November 25, 2015

"Here I can really be free. I can practise my religion. I couldn’t do that in Vienna."

"I like to eat. The food here is very similar to Austria even if it’s mainly halal food. You can get ketchup here, Nutella and cornflakes."

From "Teen Islamic State pin-up girl changes her mind, is 'beaten to death.'"


exhelodrvr1 said...

That has nothing to do with Islam.

mccullough said...

Sounds like a character from a DeLillo novel

cubanbob said...

What a horror for the parents. Yes she was a truly foolish girl but nevertheless a tragedy.

dreams said...

Its a cruel world and some people aren't cruelly neutral.

traditionalguy said...

Making changing one's mind is a death penalty is about as sexist as it gets. All Muslims are sexist.

Since sexist is a crime in speech in all Colleges, we must expel all Muslims from college in the USA.

I like this Feminazi stuff.

Bobby said...

Sad. Unsurprising.

William said...

Unhallal martyrdom.....ISIS wll claim that she died in a US drone strike.

Tarrou said...

The only sad bit about this story is that Austria didn't hang her for treason before ISIS got the chance. But, all's well that ends well, I say!

Feel-good news article of the week!

Curious George said...

I'll add this to the list of things that will never appear on my liberal friends FB pages.

damikesc said...

When you teach your kids that their entire culture is horrible and the cause of all misery on Earth, as is the case with Western culture, then this is what happens. Why sacrifice and struggle for an evil group?

SteveR said...


Gahrie said...

But remember...Islam is a religion of peace.

Virgil Hilts said...

Them's the breaks if you are a muslim woman in a country dominated by muslims. Sometimes the bar eats you.

tim maguire said...

Very sad when young people go off looking for adventure and find more than they bargained for. So it has been since the dawn of ennui.

M Jordan said...

And now they will become poster girls for our side. Very sad.

jr565 said...

I have sympathy for her coming to the realization that she was a fool. Its too bad she aligned herself with people that wouldn't give her the chance to learn from the experience. aligning yourself with murderers tends to have that effect.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The girls were young and stupid, and because they were young I do have a bit of sympathy.

But it is similar to the person who is mauled to death after climbing the fence at the zoo to give the tiger a hug.

Anonymous said...

re: @dreams link re: useless majors: I had a friend who majored in women's studies. She has done quite well as a charity exec. Another guy majored in AA studies. He has a syndicated radio show. Another guy was a music major with an emphasis in Arabic rhythms. He's a music professor. Just sayin', the entire world isn't the HR department of DoD-related industries, thank god.

Sebastian said...

Good thing they just hung out with "jihadis." God knows what would have happened to them if they had hung out with "radical Muslims."

Curious George said...

What a shame. Could no one come up with a clever # campaign in time????

eric said...

There is a lesson here.

If you run away from home and your home is a western home, you will be verbally castigated for your foolishness.

If you run away from home and your home is Islamic, you'll be killed.

Lesson one is to choose your home wisely. Lesson two is, some homes, you can't run away from.

Tank said...

Undocumented Islamists strike again !

Rick said...

They don't seem to have realized the difference between marching into a library on a campus where the implied threat of arrest and expulsion protects members of the favored political class and a real life confrontation. A sad and painful lesson.

Rick said...

M Jordan said...
And now they will become poster girls for our side. Very sad.

Aren't the sayings "give their death some meaning" and "try to make something good out of it"?

aka John said...

Which Darwin Award category is she in?

Anonymous said...

Sebastian: Good thing they just hung out with "jihadis." God knows what would have happened to them if they had hung out with "radical Muslims."

Or worse, evangelical Christians.

madAsHell said...

I'm thinking this whole story is bullshit.

RAH said...

Evolution in action. Idiotic girls . Perhaps they should have been controlled at their Austrian home and have their parents choose their husbands for them. Too much freedom and they choose poorly. They made that choice so my sympathies are to their parents but not to them.

RAH said...


Jimmy said...

Very sad to be so naive. Islam in general doesn't like people who change their minds, or think outside of the approved rules. Islamic extremists don't need much of a reason to kill someone. Story today about Al Qaeda suicide bomber who killed himself, and the leadership of a local ISIS cell.
Did she hate her own culture, or herself, that much? That a band of murderous thugs looked appealing? I don't get it.
But at least she had ketchup.

Freeman Hunt said...

Yikes. That's terrible. All teenagers should be made aware of this story.

"Don't Go to Syria! Throw Food in the Cafeteria!

"A guide for teens on safe, productive youthful rebellion.

"When indulging in teenage rebellion, it's important to be strategic in the rules you transgress. Insubordination is not the proper field for creative expression. Stick with what is likely to be fun and temporary. For example, moving to Syria and joining the cause of radical Islamists, while somewhat original, is very unlikely to be fun and is permanent. Meanwhile, the well worn paths of adolescent misbehavior, such as breaking curfew, going to parties, skipping a class, or listening to modern music, are likely to be at least somewhat pleasurable, may be stopped at any time, and are sure to make your parents sufficiently angry. You might be surprised at how much parental angst you can extract from something as simple as wearing black lipstick."

Alexander said...

She practiced her religion freely in ISIS, and ISIS freely practiced its religion on her.

And they say Islam isn't about equality!

jr565 said...

"Here I can practice my religion". Wait, she was under the impression that ISIS was Islamic? What gave her that idea?

jr565 said...

I have sympathy, but you know, there are such things as Darwin awards. And everybody laughs at people who get those awards, even though they die and stuff. Shouldn't she get a Darwin award?

Jimmy said...

"Anglelyne Or worse, evangelical Christians "Really? Is that sarcasm or ? Because I don't know of any evangelical Christians who will cut your head off if you leave their sect. They will shun you, ostracize you. Are you talking about the middle ages then? Lots of people got killed then for being the 'wrong' religion. But only Islam still practices that, or at least the isis variety still does. Of course we don't count the Saudi's, who manage to kill and main a large number of people each year for being apostates. Christians had a Reformation, Islam doesn't think its necessary-they seem to prefer the middle ages, or at least the radical groups do.
Really a course and downright stupid thing to say.
I've been told I'm going to hell, because I don't believe in a certain sect. I've been looked down on by such people. Thats ok, its called freedom. But the only people who happily told me I could be killed for being a Jew are Islamists. The only religion I know that preaches, at prayer service, that Jews are maggots and shit.
It doesn't work as sarcasm, fact, or anything else. The only place I've seen such remarks would be from Obama,many of his supporters, and quite a few professors.

JAORE said...

Young people do foolish, foolish things. Sadly some mistakes are forever. Her poor parents.

Anonymous said...

Jim: "Really? Is that sarcasm...?

Behead those who insult Anglelyne's intelligence by assuming otherwise.

What do I look like? Garage?

Anonymous said...

madAsHell: I'm thinking this whole story is bullshit.

I'm thinking that, too.

Gusty Winds said...

How do you know the girls in the Burka's are actually them? By the purses?

virgil xenophon said...


Obviously you're relatively new here and haven't been reading Angelyne very long. Biting sarcasm and trenchant observations are her main suite...

Anonymous said...

"I'll add this to the list of things that will never appear on my liberal friends FB pages"

How ridiculous. Why would liberals advocate young girls running away from home and becoming ISIS brides?

Anonymous said...

"But remember...Islam is a religion of peace"

So said George W Bush.

lgv said...

Teenagers make bad decisions. It's sad when it leads to death or misery. There's a southern saying, "he/she was a product of right raising". These girls were not.

damikesc said...

"But remember...Islam is a religion of peace"

So said George W Bush.

The Left told us, for eight years, that G.W Bush was a complete moron with an intellect comparable to a monkey.

He's going to be your intellectual apex here?

Why would liberals advocate young girls running away from home and becoming ISIS brides?

Because Western civ is terrible. Even though it is the only civ that would tolerate them....dammit, I just proved their case!

Peter said...

Well, she did solve her problem.

If she's not free to practice her religion where she is now then either there is no hereafter (and thus no problem) or that religion was very wrong about the right way to act and what comes after (and again, no problem: for who would not change one's religion if offered real proof that it was, in fact, wrong?).

So, the conclusion must be: problem solved.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'd advise teens looking to rebel via fundamentalist sects to go with the fundamentalist Christians. You'll horrify your parents, and no one will kill you for leaving later.

Brando said...

Things like this should put the campus "microaggression" twits into perspective. There are real fiends out there, who are real threats to women and just about everything else we hold dear. But hey, let's ignore this and go back to taking Woodrow Wilson's name off a building.

Kirk Parker said...

Is it correct, as I've seen asserted elsewhere, that she is the daughter of Bosniak immigrants? If so, she's just following the well-trod second-generation-becomes-extremist path we see so many of Muslim descent from the Levant and North Africa following.

Mary Beth said...

madAsHell said...

I'm thinking this whole story is bullshit.

11/25/15, 12:45 PM

The whole story? Bullshit by whom? Here's an article from October 2014 and it sounds like the only fake thing was the social media posts about how happy they were to be there. I don't see how anything other than the fake social media posts would help Daesh's recruiting.

Achilles said...

They listened to progressives. They were sincere people and lived up to their beliefs. They believed Muslims were peaceful and it is really those nasty conservatives who are bad.

Most progressives are smart enough to be disingenuous.

Michael K said...

"Someone" should do something about this.

The only Muslims she knew were those she had met online, and he encouraged her to keep it that way, arguing that Muslims are persecuted in the United States. She could be labeled a terrorist, he warned, and for now it was best for her to keep her conversion secret, even from her family.
So on his guidance, Alex began leading a double life. She kept teaching at her church, but her truck’s radio was no longer tuned to the Christian hits on K-LOVE. Instead, she hummed along with the ISIS anthems blasting out of her turquoise iPhone, and began daydreaming about what life with the militants might be like.

This is how it starts.

madAsHell said...

@Mary Beth

How do two 16 year old girls have the resources to travel the nearly 1500 miles between Vienna, and Raqqa?

They crossed multiple borders as minors. Did the border guards just give them a pass? Did they take the train? Did they fly? You see both articles seem to ignore the transportation issue.

"Under the watchful eye of her jihadist husband, Sabina spoke to the weekly publication using text messages"
Who in their right mind would accept text messages as proof of communication with Sabina??

Doesn't Islam forbid women to travel alone?

Look at their pictures. Do you really think those girls gave up the shopping mall to practice their religion??

MAJMike said...

Interestingly, Islam remains the LibCong's favorite religion.

Bill said...

Well, we knew it would end badly.

Original Mike said...

"I'd advise teens looking to rebel via fundamentalist sects to go with the fundamentalist Christians. You'll horrify your parents, and no one will kill you for leaving later."

Yeah, but do they have ketchup?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't believe I've ever agreed with jr565 before, but at 1:29 PM today he took the words right out of my mouth.

Seriously, that's exactly what I was going to say.

Nuthin' like Muslim fundamentalists to bring almost everyone else together.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

If they had been fundamentalist Christians, Janet Reno would have burned them alive.

traditionalguy said...

Yes indeed. Islam is a religion of peace. The moment she quit struggling for life and her heart stopped pumping blood, Peace broke out.

You too can bring peace to dis-believers. Just enslave them and then tie them up and beat/cut/burn them until alah feels the peace from the murder that you offered him. And as a reward for your peace delivery, alah allows you to keep their stuff. Then look for more dis-believers telling them you offer peace.

Alex said...

But that halal food was fucking amazing man.

george said...

Nice, unnecessary, distinction between "practise" and "practice." By the way, Professor, have you been following Ev Williams (Blogger, Twitter) and his latest effort at bringing prose to the Internet? It's and it publishes professionals as well as amateurs. Lots of good writing, if you can find it.

holdfast said...

Their surnames were clearly more Baltic than ethnic Austrian. So were they Eastern Orthodox (Serb), Catholic (Croat) or Bosnian (Muslim)?

MacMacConnell said...

"How do two 16 year old girls have the resources to travel the nearly 1500 miles between Vienna, and Raqqa?"

All women are sitting on gold mines.

Carnifex said...

Being stupid carries its own penalties. Just look at what Europe is experiencing now. I just pray there are enough intelligent conservatives in this country to save us. Truthfully I don't think there is. As long as I can live out my life quietly. My grandson...he's slow. He'll be dead meat. Maybe my granddaughter will make it. Her daddy and I make sure she knows how to shoot.

Clyde said...

She should have listened to more Yusuf Islam (AKA Cat Stevens):

Now that I've lost everything to you
You say you wanna start something new
And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin'
Baby, I'm grievin'
But if you wanna leave, take good care
I hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child, girl

You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do
And it's breakin' my heart in two
Because I never wanna see you a sad girl
Don't be a bad girl
But if you wanna leave, take good care
I hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child, girl

Baby, I love you
But if you wanna leave, take good care
I hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child, girl

Unknown said...

Sometimes being naive will get you killed. Don't be naive.

Skyler said...

No sympathy for that idiot traitor. I hope her death was brutal and painful.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

That'll learn her.

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