December 11, 2015

"He would say stuff like: 'There’s so much going on. There’s so many sleeper cells, so many people just waiting. When it happens, it’s going to be big. Watch.'"

"We took it as a joke. When you look at the kid and talk to him, no one would take him seriously about that.”

Said a regular at Morgan’s Tavern, about Enrique Marquez, who worked there.
Federal investigators believe that more than any other witness, Mr. Marquez, a convert to Islam, has “held the keys” to understanding what motivated [Syed] Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik....

On behalf of Mr. Farook, Mr. Marquez bought the two assault rifles used in the attack, the authorities say. He told investigators he had done so because Mr. Farook believed he could not pass a background check. Mr. Marquez has also described in detail how he and Mr. Farook had been planning another terrorist attack together in 2012....

Last year, Mr. Marquez married the Russian sister of Raheel Farook’s wife. He later told a friend and people at the bar that it was a sham marriage for immigration purposes. He told bar patrons he had been paid $5,000 or $10,000 to marry Ms. Gigliotti’s sister, Mariya Chernykh. He announced the arrangement one day when he came into the bar — which the F.B.I. visited this week — and offered to buy everyone drinks, Mr. Rodriguez, the bar patron, said.... He told Mr. Rodriguez that he had posted photographs of himself and his wife for the sake of appearances, but that Ms. Chernykh lived at her own apartment and would not so much as kiss him....

Shortly after the shooting, Mr. Marquez’s friends noticed a cryptic and poorly written post on his Facebook page: “I’m. Very sorry sguys. It was a pleasure.”


Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

I was told, by people on this very blog, that this kind of thing couldn't happen here. So there must be some mistake.
Guns or something.

Anonymous said...

So the Muslim Mr. Marquez worked in a bar and bought patrons drinks?

Fabi said...

Yet another dangerous immigration scheme exposed. While the article doesn't suggest that the Russiin bride herself was affiliated with the plot, the cash flow generated from this marriage of convenience was fungible for the purposes of terror.

Hagar said...

In some pictures this guy looks a lot like Al Franken?

eric said...

Seems like a lot more should have happened on that day and for whatever reason, cowards, or not prepared, or went at the wrong time, or whatever, it didn't go down.

But imagine if itbdid go down like it was supposed to. We would be looking at worse than France.


Must watch rant by former Muslim woman. Facebook only.

Anonymous said...

3 Walmarts in Missouri have reported large amounts of cell phones purchased by Muslims. Also, propane tanks were stolen in Missouri....They are here, but this administration is protecting them from us.

Sebastian said...

"We took it as a joke." So did O and his flunkies. The joke's on us. But by all means, let's import more of these jokers.

AlbertAnonymous said...

"If you see something, say something" unless it might be claimed racist or islamophobic or un-PC or a micro-aggression or creating an un-safe space or whatever....

Bob Ellison said...

I doubt the NYT has a good handle on this story.

Jim said...

Can we waterboard him? Trump would and 65% would support it.

David Begley said...

When something big happens someone will have to get Barack off the golf course or wake up Hillary.

Birches said...

Looking at the kid, I would have thought he was just talking out of his butt too.

I won't anymore.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

For what can Marquez be prosecuted, beyond the illegal straw purchase of the assault rifles? Conspiracy, with the straw purchase as the overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy? Aiding and abetting, with the Facebook post showing contemporaneous knowledge?

Bay Area Guy said...

President Obama, candidate Hillary and the Democrat party are NOT interested in addressing this problem. They blame Benghazi attacks on a video; they claim Fort Hood massacre was "work-place violence"; they celebrate young Muslim clock boy with a White House visit and shake-down lawsuit against the Texas school district.

Shall we continue?

They traded 5 Gitmo Muslim terrorists for clueless, deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

They want to close Gitmo -- and house the apprehended Terrorists, where?

They called ISIS the "junior varsity"

The Democrat party is not interested in effectively dealing with Radical Muslim terrorism against innocent Americans.

lgv said...

Blogger The Drill SGT said...
So the Muslim Mr. Marquez worked in a bar and bought patrons drinks?

It's OK if or because, blah, blah, blah...

It's all part of his cover. Oh, wait Farook and Malik did use the cover of western decadence. Nevermind.

DrSquid said...

This guy has Asperger's Syndrome and/or is mentally ill. He won't see the inside of a standard prison.

Seeing Red said...

What difference, at this point, does it make? We all know the real enemy is Climate Change. Or Republicans.

garage mahal said...

Terrorist planning plots, shooting innocent people. Terrorists bombing and burning mosques. Not good.

jr565 said...

It was a sham wedding?
Clearly they are doing immigration wrong. Why did they need to pretend to do anything. Just come over and the dems would all say it was racist if cops asked for their ID's.
There is no need to marry for a green card when dems are in power.

jr565 said...

Wenbrobar wrote:
3 Walmarts in Missouri have reported large amounts of cell phones purchased by Muslims. Also, propane tanks were stolen in Missouri....They are here, but this administration is protecting them from us.

Not propane tanks!! guess we need to deny sales of propane tanks to Muslims now? Or have calls for propane tank bans?

Crimso said...

He's evidently singing, so no need to waterboard him. As for the idiots who heard him saying the things he did and told no one...

Unless, of course, it develops that someone did report it, but it was squelched because, you know...JV.

So as is usually the case, there were warning signs.

David said...

It's doubtful that this guy had any real knowledge of sleeper cells behind what he knew about his buddy. Sounds more like he was a punk seeking attention in a bar. That does not mean the sleeper cells are not there. He's just not a very good source about them. (But sadly we do not seem to have any good sources.)

This guy is still not under arrest, even though his purchase of the guns and forwarding them to the killer was against California gun laws. It shows how useless gun laws are, but also shows there must be a reason why the feds or Cali authorities have not arrested him. They better do so soon, because with this publicity somebody might shoot him.

It has been very hard for the terrorists to mount these kinds of attacks in the US. But now they appear to be trying harder and I expect more. A coordinated multi target attack would be dramatic and surely they would like to.

Michael said...

"Terrorists bombing and burning mosques."

where abouts?

Also, France raided a few mosques finding a few dozen guns. Guns. Peace. ROP.

Crimso said...

"Or have calls for propane tank bans?"

Well, you can't take a box cutter onto an airplane anymore. Let's wait and see what, if anything, comes of these supposed stolen propane tanks. People demand bans of everything remotely dangerous in this day and age. Remember Jarts?

Unknown said...

What level of Islamic violence, I wonder, would be sufficient for congress to remove Obama in an emergency panic, unwilling to take the risk of waiting him out even for another single year?

Nah. That would just be a wasted opportunity to consolidate control over the country even further. It takes me a minute to work up to thinking like an insider. Nevermind.

YoungHegelian said...

I'm sorry, but could this whole business look any worse for those advocating "openess to the immigrant community". I mean, this is one big spaghetti bowl of immigrant scam upon immigrant scam, and there's probably more to come.

Jupiter said...

Got Muslims? Got terror!

Michael P said...

That reporter called the shooters' rifles "assault rifles". They weren't assault rifles, or even assault weapons. Why should we trust novel or tricky details when the reporter screws up such a basic, and frequently corrected, pay off the story?

Anonymous said...

"Not propane tanks!! guess we need to deny sales of propane tanks to Muslims now? Or have calls for propane tank bans?"

The PP terrorist nutcase had a bunch of propane tanks, didn't he? Ban the sale of propane tanks to anti abortion people too?

Jupiter said...

"Mr. Marquez, a convert to Islam..."

See, it isn't really a race thing, or a culture thing. In fact, it isn't really a religion thing. It's a gang thing.

You're a punk, and you're a loser. No one has any use for you, and they let you know it. Then you join The Gang, and it's all better. They assure you that you are a great guy, a standup guy, a goddamned warrior even. And all those assholes who put you down? They're infidel shitheads who don't matter anyway. In fact, let's take these guns and go kill a few of them! Jihad, baby!

It seems to have worked pretty well on this sad sack. Of course, this is a pretty bush-league operation, here in America. It really ramps up when you get to critical Muslim mass, and you can start paying your soldiers in Yazidi slaves.

traditionalguy said...

Any thinker alive over the last two years knows Obama is a Muslim Deep Cover Operative. The only question is whether Hillary will continue it for good old fashioned fun and bribes.

Michael K said...

Terrorists bombing and burning mosques !!!!!!!!

Has garage lost it ?

Michael K said...

Switzerland is on high alert. Two "Syrians" arrested with a car full of something.

Garage, you had better get over there to protect them and their mosque.

holdfast said...

"Mariya Chernykh" doesn't sound Muslim, but that could be an alias. Plenty of Muslims in certain parts of Russia.

Unknown said...

I'm wondering if these alleged sleepers have the willpower to keep their powder dry for another 11 months. If they do, Hillary! wins. If they don't, it's Trump in a landslide.

eric said...

Ok, I keep hearing from Republicans who tell me Trump is not a conservative and a loose cannon, that his Muslim plan won't work because, well, how do we know who is a Muslim?

Well, how do we know who is in a real marriage? Let's end immigration through marriage, right?

How do we know who is a communist? Let's remove communist party membership as a charge of inadmissibility, because, how do we know?

Let's also remove prostitution. Because prostitutses will just lie, like Muslims, right?

Let's also remember that lying to obtain an immigration benefit makes you inadmissible. Lying! How are we supposed to tell who the liars are?! We need to pull that one too. Right?

Oh yeah, if you're an intended immigrant without an actual immigrant document, you're not admissible. Get it? If you come with a visitor visa but plan to stay as an immigrant, its against the law. But how will we know? We can't. So lets remove that one too, right?

These dummies make no sense.

walter said...

Bob Ellison said...

I doubt the NYT has a good handle on this story.


cliff claven said...

People who obsess on the Planned Parenthood killer hate America and our troops. I'm worried there will be more government employee union losers becoming radicalized in Wisconsin and going terrorist.

MaxedOutMama said...

This is reminding me of Roof's friends, who just literally did not believe what he had to say, and then wound up regretting their inaction. It's a depressing reminder.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Blogger holdfast said...
"Mariya Chernykh" doesn't sound Muslim, but that could be an alias.

Chernykh is a Ukrainian name. Maybe alias maybe convert but probably just immigration fraud.

Darrell said...

bombing and burning mosques

A mosque in California burned. CAIR probably learned a lesson or two from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton WRT church burnings and money raising and agitprop.

narciso said...

it appears Ukrainian, from a cursory examination, but as you say, it could be an alias,

Big Mike said...

Who modified the rifles? Did Marquez have the tools, parts, and specialized gunsmithing knowledge to modify them for fully automatic fire? Did Farook or his spouse have it? Who else is involved?

Laura said...

"Ban the sale of propane tanks to anti abortion people too?"

But refrain from profiling while doing so. Goose. Sauce. Gander.

Anonymous said...

You can laugh at it all you want, but when dozens of propane tanks are stolen from multiple places..there is a cause for alarm...I only hope that none of your families are affected..You may change your tune.

narciso said...

like they said in casino royale 'don't focus on the bomber, look at the network'

FullMoon said...

jr565 said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Wenbrobar wrote:
3 Walmarts in Missouri have reported large amounts of cell phones purchased by Muslims. Also, propane tanks were stolen in Missouri....They are here, but this administration is protecting them from us.

Not propane tanks!! guess we need to deny sales of propane tanks to Muslims now? Or have calls for propane tank bans?

It is winter. Maybe propane tanks stolen to sell for profit.

Meanwhile, where can I buy a pressure cooker?

BTW, half a dozen bad guys in diff crowded locations each with a five bucks worth of gasoline and a timed attack .....

madAsHell said...

Who modified the rifles?

You can actually buy a kit to go full auto. I really thought that even a kit was verboten. I'm not a gunsmith, but I'm pretty sure Mr. Marquez didn't have the brain power to modify the weapon. Maybe Forook, or his wife, modified the weapons, but their heads were full of Islam. So, there must be somebody else.

I also see youtube videos documenting full auto on an AR-15.

My Lt. Col. father always told me full auto was for fools. You can't aim for shit, and the ammo quickly goes down range without effect.

All apologies to my childhood hero, Sergeant "Chip" Saunders (Vic Morrow) from Combat. He was a bad ass with the Thompson sub-machine gun.

John Henry said...

Blogger Darrell said...

A mosque in California burned. CAIR probably learned a lesson or two from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton WRT church burnings and money raising and agitprop.

Let's wait to see if they figure out who set the fire. I am to the point, as others discussed the other day in another comment thread, that I don't believe in these hate crimes until proven. Far too many, probably the majority, are staged by the by the purported victim. I'll believe that this mosque burning was a hate crime when they identify a suspect. Some non-Muslim.

Re the church burnings in the summer of 96: Those were basically a hoax. Clinton's DOJ investigatd and put out a report (I may still have a paper copy) that looked at church fires, arson and accidental, over the years. There was a steady downward trend that continued right up to the point it got in the election campaign. Then it spiked due to copycat burnings.

Jackson, Sharpton, Clinton et al are directly responsible for those copycat burnings.

Thanks Dems.

John Henry

Those church burnings

John Henry said...

Apparently a plot uncovered in Geneva for Islamic State in Levant to attack Geneva, Toronto and Chicago.

Why Chicago? With the normal level of violence in that city, it would have to be one Hell of an attack to stand out from the background noise.

What do they call a Berdoo style incident in Chicago? "The weekend"

John Henry

walter said...

H: Sleeper? Like with a pillow?

David said...

"Who modified the rifles? Did Marquez have the tools, parts, and specialized gunsmithing knowledge to modify them for fully automatic fire."

Where did you get the idea that they were fully automatic? They were not, from all I have seen. There had been a failed attempt to modify one of them, and the other was unmodified.

rcommal said...

Wait, what?

Whoa, wait a minute here.

Am I understanding correctly from what's being linked here is that Marquez married the sister of the wife of Raheel, the brother who we've been told is a decorated U.S. Navy Vet?

rcommal said...

If it's true that Marquez married Syed Raheel Farook's wife's sister, that is, indeed, an interesting thing, and, make no mistake about it, I think that the U.S. would be entirely remiss if that coincidence wasn't thoroughly, even ruthlessly, investigated. if it turns out that there is no connection at all, of course we, the U.S., and I will owe the most profound apology possible to Raheel Farook, who has been identified as a decorated U.S. Navy veteran [< and as such, I would hope he'd understand the necessity of vigorous investigation].

Meanwhile, a question:

Time to stop referring to the male shooter in San Bernadino by just "Farook"? Syed Rizwan Farook was the male shooter, and there's no question, much less dispute, about that.

Achilles said...

Not sure why they would modify the guns to be fully automatic. Probably playing video games or watching movies. I guarantee they didn't have enough trigger time to become proficient enough to actually fire accurately in full auto. We almost never use full auto overseas because semi-auto is much more accurate and puts more rounds down range effectively. There are vanishingly few times to go full auto.

Especially with AK's. They hit hard enough that two or three accurate rounds are plenty and they are terribly inaccurate for an assault rifle. Going full auto just wastes rounds, forces more mag changes, and causes more jams in addition to reducing accuracy.

Achilles said...

Amanda said...

"The PP terrorist nutcase had a bunch of propane tanks, didn't he? Ban the sale of propane tanks to anti abortion people too?"


Curious George said...

"Michael K said...
Terrorists bombing and burning mosques !!!!!!!!

Has garage lost it ?"

No, he's just feels like one with the Muslims. His daughter is BFF with one.

grackle said...

That reporter called the shooters' rifles "assault rifles". They weren't assault rifles …

The misnomers are on purpose. “Assault rifles” are scarier than, say, “the most popular rifle in America.”

I'm wondering if these alleged sleepers have the willpower to keep their powder dry for another 11 months. If they do, Hillary! wins. If they don't, it's Trump in a landslide.

I’m wondering the same thing. The terrorists are not stupid and by all accounts follow the news cycle just the way everyone else does. I think they will not hold back. I believe these episodes are valuable to them for prestige and recruitment but we shall see.

People who obsess on the Planned Parenthood killer hate America and our troops. I'm worried there will be more government employee union losers becoming radicalized in Wisconsin and going terrorist.

Moby alert.

Who modified the rifles? Did Marquez have the tools, parts, and specialized gunsmithing knowledge to modify them for fully automatic fire? Did Farook or his spouse have it? Who else is involved?

From the WSJ: The Smith & Wesson rifle was changed in an attempt to enable it fire in fully automatic mode …

Sounds like an unsuccessful attempt was made to modify one for automatic firing. Maybe because they did not have “the tools, parts, and specialized gunsmithing knowledge … ” It is apparently difficult to modify an off-the-shelf AR15 to fully automatic.

I just saw this:

Philip Haney told Megyn Kelly that as part of his investigation, he was looking into a collection of global networks that were infiltrating radical Islamists into the U.S.

But a year into the investigation, Haney said they got a visit from the State Department and the Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, who said that tracking these groups, was problematic because they were Islamic.

His investigation was shut down and 67 of his records were deleted, including one into an organization with ties to the mosque in Riverside, Calif., that San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook attended.

Haney explained that if his work was allowed to continue, it could possibly have thwarted last week’s attack.

“Either Syed would have been put on the no-fly list because association with that mosque, and/or the K-1 visa that his wife was given may have been denied because of his association with a known organization,” Haney explained.

Interesting … very interesting.

Rusty said...

jr565 said...
Wenbrobar wrote:
3 Walmarts in Missouri have reported large amounts of cell phones purchased by Muslims. Also, propane tanks were stolen in Missouri....They are here, but this administration is protecting them from us.

Not propane tanks!! guess we need to deny sales of propane tanks to Muslims now? Or have calls for propane tank bans?

So when a propane tank,cell phone operated bomb goes off and ijures or kill a bunch of people you're going to be back here all aplogetic and all, right?
Common sense would dictate that you treat every gun as if it's loaded. But you go on ahead. put a bullet in a chamber and spin the wheel. Who knows you might get lucky.

Big Mike said...

@madAsHell, if you told me my target is a room full of unarmed people I'd want a fully automatic AR. Your father would too.

Rusty said...

Mike. In a room full of unarmed people it wouldn't make any diference.

ken in tx said...

Marguez has checked himself into a mental facility. What ever mental problems he has, stupidity is not one of them.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Mike. In a room full of unarmed people it wouldn't make any diference"

Sure - if they are all standing still letting you shoot them.

Rusty said...

Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...
"Mike. In a room full of unarmed people it wouldn't make any diference"

Sure - if they are all standing still letting you shoot them.

Not many places to hide that a .223 can't reach. No. Full auto would just be a waste.
If you want efficency clearing a room I suggest a shotgun. 12 ga. open choke, double ought buckshot. That way you have the possibility of 9 victims with every pull of the trigger.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Jupiter said...
"You're a punk, and you're a loser. No one has any use for you, and they let you know it. Then you join The Gang, and it's all better. "

Little boy, you're a man; Little man, you're a king!

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