October 12, 2015

"You're carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I'm carrying a HUGE DILDO."

University of Texas student begins what she calls #CocksNotGlocks, a protest against the new Texas law permitting the licensed concealed carrying of guns on campus. The protest is accomplished by "strapping gigantic swinging dildos to our backpacks."

Unlike the guns, the dildos are not concealed. They are out there in your face, including the faces of those who — in other contexts — urge us to become sensitized to sexual aggression. How is a rape survivor supposed to feel sitting next to students with "gigantic swinging dildos" hanging from their backpacks? And what of the men who have cared about the critique of the "rape culture"? What are they to think seeing their private parts likened to weaponry and bandied about in disembodied form detached from the feeling, caring body of a human being? And why the specification that the dildos be "gigantic"? Is this not body-shaming the vast majority of men, taunting them with a thoroughly unattainable standard?


MadisonMan said...

If someone is threatening me, and my life is at risk, what would I rather have? A gun or a dildo?


damikesc said...

Are college girls capable of making a serious point anymore?

Rae said...

Job interview:

Interviewer: Miss, is this you on Facebook with a large sex toy strapped to your backpack?

Miss Snowflake: Yes!

Interviewer: You can go.

Miss Snowflake: Damn the patriarchy!

Mark said...

None of these students ever saw A Clockwork Orange. That home invasion scene removed the funny from giant phalluses.

rehajm said...

When your political goals are not being met, consider a merger of two failing memes.

Or three. Are the dildos carbon neutral?

Humperdink said...

I think the left is just getting more efficient with their antics. This is a lot easier to lug around than a mattress.

Hope she takes it to the graduation ceremony. Hang it on the front of her chest like an honors graduate.

Ann Althouse said...

"That home invasion scene removed the funny from giant phalluses."

giant detached phalluses.

Sebastian said...

"Is this not body-shaming the vast majority of men?"

Faux shock, right?

You didn't think Progs would shrink from any foolish inconsistency, if it served their cause, did you? If there even is any inconsistency: what's wrong with body-shaming men, anyway? Attacking men's nuts and gun nuts: it's a two-fer.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Now Hillary can talk about this woman's dildo instead of Lenny Kravitz' penis.

Paco Wové said...

But dildos are racist. So there's a problem.

JCC said...

So, just some kind of, you know, normal protest wouldn't do? It had to be, what? Sexual? Pornographic in nature? Is is this supposed to somehow titillate? To be similar to a topless demonstration that has nothing to do with a subject requiring exposure of female skin? A juvenile fascination with shocking the parents maybe? That probably has more to do with the nature of this.

If you go to the Facebook page for the protest and read the comments, there is a sense that only college educated people are allowed to post and comment, and only the intellegentsia will get this. Red neck hayseeds stay out.

Which is pretty typical I guess. Young college kids, etc.

Bob Boyd said...

I like it better when the gals take their tops off to protest something. What happened to that?
Hopefully we'll have some sensible legislation to keep them from getting a hold of those scary looking black dildos. You don't need a dildo like that.

Bob Ellison said...

The dildo meme is part of the vast left-wing conspiracy to kill off men as a concept. It's been going on for a long time. Fish, bicycle; who needs him, I've got a dildo.

Gay men are mostly silent on this point. They seem to recognize partners in political crime.

Curious George said...

Saw "Huge Dildo" and thought it was another Obama post...

Unknown said...

1. they might consider following the example of


2. this is a State law, not a campus option. they should take their little backpacks down to the Capitol building where the decision is actually made.

Bob Ellison said...

By the way, Dildo-Bongs are on sale today at your local convenience store. 20% off except on the big ones.

Scott M said...

There's no way this doesn't backfire on the dildo carriers.

Titus said...

I am surprised the paper printed the word cock.

Ken B said...

Underlying this is the notion that guns are "compensation" for small parts. Or that armed women have penis-envy.

rhhardin said...

The penis is there not for power but to get sperm near the cervix, which itself is tucked away way back there to protect the woman from infection, closed off from the world by distance and labia.

If you're not interested in children, you can be a militant feminist.

Tank said...

Each of those dildos is a small warning sign to normal men: "A lot of crazy here, enter at your own risk."

exhelodrvr1 said...

Any doubts on who mattress girl and dildo girl will vote for?

Grackle said...

@ Titus - it is the Daily Texan, Tits.

Faux G

Rumpletweezer said...

My daughter is at Texas Tech. She forwarded a statement from the administration of the university about preparing for concealed carry on campus. We're pleased about it. We don't understand why so many people have trouble understanding that concealed carry creates uncertainty in the minds of people planning bad things.

TrespassersW said...

Go ahead. Keep giving the watching world evidence that progressives are fools.

Connie said...

Protesting concealed carry by waving around giant dildos. Real life has become The Onion.

Known Unknown said...

"We don't understand why so many people have trouble understanding that concealed carry creates uncertainty in the minds of people planning bad things."

People who take the time and effort to conceal carry aren't usually the types to go postal when they get dumped or laid off.

SGT Ted said...

It shows that feminists and leftists are completely OK with objectifying male sexuality as violence.

lgv said...

Why not #clocksnotglocks? Less offensive. Just carry around a clock that looks like the one Ahmed built. "Student with fake bomb shot by student with gun".

I believe this calls for a concealed dildo permit. Proper training is required for the handling of such instruments of destruction.

lgv said...


Carry lots of rocks in your backpack, creating built analogy with the students' brains.

lgv said...


Put that damn dildo in a jock strap so we don't have to see it!

lgv said...


Bob Boyd said...

Don't bring a rubber dong to a gun fight.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Is this not body-shaming the vast majority of men, taunting them with a thoroughly unattainable standard?

So true. There is no way for me to shrink my penis down to be that small.


Peter said...

Surely the tag for this should be "This is my rifle. This is my gun. This is for fighting, and this is for fun"?

Tari said...

If these stupid women want to make fools of themselves in public, be my guest. What amazes me is you need about a 4.0 GPA in HS and a 1400 on your Boards to get into UT. And yet, so many idiots all the same. I hope the Admissions Office is proud.

Roy Lofquist said...

Now I've got to be really careful. It is hazardous for an elderly person to giggle at inappropriate times. People look at you real funny.

Scott said...

"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'" --Sigmund Freud

I think the answer is pretty damn obvious. And not having one is the primary resentment of feminists.

jr565 said...

Why would I carry a non concealed dildo out in the open? The left and progressives loves to find slogans with rhyming schemes (hey hey, ho ho, LBJ has got to go, mend it don't end it, hey hey LBJ, how many babies did you kill today). This seems like one of those. Only this current one doesn't make any logical sense and is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
How much do you want to bet that it started with someone saying "Hmmm, what rhymes with Glock? Eureka!" Did they have any other gun rhymes to work with? "What rhymes with uzi?" Floozies, not Uzis. No, that won't work.

Bob Boyd said...

When the lunatic is pointing a gun at you, clutching your silly dildo, your last thought will be the realization of how perfect the symbolism is, because in choosing a cock over a Glock you have well and truly fucked yourself.

Owen said...

This tackle could offend and frighten so its display needs to be governed by campus policy on sexual assault and harassment. Also since these are analogized to firearms they should be banned if they have folding stocks ("the thing that goes up"), scary black paint like the SWAT guys, or are capable of more than one discharge with a single trigger pull.

Quaestor said...

Is this not body-shaming the vast majority of men, taunting them with a thoroughly unattainable standard?

Yes, and yes to your other rhetorical questions.

However, your points pale in comparison to the salient fact here: #CocksNotGlocks is just another puerile stunt thought up by a singularly unpromising student intellect. The best answer to such pomposity is silent contempt.

BTW, the dildo that can body-shame Quaestor hasn't been conceived of yet, let alone fabricated in latex.

jr565 said...


Bob Boyd said...

@ jr565

One suggestion was to go around with a their finger in their nose chanting "Boogers not Rugers", but....well they were just brainstorming it, right?

Bob Boyd said...

They could go bare-assed and call it Buns Not Guns. That might work.

holdfast said...

"And what of the men who have cared about the critique of the "rape culture"?"

Any man so broken and feminized that he actually buys into that "rape culture" bilge is likely already conceal-carrying his own dildo in his rectum.

This is hilarious - the left/feminists/gun grabbers are operating at the level of 12 year old boys. They literally have nothing worthwhile to contribute any more.

Imagine if a bunch of Bros decided to protest the unfair Kampus Kangaroo Rape Kourts by wandering all over campus carrying Pocket Pussies - "No Split-Asses, No Expulsion!"

damikesc said...

Can we get adults RUNNING these schools, at least?

Every one of the women doing this should be expelled post haste.

Then kick out every one crying about microagressions.

You want government money? Stop making asses of yourselves.

jr565 said...

""'You're carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I'm carrying a HUGE DILDO,'" Jin says in the group's description. "Just about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters, but much safer for recreational play."
Citation please. Because I'd think guns would be a lot more effective in protecting us from sociopathic shooters than a dildo. By the way, if dildos are effective why don't shooters start using dildos instead of guns when trying to inflict maximum damage at schools? Why don't cops carry around big dildos and deal with criminals by hitting them with the dildo?
The most effective way to deal with someone with a gun is if you have a gun. Which is why cops, security guards and the military have guns, and not rubber phallics.

jr565 said...

if they are conceal carrying their dildos do they have them up their butts?

damikesc said...

And if a rape survivor is traumatized by a dildo, then she might need to toughen the fuck up. Hey, rape is sad and all --- but the world shouldn't be expected to cowtow to your fucked-up psyche. If you cannot handle the world, go to a mental hospital until you can.

Any man so broken and feminized that he actually buys into that "rape culture" bilge is likely already conceal-carrying his own dildo in his rectum.

Milo Yiannopoulos was kicked out of a Slut Walk for carrying a sign with "Rape Culture, like Harry Potter, is an work of fiction". I adore that man.

Laslo Spatula said...

Male college student makes a comment about female college student's dildo in her backpack.

Female college student in response cries sexual aggression.

Within two or three days, I figure.

I am Laslo.

Michael K said...

The dildo meme is part of the vast left-wing conspiracy to kill off men as a concept

Yes, and they will regret it eventually; at least those who are not lesbians.

Young men are losing interest in marriage although certain high status elites are still marrying and ignoring their own advice to the proles.

When the Muslims arrive, those girls might regret their insouciant use of dildoes.

damikesc said...

Young men are losing interest in marriage although certain high status elites are still marrying and ignoring their own advice to the proles.

When the Muslims arrive, those girls might regret their insouciant use of dildoes.

Watching feminists freak the fuck out about sexbots is a sign that they know they're in trouble. They overplayed their vagina card pretty heavily.

A lot of women will do well because they're not vicious cunts to men, so men will want to spend time with them. It's the bitchy cunts who will be forced to live with their dozens of cats.

Scott said...

I know that it's bad manners to link to one's own blog in the comments, but fuck it. Here's my Tumblr-porn site about sublimated homoeroticism in firearm culture. NSFW unless you work from home with the door locked and you don't VPN through the corporate firewall:


exhelodrvr1 said...

Someone needs to come up with a dildo-shaped holster.

Jaq said...
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robother said...

Everything's bigger in Texas; no UT men were shamed in this protest.

Etienne said...
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William said...

I recommend that we approach this scientifically and with an open mind. Campus A--guns permitted. Campus B--no guns. It is my feeling that Campus A will not be a magnet for sociopaths looking to make a splash. On the other hand, Campus A might get a few headline making parking disputes. As I say, keep an open mind on the subject and tally up the body count after ten years.......Do the same thing with dildos. I would be interested to see if such a backpack accessory eroticizes the campus or rather causes men to sit with their legs crossed in the back of he class. Myself I would feel awkward making conversation with a girl who's carrying a giant dildo, but I'm from a different generation. Maybe if the giant dildo was integrated into cosplay, especially a Game of Thrones character, it would be an interesting fashion accessory, but not otherwise. But, as noted, it's important to keep an open mind on the subject. I never thought tattoos would catch on either..

walter said...

"What are they to think..."

Oh..that's been passe in much of "higher" ed for some time.
"How do you feeeel?"

I'd take the issue more seriously if they went topless a la Femen. That be some darn ood protestin'

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Is the Texas dildo law still in effect? It would be amusing for one of these young warriors to be arrested under that provision..

(Stipulating that it's a stupid law)

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...


Etienne said...

Back in my day, college was a very social experience. I can't help but wonder if the women are affecting the social balance in using their vagina to confront society.

walter said...

"Myself I would feel awkward making conversation with a girl who's carrying a giant dildo, but I'm from a different generation."

Heh..just picturing all this is hilarious. As if it might be a conversation starter for some..

n.n said...
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n.n said...

It is peculiar to advertise as an eligible victim. It is immoral to force others to share your fate.

If she was serious about protecting herself, then she would dress in a suitable prophylactic to prevent impregnation by sperm and bullets. The adoption of an artificial penis reflects a narcissistic personality that chooses abortion over prevention and responsibility. She may elect the former fate for males if and when it is within her power to realize the final solution. Probably not someone you want to entrust with your life.

Fabi said...

Clearly we need a three day waiting period before buying a dildo.

Etienne said...

I guess it's less of a struggle to carry around over a mattress. But wasn't the mattress lady judged mentally retarded?

walter said...

Nah..she just enhanced her resume. Maybe she can get an internship with Sandra Fluke, Inc. ...or Sealy.

Birches said...

Clearly none of these girls have ever met anyone who conceal carries.

Bricap said...

Given that dildo sales are actually still illegal in Alabama, the protest would be a bit more apropos there if campus carry is legalized there. Apparently dildo sales are legal in Texas since 2008, with Lawrence being the precedent used. Scalia didn't predict this in his dissent, apparently.

walter said...

It's all kinda rapey..

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I'd tell the protesters to go fuck themselves, but apparently that's what they're after.

Interestingly enough I've never heard any talk, innuendo, or jokes among shooting/firearm enthusiasts relating firearms to genitals...that only seems to come from the anit-gunners. Weird.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

But honestly, this does seem to give evidence to the fact that the feminist left has nothing other than their alleged victim status (as perpetual victims of a rape culture, potential victims of sexual violence, victims of constant patriarchal microaggressions, etc) to offer to public policy debates--they're literally relying on some special appeal to the importance of sanctity of their bodies/genitals as a substitute for reasoned argument.
How proud the smart, academically-included feminists of years past must be.

walter said...

Is this Texas gal available for comment? Ashley Cecilia

Freeman Hunt said...

Lots of things rhyme with Glocks. Why choose that?

jr565 said...

#Mulletsnotbullets. Because mullets do a better job dealing with crime than bullets. And I think more guys should wear mullet haircuts. The world died a little bit when Billy Ray Cyrus put away his mullet and got a non mullet haircut.

jr565 said...

funyunsnotguns. Funyuns are delicious. Whereas, guns kill. If there is a school shooter I will bet that you can dissuade him from shooting if you offer him a bag of funyuns. We should all carry around big bags of funyuns as protection against violence.

walter said...

I think Michael Moore would be in favor of that..

Dr Weevil said...

So not even Laslo makes the obvious comment? A woman displaying a gigantic dildo may just be trying to offend, may be implying that she likes an extremely tight fit, but could also be taken as implying that she has an equally gigantic (how to put this politely?) space to fill, which is not something most women would want to advertise. Perhaps one of the men on campus should ask her, in multiple-choice form.

walter said...

That's teh ice breaker, Dr. "Heh, heh..I see ya like 'em big.."

walter said...

(then he gets cuffed and dragged away)

jr565 said...

"Hire marms" not fire arms. We need to hire more school marms to combat gun violence.
I also have "tire farms not fire arms". A farm filled with tires would do a lot to combat gun violence. We should do that instead of concealed carry.

How about "Fire Parms" not fire arms. Fire meatball parms at assailants from a gun like apparatus, rather than firing bullets at them. I think cops should adopt this model instead of the gun model. Either than or replace their batons with butt plugs.

or how about "Tats not gats". We need to all have tattoos over our entire bodies. This is istead of concealed carry. How the two are related, Im not sure. But they rhyme, so...clearly just as effective as concealed carry in dealing with sociopathic shooters

"Eiffel, not rifle" Instead of concealed carry we should have little sculptures of the Eiffel tower that we carry around campus. If some attacks us we can use the pointy end to inflict damage. Just about as effective as dealing with socipathic shooters as guns.

Dr Weevil said...

Speaking of little sculptures of the Eiffel Tower, jr565:
Last time I was at the West End Antique Mall in Richmond, VA (maybe 6 months ago) they had a model Eiffel Tower that looked like it would be around 35 feet tall when put together. It was in four stackable parts for (relatively) easy transportation. As I recall, it was priced at $3500 or so, but they were offering a 40% discount, so something around $2100 plus tax (a lot) and transportation (a lot more). Can't think of anyone I know who needs a 35' Eiffel Tower, even the French teachers.

jr565 said...
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jr565 said...

Dr. Weevil, It might be cool to have a 35 foot Eiffel tower replica in your backyard.
At the very least it will scare away shooters (based on my rhyming logic)

Fred Drinkwater said...

Birches: Actually, in Texas, I think it's quite likely these ladies HAVE met persons who concealed-carry. If they're anything like the CC folks I know, the meeting did not include Mr. CC taking his pistol out of the holster and waving it around. So how would the lady know, one way or the other?
It's like the scene from Northern Exposure, when Fleischman meets the yankee matriarch (mother of Maggie IIRC). Mrs. Matriarch says, at one point, "You are the first Jew I've met." Fleischman, no doubt aware of the local demographics, is nonplussed.

walter said...

Let's work the flip side of college sexuality..the "sex-positive" angle.
"Less bang, more banging"
(just beware of the gals packing revulvas)

James Pawlak said...

I hope she never has possession of a firearm. It appears that she is of that small minority who is too mentally ill to "keep and bear arms".

HoodlumDoodlum said...

On the one hand you have people who want to quietly, legally, and without drama exercise their right to carry a concealed weapon to provide for their own defense (and possibly to help defend others) in an unlikely emergency.
On the other hand you've got loud, crude, in-your-face opponents of concealed carry who resort to juvenile stunts to try and "raise awareness" without bothering to make a single rational argument.
But yeah, it's the gun owners who are thoughtless Neanderthals, I get it.

"Ooh, look at me, how transgressive, I'm waving sex toys around, I'm so edgy and modern and sophisticated; my use of crude unrelated symbols and childish actions as a substitute for reasoned arguments mean's I'm cool!" And these are the educated ones...or at least the ones who'll have credentials asserting they're educated. Still believe the children are our future??

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"uhh, it's my body, it's a rape culture, it's my vagina!" Those aren't arguments. Men have bodies; men have reproductive organs!
"We ought to have someone else pay for our (modest) birth control costs because we're women" isn't an argument, and Sandra Fluke didn't have much beyond that--it's ridiculous to make that "argument" and THEN claim that "feminism is about equality."
We get it, you have women's reproductive organs, congrats. You self-identify as women, way to go. So what? So the fuck what?
You are, at best, a special interest group, and a whiny one at that. You wanna vote your interests, fine, get at 'em, but let's not pretend you're doing so out of anything other than regard for your own benefit.
If women should be thought of as equal they need to stop asking for special treatment--every one of these appeal to emotion is really just a plea for special rules, special dispensations, special treatment for women. Either men & women both are responsible for their choices (and the consequences that result) or neither are--anything else sure as hell isn't equality.

Beldar said...
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Scott M said...

How, oh how, do these women justify all the triggering of sexual assault victims that will occur when those poor victims see these phalli?

David said...

For several years recently my alma mater had a women only group "the cunt society."

Have not hear anything of it in the last year or so.

Seems to have petered out.

(Yes, it's Wesleyan.)

David said...

Wen I wuz at Wesleyen my gramr wuz better.

walter said...

"the cunt society."
Sounds like a Bill Burrism

walter said...

"the cunt society."
Sounds like a Bill Burrism

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Dr Weevil said...
So not even Laslo makes the obvious comment?

Well, my first thought was something along the lines of "people who are so afraid of the possibility of concealed carry that they respond by carrying around oversized dildos sure are giant pussies," but I thought it best to avoid sinking to their level, really.

Rusty said...

Buncha dicks.

YoungHegelian said...

"They're takin' away my dildos when they pry them out of my cold, dead, sticky fingers".

(Now, off to a shower & then confession for that comment).

LarryK said...

Vagina Monologues, meet Dildo Dialogues.

Today's brain-dead college campuses express their identity through genitalia because they literally don't know better. Actually formulating thoughts and communicating them through speech? That was for dead white males. Sure the pasty penis people wrote brilliant books and created timeless art, but did any of them know how to use a butt-plug? What a bunch of sexually-repressed patriarchal losers.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Yeah well I'm carrying a huge dildo!" said the Air Force One pilot.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Topless coeds chanting "Eye full, not rifle" would be acceptable.

Moneyrunner said...

That isn't a very big dildo. Apparently the coed and Ann have a small amount of experience.

Anonymous said...

This makes about as much sense as protesting the campus policy by wearing nothing but a string bikini all over campus, which is to say none. Dildos and concealed carry don't seem to have anything to do with one another, it sounds more like an excuse to publicly display sex toys. At least she didn't go with a campaign like dildos to support breast cancer research or women's rights...

I don't know what Freud would say about this woman, but it sounds as if she has a real issue with cocks and could use some therapy.

richard mcenroe said...

Since it's supposed to be concealed carry, let's see her holster it...

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder. has the USA any decency laws left?

Rusty said...

Wasn't it Al Capone that said, " A gun and a big dildo will get you a lot farther than just a big dildo,"

eLocke said...

I clicked through to the comments on this post for the sole reason of reading Laslo's comments.

I am dissapointed in the results. Oh well, too obvious I guess.

I am not Laslo.

eLocke said...

I am disappointed in my spelling as well.

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

"It is my feeling that Campus A will not be a magnet for sociopaths looking to make a splash."

Campus shootings are, in reality, such rare events, this would prove nothing.

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