November 13, 2015


The headline in the NYT. "Multiple Attacks Roil Paris; President Hollande Is Evacuated From Stadium."
Shootings and explosions erupted in the Paris area on Friday night, and French news services said at least 39 people were dead, dozens wounded and others taken hostage in what appeared to be coordinated militant attacks.

French television reported that one of at least two explosions had struck near Paris at the country’s main sports stadium, forcing the hasty evacuation of President François Hollande. The explosion occurred during a France-Germany soccer match.

And, yes, I do, see a distinctive difference between those headlines, even though when I saw the NYT headline, I thought: It looks like a Drudge headline. All caps. Shocking.


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Browndog said...

So, I was listening to the Red Wings game on the radio. We lost.

Now, I'm listening to the night shift on sports radio trying to talk about today's events in Paris.

"It's not about religion--except the Christians--they kill people. It's just a couple nutjobs!"

So on, so forth...

Hence, I feel the need to post this, once again. If you've never seen it, take the time.

Watch 3 minutes, you'll watch it all. It's called knowledge.

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

SukieTawdry said...

A couple of things: Today's news dump included the administration's plan to establish facilities in the ME to facilitate processing of Syrian "refugees." The new Canadian PM plans to admit 25,000 Syrian "refugees" before year's end even though he has no way to vet them and no place to put them. We should consider taking to the streets on this issue. These fools masquerading as leaders seem bound and determined to drop the terrorists right in our laps.

And, the BLM/snowflake protest crowd is righteously peeved that the events in Paris have not only stolen their thunder, but also have reminded the public how really fatuous their grievances are. They are imploring us to remember that while the events in Paris are tragic, there are equally important issues to address right here on American campuses. Their tweets on the subject are really quite pitiable.

Oh, and I think this might be Andrea Merkel's political death knell.

The last time I saw Paris, her heart was young and gay...

BN said...

Yes, all caps. ALL CAPS!

That's the shocking part.

BN said...

Sometimes, I apologize to say, I look forward to the coming fall.

Bring it on.

I'm buying bullets tomorrow. TOMORROW (note: all caps).

Michael K said...

"I'm buying bullets tomorrow."

Better get out and buy an AR 15 before they are snapped up. I am.

chickelit said...

SukieTawdry said...

Oh, and I think this might be Andrea Merkel's political death knell.

Merkin and Hillary are both wiggers.

That about covers it.

chickelit said...

@Althouse: Why the disrespect for Drudge in your tag? I want to believe it's a typo. If not, I shall henceforth elide your vowel too and call you Althous. Better still: Althaus.

Karen of Texas said...

Islamic Terror Activities

BN said...

"Better get out and buy an AR 15 before they are snapped up. I am."

Done already. Maybe I oughta get another though. Good idea.

BN said...

On the other hand, maybe we shouldn't worry about this. It's probably just a misunderstanding by the religion of peace of... well... what "peace" means in English.

BN said...

We should talk about it.

BN said...

OBAMA'S ON IT! (all caps!)

Browndog said...

The danger is not the muslims.

They kill, tell you why, and make no bones about it.

The danger lies with the lilly white Westerners that turn themselves into pretzels excusing it and blaming you.

chickelit said...

Browndog has left a new comment on the post ""PARIS UNDER SIEGE; MANY DEATHS."":

The danger is not the muslims.

Q: Why is it so hard for some people ask "Are you a good Muslim or a bad Muslim? "

A: Because "good" vs. "bad" is such a religious trip, man. Can we not go there?

Browndog said...

chickelit said...

It's not for me to decide what is a good muslim; just as it is not for me to decide what is a good Catholic.

Etienne said...
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Etienne said...
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furious_a said...

Browndog posted:

...experiencing the carnage first hand, without regard for personal safety. She lives today.

Hillary in Tuzla dodging sniper fire?

J. Farmer said...

There are absolutely no easy answers to this problem. We can use "war" rhetoric all we want, but the fact of the matter is that 20th century nation-state war power is not terribly effective against the nature of the enemy France faces. France sealed its fate long ago. The notion that you can have a de-nationalized nation is ludicrous. Pessimistically, the same PC cult-of-diversity maelstrom that has engulfed the European content and sucking the United States right along with it. How many articles have white liberals written gleefully celebrating the "browning of America."

You see, the new PC dogma is that African culture, Latino culture, Chinese culture, Japanese culture, Indian culture, or Malay culture are all beautiful rainbows in the tapestry of diversity. But "white" culture or "white" national identity is vicious, evil, and practically demonic. If you express any pride or heritage in a shared white (European) culture then you are pretty much automatically assumed to be a hate-filled violent fascist. In the best case scenario, the United States of the later 21st century will break apart into regional polities under a looser federation for things like currency and defense. It'll probably be through some process of devolved powers to regional federations. The UK is showing the way with its breakup into de facto autonomous states in places like Scotland and Northern Ireland. Long-term planning should include emigration to East Asia. Singapore, Japan, and South Korea are good candidates. Vietnam and Thailand are also potential candidates. The Anglosphere is on a suicide course, and it's probably too far gone to turn back at this point.

chickelit said...

Why should Althaus care whether Western Civilization is under threat? By God, the right of one lesbian couple to raise one child is under threat!

Achilles said...

William said...

"How does massacring random strangers advance their cause?"

You ask this question because you don't understand these people or their point of view. If you understood them you would realize the question they ask is: "How does massacring random strangers not advance our cause?"

They want to kill you. You people need to understand this. They. Want. To. Kill. You.

Leaving them alone is not enough. You have to give them reasons not to kill you. Usually 55 grains at a time. I personally preferred the "match grade" 77 grain hollow points though.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

"...vicious, evil, and practically demonic ... hate-filled violent..."

Don't give up on us yet. We are all of that and more. When we fight them we always win.

People give the French crap for surrendering but when it comes to serving up object lessons in violence they usually do well on things like this.

This wont really be settled until the Middle East is properly subdued of course.

J. Farmer said...


"People give the French crap for surrendering but when it comes to serving up object lessons in violence they usually do well on things like this."

The surrender stuff is a pretty tired cliche, though I do remember a funny line from some sub-par movie whose title escapes me ("The French?! Hitler offered them a bottle of wine for the whole country; they took it!"). Anyway, from a domestic political level, voting National Front is the only way to go, but I still think that is probably too little too late.

"This wont really be settled until the Middle East is properly subdued of course."

This I don't agree with. Most of France's radical Islamic population comes from people born and raised their entire lives in France. Equilibrium in the middle east cannot solve this problem since revolution and disruption is what it seeks. The ideology most responsible for the current brand of violent revolutionary Islam is conservative Salafism, which is pumped out by the Saudi regime across the Sunni middle east. The regime basically has an agreement with the clerical establishment that it will endorse this brand of Islam while the clerical establishment looks the other way as Saudi princelings drink booze, drive expensive cars, and keep company with hookers in the West. The al Sauds have been one of, if not the, most stable regime in the region for decades. Creating anarchic failed states in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria has also been disastrous.

Bob Loblaw said...

The surrender stuff is a pretty tired cliche...

Indeed. Americans tend to place way too much emphasis on 1940. Before that time the French were considered worthy adversaries by all.

The problem is wars, and particularly these kinds of fourth generation wars, are not contests of firepower. They're contests of will, and we in the West have forgotten that.

Mark Caplan said...

At this moment, The NY Times home page features numerous reports on the attacks in Paris. However, there is no mention anywhere of Islam, Muslim(s), Allah, Allahu Akbar, religion, extremist, or radical.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary traveled in high style while Libya was destroyed. Qaddafi was neutralized and no threat to us anymore. No matter - because it's cool to kill dictators without cause.
Libya, through neglect, lies, and utter cluelessness (oh no, not cluelessness but-- divine hawkishness - McCain would agree, she's a hawk!) - is now in the hands of extremists. Résumé. Meade is impressed.

Meade understands the awesomeness of the Hillary and her hawkishness. We are all too blind to see it.

Why does no one want to talk about how Hillary Clinton destroyed Libya?

David said...

Re: French "Surrender"

France had about 210,000 military deaths in WW 2. The United States had about double that amount, but our population was over three times that of France. It was the leadership of France that failed. The military strategy and tactics were incompetent. Civilian leadership had allowed the German military to become superior in material and training to the German. The alliances the civil government had arranged were not helpful under the circumstances. The soldiers fought well enough. The leadership failed completely.

The real shame of France was allowing it's Jews to be carted away for elimination.

Rusty said...

But didn't our president, just yesterday, say the we have ISIS under control?
And I was assured by people on this very blog that this could not happen.

Meanwhile in the real world.
My wife was up all night trying to get in touch with one of her friends who lives across from one of the resturants that was attacked. her friend hangs out there. We're still trying to find him.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary wants to double down on Obama's illegal importing of illegals. (for votes? or money?) She is an amazing hawk. The idea that our own leadership is aiding the possible and likely import of terror/sleeper cells into the country is so freaking hawk. I stand in awe.

Rusty said...

Blogger Coupe said...
Michael K said...Better get out and buy an AR 15 before they are snapped up. I am.

Bah! Chemical weapons are the way to go. Every Dollar Store has your supplies.


Collateral damage, my son. Limit it.

It's not enough to go out and buy a gun.
Learn how to use it.
And then practice.

DanTheMan said...
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DanTheMan said...

>>This is World War 4. It's been going on since 1979, at the very least.

1968. Sirhan Sirhan

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's been going on since 632-ish. And what has been happening since 1948 in Israel should have really sounded the alarm. Of course, they're just Jews, so that wasn't that big of a deal.

eddie willers said...

They want to kill you. You people need to understand this. They. Want. To. Kill. You.

Radical Muslims want to kill you.
Moderate Muslims want radical Muslims to kill you.

Big Mike said...

@Rusty, I hope your friend turns up safe.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike: @Anglelyne, the problem is not to win over the crazies (and progs are nothing if not crazy). The problem is to win over the people whose instinct it is to compromise, to get them to understand what's at stake and why compromise is a non-starter.

The problem is that it's not just the "crazies" who are crazy. For the last fifty years the political offices and bureaucratic ranks all over the Western world have been filled by people whose beliefs about "culture" and human nature, underneath it all, are as delusional as those of any screeching Marxist cat lady, no matter what side - "conservative" or "liberal" - they claim to belong to. (Ever hear any Republicans say, "Hey, you know what, maybe diversity isn't our strength. Maybe not everybody's thang is compatible with what we've got goin' on here in the West"? Me neither. They think importing jillions of Muslims into Western countries is a fabulous idea, too. Because...Proposition Nation!)

For the last fifty years anyone in the West who voiced the mildest skepticism - or common sense - about the reigning universalist dogma has been marginalized as a "right-wing extremist", a "xenophobe", etc. And just about everyone in the West has gone along with this. Yes, we do have to win over the "crazies", because the crazy runs broad and deep.

sane_voter said...

I am ready to publicly protest Obama's mass importation of Syrians, but no one is organizing. Maybe Trump's campaign could start this? If it extended to protesting our insane levels of overall immigration it would be even better, but baby steps.

sane_voter said...

Also, remember, stay out of gun-free zones. When this comes to the US, that is where it will take place.

traditionalguy said...

The Crazy faith has been the wish that a United States could be formed from European Nations to stop wars, and that a United States could be formed from the entire boundary free planet to stop wars.

But no Protestant Christian culture to support representative government existed in those places. Just claiming a World Currency Control ( Which IS Faux Global Warming's goal)will not erase cultures within their own boundaries.

And Jihad just keeps rolling along and will until some strong leadership wills to kill the Muslim Raider Killers.

That someone will not be a Kenyan Muslin masked as a US President.

Anonymous said...

sane_voter: I am ready to publicly protest Obama's mass importation of Syrians, but no one is organizing. Maybe Trump's campaign could start this? If it extended to protesting our insane levels of overall immigration it would be even better, but baby steps.

You may already be familiar with Refugee Resettlement Watch, but it's a good place to start for background on the bureaucratically-entrenched, out-of-control "refugee" racket in this country. Obama's mass importation bid is nothing new.

Big Mike said...

@Anglelyne, my "solution" is to ignore the people who want to use labels to marginalize me. I think that there is a preference cascade coming, where ordinary folks realize all at once that what "everybody" says is an extreme position is actually in the mainstream of the reality-based life that folks not living in sheltered enclaves in New York or DC or LA or San Fran or Eugene, OR have to live. Then things will change fast and hard. An example, in a different direction, is the Confederate battle flag. "Everybody" knew that you couldn't take the Confederate battle flag down in southern states. But once Nikki Haley (Republican, BTW) ordered it taken down in South Carolina, they came down all over the south with great rapidity.

There's an awful lot on the left that "everyone" believes will be there forever and ever. It won't be, just as soon as the people on the other side and in the middle understand that the position being pushed is a minority, extremist position.

virgil xenophon said...

What Anglelyne said @*8:01AM!!!

Birches said...

At this moment, The NY Times home page features numerous reports on the attacks in Paris. However, there is no mention anywhere of Islam, Muslim(s), Allah, Allahu Akbar, religion, extremist, or radical.

The love that dares not to speak its name...

Everyone knows who the perps are, but the NYTs would feel icky pointing it out.

NYTs. Giving us Newspeak at its finest.

chuck said...

> Hillary's relative hawkishness will now come to the fore.

I think you are mistaking the common asshole for the rare son-of-a-bitch. The two birds look similar from a distance, but behave differently in a crisis.

pm317 said...

As usual, Trump's instincts got there first.

Exactly right. Not only that he has identified going after their moneymaker oil. Why have they been allowed to have that all this time and grow and strengthen?

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Big Mike: @Anglelyne, my "solution" is to ignore the people who want to use labels to marginalize me. I think that there is a preference cascade coming, where ordinary folks realize all at once that what "everybody" says is an extreme position is actually in the mainstream of the reality-based life that folks not living in sheltered enclaves in New York or DC or LA or San Fran or Eugene, OR have to live. Then things will change fast and hard.

Oh, I absolutely agree with you about "preference cascades" and what everybody thinks everybody else is thinking. I'm more pessimistic sometimes about "things changing fast and hard" before it's too late. Everybody but the real crazies will probably have a shining moment of clarity (or sheer piss-in-their-shoes panic) in the end, but..."in the end" just might be, ya know, the end. Defeat. No return. Game Over.

No, I'm not really that kind of no-hoper, but the above does happen. I do notice more and more that if I subtly and diplomatically probe the nicest, most right-thinking, NPR-iest people about certain issues, gently leading the conversation (or politely pressing just one more little glass of wine on them), the most unexpected opinions sometimes start to emerge. (I can be really evil this way.) This gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

v-xen @11/14/15, 9:55 AM: thanks for the upvote.

Rusty said...

Big Mike @ 7:59

Old Bill tied one on yesterday and had his phone turned off. His daughter was on vacation somewhere in the Alps and had to cut it short to go see if he was all right.
He's fine.
She's furious.
Everybody is accounted for.
Thank you for your concern.

Nichevo said...

I work for the frogs. A girl in the office could not contain herself cuz her brother lives a block away from the stadium bombing or something. He's alright too. Glad your people are okay.

Nichevo said...

They may f*** with their faces and fight with their feet but the Redcoats wouldn't have told you that in 1757, not the surviving ones. The French have an unfortunate history of losing wars not so much that they don't like to fight them.

I don't think they're going to not fight now. Where it leads who can say. But the one thing they will do is get to the bottom of this.

Jupiter said...

Clyde said...
"In the past, those people coming from the other side of the hill or the river or from across the ocean often were looking to rob you and kill you, rape your women and enslave your children."

What's "the past" got to do with it? The Koran states, in no uncertain terms, that their aim is to kill us, rape our women, and enslave our children. And that is exactly what they plan to do. And they are ready to die trying.

The way you tell whether a Muslim is a good one or a bad one is to check for a pulse. Good Muslims don't have one.

Steven Wilson said...

Interesting that with all the talk of diversity being a source of strength, how was it that the Austro-Hungarian Empire didn't come to rule by default. An army with thirteen (at least languages) Roman Catholic, Muslims, Eastern Orthodox and even a few Protestants. It's no wonder they were irresistible and their victory in the Great War which ended in 1918 ushered in the Pax Austro-Hungarian which flourishes now and as far as we can project into the future. Only climate change threatens it.

Sammy Finkelman said...

John said...11/13/15, 7:16 PM

The UN says that over 218,000 migrants arrived in Europe in October alone. It will be more, maybe even double, in November.

If 1% are bad actors, that it 2,180 more terrorists. That is going to end well.

It's not 1%. It is 1 (or possibly 2) out of 218,000. That's 1 out 100,000 or 200,000or or .00001 or .001% (or half of that.)

Assuming that is, that the terrorist with a Syrian passport obtained it in Syria and not in Europe..

It wasn't crucial. There were eight of them, and 6 or 7 of them got there some other way. One had an Egyptian passport. One grew up in France, it seems. The rest no word yet.

Other people were involved. A vehicle with weapons was intercepted in Bavaria (on the German Austrian border?) during a routine check on a motorway between Munich and Saltzberg (heading toward Paris?) on November 5, but this was not enough of a clue as to what or when. He's not a Moslem. Some unexpected border controls had been put in place. They would have been looking for migrants. They found machine guns, revolvers and explosives. The 51-year old man from Montenegro driving it remained silent.

Also involved was a car rented in Belgium. Belgium keeps coming up.

Rusty said...

Thanks , Althouse.

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