December 12, 2015

"Well, he’s got the Hitler vote. The neo-Nazi website, Daily Stormer, was out and proud earlier this week: 'Heil Donald Trump — the Ultimate Savior.'"

"After endorsing the Republican presidential front-runner earlier this year for his call to deport 11 million Mexican immigrants, the fomenters of American fascism have now added an apt twist to his slogan, one not far from the truth of the campaign: 'Make America White Again.'"

That's the beginning of a column in the New York Times — Timothy Egan, "Goose-Steppers in the G.O.P." — where there is also another column — Anand Giridharadas, "Trumpism After Trump" — that declares: "The Hitler comparisons are fading; people are calming down."

So are Trump antagonists going to stick to the Hitler meme? free polls


Shouting Thomas said...

Trump was entirely correct in his analysis and policy prescription. Watch now, as everybody adopts his position, while pretending to still be outraged by it.

That's my answer to the Nazi stuff. What Trump is actually doing is called "leading!" You know, that stuff the moron time server managerial consultants are always yakking about at Diversity Training, but never actually do?

The reason they never do is precisely because of the Diversity Training. Where they have "brain storming" sessions in which the obvious answer cannot be accommodated because You can't say that!

buwaya said...

There is no correct choice -
"All of the above"

Achilles said...

Statists/Progressives are terrible people.

Bay Area Guy said...

Comparing Trump to Hitler is absolutely disgraceful. Another reason to actively battle the Left and the NYTimes.

Bob Ellison said...

Why are leftists trying so hard to destroy Trump? He's a disaster. They should love him as a prospective opponent.

This guy Egan might answer that question. There are leader politicians and follower voters in the cocktail party. Egan somehow has a stool at the leader bar. No clue how he got that; maybe he's just pretty like Dowd. But he argues like a follower: someone who believes in the arguments. Someone who doesn't care about the power claimed.

Anyway, leftists: you want to win, right? So shut up about Trump!

There are lots of voters in Ohio and Florida who could put him up to run against Hillary. Let them.

Tank said...

Timothy Egan.


Steve M. Galbraith said...

Yes because they (probably) believe it.

Recall Gore Vidal always predicting that the "generals are coming"? Every four years the fool would come out and repeat his lines. Then disappear into his sewer.

Although he was a boorish ass and clown so I think he was just acting, playing to the crowd. Hard to tell with demagogic jackasses like Trump and Vidal. Vidal did praise Timothy McVeigh for blowing up those people. He was serious.

Yes, in case you didn't notice I was not a fan of Vidal's.

buwaya said...

If you want to add another factor - much of the population, by this time, has no idea what "Nazi" and "Hitler" mean, other than generic fantasy bad guys if that. Theres no point calling anyone a Nazi as opposed to any sexual or scatological slurs, which are used indiscriminately and ubiquitously anyway. US education is in a terrible state and popular entertainment isn't picking up the slack.
If you wanted to insult Trump, in a way that could maybe hurt him, you could try calling him a Muslim.

Big Mike said...

I was thinking of voting for #2, which I see has a majority, but I went with #6.

On the one hand I think the Dems must be scared of Trump, otherwise they would push for his nomination the way Glenn Kessler pushed Rubio by suddenly discovering that some Republicans do tell the truth. OTOH, there's that final clause in selection #6.

YoungHegelian said...

Well, Mr. Egan, if getting endorsed by Nazis makes you a Nazi, just where exactly does that leave the 2008 candidate Obama? (This is, by the way, probably the fifth time I posted this wonderful old chestnut in this forum.).

Oh, & by the way, Obama got not only the Nazi Party endorsement, he also got the endorsement of the Communist Party of the USA. I know, I know! A uniter, not a divider. Indeed!

Ann Althouse said...

"There is no correct choice - "All of the above""

I tried to make them all read as correct, but it can't be yes AND no... though I guess it can be some will and some won't. The first and last are inconsistent.

Anyway, pick the one you think is most true. If you view the results, you'll see there's a stand-out winner.

Fabi said...

How can properly deporting 11 million illegal aliens be fascist? It's dereliction of duty if you don't.

Anonymous said...

Something is happening that ought to worry the Democratic Party very much.

Between their braying triumphalism about the "browning of America" that will give them a lock on national politics, and their constant stretching of the definition of racism to encompass ever more trivial indignities, and their increasingly tribalistic threats to tear down the nebulous "white privilege", they are losing a larger and larger proportion of the white vote. People are starting to lose their fear of being called a "racist" and lumped in with the Stormer types, if it's also "racist" to merely eat Mexican food or have a building named Lynch Hall. In for a penny, in for a pound, as it were.

The numbers are still modest, just a 10% shift over my lifetime, but even a 10% loss of white voters is a lot more catastrophic to the Democrats than a 50% gain in black or Hispanic voters. We see this effect in the devastation the Democrats are suffering at the state and local level.

And as the preference cascade builds, and people see that it is possible to laugh at the diversity commissars and social justice warriors and still remain in good company, the change in the Democrats' fortunes could take a dramatic turn for the worse. If 80% of whites began voting Republican, a hundred years of Third World immigration would not restore the Democrats to power; and if the Democrats' anti-white tribalism and eliminationism begins to be reflected back upon them by the likes of a Donald Trump when he comes to power, the immigration gates might well clang shut. If that happens, there will cease to be a Democratic Party, and elections will be fought between the Republicans and Libertarians.

Michael said...

The left either knows nothing about Nazism or is accidentally following its advances post the 1933 election. ined

David said...

Anyway, leftists: you want to win, right? So shut up about Trump!

Leftists want what is best for the country, not to win elections. That is what distinguishes them from Republicans.

And the continuing support for Trump and his racism from the Republican Party is bad for this country.

rcocean said...

If you believe in enforcing the immigration laws "You're just like Hitler".

So, that means Ike, FDR, Truman, Coolidge and Hoover were all "Just like Hitler"

Me too.

Oh and you know whose always been against any kind of immigration restriction? Communists. So, I guess the NYT writer is just like Stalin.

ddh said...

Yes, because everyone they know likes the Hitler analogy, but everyone else thinks it's crazy.

harrogate said...

Huh. Wonder why the Daily Stormer endorsed him anyway? It might be there are some reasons worth thinking about .

Nah. Let's just roll out the usual anti-liberal lines instead.

traditionalguy said...

More proof that the he NYT readership are totally ignorant. I now understand why Bloomberg wants guns confiscated since so many New York people are insane.

ddh said...

Hitler was a blowhard.
Trump is a blowhard.
Therefore, Trump is like Hitler.

An ironclad syllogism, perfect for use by journalists and Occupy Democrats.

MaxedOutMama said...

They're going to stick to it because their brains are melting and running out their ears, but it WILL backfire.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

So much sloppy lazy analysis in regards to Trump. There's no historical perspective unless one considers references to Hitler or Mussolini a sophisticated understanding of history.

Leftists who post here like to sneer about the "Althouse hillbillies." That's partially true - okay more than partial - but there's a lot of hillbilly historians on the left.

Walter Russell Mead, certainly no supporter of Trump's, is able to place him in the larger historical context. This is what we need.

Mead: "The Jacksonian [populist] hero dares to say what the people feel and defies the entrenched elites. The hero may make mistakes, but he will command the unswerving loyalty of Jacksonian America so long as his heart is perceived to be in the right place."

Ladies and gentlemen: Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

The reason Trump and his supporters get so much pushback from Liberals, Progressives and Democrats is that his vileness is anathema to most everything they hold dear, it's impossible to remain silent. But someone upstream did have a good point, it's probably best at this point to simply ignore Trump and let him blow himself up. If Trump goes third party if will hurt the Republican Party. If Trump is the nominee and runs against Clinton, it will hurt the Republican Party even worse, as the downstream candidates will lose too in a big way. I didn't think it would be possible to get the House back, the Senate was possible, but it does appear that is what may happen with a sweeping win for Hillary Clinton. I assure you Trump won't be getting liberal, progressive or Democratic votes, perhaps in negligible numbers, that's all. I think it's time that those on the right ask themselves why they are so attracted to Trump, better now than another "autopsy" after.

Kelly said...

Oy vey. The GOP is finished.

n.n said...

The German socialists did not follow a pro-choice doctrine. It wasn't abort some Jews and keep others. The taint of a nationalist policy loses significance in an integrated and tolerant society. The [class] diversity schemers will have to do better.

Hate loves abortion.

steve uhr said...

People compared Scott Walker to Hitler as well. To be that ignorant of 20th century history is scary. And these people pride themselves on their education and sophistication. WTF

eric said...

Just like they never stopped calling Scott Walker Hitler, they won't stop using it on Trump.

Imagine that. Scott Walker and Trump, exactly the same. Hitler.

Writ Small said...

I was struck by this line in the second piece: America, thankfully, is not an easy nation to commandeer. Its institutions and rule of law and Constitution, still envied throughout the world, probably make it Trump-proof — that is to say, impervious to many of his proposals, even if he were to win the presidency.

It reminded me of the Muhammad Ali statement of a few days ago in response to the Trump's call for a Muslim immigration ban: I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.

I don't recall prominent Lefties speaking so respectfully of the Constitution. I don't recall prominent Muslims speaking so strongly against Islamic terrorism.

Credit where credit is due to Mr. Trump. I just wish Trump himself spoke respectfully of the Constitution once in awhile rather than, for example, his recent dismissal of "Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech" when he called for Bill Gates to help in "closing up" the internet.

Tom said...

Trump is a pompous ass. But that doesn't make him Hilter and anyone who compares him to Hitler is worse than him.

campy said...

"Leftists want what is best for the country, not to win elections. That is what distinguishes them from Republicans."

Oh, that's a good one! LOL

FullMoon said...

buwaya puti said... [hush]​[hide comment]

If you want to add another factor - much of the population, by this time, has no idea what "Nazi" and "Hitler" mean, other than generic fantasy bad guys if that. Theres no point calling anyone a Nazi as opposed to any sexual or scatological slurs,...

Exactly correct. As a child, I happened upon a book with photos of stacks of naked skin and bones bodies piled up. Bodies in ditches. Nazis, concentration camps. Prisoners. Muslims chopping heads and burning opposition alive closest thing to that these days. Calling someone a Nazi is childish.

William said...

Here's a little known historical fact. Robert Taft, the conservative Republican Senator, opposed the Japanese internment program.......Here's another little known fact. At the time of our entry into WWI, Woodrow Wilson appropriated the patents held by German companies. These patents were extremely valuable. They were let out to those with Democratic Party connections who did not pay for their true value. This bit of corruption dwarfed the Teapot Dome Scandal by several orders of magnitude........History is not written by the winners. It is written by the Democrats who invariably win Pulitzers for pointing out the virtues of the Democrats.

Bilwick said...

Since the Trump-as-Hitler meme comes from the Left--that is from people who want to increase the power of the State to fascist proportions, including draconic gun laws--it can easily be dismissed as the usual BS.

buwaya said...

The bureaucratic-corporatist symbiosis plus the rigid ideological enforcement of the Democratic party and its appendages is the best any modern fascist can hope for. All the oppression with none of the style and poetry (D'Annunzio, etc.), however gauche, of the older brands.
The worst part of this modern brand of fascism is that unlike the older version it is grossly inefficient and incoherent. It's main achievements aren't glorious (or at least useful) public works, but degeneration and paralysis.
A system which glories in cripples and crippling.

Paul said...

"Oh and you know whose always been against any kind of immigration restriction? Communists."

However they were pretty firm on emigration restriction.

Fabi said...

Amanda and her enlightened friends don't want to hate Trump -- they have to! lol

I would offer a detailed rebuttal to your wishcasting rant, but anyone who believes that Hillary will deliver the House on her coattails is beyond parody or reply.

YoungHegelian said...


The reason Trump and his supporters get so much pushback from Liberals, Progressives and Democrats is that his vileness is anathema to most everything they hold dear

Oh, you poor, poor, things. The world must be such a hard place for folks with such pretty little consciences! It's good that the Liberals have such a morally upright & unsullied standard bearer like Hillary Clinton to lead them. Because, imagine the dark night of the Liberal soul that would ensue if someone who was morally suspect was the standard bearer. You know, like someone who had enabled an accused rapist, who was involved in a shady charity that accepted large amounts of money from foreign governments & corporations & whose books really weren't up to accepted accounting standards for where that money was going, whose daughter landed two 6 figure jobs in two completely different industries, both of which she subsequently was fired from, who was instrumental in the military invasion & overthrow of a Muslim-majority country by executive fiat without congressional approval, & someone who brazenly violated multiple federal directives on the protection of secured data, almost certainly leading to a leak of highly secured data to hostile powers.

Oh, wait.....

David said...

If your premise is that Trump's campaign goal is to "make American white again," the Hitler comparison makes some sense. Deportation and annihilation of non whites are the only ways to achieve that.

Probably some of these maniacs actually believe that. But most use the claim mindlessly or cynically. In other words you have to be deranged, thoughtless or cynical to reach the conclusion.

That's pretty much where we are these days.

cubanbob said...

Amanda said...

The reason Trump and his supporters get so much pushback from Liberals, Progressives and Democrats is that his vileness is anathema to most everything they hold dear, it's impossible to remain silent. But someone upstream did have a good point, it's probably best at this point to simply ignore Trump and let him blow himself up. If Trump goes third party if will hurt the Republican Party. If Trump is the nominee and runs against Clinton, it will hurt the Republican Party even worse, as the downstream candidates will lose too in a big way. I didn't think it would be possible to get the House back, the Senate was possible, but it does appear that is what may happen with a sweeping win for Hillary Clinton. I assure you Trump won't be getting liberal, progressive or Democratic votes, perhaps in negligible numbers, that's all. I think it's time that those on the right ask themselves why they are so attracted to Trump, better now than another "autopsy" after.
12/12/15, 12:21 PM "

It may have escaped your attention that Trump is a symbol of push back against Liberals, Progressives and Democrats and the general vileness of the Left.. It's a pretty sure bet that in a race between Hillary Clinton and Trump, Clinton gets no or negligible crossover Republican votes and Trump gets crossover votes from blue-collar Democrat voters and it is more likely that in that event the Republicans also get the down vote as well. But thanks for the concern trolling.

Fernandinande said...

rcocean said...
So, that means Ike, FDR, Truman, Coolidge and Hoover were all "Just like Hitler"

Anyone remember Jimmy Carter?

"The Secretary of Treasury and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly."

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump on Friday launched his first attacks against Ted Cruz, questioning his appeal to evangelical voters and his commitment to ethanol subsidies in the first blasts by the GOP front-runner against his political ally.

"I do like Ted Cruz, but not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba," he told the crowd at a town hall event at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. "Not a lot come out."

Trump later called on a pro-ethanol activist with the group America's Renewable Future, who was given front-row seating Friday. The activist, who a group spokeswoman said was invited to the rally by the Trump campaign earlier this week, asked if Cruz's opposition to ethanol was because of his ties to "big oil."

"Yes it is," Trump replied.

Should get even more interesting the further along we go. Can't wait to see who wins Iowa.

Diamondhead said...

I think instead of "no, because," the bottom three answers should start with "yeah, but."

Unknown said...

----Leftists want what is best for the country, not to win elections. That is what distinguishes them from Republicans.

Hahaha! That’s the kind of comedy gold I come to Althouse for!!!! Superbly done!!!!

How about
*Uncontrolled Border with a welcome sign for middle eastern terrorists
*Such awful policing in Democratic cities that the black population has to point out that 'Black Lives Matter' (Chicago - Rahm)
*Trading a deserter for terrorist generals in Afghanistan
*Supporting a criminal Secretary of State who
- turned Libya into a failed terrorist state for no reason at all and without Congressional authorization
- lied to the nation about a terrorist attack with 4 fatalities
- compromised national security by hosting her own Top Secret emails on an unsecured server
*Attack the energy that keeps us warm and provides us jobs.

Anonymous said...


I think you're mistaken about crossover vote from blue collar Democrats. Absolutely none of the Democrats I am in contact with, blue collar or otherwise will vote for Trump. He is universally despised across the spectrum of liberals, Democrats and progressives. One of the problems with Republicans winning Presidential elections is that they so misread the opposition. Happened in 2008 and 2012, looks like a pattern. The "autopsy" obviously didn't mean a thing to conservatives, that's going to be a problem for them. I'm not concerned, I'm pleased actually.

cubanbob said...

Amanda said...

Republicans fear Trump could jeopardize control of Congress Worries are growing that his rhetoric will translate into lost Senate and House seats in 2016.

"This is not what we’re about as a country, and we cannot yield to this,” Oregon Rep. Greg Walden, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is charged with electing Republicans to the House, said Tuesday. “It puts, certainly, competitive seats in jeopardy. We’ll have a much more difficult time.”

Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio), the NRCC’s deputy chairman in charge of helping reelect embattled GOP incumbents, was more blunt.
“It would be devastating to our attempts to grow our majority and would cost us seats,” Stivers said in an interview. Trump “would cost us seats. There are people that couldn’t win if he was our nominee.”

Thank you for the concern trolling. Judging from your comments it doesn't matter who the Republican nominee is other than Jeb you would be making the same comments and Politico would be saying the same thing.

Chuck said...

A really good thought, from the WSJ editors, on "the Obama-Trump Dialectic." The opening paragraph:

"Every thesis creates its antithesis, a famous philosopher once said, and so it is now in American politics. President Obama’s insistent failure to confront the realities of global jihad has produced its opposite in Donald Trump’s unfiltered nationalist id. This is a reminder of how much damage a misguided American President can do to the country’s political culture."

Paco Wové said...

"It might be there are some reasons worth thinking about ."

Perhaps you could elaborate, rather than just sneer.

The Godfather said...

I wish people (even Nazis) would stop calling Tromp names. Calling him names INCREASES his support. Look at the polls. Besides, it's lazy. Do you oppose his morotorium on Muslims entering the US? Good. So do I. In several comments on this blog I've explained why I contend that it can't work and would be counter-productive. Instead of reasoned analysis, we keep getting this Oh-it's-UnAmerican! and Tromp=Hitler! crap -- and Tromp picks up more fans who object to "political correctness".

Look at Charles Krauthammer's latest column. He shows, far more eloquently than I, why Tromp's proposal wouldn't work and would harm the country, and thus is evidence that Tromp lacks the intellectual qualities required of a president. If you seriously consider Tromp the best candidate for president, read Krauthammer, and then think again. And remember: You love your country more than you hate the a**holes that call Tromp a fascist.

Drago said...

Amanda: "Cubanbob,

I think you're mistaken about crossover vote from blue collar Democrats. Absolutely none of the Democrats I am in contact with, blue collar or otherwise will vote for Trump."

The voting science is settled!

campy said...

Amanda is Pauline Kael!!!

Michael said...

Amanda and most of my friends on the left are overlooking the implications of the horrible economy and are not tuned in to the possibility of a recession in the middle of next year.. The blue collar Democrat has had it up to his ears with the lefty bullshit. Who do we think can be better for the economy: Hillary!! or Trump? Hillary is the all time best pork belly trader but DT has a somewhat longer record in business. It has had its ups and downs but I believe even the dizziest leftie would have to admit he knows more about how business works than Hillary!! Plus more energy.

So the lefties are focused on how urgent it is to bring in Muslims. They actually believe the blue collar Democrat is down with this stupidity. The blue collar Democrat does not give a shit about BLM, social justice or most any of the pet programs of the hard progressive left.

Anonymous said...

Michael, it's comical that you, an obvious conservative, are telling me, an obvious liberal, how MY group thinks and will vote. I take your observations about blue collar Democrats (as if you even know any, which I doubt based on your assertion they identify with the billionaire Trump and think he will lift them out of their economic situation) which a grain or two or many of salt. Again, you seem to be trying to convince yourself more than you are trying to convince me that you know of what you speak. Blue collar Democrats, as blue collar Republicans both want a better economic future and jobs brought back from overseas, but the distinction is this, blue collar Democrats know that Trump is full of shit, blue collar Republcans believe the bullshit.

StephenFearby said...

"Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Nazi analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"[2][3]—​that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism."

"Godwin has stated that he introduced Godwin's law in 1990 as an experiment in memetics.[2]
Godwin's law does not claim to articulate a fallacy; it is instead framed as a memetic tool to reduce the incidence of inappropriate hyperbolic comparisons. "Although deliberately framed as if it were a law of nature or of mathematics, its purpose has always been rhetorical and pedagogical: I wanted folks who glibly compared someone else to Hitler or to Nazis to think a bit harder about the Holocaust", Godwin has written.[11]"

There were 922 comments (now closed) to the NYT Timmothy Egan's opinion piece.

Strangely, it seems Goodwin's Law wasn't cited (at leastby name) once in the responses.

Perhaps not so strangely because Egan is such a predictable hack that it wouldn't occur to his regular audience.

jr565 said...

cubanbob wrote:
Thank you for the concern trolling. Judging from your comments it doesn't matter who the Republican nominee is other than Jeb you would be making the same comments and Politico would be saying the same thing.

if it was Jeb, they'd still be saying the same thing. They can just say they wouldn't' say it about Jeb, because Jeb doesn't appear to be winning.

Bob Loblaw said...

Leftists want what is best for the country, not to win elections. That is what distinguishes them from Republicans.

I want to believe this is deceit instead of stupidity. That much stupidity is depressing to contemplate.

Michael K said...

One benefit of Amanda is that I can scroll right by her/his/its comments and be certain I am not missing anything,

Static Ping said...

Comparing Trump to Hitler is foolish. It won't be a successful tactic. The only question is whether it will be abandoned or if Trump will implode before that becomes necessary.

It would be helpful if we would keep the Hitler comparisons to persons who are, you know, like Hitler. It makes little sense to declare Bushitler - a laughable charge - and then give Saddam Hussein a pass. For that matter, they get upset when Margaret Sanger get grouped in with Hitler, even though Margaret's views are a lot closer to Nazism than most of the usual targets, though in her defense she didn't prescribe cattle cars and "showers."

It would also help if we stop trying to classify Hitler on the American liberal/conservative scale as he is not truly applicable, except perhaps to the extremists on both ends. And, no, Trump is not really an extremist. More of the Howard Stern of politics.

campy said...

"Strangely, it seems Goodwin's Law wasn't cited (at leastby name) once in the responses."

NYT readers aren't very smart.

Michael said...


The difference between us is that I began a dedicated liberal. I move easily between people of conservative and liberal points of view. You, however, have always been a liberal and do not personally know or respect any conservatives. This puts you at a huge disadvantage. You write that I have asserted that blue collar Democrats identify with DT. You mistakenly use the word "identify" which I never used and would never use in that connection.

I also am in the investment business and know that the phrase "bring back jobs from overseas" is nothing more than a phrase you have taken in to your bumper sticker thinking and you neither know why these "jobs" have transported themselves across borders nor how they might be "brought back." I happen to know the answer to both and they are not answers that would be readily available nor understandable to you.

That said you seem to be especially defensive on the topic of the economy and I cannot blame you. For while I will do brilliantly under Hillary!! or DT you will not. Trump, btw, will not "lift" anyone out of their difficult economic straits but he will make it easier for capital to form and thus for new business to be created. But I must emphasize that I will probably personally do much better under a Clinton presidency than a Trump presidency so I am only making an observation based on my relationship with a lot of blue collar Democrats with whom I socialize. I repeat that the ones I know give not one shit about progressive causes.

Anonymous said...


"You, however, have always been a liberal and do not personally know or respect any conservatives."

You are once again assuming things. Interesting, why would a person assume to know another's history without pout ever being told that history? You are trying to sell me something and I'm not buying.

OK, you didn't use the word "identify".

You seem again to assert something that you don't really have knowlege of reharding my understanding of the whys and how's of offshoring jobs. Presumptuous. I'm not buying your presumptions.

I'm not defensive about the economy, I may however be defensive about you continually pushing this notion that blue collar Democrats will support or vote for Trump. Not happening, not going to happen. You are engaging in wishful thinking.

I'm not so sure you as an investment banker, will do better under a Clinton presidency. Wall Street has recently started throwing some money toward attack ads against Clinton.

Right-Wing Wall St. Financiers Launch Big Money Attack on Clinton Super PAC ad funded by wealthy conservatives with ties to Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush.

Hedge fund managers and investors, together worth billions of dollars, are bankrolling a little-known super PAC that on Tuesday unleashed attack ads against Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the typos, using my phone and in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

Michael K,
Every comments section needs a crotchety old man. I see that is your main role here, good to know.

Big Mike said...

Really this is way past silly. Trump isn't channeling Adolph Hitler -- the World War II leader he is channeling is FDR, who decided early on that the U.S. Had more than enough Jews already and closed immigration to all but the most accomplished refugees from Nazi Germany.

And Trump has better reasons.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How is it just a meme? If Nazis are supporting Trump, that's worth the attention of everyone who supports him. And as long as he remains one arm of the duopoly's front-runner, then that's worth the attention of the rest of the electorate, also.

What if al Qaeda supported a certain candidate? I find it hard to believe you would just brush that off, either.

Be honest. Or at least try.

Michael said...


You should know that investment bankers do well regardless of the administration but always better with a Democrat president and Republican congress. You might also know that there is a difference between hedge fund managers and investment bankers. Most lefties don't know and conflate the two.

You don't have to buy my "presumptions" but you could put them to rest by stating why you believe jobs have gone missing but can be found and returned. I will stand by.

Oh, and the reason I know a lot of Democrats is that I give them money. Just like I give Republicans money. They both return my calls.

Michael said...


Remember that BHO had the endorsement both of Stormfront and the Communist Party. Good times good times.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No I don't remember that. But it seems the reasons were way more convoluted.

narciso said...

Actually Bin Laden made that promise to Bush supporters, to attack if they didn't vote for Lurch,

Dr Weevil said...

It's obvious to me that every one of Amanda's friends, relatives, colleagues, and casual acquaintances has learned that the only way to avoid terminal boredom and abusive hectoring is to agree immediately with anything she says on politics and try to change the subject to anything but politics as quickly as possible. People who 'argue' the way she does here seldom have a clue what others they meet think about anything important, because others do not share their thoughts with her.

cubanbob said...

Drago said...
Amanda: "Cubanbob,

I think you're mistaken about crossover vote from blue collar Democrats. Absolutely none of the Democrats I am in contact with, blue collar or otherwise will vote for Trump."

The voting science is settled!
12/12/15, 4:45 PM"

Nixon in 72 and Reagan in 84. Could not have happen without the crossover Democrat vote. Right now Trump has that vote.

Jason said...

There are a ton of blue-collar, blue-dog Democrats who will cross over to vote for Trump, or stay home rather than vote for Hillary or Sanders.

Amanda seriously needs to get off campus once in a while.

Robert Cook said...

I would say Trump is no worse than some of the other purportedly more "respectable" (sic) candidates in either major party, and possibly not as bad...he's just more willing to say whatever shit comes into his head because he has no real intention of becoming President and he doesn't care. But, even I'm wrong and he really does want the office, I hardly think his opponents in the race--of either party--are more desirable than he, or less awful than he, simply because they have learned never to utter anything they could ever be accused of sincerely meaning.

jg said...

Where was the prominent NYT story featuring nuttier black nationalists' endorsement of Obama in 2008 and implying that it's representative of his supporters? That fascist-family oligarch Carlos Slim must really hate Trump, for the grey lady to humiliate herself so. Then again, I think these journalists all assent willingly and hardly need be pressured. The same dynamic that ensures *global* winner-take-all in nearly *all* of academia (you want to be able to get a job at a new university, don't you? isn't it convenient how the groupthink is the same everywhere?) has taken over paid journalism. All I know is I want Trump to give them the hyuuuge spanking they're asking for.

Finally, there really are Trump=Holocaust-2016 believers. They're nuts, like people who apply the book of Revelations to politics, but they exist.

The more demented+deranged establishment attacks against Trump become, the more I want him to go further.

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