber semi-automatic. Maybe a single action or a double/single action hybrid. Double action only usually means a long, heavy trigger pull and can be difficult to fire accurately, especially if grip strength is below average. Single action only pistols are not always simple to operate, usually coming with redundant safety features because of the added risk of unwanted discharges inherent in the design. There are also many small, light revolvers that are very practical and effective. Always make sure the weapon feels good in the hand – like it fits there.

Curious George বলেছেন...

Have to start calling you Raggedy Ann....

JAORE বলেছেন...

Nice the way Glenn capitulated to your point about Clinton and her defense of sexual assault. Sort of, "Yeah, yeah, BFD. And, I might add, STFU."

grackle বলেছেন...

For AA, I vote scandium frame 5 shot S&W snugness (she has money, why go Taurus). Chambered for .357, keep your options open I always say, but best for her to load .38s, especially if she can get Glasers.

But the gunshop probably sold her a Kahr, not a bad choice.

I love the Kahr line; I’ve shot a couple of their pistols at the range, but they are a bit pricey for this cheapskate. And the snubnose is a good suggestion, too. However, it’s been my experience that women, especially petite women, are better off without the higher calibers above 9mm. I usually carry my Sig SP2022, the poor man’s Sig Sauer but it would probably be unsuitable for our hostess.

BTW, I load my magazines with the first 3 rounds to be the Glazers for all my pistols. I worry about bystanders getting caught between a crossfire or being accidentally shot through walls and windows.

Also, I carry for life-threatening situations, not for anything else. If someone wants my wallet they can have it. I’m not going to shoot someone in the street over a damned wallet. Or an automobile. Of course if they break into my apartment they are dead. I have to assume the worst and act accordingly if they invade my home.