November 1, 2015

Ivana Trump said "Yes, but the problem is, what is he going to do with his third wife?"

The "yes" was a response to someone telling Ivana that she would have made a great First Lady. The "third wife" is Melania Trump. According to Ivana, "She can’t talk, she can’t give a speech, she doesn’t go to events, she doesn’t (seem to) want to be involved." Ivana nevertheless thinks Donald will be "a great President": "He’ll surround himself with the right people. He was always meant to be a politician."

Ivana said that she "suggested to Donald that he should run for President in the ’80s... Then he got involved with Marla Maples and America hated him."  Maples was the second wife, the one who made him need to wait 30 years to do that run for President and to need to have to do it with a wife who can't even talk and doesn't want to be involved instead of the wife who would have been a first wife and would have made a great First Lady.

And that's the way the first wife tells it.

(Photo source.)


traditionalguy said...

Trump has shown courage. Despite the high costs of divorce, he sought marriages until he got it right.

And that the children are happy with his ways says a lot. He is doing it right.

Phil 314 said...

"he sought marriages until he got it right."

Now that right there is some funny shit.

traditionalguy said...

Real life is funny. Marla Maples was his one missed grounder.

urpower said...

I think interwoven in there is Sarah Palin's early admiration for Ivana Trump. Weren't pieces of her style even taken from Ivana? Ivana's divorce and Palin's first political race came the same year. The GOP anima released upon the world...

chickelit said...

There's just no way that Trump sews up America's first wife vote. That's definitely going to Hillary who's proud of still being a first wife and proud of doing what it took to stay in that position.

Moneyrunner said...

That's another piece of crap that the Clintons brought to the Presidency: "two for the price of one." What they were selling was a couple that could do it all. In reality they offered a horndog rapist and a woman whose job it was to trash any woman who came forward about his sexual attacks.

Who cares who the President's spouse is? It's not an elected office. The current occupant is busy ruining school lunches and taking lavish vacations at taxpayer expense. Who remembers that Laura Bush was all about literacy, and how's that working out for you.

This is a topic only a self-absorbed woman with multiple partners could be interested in.

Chris N said...

By the way, check out 'Trump: The Game' when you get the chance...

Fun and challenging, great at weddings.

You're all great people.

And what's with Althouse's bohemian past?

Bob Dylan worship....hippies...

I know America, I do business with her, I build things.

Let's build America!

Fuck you!

Ann Althouse said...

".. he sought marriages until he got it right...."


Maybe you're laughing, but it's not funny. If you are serious... yeesh.

Is it supposed to be funny because it's a cliché joke that is used by men who've been married more than once? It's not a good joke to be used by a man who lost his first wife because he was egregiously and notoriously unfaithful to her. He should keep quiet, which I think maybe Trump does. I think the truth is, he should have kept his first wife. He made a terrible mistake but emerged at the other end of the mistake that was Marla, found somebody else, Melania. He knows now not to say anything bad about Melania. And he most certainly should not be flattering Melania at the expense of the first wife, which is what traditionguy imagines him doing.

Ann Althouse said...

"By the way, check out 'Trump: The Game' when you get the chance..."

I have it in my office. It was given to me long ago as an anonymous gift (because I was blogging about The Apprentice).

No one has ever asked to play it.

Meade said...

"There's just no way that Trump sews up America's first wife vote. That's definitely going to Hillary who's proud of still being a first wife and proud of doing what it took to stay in that position."

Very well put. A little snarky but... mmm.

Martha said...

The Donald should have kept his first wife?
I think he is happy with the non-talking gorgeous third wife.

Men who leave the first wife and mother of their children for younger firmer bouncier second and third wives are not exhibiting a momentary lapse in judgment. They are following their lust deliberately and successfully.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail?

chickelit said...

Very well put. A little snarky but... mmm.

Well thank you for the compliment, Meade.

But "snarky" because I wrote "proud of doing" rather than "proud of bearing"? She did bear some responsibility for defending Bill at the expense of others' characters. That cannot be swept under a rug. Had I used "proud of bearing," it would cast Hillary as more of a saint.

Michael K said...

If the present wife can't talk, maybe she fits in that post above about the unconscious boyfriend. There are talents that don't play well on stage but are still important.

Kirk Parker said...

"Who cares who the President's spouse is? "

Hear, hear! Let Denis Thatcher be your model. Or what's-her-name, the wife of Howard Dean, who kept such a low profile when Dean was running that I can't remember her name, and when criticized for not appearing on the campaign trail retoted, "I have my own job" or words to that effect.

virgil xenophon said...

Look, Trump has probably found a totally compatible mate, i.e., someone who will meet him naked at the front door at the end of a long business day with martinis in hand for hardly needs be a great conversationalist to meet that standard..

walter said...

After seeing how the first black president has "healed" race relations, the only good reason to vote based on Vagina is to potentially make people re-evaluate the unelected, unaccountable abusive of power that is the 1st spouse. It's holdover from the monarchy. We of all folks should have avoided that.

madAsHell said...

Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail?

I've had a security clearance. They promised me that I would be under the jail if I pulled the shit she pulled.

We should start a BlackLiesMuttered effort, and interrupt her campaign speeches with chants asking "Why is Hillary not in jail?".

Sebastian said...

Times have changed, but Trump's mistake was to consent to divorce. Should have followed the example of JFK, LBJ, Bill "Jeff" Clinton. Share girls with mafiosi, have your wife cook dinner for your lovers, serially harass your underlings: that's the way Progs like it. With "wives" standing by their men, of course, their fortitude a photo-feminist achievement.

Leslie Graves said...

He looks very cute in that picture. I think he could get the "first wife" vote...not because of his cuteness in that picture, but because his first wife apparently still admires him in spite of everything.

Roughly speaking there might be two kinds of first wives: First wives who see the marriage and the husband as mostly a cesspool causing chronic bitterness that at most one can defeat with herculean efforts toward forgiveness or first wives who say, "Yah. We were both young! Foolish! Irresponsible! It just didn't work out. Life is like that sometimes. He was kind of a neat guy though in some ways."

I don't know how many first wives fall in the second category but I vote for the idea that they are the silent majority of first wives.

William said...

On one of the Sunday talk shows, they had a guest who criticized Ben Carson for not believing in Darwin and evolution. The error was especially egregious because Carson was a doctor. (I wonder if he could name any surgical procedure or treatment that a Darwnian would use that Carson didn't.) ..........Well, Trump doesn't just believe in Darwin, he lives Darwin. A true Darwinian propagates his genes in young healthy hosts, and that's what Truump did....,,There you have it. If you deny Darwin, the Dems criticize you for being anti-science. If, like Donald Trump, you live your life according to Darwinian principles, they criticize you for being immoral.......Actually Melania is beginning to show some miles. I'd like to see Trump live up to his Darwinian ideals and dump her for a younger woman---preferably one without an annoying accent. I don't think he's going to be winning the feminist vote anyway, and a principled act like this would confirm his appeal among his hard core supporters.

traditionalguy said...

I surrender. Trump is a bum. He does not appreciate women.

He saw Marriage to a wife as a Deal the art of which can be learned. But runaway spouses who take a chunk of the wealth with them, of both genders, cannot easily be restored.

walter said...

"his first wife apparently still admires him in spite of everything."
And that matters why? Do we know anything about her judgement?
But in Iowa, I'm not surprised Trump is having difficulties.
Setting aside the women's vote, my brother, an evangelical, seems to be overwhelmed by Trump's multiple marriages..despite having a wife of multiple marriages himself.
Of course..would be rude for me to point that out to him.

amielalune said...

Walter: I know many evangelicals with multiple marriages, including a pastor who is on his 2nd wife, and he is her 3rd husband. They always have stories in which they modestly allude to the faults of their exes. But that's okay, because they don't drink alcohol.

Laslo Spatula said...

Women are like Stocks.

Find an undiscovered one with a good upside, ride it to its high point, then get rid of it before it devalues too quickly.

I think Trump understands that.

I am Laslo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

On one of the Sunday talk shows, they had a guest who criticized Ben Carson for not believing in Darwin and evolution.

That's all the lame leftist could come up with? How lame and pathetic.

Achilles said...

Trumps other women seem to like him a lot more than Bill's other women. They keep suing Bill and calling him a rapist and accusing him of assault. Women have a right to be believed!

walter said...

Well..I would bet Clinton Inc have thought about that and are dragging that dollar bill through the trailer park as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Multiple marriages, can't say what his favorite bible passage is, evangelicals won't come out to vote for Trump. They probably see Melania as a harlot. Didn't she do some nude photo shoots? The religious right loses all credibility if they back Trump.

chickelit said...

AprilApple wrote: That's all the lame leftist could come up with? How lame and pathetic.

I believe that the left is holding back on Carson in hopes that he's chosen as the candidate. They are waiting to "savage" him for his views on gay marriage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chickelit - So, we are all supposed to insist Obama is a Christian, even though leftists hate Christians.
Are leftists curious about Obama's Darwinist beliefs? Or Hillary's? Why is leftist religious bigotry an ideological one-way street? The left are waiting to savage any of the GOP candidates - for whatever bottom of the barrel nonsense they can conjure.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Carson ripe for the taking on his views of gay marriage, his religion is an even worse drawback than Romney's was. Baptists are already making noises.

“Dr. Carson is a Seventh-day Adventist,” a group of pastors from the Baptist organization B21 wrote in protest of his visit. “Their official theology denies the doctrine of hell in favor of annihilation,” they wrote, “and believes that those who worship on Sunday will bear the ‘mark of the beast.’"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left and the hack press (I repeat myself) have already savaged Carson after he stated an opinion that he doesn't think Sharia Law should be a presidential platform.

ABC "news" radio savaged him over that.

Anonymous said...

But Apple Apple, why do Republicans chose candidates that are so easy to savage?

chickelit said...

Why is leftist religious bigotry an ideological one-way street?

I believe the Romans nailed it. They called Leftists "sinister." :)

The Left has had great success with an old playbook: Savage people with accusations of bigotry. Didn't Hillary just do this to Sanders? Sh knows that she can get away with any number of sundry hypocrisies. The people are to blame for this -- at least those lapping up CNBC/MSNBC news feeds.

chickelit said...

Georgianna said...
But Apple Apple, why do Republicans chose candidates that are so easy to savage?

And who amongst yours are so perfect?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't care if Carson worships blue cheese and graham crackers. His region is meaningless. Just like Romney or Obama or any other candidate's religion or non-religion.

The only religion that is NOT compatible with our system of government is a the political "religion" of Islam.

walter said...

Compared to Candyman and the serial liar?

Ann Althouse said...

"Men who leave the first wife and mother of their children for younger firmer bouncier second and third wives are not exhibiting a momentary lapse in judgment. They are following their lust deliberately and successfully."

I agree that they may be following lust, and Trump has admitted that about Marla Maples. But I think, in his case, he ultimately regretted that and knows he'd have been better off staying with the first wife.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

region = religion (autocor)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The paradigm that "R's are easy to savage", is a mass delusion and a lie. It's leftwing PC crap that we have purchased wholesale. Reject it. Punch back twice as hard.

The leftwing media in American - and it's proxy leftist hollywood, are eating your brain.
Reject it.

chickelit said...

Georgianna said...
Not only is Carson ripe for the taking on his views of gay marriage, his religion is an even worse drawback than Romney's was. Baptists are already making noises.

And you, dear lady are another in a long long list of internet pundits besmirching candidate's religion(s). You are no different than those who "questioned" JFK's catholicism, or Mitt Romney's Mormon faith. For this, I lump you with the modern day sullivanists obsessed with underwear. At least the right -- when they savaged Barack Obama's faith -- had the egregious example of Rev. Wright. Exactly what harm has Ben Carson's faith done you? Or are you one of those that believe they are secretly erecting fenceposts in Wyoming, just as assuredly that the Germans are relighting the ovens?

chickelit said...

The leftwing media in American - and it's proxy leftist hollywood, are eating your brain.
Reject it.

The Hollywood/DC axis of boll weevil...

walter said...

Not that the president rules on it but...

The Seventh-day Adventist church takes a position between the strict pro-life and strict pro-choice alternatives. A set of "Guidelines on Abortion" was approved by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Committee on 1992-OCT-12. It says in part:

"The Church does not serve as conscience for individuals; however, it should provide moral guidance. Abortions for reasons of birth control, gender selection, or convenience are not condoned by the Church. Women, at times however, may face exceptional circumstances that present serious moral or medical dilemmas, such as significant threats to the pregnant woman's life, serious jeopardy to her health, severe congenital defects carefully diagnosed in the fetus, and pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. The final decision whether to terminate the pregnancy or not should be made by the pregnant woman after appropriate consultation. She should be aided in her decision by accurate information, biblical principles, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, these decisions are best made within the context of healthy family relationships."

Anonymous said...

If Carson gets the nomination all these aspects of his religion will be under a microscope. People will rightfully ask, can someone with such beliefs be the head of the most powerful nation on earth? It's not so much an attack on his religion but an attack on his judgment.

"Religion and politics can make a volatile mix. In the case of Carson, this overlap is an essential part of his success. Yet it is odd that Carson has done so well with evangelicals when he is a high-profile and devoted member of a church that teaches that almost all evangelical Christians will soon join with Satan to oppose Jesus Christ

White's prophecies—rendered in the 1800s—are regarded as sacrosanct by the church. She predicted that when Jesus Christ returns to earth, per the Book of Revelation, and triggers the final and cataclysmic clash between God and the Antichrist, a paramount battle will be over the Sabbath. She foresaw the government doing the devil's bidding by outlawing the Saturday Sabbath, locking up Seventh-day Adventists, and even threatening them with death. And she prophesized that other Christian denominations would hold fast to the Sunday Sabbath and become handmaidens of Satan. Ultimately, Jesus Christ would vanquish Beelzebub, and only Seventh-day Adventists, because they stuck with the Saturday Sabbath, would join him in the kingdom of God. The other Christians? Well, they would be forever condemned."

chickelit said...

If Carson gets the nomination all these aspects of his religion will be under a microscope. People will rightfully ask, can someone with such beliefs be the head of the most powerful nation on earth? It's not so much an attack on his religion but an attack on his judgment.

You're not much of an Obama apologist, are you?

So what kind of faith is a candidate allowed to have in your book?

Martha said...

Professor Althouse said:
I agree that they may be following lust, and Trump has admitted that about Marla Maples. But I think, in his case, he ultimately regretted that and knows he'd have been better off staying with the first wife.

Most men would most definitely be better off staying with their first wives and mother of their children—better off financially, morally, physically. So why then do they mess up so frequently following their libido?

Regrets yes but ....

chickelit said...
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walter said...

Carson has served as an Adventist local elder and Sabbath school teacher. But he attends other churches. “I spend just as much time in non-Seventh-day Adventist churches because I’m not convinced that the denomination is the most important thing,” he told RNS in 1999. “I think it’s the relationship with God that’s most important.”

chickelit said...

The thing is Georgianna that we've been through this before in the Althouse comment section. A commenter named Crack EmCee tried the exact same approach with Mitt Romney. I memorialized it here

"I once wrote about someone I admire, Helmut James von Moltke. As an aside, I'm rather proud that one of my blog posts on him is my most visited one--it's the one that recounts his chilling encounter with evil incarnate. link

Now it so happened that von Moltke was raised in the Christian Science Church (FTR, I'm not a Christian Scientist). Anyways, von Moltke's parents first translated Mary Baker Eddy's work into German. According to ueber macho blogger Crack Emcee, who garners the apparent respect of numerous high profile bloggers, anyone associated with what he brands cult characteristics is forever tainted with the "cult characteristics" and is to be mocked and parodied.

Just the other day on Althouse, Crack was running down Mitt Romney again--in his eyes guilty of holding fast to tenets of the Mormon faith. That's just absurd--akin to holding Helmut James von Moltke hostage to every last jot and tittle of Christian Scientism.

I asked Crack the other day on Althouse what he thought of Mary Baker Eddy--here's what he said:
A nut job, responsible for the deaths of a lot of kids. Come on, you could've guessed that one, couldn't you? Would you deny your kid a blood transfusion based on her bullshit?

My reading of Crack is that he believes strongly in guilt by association. Crack is a bigot in that regard. Show me the evidence that Mitt Romney colors his political thinking and potential future actions by the details of his faith.

I'm going to requote something written by von Moltke's widow, Freya:

However, questions of faith were also, or became, personally vital for almost all the members of the group. Even if they were not churchgoing Christians, it was their faith in divine work, and, in fact, the faith rooted in Christian heritage, that gave them their foundation and their courage. Their faith also imposed upon them the duty to act against the destruction of fundamental humanity (evolved from Christianity) by National Socialism and to risk their lives for this. However, for them it was not only a matter of great heritage, out of which our western treasures had grown, in spite of all atrocities committed by the church and by Christians throughout the centuries; rather, they also believed in the future of Christianity. Christianity has a way--just when it appears bankrupt--of becoming alive again in a new and different manner. They believed that. Faith is tested by one's actions. People attach themselves to many gods and are always in danger of being led astray by false gods--as was the case then with the false gods of National Socialism."
Toot sweet!

Anonymous said...
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walter said...

"They ran his speeches through the analyzer"
Oh..that seems like a good metric.

Would be interesting to compare his grades with Obama's..but you know...

walter said...

Or Obama's speech without know..

Anonymous said...
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traditionalguy said...

Trump is serial monogamous who appears to marry each one and let the others go. FDR was totally unfaithful to several women, all at the same time for life. And FDR was a hell of a President in his spare time.

walter said...

I would say that with a media out to twist and reinterpret every word against you, not a bad strategy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...'s rather meaningless.
Though you could make the argument it's more "inclusive".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

mother jones is for nut jobs.

Freeman Hunt said...

Trump was obviously not master of himself before. Is he now?

Nichevo said...

Ann, what is your objection, yeesh? Triumph of hope over experience.

Why did you and Meade remarry? A rational transaction?

chickelit said...

Nichevo wrote: Why did you and Meade remarry? A rational transaction?

That's the wrong question in this context. The rational question would be: Why did she and Meade each divorce their first spouse? But since neither is running for public office, that's nobody's business but their own.

chickelit said...

SOJO wrote: It's not so much how intelligent the speaker is, but at what level they are communicating to voters.

How would Jesus do in that "analysis"? To what level was He speaking?

eric said...

It's interesting to me how our society views sex and marriage.

If you have sexual relationships with 100 women, each in order, one at a time, even one night stands, then you're an acceptable human being. Nothing wrong with you. Supposing you marry one of those 100 women, people will just say, "Hey look, you have to try things out first before you decide on forever, right?" And all is well. You're still married to that 100th woman? Even better.

On the other hand, if you have sex with one woman, commit to her, marry her, and then later divorce her, why, you're a cad! How could you? And if you then marry the second woman you've had sex with and then the third, it must be uncontrollable lust!

Paul Allen, the owner of the Seahawks and a billionaire, is well known in Seattle for having a team that identifies prostitutes, makes sure they are clean, and will not trap Paul Allen with children or a marriage so that he can hook up with whatever women he wants, whenever he wants, without commitment. They're entire job is to to complete background checks on beautiful young women to make sure he doesn't get stuck with a baby, or a disease, or a lawsuit.

This is disgusting behavior and the behavior of someone who is controlled by their lusts.

If Trump was a man controlled by his lusts, I'd expect the same sort of behavior. He's what, 70 years old now?

I'd say if the guys worst sin is having sex with three women and marrying them, he's a saint by today's billionaires standards.

Most men, if they were famous, or rich, or seriously good looking (Like Brad Pitt), they'd have a terrible time remaining faithful to even the most beautiful and wonderful woman.

If Trump doesn't have a Bill Clinton problem, well, that's impressive to me. Not a mark against him, but instead, a mark in his favor.

chickelit said...

@Eric: If you were "microsoft" you'd probably have to jump through the same hoops.

walter said...

Good grief..let's talk about that.

Achilles said...

The dem's could bring up Trump's women. But that opens them up to Hillary's treatment of Bill's rape victims and her current hypocrisy about rape victims having a right to be believed.

They will do it anyway because I don't think any of the current potential republican nominees will hold back like Romney or Jeb would have.

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