October 20, 2015

What's more puzzling, the popularity of Trump or the popularity of Carson?

Or the simultaneous popularity of Trump and Carson?

What's most puzzling?
pollcode.com free polls


Gahrie said...

Both are products of the "throw all the bums out" movement.

Anonymous said...

"Not puzzling at all" is winning. it's the Washington Cartel, stupid :)

Amexpat said...

Carson without a doubt. No charisma, weak grasp of the issues, no experience that's relevant to being POTUS.

Nonapod said...

I understand the popularity of both Trump and Carson. They're both outsiders. People are upset with the way things have been going, so logically they're going to reject candidates who are viewed (rightly or wrongly) as part of the current establishment. It's not terribly complicated. After that it's just a question of which personality type is more appealing to a given voter: the loud, brash Type A one or the more reserved cerebral one.

Dan Hossley said...

Many people, not very happy.

Mike Sylwester said...

Trump has all the single-issue voters about immigration.

Carson has all the single-issue voters about abortion.

garage mahal said...

Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America.

MathMom said...

Amexpat -

I think a lot of people looked at and approved of Carson's performance at the National Prayer Breakfast, standing right next to Obama, being unafraid to piss off Dear Leader. Dear Leader was steaming, and it was a beautiful thing to watch. Obama is accustomed to throwing that shit at others, not being forced to receive it, and for that people are grateful to Carson.

Don't know if that makes him presidential material, but he shows some huevos.

Jaq said...

I would vote for Carson with no qualms. If it is Trump vs Hillary, I would vote for Jim Webb, yes, the supercilious prick.

Etienne said...

Carson is a basket case. It would take me at least a year to teach him how to walk, let alone talk. The man has been sitting on his brain for 50 years.

As a draft dodger, he will need an amplifier attached to his bullet-proof vest to kick his heart, and cocaine just to get through the first two weeks of Washington DC.

Suppose you were a normal suburbian, and you were suddenly given a job where 75% of the people working for your company were dysfunctional, yet overpaid, yet stealing the silverware.

That's the America, and that's why Carson has no role to play in the destruction of that norm.

The person who will be President, is the person who can kick-ass in Washington. A person who can go down to the Rotunda and tell America they got shit in their ears, and the people in the wings of that whore house are emptying the treasury.

Now go pick your fucking winner.

Jaq said...

Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America

And garage banks another fifty cents defending a woman who think that you wipe a server with a cloth and doesn't know how to use her own smartphone.

Amexpat said...

I don't think standing up to the President in a public setting is enough to run for POTUS. Perhaps a moment like that could be a platform to run for an entry level office, like Joe the Plumber did for Congress.

Greg Hlatky said...

What's puzzling is how Hillary!, who ought to be in prison, is leading in the Democratic race.

Bob Ellison said...

What's more puzzling: that DaLena didn't go to LeDredd's party, or that people still think these polls are important >12 months before election day?

Gallup isn't even doing these polls this time around.

traditionalguy said...

Trump should try picking Carson as VP and watch both plummet in the polls.

Carson is a perfectionist in an imperfect and the risk taking world.Ergo: he is a loser. Trump is a trained analyst with the best verbal leadership skills. He will win this election.

Browndog said...

Both Trump and Carson state their views honestly and unabashed. No political filter.

The "trump card" if you will, is that many, many people find their views agreeable.

So no, it's not puzzling at all.

Achilles said...

garage mahal said...
"Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America."

At least it is a step up from the dumbest community organizer in America.

MaxedOutMama said...

I think it is not surprising at all. I would also include Bernie Sanders with these two.

These are three people who are effectively out of mainstream politics, and most citizens have looked at mainstream politics and find it quite lacking. Lacking in ethics, lacking in responsiveness, lacking in connection to the actual lives of those living under its reign, but most of all FULL OF ITSELF.

The political establishment has tried to hand us a race between Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Richard Nixon, and Jeb Bush. This is not a porridge we care to eat no matter what flavoring is added to make it palatable.

Sanders will not shut up about the failure of the Great Society to be great, and declining living standards for the average voter. Both Carson and Trump address the concerns on the viability/sustainability side. Carson has appeal because he is a very nice guy, but he will not shut up about his real beliefs. Trump has appeal because he is brash and coarse, and he will not shut up about what he thinks.

The CW political and social realism that has a stranglehold on media, the capitol, the money capitol and a rather small group of people who tie their livings to the success of such has no hold whatsoever on any of these three men, and it is rather clear it will not. That's why they are a draw and they have staying power.

When Brat overthrew the rising GOP star in VA, the GOP should have taken that as a wake-up call. It didn't. It is now reaping what it sowed.

Could it possibly be good for this country to have a choice between a candidate who leaves a reeking trail of slime wherever she goes and the third Bush?


I Callahan said...

Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America.

You aren't fit to wear his 3 day old smelly scrubs, garage.

I Callahan said...

What's puzzling is how Hillary!, who ought to be in prison, is leading in the Democratic race.

It shouldn't be puzzling at all. Like I said in another thread - people aren't interested in the truth. They want what they want, and anyone who's willing to tell them what they want to hear is going to be the nominee. Even the erstwhile "conservatives" who regularly post here are repeating the same talking points that the Dems put out when it comes to candidates like Cruz or Carson.

I'm now of the opinion that the whole thing is going to have to come crashing down before the populace gets the gist of what's happening. One generation of people will have to pick up the pieces and clean up the mess, then the next several will expect it handed to them, and we'll go through the process again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump selects Carson as his running mate, leftwing heads will explode. leftwing racism will be like nothing you've seen before.

SNL's mocking of Carson as being lazy is just the beginning.

Etienne said...

Greg Hlatky said...What's puzzling is how Hillary!, who ought to be in prison, is leading in the Democratic race.

Banks, Wall Street, and Hollywood.

If you don't learn anything else about the American economy, you should know that debt finances it. For every $1 of debt, the banks can loan $9.

Why would they want to balance the budget, or pay down the debt?

tim maguire said...

Trump and Carson are both people who excel in a specialized area and many people have decided, as they so often do, that excellence in one indicates excellence in all. (It's the same phenomenon that leads people to give a crap about some Hollywood star's views on politics, economics, or the environment.)

clint said...

What's the puzzle?

A lot of people are angry at our political class -- for reasons which should not be even slightly mysterious.

Holding My Nose said...

People often joke about voting "none of the above" in the general election. Trump, Carson and Fiorina are essentially "none of the above" candidates.

Anonymous said...

The entire Republican Party is a basketcase.

cubanbob said...

How about the poll question being asked of the Democrats? Seriously how can a criminal and grifter hag be seriously consider for President as well as so old hippy communist?

Brando said...

It's the year of the "un-candidates". Combine the parts of the electorate that favor Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Sanders and you have a cross section of people who are sick of normal politicians, and sick of the other side seeming to get away with stuff (for Democrats, they're sick that they can't pass higher minimum wages and gun control and wealth taxes; for the GOP they're sick they can't overturn Obamacare or cut the deficit or do something about all the illegal immigrants). They look at polls that seem to suggest most people agree with them on these issues, and don't understand why the system won't let them get what they want. Ergo, it must be the fault of corruptocrats in Washington, and only someone far enough out there from it can go in and fix it.

The problem is, a lack of experience in our leaders can make the problems far worse--after all, they will need to rely on experienced hands to guide them through the system, or otherwise hit a wall at every step and get outflanked by those who know the ropes.

damikesc said...

Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America.

Leave it to the Prog to call Carson a "the dumbest brain surgeon in America".

We know, you don't think blacks are intelligent, garage.

I think it is not surprising at all. I would also include Bernie Sanders with these two.

Except Bernie has zero desire to win. We saw that in the debate. When your chief rival is under FBI investigation, saying that it is off the table is you surrendering.

traditionalguy said...

Trump and Carson
Have one thing in common. They perform well in areas that have results that are apparent to all. The development property or the patient lives or dies.

But Trump has leadership skills that wins support. Carson seeks individual perfection, which is not a team sport.

Jaq said...

The entire Republican Party is a basketcase

That holds the House, the Senate, and the vast majority of state houses and governorships.

mccullough said...

Since Trump isn't conservative, much less a Republican, his poll numbers are surprising. But he's bombastic on issues that concern many Republicans. Carson is conservative but soft spoken. He's more of an outsider than Trump but he'd be polling better if he were more of a loudmouth.

Lauderdale Vet said...

He won't be my pick until it's actually time to choose, but if he walks even a quarter of his talk, he will accomplish more than the GOP has in recent years.

I did like this:


...and I liked the way Bill Whittle put it:


eric said...

Blogger garage mahal said...
Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America


MathMom said...


I don't think standing up to the President in a public setting is enough to run for POTUS.

Agreed. But he has my vote if he gets the nom. Will not vote for a Dem. Hasn't been a Dem that I would vote for since Sam Nunn.

Carol said...

Trump is a blowhard but an awesome campaigner, someone to reckon with. GOP is working on that reckoning as we speak.

Carson, well, there is a certain segment of the GOP that really, really wants a black candidate to show everybody! see we're not racist! It's ironic because the more elite ones liked Condoleeza so much as a double threat, and before that, Colin Powell. I don't think they dig Carson at all. Or Trump. They're all like, who farted?

All the more fun this time around.

Sofa King said...

Trump is something of a buffoon, but on the other hand, what was it Lincoln said of Grant?

"I can’t spare this man; he fights!"

sinz52 said...

George Mahal:

Well, you certainly scored with that one-liner.

You got a dozen or more people to retaliate.

All in a day's work for a left-wing troll such as yourself.

bbkingfish said...

I think Trump is the bees knees.

I really hope the GOP runs him for Prez. I don't think we'll be lucky enough to get Carson.

I had my fingers crossed for Scott Walker, of course. He would have been by far the most reliable insurance policy for the Dems.

But even Republican dead-enders quickly rejected that simpering little huckster once they got a whiff of him. His candidacy will be historically notable, however, for its brevity.

Larry J said...

Amexpat said...
Carson without a doubt. No charisma, weak grasp of the issues, no experience that's relevant to being POTUS.

Yes, because we've all seen what a wonderful job all of those charismatic, politically experienced policy wonks have done with the country, haven't we? The cliché is that "one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome." So, we're supposed to keep electing charismatic, politically experienced policy wonks (from the Ivy League, of course) because maybe the next one won't be as bad as all of the rest, right? Or would that be insane?

Drago said...

garage mahal: "Leave it to Republicans to find the dumbest brain surgeon in America."

You can just hear the "boy" oozing out of that one....

Drago said...

The dumbest brain surgeon in America would be, what? A genius?

What's next? Dumbest rocket scientist?

Dumbest particle physicist?

How about dumbest commission-sales monkey?

Anthony said...

I would like to think it is puzzling but it is not -- neither of them. I think it is a function that the GOP base is fed up with the GOP Establishment (and frankly the GOP Establishment hates the base also). So there is a desire to look for someone not tied to the Establishment. And so you get Trump (a nut, but a smart one) and Carson (a smart guy and a nice guy, but no one you would really want as president).

Anonymous said...

What is surprising to me, as a "former" Democrat, is what the hell happened to the Democratic party?? Obama???? really??? Inexperience....but he's black!!! Sanders- Socialist????? Hilary- biggest liar out there??? And you wonder why Trump and Carson are popular??? The Democrats should just move to Cuba....they would be happy there.

Alex said...

Carson as veep.

Alex said...

I don't want Fiorina as Veep because we already know how that ones goes by the HBO show.

Known Unknown said...

Usually you don't want to pick a VP from the failed-Preezy pool. Too much baggage.

My vote is Susana Martinez as the VP pick.

Bay Area Guy said...

Carson is a great man, but a terribly weak candidate. It is somewhat baffling to me that he has done so well in the polls (so far). Last time, Herman Cain, as least, had some tax cut proposals ("9-9-9"), whereas Carson is, to me, simply running on his resume. I do love black conservatives, because they have to endure so much vitriol from the Left, but that doesn't excuse one's qualifications. I honestly don't think Carson is qualified to be President. No experience, no leadership. But, Yes, great man, and a great a doctor.

And, if he somehow won the nomination, I'd vote for him over Hillary.

Lauderdale Vet said...

If he gets the slot I think he'll tap someone completely off the present radar for a running mate, a controversial pick that might also appeal to wobbly democrats.

Better television, I reckon.

Perhaps someone like Mark Cuban or Colin Powell.

The Godfather said...

Trump, Sanders, Carson, Fiorina. They are evidence that there are large numbers within both parties who reject the establishment. On the Democratic side, they've been waiting for almost 8 years for the rise of the seas to stop, for peace to be established in the land. On the Republican side, they've been waiting since 2010 and 2014 for the Republicans they've elected to put a stop to Obama's usurpation of unconstitutional power.

The Republicans who are paying attention right now are so frustrated that they are willing to embrace a semi-quasi-Democrat who talks tough. If a Republican is elected President in 2016, along with a Republican Congress and Senate, as should be the case, they could reverse in two years what Obama has done in eight. Personally, I would like to see a Republican reform movement led by intelligent, savvy, men and women. The wishy-washy leadership of the House and Senate after the 2014 election makes many Republican voters skeptical that even a Republican President could accomplish what needs to be done. I don't believe Trump's promises any more than a sensible Democrat should believe Hillary's.

Achilles said...

Watch all of the GOPers who complain about Trump's inconsistency coalesce behind Rubio who in less than 2 years in office went from opposing amnesty to being the front line fighter for the gang of 8 and amnesty.

Anthony said...


My issue with Trump is not that he changes his positions -- people change their views. My issue with Trump is that he is a narcissistic psychopath.

Anthony said...


My issue with Trump is not that he changes his positions -- people change their views. My issue with Trump is that he is a narcissistic psychopath.

cubanbob said...

I don't care who the Republicans nominate since any Republican is better than any Democrat. All I ask is that the Republicans nominate someone who can actually win, govern well if elected and pinky swear they will cut my taxes and reduce the death tax. Its not a very high bar.

Michael K said...

"The entire Republican Party is a basket case."

And the Democrats are the basket that will carry them home.

Bay Area Guy said...


I don't care who the Republicans nominate since any Republican is better than any Democrat. All I ask is that the Republicans nominate someone who can actually win, govern well if elected and pinky swear they will cut my taxes and reduce the death tax. Its not a very high bar.

This is kinda where I am for this election. I don't fear Trump like some do. He's obviously a successful developer. But, I also don't celebrate him as a potential anti-establishment savior. Ditto for Jeb! I won't vote for him in the primary, but I don't loathe him either. I just want Hillary to lose.

The guy I agree with on many things is Ted Cruz -- but I have doubts that he will be the strongest candidate in the General.

Phil 314 said...

Many Trump chumps here.

And no I don't want to see Democrats head explode.

Michael K said...

"This is kinda where I am for this election."

Me too. The Canadian election is a worry though. Another accomplishment free leader in North America.

BN said...


Isn't someone named Hillary missing in this poll?

Brando said...

"I don't care who the Republicans nominate since any Republican is better than any Democrat. All I ask is that the Republicans nominate someone who can actually win, govern well if elected and pinky swear they will cut my taxes and reduce the death tax. Its not a very high bar."

I'd replace "cut my taxes" with "reform entitlements and reduce the deficit" because I don't believe anyone's going to cut our taxes significantly until the deficit is reduced or eliminated. Otherwise, we're just ensuring bigger tax hikes down the road.

damikesc said...

I'd replace "cut my taxes" with "reform entitlements and reduce the deficit" because I don't believe anyone's going to cut our taxes significantly until the deficit is reduced or eliminated. Otherwise, we're just ensuring bigger tax hikes down the road.

I'm all for weaponizing taxes now.

Raise taxes on entertainment companies. Eliminate all tax breaks that Hollywood has enjoyed for over 60 years now. I can see why Dems protect them...why Republicans do is lost on me.

Add a surtax on every PPV purchase for movies. Ditto one for physical media for music and movies. Add a surtax for digital music (I.e iTunes purchases or music used in games like Rock Band/Guitar Hero).

Pass Instapundit's repeatedly suggested 75% surtax for 5 years on income (salary AND benefits) above your government salary for anybody who leaves the government to work or a lobbying group.

Force "green energy" companies to abide by the same rules everybody else has to (when wind farms continue killing birds all willy-nilly, there should be issues for them).

Pursue anti-trust suits against Google. Tear them up.

Re-constitute Glass-Steagal. I used to support the repeal, but the idea of banks being too large to be ALLOWED to go under is fundamentally bad.

I want things changed.

Rusty said...

Any republican as long as it isn't an establishment republican. A rino is worse than a democrat.

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