December 2, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio is not "raped by bear" in his new movie.

Drudge is getting something wrong again.

I clicked on the link, which went to Roger Friedman's Showbiz 411, and it says:
["The Revenant"] begins with the same bloody incident that launches the book – the gruesome attack by a grizzly bear on trapper Hugh Glass. Innaritu has taken essentially the following sections of Punke’s book and enlarged them into a feasting by animal on man. The bear flips Glass over on his belly and molests him – dry humps him actually – as he nearly devours him. How Innaritu and DiCaprio did this is a movie mystery because it is as real feeling as Bruce the shark in “Jaws” 40 years ago. It’s as real looking as it could be, and maybe the most frightening moment I’ve seen in a film in eons.
... dry humps him actually... That's not rape. Let's be careful about the false rape accusations.

ADD: Drudge now links to the studio's denial:
“As anyone who has seen the movie can attest, the bear in the film is a female who attacks Hugh Glass because she feels he might be threatening her cubs,” a Fox spokesperson said. "There is clearly no rape scene with a bear.” 
The studio wants you to know that not only isn't it rape, but the bear is female, so it's not homosexual, in case you were concerned. And it's not a sexual assault, because the bear isn't after the famous hotness of Mr. DiCaprio. She means well. She's a good mom. And it's all an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Also at that link, the text from the book the movie is based on:
The grizzly dropped to all fours and was on him. Glass rolled into a ball, desperate to protect his face and chest. She bit into the back of his neck and lifted him off the ground, shaking him so hard that Glass wondered if his spine might snap.

He felt the crunch of her teeth striking the bone of his shoulder blade. Claws raked repeatedly through the flesh of his back and scalp. He screamed in agony.

She dropped him, then sank her teeth deep into his thigh and shook him again, lifting him and throwing him to the ground with such force that he lay stunned— conscious, but unable to resist any further.

He lay on his back staring up...
Not even any dry humping. Just crunching teeth and raking claws.


Mazo Jeff said...

Is "sexually assaulted" more appropriate?

Jason said...

Don't give Laslo any more ideas.

Michael K said...

There are no false rape accusations. Ask Hillary.

Bob Ellison said...

It's not rape if the receiver is male.

Todd said...

Wait, I thought we were not supposed to question or second-guess any accuser? Why are you being a "bear rapist enabler"?

Curious George said...

Well, it's not rape rape.

Qwinn said...

Wait, so "unwanted staring" by a white heterosexual male is rape, but dry humping is not?

I never knew bears were a protected class. Or maybe it's just that the victim is a white male, so it can't be rape. Yeah, that's probably it.

Ann Althouse said...

Rape requires penetration. It may be a sexual assault, but "dry humping" is not rape.

I put that in quotes because I find it such a silly term.

Laslo Spatula said...

In male gay culture, a bear is often a larger, hairier man who projects an image of rugged masculinity..

It is an allegory. DiCaprio is dry-humped by a Gay 'Bear' rendering the rest of the story as Heterosexual Crisis.

In this context the role would've been better suited for Matt Damon.

I am Laslo.

MacMacConnell said...

Wouldn't "dry Humping" be considered rape by the U.S. Department of Education and the intellectuals at our major universities? It would be easy to get a docile trained bear to attack Dicaprio, just show him the last film version of "The Great Gatsby".

Big Mike said...

Would someone with access to a legal research system like Lexis mind checking this? I believe that in most states dry humping certainly is treated as a form of sexual assault.

Mark said...

Vicky McKenna was going off about this last night.

That was the first sign that it was being deliberately misunderstood.

richlb said...

Is it dry humping if the bear isn't wearing any pants?

Justin said...

I love the Hugh Glass story, and I'm looking forward to the movie. Somehow I think they might have taken a bit too much artistic license with a story that really doesn't need it, though.

SGT Ted said...

"Attempted rape" then.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why not "attempted rape?" Isn't that considered the same as completed rape?

Wince said...

Is this a remake of "Man in the Wilderness"?

Man in the Wilderness is a 1971 USA action film about a scout for a group of mountain men who are traversing the Northwestern United States during the 1820s. The scout is mauled by a bear and left to die by his companions. He survives and recuperates sufficiently to track his former comrades, forcing a confrontation over his abandonment. The story is loosely based on the life of Hugh Glass. It stars Richard Harris as Zachary Bass and John Huston as Captain Henry.

cubanbob said...

Well thanks for the info, here is another movie I won't see.

Wince said...

Maybe the rich, globe-hopping eco-weenie Leonardo was trying to give birth to an actual Man-Bear-Pig?

"ManBearPig" is the sixth episode of the tenth season and the 145th overall episode of the American animated sitcom South Park. In the episode, Al Gore visits South Park to warn and frighten everyone about a fictional monster called ManBearPig, which he insists is real.... It parodies the film An Inconvenient Truth, and mocks Al Gore's handling of his belief in man-made global warming, equating it to a mythical beast.

madAsHell said...

It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!!

robother said...

Ann's assuming a fact not in evidence: that the center seam of de Caprio's buckskins didn't break under the grizzly's mighty thrusts.

Rob said...

DiCaprio has been talking out of his ass about global warming. Who can blame the bear for trying to plumb Leo's depth?

Owen said...

This is all very well but having once been chased by a grizzly I can predict with some confidence that dry humping was the least of his concerns.

Jaq said...

That's like a joke I heard on the golf course. A guy is in the woods squirrel hunting with a .22 when he sees a bear, a big bear. He shoots it with the .22 because he is scared, the bear just looks up, comes over to him, throws him across a log and rapes him. The guy gets mad, comes back the next day with a shotgun. He sees the huge bear again, shoots it, the bear just looks at him, shakes his head, shrugs, and comes over and throws the guy across a log again and rapes him again. This time the guy is really mad, next time he brings a Winchester 30-30, sees the giant bear, shoots him again. The bear looks up, comes over and says to the guy "This isn't about hunting, is it?"

Ann Althouse said...

@EMD Your comment was deleted because you violated the rule against adding extra spaces.

lonetown said...

A good dry hump was probably the most enjoyable part.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Did the bear ask and receive consent at each stage in the encounter? If not, it's rape according to the "special snowflake" standard.

bgates said...

As anyone who has seen the movie can attest, the bear in the film is a female

As Science has proven, gender is non-binary, and gender classifications in many situations are meaningless. There is no such thing as a female or male bear. Lol denier.

bgates said...

Rape requires penetration.

You can't confine the bear with your non-ursine definitions.

Also, this business of biting a guy in the forest is a central element of bear culture, which DiCaprio is appropriating for his own one percenter capitalist exploitative something something. Bear lives matter.

Brando said...

DiCaprio must be thinking "if this is what it takes to finally win that Oscar..."

I actually hope he continues to get nominated almost every year but never actually win. Think of all the forgettable Oscar wins over the years--but getting constantly nominated and losing is a rare feat! Then, let him finally win when he's in his 80s, and if he has a good sense of humor about it he will read an acceptance speech that was clearly written in the 1990s, as if he has been waiting that long to finally give that speech. Slow clap.

Bob Boyd said...

Obviously the director, Iñárritu, is an angry closet conservative and the mamma grizzly represents Sarah Palin taking revenge on a prominent Hollywood liberal.

Brando said...

Instead of teaching the trapper how to defend himself against the bear, wouldn't it make more sense for us to change bear culture so that the bears learn not to sexually assault the trapper?

PB said...

Not rape? Democrats may differ.

Fernandinande said...

She bit into the back of his neck and lifted him off the ground, shaking him so hard that Glass wondered if his spine might snap.

I hate it when that happens.

Drudges's original fake headline made it sound like it was a movie by, for or about foxes, perhaps trying to make a bear look bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Iowahawk: the last three words of Drudge's headline are a major letdown.

chuck said...

> He felt the crunch of her teeth striking the bone of his shoulder blade.

A fellow here doing field work was attacked by a bear back in the 70's. He said he could hear the bear's teeth scraping on his skull.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I don't see how anyone can accuse Drudge of getting anything "wrong." He just provides links to "stuff on the Internet." Some of the links are to sites that some people feel are authoritative and/or reputable. Some of the links are to websites that some people deride. Which ones someone considers reputable or not is often influenced by their political persuasion. In any event, Drudge is not in the business of getting anything correct, he is in the business of getting eyeballs and clicks, so he links to things that people will be interested in.

Kind of like buzzfeed, but with a lot less overhead.

Owen said...

Tim in Vermont: LOL!

But seriously yes, a .30-06 would be the minimum you'd want to use. And even then you'd have to be both lucky and good.

John Henry said...

Who cares if it is true or not?

The headline in Drudge "Leonardo DiCaprio raped by a bear" put a smile on my face that will last for weeks.

John Henry

Freeman Hunt said...

I think this is one that Drudge was getting wrong on purpose. The temptation of the "DiCaprio Raped by Bear!" headline was too funny to resist.

William said...

Remember that movie Deliverance and the guy who was made to "squeal like a pig". After that movie 's release, that guy 's life was made a living hell. Anytime he appeared in public someone would yell "Squeal like a pig", and everyone around would laugh uproariously like it was the wittiest thing they ever heard. Maria Schell of Last Tango in Paris had similar problems. People were always waving sticks of butter at her when she went to restaurants.......I hope nothing like this happens to DiCaprio. It would be a shame if some large, hairy stranger runs up to him and starts dry humping his leg very time Leo addresses the United Nations on the dangers of climate change. It would utterly ruin the beauty and solemnity of the ovcasion.

Birkel said...

If it happens on the UW-Madison campus, it is rape if a couple years later DiCaprio feels violated. Never mind the numerous texts DiCaprio sent the bear after that 'magical night' or the contemporaneous positive comments DiCaprio made to friends.

DiCaprio must now carry a bear skin mattress across the graduation stage. Because equality.

mccullough said...

Wonder how much the studio paid Drudge to whip up this publicity

Bill R said...

Classic Bear Hunting Joke

Anonymous said...

What was DiCaprio wearing?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...Rape requires penetration. It may be a sexual assault, but "dry humping" is not rape.

Well let's not be overly technical here, Professor, it's a term of art, you see.

I mean, 1 in 5 women in college are raped. That's a known fact. Rape in that sentence can mean penetration, sexual assault, or (depending on the study/poll) just unwanted attention, touching, or possibly even some contact that was not unwanted but instead just not explicitly consented-to.

Anyway if you think of Dicaprio as a college coed (and I'm not sure why you wouldn't) then it's definitely rape. Rape-rape, obviously.

eric said...

Will there be safe spaces provided in the theater?

Well, its a female bear anyway. Let's remember SJW rule #1, women are good and therefore incapable of rape.

While the bear isn't a woman, it is female. Close enough.

And rape requires penetration? Professor, that's the bravest thing I've ever read from you on this blog. If the SJWs see that, expect protests and demands for your resignation.

I'm serious.

mezzrow said...

I met a bear, her name was Sue
She put a lovin on me 'til I was black and blue...

Brando said...

"It would be a shame if some large, hairy stranger runs up to him and starts dry humping his leg very time Leo addresses the United Nations on the dangers of climate change. It would utterly ruin the beauty and solemnity of the occasion."

Geez, you do that ONE time, and suddenly it's no more trips to the U.N....

Graham Powell said...

"Just crunching teeth and raking claws" would be the best sex I've had in years.

traditionalguy said...

This is a Putin joke, right. Bears are on the prowl in Syria for sure, and they have an Air to Ground Missile system.

Wince said...

Non-masturbating Bear?

Skeptical Voter said...

Hey on your average college campus a "dry hump" is "rape". Not "rapey rape" to use a Whoopi Goldbergism. But good enough to be called rape by the campus diversity dean.

Birches said...

Why would someone write about a bear dry humping as it was mauling? I think the writer is more at fault than Drudge on this. Obviously, I haven't seen the movie yet, maybe it truly is somewhat sexual. You know, the bear smokes a cigarette afterwards. Weirdos.

Bruce Hayden said...

But seriously yes, a .30-06 would be the minimum you'd want to use. And even then you'd have to be both lucky and good.

Well, if you can carry a rifle, then sure. But if you can't? Or, it isn't practical? One answer is the solid cast bullets from Buffalo Bore in Salmon, ID. Guy there has apparently taken grizzlies with even 9 mm, which he contends is the minimum caliber that he would ever go with. .40, .45, and 10 mm are much better. You need the solid cast bullets to pierce the bear's skull. FMJ might, sometimes, work, but the solid cast is apparently much better. Hollow point is, apparently, useless with large bears - it just doesn't usually penetrate enough. But, since you never know what you are going to run into in the woods, I alternate solid cast with JHP, since the JHP is much better for smaller critters like wolves and mountain lions. (In NW MT, we have black and brown bear, mountain lions, coyotes, and now wolves in the county, though only the black bear and coyotes seem to come in close to town).

garage mahal said...

I refuse to believe Drudge peddles bullshit. Nope. Nope. Nope. There must be some truth in there.

exhelodrvr1 said...

If Glass had a safe space to go to, the bear wouldn't have mauled him.

Fernandinande said...

Ron Winkleheimer said...
I don't see how anyone can accuse Drudge of getting anything "wrong."

A few days ago he had the headline "STUDY: Pot rots white brain matter...", linked to an article which didn't use the word "rot" and which explicitly said they didn't have cause and effect.

Here's a new one.
Drudge: "STUDY: Worrying Can Take 5 Years Off Life..."
Article title "Can Worrying Take Years From Your Life?" and the answer is "no, but worrying is a waste of time."

Sure, some of his headlines just repeat other fake headlines, like "Woman jailed for assaulting boyfriend with hotdog", then the article says something like "threw a hotdog and ran over him with a car."

I guess that's what journalism school is for.

Drago said...

I wonder if this movie will case muslims to riot like that "other one".

We will need to wait and see what that truth-telling dem party leading nominee has to say about that.

Assuming of course that she is sober enough and not too confused at that moment.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Not in his new movie, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Gives a whole new meaning to "going bear-backed".

mikee said...

"... dry humps him actually... That's not rape. Let's be careful about the false rape accusations."

In the film, did the de Caprio character consent continually as the bear performed his intimate acts upon him, consenting anew for each physical act? If not, rape!

How many mattress girls, lectures on The View, fictional/defamatory Rolling Stone articles and DoE instructions is it going to take to get America to take rape seriously?

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