“All students deserve the opportunity to participate equally in school programs and activities — this is a basic civil right,” Catherine Lhamon, the Education Department’s assistant secretary for civil rights, said in a statement. “Unfortunately, Township High School District 211 is not following the law because the district continues to deny a female student the right to use the girls’ locker room.”
November 2, 2015
"Federal education authorities found on Monday that an Illinois school district had violated anti-discrimination laws..."
"... when it did not allow a transgender student who identifies as a girl and participates in athletics to change and shower in the girls’ locker room without restrictions."
Aren't the civil rights of female students not to shower with a male student are being violated?
What a weird rule. I suppose if the 'transgender' student pops a woody he can say he's a lesbian. Good God, our elites are forging a creepy and inhuman future.
While they're all concerned about the rights of a tiny number of self-proclaimed transgendered students, what about the rights of all the rest of the students? Don't they have any rights at all, or does the needs of the one overrule the needs of the many?
There. Are. Four. Fucking. Lights.
Stuff like this has to happen before we regain reality. Absurdity has it's own self-destructing critical mass. In the meantime, enjoy the show.
"...because the district continues to deny a female student the right to use the girls’ locker room.”
Because she has a cock.
Denying a boy's basic civil right to be called a girl sounds as serious as anything can be. Whatever would we do without a massive government to govern our minds?
Somebody call Tom Paine. His specialty is needed now more than ever.
The student is male with a feminine orientation. The civil rights activist at the DOE proposes reconciliation through discrimination of females with a feminine orientation.
Congress needs to abolish the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, which clearly has no adult supervision and has sunk beyond redemption.
According to this logic, a man should be able to sue his nearest controlling authority because his inability to give birth is a violation of his civil rights.
I believe that this can be found in the "Diversity" clause of the constitution....
Great use of federal resources.
Expect more of this if Hillary wins.
Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
Carthage must be destroyed.
And if he self identified as a cat, would the school district have to supply him with a litter box?
This is the modern Democrat party -- hold it against them, politically. They are wacked out.
Insanity squared. Ah well, only 446 days to go until the next president can fire all the crazies in the Department of Education. That's assuming, of course, that the witch isn't elected.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does a cow have?"
The answer is four because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
There used to be a TV show starring Sally Field called "The Girl With Something Extra." That's what this reminds me of, except it's a DIFFERENT something extra.
Nobody with a penis belongs in a girl's locker room. Period.
Also, I wonder how comfortable "Catherine Lhamon, the Education Department’s assistant secretary for civil rights," would be if a transgender person-of-penis was changing in HER locker room.
A great many post-pubescent high school boys across America will soon be lining to declare as transgender if that gives them the right to shower with the girls.
I grabbed this Obama quote from a Powerline piece and quoted it on another thread, but given the context, I think that it is worth posting here as well:
. . . and this is where conceptions of government can get us in trouble. Whenever I hear people saying that our problems would be solved without government, I always want to tell them you need to go to some other countries where there really is no government, where the roads are never repaired, where nobody has facilitated electricity going everywhere even where it’s not economical, where—
Robinson: The postal system.
The President:—the postal system doesn’t work, or kids don’t have access to basic primary education. That’s the logical conclusion if, in fact, you think that government is the enemy.
The interview has to be read to be believed. While they are examining their fellow Americans like a couple of Jane Goodalls spying on a troop of Baboons through a telescope, Robinson and Obama complain that the paranoid bastards look at them as the 'sinister other.'
Irrespective of his preferred orientation, he will still need to register for Selective Service.
There are more than a few psychologically stable men and women who recognize the unique role of women in a society and the constitutional protections afforded to our Posterity, despite several justices' imagined rites of privacy.
I won't read a NYT article. Did it make plain WHICH athletics he participates in? If he plays a male sport then the govt doesn't have a dick to stand on. If he plays on a girls team then of course he's a girl and I'm sure none of the other schools object. On the other hand Catherine is the crazy person pushing college as a rape haven. So she is just enjoying her moment in the attic spotlight.
Well, that didn't take long. This is exactly the sort of thing we were told would never, ever happen under the Civil Rights Act. A few of the Congressmen who voted for it must still be around, be interesting to hear what they think of it.
This is a fairly conservative area, Paltatine, IL. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, the parents do in response.
I find it increasingly difficult to imagine raising a family in the US, because of things like this. And zero tolerance policies at our undisciplined and incompetent schools. And that it's apparently child abandonment to let your child walk home from school alone. Or that the US has basically given up on public safety in favour of a sour grapes excuse that worrying about the safety of your person and your property is really nothing more than covert racism.
Sometimes I think it's all just a lunatic activist fringe being played up by the media (and their opponents). But no, this is the Federal government. We're doomed.
When a nation is ruled by crazy people...
I suspect that Althouse is the only person here sympathetic to the boy's needs and also insensitive enough to the girls' rights to agree with this ruling. I write that based on years of attentive reading and not on anything in this post. I sure do wish she would explain the logic.
Did it make plain WHICH athletics he participates in?
No. So the girls are playing against a boy. This doesn't seem fair to me.
For example, in the state High School Cross Country meet that was just help in the rain up in Wisconsin Rapids this past weekend, the winning D1 Girls' Time was 17:49 (only girl under 18 minutes). That would've been 150th place in the Boys' Race, where the winning time was a full two minutes faster. The winning girl in D3 was 3 minutes slower than the winning boy in D3.
But let's have boys compete against girls because the boy feels he's a girl.
Catherine "Dear Colleague" Lhamon.
Also played a role in the Jackie UVA scandal.
One of the most dangerous Progs in the US.
If GOP voters had any sense, they'd unite just to kick people like her out of the government.
Put new signs on the doors "Folks with penises" and "Folks with vaginas"
You, an individual, are a product of unreason. You have prejudices and irrational beliefs that result from ignorance, from bigotry that was taught to you by the people who raised you and the social environment you were raised within. You are subject to infirmities of the mind. You perceive things incorrectly for a dozen reasons.
Only the political State, which is not human, is free from human failings. Only the political State can correctly judge morality and act in the common interest. The political State does not know envy, greed, or fear of death. For this reason Catherine Lhamon must be correct when she says that boys have penises and are female.
I think that this story came via Robert Conquest:
During the Moscow Show Trials of the late 1930s, Soviet prosecutors ran across one particularly recalcitrant subject who simply refused to confess. The man maintained his innocence despite the demonic inventiveness of the tormentors who employed what the Bush regime calls “coercive interrogation” methods to break him down.
Granted, the interrogators could simply have treated him to a “Lubyanka breakfast” -- a cigarette and a bullet to the back of the head. But without a confession, the entire exercise would have been sterile at best, and counter-productive at worst. The entire point was to extract a confession, and to display the broken defendant to the public as evidence that the state was both infallible and pitiless. It simply wouldn't do to execute a man who defiantly insisted on his innocence.
Perplexed and anxious, the lead prosecutor sought and was granted an audience with Stalin, who listened intently. After the prosecutor finished describing the troublesome case, Stalin sat in quiet thought for a moment before asking an unexpected question of the increasingly agitated prosecutor.
“How much does the State weigh?” asked the Soviet ruler in a disarmingly gentle voice. “All of the buildings, the farms, the weapons and equipment? All of the officials, police, soldiers, and prosecutors?”
The prosecutor, who by this time was probably about to suffer a stress-induced coronary, replied that he didn't know the answer, and doubted that anybody could know.
“How long could one man hold the weight of the State on his back?” Stalin persisted, his voice still atypically mild.
“Comrade Chairman, no man could bear the weight of the State for an instant!” answered the prosecutor.
“Exactly,” replied Stalin, his voice suddenly transposing into a quietly threatening register that induced a perceptible chill in the room. “Remember this well, and go back and get that confession.”
If they had been dumb enough to make this the policy when I was in high school, I would have been in my principle's office the next day insisting that I was a lesbian trapped n a man's body, and I would have demanded the right to dress out with the girls and play on the girl's teams.
I like your icon cracker!
We've come to a point in our society where, according to our social betters, the only good boy is the one who denies the significance of his penis.
Gahrie, you would have had to be ready to explain your problematic Priapism.
There is no end to this nonsense. There's probably enough students identifying as the opposite sex to fill out a roster, so someone will probably sue because there's no appropriate transgender team.
Let's solve the whole thing. One team per sport. Anyone can tryout. One locker room, no privacy. Unfortunately, someone will sue for disparate impact and they'll redefine the sports to achieve quotas to the point the sports are meaningless mockeries.
Hey, drop sports completely. Eliminate all competition. No free market capitalism, because that's unfair, too.
Harrison Bergeron time, baby!
Blogger David Begley said...
Great use of federal resources.
Expect more of this if Hillary wins.
Silly man...doesn't matter who wins. The Bureaucracy that is our government is so large that there is no longer any control. It is now self sustaining and will keep sucking up the nations resources until the nation comes crashing down. Any department can create and enforce "rules" as if they were laws without our "representative's" input. And for every "rule" they create, they must hire more government workers to enforce those rules...and create more rules...and hire more workers...
There should be a simple dick on or dick off rule for this kind of situation. Dick on means boy. Dick off means girl. Behind a curtain during "transition". How you "identify" will be guided by the dick on or dick off rule, not by your feelings.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
Isaiah 5:20 ESV
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
This is legal Lysenkoism. It's insane.
Third comment wins the thread.
Have we reached Peak Leftism yet?
Or do we have to have an active shooting war?
"B said...
There is no end to this nonsense. There's probably enough students identifying as the opposite sex to fill out a roster, so someone will probably sue because there's no appropriate transgender team.
Let's solve the whole thing. One team per sport. Anyone can tryout. One locker room, no privacy. Unfortunately, someone will sue for disparate impact and they'll redefine the sports to achieve quotas to the point the sports are meaningless mockeries.
Hey, drop sports completely. Eliminate all competition. No free market capitalism, because that's unfair, too.
Harrison Bergeron time, baby!"
WHen I was in HS back in the mid 70's there were no interscholastic girl sports, so the ruling in IL was that if you didn't have a sport in your sex you could play the opposite.
Well, the first girl's sport was bowling, and my HS won the state championship my junior year. My senior year, they came in second, to an all boys team. "Boo hoo, not fair!"
Well, I think thtere is a play here. Boys dominating girls sports in HS, and then college scholarships in womens sports next. Free college. In tennis. Swimming. Basketball...everything! No need for messy surgeries, or even a change of appearance. Just four little words: "I'm a girl"
Aside from the sheer lunacy of this, which many here have very entertainingly indicated, I'd really like to know under what legal authority the feds have been given the right to determine what the gender of this kid is. Was there a Supreme Court ruling on it? Is it written in some law? I suppose it is futile to ask. They are out of control and wacked out totally in any case.
Wait until Mayor De Blasio reads this. another upgrde for NY City education....
Children and Grandchildren of the Baby Boomers: Kill Your Parents.
Do NOT let them vote again.
Do NOT let them.
They have ruined your Future.
You have No Future.
Kill Them before the Next Election, or Live with the Consequences.
A Good Start would be Crosby, Stills, and Nash: get their geriatric attention.
I am Laslo.
Children and Grandchildren of the Baby Boomers: Kill Your Parents.
They have Chosen Themselves over You.
Every Thing they have done has been Them Over You.
They hated their Parents for giving them Prosperity.
They have taken that Prosperity and have Left You Nothing.
Kill Them.
I am Laslo.
Hmm. This is what Prof. Althouse has campaigned for her whole life, gender equality. She should be really happy. Instead she seems like some dispossessed Trotskyist, wondering what went wrong with her revolution.
Children and Grandchildren of the Baby Boomers: Kill Your Parents.
They fed you on the Milk of Debt, and Smiled.
They Do Not Believe In God, and thus They Do Not Believe in a Reckoning.
If you do not Believe in God then Welcome what they Have Left You.
They took the Food Out of your Mouths.
Kill them.
I am Laslo.
Children and Grandchildren of the Baby Boomers: Kill Your Parents.
They Believe They Have Taught Their Children Well.
Kill Crosby, Stills, and Nash.
Then Kill yourself or your parents: That is The Only Choice they have left for you.
I am Laslo.
I Think I have made My Point.
Next time I will be Less Subtle.
I am Laslo.
When you Kill Your Parents Please take care of their Dogs and Kitty-Kats.
That would be Nice.
I am Laslo.
Jon Burack wrote:
"I'd really like to know under what legal authority the feds have been given the right to determine what the gender of this kid is. Was there a Supreme Court ruling on it? Is it written in some law?"
Oh, the federal government makes laws, Jon Burack. It doesn't follow them. We aren't allowed to vote on anything important anymore.
Are you for Jeb or Hillary?
It's loons all the way down.
I am aghast. I am aghast that such a thing should happen, but more than that I am aghast that there is nothing that I can say about this that hasn't already been said in these comments.
. . . except to assure Laslo that I am not a Baby Boomer, so he can call off his hit squads;
Hillary will not be asked about this in the next debate.
The student still has a penis. Therefore the student is male, and should be treated as such.
The "Federal Education Authorities" are clinically insane. They need to, every single one of them, be fired for cause, have any pensions revoked, then then be introduced to tar and feathers.
They're gonna have to separate genders by biology rather than identity. XX and XY. Nice and neutral. I don't think you can change that and the chromosomes don't care how you look, act or identify.
"They're gonna have to separate genders by biology rather than identity. XX and XY."
You seem to think that sex depends on biology, Patrick.
Foolish, foolish Patrick.
Given we must be flexible for people who wish to "identify as" something else, mustn't we be flexible for people who "identify as" something else only part of the time? I think the "B" in the LGBTQLMNOP stands for bi-sexual. Would the same civil rights be supported of a boy who identifies as a girl for only a few hours a day? Like during sports practice and games, and in the locker room for dressing and showering?
Pull up its dress and check. Smooth = female. Lump = male.
I'd accept a post-op transsexual as at least quasi-female. If it still has external genitalia, then it's "male" by any rational standard. Just saying "I feel like a princess this week" shouldn't qualify.
"Hillary will not be asked about this in the next debate."
But any or all of the GOP candidates will be asked if they believe that 'female transgender' students should be 'forced" to shower with students with students of the 'opposite gender.'
Only a monster could be in favor of that.
Imagine the horrific place that prisons will become for biological women when a federal judge determines that male prisoners who say that they identify as female must share their cells. It's the same thing, really, as allowing a male high school student who 'identifies as female' using the ladies locker room. In for a dime, in for a dollar.
It's odd that this sort of thing makes me more sympathetic to Muslims. They will cut off certain body parts and the lefties will like it.
Still think abolishing the Dept of Education is a lunatic idea?
"Isaiah 5:20 ESV
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
Funny that you quote this here, because I read it for the first time last night and the first thing that occurred to me was the transgender insanity.
While transgender orientations, including homosexual, may be asserted as stable, the selective congruences constructed by the psychiatric consensus, and the failure to reconcile rights by the civil rights activists, only serve to ensure an uncertain and dysfunctional future, respectively.
Still, it's a lot less drastic than the measures taken by feminists to force the perception of male-female equivalence. This suggests that at minimum politically oriented feminists will sacrifice girls and women's dignity and safety for the greater political, social, and financial good.
I wonder how many feminists and other identity classes will be prompted to convert. They have done a miserable job at reconciling individual dignity, intrinsic value, and natural imperatives.
I would actually be interested in hearing what Republican candidates think they could/should/would do about this situation. Democrats too, of course.
It seems like the sort of thing that people of good will could solve without too much fuss. Let the kid shower in the girl's locker room after the girls have finished. But maybe the fuss is the whole point of this. In order to demonstrate and celebrate one's tolerance it is necessary to create intolerance to overcome.........If you take away all the stigma attached to being transgendered wouldn't some kids feign being transgendered in order to game the system. There have recently been a number of black activists with a Caucasian birth history. I can see the same sort of thing happening with the transgendered.
Gahrie, you would have had to be ready to explain your problematic Priapism.
Involuntary vascular response. I'm a lesbian remember.....
The obvious accommodation is to equip him with a penis-cam to ensure everyone's rights are protected.
Several thoughts.
First, the student in question is participating in athletic competition. International competition organizations have rules regarding testosterone levels in female competitors, mostly to prevent women from being doped with testosterone injections to gain an unfair advantage. I think that transgendered athletes competing as females need to be tested to assure that their testosterone ratios are within the limits or they should be barred from competing.
Second, outside of the despicable Catherine Lhamon, the nameless "federal education authorities" who participated in this ruling are entirely anonymous. If other bureaucrats involved in this farce were more visibly associated with the decision, perhaps they'd think twice? Maybe not. The ability to be embarrassed sometimes seems to have been surgically removed from lefties. Still, I wonder how they'd feel if irate parents knew who to call and harangue. Whose kids they need to tell their kids to shun on the playground and not invite to birthday parties, that sort of thing.
Third, if it's any consolation to the young women, they're probably already being ogled by lesbians so what's the difference between being ogled by a nude boy in the shower room? No, I don't have any daughters. Why do you ask?
@Laslo, my final point is that Catherine Lhamon is emphatically not a Boomer. She is, however, the twit who conspired with Sabrina Erdley in the "Rolling Stones" UVa "Jackie gangrape" falseification. Shocking as it may seem to some, there are insane things in this world that are not caused by Baby Boomers. (However there are hardly any insane things in this world that are not caused by either lefties or Muslims.)
"Let the kid shower in the girl's locker room after the girls have finished."
or in the boys locker room after the boys have finished..wtf..
Now..how comfortabel can this kid be to to navigate this anyway? Sorry..just suggests a lot more going on here mentally than just gender identity.
I thought the current trend was towards not showering at all. Problem solved.
Why would anyone assume high school girls can just handle having a penis in their locker room?
I think it says something bad about the adults involved, that they just assume all teenage girls are able to just casually observe a penis.
The future will judge us harshly.
Well, you know..it's just the flip side of all the boy identifying girls wanting to shower with boys....
Blogger The Cracker Emcee said...
"Isaiah 5:20 ESV
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
Funny that you quote this here, because I read it for the first time last night and the first thing that occurred to me was the transgender insanity.
I think it's apropos.
Blogger Michael K said...
It's odd that this sort of thing makes me more sympathetic to Muslims. They will cut off certain body parts and the lefties will like it.
I wish I could advise a presidential campaign. They are missing out on hundreds of thousands of votes by not going into black churches, mosques and Hispanic Catholic Churches and hammering the Democrats for supporting this sort of deterioration of society.
Republicans really could pick up a lot of votes if they'd just point out how crazy and absurd they left and Democrats have become.
Ok..given the anatomy vs identity, can this person be convicted of manspreading?
careful what you grab..
We just want gay marriage. It wont hurt anyone.
Still no "signs of the apocalypse" tag, perfersser?
Birkel @ 9:01pm,
And no, I'm not happy about either answer, nor do I want the latter scenario to come about. Please don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger!
The fault and impetus, IMO, comes all from those who would foist this sick crap on us.
"I sure do wish she would explain the logic."
The logic of your surmising? If you that, then you are the one who is best able to provide an explanation.
And if the logic of something else, what specifically?
At some point schools are going to have to meet a certain percentage of transgender students to qualify for Federal Aid.
Re: Scott M.
The future will judge us harshly.
No, the future will point at us and laugh. We caricature the Victorians as sex obsessed, but the generation that came of age in the sixties are so sex-obsessed they are beyond caricature -- they've elevated sex to supreme importance not just in culture, but in the law itself. This basic deformation of human experience could not help but affect their views of gender as well. And they have raised a generation (my generation) to drift unmoored in a sea of their nonsense.
To judge us harshly would require first that future generations take us seriously. But why should they take such frivolity seriously? It is to laugh.
Stunning and Brave. Where is PC Principal!
Teach the girls towel-snapping.
Laslo - the Baby Boom did not start the 100 year run of Progressivism. We sure as hell were not in office when the Civil Rights Act on which this particular bit of theater is based passed the legislature.
False Grackle
Folks, the girl is on hormones and likely takes pains to hide her privates in her panties, like most girls changing in the locker room do.
If a few drugs are all it takes to become a woman, why do we need any laws about sexual discrimination? It's just about levels of medication, apparently.
And why would we need MORE women in government? They think the same as men since, you know, men can "feel" like women and become women.
Second, outside of the despicable Catherine Lhamon, the nameless "federal education authorities" who participated in this ruling are entirely anonymous.
We need to correct that. We need Congress to publicize the names of these bureaucrats.
I think it says something bad about the adults involved, that they just assume all teenage girls are able to just casually observe a penis.
Hell, ADULT women don't much like having cocks dangling about in their locker rooms from what I gather.
But when those girls are raped, I'm sure the raped will be thrilled to know that their violation, at the very least, advanced an idiotic theory on rights.
So what should be the rule here--you go into the locker room designated for someone with your body parts regardless of how you identify, or you go into the locker room for the gender to which you identify? I would think the former makes the most sense, for the same reason gay men still use the men's room--whatever is in your mind or personality, you are physically tied to your gender. Otherwise, we may as well have the locker rooms go full unisex as anyone could decide which rooms to use.
How far does self identification go as a legal doctrine? Ultimately someone who appears male and makes no effort to appear otherwise, can claim to be female and then must be accepted as female? Is appearance or effort to appear enough? Is there any test for femaleness other than self assertion? How would a government that distributes some benefits according to categories -- race, gender, ethnicity -- that can be manipulated by self assertion control those distributions in any meaningful way? Is there a test for self assertions that can be reliably applied?
Also, were the Democratic candidates asked about this issue at their debate? Or is it only the GOP that gets asked uncomfortable questions designed to make them look out of the mainstream?
What does it mean that they "found?" Discovered? Ruled?
I hope the school district tells them to fuck off and make this into something very big, something that cannot escape the MSM
Let's keep in mind: This is a decision made by a bureaucrat (the same one involved in the UVA "Rape story"). The district needs to sue --- but, then again, Obama has already made plans to ignore a court decision on his amnesty program, so his fealty to the law is sketchy on a good day.
Yeah, we need more gov't so our betters can ignore laws they pass for us.
The Bergall said...
I believe that this can be found in the "Diversity" clause of the constitution....
I'm unsuccessfully trying to find the constitutional basis for a federal "Department of Education". Can someone help?
How in the name of God did forcing girls to shower with boys become a legitimate function of the federal government?
Most of the activities of the federal bureaucracy are nothing but a big "Fuck You" to the citizenry.
FYI, as a point of clarification: the student was offered the accomodation of changing in the girl's locker room, in a curtained-off private area, and refused.
If the feds win, just waiting for parents to sue on behalf of girls who are unable to change privately because there aren't enough such private areas. Must the school then remodel with a mega-addition to accomodate 100+ private changing stalls?
" ...just waiting for parents to sue on behalf of girls who are unable to change privately..."
Not gonna happen. Normal people don't go in for lawsuits over crap like this. That route is for the pervs, the lunatics, the maladjusted (and their fans in the government).
How in the name of God did forcing girls to shower with boys become a legitimate function of the federal government?
No kidding. And I agree. I want Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to be asked about this. This is coming directly from Obama's administration.
What about men over 40 who self-identify as 16 year old girls. Can they use the girls' locker room too?
This would never fly at Sidwell. Maybe that's Obama's message: Parents, get your girls out of public schools.
Let's talk again about how government is so accountable, Hillary.
Next up--reinstating the medals won by East German women in the Olympics.
". . . and this is where conceptions of government can get us in trouble. Whenever I hear people saying that our problems would be solved without government, I always want to tell them you need to go to some other countries where there really is no government, where the roads are never repaired, where nobody has facilitated electricity going everywhere even where it’s not economical, where—"
It's not because they don't have government, Obama. It's because they have a corrupt government and no economic growth.
What a dipshit.
Watching libtards prattle about "rights" after they just pissed all over the rights of hundreds of girls to accommodate a single deviant = lulz.
Note to trannies everywhere: You have the right to your fetishes, sexual fantasies and delusions. You don't have the right to compel others to participate.
Bill R said...
What about men over 40 who self-identify as 16 year old girls. Can they use the girls' locker room too?
I self-identify as a billionaire prince (not Saudi) jazzed up with some Super-Powers™, so I can use any bathroom or locker-room I want, including yours.
"Let's talk again about how government is so accountable, Hillary."
Government is just another word for the things we force you to do together.
Note to trannies everywhere: You have the right to your fetishes, sexual fantasies and delusions. You don't have the right to compel others to participate.
I think Althouse would disagree. Since she won't argue, I'll put the words in her mouth.
"No kidding. And I agree. I want Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to be asked about this. This is coming directly from Obama's administration."
I'm sure the minute some moderator asked her about it her "opponent" Bernie Sanders would come to the rescue saying he's tired of hearing about the damn transgendered.
See, at debates the Dems can be asked things like "what are your talking points for how to deal with the economy" or "what are your scripted answers for handling foreign affairs" while the GOP gets asked "what makes you less insane than your supporters" and "which do you love more--starving the poor or forcing women to give up the rights they've gained since 1900?"
The Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Education offers a hagiography of Catherine Lhamon: "Lhamon has dedicated her life’s work to equity and justice. Appointed by President Obama, she is doing that as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education," gushes the (official) blog.
The blog entry was written by Dan Griffin, "confidential assistant at the U.S. Department of Education," who apparently is a political appointee.
I think Althouse would disagree. Since she won't argue, I'll put the words in her mouth.
Yeah, a bajillion words about Kennedy's visualization of "swing". Nothing about her opinion of this.
In schools where this is happening, parents of daughters should pull their kids from the school in protest. Few things get a school's attention faster than a mass walkout that impacts their attendance funding. If that doesn't work, pull their daughters entirely from the school and send then either to private schools or home school them until this insanity goes away.
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, it's a mixed up, fucked up, shook up world, except for Lola.
In schools where this is happening, parents of daughters should pull their kids from the school in protest. Few things get a school's attention faster than a mass walkout that impacts their attendance funding. If that doesn't work, pull their daughters entirely from the school and send then either to private schools or home school them until this insanity goes away.
...then, when THIS problem is fixed, pull all of their boys out until schools stop fucking boys over.
"And why would we need MORE women in government? They think the same as men since, you know, men can 'feel' like women and become women."
All it takes is Wear a Dress to Congress Day. Legislators will have extra time to consider their votes as they wait in line for the bathrooms without urinals.
Then follow with Dance Backward in Heels Day, for complex issues.
Legislators who do not shave their legs for Wear a Dress to Congress Day are only allowed to vote "present."
Because authenticity.
I don't know if this is typical of high schools everywhere but my two high school girls (one just graduated and one is a sophomore) tell me that none of the girls shower at school.
They just put their street clothes back on after gym without a shower? I ask.
their answer is just a shrug.
When they come home from track or cross country practice, they are in their workout clothes.
Its not a violation of anti discrimination laws to treat biological men like men. Gender as a social construct is an internal feeling, not a quantifiable definition.
Why do we have mens rooms and womens rooms anyway? it can't possibly be based on gender as a social construct as opposed to gender as a biological fact. Because it would then be possible for a man to simply say he's a woman and he gets to use the womans room. How are they determining he isn't in fact a woman trapped in a mans body and not just saying that?
Bruce Jenner is a perfect example of how silly this "gender as a social construct" argument is. Would they let him compete, as a woman in the Olympics. Considering how much he dominated the decathlon against men, how would it be fair to have him instead compete against women?
The Olympic committee has started allowing people who are transgender to compete after taking female hormones that theortetically cut their times down to that of other women (biological). But look at how stupid that is. What is the right amount of estrogen required to make a man on par athletically with a woman in sports. There is no possible way to measure that. Suppose Jenner took estrogen for two years and his time was lowered, but he still beat all the women handily. You could make the argument that he didn't take enough estrogen and that he still had an inherent advantage. It would still be like Lance Armstrong juicing. He couldn't say he beat the women fair and square, because he had an advantage anyway, and the estrogen only slightly lowered his advantage.
And if taking estrogen lowered his advantage so much that women beat him, then he could make the argument that he was disadvantaged by taking estrogen. In no case could you measure his true skill as a female athlete. BECUASE HE ISNT" ONE.
"Aren't the civil rights of female students not to shower with a male student are being violated?"
-- The student ISN'T male according to the logic that allows that student to shower there.
Next up--reinstating the medals won by East German women in the Olympics.
@ddh, I don't believe that IOC ever took them away.
Nice to know that the American educational system is doing such a bang up job of, you know, EDUCATING kids that this is a priority.
"Title IX From Outer Space" --Iowahawk
Does the D. Ed. have a statutory definition of "female" that fits this student, to make this work?
Or is the apparatchik in question just winging it?
Repeal Title IX, yesterday.
And then end the school system, today.
The Space Marines in the movie version of Heinlein's Starship Troopers used a coed shower and dorms, and there were no issues. So it should work in high school, right?
Why do we have "federal education authorities"?
Repeal Title IX, yesterday.
I'm looking forward to some NBA Development League players deciding to be cute and decide to dominate the WNBA.
American Culture, 2015: Welcome to hell.
When the military didn't allow gay people and DADT was being debated, one of the questions was about the showers, and being naked with men who are gay. You wouldn't know, was the answer. It doesn't matter, everyone said, because everyone has the same equipment. And so gay men and straight men, and lesbians and straight women shower together because they all look the same, even if some are attracted to others in the same locker room.
But now, we also must have girls with female bodies shower with girls with male bodies. The girl with the male body can't shower with the guys because.....she considers herself a girl. I don't know if she is attracted to males or females.
But if body type is no longer the marker of who the government thinks we should shower with, and sexuality is no longer the marker, what is the argument for having men and women shower separately, according to the government?
Good questions, May Bee.
Although a little different application, the answer you might get is DADT.
Repeal Title IX, yesterday.
And while we're at it, name the Congressional act that repeals Title IX after Catherine Lhamon.
If a transgender person (male equipment, female orientation) convinces a Dr. to write an Rx for birth control pills, would Obamacare have to cover it? I guess so.
Didn't Jerry Sandusky miss his best defense?
I identified as a 14 year old boy that day and was just playing grab ass in the shower with my fellow teenagers. No harm in that. And you have to respect my constitutional right to "identify" you cis-normal-ists!
Well, it *is* an education for all involved.
Obama would, but the abortion and planning industry would still reject him. They're not fooled by a male pretending to be female, but with no hope of ever delivering embryonic and fetal organs, tissue, and stem cells. There is opportunity with the first, and no profit in the second. Even the pro-choice cult operates with some kind of fitness function.
The girls in the locker room should require the school to post trigger warnings when they boy shows up on the grounds his presence makes them feel unsafe.
All the girls could file out of the locker room whenever he enters. Or shun him. Freeze him out. Have all the weapons kids used to use to settle their own business, been stripped from them?
Maybee wrote:
But if body type is no longer the marker of who the government thinks we should shower with, and sexuality is no longer the marker, what is the argument for having men and women shower separately, according to the government?
Planet Fitness got sued by some customers who objected to a man being dressed like a female using the womens locker room. And they sided with the guy.
The blogger Steven Crowder tested this by dressing up like a woman and going to a planet fitness and trying to do the same thing. THe guy he spoke with said he knew who Stephen Crowder was so wouldn't let him in.
But I really though Stephen should have gotten someone that no one knew to do the exact same thing.
Because it underlies the flaw in this argument. There is no actual way to prove that someone is who they say they are.
lets say Bruce Jenner was not a well known guy/woman but instead some guy who dressed up like a woman. Is he a transgender, a cross dresser, a drag queen or just some guy who says he's a woman. Would they have a different stance if he dressed in womens clothes than not? Does he need a doctors note? How much are they checking these credentials?
jr565 said... [hush][hide comment]
Does he need a doctors note? How much are they checking these credentials?
11/3/15, 2:47 PM
I believe the standard [officially] is, "how earnest is the feeling"? If you really, really feel that you are a women, then OK, you be a woman. But you have to really, really FEEL it. Like totally FEEL it. If so, then we are good to go. Understand?
Maybe there's a compromise. Let the boy into the girls locker room. But if he gets an erection, expel him for lying.
"All students deserve the opportunity to participate equally in school programs and activities — this is a basic civil right,” Catherine Lhamon, the Education Department’s assistant secretary for civil rights, said in a statement. “Unfortunately, Township High School District 211 is not following the law because the district continues to deny a female student the right to use the girls’ locker room.”
people should start identifying as tri gender. That way they get to use all locker rooms.
Trigenderism is a real gender https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigender. It needs to be accommodated. And its based on my whims at the moment - "A trigender person may shift from one gender to another depending on the individual's mood or situation."
The situations where I would feel like a girl is when I want to use services that are created for girls. Prove me wrong.
Larry J said...
Maybe there's a compromise. Let the boy into the girls locker room. But if he gets an erection, expel him for lying
He might be self identifying as a lesbian.
"How is this discrimination? He was being treated exactly the same as normal people." -- Somebody
jr565 "people should start identifying as tri gender"
I used to use that phrase all the time in my younger days, when the latest fad was "bi-sexual." I would jokingly tell people I'm tri-sexual, "I'll try almost anything once."
Looks like your wiki entry means the movement has taken back the phrase and redefined it to suit their narratives.
Does Title IX define "female"?
Can trigender people play on all sports teams? Do they switch teams depending on how they feel that day?
Todd wrote:
I believe the standard [officially] is, "how earnest is the feeling"? If you really, really feel that you are a women, then OK, you be a woman. But you have to really, really FEEL it. Like totally FEEL it. If so, then we are good to go. Understand?
That is essentially true and absurd.
But even worse, how do the people at Planet fitness know you are earnest, versus faking? None of us can determine how valid peoples feelings are, and if they really feel it or only only playing a role there is no real way to determine.
Does Rachel Dolenzal REALY FEEL like she's a black woman? Or only pretending to be one to further some agenda on her part. There's no way I could ever determine her true feelings on the subject.
However, suppose I was charged to provide loans for minority businesses and she came to me and said she was black. I'm pretty sure I would reject her application unless she could prove it with something more than feelings.
Wasn't this a South Park episode?
The girls in the locker room should require the school to post trigger warnings when they boy shows up on the grounds his presence makes them feel unsafe.
My kids' High School has had a number of transgendered students. Kids these days are mostly unfazed by this. Unlike their parents.
Kids are usually dumb. That's why they require adult supervision.
Most of them are unfazed, yes. Of course, if any are uncomfortable, screw them and their bigoted families, fire them from their jobs and destroy any business that they own if you can't fire them, right? That's the compassionate way.
"Liberal." Lulz.
When is one of the Democratic debate moderators going to ask the candidates how many genders there are?
How about people who are convinced they are dead?
Should insurance companies be forced to pay out to their families since they are in fact dead. Even though you are talking to them and they are carrying on conversations they are not convinced, and so, you really need to pay out the money. Just like you would pay out life insurance to any family of a dead person.
Should doctors pronounce them dead even though they have heart beats. And maybe pag them and put them on the slab? And then cut them open and dissect them for medical research? Even if they are screaming in agony while we saw them open, that has to be fake since they are convinced they are dead. Therefore that is the criterion that we have to use.
If they wake up after being dead, should we now accept that they were magically resurrected from the dead like Lazarus?
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