Everybody's talking about my doing twitter during the likely very boring debate tonight. @realDonaldTrump #DemDebate
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2015
UPDATE: Did you enjoy the debate? I haven't yet read any of your comments or watched the debate. It's 10:16 Central Time here in Wisconsin and we just had an hour long drive back from Spring Green where we saw an amazing play, "An Iliad." Meade drove, and once we got back within internet range, I went to my son John's blog and read his live blog of the debate. That was efficient and entertaining. I was most amused by:
10:34 – Cooper says he's glad to see all of the candidates "back" after the commercial break, and says he's particularly glad to see Clinton back. Clinton, seeming out of breath, says: "You know, it does take me a little longer!"UPDATE 2: I also read Meade some of Trump's tweets. This one struck me:
"@Jtrink97: @Hell0ThereLydia @realDonaldTrump his commentary is making an otherwise shitty night outstanding" Thanks.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2015
He retweeted "shitty"!
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»Hillary will be awesome. That's what the Mainstream Media will proclaim. She didn't self-destruct.
Nobody's watching this shit. There is no difference there.
What issues will they debate about?
Pro-choice? Yup
Gay marriage? Yup
Against racism? Yup
Against global warming? Yup
For higher taxes? Yup
More $$ for schools? Yup
Against war? Yup
More social programs? Yup
More Gov't $$? Yup
Protect Social security? Yup
Protect Medi-Care? Yup
More immigration? Yup
Obama is great? Yup
Bush is bad? Yup
Equal pay for women? Yup
For Iran-Deal? Yup
The Left is a united front on all issues -- they only disagree on style issues.
Trump's first tweet:
"Listening to Hillary I thought sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make."
What Trump has to say about this debate is the very least most interesting thing about it to me.
Trump's tweets will be grade-school variations on the word "Bozo." It gets old really fast.
I hope Jim Webb wins. Go Jimbo!
(Actually Biden is going to win -- by not participating.)
Trump's Second Tweet
"So far this a show about nothing. But I don't think it's going to be surprise hit."
Trumps Third Tweet
"Yada, Yada vs. Nanu, Nanu. It's as if they're from a different planet far, far away in an alien galaxy."
Trumps Fourth Tweet.
CNN has sent an email to Biden: "Help us, Joe Biden, you are our only hope." Biden is going to burst through the door at the last minute like Kramer.
There is a reason to watch: To see if any of the other Dem candidates can break out and get noticed.
That's what happened with Carly Fiorina at the GOP debates.
If O'Malley or Webb could similarly impress at the Dem debate, it could really switch things up there.
Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
Carthage must be destroyed.
Will someone please tell me when there's going to be a debate not on cable? Because I would like to watch one.
Trump's Fifth Tweet
As the debate enters its second hour I'm thinking hello darkness, my old friend, they've come out to talk again.
Did I just watch a Joe for president commercial? #Ambush
The over/under on how much Hillary I can watch before I throw up: 15 minutes.
Sanders beats Her about the head over her flip on trade, Keystone. Also her umbilical cord to WALL STREET. HER answer, I was for TPP before I was against it.
Slow Joe tweets: Guffaw!
Slow Joe tweets: Harrumph!
Slow Joe tweets: loud obnoxious sigh.
I'm sitting on Trump's twitter page and listening to the propagation forecasts on W1AW (3583 kHz). So far nothing has happened.
View one new tweet. Donald is cynical.
Trump expresses sympathy for the non-criminal candidates, who are getting screwed.
Will the Lamestream Media ask Hillary about her Sooper Seekrit Routers? I keep hearing she'll be indicted any day now!
Playoff baseball, Detroit Red Wings, or these 5 bozos. What to do? Well I know what I AIN'T doing...
Is this intro for real?
Trump tweeting while mainly old Democrats talk on live Tee Vee I think nicely encapsulates everything wrong with the Democratic Party this time around: They Are Old and any attempt to embrace post-2000 technology looks horrible and 100% contrived.
Trump, although old, at least is modern.
It's a freakin' football game.
Hillary could have resolved all doubts about her spontaneity and sincerity if she'd taken a dump during the National Anthem and then wiped herself with the flag. But alas, no. So not spontaneous and not sincere.
Trump knows how to tweet. Great take!
The Big Brother Intro from Obama was creepy. I mean, creepy for CNN to run it. WTF?
Push the movie "Suffragette" for the viewers of the debate. Know your market.
"the scientific community is nearly unanimous" says Bernie Sanders about climate change.
Democrats love talking about non-existent "communities".
Why doesn't Bernie smile?
Why does he shout?
No high collar for Hill tonite.
No Ming the Merciless.
Bernie is a good speaker. Shame he isn't a Democrat.
Hey MayBee,
What was the intro by Obama? A voice over, or a video? You say "big brother"...
Did he mention "replacing me"?
Watching the Mets / Dodgers...
It was a video. Like an Obama election video, but CNN showed it on a huge screen at the debate on on full screen tv.
Joe Biden just burst from the front of Hillary's lectern. Quite an entrance!
I just heard the exact same opening statement from each of the candidates.
Ah yes Hillary & Democrates, republicans flip flop democrates evolve.
Anderson does a follow up. Hill working through the script.
Now everybody is shouting.
Hillary, if you were a tree ....
Chafee is a block of granite.
Hildebeast delenda est.
I expect O'Malley to tear his shirt off shortly.
Hillary: Denmark is a shit hole!
Blogger Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
Will someone please tell me when there's going to be a debate not on cable? Because I would like to watch one.
*Technically* speaking, the debates are on channels, not *cable*, as such. Satellite subscribers can get those channels, too, and so can (as I'm told) at least some streaming-subscribers. Over-the-air broadcast-TV watchers and those yearning for debates to be presented on mass channels as/and as they used to be are in a different situation(although--again, according to as I'm told--over-the-air broadcast radio listeners are a different story).
Diogenes of Sinope said...
Just replace the words "top 1 percent", "the rich", "the wealthy", etc with "the Jews".........
Indians are the richest ethnic group in the US.
Sanders is angry about every issue.
Garage: You never disappoint! You still do not know the difference between a router and a server. The server you claimed Walker had in his office, secretly, was a router. The router you think Hillary had in her garage was a server. You can look it up and maybe gather unto your self the significance of the items and the difference.
Bernie needs to relax.
And he needs to look at his competitors
And why would that be?
Bernie admits he had to pander.
Anent Chafee being a block of granite, they used to say that Governor Endicott Peabody of Massachusetts had four towns in the state named after him: Endicott, Peabody, Marblehead and Athol.
Tomorrow, we won't be asking who won, we will ask who didn't lose.
"We believe in the 2nd Amendment" - no, you don't.
In Bill Clinton's America, Jim Webb would be seen as a contender.
I can tell few are watching.
eveyone is very aggressive in this debate. Except Martin O'Malley, who I think has taken 2 Xanax.
I have a D- from the NRA. I have an F. There is an NRA hit squad looking for me even now. As we speak, Wayne LaPierre holds my wife hostage in our kitchen ...
I remember when Chaffee, now running for President as a Democrat, was held out as a reasonable Republican, the kind more Republicans should emulate.
Chaffee looks like an ostrich and that would be his foreign policy.
"Coalition" but Putin is bombing our present coalition, I think. Who'll join when they know we'd run?
"Obama was creepy."
You don't say!
""We believe in the 2nd Amendment" - no, you don't.
We are not going to take away anyone's guns! THat is just scary talk. Now let me tell you about Australia and their very reasonable idea on how to control guns...
Bernie is hard core. Shame he isn't a Democrat. Two of the others aren't really Democrats either. There are only two real Democrats running for the Democrat Presidential nomination. You get more applicants for cleaning positions where I live.
Sanders was trying to channel Churchill...."it's a quagmire in a quagmire".
LOL Original Mike
jr565- hahahaha! Exactly! Nobody asked them about Obama and Australia.
"Except Martin O'Malley, who I think has taken 2 Xanax."
And me! Me too! I'm voting for him!
ARM wrote:
Bernie is hard core. Shame he isn't a Democrat. Two of the others aren't really Democrats either. There are only two real Democrats running for the Democrat Presidential nomination. You get more applicants for cleaning positions where I live.
He's hard core bat shit insane. And if he is gathering support there are a lot of bat shit insane people on the left.
Bernie was forced into this debate due to the long history of colonial oppression against the good peoples and ice cream mongers of vermont.
Ill skip it, but predict Hillary will do well since the debate format allows for her brand of empty answers and tired talking points, and the Dems are hesitant to criticize her and the moderators are too feckless to press her on her nonanswers. We'll see if I'm right tomorrow.
Having never seen him before, I can now confidently state that O'Malley is a complete loss. So, the only functional Democrat in the race is Hillary. Guess who wins that race.
I think Webb is imploding.
If you like your guns you can keep your guns, period.
ARM: "Guess who wins that race?"
Jim Beam? Johnny Walker?
Thats the spirit garage! You're posting just like the big kids! Way to go tiger.
I didn't know Hillary had a CCL. Who ever would have expected her to get angry and impulsively shoot another candidate? Maybe that professor has a point.
I'm watching a recorded "reality" show. How's the ball game going? The Cubs won!
Thanks for the explanation about Obama, MayBee.
Why did'nt any of the candidates lob a sledgehammer thru the obama video screen?
ARM wrote:
Guess who wins that race?
Elvis! We gotta win this race.
Elvis bursting into song: We gotta win this race.
Elvis, want some lemonade? Lemonade... that cool refreshing drink.
I like Jim Webb but he too often comes as being an irritable "get off my lawn" kind of guy.
Well Phil, he is scotch/irish isnt he?
Sanders is so conflicted.
None of these people can communicate like Rubio can.
Waiting for a bro hug between Webb and Sanders.
I'm not sure Webb agrees with Bernie's declaration of "good friend".
Chafee is going full gamma male. Renew my library card, bitch.
Garage, you seem to have some free time. Now would be an opportune time for you to research the difference between routers and servers.
Especially since you have dreams of an IT career in cuba for the castros.
Bernie is suggesting nuclear power, but he doesn't know it.
Bernie is suggesting nuclear power, but he doesn't know it.
Ok, Democrats. What do you think? How are they doing? Who are you liking?
Democrats and Althouse, I should say.
It looks like Hillary hand picked her opponents.
Althouse knows in her heart she wants to vote for Sanders. She's a Commie at heart.
I really thought that Vodka Pundit would be all over this, but that hasn't happened.
The Bern can help heal Mother Earth by becoming worm food.
A mistake???? It was a fucking crime!!
Sanders lives and is a representative in a state with the least gun control in the country. And also some of the lowest gun violence statistics in the country. Maybe that should tell him something.
The left is so far left though that Sanders himself has to pander to them by talking about controlling the guns. Why didn't you do it Bernie?
Sanders is a moron as well.
oh, shit.....that was a scripted save.
If I were the republican and Bernie was the democratic front runner, I"d simply point to Bernie's own state to show he is a fool when it comes to guns. Lack of gun control doesn't lead to more gun violence necessarily. As your state shows, Mr. Sanders.
View 17 New Tweets
I have fallen behind.
I like Jim Webb. The other 3 men are wimpy Beta Males. The other is Hillary.
"Chafee is going full gamma male. Renew my library card, bitch."
Are we sure he has any testosterone at all? He looks like the blonde guy on queer eye for the straight guy. That guy is more testosterone filled.
Bernie Sanders giving into the Black Lives Matter crowd. Brings up Sandra Bland, who killed herself.
Do we have more people in jail than China?
Bernie said "Black lives matter"
....and the Amber Alert went off in Seattle. The TV was overridden by a government alert for a missing child.
Hillary tries to channel Bill on the "Black Lives Matter" question.
Maybee, since China routinely uses prisoners for body parts.
Thats really the pattern on the left isnt it
"Bernie Sanders giving into the Black Lives Matter crowd. Brings up Sandra Bland, who killed herself."
If he's going to bring up black lives matter we might as well discuss his white privilege. I have it on good authority that he has a lot of it. Being white and all. Is he going to start talking jive to try to relate to the negroes? how much pandering can he do?
they aren't down with the old white guy and his white followers, Bernie.
Bill on black lives matter? According to Bill, a few years back all those people would be serving him coffee!
In a tolerant and open and totally not racist sort of way!
Anderson talking to fast.
Its always strange when you get the exit row seat with no seat immediately in front of you.
My bag looks so far away. Almost unreachable. You know, similar to how far away Minnesota must appear to garage.
Its always exciting to hear from so many young democrat candidates of color with all their new ideas.
"Nobody went to jail"???
Honey, I don't think you should go there.
Fuck...this is a Hillary festival.
go to college. Yeah...that's a hand-out to....oh wait...never mind.
Holy shit...Chafee wants an exception....my Dad died.
At this point I'd suggest that Democrats should worry the most about Marco Rubio...because he's likable and positive.
"Mary Beth said...
I'll be that person. Sneaked, not snuck.
My spell checker doesn't like "snuck" either. It suggests snick, suck, snack, stuck and shuck.
3/6/15, 12:58 PM"
These Democrat debaters will soon eliminate Drudge's, but moreso Althouse's syncronicity.
Point of Order: I could have sworn I just read someone somewebsitewhere writing about the misuse of snuck.
Thought it was Althouse, but the Google didn't beg to differ; Google always just differs.
Until I refined my search and up pops Mary Beth's ultra-double precient comment.
So they went to Don Lemon to ask the "Black" question; who will get to ask the "gay" question?
PHil- Don Lemon
Apologies, the impetus can be found here:
Chaffee and O'Malley are non-factors. The Democrat, the Socialist and the Independent are providing a decent overview of the policy differences between those particular factions.
Ohh they threw me a curve. CNN Latino guy gets to ask the Latino question.
Will we get an Asian reporter to ask about Asian immigrants?
Here comes the goodies, free stuff for everyone. Free health care, free college education, expanding SS, (Rodgers & the Packers pay $15 million) What? No minimum income! This is outrageous!!
Diogenes of Sinope said...
"Just replace the words "top 1 percent", "the rich", "the wealthy", etc with "the Jews".........
Indians are the richest ethnic group in the US. "
I feel like I'm watching the bad lip reading version of a debate.
Hey Democrats - are you happy? You liking what you're seeing?
Slow Joe just tweeted: wait, what was that? What did she say?
... sigh.
Sanders suggested that only black lives matter. Fuck you,you old coot.
Bernie now has his tin foil hat on, eek eek everyone is watching me.
Hill finally declares "I HAVE A VAGINA!"
Bernie wins the NSA debate.
Bernie calls for Revolution!
"Bernie wins the NSA debate." NO he didn't. And if he did, he's arguing with retards. So its not saying a lot.
There's one candidate on the stage who belongs in prison. It's a farce that she hasn't been indicted.
"He looks like the blonde guy on queer eye for the straight guy."
Which one of the debaters was that referencing?
LA over the Mets, 3 - 1...
I know I'm not supposed to say it, but no other word fits so well: Hillary is shrill.
Top of the 9th...
Guild, it's the Internet. It's ok.
Bernie says republicans are obstructionist because they won't vote for things like free college tuition and a federal minimum wage of $15/hour.
Yeah, Bern. That's calle a legitimage difference of opinion. Not obstruction.
SEIU has enough money to run an ad about changing walmart during the debate.
eff said...
Here comes the goodies, free stuff for everyone. Free health care, free college education, expanding SS, (Rodgers & the Packers pay $15 million) What? No minimum income! This is outrageous!!
10/13/15, 9:17 PM
Yeah its all free except for Bob and his wife who have to pay the taxes for all these moochers. If someone got on stage and killed all of them I would cheer!
Jim Webb gets no love when identifies the enemy as the guy who tried to kill him (in war).
Wrong crowd Jim.
Seriously. Martin O'Malley sounds like Forrest Gump. What is going on?
Martin O'Malley about to sing "Kumbayaa"
Phil- I remember when Daily Kos was a big booster of Jim Webb for Senate. Now he is too far to the right of the Democratic party. The Democrats have shifted really far left.
This debate seems like it's completely theoretical. Like the candidates don't even care if things work. Except for Webb. But he hardly even seems like a Dem anymore.
I am only getting feel-good ads for the NYSE on my debate feed. It is fortunate that we don't have to worry about the ubiquitous power of the financial industry running our country into the ground.
It really was striking how car apart Webb was from the others.
AReasonableMan said...
I am only getting feel-good ads for the NYSE on my debate feed. It is fortunate that we don't have to worry about the ubiquitous power of the financial industry running our country into the ground.
10/13/15, 10:01 PM
Funny thing most of them are Democrats and the Democrats are always tapping them for money, and the Clinton's are never far from the money.
Chafee whinin about having to vote right after taking office after his father died was one of the most pitiful displays I've seen in a long while. WTF????
Jim Webb gets no love when identifies the enemy as the guy who tried to kill him (in war).
Wrong crowd Jim.
Because only Republicans are ridiculous enough to think the guys trying to take away their homes, their nation's GDP, their health care, their childcare, their retirement savings, their bargaining rights, their civil liberties, their interest in avoiding war, their coastlines, their opportunities, etc., are their friends.
" The other 3 men are wimpy Beta Males. The other is Hillary."
So is she.
Chafee whinin about having to vote right after taking office after his father died was one of the most pitiful displays I've seen in a long while. WTF????
A sharp New Englander I knew of referred to him as the "Thanks, Dad!" candidate.
I have no idea what he's done in politics, other than the fact that he was appointed to complete the senate office vacated after his father died.
For someone who switched parties as predictably as a socialite, his contributions weren't all that bad, though. Other than of course that one. It was laughable.
Oh and the emails! Every moron pooh-poohing the scandalous, criminal email issue in the audience. One would like to ask those criminally stupid fools which cabinet department or agency they would object to the director or secretary run from their personal email server.
"If someone got on stage and killed all of them I would cheer!"
Drops mike. Walks off stage.
Cooper: Senator W-
Webb: I killed a guy
Cooper: The question was climate change
Webb: (smiling) He's dead
The contrast between the Democratic debate and the Republican debate couldn't have been starker. The issues were spoken about at length and no one was disrespectful. Webb was a bit whiny and looking overly upset, but he doesn't have a chance with the base anyway. The Republican debate was a circus, the Democratic debate was refreshingly substantive.
I could vote for Webb over some of the Republicans. He'll probably go down in the polls though.........Lincoln Chaffee looks like he was doing a John Cleese imitation. Men also get judged on their looks. A guy who looks like that can never be president.......O'Malley looked crisp and decisive. Who knew that Baltimore and Maryland were such wonderful places to live? And we have O'Malley to thank for those Utopias.......Hillary wasn't uniformly loathsome. Her make up was excellent, and she occasionally looked good humored........Bernie Sanders has got the anti-billionaire vote nailed down. Take the money from Donald Trump and use it to fund abortions for undocumented immigrants. Was he planted by the DNC to make Hillary look moderate?
There are only two real Democrats running for the Democrat Presidential nomination. You get more applicants for cleaning positions where I live.
Taking on the power running the country is a tough, uphill and nearly thankless job, but you can't rely on a Republican (or most Democrats) to do it.
Hildebeast actually did better than I expected for the first half (minus the first ~40 mins which I missed). I think having Old Man Sanders and the two other lackeys and party-less guy helped the overall dynamic - for her as well as in general. It's interesting seeing a forum in which there's only two clear front-runners and the others were just thrown in to round out the dynamic and/or showcase the few remaining candidates who have the balls to proclaim whatever dwindling passion remains among the party of FDR.
I was pleasantly surprised for that first half or so, and then saw it devolve into the predictable talking points by the end. Including the talking point of using gender as a good qualification for a proving one's credentials as a change candidate, which I didn't know it was.
Hillary needs to be more up-front about this female identity of hers. I was nearly in danger of forgetting it - and in even greater danger of not recognizing how it was relevant to anything...
Anything, other than an indication of how appalling the state of being female must be in America, that is. Did anyone else come from a family dynamic that made people feel as bad or as pushed around about being a woman as Hillary's family apparently must have made her feel? Really, it's quite pathetic how vindicated she feels by constantly touting that.
I thought Sanders was trying to be loose and relevant when he kept asking the other candidates for pot, but I think he went too far when he asked them all to drop LSD with him after proclaiming the need to raise consciousness. It doesn't matter that his dealer called the LSD batch "El Presidente"; it just didn't seem Presidential.
Ah yes Hillary & Democrates, republicans flip flop democrates evolve.
Ah. Well, that's because Democrats feel compelled to actually give something called reasons for why they take certain positions.
With Republicans it's all just about what comes from their "gut".
Other than indigestion, of course.
But I give Republicans credit. It's harder to defend feelings than it is to defend a response to facts.
BN said...
"If someone got on stage and killed all of them I would cheer!"
Drops mike. Walks off stage."
Hell yeah! Give the man a cigar.
I'm watching the CNN post debate wrap up, and a man says Obama has been disrespected in an unprecedented way.
This, while CNN is running ads for "Truth", the Dan Rather TANG Bush truther movie. Pretty darn funny.
"I have no idea what he's done..."
Lol. Dude, that's so 2008. This is a new age. Hope and change!
"...the Democratic debate was refreshingly substantive."
I'm listening to the White Album, and what's playing is "Julia."
"Half of what I say is meaningless..."
Don't tell me it's just coincidence.
No one asked the candidates how many genders they think there are. Color me disappointed.
"I'm watching the CNN post debate wrap up, and a man says Obama has been disrespected in an unprecedented way... Pretty darn funny."
Damn! If that really happened, I almost wish I'd watched... almost.
Now I'm listening to "Yer Blues". Draw yer own conclusion.
"Color me disappointed."
Hell, is it legal to drop the mike twice?
I thought Bernie Sanders was good in that you could work out his position from what he said. And he meant it. But his position is that our domestic problems would be fixed by more taxes and more freebies - not by a better economy. There are fewer people working now than their were in 2008. Hillary kept her poise. Webb tried to show foreign policy ideas but the only idea anyone of them had was proxy armies and we see how that works in Syria right now. Russia is shooting our proxies that fight and Obama is pretending he doesn't notice.
I have no idea what O'Malley said although I seem to recollect a description of how much he did for Baltimore as if Baltimore was in great shape. Like Obama on how good his policies in Syria have been and how a coalition army of other people's sons is going to carry out our goals.
I just though Chaffee looked like an ostrich and was less good on policy than the chipmunk in my backyard.
No one had any new ideas. No one was interesting. The consequence will be a nuclear attack on one of our cities. Thanks.
My overall thought is that it was NOT BAD (at least for the first half), they made it substantive by showing a stark contrast to the reliance on personal attacks endemic at Republican gatherings, and differentiated their positions as precisely as I've ever seen it done before. It was as honest a policy and style showcase as anyone's seen.
At the end though, listening to the meandering closings, I felt disappointed that more of them don't learn from FDR. That guy was an orator. Burn is doing his best to ignite passion in the lumpy underbellies guarded by these Democrats' instinctive corsets of political job security, and the rest are taking a cue. But FDR was sharp. He drew out his thoughts when necessary, built up ideas as he went along, and had good punch lines, openings and closers. Perhaps that took a preparation that isn't feasible in the post-sound bite era, and detracts from the extemporaneous spontaneity that Burn can muster sprinkling on top of some fairly well practiced, if generously recycled, decades-old stump speech snippets. But that should be their model.
I can't see why Republicans can spend thirty years coasting off the legacy of a halfway decent party symbol like Reagan while the Demos can't see that reviving and vying for the legacy of a pinnacle of leadership and American pride like FDR is ten times better.
No one had any new ideas. No one was interesting. The consequence will be a nuclear attack on one of our cities. Thanks.
Lol. And here we have the recipe for the failing Republican mantra in a nutshell, nestled within an otherwise semi-intelligent comment. And then comes the knee-slapper: The idea that NOT BEING INTERESTING is what makes nuclear armageddon inevitable. There you have it, the modern Republican belief system summarized in a neat vignette: BE A DRAMA QUEEN OR WE'LL ALL DIE!!!!!1!1!!!!1
It's a more flamboyant, Christian version of the terrorist ideology.
Be a drama queen or we'll all die!!!
Vote Republican 2016.
Someone get the bumper stickers ready.
Be a drama queen or we'll all die.
Fuck substantive policy debates or discussions of how to keep the ruling class from distracting you with non-answers to America's problems. It all comes down to something else entirely.
Be a drama queen or we all die.
Thank you for that contribution to America's maturation and identity as a respectable nation.
"I can't see why Republicans can spend thirty years coasting off the legacy of a halfway decent party symbol like Reagan while the Demos can't see that reviving and vying for the legacy of a pinnacle of leadership and American pride like FDR is ten times better."
Me either! What we need is a new Social Security symbol! Let's see, what would that be?
SS is broke, our demographics is shit, and we're better off than the rest of the world. We're 20 trillion in obvious debt and 80 trillion or more in hidden debt. The future looks like robots, AI, and other forms of automation will take all the working and middle class jobs, and anything else that actually, you know, produces something of value besides governmental administrative/make work stuff (including, law work and education, I'm sorry to tell you, Althouse)... Well, there's gotta be something...
I know, let's pay for free college! We need more "x studies" telling us what the fuck's wrong with us.
"The consequence will be a nuclear attack on one of our cities. Thanks.
I know! Hilarious!
SS is broke, our demographics is shit, and we're better off than the rest of the world. We're 20 trillion in obvious debt and 80 trillion or more in hidden debt. The future..
Oh, there's that Republican drama queeniness coming out in full force.
Dude, you guys are the pinnacles of chicken little-hood. Or even worse. There's a Yiddish expression that says, "Don't urinate in my ear and tell me it's raining outside."
You don't like what's been done to social security, etc.? Well, that's the doing of Reagan and his heirs. You guys make a crisis out of things, for ideological purposes, and then tell us, "WHOA! Look at that horrible crisis! How did that happen!"
That's the endgame of what Grover Norquist meant when he set out to, and succeeded in, creating a government "small enough to drown in a bathtub." Only he miscalculated. Instead of saying, "Let's get rid of all this!" as he wanted them to say, the public got pissed when it woke up one day, and found all those institutions in crisis.
It's as Sanders said. These problems didn't drop out of the sky one day. They were man-made problems, and they can be fixed with man-made solutions.
Listen, you want to lionize Reagan, and claim that no Republican today is worthy to lick his boots? Then accept that not everything he did was meant to be put on steroids and kept in place for all time.
You're just not getting it. Reagan was a reformer. Not a "revolutionary" as Republicans have become so fond of the term. He was a reformer.
A Martin Luther, if you prefer. Or a Catholic church counter-reformer.
FDR was Augustine.
The founders were Jesus.
But get Reagan and the importance of his place in the American political pecking order right. He was no FDR. And he certainly was no founding father.
Move on and offer us a human solution to the totally foreseeable, totally human-caused problems created by your ideological zeal for political inaction or get off the pot.
"passion in the lumpy underbellies guarded by these Democrats' instinctive corsets..."
Hey, tha's hitting below Hillary's belt there! Not coshure, dude!
Bernie has the core issue of this campaign correct. His policies are disastrous but he would go after the plutocracy at least. He would be a more supportable candidate than Rubio or Bush who are bought and paid for. Good thing the GOPe plutocrat candidates are polling around 20% total in the primary polls.
That said Hillary will win the dem nomination. She will get crushed in the general. She can barely handle a softball kum ba yah hot chocolate party. Bernie was her most difficult competition and he is just not serious because he is authentic. Democrats want to be lied to. He is too honest about what he wants to do.
The plutocrats will get Hillary into the general but they wont be able to pull her through against a non-establishment candidate and it will be Trump, Carson, or Fiorina that wins. The country is too angry and the wealthy rigging the economy and Bernie is inadvertently focusing the debate on that plutocracy.
"You guys make a crisis out of things, for ideological purposes, and then tell us, "WHOA! Look at that horrible crisis! How did that happen!"
"FDR was Augustine."
Now who's LOL?
"There's a Yiddish expression that says, "Don't urinate in my ear and tell me it's raining outside."
What did you say? I can't hear you. Let me clear my ears.
"They were man-made problems, and they can be fixed with man-made solutions."
More govt will solve every problem govt created. I hear that! Let's be part of govt! Er... I mean the solution. What?
I still can't hear you... fucking raining in my ear.
Rhythm and Balls said...
SS is broke, our demographics is shit, and we're better off than the rest of the world. We're 20 trillion in obvious debt and 80 trillion or more in hidden debt. The future..
"Oh, there's that Republican drama queeniness coming out in full force.
Dude, you guys are the pinnacles of chicken little-hood. Or even worse. There's a Yiddish expression that says, "Don't urinate in my ear and tell me it's raining outside.""
SS is broke. Both parties have bankrupted the account to pay cronies. Both parties teamed up in the 60's to change SS from a private savings account to a ponzi style wealth transfer.
"You don't like what's been done to social security, etc.? Well, that's the doing of Reagan and his heirs. You guys make a crisis out of things, for ideological purposes, and then tell us, "WHOA! Look at that horrible crisis! How did that happen!""
That is retarded man. You are falling into the democrats good republicans evil trap again. You aren't dumb enough to be a tool. The question is how long you will remain one.
I actually agree with Achilles in that I can see where at least some of Bernie Sanders' policies are impractical. But I looked at another one of the popular themes of the debate and came away with a better overarching interpretation.
Almost every problem we have today results from over leveraging.
And not just financially. Over-leveraging of at least a few things.
We are over-leveraging our reliance on military force.
We are over-leveraging our reliance on college. (Seriously, a lot of dum-dums are going to college today. Focus on building up the trades, and you invigorate our interest in manufacturing, stop giving incentive to shady correspondence degree programs and stop taking in battalions of adolescents on-board whose deepest thought is how offensive every day speech has become to the victimized identity group du jour).
And yet, they all said we need to do more for college. No we don't. We need to do less for college. Decrease the demand, and the quality of the supply will improve as its costs reduce dramatically.
"That said Hillary will win the dem nomination. She will get crushed in the general."
I used to have happy thoughts... in 2012... now... I buy bullets.
Ok Achillles. I'll delegate fixing SSI to you and you can get on-board with my acceptably conservative and obviously awesome plan for fixing the problem of college tuition (and a load of other things along with it).
"Almost every problem we have today results from over leveraging."
No, that's a lot of it--the going broke part--but the real thing coming is the end of the need for human labor (robots, AI, etc.). What then? We need to start figuring out how to tax robot labor.
Or else, who's gonna pay the bills?
Oh, and the general demographic condumromurunsky.
...and the Muslims, but shhhh...
"... you can get on-board with my acceptably conservative and obviously awesome plan for fixing the problem of college tuition (and a load of other things along with it)."
Your words (and mine for that matter) won't solve shit. But they do sound quite lovely.
No contest...Trump won the Democratic debate.
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