December 9, 2015

"I’m guilty. There’s no trial. I’m a warrior for the babies. Let it all come out. The truth!"

The Planned Parenthood shooter, Robert L. Dear Jr., shouted in court today.


Sammy Finkelman said...

Islamic terrorists also want to be honest on court.

eric said...

I knew these Muslims had common cause with Christians, but who knew they'd go shooting up planned parenthood buildings?

We seriously need to get control of Muslims and figure out how we can end this cycle of violence.

Wince said...

Did he actually shoot anyone who was inside the clinic, or who worked at or had business inside the clinic?

Seems like a detailed timeline of his location and actions is very hard to find.

Anybody know a good link?

The Godfather said...

I'm anti-abortion, but Dear's not my bro. He's crazy. If he were sane he'd complain about the disproportionate number of babies of color that are aborted.

Unknown said...

OK, as a Christian I will state unequivocally that his approach is unacceptable, his actions were un-Christian, he was wrong, and he should be subject to capital punishment -- even if he is crazy.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Planned Parenthood needs to ask themselves why they are so hated. They also need to think about ways to appease this anger. This guy seems to have been radicalized by the Baby Parts R Us profit model. Maybe taking less of a profit off of baby parts would be a good step to calm their enemies.

I hope no one on the left tries to judge Dear or anti abortionist. We don't want to make more terrorists.

Achilles said...

This thread will be epic. I am going to take advantage of the moderation delay to predict a couple things somebody will say.

1. See!! All Christians are murderers and haters!

2. The shooters in SB do not represent Muslims!

3. Racist! Fascist! Hate!

4. Abortion is murder!

Our public dialog is truly a marvel. There will be almost 0 critical thought on this thread. This is a troll post 100%.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well, I guess those here that claimed he wasn't targeting Planned Parenthood have egg all over their faces now. I told you so. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. I recall some even saying he never shot anyone inside of Planned Parenthood but was shooting People entering the bank nearby. I hope you people feel foolish now.

AlanKH said...

If the motive had to do with abortion, how come Dear shot at everything in sight *except* the clinic?

garage mahal said...

False flag?

Black lives matter gained control of Dear's mind to carry out the massacre?

Dear is really a liberal?

silverpie said...

Lord, deliver us from our deranged would-be allies...

Thorley Winston said...

It’s been about 48 years since Colorado executed someone for first degree murder. Sounds like the next candidate just volunteered.

Tank said...

Well, OK. That's pretty clear. Good message. Now off to the chair for you.

n.n said...

So, why didn't he kill the killers (aka "abortionists")?

In any case, it was his choice to commit elective abortion; but, notably, he did not engage in clinical cannibalism a la Planned Parenthood. So, at least he is not a fat, rich sadistic member in good standing of our confused society.

Anonymous said...

He bears a strong resemblance to John Brown.

mccullough said...

When will we all agree that anti-abortion protesters are as responsible for this guy's killings as Muslims are for Syed Farouz and his wife?

Skeptical Voter said...

Looks like your average White Christian male to every liberal in the USA.

mccullough said...

A bitter clinger emerges to the delight of left wing nuts

eric said...

I recall some even saying he never shot anyone inside of Planned Parenthood but was shooting People entering the bank nearby. I hope you people feel foolish now.

What difference, at this point, does it make?

It doesn't matter to me if this Jihadist shot up planned parenthood or a bank. Islamic Terrorism is still terrorism. It needs to be stopped. This guy needs to be fried.

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, at least he's honest. He should plead guilty forego a trial and peacefully go the electric chair, for the heinous crimes he committed.

Some people are dogmatically against the death penalty regardless of the individual circumstance, I reckon.

n.n said...

It's just unfortunate that there is not a commonly held principle to commit elective abortion of abortionists that will legitimize construction of a class that encompasses a population greater than one Dear. The abortion rites and clinical cannibals must be chomping at the bit to credibly extrapolate from an exception in order to manufacture an opportunity to defend their "secular" cult and moral insanity.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear who was responsible for those videos. That was a good call by Justice Kennedy.

SCOTUS blocks appeal from man behind Planned Parenthood videos. The Supreme Court denied a request from the activist behind the Planned Parenthood sting videos to block a federal judge’s order to turn over the names of people who supported his work. Lawyers representing David Daleiden had asked Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy on Friday evening to block the order from the district judge, which was upheld by an appeals panel Thursday.

Rusty said...

mccullough said...

When will we all agree that anti-abortion protesters are as responsible for this guy's killings as Muslims are for Syed Farouz and his wife?

You forgot gun owners.

David Begley said...

Just building his insanity defense.

Gabriel said...

@mcullough:When will we all agree that anti-abortion protesters are as responsible for this guy's killings as Muslims are for Syed Farouz and his wife?

When anti-abortion protesters regularly call for the murder of people involved in abortion, and when 25% of Christians agree with them, and 50% of Christians don't want to kill abortionists personally but say killing them is justifiable.

In other words, if anti-abortion protesters acted like Muslims they would be just as responsible. They don't, so they aren't.

Real American said...

There is really nothing we can do to stop these types of massacres. In fact, we should be importing tens or hundreds of thousands of people into this country that think just like this Dear guy, though they may disagree with some of his tactics. We also need to stop supporting and electing anyone who is critical of Christians and Pro-lifers, like the Democrat Party. That's bigotry and not in keeping with Americans' values of inclusion and diversity. Its simply an indictment of America that the Democrat Party and its bigoted views are a major party. Shame on America!

JCC said...

According to his ex-wives, he committed numerous acts of domestic violence, stole money, and was dishonest in his business dealing. He was arrested for CCW and some kind of unlawful possession of a firearm, lewd conduct (?) plus animal cruelty more than once. He was also charged with rape, but the charges were dropped when a witness left town. He had numerous cars, changed addresses, was a drifter and frequented internet sex sites. This guy is a walking profile fit for a serial sexual predator and it wouldn't be surprising if he was suspect in more than one murder or disappearance over the years (there is no evidence that anyone ever thought that though). But somehow, he slipped between the cracks, never got caught on an FBI background check for gun purchases, and ended up murdering 3 people and shooting 9 more, after he started hearing "the devil talking in his head." So, probably psychotic on top of everything else.
He also warned the neighbor to get a metal roof for his house, because the government satellites could see through a regular shingle roof.
He sounds very much as though he had been deteriorating mentally for some time. Why he fixated on abortion instead of, say, GMO grain or the color of Chevrolets, something else, who knows? But he's hardly a spokesperson for the pro-life lobby.
A slimy guy, and I hope they go for CP for him.

Roughcoat said...

When will we all agree that anti-abortion protesters are as responsible for this guy's killings as Muslims are for Syed Farouz and his wife?

Fallacy of the false analogy.

Consider: “The latest polling data show that while a majority of Muslims reject ISIS, extrapolating from the populations of polled countries alone shows that roughly 50 million people express sympathy for a terrorist army that burns prisoners alive, throws gay men from buildings, and beheads political opponents. In Pakistan a horrifying 72 percent couldn’t bring themselves to express … an unfavorable view of ISIS … In multiple Muslim nations, overwhelming majorities of Muslims support the death penalty for apostasy or blasphemy. Collectively, this means that hundreds of millions of men and women support capital punishment for the exercise of the basic human rights of freedom of expression and free exercise of religion.”

See “Dispelling the ‘Few Extremists’ Myth” at

Tell me: how many tens of millions of anti-abortion protestors support/advocate violence as a means of ending abortion?

Lyle Smith said...

Guns didn't do it, the pro-life hatred of abortion did it.

Rick said...

Amanda said...
Can't wait to hear who was responsible for those videos.

It's very strange the progs think filming someone saying something makes the creators and their supporters guilty for everything that happens to the person. If someone shot Romney for his 47% comment would they deem the creator and all Democratic activists guilty?

It's a crazy position but it's so internalized they don't even appear to understand how extreme they are.

Anonymous said...

"In other words, if anti-abortion protesters acted like Muslims they would be just as responsible. They don't, so they aren't."

So does Gabriel think that 25% of all Muslims agree with ISIS, or radical Islam? So 50% of Muslims think ISIS' tactics are justifiable? Based on what, Donald Trump's bogus Gaffney poll? Or just conjecture?

Birches said...

Well, that's pretty clear now. The guy is a nut case and of course, no one supports him or his actions.

I mean, which pro-life organization has retained a lawyer for him or his family? And then given a ridiculously self serving press conference?

Will someone write a column saying that one of the victims deserved it because of their own ugly rhetoric and practices?

These questions need to be asked...

Smilin' Jack said...

This guy seems to have been radicalized by the Baby Parts R Us profit model. Maybe taking less of a profit off of baby parts would be a good step to calm their enemies.

I keep hearing that people are making big bucks in babyparts, but there's a frustrating lack of detail. Can I still get in on the ground floor, or have I missed the babyparts bonanza? Are traders currently bullish or bearish on babyparts? Is there a futures market? Will there be an IPO soon? I missed Apple and Facebook--I'd sure hate to miss my chance to get filthy rich on babyparts.

mccullough said...


I believe anti abortion activists and protestors have every right to protest, stand outside clinics, counsel, etc. We shouldn't, as part of our public discourse, hold people's legally protected speech and beliefs responsible for the acts of those who commit violence on behalf of a cause the others happen to support.

Violent anti-abortionists in the US are pretty rare, but the number is not zero. The most notorious is Eric Rudolph. I agree the problem
Is not as great as radical Islamic terrorism, but the risk is not zero. So I have no problem with the FBI or other law enforcement investigating groups who themselves engage in protected first amendment association in speech to see if any adherents might become violent.

So investigate the mosques for radicals and investigate any group whose adherents engage in violence, however rare.

chickelit said...

He sounds like a modern day John Brown. Except he's not yet mouldering in the grave. I don't recall that CO has death penalty.

Spiros said...

Before the San Bernardino, the press obsessed over whether or not "White privilege" was encouraging men like the Baby Warrior to commit mass murder. It's odd because, although men are more likely than women to commit these sorts, or any sort, of crime, White men are not disproportionately more likely to commit mass murders. That remarkable conclusion is a product of statistical analysis of databases over at Mother Jones and the Guardian. Vast, vast databases on crime at Radford University support a similar conclusion. But you would never know it if you got your news from or the New York Times. Moreover, FBI stats on serial killers, a sort of garbage distinct from mass murderers, indicate that Black men account for 40% of all serial killers. White men are also less likely to be serial killers. So it seems that the nonsense talk about White Privilege has hijacked an honest discussion of these sorts of crimes. It's very odd. In law school, our professors used to lament the lack of attention on crimes committed by black mass murderers and serial killers (presumably because their victims were overwhelmingly black and the media was racist). Anyways, my point is is if you're so concerned about people like the Baby Warrior or the San Bernardino Terrorists, then you should be talking about gun control, mental health and open borders and NOT about "White Privilege."

CWJ said...

Yep, now the motive, as stated, is clear;freed from cherry picking anonymous sources.

EDH@4:18, unknown@4:28 (minus death penalty), and Bill, Republic of Texas (first paragraph)@4:36 covered the rest for me.

garage mahal said...

I hope we find exactly where Dear was radicalized and monitor it appropriately.

hombre said...

Here's Dear laying the foundation for an insanity defense while cognitive dissonants* like Amanda argue that the truth and the First Amendment have been tried and convicted and ought to be executed (but only when they serve ideas she doesn't support).

You and Hillary are right, Amanda. It's all about the videos!


*If I have coined this phrase, it is only because it is badly needed.

Jane said...

Yeah - you are a fairly worthless warrior, seeing as how you killed parents unrelated to PP, among them a pro-life Christian Dad and pastor.

Verdict = stupid, crazy man.

Jason said...

Damn. Amanda has no clue just how foolish she is.

No clue at all.

Mark said...

I am waiting for Michael K to come tell us Robert Dear identifies as a woman again.

I am sure he will have some deflection as always.

Jason said...

Clueless Amanda: So does Gabriel think that 25% of all Muslims agree with ISIS, or radical Islam?

That's already been established, at least for the under 30 Muslim demographic. You didn't know that, did you?

You have no idea what you don't know.

mccullough said...

Dear seems to me to be a little on the old side for a mass shooter. Aren't most of them half his age?

Laslo Spatula said...

Has anyone produced the number of abortions that were prevented while he was shooting?

Just would be an interesting number.

I am Laslo.

traditionalguy said...

No. The Guns are what killed the people. He accidentally purchased the new HAL9000 Weapons.

eric said...

Blogger garage mahal said...
I hope we find exactly where Dear was radicalized and monitor it appropriately.

In his mosque, like all the others. And yes, let's monitor it appropriately.

n.n said...

The [selective] denial of scientific fact and human rights by the abortionists and pro-choicers may be an unprecedented example of group corruption. It reflects an extraordinary self-indulgence and moral insanity that is clearly progressive. The effort to defend premeditated killing of wholly innocent human lives, and, presumably, clinical cannibalism and trafficking of human bodies, organs, tissue, and clumps of cells by Planned Parenthood et al is simply remarkable.

Rick said...

I hope we find exactly where Dear was radicalized and monitor it appropriately.

I do hope we find out how he turned out as he did. But judging from the backstory thus far the path likely meanders about to no discernible destination.

SGT Ted said...

Planned Parenthood needs to ask themselves why they are so hated. They also need to think about ways to appease this anger. This guy seems to have been radicalized by the Baby Parts R Us profit model. Maybe taking less of a profit off of baby parts would be a good step to calm their enemies.

I hope no one on the left tries to judge Dear or anti abortionist. We don't want to make more terrorists.


n.n said...

Isn't Dear known for smoking Puff the Hallucinatory Dragon?

The "secular" cult is setting up straw clowns and will no doubt beat them senseless until the cult members forget their faith pulled from a penumbra and reinforced through flat-earth consensus that underlies an unprecedented violation of human rights and scientific integrity. It's a routine ritual cleansing that follows their abortion rites in order to relieve cognitive dissonance caused by normalization and indulgence in moral insanity.

Anonymous said...

Jason, please provide reliable a cite for your assertion, otherwise it's just more BS.

chickelit said...

Was Dear on the "no fly list"?

jr565 said...

"Well, well, well, I guess those here that claimed he wasn't targeting Planned Parenthood have egg all over their faces now. I told you so. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. I recall some even saying he never shot anyone inside of Planned Parenthood but was shooting People entering the bank nearby. I hope you people feel foolish now."

Why should we? It wasn't known at the time. So why should we profess to know? It wasn't beyond comprehension that someone could or would shoot up an abortion clinic. There have been occasions where that happened. There was however, details that he shot all the people outside the clinic, and none inside the clinic. Leading one to believe that it was possible that the clinic wasn't his primary target. This is what waiting for the facts is all about. I never said he was or wasn't targeting the abortion clinic.
Because I didn't know the first thing about him except as reported on the news.

bgates said...

Can't wait to hear who was responsible for those videos

I marvel at the political skill of the Democrats, able to maintain a coalition of (i) people who think movie makers should be culpable for any illegal acts committed by someone who's seen a movie, and (ii) movie makers.

jr565 said...

garage mahal wrote:
I hope we find exactly where Dear was radicalized and monitor it appropriately.

Um, in his cabin without electricity?
Really now, why is it that you only find radicalization important when it comes to christians who might target abortion clinics.
Lets talk about black lives matter radicalization that leads to cop murders. Or even more importantly, lets talk about actual radicalization that leads to terrorist groups committing mass murder?
Do you want to go out on a limb and say that islam is a religion of hate and violence?
We can't hear you garage. Speak up.

jr565 said...

I will say this. If abortion killers want to be be forgiven more by the left they really should kill a lot more people. Maybe also start chopping off heads and forcing women into sexual slavery. If the cost of calling a christian an extremist is you might have your throat cut on the street like Theo Van Gogh, people like Garage Mahal will shut up right quick.

Paul said...

Says he is guilty.. Ok.. hang 'em.

Achilles said...

1. Dear is a murderer and should be put to death. If I was in the lot while he was shooting I would have tried to kill him myself.

2. Planned parenthood should not be selling baby parts for money. People who sell baby parts for money are bad people.

These are not mutually exclusive positions. But the left desperately needs people they disagree with to be evil Racist! HATERS! to make up for their unsupportable worldview. Just like they can't face real misogynist Muslims because they are scary but republican war on womenz!

Anonymous said...

How do Muslims feel about groups like ISIS? Pew research.

Static Ping said...

garage mahal said... I hope we find exactly where Dear was radicalized and monitor it appropriately.

Don't disagree. However, I suspect you will need a head shrinker to monitor the voices in his head. Either that or a park ranger to find the coyote that told him to do the deed. Funny, usually the coyote tells the guy to eat his own gun.

MadisonMan said...

Charged with 179 felonies.

There are too many laws.

steve uhr said...

He appears to be as insane as Adam Lanza. Hence, whatever comes out of his mouth has little meaning or importance. His belief system should not be part of a serious debate on abortion.

chickelit said...

I do hope we find out how he turned out as he did. But judging from the backstory thus far the path likely meanders about to no discernible destination.

Nonsense! The backstory will lead straight away to the NRA and to Donald Trump!


Bob Loblaw said...

It’s been about 48 years since Colorado executed someone for first degree murder. Sounds like the next candidate just volunteered.

I can't imagine they're going to find him sane enough to stand trial.

Bob Loblaw said...

White men are not disproportionately more likely to commit mass murders. That remarkable conclusion is a product of statistical analysis of databases over at Mother Jones and the Guardian. Vast, vast databases on crime at Radford University support a similar conclusion. But you would never know it if you got your news from or the New York Times.

Remembering back to college, I don't find it surprising at all people working in the media don't understand statistics. J-school people were definitely part of the "math is hard" crowd. I mean, maybe this is malice, but stupidity is every bit as likely.

Bob Loblaw said...

So does Gabriel think that 25% of all Muslims agree with ISIS, or radical Islam?

Amanda, did you just wake up from a long coma?

Matt Sablan said...

"Can't wait to hear who was responsible for those videos."

-- And this is why America can't have nice things.

David said...

"I hope we find exactly where Dear was radicalized and monitor it appropriately."

Agreed. And in determining "appropriate" we need to consider the nature of the threat. When semi-mad radical anti-abortionists start proclaiming their version of jihad, organizing internationally, killing tens of thousands of people whose religion and philosophy they hate, burning people alive and beheading them on video and taking up the cause of groups that have attacked our most important cities, I would put more resources into it. But for now, even the most passionate anti-abortionists, when sane, are not using deadly violence, so I would allocate the resources to the other threat.

Xmas said...

I'm going to guess syphilitic brain damage.

garage mahal said...

"Planned parenthood should not be selling baby parts for money"

They aren't.

JCC said...

@ Amanda -

Your link suggests that in some places, such as the Middle East, sharia law has a favorable rating approaching or exceeding 90%. This would include such things as criminalized homosexuality and infidelity, capital punishment for both, the concept that non-Muslims are worth 1/15 of a Muslim, and the like. For better real-world examples, see Iran. Absent from the list is any mention of Western Europe or North America Muslims and Sharia law, a rather glaring deficiency I would think. Do you think it's just an innocent ommission by the Pew people not to include them in their survey?

And of course, many of those places where support for ISIS appears very low are majority Shiite locales. Noticeably missing from the list are several majority Sunni nations, I couldn't help but noticing. Wonder why the Pew people forgot to include them? And I would suggest that a favorable opinion for ISIS by any number over - what do you think? 5% - is significant. Some of those places have double digit approval...for a sect that publicly beheads apostates, blows up historical sites, preaches the most fundamentalist kill-them-all theology. That's scary.

lgv said...

"When will we all agree that anti-abortion protesters are as responsible for this guy's killings as Muslims are for Syed Farouz and his wife?"

If Dear went to a Christian church where the preacher extolled the virtues of killing abortion providers, and people there knew he was planning to follow through with an attack, then yes, his Christian community bears responsibility. That rarely seems to be the case. I'm not sure Dear was much of a church goer.

If an Muslim watches Israelis demolishing Palestinian houses and goes in full crazy mode and runs into the Jewish Community Center shooting people, I don't blame the Muslim community or his mosque, again unless they new about his crazy plan. But, that is rarely the case either.

We keep getting all these false equivalencies.

We are now about to call Dear a "domestic terrorist". Just think what that will start. Every anti-abortionist will be on the terrorist watch list, and maybe be denied the right to buy a gun. Just kidding. That could never happen.

mtrobertslaw said...

Sounds like Amanda is putting together a hit list. She wants to know the names of all those people who support the guy who made those "baby parts for sale" videos.

Rick said...

Is anyone surprised Garage supports or objects to monitoring various solely based on whether they are political allies? The perfect little winger drone.

mezzrow said...

wildswan said...

Two points:
The prime way to stop abortion is to rebuild the link between the mother and the child - this is very well understood in the prolife movement as it actually exists. For this reason there is huge opposition inside the movement to violence - despite the type of crimes and ethic and medical violations characteristic of abortion such as selling baby parts, targeting blacks for abortion to the point that their birth rate is below replacement level, giving abortions to women who have STD's (it is not at all common to operate on the site of an infection because that increases the chance of post-operative infections), not treating the consequences of abortions at the abortion clinic but pushing them onto hospital ER's or onto physicians, high rates of scarred wombs among black women, high rates of post-abortion trauma - a women's issue that is hidden even as PTS among soldiers is emphasized, tracked and talked about.

But prolifers track all these issues to the broken bond between mother, father and child. That broken bond can't be restored with a gun or by actions that create fear and anger but only by a choice of a different view of life which has room for your child. That's why the name we choose is prolife.

Robert Dear is a nutcase who went psychotic at the time when videos about how Planned Parenthood sells baby parts were in the news and he took this piece of news as his "reason." He has no reasons; he isn't that kind of person.

And furthermore, no one says that the makers of the Batman movie imitated by the Colorado movie shooter are responsible for the Aurora shootings. So why try to pretend that the PP videos are responsible for this guy's actions?

eric said...

Blogger garage mahal said...
"Planned parenthood should not be selling baby parts for money"

They aren't.

Except for that part where they clearly are. But, we shouldn't believe the facts. We should believe you.

Kirk Parker said...

"Amanda, did you just wake up from a long coma?"

Nah, xer recent arrival is just a sign that Soros thinks he isn't getting his money's worth from Garage.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Robert Dear was incoherent.

He said the babies who weren't aborted should be added (to the list of his victims) when actually it would have made sense for him to say they should have been subtracted.

Except that, by most people's accounts, their right to life is not identical to those of adults or already born children, and, by nobody's standards is it higher, and also it hasn't been demonstrated that there were any abortions did not take place eventually as a result of what he did.

On second thought, maybe he was trying to talk about the babies aborted by Planned Parenthood before he got there - in other words that they are the really bad guys. He killed just three people, and they did how many? (If you define abortion as murder)

It also has not been clearly established that actually he cared that much about abortion. He might have had more general complaints.

Early reports from police said that he talked about a bunch of things, including President Obama. He may not have liked Planned Parenthood's political activities and endorsements or endorsements in general by advocates of abortion. He was probably not too keen on domestic abuse shelters, and he may have associated Planned Parenthood with that, too, or with a whole gamut of things.

He may be citing abortion simply because it's his best "mitigating factor" so to speak. (Is gamut the right word here?)

Birches said...

@ Wildswan


jr565 said...

"So does Gabriel think that 25% of all Muslims agree with ISIS, or radical Islam?"
Do you think that 25% of christians agree with Dear? Please provide evidence.

Lets say its not 25% but 10% of muslims that agree with ISIS. That's an awful lot of people. And there is an awful lot of evidence of groups of people joining said groups and acting.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Garage mahal said...

"Planned parenthood should not be selling baby parts for money"

Eric said:

They aren't.

They were only charging for shipping and handling. The human remains were free.

Their accountants could justify anything they could charge.

Anonymous said...

Operation Rescue has been involved with those who have murdered abortion doctors in the past. It would be important to know their role in the planning and production of the videos. Words matter, and people are sometimes held responsible for inciting violence against others, especially if it's a pattern, as it appears to be with this group, Operation Rescue.

Rick said...

How is showing what someone is actually doing "inciting violence" sufficiently to hold them responsible for someone else's action? 1960s civil rights activists showed film of authorities turning hoses on black protesters. Were they then responsible for murders by anyone on their side of that struggle, like say the Black Panthers?

I find it hard to believe anyone thinks this. Once again we see the left's thinking is muddled by their zeal to impugn those who think differently than they.

hombre said...

Amanda is confused about the legal meaning of "incite" in the context of "incite to violence."

She does appear to be coming to terms with "words matter," although context may still be a problem, for example, when a human embryologist asserts that, "life begins at conception," or a prominent Muslim says, "We will wipe Israel off the face of the earth and kill the Jews," or an Iranian crowd chants, "Death to America and Israel."

Those words don't matter enough to be taken seriously by the minions of the left.

Bruce Hayden said...

Still waiting to see a picture of the guy where he doesn't look, literally, bug eyed crazy. That includes the picture in the local (CO) paper here that goes with the headline of him admitting his crimes. Just look at his eyes - bug eyed crazy.

I really don't care if he gets convicted of those 180 or so felonies, and gets sentenced to death, or just locked up in the state run mental hospital (which is probably still in Pueblo) until he can get well enough to be tried for those 180 or so crimes. He isn't getting out in his natural lifetime, and probably the next couple either.

Dr Weevil said...

Amanda thinks the makers of the baby-parts-for-sale videos are responsible for the murders at Planned Parenthood. Does she think the movie-makers have a time machine? Seven people were murdered in abortion-related incidents in five separate incidents in 1993-98, and one more in 2009. Idiots, thugs, and maniacs were perfectly capable of murdering abortionists before the parts-for-sale videos were made. Perhaps Dear was copycatting them. (As I've noted before on this site, so far abortion-related murders have only happened during Democratic administrations - Clinton and Obama. Perhaps we should elect a Republican to put a stop to them.)

I will note that I've never seen any right-wing equivalent to the 'Free Mumia' movement, and am sure we will not see one now. Is anyone demonstrating in support of Dear? Demanding that he be released? Inviting him to Skype his political opinions to classes full of impressionable college students?

wildswan said...

In every movement, in every religion there are the violent and the non-violent. In the case of the Muslims that distinction is made over and over. In the case of the prolifers the distinction is ignored. Why?

It's quite important that no one listen to prolifers because abortion is wiping out the blacks and that is a crime, the crime of genocide. If the humanity of the unborn child were acknowledged then it would be a very short step to seeing other aspects of abortion such as the consequences for women and for the black race in this country. But when the humanity of the unborn is not acknowledged then all the other crimes involved in abortion disappear from our moral consciousness as well and then prolifers, the defenders of these children, also begin to have their rights blurred. I don't think "the moral arc of justice" will necessarily bend toward the right on this issue in my time. Three generations of moral imbeciles among the feminists leaders are working against prolifers.

And yet I always think that justice in this issue will come in my day. It might, it might - it's becoming clear that the Germans and Russians are being wiped out by the prochoice mentality and they have power and are now working to restore the white family as a way of restoring the white birth rate. The American blacks might benefit from this, if they notice it, and, perhaps, so will the prolifers.

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