That's what I figured. All the transgenders I hang around with are close shaven. Well, he's a little closer to being a right wing extremist now that we have that straigtened out.
But if it's on his voter registration record, it must be true, right? Just like George Zimmerman is white because it may or may not say so on his driver's license/voter reg.
Green described the marking as "a small dark spot" that doesn't completely fill the box next to "male."
"She just looked at it and she was like, 'Did the pen hit there? Did the mail put a mark through there when it went to the Post Office?' It's just not clear to either one of us what the intent was."
Green noted that Dear voted twice using the voter registration card - once in November 2014 and again this fall.
Parsell said that his office made "similar errors" during the same time period, chalking them up to heavy workloads and "antiquated systems."
"If there's a mark in the male portion of that card, taking it in totality, I think it's safe to assume at this point it was probably an attempt to change his gender on the voter registration form."
Sounds to me like a hanging chad situation. Or, poor Dear is having a hard time deciding who he wants to be. Maybe a Bruce Jenner situation?
Maybe his desires have "evolved", like a politicians opinion.?
Reading the article, when he tried to correct his voter registration to reflect male, another clerk didn't change it because Dear didn't completely fill in the oval. Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. Only a moron would not make the change to male after looking at the name and a mark in the box male on a correction form.
Mid-Life Lawyer: "That's what I figured. All the transgenders I hang around with are close shaven. Well, he's a little closer to being a right wing extremist now that we have that straigtened out."
harrogate said... Heh. This could use a "Ted Cruz" tag.
Cruz pointed out that even if Dear were a transgendered left wing extremist his act still wouldn't discredit people whose sole connection to him are political beliefs. It's interesting the left thinks this a crazy position.
It makes you wonder why they believe the left isn't responsible for the FRC and Discovery attacks. Other and Team Red vs Team Blue of course.
Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Mark, I do see your point. However, do note that the actual government document did list him as female. That's not a rumor. The response to that fact ranged from responsible (the form says he is female, but it could be a typo) to jumping to conclusions.
Then again, the media has been jumping to conclusions before the bodies were cold, and they have a habit of doing so in the wake of such events. Politicians have been doing the same thing. There are much bigger problems than internet posts.
Waiting to see when we see the article "No, Hillary Clinton did not dodge sniper fire as she claimed."
Or "No, You can't keep your plan even if you liked it."
Or "No, that filmmaker that Hillary promised the families to imprison next to the returning bodies their loved ones of did not cause riots in Libya..."
This would be a great thing, checking out the actual truth of claims, if it were applied in an unbiased way.
How about this one? "No, Hillary does not have good judgement."
Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
I'm no Cruz supporter but that's not what his point was.
His observation was that EVEN IF it was a transgendered leftist person who did something terrible - this shooting - that one wouldn't blame everyone on the left.
IOW, you cannot assign a collective responsibility or blame to an entire group because of the actions of ONE member of that group.
“It’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and transgendered leftist activist, if that’s what he is. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the rhetoric on the left. This is a murderer.” - Ted Cruz
So basically because he said that were it true that the shooter was a leftie, it wouldn't be fair to blame the shooting on the left...
Never mind. What is the point of arguing with idiots?
Blogger Georgie said... Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Did he shoot up a planned parenthood clinic?
It's odd. You'd think if he shot up a planned parenthood clinic, then of the 9 people injured or killed, the majority of them would have been injured or killed inside the planned parenthood clinic. Yet, last I heard, not a single person inside the planned parenthood clinic was injured or killed.
You'd also think that by now we would have more details to sort this out. Maybe the truth needs more time to get its boots on.
Georgie: Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Those pushing it did not say it was true. They simply said that was the only record available of him online at the time. Instapu dit even said "24 hour rule" and that it sounded strange. But in this day and age, could be true.
mark wrote: Waiting to see if Michael K and Jr own up to spreading this rumor within 24 hours of the shooting.
Jr claimed a '24 hour rule' or some such nonsense.
I am sure they will blame the left for their own words.
you are such a retard. I didn't claim that he was a transgender activist. I was quoting instapundit (because some on the chat had mentioned that there was speculation he identified as a woman. Instapundit did not say he was a transgender activist. he was quoting from someone who found the record. He was saying, by mentioning the 24 hour rule that it was speculative. That was the only record of him online at the time. The person HE linked to wasn't saying he WAS a transgender activist. He simply scoured records and found his voting record which suggested he was identified as a woman. Nowhere did he say that this was true, it was only what he found. So stop saying people are saying things are or are not true. No one knew who he was at the time. They were looking for records online and this is what they found.
The MSM couldn't be bothered to do the due diligence on its reporting until Cruz's comment came out. Then they leaped into action to defend transgenders by actually following up on the Dear-as-registered-female story. So Cruz should be credited with forcing the MSM to actually do its job of reporting the facts in this case.
Mark, here is Instapundits exact post which I was responding to : "BECAUSE THINGS AREN’T WEIRD ENOUGH THIS YEAR ALREADY: #ColoradoSprings shooter’s only online documentation suggests HE identifies as a female.
The 24-hour rule applies, but the way things are going in 2015, this seems plausible. . . .
He acknowledges that it's weird, and to apply 24 hour rule you would before asserting anything is "true". But in this day and age, if someone did identify as a female who was a male why would it be a libel? People are doing that every day. If this particular whack job had done so, why would it be crazy?we don't know him. except by his records. And his records state that he is a she. I even allowed for the fax that it might be a typo. How are you getting from that tht aim spreading a rumor?
Michael writes "prove it," thus illustrating his profound misunderstanding of proof and language alike. Not bad actually, for only two words worth of spewing.
Same here. The MSM seems to show little interest in trying to construct a consistent report and timeline of events. But a single anonymous leak of a single phrase which may or may not have been accurately heard out of a "rambling" statement covering many things, now that's something out of which they can build an entire story. Case closed.
Mark, here is one of my other quotes: "Mark, as to why Owens said he was identified as female, its because he looked up the guys Colorado voting record and came up with this:
ROBERT LEWIS DEAR, JR. was born in 1958 and she registered to vote, giving her address as 809 OURAY CT, HARTSEL, PARK COUNTY, COLORADO 80449. Her voting status is: Active. She is unaffiliated. Later on is listed as "female" where it says "gender"
So, its not a smear, but it is curious. He/she does identify as female according to voter info. Is that info correct or a typo? who knows. All Bob did was say her voting records identify him as a her. And they do. Take it up with Colorado, if you think its a smear. Bob and Instapundit did not make up the info. Nor did they say it necessarily meant she was a trannie. It simply says "according to Colorado records" he is identified as a she.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem where you assume that if something is reported on and you then cite what was reported, that you are asserting it as a fact. If note my boldes parts I state I DON'T KNOW. And neither Owens or Insty, asserted it as a fact either. You were pissed though that some in the thread were saying he was identifying as a trannie. I simply showed where they were getting that information from. And saying, no one has asserted its accurate yet. 24 hour rule is a qualifier.
Peeping Tom. Tortures animals. Bible thumper. Rough with his wife. Radical anti-abortion. Come on. You don't need to be a FBI profile expert to know this guy is a conservative. Just look at his picture!
Peeping Tom. Tortures animals. Hates Christians. Would be rough with his wife if he could actually get one. Radical pro-abortion. Come on. You don't need to be a FBI profile expert to know this guy is garage mahal.
Your only excuse is that you like to gossip and thus spread a really stupid rumor. While relatives we being informed, you were trying to make this a trangendered talking point.
For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist. I have not seen one far righter here express sorrow that people’s lives were torn apart here. And there have been a number of creepy statements that I suppose they think are funny. When you don’t care about life, how long will it take you to make a connection between rhetoric and impact?
Hey lefties, here's a column for you to consider:
Also, if we are going to say Christians and conservatives are responsible for the heated rhetoric over the abortion videos (none of which actually calls for violence), what does garage mahal, Mark and others make of this?
Hmmm, so black lives matter threatens actual violence and shuts down a school. Promises to kill 16 white people. Now THAT is violent rhetoric. Of curse the narrative was that it was a white person who made racist threats. But, no, it was black lives matter type. So, what do you say about the violent black lives matter rhetoric that both BLM pushed, but was also pushed by the left. Have you watched MSNBC, coverage for example?
Here we have an actual threat of violence. And yet, Garage Mahal and others, I'm sure are not going to suggest that blacks are pushing violence or liberals are pushing violence. Even though they are.
A lone whack job who lives in a cabin in the woods and is completely incoherent, versus one of many blacks who have been radicalized and are now threatening to kill people.
So, let's get the denunciation of black lives Matter and liberal violent rhetoric,Garage. Cat got your tongue?
I believe you have described yourself. Plus fat. And, by the way, my "prove it" was to the assertion that he is not transgendered. But that slipped right by didn't it?
One or two Althouse posts on this topic ago, someone linked to another blogger who attempted to put a timeline together. On the surface, it appeared to be impressive work. You might want to scroll through those earlier comment threads to find it. It was a pretty direct go look at this guy comment so it shouldn't be too hard to find. I've not referenced his conclusions because I'm still waiting on independent, alternate timelines to which I can compare. I'm actually amazed that I have so little to evaluate. Once they had "no more baby parts," however poorly sourced it was, all curiousity seems to have drained away from our MSM.
Michael: "Garage I believe you have described yourself. Plus fat. And, by the way, my "prove it" was to the assertion that he is not transgendered. But that slipped right by didn't it?"
Yes, it slipped right by garage.
Just like his future did.
But hope springs eternal in a potential make-work job under a Hillary! "shovel ready" administration!
It's best for garage to keep his sights set very, very low.
"For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist."
Another idiotic comment from the left. Tell me where the adoptions come from. Hmmm?
I do have to laugh sometimes. I have a lefty son whose lefty wife is a college professor. Recently two black females were outside her class room talking loudly and laughing while she was conducting class. She finally went out and asked if they could be quieter or move to another area. They complained. A black administrator called on her later that day and told her her "racist comment" was threatening her tenure application.
She told her sister-in-law that she never thought it could happen to her.
sunsong: "For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist."
lefty takes time out from defending muslims from inappropriate attention to speak to the "anti-women" right.
Again, the more the actual War On Women is fomented by the lefty's preferred religion, the greater the false and absurd accusations against GOP/conservatives must be ratcheted up.
Obama today had to step over the dead bodies from the mass killing in Paris to proclaim that mass killings only happen in the US.
I'm not entirely comfortable with my political confreres comments either. But I don't think Althouse is a forum in which to signal how compassionate you are. I give everyone here the benefit that they are compassionate human beings. But when an event has been politicized, well that's the conversational space in which the discussion is going to take place.
Now if you are off in other comment threads telling others that there are principled compassionate pro-lifers that have nothing to do with Mr. Dear, then my hat's off to you. But somehow I doubt it and that your here for signaling purposes only.
This is Ted Cruz's comment on Robert Dear....“Well, it’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and transgendered leftist activist, if that’s what he is.”....To anybody with half a brain, it was clear, Senator Cruz was merely saying, “We don’t have all the facts.” There is context before and after, yet of course...they want to make this killer look like he is a pro life they will lie, and misquote Ted Cruz.
sunsong said...When you don’t care about life, how long will it take you to make a connection between rhetoric and impact?
Isn't that the EXACT argument those anti-woman extremists who want to ban abortion make, sunsong, in exactly those words? You know, they say that allowing abortion dehumanizes us, shows that we don't care about life, and that doing so corrupts us and destroys our moral bearings to the point that all sorts of nasty things are inevitable.
Tell you one idea I have about Mr. Dear. That stupid pop-eyed look on his face is exactly like the look on the face of quite a few people who were photographed by Nazis as they arrived at Auschwicz as you can see at the site. So perhaps Mr. Dear was looking at police officers looking back at someone who killed a colleague. Not that the police harmed him, not at all, but they have different ways of making arrests; and anyhow angry police are a sore for sight eyes.
My point about Mr. Dear is that he could be a despicable terrorist in the mold of Bill Ayers, Obama's friend, and still look as he did at the moment of arrest. And since he didn't shoot up Planned Parenthood but only shot up police from outside or inside PPFA - well, ...
And, by the way, my "prove it" was to the assertion that he is not transgendered.
There is no evidence that Dear is transgendered. Why must it proven that Dear is? Because the dumbest cocksucker on the internet, Jim Hoft, posted an article on the internet stating so? That's where we are. Congrats, you won. We are the stupidest country on earth.
Ya know..I started to post a quip here about the silliness of this distracting discussion and media treatment..then I thought about the family of the cop that seemed to be a pretty stand guy. Anything in this guy's past suggest he was into killing cops? Maybe that explains a cop leaking this crap..but.. I'm tired of expending any thought regarding what may be thoughtless crime.
sunsong: "For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist."
-- those who view abortion as murder, that would be like saying insufficient support of welfare, soup kitchens and shelters (lives that do exist) is inconsistent with being anti-murder.'s a little different. But I'd prefer to hear it sussed by you.. Go!
He's not? Some anonymous clerk said he was. Just like some anonymous copper said he mumbled something about baby parts. I am having a hard time deciding which anonymous person to believe. I know, I will let the democrat media decide for me, that,should be better.
"...But if initial reports of alleged gunman Robert Lewis Dear's comments about "no more baby parts" prove true -- and logic suggests that it was no coincidence the attack was at a Planned Parenthood clinic -- Republican politicians who fueled the overwrought and unsupported controversy over selling baby parts bear some measure of responsibility...
"...The current effort to demonize Planned Parenthood feels different. This is, literally, a manufactured issue, cobbled together from doctored videotapes and overheated accusations. The organization's activities have been so mischaracterized, and the practice of providing fetal tissue so overblown and so manipulated by lawmakers and politicians, that blame for the ensuing violence falls more heavily on them, although it is surely not what they intended..."
Strange how no one on the right here seems at all concerned about the two civilians shot inside the Planned Parenthood clinic. While it's tragic that the cop was killed, it's equally tragic that the two civilians were also killed. And this conclusion that people seem to have jumped to that the shootings all occurred outside the PP clinic, why, based on what?
He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”
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That's what I figured. All the transgenders I hang around with are close shaven. Well, he's a little closer to being a right wing extremist now that we have that straigtened out.
But if it's on his voter registration record, it must be true, right? Just like George Zimmerman is white because it may or may not say so on his driver's license/voter reg.
Actually, I figured that was probably just a typo. The written word has such magical power for the semi-literate.
We have a clerical error that says he is female. In other words, a verifiable fact.
On the other hand, we have a Democrat with a byline who claims an anonymous source told him Dear said something about "no more baby parts".
Clearly he is a straight, Christian, Right Wing Radical.
"He was kind of quiet. Kept to himself. Wore a dress sometimes...."
He's also rumored to be John Cougar Mellencamp's brother. Well..if ya squint and hum.. Authority Song.
Caitlyn wept.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Green described the marking as "a small dark spot" that doesn't completely fill the box next to "male."
"She just looked at it and she was like, 'Did the pen hit there? Did the mail put a mark through there when it went to the Post Office?' It's just not clear to either one of us what the intent was."
Green noted that Dear voted twice using the voter registration card - once in November 2014 and again this fall.
Parsell said that his office made "similar errors" during the same time period, chalking them up to heavy workloads and "antiquated systems."
"If there's a mark in the male portion of that card, taking it in totality, I think it's safe to assume at this point it was probably an attempt to change his gender on the voter registration form."
Sounds to me like a hanging chad situation.
Or, poor Dear is having a hard time deciding who he wants to be. Maybe a Bruce Jenner situation?
Maybe his desires have "evolved", like a politicians opinion.?
Government clerks also count the votes and issue gun permits (or not).
Odd that someone who appeared to live off the grid would register to vote.
Reading the article, when he tried to correct his voter registration to reflect male, another clerk didn't change it because Dear didn't completely fill in the oval. Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. Only a moron would not make the change to male after looking at the name and a mark in the box male on a correction form.
This is government at its best
Mid-Life Lawyer: "That's what I figured. All the transgenders I hang around with are close shaven. Well, he's a little closer to being a right wing extremist now that we have that straigtened out."
All puns intended?
Heh. This could use a "Ted Cruz" tag.
"No, Robert Lewis Dear is not a "transgendered leftist activist," as some have speculated."
But if tomorrow he decided he was, according to the left he would be.
Would he be transferred to a woman's facility?
Would he be provided free tampons?
Vexing questions indeed.
Or not.
eric: "Clearly he is a straight, Christian, Right Wing Radical."
Further, despite living in a cabin with no electricity or computers/TV's, he was apparently an avid consumer of right wing tv and talk radio! magic.....
The Magic of The Needed Narrative!!
So all we have left to go on according to this column is an anonymously reported "body parts" comment the reporter assumes to be reliable.
Waiting to see if Michael K and Jr own up to spreading this rumor within 24 hours of the shooting.
Jr claimed a '24 hour rule' or some such nonsense.
I am sure they will blame the left for their own words.
harrogate said...
Heh. This could use a "Ted Cruz" tag.
Cruz pointed out that even if Dear were a transgendered left wing extremist his act still wouldn't discredit people whose sole connection to him are political beliefs. It's interesting the left thinks this a crazy position.
It makes you wonder why they believe the left isn't responsible for the FRC and Discovery attacks. Other and Team Red vs Team Blue of course.
Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
No doubt it ruined his life and left him an embittered man!
Mark, I do see your point. However, do note that the actual government document did list him as female. That's not a rumor. The response to that fact ranged from responsible (the form says he is female, but it could be a typo) to jumping to conclusions.
Then again, the media has been jumping to conclusions before the bodies were cold, and they have a habit of doing so in the wake of such events. Politicians have been doing the same thing. There are much bigger problems than internet posts.
Waiting to see when we see the article "No, Hillary Clinton did not dodge sniper fire as she claimed."
Or "No, You can't keep your plan even if you liked it."
Or "No, that filmmaker that Hillary promised the families to imprison next to the returning bodies their loved ones of did not cause riots in Libya..."
This would be a great thing, checking out the actual truth of claims, if it were applied in an unbiased way.
How about this one? "No, Hillary does not have good judgement."
Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
I'm no Cruz supporter but that's not what his point was.
His observation was that EVEN IF it was a transgendered leftist person who did something terrible - this shooting - that one wouldn't blame everyone on the left.
IOW, you cannot assign a collective responsibility or blame to an entire group because of the actions of ONE member of that group.
“It’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and transgendered leftist activist, if that’s what he is. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the rhetoric on the left. This is a murderer.” - Ted Cruz
So basically because he said that were it true that the shooter was a leftie, it wouldn't be fair to blame the shooting on the left...
Never mind. What is the point of arguing with idiots?
Just another fake Drudge headline, but I laffed.
Oh yeah, this bozo.
Planned Parenthood shooting suspect Robert Dear appeared to solicit sex, rant about apocalypse online
Smoking pot turned him into a Bible-thumping masochist. Then he got better.
Blogger Georgie said...
Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Did he shoot up a planned parenthood clinic?
It's odd. You'd think if he shot up a planned parenthood clinic, then of the 9 people injured or killed, the majority of them would have been injured or killed inside the planned parenthood clinic. Yet, last I heard, not a single person inside the planned parenthood clinic was injured or killed.
You'd also think that by now we would have more details to sort this out. Maybe the truth needs more time to get its boots on.
Georgie: Ted Cruz! He should be embarrased. Because it makes so much sense (sarc) that a leftist transgendered person would shoot up a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Um, no, because he said no such thing.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), was making the point the media should not be jumping to conclusions about Dear’s motives when a reporter said, “Well it’s been reported he said, ‘no more baby parts,'” as if it were rock solid and had been confirmed. Ted Cruz then said the following:
“Well, it’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and transgendered leftist activist, if that’s what he is.”
You know all that jumping to conclusions problem I attributed to the media? Exhibit A.
Those pushing it did not say it was true. They simply said that was the only record available of him online at the time. Instapu dit even said "24 hour rule" and that it sounded strange. But in this day and age, could be true.
if our databases, can't get it right, what does it say of the Syrian govt one's we are relying on,
mark wrote:
Waiting to see if Michael K and Jr own up to spreading this rumor within 24 hours of the shooting.
Jr claimed a '24 hour rule' or some such nonsense.
I am sure they will blame the left for their own words.
you are such a retard. I didn't claim that he was a transgender activist. I was quoting instapundit (because some on the chat had mentioned that there was speculation he identified as a woman.
Instapundit did not say he was a transgender activist. he was quoting from someone who found the record. He was saying, by mentioning the 24 hour rule that it was speculative. That was the only record of him online at the time. The person HE linked to wasn't saying he WAS a transgender activist. He simply scoured records and found his voting record which suggested he was identified as a woman. Nowhere did he say that this was true, it was only what he found.
So stop saying people are saying things are or are not true. No one knew who he was at the time. They were looking for records online and this is what they found.
I still have not seen a report stating exactly who go shot by whom, where, and when.
if our databases, can't get it right, what does it say of the Syrian govt one's we are relying on,
The MSM couldn't be bothered to do the due diligence on its reporting until Cruz's comment came out. Then they leaped into action to defend transgenders by actually following up on the Dear-as-registered-female story. So Cruz should be credited with forcing the MSM to actually do its job of reporting the facts in this case.
Mark, here is Instapundits exact post which I was responding to :
"BECAUSE THINGS AREN’T WEIRD ENOUGH THIS YEAR ALREADY: #ColoradoSprings shooter’s only online documentation suggests HE identifies as a female.
The 24-hour rule applies, but the way things are going in 2015, this seems plausible. . . .
He acknowledges that it's weird, and to apply 24 hour rule you would before asserting anything is "true". But in this day and age, if someone did identify as a female who was a male why would it be a libel? People are doing that every day. If this particular whack job had done so, why would it be crazy?we don't know him. except by his records. And his records state that he is a she. I even allowed for the fax that it might be a typo.
How are you getting from that tht aim spreading a rumor?
In the civilized republic of Ohio, gender is not part of the voter registration process. Why would it be so anywhere?
Mark, try to understand this.
saying that he's also been reported to be a "transgendered leftist activist,"
Do you agree that is true ?
Prove it.
"saying that he's also been reported to be a 'transgendered leftist activist,'
Do you agree that is true ?"
Bahahaha. Was there any credible outlet that "reported" this? Of course not.
I'd invite Michael K. to "try to understand this," but his comment proves that he can't.
Michael writes "prove it," thus illustrating his profound misunderstanding of proof and language alike. Not bad actually, for only two words worth of spewing.
The difference between "This is what I believe" and "This is what I heard" can be awfully small, depending on whose ox is being gored.
Hagar @4:33,
Same here. The MSM seems to show little interest in trying to construct a consistent report and timeline of events. But a single anonymous leak of a single phrase which may or may not have been accurately heard out of a "rambling" statement covering many things, now that's something out of which they can build an entire story. Case closed.
That was pretty good shooting for a Transgender Leftist. They usually have trouble working the bolt action. It's hormonal.
Or maybe he is mentally ill and has been his whole life.
Mark, here is one of my other quotes:
"Mark, as to why Owens said he was identified as female, its because he looked up the guys Colorado voting record and came up with this:
was born in 1958 and she registered to vote, giving her address as 809 OURAY CT, HARTSEL, PARK COUNTY, COLORADO 80449. Her voting status is: Active. She is unaffiliated.
Later on is listed as "female" where it says "gender"
So, its not a smear, but it is curious. He/she does identify as female according to voter info.
Is that info correct or a typo? who knows. All Bob did was say her voting records identify him as a her.
And they do.
Take it up with Colorado, if you think its a smear. Bob and Instapundit did not make up the info. Nor did they say it necessarily meant she was a trannie. It simply says "according to Colorado records" he is identified as a she.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem where you assume that if something is reported on and you then cite what was reported, that you are asserting it as a fact. If note my boldes parts I state I DON'T KNOW. And neither Owens or Insty, asserted it as a fact either. You were pissed though that some in the thread were saying he was identifying as a trannie. I simply showed where they were getting that information from. And saying, no one has asserted its accurate yet. 24 hour rule is a qualifier.
Prove it.
Peeping Tom. Tortures animals. Bible thumper. Rough with his wife. Radical anti-abortion. Come on. You don't need to be a FBI profile expert to know this guy is a conservative. Just look at his picture!
report: Robert Dear was anti-abortion - and pro-anti-abortion violence.
(According to an anonymous family member or friend who spoke to The New York Times. Could be a hoax, of course.)
Moved to Colorado when pot was made legal.
Probably ate the same cookies as Maureen Dowd and was trying to rob the bank next door.
Peeping Tom. Tortures animals. Hates Christians. Would be rough with his wife if he could actually get one. Radical pro-abortion. Come on. You don't need to be a FBI profile expert to know this guy is garage mahal.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Your only excuse is that you like to gossip and thus spread a really stupid rumor. While relatives we being informed, you were trying to make this a trangendered talking point.
For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist. I have not seen one far righter here express sorrow that people’s lives were torn apart here. And there have been a number of creepy statements that I suppose they think are funny. When you don’t care about life, how long will it take you to make a connection between rhetoric and impact?
Are people attempting to engage WI middle schooler/harrogate/georgie et al?
Dont you understand that the lefties know they are lying? Its the lying that they enjoy the most.
Its just a matter of time before Dear is labeled the de facto leader of the Republican party.
Lefties gonna lefty.
Hey lefties, here's a column for you to consider:
Also, if we are going to say Christians and conservatives are responsible for the heated rhetoric over the abortion videos (none of which actually calls for violence), what does garage mahal, Mark and others make of this?
Hmmm, so black lives matter threatens actual violence and shuts down a school. Promises to kill 16 white people. Now THAT is violent rhetoric. Of curse the narrative was that it was a white person who made racist threats. But, no, it was black lives matter type.
So, what do you say about the violent black lives matter rhetoric that both BLM pushed, but was also pushed by the left. Have you watched MSNBC, coverage for example?
Here we have an actual threat of violence. And yet, Garage Mahal and others, I'm sure are not going to suggest that blacks are pushing violence or liberals are pushing violence. Even though they are.
A lone whack job who lives in a cabin in the woods and is completely incoherent, versus one of many blacks who have been radicalized and are now threatening to kill people.
So, let's get the denunciation of black lives Matter and liberal violent rhetoric,Garage. Cat got your tongue?
Tortures animals. Michael Vick is a republican? Rough with his women. Ray rice is republican? Bible thumper. Rev al sharpton is a republican?
I believe you have described yourself. Plus fat. And, by the way, my "prove it" was to the assertion that he is not transgendered. But that slipped right by didn't it?
"I'd invite Michael K. to "try to understand this," but his comment proves that he can't."
Keyboard commando declares war.
The guy is schizophrenic and your attempt to make him "conservative" will turn out about like an attempt to make "The Unabomber" a serious debater,
Oh Hagar,
One or two Althouse posts on this topic ago, someone linked to another blogger who attempted to put a timeline together. On the surface, it appeared to be impressive work. You might want to scroll through those earlier comment threads to find it. It was a pretty direct go look at this guy comment so it shouldn't be too hard to find. I've not referenced his conclusions because I'm still waiting on independent, alternate timelines to which I can compare. I'm actually amazed that I have so little to evaluate. Once they had "no more baby parts," however poorly sourced it was, all curiousity seems to have drained away from our MSM.
Michael: "Garage I believe you have described yourself. Plus fat. And, by the way, my "prove it" was to the assertion that he is not transgendered. But that slipped right by didn't it?"
Yes, it slipped right by garage.
Just like his future did.
But hope springs eternal in a potential make-work job under a Hillary! "shovel ready" administration!
It's best for garage to keep his sights set very, very low.
CWJ: "Once they had "no more baby parts," however poorly sourced it was, all curiousity seems to have drained away from our MSM."
I'm going to have to see the direct evidence that Dear even said that "unaided".
It does seem strange how, despite the many reports of "long rambling answers" this is the only alleged Dear blurb to have escaped lockdown.
Or maybe not strange at all.
"For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist."
Another idiotic comment from the left. Tell me where the adoptions come from. Hmmm?
I do have to laugh sometimes. I have a lefty son whose lefty wife is a college professor. Recently two black females were outside her class room talking loudly and laughing while she was conducting class. She finally went out and asked if they could be quieter or move to another area. They complained. A black administrator called on her later that day and told her her "racist comment" was threatening her tenure application.
She told her sister-in-law that she never thought it could happen to her.
Sammy Finkelman: "According to an anonymous family member or friend who spoke to The New York Times. Could be a hoax, of course.)"
"Could be..."
Anonymous family member.
Anonymous comment by Dear.
And the lefty world is running full speed.
Actual documentation (whether a mistake or not) denoting a weird gender designation VERBOTEN!!eleventy!!
Lefties gonna lefty.
sunsong: "For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist."
lefty takes time out from defending muslims from inappropriate attention to speak to the "anti-women" right.
Again, the more the actual War On Women is fomented by the lefty's preferred religion, the greater the false and absurd accusations against GOP/conservatives must be ratcheted up.
Obama today had to step over the dead bodies from the mass killing in Paris to proclaim that mass killings only happen in the US.
Oh bite me Sunsong,
I'm not entirely comfortable with my political confreres comments either. But I don't think Althouse is a forum in which to signal how compassionate you are. I give everyone here the benefit that they are compassionate human beings. But when an event has been politicized, well that's the conversational space in which the discussion is going to take place.
Now if you are off in other comment threads telling others that there are principled compassionate pro-lifers that have nothing to do with Mr. Dear, then my hat's off to you. But somehow I doubt it and that your here for signaling purposes only.
this was the link,
Many thanks, narciso!
I think everyone should give that a read. Not because I believe it, but because this guy is making the effort that so many others aren't.
This is Ted Cruz's comment on Robert Dear....“Well, it’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and transgendered leftist activist, if that’s what he is.”....To anybody with half a brain, it was clear, Senator Cruz was merely saying, “We don’t have all the facts.” There is context before and after, yet of course...they want to make this killer look like he is a pro life they will lie, and misquote Ted Cruz.
No, Jared Loughner is not a "right-wing extremist" influenced by Fox News and Sarah Palin, as some have speculated.
sunsong said...When you don’t care about life, how long will it take you to make a connection between rhetoric and impact?
Isn't that the EXACT argument those anti-woman extremists who want to ban abortion make, sunsong, in exactly those words? You know, they say that allowing abortion dehumanizes us, shows that we don't care about life, and that doing so corrupts us and destroys our moral bearings to the point that all sorts of nasty things are inevitable.
Just an interesting parallel, really.
Tell you one idea I have about Mr. Dear. That stupid pop-eyed look on his face is exactly like the look on the face of quite a few people who were photographed by Nazis as they arrived at Auschwicz as you can see at the site. So perhaps Mr. Dear was looking at police officers looking back at someone who killed a colleague. Not that the police harmed him, not at all, but they have different ways of making arrests; and anyhow angry police are a sore for sight eyes.
Thanks for the heads up Finkleman,
CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.
By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.
“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”
A number of people who knew Mr. Dear said he was a staunch abortion opponent, though another ex-wife, Pamela Ross, said that he did not obsess on the subject. After his arrest, Mr. Dear said “no more baby parts” to investigators, a law enforcement official said.
One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings.
My point about Mr. Dear is that he could be a despicable terrorist in the mold of Bill Ayers, Obama's friend, and still look as he did at the moment of arrest. And since he didn't shoot up Planned Parenthood but only shot up police from outside or inside PPFA - well, ...
And, by the way, my "prove it" was to the assertion that he is not transgendered.
There is no evidence that Dear is transgendered. Why must it proven that Dear is? Because the dumbest cocksucker on the internet, Jim Hoft, posted an article on the internet stating so? That's where we are. Congrats, you won. We are the stupidest country on earth.
Ya know..I started to post a quip here about the silliness of this distracting discussion and media treatment..then I thought about the family of the cop that seemed to be a pretty stand guy. Anything in this guy's past suggest he was into killing cops?
Maybe that explains a cop leaking this crap..but.. I'm tired of expending any thought regarding what may be thoughtless crime.
What? Did sunsong post in this thread?
sunsong: "For me one of the major indictments of the extremist, anti-women, anti-abortion right is their lack of concern for the lives that do exist."
-- those who view abortion as murder, that would be like saying insufficient support of welfare, soup kitchens and shelters (lives that do exist) is inconsistent with being anti-murder.'s a little different. But I'd prefer to hear it sussed by you.. Go!
He's not? Some anonymous clerk said he was. Just like some anonymous copper said he mumbled something about baby parts. I am having a hard time deciding which anonymous person to believe. I know, I will let the democrat media decide for me, that,should be better.
"...But if initial reports of alleged gunman Robert Lewis Dear's comments about "no more baby parts" prove true -- and logic suggests that it was no coincidence the attack was at a Planned Parenthood clinic -- Republican politicians who fueled the overwrought and unsupported controversy over selling baby parts bear some measure of responsibility...
"...The current effort to demonize Planned Parenthood feels different. This is, literally, a manufactured issue, cobbled together from doctored videotapes and overheated accusations. The organization's activities have been so mischaracterized, and the practice of providing fetal tissue so overblown and so manipulated by lawmakers and politicians, that blame for the ensuing violence falls more heavily on them, although it is surely not what they intended..."
Ruth Marcus
Strange how no one on the right here seems at all concerned about the two civilians shot inside the Planned Parenthood clinic. While it's tragic that the cop was killed, it's equally tragic that the two civilians were also killed. And this conclusion that people seem to have jumped to that the shootings all occurred outside the PP clinic, why, based on what?
The story was that the shooting started outside the clinic - in the pakring lot - and he ran inside.®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article
He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Ms. Micheau said in the court document. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”
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