December 22, 2015

Let's everybody talk about Trump's "schlong."

1. He's making us do this. He's brilliant at causing the media to revolve around him, and this is a big one. He tossed off a funny word as if he just suddenly thought of it, off-handedly, and now all of us, new and old media, are going to talk about it all day. I woke up this morning, saw the story, and regarded it as my serious duty and amusing pastime to go on about all aspects of the statement that Hillary "got schlonged" by Obama.

2. Is "schlong" a verb? The linguists are activated. Give Trump's schlong some lingual action. Now, Trump knows something about taking a noun and making it into a verb — "verbing" it. People love to take Trump's name — names are nouns — and use them as verbs — as in the Hillary campaign catchphrase "Love trumps hate." She wants to be "love" and to call him "hate"? Does she think love, love is the answer with Putin? Speaking of verbing names, Putin works as a verb — put in — who hasn't thought that sounds like a good schlonging?

3. Trump is making us look at his penis — his use of the word for penis — so he's kind of the flasher here. But it's Obama's penis in the image: Obama schlonged Hillary. Are you tempted to call that racist? Good luck, you fool. You'll have to explain why. Go ahead. Go down that path, you idiot. Trump wants you to fall into that rathole.

4. You know who else's penis we had to talk about — a big fat politician made us talk about that time? Has there ever been a more talked about penis than the penis of the man Hillary Clinton is still married to? Speaking of Hillary getting schlonged. We've had a mental image of it so long that this worked as an Onion headline:
5. The left meme pushed by Think Progress is: "Trump's Astonishingly Sexist Attack On Hillary." But now you've got to explain why it's sexist. As the WaPo piece linked at #2 showed us, Trump used "schlong" as a verb once before and it was to refer to something a woman did to a woman: "I watched a popular Republican woman [Jane Corwin] not only lose but get schlonged by a Democrat [Kathy Hochul] nobody ever heard of for the congressional seat...." As Trump uses the word, if Hillary had trounced Obama, he would have said "Hillary schlonged Obama," just as many of us will say: She fucked him. Women can schlong men, whether they have a schlong or not, and if a woman wants to be President, she'd better have the capacity to (figuratively) schlong men. Trump is surely in the position to explain his use of the word that way. And if you keep up with the "astonishingly sexist" bullshit, he's going to schlong you.

6. A Meadhouse dialogue ensues:
MEADE: "Maybe Hillary has a huge vagina."
ME: "She can store several heads of state in there."
MEADE finds that very funny.
ME: "I don't know if I should put that on the blog."
MEADE: "HA HA HA! OH NO NO NO! When it's men's genitals we're talking about, it's okay, but when it's women..."
ME: "I'm just afraid people don't know the whole 'huge vagina' meme. They haven't seen the 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'..."
MEADE: "You have to protect people from the idea of a woman's genitalia being huge, holding heads of state. 'Oh, what are we doing in here?' 'We're in President Hillary's vagina. She envaginated us.'"
ME: "Wait. What heads are you picturing? Who's in that dialogue?"
MEADE: "Putin. Angela Merkel. And I'm picturing the head of the new Trudeau, because he's so dreamy."
7. Meade wants me to show you this:

Meadhouse dialogue:
ME: "I like 'absolutely everyone can come inside' and taking care of you 'if you're ever frightened.'"
MEADE: "A safe space."
8. As Trump antagonists struggle to portray "schlonged" as sexist, they cause us to think more and more about the question of whether a woman is tough and strong and dominant enough to be President. Yes, most of us think that in theory a woman can be President, but like nearly all men, any given woman is unlikely to have what it takes. We know there's one thing she doesn't have, and that's not literally needed. But all the ideation about what it figuratively means is stirred up as we talk about the subject, which is what Trump is making us do, all by saying one little word and standing back and letting us do all the churning through of meaning. He never needed to say Hillary couldn't be President, but he made other people say things, things that they think will hurt Trump, and what they are saying is affecting the minds of millions of people, massaging our doubts, our resistance, shaping opinions that we don't want to have to talk about, that we know we shouldn't say out loud. Trump's one out-loud word did it all. That one word schlonged us.

9. And isn't it very funny that — in the same speech — Trump posed as the prudish man who thought it wasn't proper to mention that Hillary went to the bathroom:"Where did Hillary go? They had to start the debate without her. Phase two. Why? I know where she went. It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting. We want to be very, very straight up." He won't even say "go to the bathroom." That's the kind of straight-up man he is. Straight up. What erectitude! Rectitude. Oh, you disgusting people. Get you head out of the toilet.

10. A list can't end at 9, and I do have one more thing to say. It's a nostalgic look back to simpler times, back before Hillary got schlonged by Obama, when Hillary had full hopes of winning. It was June 2007, and the Hillary campaign had just put out a slick ad. My response, a list of 5 items, had a point, point #4 about Hillary's deployment of phallic symbols:
Bill says "No onion rings?" and Hillary responds "I'm looking out for ya." Now, the script says onion rings, because that's what the Sopranos were eating in that final scene, but I doubt if any blogger will disagree with my assertion that, coming from Bill Clinton, the "O" of an onion ring is a vagina symbol. Hillary says no to that, driving the symbolism home. She's "looking out" all right, vigilant over her husband, denying him the sustenance he craves. What does she have for him? Carrot sticks! The one closest to the camera has a rather disgusting greasy sheen to it. Here, Bill, in retaliation for all of your excessive "O" consumption, you may have a large bowl of phallic symbols! When we hear him say "No onion rings?," the camera is on her, and Bill is off-screen, but at the bottom of the screen we see the carrot/phallus he's holding toward her. Oh, yes, I know that Hillary supplying carrots is supposed to remind that Hillary will provide us with health care, that she's "looking out for" us, but come on, they're carrots! Everyone knows carrots are phallic symbols. But they're cut up into little carrot sticks, you say? Just listen to yourself! I'm not going to point out everything.


gratefulgee said...

Can hardly wait

Mom 'n' Dad said...

Elongate, or e-schlongate?

Ann Althouse said...

@Mom 'n' Dad

I was making that joke independently, even as you saw the potential. There's so much potential. This schlong is potent.

Meade said...

Oh! E D?

Johanna Lapp said...


Brando said...

"Schlong" is not a verb, but now maybe it is. The young kids are verbing nouns all the time these days.

Fabi said...

Can we speculate about Trump's pubic coiffe while we're on the subject?

Curious George said...

It's yuge!

Unknown said...

A friend of mine met Hillary at a vineyard party in New York when she was a senator.
"She was standing at the urinal next to me....", he said...

rhhardin said...

Think snake.

exhelodrvr1 said...

He really is a cunning linguist!!

exhelodrvr1 said...

This schlong's for you!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Maybe if you Huma few bars ...

MayBee said...

Is it just the heads of the heads of state in there, or the whole head of state?

Brando said...

The resort to "someone's being mean and unfair to Hillary, therefore sexism!" is not just tiring, but damaging both to the cause of women (suggesting women cannot have positions of power, or otherwise they have special immunity from criticism) but antidemocratic, as suddenly we have an untouchable tyrant. Who would have even noticed if Trump used that language suggesting he was "schlonging" Jeb? It's weird terminology, but it's hardly sexist.

What would be sexist? Oh, maybe something like "Hillary was a terrible Secretary of State because women cannot handle that job". What's not sexist? "Hillary was a terrible Secretary of State because she has some psychological need to appear tough which leads her to make aggressive yet foolhardy decisions."

If UnthinkingProgress cannot understand that distinction, they might want to cease publishing until they get a real education. Otherwise, let the grownups talk.

Xmas said...

Appropriately NSFW...

robinintn said...

"But now you've got to explain why it's..." Well, no. That's never been necessary. The next step is for the perp to issue a grovelling apology and be banned forever from polite society. Just because Trump won't do that doesn't mean any of the accusers will have to explain, and the accusations will still virtue signal to people who worry about that sort of thing.

rhhardin said...

You've got big feet.

Yes. Always have had.

You know what they say about men with
big feet?

No. What's that?

Big feet -- large shoes.

- Notting Hill

Bob Ellison said...

Commenting on this post will destroy my future political aspirations.

Martha said...

Hillary! has not been schlonged or seen a schlong for a long long time—literally speaking.
But she may be a master at schlonging .....her enemies.

Brando said...

"Yes, most of us think that in theory a woman can be President, but like nearly all men, any given woman is unlikely to have what it takes. We know there's one thing she doesn't have, and that's not literally needed."

Here's the problem with that--no one seems to have a problem with a woman being president. On the right, you saw plenty of conservatives holding up Margaret Thatcher as an ideal, and the only right wingers who had a problem with Sarah Palin questioned her judgment and intelligence, not her "toughness". On the Left, they seem ok with Hillary or Liz Warren. So while there's this "idea" that someone will question some woman's toughness to be president, it seems no one is really doing that. Can someone think of one example of a person saying "I'd like to support Hillary, I just don't think she's tough enough to be president"? I see plenty of people suggest that someone else thinks that, but no first hand opinions from the doubters themselves. This seems a feminist straw man rather than a real thing.

Of course, Hillary is grossly unqualified for many other reasons, but not a lack of toughness. If anything, she's far too aggressive in temperament.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"I did not schlong with that woman!"

Jaq said...

We will see if Hillary comes back talking about schmeckles, then we will know it's on.

Rae said...

Fox News just bleeped the schlong. Our virgin ears are too weak.

David Begley said...

This post and thread will be an Althouse classic.

Wait until Laslo weighs in.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Some are shocked he used the word 'schlong'
And they're saying it doesn't belong.
But a well deserved pillory
Of that lying hag Hillary
Can never be said to be wrong.

Carnifex said...

So...a lot of drinking at the faculty Christmas party this year, huh? (sorry. winter solstice celebration)

America will select its leaders by a new format, but Democrats will still cheat by measuring from underneath, as opposed to on the top.

Using this method of selection, symbolically at least, Margaret Thatcher would have been leader of the free world for life, and Zero...well...Zero.

Once written, twice... said...

The hillbillyification of the Republican Party continues. This is the guy who has led the pack for over a half year now.

mezzrow said...

Raising the bar once more, in this endless campaign of ____. (checks)

2016. 2016? Really? Still it's about Big Dog and his wiener? Will it end up pickled for history like Napoleon's? It's the only thing with an appetite as big as Hillary's.

Bill Clinton fundamentally transformed more of America with his schlong (some reason I want to add o's to that) than (fill in blank) did with his (fill in other blank).

A game the whole family can play, due to the utter degradation of American culture by 2016.

Sharc said...

Wow. It just keeps going. I'm concerned that Ann may be stroking out. About scholongs!

MadisonMan said...

The left meme pushed by Think Progress is: "Trump's Astonishingly Sexist Attack On Hillary."

Of course they think it's sexist. All they have in their arsenal is the Hammer that says "Bash Sexism" so they only see sexist nails.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Welcome to Jamaica mon, have a nice day.....

AlbertAnonymous said...

The one who can eat the last donut....

MacMacConnell said...

Let's pretend there weren't hundreds, if not thousands of Hillary sycophants saying they thought Obama DICKED Hillary in 2008. Funny, seems it turned out both the Clintons and Obamas are racists, neither take 3:00A.M. phone calls.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Man this water's cold. Yeah, and its deep too...

Tank said...

1. He's making us do this. He's brilliant at causing the media to revolve around him, and this is a big one.

Yes, he's brilliant.

No, he's not making anyone do anything about this.

No, this is not "a big one."

Yes, he's a trolling Alpha Male Jerkboy Schlonger, but no more than the present occupant of the White House.

Bob Boyd said...

Liberal journalists keep thinking 'Surely Trump has jumped the shark this time.'
But no.
Trump is schlonging the shark and the shark is loving it.

CStanley said...

Funniest part about the WaPo link on linguistics is that they bury deep within the article the fact that the only other political usage of "schlonged" was by an NPR commentator talking about the Mondale/Ferraro ticket.

M Jordan said...

A schlong is a schlong is a schlong
If an inch or giant foot-long
It's purpose is one
And that's to have some fun
Which Trump did -- at Hillary's expense -- is that wrong?

Anthony said...

South Park went there years ago.

Mr. D said...

I assume Trump's campaign rallies have a two-drink minimum.

CStanley said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...
The hillbillyification of the Republican Party continues. This is the guy who has led the pack for over a half year now.

12/22/15, 8:16 AM

Yeah, nothing says hillbilly like a Manhattan real estate mogul dropping Yiddish vulgarities.

Snark said...

Please be careful. Navel gazing a schlong can cause permanent wall-eye.

Writ Small said...

Paraphrasing Althouse:

Rubio's legal analysis of gay marriage was insufficiently nuanced. He lost me.

Bush called Trump a jerk. Hypocrite.

Trump said "Well, I think our country does plenty of killing also" when told Putin has his critics killed. Sometimes Trump doesn't say what he really means when first asked a question, so I will choose to ignore it.

Trump said "schlonged". 10 reasons why that was genius!

William said...

A schlong occurs midway between the exhiliration of a slalom and the weariness of a schlep. It's the the not unpleasant state of carrying your gear back to the room after a downhill run. Hillary was hoping Obama would do the schlonging in 2008, but she mistimed the swing of the pendulum and instead became his bearer. It's difficult for a woman to get a Kenyan male to schlong her gear. Perhaps she'll have better luck with Trump.

lonetown said...

This is the kind of analysis i come to this blog for however, what of the etymology? Every list needs 10 items, every word needs a beginning.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Donald Trump is so shmundied and doesn't even know it.

Roughcoat said...

We will see if Hillary comes back talking about schmeckles, then we will know it's on.

I spit my coffee on that one. Good on you, Tim!

Brando said...

"Yeah, nothing says hillbilly like a Manhattan real estate mogul dropping Yiddish vulgarities."

Yes, and nothing says "hillbilly" LESS than two scheming sexual predators from Arkansas literally named "Hill" and "Billy".

FullMoon said...

Hey Albert !

Short Red Foxx

she said ".....then, he says, he could eat that full of ice cream"

Red says ".......and, nobody can eat that much ice cream"

Bill said...

Hillary's vagina is Whitmanesque; it contains multitudes!

Anonymous said...

Schlong and Trump in the same thought, as he says, it's too disgusting to even think about. Ew.

Gusty Winds said...

And we all know that Hillary! hasn't been anywhere near a schlong since perhaps Chelsea's conception.

And if Obama schlonged her, imagine what Putin would do.


Anonymous said...

And so the carpet bombing begins. I hope the Dems have some real dirt on Mr. T. Like he's a pedophile. Oops. That won't work. How 'bout a rapist. Drug user. Caught faking tears. and anger. Secret communist and a Muslim. AKKK member. Oops. A Jue . been done before. Caught in a DUI. A true capitalist who paid out more money in salaries than he made. A bible thumping baby killer eliminator that used his wealth and death desiccator to turn them to street dust - after all what's good for the goose is good for those who think that protoplasm is just protoplasm not worth the food they eat or the damage they do to the planet especially since there’s a booming market in nearly unused body parts and he says the holy spirit touched him and gave him the technical inspiration that created a new application for the systems that emit instant coffee. Aha, that might just do it. Though being a secret Jue might also turn the trick.

We need a new catch phrase similar to the old adage of don't pick a fight with someone that buys ink by the barrel. And has the world's best thesaurus in his head. Darn, I thought our new educational system was designed to prevent this. Some phrase that reminds lesser lights to never go up against someone that's not only smarter than you but willing to take on bullies in defense of the least of us and leave you crying in the street just like they did to the rubes.

More butter on my popcorn please. Especially now that we know that the FDA and politicized science has killed far more than it helped with its d@mn food pyramid.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Well, this comes with the territory. Hillary does want to be dictator!

Theranter said...

Sheesh, no one can take a joke anymore.

He was just dicking with her.

walter said...

He's going to get the Titus vote yet.

walter said...

By the way, if you get the cold shoulder in the faculty lounge after this posted meadehouse dialog, it ain't on us lowly commenters.

PWS said...

I think Anne wants to be Camille Paglia.

Freeman Hunt said...

I have nothing to add to this perfect post.

tshanks78 said...

This might be my all-time favourite post.

Earnest Prole said...

"My vagina
It’s universal
Like a penis
But reversible"

cubanbob said...

Althouse I'm impressed if not a just a tiny bit disturbed at the amount of time and creativity you devoted just to this thread. Still, I like it. Talent indeed.

As for Trump he truly is a wizard in real-estate. Look at all of the square footage he has gotten for free in lefty minds. That is truly impressive and even more so since he has done it so far for next to nothing in expenses.

Anonymous said...

1. He's making us do this.

No, you're choosing to do this. Just like I'm choosing not to read anything else you wrote on this, but simply making this comment.

Own your actions.

Bay Area Guy said...

If you click on Althouse's "Donald Trump" tag, you will see, literally, a bazillion posts about the Donald.

The best one, of course, was Althouse's Dreams about Trump.

Now, she is blogging about Trump's schlong.

I can only conclude that the UW law faculty is so profoundly inundated with Beta Males that the good professor is simply yearning for something more:)

Mitch said...

It is "shlong", not "schlong". Someone can't spell.

vanderleun said...

"Why? I know where she went. It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting. "

Well, when you consider that what went on was the changing of the Hill's colostomy bag and then the smuggling of the fuming same out of the debate venue by her handmaiden and body servant Huma it does become disgusting.

Unknown said...

Althouse makes the point that Trump's juvenile comments are strategically designed to cause the media to talk about his by...writing another long post about Trump. As Bay Area Guy notes the "Donald Trump" on Althouse reveals literally (probably move like figuratively) a bazillion post about the Donald.

I'd like to applaud Vox for not even bothering to mention this episode. The only two pieces I've been able to find there on Trump are one by Matthew Yglesias suggesting that, contra Bernie's theory that Trump appeals to people's economic anxieties, maybe he's actually appealing to people's racism and a piece by Dyland Matthews about Trump's seriously regressive tax plan. Nicely done Vox!

Gusty Winds said...

This is a good illustration of Fen's Law.

Remember the good 'ol days when it was perfectly acceptable to refer to Tea Party members as "Teabaggers"?

eric said...

If I were Trump and someone questioned me about this, I'd throw it back in their face. "Did your station ever use the term teabagger? Yeah, that's what I thought."

walter said...

Blogger vanderleun said...
"Why? I know where she went. It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting. "
Well, when you consider that what went on was the changing of the Hill's colostomy bag
-- this the explanation for the poochy getup?

damikesc said...

The concept of a schlong when referencing Hillary makes mine shrivel up and cry.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bill Clinton was trying to schtupp Monica, so he schlepped up Capitol Hill with his schlong in hand, but ended up with only schmutz on his trousers -- what a schmuck!

(My best friend's Grandmother spoke Yiddish in the early 1970s. Sorry.)

Anonymous said...

In blockbuster Quinnipiac poll, Sanders destroys Trump by 13 points. Clinton wins over Trump with 7 points.

It's enough to make Trump's schlong shrivel.

Anthony said...

In fairness to Trump (words I thought I would never say) most people from NY have Yiddish and Italian slang words in the vocabulary.

eric said...

Blogger Amanda said...
In blockbuster Quinnipiac poll, Sanders destroys Trump by 13 points. Clinton wins over Trump with 7 points.

It's enough to make Trump's schlong shrivel.

Democrats, please don't vote in Bernie Sanders over Hillary. Polls like this may look good now, but he will never win.

Please, please, please don't elect Bernie over Hillary. Please? He is unbeatable in the general election. As a matter of fact, I'm certain he would crush not only trump, but all Republican candidates. And by more than 13 points.

Bay Area Guy said...


Not to accuse anyone of CHERRY-PICKING, but that same Quinnipiac poll shows:

Cruz 44, Clinton 44
Cruz 44, Sanders 43

Just sayin'

AlbertAnonymous said...

IIRC the Schmutz was on a blue dress...

damikesc said...

How adorable. Amanda thinks Sanders is trying to win the nomination. It's almost adorable.

His voters are the most blinded, delusional fools out there. Even Trump fans are more realistic.

"Bernie beats Trump". Yeah, because Bernie even wants to be in that battle...

Dr Weevil said...

What's particularly noteworthy about the alleged Quinnipiac poll is that the blatantly partisan site 'quoting' it gives no link so we can check for ourselves, and does not tell us the percentages of Rs, Ds, and Is polled, whether they were likely voters or registered voters or what, or anything at all that would allow us to judge the quality of the results and thereby make the poll in any way plausible. What's also noteworthy is that that's good enough for Amanda.

Anonymous said...

If Cruz gets the nomination Trump will go third party. That Cruz ticket would be split between Trump and him. Trump isn't to be trusted to support the nominee if it's not him. He won't be anyone's Vice President either.

Here you go Dr. weevil,
Quinnipiac Poll showing Trump losing to Sanders by 13 points, losing to Clinton by 7 points.

Jimmy said...

It is so very enjoyable to watch people as they have a slow, ugly meltdown regarding Trump. The most fun to be had is watching the Sanders faithful dance about-HRC people mostly ignore everything, and I mean everything, because, well, you know shes the chosen one.
Both D candidates stance on everything can be stated in one simple statement. Big Government will give you lots of free stuff. The D's idea of an election cycle is to have NO discussion of anything. Its all settled science. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Climate change. It is the new religion for these people. Socialism WILL work this time, just give us a try. LOL. It is sad.
The D slate is the weakest and most corrupt and delusional I have seen in my life.

Anonymous said...

The Hill is a blatantly partisan site? Yes it's a conservative site.

MAJMike said...

Blogger AlbertAnonymous said...

Man this water's cold. Yeah, and its deep too...

12/22/15, 8:49 AM

Yup. Feel the rocks on the bottom?

Dr Weevil said...

I only know 'schlong' from Beavis & Butthead, and had assumed it was German-American slang (or would that be 'schlang'?), perhaps from Pennsylvania or the Midwest. The etymology is transparent: 'Schlange' is German for 'snake' and German A is not that far from English short-O in pronunciation. But perhaps it is Yiddish (a German dialect) rather than standard German. Ann has access to the on-line OED: what does it say?

Gusty Winds said...

Go see Trumps last three tweets. Everyone did exactly what he wanted.

eric said...

BTW, here is NPR using the word to mean the same thing Trump says it means, beaten badly.

eric said...

Blogger Amanda said...
The Hill is a blatantly partisan site? Yes it's a conservative site.

The Hill is a conservative site?

You've gotta be so far to the left to think that, you're off the map.

Anonymous said...

From Conservapedia.

"The Hill

The Hill is a conservative newspaper and website founded in 1994. They are located in Washington D.C. and are a subsidiary of News Communications. At one time they were a weekly publication but have since expanded to a daily format while lawmakers are in session. News for and about Congress with a special focus on business and lobbying, political campaigns and the goings on in the Washington, D.C. beltway. The Hill has the largest circulation of any Capitol Hill periodical."

Maybe you should tell Conservapedia they are mistaken.

BN said...

Sometimes I almost wish I cared anymore.

Dr Weevil said...

Amanda has now done what a non-troll would have done first time around: provided a link. The poll looks extremely dubious: 44.5% R, 40.5% D, only 15% I? That's not even close to what the electorate actually looks like, grossly under-representing the Independents, many of whom are very interested in Trump. More important, it doesn't seem to give any breakdown as to the proportions for (e.g.) moderate vs liberal Democrats or Tea-Party vs non-Tea-Party Republicans. Fiddling with those is the easiest way to fix a poll. In short, it provides lots of numbers, but far more precision than accuracy. We shall see when the voting starts. Perhaps Amanda is right, but as Caesar once put it 'fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt'.

walter said...

Eric's link active:
"NPR says Geraldine Ferraro was "schlonged"... in 2011!"

eric said...

Blogger Amanda said...
From Conservapedia.

"The Hill

The Hill is a conservative newspaper and website founded in 1994. They are located in Washington D.C. and are a subsidiary of News Communications. At one time they were a weekly publication but have since expanded to a daily format while lawmakers are in session. News for and about Congress with a special focus on business and lobbying, political campaigns and the goings on in the Washington, D.C. beltway. The Hill has the largest circulation of any Capitol Hill periodical."

Maybe you should tell Conservapedia they are mistaken.

They are mistaken. Unless you want to claim their columnists, Bill Press, Lanny Davis, Juan Williams, Brent Budowsky and Markos Moulitsas(?!) as conservatives.....

Good luck with that.

walter said...

Interesting to hear Trump's version bleeped out on Naughty Public Radio.
"He doesn't mean schlonged, he means..err..schlonnnged"

HoodlumDoodlum said...

He has a wife, you know
(about 3:36)

HoodlumDoodlum said...

If he was trying to come across as classy it seems like Trump really cocked it up.

walter said...

The hill Columnists

cubanbob said...

I didn't know Trump was a Mel Brooks fan. Considering he was referring to Hillary in the 2008 primaries and again now with the boat anchor Obama, he is right when he said she was schlonged (by the Schwartz). Spaceballs indeed. May the schwartz be with you.

walter said...

At the core perhaps a regional, cultural insider bit that makes the term not what you center your post around. IOW, you've schlonged yerself..

JoyD said...

God, I read the whole thing...and was left with: who cares? Who could possibly care? Wasted a little of my time, and now wasting a minute more just to say so.
i have a stack of library books here in my reading corner, garnered from the "best of the year " lists of favorite critics. I wish the same for you in the new year.

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