December 14, 2015

"I would like to be with Senator Cruz for a moment and I would like to respectfully ask him, since he quotes all the lines from 'The Princess Bride' and certainly all of my character, Inigo Montoya’s, lines..."

"I would like to know why he doesn’t quote my favorite line?... After the princess flies out the window and falls into Andre the Giant’s arms.... Inigo says to the Man in Black, 'I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it’s over, I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.' Senator Cruz, if you’re going to say those lines, you’ve got to say the other line, too.... This man is not putting forth ideas that are at the heart of what that movie is all about. I would love for Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred, to consider creating hope, optimism and love. Open your arms to these people, these refugees trying to get into our country, and open your hearts."

Said Mandy Patinkin.

ADDED: Mandy Patinkin has said he wants "to be with Senator Cruz for a moment" to have a respectful conversation. Cruz should take him up on that!


Rumpletweezer said...

He thinks Cruz is in the revenge business. Like doctors are in the revenge business, I guess.

Humperdink said...

Do I play a part in this movie?

MathMom said...

OK, Mandy. Take some into YOUR house.

BJK said...

Patenkin remembers that his line in the movie is a setup for his character to take up a piracy franchise, right?

YoungHegelian said...

Oh, c'mon! If Patinkin didn't razz Cruz for using lines from "The Princess Bride", he'd be forever banned from the best parties at the best people's houses. And if he actually said something in praise of Cruz, why, he'd "never work in this town again!"

These people are so sadly predictable.

Todd said...

Sorry but "peace and love" can't stop evil, it can only enable it. One must be willing to fight evil to enable a place for "peace and love". A hug will not stop jihad. A kiss will not stop a .45 cal slug. A pat on the back will not protect you from a pipe bomb.

Please, adults are trying to talk, Mr. Patenkin...

Gahrie said...

How many Syrians refugees is Mandy taking into his house?

Oh? None?

Then he can just shut the fuck up.

Gahrie said...

Mandy Patinkin has said he wants "to be with Senator Cruz for a moment" have have a respectful conversation. Cruz should take him up on that!

Yeah, because pretentious Hollywood blowhards have such a long track record of dealing with Republicans respectfully.......

mezzrow said...

My Dinner With Mandy.

It would have a certain audience, most of which comments here.

walter said...

"Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred"
spoken like a true social justice princess

Gusty Winds said...

“They Photoshopped his face right over my face!” Mr. Patinkin said last week when reached by phone at his home in New York’s Hudson Valley. “I said, ‘How can I stop this?’”

First of all, how about a big 'get over yourself'. Your not Inigo Montoya. You're just the Dan Rather that delivered the written line. You don't own it. You didn't even write it so you have less of a claim than when smarmy rock stars say the same shit about somebody using their song.

And then maybe continue on with a few more hyperbolic "fear mongering" accusations. Nobody is sick of that yet. The thing that Mr. Patinkin doesn't realize, is Inigo Montoya was interesting and funny. He's not.

I swear this liberal shit is why nobody goes to the movies anymore.

I wonder if Mr. Patinkin is as concerned about Ross Ulbricht adopting "Dread Pirate Roberts" to operate the silk road and traffic heroine to kids?

Thorley Winston said...

Actually I think Ted Cruz’s response should be “only if you can get Buttercup to join us now that I hear she’s leaving Frank Underwood.”

Michael K said...

More leftist blather. What do you expect ?

Jaq said...

I would love for Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred

IDK, I think the terrorists are the ones fear mongering and creating hatred. As soon as he can figure out which of these refugees sincerely believes in freedom of religion, women's rights, gay rights, atheist's rights, etc etc, like we do, and places our constitution above the Koran in civil matters, (Jesus said 'render unto Caesar") and believes in democracy, not that Allah already created all of the laws we need and we only need Imams to interpret them, I will be more than happy to open my hearts to those refugees.

eric said...

It's stupid to take him up on that because its never enough. He would meet with cruz, then he would start camping outside his Texas ranch demanding to meet him again.

Oh wait. That was Cindy Sheehan.

tola'at sfarim said...

a. hes quoting his favorite lines, not the actors
b. if a politician-any politician- takes their cues or policy from a fairy tale, they shouldnt get a single vote.

hombre said...

Here's another progressive apostate Jew from Hollywood who would do well to take a look at the definition of "all," to learn to distinguish between snappy dialogue, movie themes and reality and to reread Isaiah 1-59.

Patinkin is a gifted performer and a caricature of a Hollywood leftist. The mediaswine can always count on the caricatures for comments consistent with the template. "Fear-mongering and hatred?" For urging caution before admitting military age Muslim men from the geographic origin of ISIL? Really? Mandy's knee is jerking so hard he kicked himself in the head.

Anonymous said...

You keep using that word "hatred". I do not think that word means what you think it means.

rcocean said...

Oh Mandy well,
You came and you talked without thinking,
Because Cruz sent you away.
Oh, Mandy well,
Stop talking and keep me from shaking,
And I need you to shut up today.
Oh, Mandy!

IOW, Hollywood leftist favors open borders and doesn't like Republicans. News at 11.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Love Trumps Hate - Hug Your Jihadist Today

JAORE said...

Saying someone creates "fear mongering and hatred" followed by "he wants 'to be with Senator Cruz for a moment' have have a respectful conversation".

Oh yeah, Ann, "Cruz should take him up on that!" Because you take at face value the 180 degree shift from Many P's own "hatred" to his vow of being "respectful"? This is believable to you? Really?

Jaq said...

I am on a kick now of watching one and two star movies on Netflix. It doesn't always work, but sometimes they are rated low because they don't sling the same crapola people expect from Hollywood.

Fernandinande said...

Mandy Patinkin.

Never heard of 'im, but he's lucky enough to look a lot like me.

Which explains
Gusty Winds said...
“They Photoshopped his face right over my face!” Mr. Patinkin said

n.n said...

The refugee crisis exists because the people who created the crisis for political opportunism (e.g. premature evacuation) and social justice (e.g. "Arab Spring"), deny responsibility for the humanitarian crisis created by their political showmanship and social policies. Fortunately, there is a Russian coalition joined by a few good native men and women to confront the threat and vacuum left by Obama et al. It prevails despite Turkey's recent effort to sabotage the coalition in order to enable suppression of its politically incorrect competitors.

Hate loves abortion.

rcocean said...

Morris was such an English Twit. Completely convinced he knew all the answers and that Reagan was a dumb cluck because he didn't want to discuss Burke and the meaning of life with him.

Guys like Morris never understood that Reagan wanted to do certain things as President, and thats all he cared about. He didn't care about meaningless details, or the minutia. Like most men of power, he wasn't "Philosophical", he wanted to defeat the commies, shrink the size of government, and make America great again.

Morris wanted Reagan to be another Teddy Roosevelt, speaking French, talking about literature and his travels, and making witty remarks about the upcoming state dinner.

bleh said...

Why does Mandy Patinkin get to be the final word on what The Princess Bride is all about and say whether Ted Cruz's platform is incompatible? Maybe William Goldman could be that final word. Not an actor who was reading lines.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ahh, the Princess Bride -- taking a nice girl to that movie in college, was always a recipe for something good:)

Spiros said...

This is ridiculous. Someone has to pay for healthcare, schooling and policing. Don't forget about welfare! W. brought in a few hundred thousand of these poor folks from Iraq and most of them are still on welfare. I don't want to hear any of this junk from multi-millionaires who don't pay their fair share in taxes, whose children don't fight these filthy wars, whose neighborhoods aren't overrun by migrants. Enough already with the BS. Donate to the Red Cross or something and keep the rest of us of it.

n.n said...

‘Female Protection Forces of the Land Between Two Rivers’: All-female Syrian Christian fighters take on Isis

Obama's premature evacuation, subsequent rise of terrorist organizations, followed by a refugee plan that avoids responsibility, has created an existential crisis where women join men to fight for their lives, family, and homes. Instead of supporting these women and men fighting for survival, or the Russian coalition that has taken the lead, Obama et al is denying responsibility and shifting the problem in order to exploit democratic leverage and other benefits a la "oil for food" scheme.

Big Mike said...

Mandy Patinkin -- how can one person be blessed with that much talent and be that big an a*****e?

Real American said...

Patinkin will definitely be blacklisted if he has a meeting with Ted Cruz. How dare he?

mccullough said...

The Grand Mufti of Syria favors suicide bombers killing people in the U.S. and Europe for any Western intervention in Syria's civil war.

Can our government competently screen out the radicals from Syria?

Skeptical Voter said...

Oh puhlease as my liberal/progressive San Francisco sister would say. I should listen to Many Pantinkin? Like I should have a hole in my head.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Another idjit who believe the government is capable of loving people.
Kill, yes.
Love, no.

Sebastian said...

"creating fear mongering and hatred." Which is a very loving thing to say about someone you'd like to have a respectful moment with. Of course, no Hollywood type would dare create fear and hatred of a conservative politician. They're just too loving and respectful for that. (And by the way, do these characters also object to "creating fear mongering and hatred" by the O admin and Barry himself? I know, I know, rhetorical question.)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Journo Ezra Klein 4 hours ago tweeted...

Really don't like this thing where we get creators of cultural products to police who can use them based on politics

Anonymous said...

Labeling the various & sundry "fears" is certainly gaining popularity. Who's been spreading fear of cops, fear of guns, fear of losing SS? It's almost like they would run a commercial showing Ryan running grandma in a wheelchair off a cliff or Goldwater causing little girls to get nuked.

Unknown said...

so what part in the movie do the refugees play? and the terrorists?

Titus said...

I hate it when Hollywood liberals talk politics but I love it when Clint Eastwood does-so refreshing!

The Godfather said...

The Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorite movies. I probably watch it at least every couple of years. And Inigo Montoya in a great character, with great lines.

I first saw Mandy Patinkin on Broadway, as Che [Guevara] in Evita. He was great in that role, too. Hillary! is a pretty good match for Evita -- wife of a popular but flawed president, she used her position to amass great personal wealth while selling out the descamisados (the shirtless ones, the poor). Has Mandy commented on that connection?

Titus said...

I hate it when Hollywood liberals talk politics but I love it when Clint Eastwood does-so refreshing!

dbp said...

""I would like to know why he doesn’t quote my favorite line?""

Okay, I'll take a stab at it: He doesn't quote your favorite line because it is not his favorite line.

Michael said...

Cruz is not creating fear and hatred; he is attempting to respond constructively to it, as opposed to the empty suit in the Oval Office.

grimson said...

Mandy Patinkin has said he wants "to be with Senator Cruz for a moment" have have a respectful conversation. Cruz should take him up on that! writes the blogger who turned off Colbert shortly after Cruz came on as his guest.

traditionalguy said...

He lives in a world seeking fear free Utopia by magic beliefs in Government bureaucrat's tender their love for sick Veterans.

Too bad that the Christian Churches, the Boy Scouts, and such had to be destroyed first where people once could go to learn courage and free speech.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Inconceivable! Anyway, that movie is vastly overrated. It was woefully low on laughs for a comedy, low on action for a swashbuckler, and it had Robin Wright.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Patinkin is engaging in a common piece of cultural appropriation here. He's appropriating Mr. Goldman's words and acting (heh) as if they were his property.
However, I would pay money to see Cruz and Montoya in "My Dinner with Inigo". I always wondered how the pirating biz works...

gadfly said...

I have never heard of a Hollywood product called "The Princess Bride; I have never heard of actor Mandy Pantinkin; I don't have a favorite movie; movie stars should stick to acting; Ted Cruz has to have better things to do than quote lines from movie scripts - and no Mandy Pantinkin has no chance to be elected President, so Cruz would not be well served by an encounter with a liberal from Hollywood.

SteveR said...

Its not Mandy's right to choose how the lines he acted out are interpreted, and by who. 29 years ago. How stupid to think you can own your work, once you've sold it.

Etienne said...

People keep talking about the deficit, and non-funded liabilities and they truly are a big number. It's one of the things that strangles what our Congress can do.

But the other side of the equation is assets. The federal government has a lot of assets, that are worth significantly more than the debts.

Places like Wyoming and Nevada. The feds own most of those states. They can sell the land and buildings to the highest bidder. Just like they do radio spectrum.

But there's still a lot of waste. If we are going to say we have to have WMD to exist as a country, then we can keep the WMD and sell Wyoming.

We can sell Wyoming to the cattle ranchers and China. It's probably worth as much as the 20 trillion debt. Sell it and be done with it.

Then after the cattle ranchers and Chinese checks gets cashed, plop down 500,000 Syrians and Moroccans into the new state. Buy them some snow plows. We can rename the state New Syria, or New Maghreb. Book writers can move there and masturbate there instead of in Hollywood.

Then we can keep our WMD on the B-52's and subs. It's a win-win.

LL said...

what a douche bag

Anonymous said...

The current Muslim population of the United States is about 1.5%. I wonder what Mr. Patinkin would like it to be? What is so wrong with the current cultural/ethnic makeup of the United States that Patinkin feels an urgent need to change it by bringing in third world people who share few cultural values with existing America or who are in too many cases actively hostile to them? How does this help America?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Two Althouse threads in one day mocking Cruz. Is the cloak of the pro-Hillary! troll at last cast off?

Tom from Virginia said...

This reminds me of the second half of the movie Jeremiah Johnson.

First they sent Ellen Page after Cruz, then Cher. Now it's Mandy Patankin's turn. Soon it will be Lena Dunham, then maybe Jason Alexander.

Perhaps if Cruz wins the election, in a neat bit of versimilitude, Robert Redford will play the role of Paints-His-Shirt-Red, confront Cruz at the inauguration, raise his arm, open-palmed, in a gesture of peace that Cruz will slowly return, as he turns to take the oath from Clarence Thomas.

A man can dream can't he.

Curious George said...

First, you're name is Mandy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. The actors are almost as naive as the politicians are conniving. Ted Cruz doesn't have "respectful conversations". He has sound bites and photo opportunities. Consideration of his every opinion involves only one question: Which position enhances my power the most?

Jason said...

It may sound crazy, but it's good for Ted Cruz in a roundabout way.

He's made the front pages of the world's papers today.

But who is this "Mandy Patinken?" Why all this howling, hysterical sorrow?

Jason said...

What kind of mincing princess of a man goes through life letting people call him "Mandy?"

Unless it's short for "Mandingo."

Jason said...


Mark said...

And if those claiming refugee status have six fingers, then what?

Meanwhile, the Princess in jumping from the window was not being accepted as a refugee. She was being rescued. Westly, et al., did not stay home saying that she had to protect herself and then they would provide some advisors to assist her. Rather, they had gone to the castle, boots on the ground, to fight the enemy head on.

So by all means, let's stick with the analogy and do what we should have done from the beginning -- defend those who cannot defend themselves in their own homeland. Destroy ISIS where it is instead of waging hashtag against them.

DanTheMan said...

" Open your arms to these people, these refugees trying to get into our country, and open your hearts."

"Your". Not mine.

Mark said...

Cruz could always sing this from Patinkin's repertoire --

And the money kept rolling in from every side
Hillary's hands reached out and they reached wide
Now you may feel it should have been a voluntary cause
But that's not the point my friends
When the money keeps rolling in, you don't ask how
Think of all the Clintons guaranteed a good time now

Now cynics claim a little of the cash has gone astray
But that's not the point my friends
When the money keeps rolling in you don't keep books
You can tell you've done well by your happy grateful looks
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
Never been a lady loved as much as Hillary Clinton!

Mark said...

A new America, the chains of the masses untied
A new America, the voice of the people
Cannot be, and must not be denied

How annoying that Hillary has to fight elections for her cause
The inconvenience, having to get a majority
If normal methods of persuasion fail to win her applause
There are other ways of establishing authority

Ann Althouse said...

"Oh yeah, Ann, "Cruz should take him up on that!" Because you take at face value the 180 degree shift from Many P's own "hatred" to his vow of being "respectful"? This is believable to you? Really?"

It's not that I trust Patinkin. I trust Cruz. I think Cruz is great under conditions when someone is challenging him and trying to argue from text and principle and evincing any hostility. I'd like to see him show his stuff in this cultural context. But I don't have any reason to think Patinkin isn't a nice person. Anyone seeking to limit immigration should have a way to present his policy as benevolent (and certainly not vengeful!).

Ann Althouse said...

"Patinkin will definitely be blacklisted if he has a meeting with Ted Cruz. How dare he?"

Patinkin requested a meeting, even as he took a shot at Cruz from afar. If he refuses when he extended the invitation, what will that mean?

Christopher said...

In the words of the great Iowahawk, "There are no strangers, just friends who haven't killed us yet."--DHS motto

Skeptical Voter said...

Maybe we will get lucky and Mandy will promise to move out of the country if a Republican of any stripe is elected next year. There are those of us who are still holding our breath in response to a similar promise by one or both of the Baldwin brothers--the promise was made when? In say 2004. Unfortunately the two of them are still here in the USA.

MathMom said...

Mark -

What are the songs you are parodying from Patinkin's repertoire? I don't know much Sondheim. You write good lyrics!

Mandy -

You are a Jew. If you show some love to those people - they will be within striking distance and behead you if they can.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The Godfather said...

"I first saw Mandy Patinkin on Broadway, as Che [Guevara] in Evita."

Che in Evita isn't Guevara. He is supposed to represent the common man of Argentina. "Che" is an often-used interjection in Argentina,. It's used like "hey", or "dude", or "bro". Argentinians often say it, and so are often called it, which is why Guevara was called it, and why the character in Evita is called it.

dreams said...

Ted Cruz is not afraid of a silly liberal actor.

Tim said...

Anyone seeking to limit immigration should have a way to present his policy as benevolent (and certainly not vengeful!).

Limiting immigration is benevolent to the actual citizens of said country. Especially when many of said immigrants want to kill you.

Sebastian said...

"Anyone seeking to limit immigration should have a way to present his policy as benevolent." Is "I want to limit immigration to keep Americans safe and to benefit American workers and save taxpayers money" "benevolent" enough? I do not recall you applying the same standard to advocates of more immigration, more Muslims etc. -- do they get a benevolence pass?

"Patinkin requested a meeting, even as he took a shot at Cruz from afar. If he refuses when he extended the invitation, what will that mean?" It means he'd give you a reason, as if you need any, to think he "isn't a nice person" and instead just another liberal Hollywood hack who despises anyone to the right of the left. What are the odds? You'd profess surprise, no doubt, because, after all, he hadn't given you any "reason" to think of him as less than nice.

Moneyrunner said...

I am extending an invitation to Ted Cruz to tell us why he linked to a video of Maniac. Let's see which invitation he accepts, some overpaid manikin named Patankin who repeats words written by someone else ... or me. Who will Ann encourage Cruz to respond to?

Bob Loblaw said...

Who the hell cares what Patinkin thinks? He's an actor - he says words that other people write. If he wrote the book he might be worth a listen, but he didn't.

Karen of Texas said...

I liked him without knowing anything about him in Criminal Minds; and then he just disappeared. He has mental health issues.

Henry said...

They should sing.

Curious George said...

Second, your name is Mandy.

Unknown said...

And why should Senator Cruz spend time with Mr. Princess Bride, as opposed to the elevator repair man in his New York condo building. He is an actor, not a public intellectual (yea,I know, I know). Perhaps his role in Homeland may give better examples to follow and lines to quote.

rcocean said...

"Anyone seeking to limit immigration should have a way to present his policy as benevolent (and certainly not vengeful!)."

Really? I think the onus on those who want more people to come here and increase our population - already reaching 320 million.

How does all this immigration benefit the average American? Doesn't it actually hurt the average American, by driving down wages and increasing pollution and the use of carbon based fuels? If not, tell us why.

Mark said...

Evita (the excellent Patti Lupone original version, not the crappy Madonna Ciccone version) --
And the Money Kept Rolling In
A New Argentina

MP played the narrator/observer/chorus character of "Che"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok, are we not bored yet with this by now? Here is a fun report on Donald Trump's physician and his assessment of his patient's "astonishingly excellent" health.

Titus said...

What are you all listening to on your phones on your commute to work? I am obsessed with Grimes, St Vincent and Robyn.


I am guessing Conway Titty.

Ann Althouse said...

I listen to the audio version of the week's New Yorker, the Marc Maron podcast, and the endless Robert A Caro series of books about LBJ. If I ever wNt music, I rely on Pandora. I like my Jennifer Juniper channel.

Ann Althouse said...

Trump's health is already a topiv in an earlier post.

The Godfather said...

@Char Char Binks (7:09 pm): "Che in Evita isn't Guevara." On Broadway, that's how he was presented -- not as the "real" Che, but as an idealized, revolutionary, man-of-the- people Che. Same military fatigues costume even. But don't you agree with me that Hillary! is a good match for Evita?

William said...

Actors are entitled to express their opinions, but sometimes it feels manipulative. On Homeland, he portrays this wise and benevolent CIA honcho who understands both the nature of terrorism and the need to safeguard our constitutional rights. Our nation is safe and protected when guarded by such men. He's very good in that role. When he speaks up about Cruz, there's a kind of blending of his dramatic role and that of his role as a political advocate. He's trading on the good will and trust that past performances have built up and not on the validity of his arguments.........I like actors like Angelina Jolie and the late Paul Newman. The world is full of suffering, and there are worthy causes that help to alleviate that suffering. Most of those causes aren't controversial. Better to use you celebrity and the good will attached to your name to support those causes rather than, say, the use of chemical preservatives on apples.

jr565 said...

""I would like to know why he doesn’t quote my favorite line?... After the princess flies out the window and falls into Andre the Giant’s arms.... Inigo says to the Man in Black, 'I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it’s over, I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.'

Why would he quote that? That's not a funny line. Which is why, if you are going to quote Princess Bride you almost always go to Inconceivable! You keep saying that word. quote.

Secondly though, the quote he wants Cruz to quote has nothing to do with what Cruz would be talking about.Even if you say that Cruz is in the revenge business, he's not Formerly in the revenge business. That quote implies he's done saying "My name is inigo montoya. You killed my father.Prepare to die". But he's not. He's running for president.

Finally, the quote Cruz used was one that you would use when someone else says something. The quote Patinkin wants him to say is self reflective. So, if Cruz is using the one and not the other, he's trying to tell a person that he is using words in ways that they don't mean what they think they mean. So, why would he use the first quote and not the second? Because that's the quote he would use when making his point. Not the one that has nothing to do with it.

jr565 said...

"Mandy Patinkin -- how can one person be blessed with that much talent and be that big an a*****e?"

There's a top 10 list of worst actors to work with on the internet, And his name is on it. He was a pretty demanding douchebag in his career. Notice how he left criminal minds after a year or two?
I hear he reformed his ways a bit, and when I see him on interviews he actually comes across as charming. So, maybe he's a douche and also not a douche. But why can he be such an whole? Because talent has no bearing on the degree to which you are also an ahole. Hollywood is full of talented aholes. In fact, Im more surprised when I hear of a hollywood actor who ISNT a talented asshole, but a talented nice guy
Gary Sinise seems like one of those.

Unknown said...

Is Mandy opening his house to refugees? I don't think so, so it's just another cheap shot from a shallow thinking actor.

garage mahal said...

Best thing Rafael Cruz ever did was change his name to Ted.

Ted sounds like Joe Six Pack.

Rafael sounds like an illegal dishwasher. Um, ick! (probably a rapist)

Paul said...

Patinkin lives in la-la land. He has played so many parts he can't distinguish fantasy from reality.

Well, 'as you wish'....

Jay Vogt said...

While I personally wouldn’t mind opening the doors to all émigrés from the Arab/Persian middle-east, even though our wealthy friends the Saudis apparently have an existing and un or under utilized infrastructure for just such purposes located thousands of miles closer to those in need and in a more culturally harmonious environment.

And, I can even get past the fact that we do not have and cannot construct a useful and efficient vetting process for years to come – if ever. Probably never.

I can put aside any trivial concerns that I might have with respect to the fact that it is highly likely that within that pool of émigrés there almost certainly exists a meaningful number of individuals who wish to visit grotesque and indiscriminate violence on US citizens.

I guess I could be comfortable ignoring the fact that the religion practiced by the overwhelming number of them is explicitly the animating energy behind their extremist actors.

I’d overlook too the fact that our country, a country largely founded by those fleeing from religious persecution would in this circumstance be accepting the only people from the region who are NOT on the wrong end of religious persecution – the irony of which is not just dripping but is in fact cascading.

I could get myself over all of that if it wasn’t for the fact that to do so would be to put my children and grandchildren further and further into debt to foreign regimes. Seems like being so lavish with my offspring’s money in order to serve my moral preening is just a tad on the selfish side.

M Jordan said...

Here's a reality check, Mandy (if that's your real name): you pretended to be a character dreamed up by William Goldman.

Once I pretended to be Superman and jumped off the table with my towel/cape flying. I hit the floor with a thud.

M Jordan said...

By the way: I taught the book "Princess Bride" for about 15 years starting in 1975. I even hauled a bus load of freshmen to see a special showing of the newly released movie (they booed at some of the changes).

I must tell all who have only seen the movie: you're missing half the joy. The book is a multi-layered satirical delight. I consider it one of the top five novels of the last half of the 20th century.

JustOneMinute said...

"I would love for Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred, to consider creating hope, optimism and love."

Says Mr. Patinkin, who plays Saul, a CIA chief on "Homeland". And I thought Carrie was the crazy one.

Fen said...

Shorter: "Only Hollywood is allowed to use movies to make political statements"

Go fuck yourself Patenkin. You're just a damn actor, nothing more.

Beldar said...

Patinkin is a fine actor. I saw him as Che in the original Broadway cast version of "Evita" in 1979.

Cruz, however, writes his own material -- whereas that for which Patinkin is famous is the delivery (sometimes musically) of others' creations.

I'm sure their conversation would indeed be entertaining for spectators, but hardly a challenge for the senator.

Mick said...

I would ask him "why, if you are such a "constitutional scholar", do you think you are an eligible natural born Citizen.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Because Cruz should have a discussion with every pretentious dickhead who takes a cheap shot at him, especially if they play a character in a movie.

Jaq said...

I should be very interested to hear one of our climate warriors explain why it is better to bring more and more people who are currently living climate friendly lifestyles in the second world, like Syria, Libya, and Mexico, for example, and bring them to the US to live like the planet rapers we all are? How does this help?

Oh, that's right, global warming not that big a deal after all!

Tank said...

garage mahal said...

Best thing Rafael Cruz ever did was change his name to Ted.

Ted sounds like Joe Six Pack.

Rafael sounds like an illegal dishwasher. Um, ick! (probably a rapist)

An accidental reveal of the way mahal thinks. Conservatives, libertarians and Republicans, with few exceptions, were over this sort of thing a long time ago.

Known Unknown said...

"Sorry but "peace and love" can't stop evil, it can only enable it."

Todd is only half correct. Love wins. Love always wins. Love wins because we love life so much that we are willing to fight for it, kill for it, and die for it.

Bill said...

Mandy Patinkin has said he wants "to be with Senator Cruz for a moment" to have a respectful conversation.

Ellen Page already tried that. Didn't work.

mikee said...

As an actor, Mandy Patinkin has my respect. As for anything else, he needs to earn my respect.

That said, Patinkin misses the point of the Princess Bride. It is that a wise older man can expand the mind of his young grandson with wit, humor and good will.

Drago said...

garage mahal: "Best thing Rafael Cruz ever did was change his name to Ted.
Ted sounds like Joe Six Pack.
Rafael sounds like an illegal dishwasher. Um, ick! (probably a rapist)"

Wow, first "black's" and now this.

Garage reveals so much about himself with so few words.

I suppose this might be expected of an undereducated yokel from some backwater rural area in WI. Let's hope it's not a sign of larger racist dysfunction in WI.

Joe said...

I like Mandy Patinkin as an actor, but he's an arrogant ass who needs to stick with acting.

Plus, those aren't "his" words--he has literally no rights to them--they are the words of William Goldman.

Thorley Winston said...

I like Mandy Patamkin. He was great in A Princess Bride and Alien Nation (which is one of my favorite sci fi series of all times) and he and F Murray Abraham are the reason why I continue to watch Homeland. That being said, I don’t care what his opinions are regarding politics or “refugees” or the any of the presidential candidates. He’s free to speak on any topic he likes of course just as I’m free to enjoy his work as an actor and not to give his opinion on these other matters any weight or even consideration.

Thorley Winston said...

That said, Patinkin misses the point of the Princess Bride. It is that a wise older man can expand the mind of his young grandson with wit, humor and good will.

This. What a lot of people miss is that the hero of the Princess Bride wasn’t Westley or Indio Montoya – it was the grandfather played by Peter Falk reading a story to his sick grandson. That was always the heart of the story.

DavidD said...

The Princess Bride is fiction. ISIS is real.

Bryan C said...

Cruz should start practicing his Saul Berenson impression.

Anonymous said...

Mandy's done some great acting. Here he's doing some stupid pontificating.

It's not "revenge" to keep potential likely terrorists out, it's loving your fellow American, and not wanting to see them get murdered.

It would be truly sad to discover that Mandy's just another America and American hating leftist, who wants to let the refugees in because he values their lives more than his fellow citizens lives.

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