I hope they have surveillance cameras to identify the malefactors. Who benefits?
Meanwhile, at Princeton:
Students staged a protest Wednesday inside the office of Princeton University's president, demanding the school remove the name of former school president and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson from programs and buildings over what they said was his racist legacy....This is an intra-liberal dispute. Hating Woodrow Wilson used be a conservative thing. Here's a Slate article from 2011: "Hating Woodrow Wilson/The new and confused attacks on progressivism."
Wilson was president of Princeton from 1902 to 1910 and served as New Jersey's governor from 1911 to 1913, when he entered the White House. The Democrat was a leading progressive but supported segregation, including appointing Cabinet members who segregated federal departments....
"Having to walk by buildings that (have Wilson's name), having to walk by his mural, having to live in residential colleges that didn't want our presence on campus, that's marginalizing," said Asanni York, a black junior who is majoring in public policy. "People are hurt by that. All this matters because, at the end of the day, black people's feelings matter just as much as any other people's feelings matter."
Over at the NYT, published today at 12:47 PM ET but quickly banished from the front page, there's "One Slogan, Many Methods: Black Lives Matter Enters Politics," which I'd noticed earlier was getting slammed in the comments. Here's the highest-rated comment (highest rated by NYT readers):
Raising awareness about heavy-handed police tactics and overly punitive, revenue-generating fines by courts is a cause most Americans are sympathetic to. But this movement has done just about everything possible to alienate the public, from obstructing traffic in places that have no link to police incidents to spouting off about 'white privilage' in contexts that make no sense. And the recent campus iteration of the movement is bordering on absurd. As someone else put it, does anyone honestly believe today's college campuses are hotbeds of racism? America certainly has its problems, and I'm fine with protests in response to specific, documented incidents involving racism but I have no use for 'let's burn down the house' rhetoric and tactics. How about just voting to start with?Another high-rated comment:
Perhaps the most useless, disorganized and misguided "movement" of our 239 year old country. This group or whatever you want to call it, doesn't have an agenda, and always when asked, as I've seen many reporters do, if they personally have felt an injustice or racially discriminated against, most say no. In fact, it seems like every time a camera is put on these people, they are pushing other people out of the way, bullying them (see Sanders speech from a couple months ago) and issuing seemingly terrorist threats of "agree with me or else." To quote the headline, this group now seeks political capital and as we all knew all along, this was never about curing or proving a cause, it was only politics and just wanting to be heard, regardless of the message being conveyed, even if wrong, which it is....
So was that like the ONLY school these kids could go to that they are forced to feel "bad" whenever they walk by those buildings? Oh the humanity!
Get your Hot Butter Popcorn right here.
The French Revolution ate their own. So to will "Progressives".
Would/could say more but then it might offend,which is so easily done.
That comment is in reference to the Princeton University students...
I didn't know all these elite Ivy League schools (Harvard, Princeton, Yale) were so racist. Whew, glad I didn't go to any of 'em:)
I think that there will be a number of students who will be able to escape exams this semester. I think that is part of the point. Perhaps a very large part. Because if there is anything that says white supremacy it is a graded exam.
"Hating Woodrow Wilson used be a conservative thing. "
It's still a conservative thing to a degree. Goldberg's book, Liberal Fascism, has a large section on him.
It seems to me that he's viewed by conservatives as the single worst president in history.
So did those Princeton University students of color know what the buildings were named before they started classes there? Were they offended before they started classes there or did they need to be taught to be offended?
It's safe to say that these little petulant progressive punks of various stripes and colors (I note that "persons of color" and their cohorts are at the core of a lot of these protests) not to mention womyn and various flavors of sexual persuasion are really just little folk (small in intellect and character if not of stature) who got themselves all wee wee'd up. (To borrow a phrase from our Lightworker.)
When I was in the military, outside the commanders office was a set of pictures of the chain of command, from president on down.
Someone had drawn a Hitler mustache on President Nixon.
Needless to say, we all paid the consequences, because the shitbird that did it was a lousy bum, who never admitted it.
"It seems to me that he's viewed by conservatives as the single worst president in history."
For now.
They must be really angry at ISIS for pushing them off the front page.
We're going to have to change the name of the nation's capital and next, get rid of the one dollar bill. George Washington owned slaves, lots of them. So did his wife and most of the people he knew.
I'm old enough to remember reading the cartoons of Al Capp (Li'l Abner) and his invention of "Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything" (SWINE). I can only imagine the fun he'd have with today's college whackos.
The black tape obfuscation bears the hallmarks of a feces swastika or Christ in Urine.
While we're at it, let's change the name of the Democratic party, the party of Jefferson, Jackson, Wilson, segregation and Bull Connor. Know-Nothing might be better, though I hear it's been used before.
"Black Lives Matter enters politics" WTF!
They've always been in politics, funded by the same organisations and people that fund Hillary, Obama and most progressive "grassroots" movements.
"We're going to have to change the name of the nation's capital and next, get rid of the one dollar bill. George Washington owned slaves, lots of them. So did his wife and most of the people he knew."
Yes. Carrying around dollar bills must be incredibly marginalizing. Double plus ungood if you live in the nation's capitol. Triple extra bad if you see the W**gton monument every day.
How do you go on living?
And if you live in Seattle, you're in a culturally-appropriated hell, what with the revered chief's name AND the dead white slavemaster in your address.
It used to be on the SAT
Woodrow Wilson is to Eugenics as Franklin D Roosevelt is to _______...
@Todd, perhaps in high school they were taught that Wilson, like all Democrat presidents, was awesome and wonderful, and only after actually learning some genuine history did they find out that he used the Department of Justice to silence political opponents and that he introduced a policy of discouraging black men from applying to Princeton, and introduced segregation into the federal civil service, patiently explaining to a delegation of protesting black men that "segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen."
Imagine if you live in Cheney, Washington. The most evilest person of the 21st century and the dead white slave guy right there in your home address every day. Talk about triggering.
There's a picture of a Republican on the $5 bill in my wallet!
But he never owned slaves.
Who can I call to find out how I'm supposed to feel about this?
Are people going to be able to find a time when there was no racism, or a person in history with no flaws?
Good luck! Zero tolerance, baby!
"The Democrat was a leading progressive but supported segregation."
Why "but"? More likely, "and hence". Why should we be surprised when collectivists define the collective in racial terms?
Where can you travel when you have a zero tolerance policy? What wonders of the world are you allowed to see and enjoy? What cities can you feel "safe" in? What countries have eradicated all signs of their now-bad pasts?
I don't hate Wilson, but, Yes, he was a terrible President. It'd be nice if these Princeton snowflakes could, you know, debate the merits of our entry into WWI, and the Red scare, and the Treaty of Versailles, and the failed effort to have the US join the League of Nations.
It is quite interesting stuff. In fact, I learned much of it college.
How about just voting to start with?
This commenter stumbled upon their true raison d'etre: motivate black people to get out and vote for an old white lady.
They're peculiar people at Slate. Imagine going to the effort of mentioning Eugene Debs in an article about Woodrow Wilson, without mentioning that Wilson had Debs thrown into prison.
Big Mike, you could very well be right.
In which case, they should be mad at their local school district for "not learning them nothing".
I was mostly acting "tongue in cheek" as they are voluntarily attending that school and if it is just too much for their delicate constitutions to be assaulted by those names on those buildings on an ongoing bases, they should move themselves to another school so that they will feel safe. No?
For all we know, Amerigo Vespucci was quite racist. I mean, he was European. Did he have a diverse crew? Maybe we should just change the name of the country to something more inclusive feeling.
If they had video, and the perps were white, the video would have been released overnnight.
Bay Area Guy You can never be not-racist enough. Coming soon to a University near you, Ann.
As my daughter pointed out yesterday, her high school classmates who had worse grades than she go to better colleges than she, where they now fill up their facebook pages complaining about how oppressed they are. Young people notice these things, though university professors cannot see them.
Bay Area Guy, Treaty of Versaille? Wasn't he guy made them fancy dresses? What's he doing writing treaties?
--Signed, Contemporary Poli-Sci Major
PS-- And don't get me started on the Diet of Worms, That's just gross.
I look forward to learning that black students put the tape on the photos of black professors to raise awareness of racist white people at Harvard.
The protestors at Smith College want journalists to pledge solidarity with them before they cover their protests:
The Democrat was a leading progressive butthus supported segregation,
Fixed it.
The entire Movement is political blackmail, oops, extortion, that thinks it has a get out of jail free card and a ticket to ride to appropriated wealth on Obama's promised Great Day that all of the other races being imported here out number the asleep at the switch whites.
It is old fashioned Blockbusting going Nation Busting.
Liberal freedoms grow dimly irrelevant when what one seeks is a mass conquest by power.
hawkeyedjb said...
"We're going to have to change the name of the nation's capital and next, get rid of the one dollar bill. George Washington owned slaves, lots of them. So did his wife and most of the people he knew."
And while we're at it, move the nations capital out of the former slave states. I suggest somewhere near Fargo, North Dakota.
Oh yeah, and the world temperature gets hotter every year. It is true in the false Statistics, but not in the earth. Just like black lives are mistreated is in the false statistics, but not in the earth.
I hope they have surveillance cameras to identify the malefactors.
Why would you hope? Is black tape offensive now?
It seems to me that he's viewed by conservatives as the single worst president in history.
He's up there. And Palmer made McCarthy look like a total pussy.
And, man, I hope they enter politics. The Dems deserve the headache. Go ahead and make your party an openly racist party.
...yet again.
hawkeyedjb said...
And if you live in Seattle, you're in a culturally-appropriated hell, what with the revered chief's name AND the dead white slavemaster in your address.
Slavery was common among Amerindians, and
Chief Seattle had eight of 'em.
@Fritz, not there! Next thing you know the bureaucrats will suggest that since they don't need air conditioning, it's safe to ban air conditioning everywhere throughout the USA! I think Montgomery, Alabama, would be a better choice.
They're peculiar people at Slate. Imagine going to the effort of mentioning Eugene Debs in an article about Woodrow Wilson, without mentioning that Wilson had Debs thrown into prison.
Or that the Republican who followed him released him.
Ah dear ol Woodrow. The fellow who pushed progressive policies into American government. He's a guy who is easy to dislike. But he was the hero of my sister in law who taught government classes at Berkeley High School.
I'd bet my house that the tape on the photos is a hoax. And in other Pioneer Valley college news- according to the Daily Hampshire Gazette the Amherst College faculty voted unanimously (no info on abstentions- hard to believe Hadley Arkes voted for this one)to get rid of the Lord Jeff mascot. Perhaps they should consider "Fighting Sioux" which, I understand, has recently become available.
We need to tear down DC's Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Renaming it is not good enough because people will keep calling it Wilson (I know, I live in NY and regularly traverse the Triboro Bridge).
Now this may inconvenience a few DC residents - but I am sure they will that is a small price to pay.
Tear down the Woodrow Wilson Bridge!
Ambrose said...
We need to tear down DC's Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Renaming it is not good enough because people will keep calling it Wilson (I know, I live in NY and regularly traverse the Triboro Bridge).
Now this may inconvenience a few DC residents - but I am sure they will that is a small price to pay.
Tear down the Woodrow Wilson Bridge!
OK, I like this one, too. The last time they did that we got a nice fishing reef out of the rubble.
Woodrow Wilson was a prick. I'm glad other pricks are finding that out about him.
Pretty much all Democrats back then supported segregation. Don't stop with Wilson. And stop using those racist volleyballs!
Anything Kennedy related should be deleted, considering Joe, Sr's views.
Of course, Mohammed had slaves, so that's going to require that a lot of people change their names.
I just looked up Wilson's treatment of Eugene V. Debs, and it turns out Harding's behavior was not as impressive as I had thought, while Wilson's was even worse:
1. I had thought that Harding pardoned Debs as soon as he was inaugurated, but in fact he only commuted his sentence, on the grounds that he was in fact guilty, and did so 9 1/2 months after his inauguration, just in time for Christmas.
2. Wilson refused to pardon Debs in his last months in office (early 1921) despite his (Debs') declining health. Worse, Debs was actually sentenced to ten years in jail on November 18, 1918, i.e. a week after the Armistice, when any damage he had done to the U.S. war effort had obviously both ceased and failed.
By the way, I live literally next door Wilson's presidential library, but have never gone inside, and probably never will. He really was the worst president ever, with the probable exception of one or two still living, where it's too early to tell for sure. I can recommend walking by if you're ever in Staunton: you can get an excellent view of his 1916 Pierce Arrow convertible without paying the money to go inside.
Slavery was common among Amerindians
Slavery, torture, genocide, and imperialism, too. The less aggressive and minority tribes while circumspect, welcomed allies from outside the American sphere.
Further proof of the toxic Ivy League group think that has so infected our nation's leadership over the last 100+ years.
I'd have more trust in a graduate from San Angelo State University.
"Hating Woodrow Wilson used be a conservative thing. "
Well, yeah--he's a bad guy, super Leftist, hurt the country, terrible policies, abused power in a way that made doing so in the future more acceptable...all that. He was also a racist, that's no secret.
The Left doesn't mind the rest, but we're talking about race now. He was a racist. Therefore he's horrible.
I mean, Stalin had some interesting views on race, as did Mao, Castro, and poster boy Che (on gays, too)...but until and unless you can show the Left that they were racist against American blacks you'll get a big shrug--at this point what difference, and so on.
Some animals are more equal than others. It's NOT "All Lives Matter," how many times do you have to hear them tell you that?
HLS - has Vegas set odds yet on the likely socio-economic makeup of the perpetrator. I would not be surprised if HLS finds out who did it and then keeps it hushed up while they get the poor snowflake counseling. My guess is that they already know who did it.
YNNDH: Get your Hot Butter Popcorn right here.
The French Revolution ate their own. So to will "Progressives".
Apropos of which, I just came over here from reading this.
Having to live in Clown World can be maddening, but right now Clown World academies are providing massive comic relief on a daily basis.
I'm guessing hoax also.
Meanwhile, the Amazon box cracks me up with multiple suggestions for black tape - black crepe paper, black duct tape, black vinyl tape....
It seems to me that he's viewed by conservatives as the single worst president in history.
Heh. Not anymore!
Re Princeton: I'm confused by all the opposition to Wilson.
He was a racist who opposed free speech. For today's protesters, what's not to like?
When I went to college in the early 80s, I had on mind, in no particular order, the following:
1. Pretty girls
2. Making friends
3. Attending class
4. Beer
5. Football games
6. Doing homework
7. Part-time work
It was quite a pleasant interlude between high school and the real world, I must say.
Wilson was among the First Democrat Politicians for President who employed The Southern Strategy. That worked well until HST worked his 1948 miracle win without it
For the record, Atlanta does not claim Wilson. For all we care the Princetonians can put him where the Russians put the evil Lenin.
"think that there will be a number of students who will be able to escape exams this semester. I think that is part of the point. Perhaps a very large part. Because if there is anything that says white supremacy it is a graded exam.
This is all it's about. In case anyone wonders what my opinion is.
The book on this is called "Mismatch" and is about how b;backs end up in colleges where they can't succeed without fake grades and courses and majors.
These students are starting to figure that out, and typically are not studying but rioting. Just look at them in Dartmouth Library.
R.Chatt: We're going to have to change the name of the nation's capital and next, get rid of the one dollar bill. George Washington owned slaves, lots of them. So did his wife and most of the people he knew.
Lincoln Memorial has to go, too. Just about every (if not every) great man in this nation's history did "problematic" things and held "problematic" views. Are these affirmative action bozos going to throw tantrums (and refrain from learning anything) until their sniveling lib enablers consent to tearing it all down, or at least re-naming everything after the blacks who built everything while these white guys were lounging about on their "ideology of racism"?
Oh, and yeah, the black tape? Hoax.
The black tape was almost certainly another false flag hoax. BLM used the same tape that night to mask out the "racist" emblem... They say it was revenge.... But seriously. A racist Harvard Law student happens to be walking through at night and decides this is going to be thier racist protest? And seriously, Harvard Law students get heavily scrutinized for admittance. How would a racist make it through the admission process? Besides, the first guy to notice it, just happens to be a Black activist who isn't even in the law program.
100% bullshit story.
I'll bet anything it was done by black student/s. We've seen hoaxes again and again. Black tape over their mouths or faces? Yeah, not something an angry racist vandal is gonna do. More like the work of community organized provocateur. I'll double or nothing and say that if I'm right, and if they did catch the culprit on camera, they will not release the identity nor prosecute them. They may however institute mandatory racial sensitivity sessions for white students because of it.
Watch carefully as these affirmative action enrollees are able to skip final exams this semester. There has just been too many fire hoses, too many snarling dogs, to bear.
Once again, we have Black people who think that white people sit around all day obsessing about them just as they obsess about white people.
Plantation mentality. The dems love it!
Michael K
I actually sympathize with them. Picture this. You have come from majority black schools and your entire grade school and high school career has been a long string of straight A's. Your teachers have overlooked your grammar and have given you extra credit for trying and, frankly, because you are performing better than many of your racial peers. Along comes the college admissions process and you are actively sought. Now you find yourself in a prestige university where the majority have performed at exceptionally high levels and who have deep competitive instincts. They have had demonstrably greater advantages but that doesn't take away the sting of suddenly going from the A student to the very very marginal student. One would assume racism as one would not look inward.
"nd only after actually learning some genuine history did they find out that he used the Department of Justice to silence political opponents"
I would think almost all modern lefties (and their MSM frontline soldiers) would find that eminently worthy of imitation. Chris Matthews would certainly moisten his panties at the thought of Roger Ailes in the clink.
I've heard that a student who may have been white or biracial was seen making what looked like a hex sign at a portrait of a Black professor.
Later that day, the portrait was found to be tilted! And no one had been near it!
In response, the Dean of the Harvard Law School has hired a race crimes investigator who uses a dowsing stick to detect racists among the student population. The investigator has told Dean Martha Minow that he believes that not only many of the students, but some faculty members and possibly members of her staff and her advisers are racists and will have to be put to the question.
> YNNDH: Get your Hot Butter Popcorn right here.
If you don't mind, I'll just sit here and knit.
la Tricoteuse
"Michael K
I actually sympathize with them. "
I do too but I am angry that they would disrupt the library where real students are trying to study. I think they have a grievance but not against white students, probably a significant number in serious subjects, who are making use of their opportunity for an elite education.
I saw this in the 60s when I was a medical student. There were students who got into drugs and flunked out.
I also see black medical students, most of whom are not American born, who are doing well and appreciate the chance they have.
Some of these black kids are from wealthy backgrounds, like the idiot who was going to hunger strike.
I even talk to African kids who are here legally and plan to join the US military, then use the GI Bill to go to college here. I am certain we will never see them chanting and disrupting the library.
I assume at this point that the person(s) who put the tape on wasn't actually white (unless they are of the Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King variety.)
1) Obviously the Harvard incident is a hoax. Who could doubt that?
2) I'd be happy to see all public memory of Woodrow Wilson obliderated. He was responsible for the nanny state. He was the first president to really grow the federal government, based on his belief in the ideal of technocratic, administrative governance, and he laid the foundations for the New Deal. So if liberals want to throw him down the memory hole, that's OK with me. Wait - that's not what they're upset about? Huh, how about that.
"You have come from majority black schools and your entire grade school and high school career has been a long string of straight A's. Your teachers have overlooked your grammar and have given you extra credit for trying and, frankly, because you are performing better than many of your racial peers." I'm not sure that describes most of the black students at the Ivies. Most of them are the children of affluent parents, and grew up in the suburbs, attending excellent suburban schools. There they did well but not great - well enough to be able to "check the box" and catapult over their smarter, harder working peers who had much higher grades and SATs, and get into an Ivy. This is the game they all play, everyone knows it, so why are we afraid to talk about it?
One of my daughters got turned down by UCLA Law School and went elsewhere, while a suite mate who was Hispanic got into UCLA with a lower GPA and LSAT. My daughter went to law school in Washington State and paid private tuition while the Hispanic girl got resident tuition.
My daughter is a senior FBI agent and I wonder how the other girl is doing.
I notice that BLM demands are for money for cultural centers and positions for professors. But one thing the students complain about is not being prepared for college and being abandoned there after having been heavily recruited. The cure is to fix the public school system but to say so would be a criticism of the teachers union. Black Lives don't Matter if helping blacks means criticizing the teachers union. And so the BLM demands don't mention the corrupt and rotten public schools these students struggled out of "only to find/ they still haven't found/What they're looking for." I can't sympathize with a movement that names a problem (bad schools leave us unprepared) and then demands irrelevant solutions (more black professors).
I saw Goody White Student with the Devil, he danced with the Devil, he signed the Devil's book!
No, sorry, I meant to say he put black tape over pictures of African American professors, to show, um, something something super racist.
And if I belonged to a group which wasn't wanted by a prominent founder of the university I was attending, I'd walk past his picture several times a day so he could see he didn't succeed in keeping me out.
Someone I'm thinking about not following on Twitter any longer posted a link to the UNC students' demands, which have to be seen to be believed: link.
Michael K
I think the library disruption is telling. It is literally aimed at retarding the progress of those who are busting it. Much easier to bring down than climb up.
When I taught in an historically black college in the early 70s, at the very outset of affirmative action I asked my students what they planned to do after the last token black was hired at the moment expertise would be chosen over skin color. It made an impression on some. This, of course, was before there were legions of jobs in compliance, diversity offices, and on and on.
Dr. Weevil
Thanks for the link. Hilarious. It again supports my belief that everyone admitted to a school like UNC should be issued a diploma at that moment. Students wishing to avail themselves of the school can proceed to attend, those armed with the degree can go their own way. It is essentially what is done today but without the angst and drama.
"Students wishing to avail themselves of the school can proceed to attend, those armed with the degree can go their own way. "
This was Nixon's solution to the Vietnam riots. He ended the draft and they disappeared.
Give them all diplomas. Maybe an asterisk in the corner for mentally slow HR people.
I'm kind of hoping it is a hoax, because that's horrible. But then I'm hoping it's not a hoax, because the hoaxes are just as bad if not worse.
This is an unbelievably generous gift to the Republicans, so good for them that you'd be tempted to think it was a false flag operation. Hillary! will be forced to endorse it -- she already has, sufficiently to supply material for the eventual attack ads -- and she won't get the kind of protection O got when the Rev Wright stuff came out in '08.
When the other side is in self destruct mode, it's always best to get out of the way. But make sure the cameras are getting it all on videotape.
Real or hoax, it's more likely to trigger a WTF response than anything hostile or derogatory. Are there are a group of Zen Buddhist terrorists active on the Harvard campus?........Wilson negotiated the fate of the world while undergoing the mental changes that precede a stroke. JFK topped him by negotiating nuclear Armageddon while on cocktail of cocaine and amphetamines. Records are meant to be broken.....Wilson wrote many scholarly books on constitutional law.. This is a lawyer rich environment. Are those books still read? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity. Can you cite a scholarly authority who's racist.
Call me when they decide to scrub West Virginia of all references to the grand kleagle Byrd. Oh wait, Democrat. Never mind.
I don't think the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs should change its name. It has always been a strong supporter of eugenics through its support for the Office of Population Research which was dominated by eugenicists until the 80's (Frederick Osborn, Frank Notestein, Ansley Coale, Charles Westoff) and is still hospitable to them (Noreen Goldman, Acting Director 2015). And it will continue to support eugenics no matter what it is called. It would take a sustained scholarly effort to unseat the grip the eugenicists have on that institution. When the eugenicists stopped supporting segregation they started supporting birth control which is wiping out the African-Americans. So leave the name, it tells us something important about the institution as a name should.
Woodrow Wilson on Segregation
"When [Wilson] entered the White House a hundred years ago today, Washington was a rigidly segregated town — except for federal government agencies. They had been integrated during the post-war Reconstruction period, enabling African-Americans to obtain federal jobs and work side by side with whites in government agencies. Wilson promptly authorized members of his cabinet to reverse this long-standing policy of racial integration in the federal civil service.
A delegation of black professionals led by Monroe Trotter, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Harvard and Boston newspaper editor, appeared at the White House to protest the new policies. But Wilson treated them rudely and declared that 'segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.'
with Wilson in the White House, cinematographer D.W. Griffith produced a motion picture version of the book, titled “Birth of a Nation.” With quotations from Wilson’s scholarly writings in its subtitles, the silent film denounced the Reconstruction period in the South when blacks briefly held elective office in several states. It hailed the rise of the Ku Klux Klan
While the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People publicly denounced the movie’s blatant appeals to racial prejudice, the president organized a private screening of his friend’s film in the White House for the members of his cabinet and their families. “It is like writing history with lightning,” Wilson observed, “and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”
Michael K wrote:
Maybe an asterisk in the corner for mentally slow HR people.
Where do you think HR people come from?
From the UNC doc: "patriarchal capitalism"
Jesus Jones, these people are d-u-m-b.
It's a hoax. Just like this one:
Has there ever been one of these incidences that were not found to be done by a "student of color" or one of their "white allies"?
"Michael K wrote:
Maybe an asterisk in the corner for mentally slow HR people.
Where do you think HR people come from?"
Good point. I think most of them come from the same mental quintile as teachers.
wildswan- the schools a lot of black kids attend are bad, no doubt. But it's not a teacher problem, mostly. It's true that many good teachers do not wish to teach in such environments, but overall the quality of the school most closely tracks the quality of the students. In a school filled with kids who are not interested in what the schools have to offer teaching and learning is well nigh impossible. I'm no rumpswab for the teacher's associations- which by the way I'm more or less compelled to join, and I believe that public employees shouldn't be allowed to unionize, but the primary blame does not lie with them And whoever made the comment about the black Ivies mostly coming from good suburban schools is correct
I assume we will see a mass exodus of all students of color from the University of Virginia. Founded by a slaver that bred at least one female slave. African American women's studies majors must be absolutely losing their shit.
I assume we will see a mass exodus of all students of color from the University of Virginia. Founded by a slaver that bred at least one female slave. African American women's studies majors must be absolutely losing their shit.
"a person who commits a crime or some other wrong" -- I think malefactor is too strong of a word (unless the placing the tape is actually criminal).
ganderson: ...rumpswab...
Thanks for enriching my vocabulary today.
IMHO there's a dignity in living with an uncomfortable experience to demonstrate that one is that above the insult. There is no dignity in demanding to be made comfortable. That's whining.
I guess Harvey Dent was wrong. Turns out, even if you die a hero, you live long enough to be become a villain.
Wilson's Sec.of the Navy, Josephus Daniels did away with the Navy's daily rum ration and replaced it with coffee. That's why it's called a cup of joe. That's enough reason for anybody to hate the both of them.
Btw, Hitler made eugenics unpopular by his misapplication of it. Jews are mentally superior by many measurements. Eugenics itself has never been disproved.
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