October 26, 2015

"Yeah, last week was the week Hillary won the presidency," I said.

Meade said, "Where are you reading that?" I said, "I'm just saying it."


cf said...


SteveR said...

Cruel Neutrality hardest hit

MikeR said...

That's pretty silly. If the FBI recommends consequences, regardless of whether the Justice Dept. ignores them, Clinton will be back in very hot water. Most Americans will see her claim that she did nothing wrong as being a simple lie, with the fix on in her favor.
Do you know what the FBI is going to do?

Tom said...

The FBI still hasn't weighed in.

augustus said...

Sickening. If it comes to pass it will just show how little substance and truth counts for anything.

dbp said...

Hillary still has a tough road ahead: If she veers for the center now, she could lose the nomination to Bernie. If she stays to the left, it will make it hard to win-over the middle in the general election.

In her favor, the press will Palin/Quayle/George W. whomever the Republicans nominate and do their best to memory-hole Ms. Clinton's abundant skeletons.

Leon said...

At least cnn would like you to think that.

Static Ping said...

Nice hat!

campy said...

"The FBI still hasn't weighed in."

Ha ha.

Gahrie said...

Look, I know people want to win, and want power etc. I get ambition, so I know why people could work for her.

But seriously, how could any sane person vote for Hillary, and still look at themselves in the mirror?

You know she is lying to you, and pandering to you. You know she and her husband are selling access and influence, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. You know she is using her charity as a slush fund and to finance her lavish lifestyle. You know she was prepared to throw women under the bus to defend her husband. You know she asked other women to lie to protect her husband.

Yet you will still vote for her.

The best we could hope for is a cheap knock off of Eva Peron, and you will still vote for her.

Humor me...what would Hillary have to do to become unelectable? Could she become unelectable?

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

campy said...

"Humor me...what would Hillary have to do to become unelectable?"

Join the GOP.

DavidD said...

Yes, Gahrie, but she's a Democrat; that makes it all OK. Really.

Quaestor said...

Just saying'... is the currently stylish postscript to the most bilious bullshit one can speak or write in polite company. If someone thinks her sex or station gets her a "Double-O" license to obfuscate, she has another thing coming... just sayin'

Ann Althouse said...

"Cruel Neutrality hardest hit."

That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"how could any sane person vote for Hillary, and still look at themselves in the mirror?"

Sounds like something we said about Obama voters, twice

Michael K said...

"In her favor, the press will Palin/Quayle/George W. whomever the Republicans nominate"

They have already started on Palin after Trump aid he would appoint her to something.

It seems Donald Trump is feeling pretty confident these days – something you can do when you're, as Forbes puts it, "crushing" your GOP rivals in the polls. That confidence apparently has Trump looking ahead to who he'd like to see serving on his presidential cabinet and he's indicated he's interested in a high-profile name: Sarah Palin.
Speaking on Palin's radio show Wednesday, Trump said he'd "love" to appoint Palin, the former Alaskan governor and vice presidential candidate, to an executive-level position.

This can't go unpunished.

Unknown said...

Kill me now.
Put red hot pokers in my ears so I dont have to listen to her cackle.

The only thing we have to look forward to is her inevitable health problems coming up and forcing her to resign. Then it's President Bernie!

Meade said...

Silver lining: congress might become more conservative. Downside: supreme court might become more liberal.

Once written, twice... said...

Now let's spend the next year having fun poking at the Althouse Hillbillies.

M Jordan said...

Whenever the media is this much in concert, you can bet the ranch that they've got it wrong. Hillary "won" last week among the media elite. What they failed to notice is she revealed once and for all that she knew ... and lied repeatedly to the American people. Before she had some deniability. No more.

This little fact -- that Hillary has been caught red handed -- will go into the ground for awhile, then emerge, like cicadas, to derail her presidential ambitions.

You were duped, Ann.

Unknown said...

Ann, the last Democrat to succeed a sitting Democrat by an election was in 1856. Only twice in our history has a two-termed president been succeeded by a person of the same party(1836 and 1988). In both of those elections, the outgoing president was popular. Oblams is not. Also Hillary is not that very populer herself. Your cynicism is disturbing.

Steve said...

Are the American people really that stupid? I don't think eight years of overbearing liberalism has laid a foundation for another Clinton presidency. Willy needed 12 years of Reagan/Bush Sr. While Hilary has to follow Obama. And any third party candidate will run from the left rather than a populist Perot.

Hilary had a good week, in the eyes of her pet journalists, but her mendacity showed. I don't know that stall and then declare that it is old news will work on here email server fiasco.

Anonymous said...

Prof: I have stated this n-times before:

HRC is the next POTUS because:
- GOP does not have women/minorities in leadership.
- GOP has no vision.
- GOP does not do homework. Look at the Benghazi hearing and look at the Iran Contra hearings. HRC should have been treated as Col. North and Gowdy should have been Rep. Hamilton. What a disaster.

GOP can survive, barely, if the VP is an Experienced Woman- like Gov. Martinez from NM or Sen. Ayotte from NH.

No experienced woman (that is, No Palin, No Bachmann) as VP, forget the WH.

garage mahal said...


Meade said...

"This little fact -- that Hillary has been caught red handed -- will go into the ground for awhile, then emerge, like cicadas, to derail her presidential ambitions."

Perhaps. But in 17 years, Hillary will be an 86 year-old red handed cicada

404 Page Not Found said...

I realize it's a horrible thing to say, but the only thing I look forward to with respect to Hillary is her demise. The woman has literally no redeeming value, and is the closest thing to evil I have ever seen. Worse, she has half the country covering for her blatant lies, greed, and criminal offenses.

dreams said...

"Downside: supreme court might become more liberal."

Then the second amendment would no longer apply. Hillary's likely election would be a boon for gun sales and gun stocks. SWHC and RGR.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I'd say she had it won the day Donald Trump announced. But, she's had it won before and still lost it, so she does still have to win it,

Bruce Hayden said...

Funny thing about the hearings last week is that if they had been a run of the mill deposition, they would have been considered by the party taking them to have been a rousing success. Multiple smoking guns were confirmed. Hillary do lie to the public about who was nvolved in them Benghazi attacks. She told her daughter that night and the president of Egypt the next day that the attack was by al Quaeda affiliates. Despite that, she told the nation, as did her UN Ambassador, plus the families of her victims, that it was cased by the infamous video. She admitted that that was false, and that they knew it to be false firm almost the beginning. Also, the ambassador and his people apparently complained about the security situation maybe 600 times. Hillary admitted that that was a lot, but blamed it on her people. She claimed to have been an innocent bystander, and was mystified why there were any issues. And despite this, she never apparently talked to Amb Stevens after being sworn in. Thinking back to the original hearings - these were exactly the sort of thing that he committee was formed to discover.

Bob R said...

Are the American people really that stupid? Yes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Republicans! Well done.

SteveR said...

That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?

Naah! Not really

Deb said...

Then can we save ourselves a year of bullshit, send Obama to Hawaii, and enthrone the bitch now?

Adamsunderground said...

I'm curious to see how far Nixon would have gone.

dreams said...

"That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?"

The real pain will come later.

Rick Caird said...

So, admitting you lied to the American people and the families of the dead coming back from Benghazi is now the sign of having the character to be President? Admitting that your good friend sent 600 requests for more security, but you never saw them is a sign of quality CofC leadership skills? Wow, we sure have lowered the bar.

Barry Dauphin said...

She's won the nomination, presidency is another matter. Now if Trump goes third party, then yes, she'd win. Otherwise, still too soon for that kind of certainty.

SteveR said...

And despite this, she never apparently talked to Amb Stevens after being sworn in.

The reason he was there (weapons) was deliberately unknown to her and staying away was the insulation. Him being killed and her not doing anything about the situation makes for an obvious conclusion that she's either a really poor leader or a liar who's hiding something. Or both.

walter said...

"Chris had a great sense of humor. Tricky fellah..could never tell when he was being serious. Ahhhh Chris.
Btw, Vagina.
ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahah"

Laslo Spatula said...

Althouse says "That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?"

" Hurts, doesn't it?" sounds kinda rape-y. Like Bitches be needin' a lesson.

Or: "How does THAT feel? Ugh - Ugh -UGH!"




I am Laslo.

Drago said...

Rick Caird: "So, admitting you lied to the American people and the families of the dead coming back from Benghazi is now the sign of having the character to be President?"

It's difficult to get too worked up about a few non-vaginal types losing their lives especially when one very-vaginal individual needs to get elected.

Lies aren't lies when they are issued forth from a wise vaginal-American.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

by Robert Tracinski
Hillary is finally inevitable, and that’s bad news for Democrats

"Yesterday’s Benghazi hearing is being hailed by the mainstream media as a triumph for Hillary Clinton. But then again, what choice do they have? If she is the inevitable Democratic nominee, then it’s TINA time: There Is No Alternative. So they had their narrative planned in advance.

But there are two new things we’ve gotten out of this hearing that indicate why she’s going to be a vulnerable candidate in the general election.

First, it underscored the degree to which she was primarily responsible for pushing the U.S. into the war in Libya — and that she did so with no plan for what to do afterward. Haven’t Democrats just finished a decade of blaming everything on George W. Bush because he did the same?

But the big news from yesterday’s hearing is that she knew all along that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist attack by an al-Qaeda affiliate, not a spontaneous demonstration about a YouTube video. Three e-mails unveiled by the Benghazi investigation — one to her daughter and two that are notes of her phone conversations with the leaders of Libya and Egypt — show that she knew and acknowledged the truth in private while at the same time she was telling a different story to the American people. Yet all her responses to this sort of question can be summed up in the ultimate Hillary Clinton meme: the real-life “shruggie.” "

Drago said...

Bob R: "Are the American people really that stupid? Yes"

Not really.

Which is why the dems have spent 50 years importing new, less-western-civilization-y voters who know how to create those socialist peoples paradises.

And they are just about there.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Althouse says "That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?"

Also: what Ted Bundy might have said in a Political Argument leading to Ball Gags and Un-lubed Sex.

"How does THAT feel? Ugh - Ugh -UGH!"

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Althouse says "That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?"

And the Child says to John Wayne Gacy: "I can't watch cartoons?"

"How does THAT feel? Ugh - Ugh -UGH!"

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

I am not saying Althouse is REALLY rape-y.

But a man saying to a woman "That is cruel neutrality. Hurts, doesn't it?" seems to have a Vibe.

Safe Word.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

America: make your Safe Word "Laslo".

I am Laslo.

walter said...

Sir Spatula..I think she feels you..

garage mahal said...

Bu but FBI! Wasn't spontaneous!

When the FBI finally finds that Benghazi Pony the people will rise up and vote. Rise up I tell ya.

MD Greene said...

Laso rocks.

I could imagine voting for Biden if the Republicans continue acting stupid.

I will not vote for Hillary under any circumstances.

Anthony said...

I can't see any of the GOP beating her at this point. BUT she still may not win the Democratic nomination

walter said...

She's bullet-proof..snipper fire and all. Free stuff. Vagina. All in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dan Rather is expressing his joy over Hillary's success in the media after the Benghazi hearings.

Mapes-Rather-Madoff-Clinton 2016!

walter said...

Has Brian Williams weighed in?

Anonymous said...

Funny, how Democrats all cry about Bush lying, but are willing to elect a KNOWN liar, and defend the Liar in chief now...I guess it is party above country with them!!

rhhardin said...

It's complex thinking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton’s State Department

David Sirota is a leftist.

As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations

Behold the power.

Clintons And Foundation Raked In Cash From Banks That Admitted Wrongdoing

narciso said...

Yes, I know, he was the one hoping the Boston bomber was a white guy, but his analysis has been sound, the base still loves Doc Brown,

Sebastian said...

OK, I get that Dems want to see a Dem elected. But do they have a limit? In principe, is there anything Hillary! could be shown to have done that would make her unacceptable? If not, why not?

Either way, if Dems proceed with Hillary!, I take it they no longer care about death and disaster caused by the US abroad, or about officials lying about their official actions or violating government rules, or about big money in politics, or about a known sexual harasser reentering the White House. All those things they professed to care about were just for show.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dan Rather, the known democrat hack and fraud peddler - speaks.

Be sure to read what he says. Who does he sound like?

JackWayne said...

My conclusion is that Althouse began seriously trolling her commenters about 4 months ago. Cruel Neutrality trolling used to be occasional. Now we see a trolling post at least every day.

Henry said...

Happy Halloween!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...Hurts, doesn't it?

Better put some ice on that, America.

CWJ said...

Cruel Neutrality.

Your blog. Your's to define. Just don't pretend that it neans the same to most everyone else.

Hagar said...

Speaking of the video - was not going after that poor bozo in the manner they did, a crime?
That is, if someone wanted to prosecute the prosecutors for malfeasance or something in the service of malicious prosecution on behalf of the administration?

As for her e-mails, I would not put much faith in the FBI; the FBI is going to do what looks to them as being good for the FBI, and if they think Hillary! may win anyway, annoying her with any disclosures would not be the way to go.

But the FBI is unlikely to be the ones with the richest trove of e-mails, and no one knows if there is another Snowden in the woodpile or not. Decisions, decisions.

CWJ said...

Neans - a technical term most commonly interpreted as equivalent to means.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Her entire campaign success will be based on how the media frames her. How corrupt the media have become.

Hagar said...

However, this is one weird presidential election campaign. Both parties are selecting un-electable frontrunners, and the also-rans are even more un-electable.

It may be time to stock up on beef, beans, and bullets, but I don't think I will start saving up for a ticket back to the old country just yet.

narciso said...

they clearly were trying to get nakoula killed, you don't out someone in witness protection like that,

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Although average happiness on the Althouse blog may be relatively low when faced with the thought of a Hillary presidency, Garage's happiness is of such a magnitude that it would appear to cancel out all of the gloom from everyone else, thereby satisfying basic Utilitarian principles regarding the goodness of a Hillary presidency.

Drago said...

garage: "When the FBI finally finds that Benghazi Pony the people will rise up and vote. Rise up I tell ya."

You have to let garage have one now and again. Given his life it's the least we could do.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Of course Hillary will win unless the Republicans nominate Trump -which they won't

The repubs just like to lose. Cf: Romney, McCain, Dole. Bush I, Ford.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She destroyed Libya, so what? Lied about a video... so what? What diff?

I think she lied for Obama on the video. That lie was possibly crafted by someone else and she easily played along. Funny, it was the one lie that wasn't her own. The rest of her sad existence is mostly lies, big and small, to further the Family Foundation scam and the power-control-kick.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

eh. Trump wants Hillary to win, then they can both laugh it up and roll in the crony.

I'm still waiting for him to prove me wrong.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I consider Althouse making a bold, brave statement here, and were I in a position where any congrats would matter, that's what I would offer.

Over a year before the actual votes, if one knows the victor, one knows the counting methods, to their advantage.

Otherwise, if the victimizer of a 12 year old girl who was raped when it was revealed Hillary reveled in her victim's asking for it, laughing about it, as the confirmed rapist was set free on Hillary's behalf, we must ask why we feel such musings' speculations important when:

1) To many money is more important than speculation

2) Insidious is the nature of the masquerading of input that could result in epistemological optimism, not its opposite.

3) Every example from others of lacking God's grace absolves my lack thereof, mysteriously.

garage mahal said...

Lies! Lies! Lies!

Amexpat said...

Agree. However, there may come another week in which she loses the election or a GOP candidate wins the election.

That said, if I had to put money on one candidate now, it would be HRC, unfortunately.

Drago said...

garage mahal: "Lies! Lies! Lies!"

Good for you tiger!

Posting just like all the college graduate kids!

Next up: sitting at the adults table!

Christopher said...

She's a hypocrite, she's a thief, she's massively corrupt, and she helped cover up sexual assaults. On top of this she's blatantly lied about pretty much every major policy decision she has been involved with in the decades she spent riding her husband's coattails.

But yeah, with the whitewash the media will engage in she probably has a 60% chance of becoming president.

May God have mercy on us all.

Temujin said...

Fantastic! Europe is about to be sucked under the blanket of the Mongol hordes. Canada just elected Justin Timberlake as their Prime Minister because, you know, success, growth, and standards cannot be tolerated. Wait- sorry about that slam on Justin Timberlake. He would have been much more up to the job than Justin Trudeau.

And how…heeeres Hillary! Da da da daaa daaa….with her slammin' sidekick…Bill.

Europe is gone. North America is living out a bizarro decade. I'm moving away now. Good talking with all of you Madisonians. Good luck with it. I'll check back in after the fall. Moving to Montana soon…gonna be a dental toss flycoon.

Christopher said...

I'm too lazy to look it up but what were your earliest predictions in 2012 and 2004 once the nominees were pretty much set in stone (once you knew it would be Romney and Kerry)?

Jaq said...

I think a lot of people are assuming a lot of things, including that Hillary will get the kind of turnout that Obama got and won't increase Republican turnout. There is a good chance that Hillary will draw such a negative reaction in the purple states that the Dems could fail to take back the Senate as has been widely predicted.

Didn't read that anywhere, that's just me saying it.

David Begley said...

Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
Carthage must be destroyed.

trumpintroublenow said...

Rubio could give her a run for her money.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"And they are just about there"

They got there in 2012. Though it might take another generation, eventually the money will run out. And when it does the Democrat Party will shatter. Hillary isn't a harbinger of Liberalism Triumphant, she's a harbinger of Liberalism Dying.

Guildofcannonballs said...

On record as saying "cunt" is the only word of value left,

I have come across to the understanding "otherwise" is the single most superior word in the history of concepts or words or language or understanding or Englightenment or Magna Carta.

Otherwise is the single word, because, to serious men like Buckely and Trump, it means God.

Other is God.

Not little foes to be squashed; rubble to be bounced.

Only Leftists fear that because they live/breath/kill for that Marxist Endgame.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think there will be a negative reaction to the "She's already won, go home" chorus.

Michael K said...

Hillary is the worst person to get this close to the American presidency since Aaron Burr. If we should have the misfortune to see her elected, I doubt she will finish her term without a revolution.

It is not that far off.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Buckley said "I know my Redeemer liveth" and Trump looks around and, for decades now, sees a bunch of amateurs spewing bullshit lies yet controlling his local and county and state and FEDERAL governments.

Trump is smart enough to effect change, and that's good enough for you.

Trump could not get away with what DC has legalized. The corruption isn't limited to my comments on it (my comment) or its specificity or extent. The corruption is well-documented by groups, in part, funded by brothers Koch.

Confront this. To not mention the Koch influence is to be a pawn, and limited evermore as such, in this great wonderous game entitled America, Land of Justice Thomas, Buckley Jr., and Ted Cruz.

Please, confront confrontery things about a person not in Congress to a person in Congress and the advantages Congress People have compared to, yes, indeed, Trump.

Because as designed by Our Government the only thing every single citizen of muster knows is it is too big to know it all therefore fuck it, I say stand athwart, aside Trump, and declaim "submit to America or Islam, my choice, I chose for you 'cause fuck you and your bullshit understanding of shit: 'Merica for the win."

garage mahal said...

If Republicans were smart they would nominate Kasich. Ohio easily would go the GOP. But Kasich isn't crazy or cruel as the base demands him to be. And, as we all know, Republicans just aren't very smart.

Achilles said...

garage mahal said...
"Bu but FBI! Wasn't spontaneous!

When the FBI finally finds that Benghazi Pony the people will rise up and vote. Rise up I tell ya."

Once written, twice... said...
"Now let's spend the next year having fun poking at the Althouse Hillbillies."

I can't wait for Hillary to be the nominee either. She is going to make it crystal clear just how degenerate and disgusting you people are.

And if she wins? I look forward to refreshing the tree of liberty. It seems a little thirsty right now.

traditionalguy said...

The Obama Gang has the last word on the future of Clinton, Inc. The emotional Josey Biden left a door open in case Hillary gets Petraeus' treatment.

The chances that Obama will allow Hillary to win that job is very small.

chickelit said...

Yeah, last week was the week Hillary won the presidency,' I said. sounds like Althouse's latest scare tactic against Trump. She's tried lots of others.

Translation: "See, this is what will happen if you Republicans don't put up Rubio as my chosen alternative."

I would circumscribe Althouse's prediction: "last week was the week that Hillary clinched the nomination." Nothing more, nothing less.

Achilles said...

garage mahal said...
"If Republicans were smart they would nominate Kasich. Ohio easily would go the GOP. But Kasich isn't crazy or cruel as the base demands him to be. And, as we all know, Republicans just aren't very smart."

Classic drivel about how others should be smart. If I didn't know better I would think that was sarcasm. You have the critical thinking level of a used tire. You can't even connect how progressive policies have impoverished everyone in this country but the top .01%.

You don't even try.

Hillary is a known liar and you celebrate her escaping any sort of accountability while she sucks up millions of dollars in corrupt donations to her rapist husbands library. And she has tools like you.

The world wouldn't miss you in any way if you were gone.

Achilles said...

traditionalguy said...
"The Obama Gang has the last word on the future of Clinton, Inc. The emotional Josey Biden left a door open in case Hillary gets Petraeus' treatment.

The chances that Obama will allow Hillary to win that job is very small."

Remember she can destroy Obama's legacy with one book. She has already moved to the left as necessary. Obama could very well tell the FBI to back off to save what is left of his legacy even if it means Hillary.

Achilles said...

She would make some money on that book, unlike her latest failure which lost millions.

chickelit said...

My prediction is that Trump will start tanking if he doesn't start countering Hillary's Democratic momentum. I don't follow him closely, but he strikes me as being quite Rodham friendly. He will have to do a 180 to stay in the race. He should too, because Rodham has proven that bald face, obvious lying gains voter support. The next Republican debate will be interesting and may feature some winnowing.

phantommut said...

In garage's world if Republicans were smart they'd be Democrats. Reflexively. Without reservations or concerns. Because that's what smart people do.

Unfortunately, I have Ph.D. friends who think exactly the same way. I'm not sure why politics is where so many people check their brains at the door, but it isn't an uncommon thing.

This isn't to say that garage belongs in those people's class. Instead it seems that it's something that doesn't correlate to native intelligence.

wildswan said...

Realize that Hilary is never going to self-destruct. When it's "showtime", she goes out and testifies, is shown to be liar and immediately declares "they never laid a glove on me." Showtime, she's there. No matter what. So don't think she's going to make it easy by collapsing. Make the Republican case; don't believe the media; know that we still have a chance because this is a year of unknown factors affecting an unknown public.

Smilin' Jack said...

""Yeah, last week was the week Hillary won the presidency," I said."
Meade said, "Where are you reading that?" I said, "I'm just saying it."

Yeah, me too. :-(

traditionalguy said...

You guys are all wrong. The Donald just got Mike Tyson's unqualified endorsement. And Hillary will not get the reformed black rapist Prizefighter vote, and that is a bigger Demographic than you realize.

Why Mike Tyson's street cred plus an offer of a lifetime free golfing pass at all Trump's clubs might win over Obama's support.

It's the Art of the Deal.

David said...

Actually, she had won earlier. We just realized it last week.

phantommut said...

I don't follow him closely, but he strikes me as being quite Rodham friendly.

He's long been in the Clinton's circle. He churns money in the world of NYC, New Jersey, and Las Vegas real estate. He uses bankruptcy the way most people use toilet paper. He'll start tanking when he decides to give a f*ck about really being President.

He's in the race as the world biggest wank (he likes biggest things) and he just might win because people have enough bread but they do still like a nice circus.

(FWIW, I get the impression that Hillary's most ardent supporters actually get an illicit thrill out of how bald-faced and audacious her mendacities are. I've said from the beginning that Obama's biggest asset was that people knew he was a liar but that he was lying to the rubes who deserved it. Hillary doesn't have the same skill, but maybe enough people admire successful crooks for her to actually win, unless Trump can do the clown shtick well enough for long enough.)

phantommut said...

Realize that Hilary is never going to self-destruct.

She's danced on that edge so many times I wouldn't count in it. My current theory is someone got her off the booze for a week or so before the hearings.

cubanbob said...

I say its a safer bet that Hillary will be spending more time in The Big House than in The White House.

M Jordan said...

Hillary body language: when she looks down and speaks slowly, she's lying.

(I could go for the cheap joke that when she looks up and speaks rapidly -- or looks sideways and speaks out of the corner of her mouth -- she's lying, but that's not how I roll.)

But seriously, watch her look down and slow her speech. A lie is forthcoming every time.

Drago said...

garage mahal: "If Republicans were smart they would nominate Kasich. Ohio easily would go the GOP. But Kasich isn't crazy or cruel as the base demands him to be. And, as we all know, Republicans just aren't very smart."

This is why garage is a lefty.

As a failed WI middle schooler, he has chosen the side that keeps him around as a pet and tells garage that all you have to do to be "smart" and "educated" is to vote and speak "democrat".

It beat the heck out of actually going to all that trouble to get educated.

Vote democrat: in one fell swoop you can call a "blacky" neuro-surgeon "dumb" and lazy and be patted on the head for it and feel like you really belong to that special club of "smart" people.

That was sure a lot easier than having to take actual science and math courses.

I'll bet if you give garage half an inch he'd be happy to white-splain to Carson just how a surgery ought to go.

M Jordan said...

I took a Master's level course called "Nonverbal Human Interaction" and I recall a section on liars and their giveaway cues. The thing that stood out was the statement that human beings cannot conceal the truth, even practiced liars. It leaks out in the body, somewhere. The practiced liars know to control the face because everyone looks there for clues so with them it sometimes comes out in the legs and feet. They cross the legs or shuffle the feet.

God made us with a conscience hat even sociopaths can't completely sear.

Hillary looks down. Every time.

Anonymous said...

The main depressing fact of Hillary's candidacy is that it suggests very strongly that those on the left no longer care whether their leaders break the law so long as they espouse the proper progressive pieties. It also doesn't say much for the Democratic party that they really have no alternative to a woman who appears very much to be dishonest and contemptuous toward the spirit and letter of the law.

I know winning is everything in politics, but it's not like Hillary is going to suddenly morph into an honest and squeaky-clean politician if elected. She and Bill will keep right on with the lies, corruption, and shady dealings that have followed them their whole careers.

Anonymous said...

When Republicans get together they get mass retardation.

Bruce Hayden said...

Maybe making things worse for her - her family's foundation, of which she is a director and maybe officer, apparently has committed to redoing its tax returns for the last decade or so by Nov 16. They appear to have taken in north of a billion for AIDS relief, and spent less than $200 million on it. Something similar with disaster relief for Haiti. Theoretically, the entire family (excluding granddaughter) should probably be in federal and/or state prison for how they have run their foundations. Along with some of their long term henchmen, like Ira Magaziner and Sidney Blumenthal. Their foundation is ranked near the bottom by watchdogs, down by the ones that have kept Rev Al Sharpton in those fancy suits for so long.

It is worrisome to me that so many well meaning progressives and Dems seem to be intentionally looking the other way, when it comes to Clinton corruption. I had suggested that it has been a century since someone this obviously corrupt has gotten this close to the Presidency. Someone else is positing that it is closer to two centuries (to the time of Arron Burr). Think about it. Those heart wrenching photos of the victims in Hati? The MSM helping the Clintons line their pockets with charity contributions. Ditto for almost a billion dollars donated to get AIDS drugs to the needy in Africa. Of course, that doesn't include the reality that US foreign policy appears to have been run for four years for the financial benefit of the Clintons and their cronies. Why did the US take out Kadaffi in Lbya? Apparently, partially so that clients of Sid Blumenthal could get the security contract from the new govt. Why did the US push Muberrik out of power in Egypt? And give control of the largest Arab country to the Muslim Brotherhood, parent organization to al Quada, ISIS, etc? Part of the answer may be that both the parents of her closest aid, Huma Abdin, were leaders of that organization. There are a dozen more of these, at least, including those uranium mines. The level of corruption is breathtaking.

MountainMan said...

Thank you, Bruce Hayden, for putting it all together so clearly. Now if only some smart campaign operatives on the Republican side would run with it.

tim maguire said...

Hillary did get quite an array of gifts last week. Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary in the last debate, then Joe Biden called a press conference to announce Obama was endorsing Hillary. The FBI and Justice Department will, of course, fall in line. Then the media did its work spinning the Benghazi testimony and will undoubtedly provide the same services in the general election.

Not sure what's left to stop her from winning. Other than the laziness of the Obama coalition, which may not rouse itself off the couch to go sell its vote for another historic candidate so soon after the last time.

Brando said...

I don't think Hillary clinched it, but she is a favorite to win the presidency simply because the GOP is falling into its pattern of limiting its appeal to less than half the electorate. One takeaway from 2012 was that the GOP did great among white voters--greater than any election since 1984--but poor among minorities (amazingly, including Asians this time) and still suffers a gender gap. If the GOP cannot improve among those groups, it will fail, case closed. There's just not enough room to improve among white voters.

And what has the GOP done to improve among nonwhites? Whatever you think about illegal immigration or letting Muslims hold office, you can't seriously believe those stances are going to improve the GOP's numbers among minorities. (I've heard the "black voters will warm to the illegal immigration message because they see Hispanics competing for their jobs" argument, but the GOP also thought gay marriage and abortion were going to get blacks (and Hispanics) to vote for them. It simply doesn't happen)

And while I'm sure a majority of Democrats would prefer to not have Hillary in the White House, they will vote for her when facing a choice between her and the GOP.

The caveat here is that Hillary is truly unlikeable, her pandering is far too obvious, and her political instincts are at a third grade level. But it really wouldn't take much for her to pull off a victory here.

God help us all.

damikesc said...

I'll ask a more basic question:

Since Hillary views me as an enemy, what loyalty does she warrant from me?

If, say, somebody wanted to cause her great harm, why should I even pretend to oppose it? I don't oppose violence against my enemies as a general rule. If she wishes to confiscate guns, even though I own none, I would APPLAUD an armed insurrection.

Oh well, if true, I will support Netanyahu and simply refuse to do anything in support of my government.

As an aside, Romney became an incredibly depressing person this week. I fully supported him and he ended up being as bad a RINO as everybody said. It's time for the tree of liberty to be fed what it needs, per Thomas Jefferson.

Vet66 said...

If Hillary wins, which I doubt, she would be a figurehead like she was during her tenure as Secretary of State. The Marxists in the bureaucracy of cabinet positions would be running the show unfettered by rule of law, DOJ, Education and the rest of the kool aide drinkers marching in lock step toward their utopia, the foul wind of progressivism following in their wake. They don't need no stinking constitution! Let's hope the electorate will channel their anger in constructive directions before the Islamists go all dhimmitude on the country like they are in Europe.

David Begley said...

David Hampton:

Yeah. She couldn't even be bothered to even learn about the need for more security at our country's most dangerous foreign outpost. More important to read political gossip from Sid.

damikesc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
damikesc said...

And what has the GOP done to improve among nonwhites? Whatever you think about illegal immigration or letting Muslims hold office, you can't seriously believe those stances are going to improve the GOP's numbers among minorities. (I've heard the "black voters will warm to the illegal immigration message because they see Hispanics competing for their jobs" argument, but the GOP also thought gay marriage and abortion were going to get blacks (and Hispanics) to vote for them. It simply doesn't happen)

We need to, seriously, stop giving a shit about courting minorities. Just make the Dem so toxic that they can't be bothered to vote. Don't try to sway opinion --- just look to negate their vote. And states that conservatives run should do some THOROUGH voter roll purging.

The country is going to split and it'll be lovely.

Brando said...

"We need to, seriously, stop giving a shit about courting minorities. Just make the Dem so toxic that they can't be bothered to vote. Don't try to sway opinion --- just look to negate their vote. And states that conservatives run should do some THOROUGH voter roll purging."

Call it what you will--courting, pandering, begging--it's a simple fact that the GOP will not win at the presidential level without improving significantly among minority voters. Purging voter rolls won't make a difference--the numbers of purged votes are far smaller than the increase in turnout the Dems get from telling voters the GOP is trying to deny them the right to vote. And as toxic as the Dems are, they've managed to make the GOP scarier and the GOP obliges them at every turn.

Now, if you think the GOP should stay the way it is and stick on principle, then fine--just don't be too surprised when 270 electoral votes are just out of grasp. They can keep their principle and hopefully keep hold of Congress to at least provide some balance.

Robert Cook said...

"I took a Master's level course called "Nonverbal Human Interaction" and I recall a section on liars and their giveaway cues. The thing that stood out was the statement that human beings cannot conceal the truth, even practiced liars. It leaks out in the body, somewhere. The practiced liars know to control the face because everyone looks there for clues so with them it sometimes comes out in the legs and feet. They cross the legs or shuffle the feet.

"God made us with a conscience hat even sociopaths can't completely sear."

I don't believe this.

Decades ago my father managed a restaurant, and my mother worked as his (unpaid) assistant. She hired and scheduled the waitresses, and acted as hostess and/or cashier, as needed. One night a sum of money went missing from the cash box. The employees who had had access to the cash box were interviewed and even (later that week) given lie detector tests. For reasons I can't recall, suspicion centered on a particular person...perhaps she was nervous when being questioned. However, my mother was certain it was not her, given my mother's appraisal of this young woman's character. My mother thought it was another woman among those who could have taken the money. (This particular woman was the younger sister of a grade school and high school friend of mine, and she was in my younger brother's class. My mom had known this woman since she was a child.) This woman took the lie detector test a second time. She passed easily, as she had on the first try.

Ultimately, and again I can't recall the particulars, this woman who had passed the lie detector twice did admit to having taken the money, after being confronted by my mother with various inconsistencies in her story. She said, "Yes, I took the money. So what?" She had absolutely no feeling or conscience about having taken the money, having lied about it, and having let this other young woman--innocent--fall under suspicion. She had been able to lie with such peace of mind she fooled a lie detector twice.

A year or two ago I googled the name of the young woman who had taken the money. She's an attorney and heads up a charitable foundation.

machine said...

but lying to start a war, dat's cool.

Christopher said...

Yeah, I've gotta go with Robert Cook on this one. Some people feel absolutely no guilt about lying and can do it as easily as breathing, it doesn't matter what the subject is or who is asking the question.

By the way I'm curious, what type of restaurant can afford to administer polygraphs?

On a side note, the manner in which polygraphs actually detect "falsehoods" means that they're only likely to catch those that feel guilt or shame about something (also nervousness). Sociopaths can pass them with flying colors.

damikesc said...

Machine, you have no issues with her starting a war in Libya and lying about an embassy attack. So spare us.

M Jordan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
machine said...


Robert Cook said...

"By the way I'm curious, what type of restaurant can afford to administer polygraphs?"

The restaurant didn't. The police did it.

Hagar said...

Althouse should consider that from Obama's point of view Trump would be his preferred successor with the Democrats concentrating on preventing any inimical (from Obama's POV) legislation passing Congress, thus resulting in a thoroughly disreputable Republican interlude from which another Obama, or near Obama (he hopes), can rise in 2020.

M Jordan said...

Robert and Christopher,

I agree that some people can convincingly lie. But I also think the truth is leaking out somewhere, if we can just find the leak. For instance, I once had four young ladies, students of mine, take a makeup test out of my watchful eye. The results showed clear and obvious cheating (several short answer questions were identical on all four tests. They were not the sharpest knives in the drawer.)

When I gathered them around my desk the next day and asked, "Did you girls cheat?" Three of them immediately dropped their heads in shame and said, "Yes." The fourth leaned towards me, narrowed her eyes, and said decisively, "No!" as the others were saying yes.

That was her truth leak. The heightened facial cues, the moving into my space. What she thought was her cover was actually her demasking.

damikesc said...

Machine, given that the topic of this post was the person who did it, and you said nothing about it, you're lying.

Hagar said...

Such a one may smile and smile and yet be a villain.
Thieves cannot trust each other, even in the family.

And in this modern age, they do not know but that there is a lowly IT tech somewhere, someone whose name they never bothered to learn, who copied a whole harddrive to a thumb drive.

Christopher said...

"The restaurant didn't. The police did it."

Damn, how much did they steal to warrant a lie detector? Or was this just the police looking to justify their purchase of it?

Robert Cook said...

It was in a very small community, the police station was a block away, and everyone knew everyone. I think it was a several hundred dollars.

Anonymous said...

Brando: Call it what you will--courting, pandering, begging--it's a simple fact that the GOP will not win at the presidential level without improving significantly among minority voters.

It's a simple fact the GOP can't win a presidential election without the white vote.

It's a simple fact that "minorities" (statistically) just aren't interested in what the GOP is selling. They prefer the Democratic agenda. Contrary to the delusions (or snake-oil vending) of GOP consultants, there is no electorally significant mass of "naturally conservative" minorities out there, reluctantly voting Democrat because the GOP has an image problem.

It's a simple fact that when the GOP tries to appeal to minority voters by pushing government cheese for minorities and talking smack about the white base, it loses the votes of the white base.

It's a simple fact that the GOP can't win without votes.

Because they were and are all hot for the mass immigration (illegal and legal) that is turning the only people who care about small government into a minority, the only way the GOP wins in the future is by out-Democrating the Democrats. (That isn't working just yet, because their timing was off in giving the middle-finger to the voters they still need right now.)

Which illustrates the pointlessness of the GOP.

Now, if you think the GOP should stay the way it is and stick on principle...

Droll, Brando, very droll.

Big Mike said...

Why I think Hillary won't win.

(1) She's a terrible manager. And this manifests itself in several ways

(1-a) Apparently she's a "don't like to hear bad news -- kill the messenger" type of manager. I mean there were 600 requests for improved security at Benghazi, and only one or two reached her? Consequently she thought Chris Stevens was joking about acquiring the barriers that the Brits left behind in their scramble to get out of Benghazi? The best managers make sure that they get the bad news ASAP because they want to get on top of things right away, and they do so by publicly punishing the people who withhold bad news.

(1-a-1) No one got punished for Benghazi? A really bad manager never learns from his or her mistakes, and immediately after her (in)famous "What difference, at this point, does it make?!" Hillary told Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again." Oka-a-a-ay then, what precisely did she figure out and what steps have been taken? If she had done anything substantive along the lines of figuring things out and taking steps she had 11 hours to explain that to Gowdy's committee.

(1-b) Instead of recruiting talent to surround her and implement her goals and strategy she relies on a core cadre of sycophants and yes-men and yes-women who've been around her for years. There's very little expertise in these people (with the notable exception of James ("the Talking Skull") Carville) but there's ample adulation, hence their place in her circle.

(2) She's computer-phobic.

(2-a) She may think that she can make her Email server be a case of legal versus illegal, but the real issue (and so far only Carly has made the point) is that it was fundamentally stupid in the 21st century to put her sensitive correspondence on a poorly secured server.

(2-b) She certainly doesn't "get" cybersecurity. Not only was she cavalier about the security of her own Emails, but on her watch the cybersecurity of the State Department was repeatedly flagged by the Inspector General. She did nothing. It is fair to presume that our allies and adversaries alike have hacked into the State Department systems.

(3) There seems to be this notion among the pundits that she's tacking left to get the nomination and will tack right later. If she stays left, she's going to lose the 2016 election by being too far from the center for independents to stomach, but if she does tack right then she's going to betray the Democrat base. How many Democrats, feeling betrayed by a tack back to the center, will be eager to work for her election? How many would fight their way through a cold, pouring rain to vote for her? Heck, how many would bother driving to the polls through a light drizzle just to vote for her?

(4) She's utterly poll-driven. She was for the TPP before she was against it, and that's a long way from being the only issue where she's held positions that are all over the map. People really don't like that, however much pundits may believe otherwise.

(4-a) Being poll-driven and holding inconsistent positions leaves her vulnerable to a trap set by a sufficiently astute Republican adversary. Like Marco or Carly.

(5) She's a serious money-grubber, and people don't like that, either.

(6) Even more than her husband back in the day, she loves to push the envelope of what is "technically legal." That's yet another thing people don't view positively.

(7) She's picked an unnecessary fight with the gun-owners of America. Gun owners a single issue voting block whose numbers are growing all the time, especially among young females.

(8) She lies reflexively. The public expects politicians to lie, but she's really over the top.

Bilwick said...

I've often said that one of the main reasons--besides the fact that she was pro-freedom--that "liberals" (and by "liberals" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State-fellators") hated and still hate Ayn Rand is that she captured their general stupidity and evil, and foresaw where they would lead us. Her critics say her characters are caricatures, but more and more "liberals" in politics and the media are becoming like those caricatures. We've had a biracial version of "Wesley Mouch" as president; now we'll have "Ivy Starnes." Can "Cuffy Meigs" be far behind?

Hillary-Biden in 2016!

Cloward-Piven in 2020!

Robert Cook said...

I don't think it's just "liberals" who hate Ayn Rand; include in that cohort admirers of good writing. Yes, we all can agree Rand wrote comic books in prose, but this can be done badly or well, (as can anything), and she did it badly.

damikesc said...

Yes. Rand's writing is terrible.

Unlike Karl Marx, HER terrible writing didn't kill tens upon tens of millions.

Bilwick said...

Thanks, Robert Cook! As soon as I typed my comment, I thought, "Now to count the milliseconds before some 'liberal' clown pops up with a comment disparaging Rand without actually refuting the part of the book I referenced!" And some people here think you're stupid!

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