২৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫

"The FBI has issued an alert to law enforcement about a possible 'Halloween Revolt' by a dangerous anarchist group..."

"[A] group known as the National Liberation Militia may be planning to dress in costume, cause a disturbance, and then ambush police who come to help."

৬০টি মন্তব্য:

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Baloney. The FBI is either paranoid or they're trying to gin up fear of domestic terrorism.

William বলেছেন...

Does this have any relation to the Hillary costume post below?

নামহীন বলেছেন...


They must be ok. The SPLC does not list them as extremist :)



Birkel বলেছেন...

Robert Cook is now able to predict the future.

Also, he supports the goals.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The anarchists are cooperating with the Black Lives Matter terrorists but Cook thinks it is OK.

They mean well.

Dan Hossley বলেছেন...

Interesting press release. If you google "National Liberation Militia" you get "New Black Liberation Militia". No references to "National Liberation Militia" other than the FBI statement, however there is a lot of info on the NBLM.

If you search FBI.gov, you can't get a list of domestic terrorist organizations...go figure. I guess it's a secret.

So who are the "National Liberation Militia" and why is this warning the first reference to them...ever?

Brando বলেছেন...

That was sort of useless information. Tells us nothing about what these people stand for--are they just nihilists?--or what they want to accomplish. How can we cave in to their demands if we don't know what they are?

Or maybe they're exceedingly clever. By not saying what they're fighting for or where and what they plan to strike, they can sit back and do nothing and then later take credit for anything that does happen. Freeway pileup? Yeah we engineered it! Wildfires in Nevada? All us!

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Anarchists with eggs.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

I always get them mixed up with the Peoples' Front of Judea

Brando said...
That was sort of useless information. Tells us nothing about what these people stand for--are they just nihilists?--or what they want to accomplish.

"Right-wing Christian Militia representing the interests of Camille Chamoun's National Liberal Party." They sound confused.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Dan Hossley said...
Interesting press release. If you google "National Liberation Militia" you get "New Black Liberation Militia". No references to "National Liberation Militia" other than the FBI statement, however there is a lot of info on the NBLM.

google ["National Liberation Militia" -FBI -"F.B.I."] gives 10 results. They have a(n empty) Facebook page.

It can't be blacks (too peaceful), or some invention of the FBI (too honest), so I'll go with the Lebanese right-wing christian liberals dressed as Hillaries.

Scott বলেছেন...

If you don't want to call them leftists, call them anarchists.

Rae বলেছেন...

What a bland, unimaginative name for a terrorist group.

Here's a question: is a terrorist group definined by its actions in the real world, or by its professed ideology?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I sure hope the Government can help us.

John Henry বলেছেন...

This may not be a bad strategy if you are group that wants to stir up trouble (And fundraising)

1) Plant the idea with cops that they are in particular danger on Halloween

2) Wait for the inevitable disturbance. This may be caused by a fight over candy, a trick taken badly or whatever else may happen on any normal Halloween.

3) Cops get called out wondering "Is this a routine disturbance ir the planned ambush?"

4) Cops are probably a bit paranoid about ambushes nowadays anyway and extra careful. They may have good reason to be paranoid.

5) They overreact and some 12 year old kid gets shot by a cop because he has a Snickers bar in his hand. Bonus points if the kid is black female, gay, transgender or all of the above.

6) Cue the riots and demos.

All of that and the whole movement doesn't need to lift a finger beyond making sure the FBI overhears some chatter. Perhaps even an anonymous "informant" who is part of the scheme.

John Henry

John Henry বলেছেন...

Or it could be another FBI setup, as someone mentioned.

Goad some moron into doing something, provide a fake bomb and/or gun then arrest him when he tries to carry our the attack at the FBI's behest.

John Henry

John Henry বলেছেন...

Or perhaps it is the Juggalos. Fans of the band Insane Clown Posse.

FBI counts them as a terrorist group, they dress funny.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

John Henry

Brando বলেছেন...

"If you don't want to call them leftists, call them anarchists."

To me, anarchists mean bringing down any form of order, and specifically any type of authority--sort of taking libertarianism to an absurd extreme. However, in the past anarchists tended to be communists which makes little sense when you consider communists want more government and order than anyone else.

n.n বলেছেন...

The country has been overrun and there has been a left-right transposition. Otherwise, anarchists are left-wing black operators, and the establishment is running defense.

n.n বলেছেন...


What better cause than anarchy to consolidate control in a powerful central body.

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

We haven't a terrorist group with a cool insignia since the Symbionese Liberation Army. Anyone know a good graphic designer on Fivrr?

Bobby বলেছেন...

John Henry,

As I'm sure you know, you have just applied what is known in the annals of guerrilla warfare as foco theory, and it was a major part of Che Guevara's book, La Guerra de Guerrillas (Guerrilla Warfare... not very imaginative, El Che). Although foco theory was adapted from their successes in Cuba and it reads like the most triumphalist of literature, Che found it far less practicable in the Congo and Bolivia.

I would note that many here suspected that Ahmed Mohamed, the Clock Kid, may have been (wittingly or unwittingly) attempting to apply the same tenets in bringing his project to school. As with that instance, the best defense for the government is just to keep things in its context and proper perspective, and not to overreact...

Steve বলেছেন...

The last thing in the world the "anarchists" want is true anarchy. A pissed off populace shotgunning them down in the middle of the street and then leaving their bodies there to rot 'Pour encourager les autres' is a very anarchic thing to do. Most of the anarchists I read about are looking for more government action rather than less. The term is even more corrupted than the term "liberal."

Achilles বলেছেন...

"Fiercely independent" FBI changes the name of the group to hide the fact it is part of the BLM movement.

Pretty soon the "Fiercely independent" Comey will decide to not indict Hillary.

"Fiercely independent"

Just keep repeating that.

"Fiercely independent"

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

John Henry said...
4) Cops are probably a bit paranoid about ambushes nowadays anyway and extra careful. They may have good reason to be paranoid.

"Paranoid" as in "irrational fear".

"When it comes to lethal violence against police officers, how does 2015 stack up against other years? Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute took a look at the annual number of cops who died of non-accidental gunshots, as measured by the Officer Down Memorial Page. This year isn't over yet, obviously, but if the trend thus far continues, 2015's rate will be higher than 2013's. It will also be lower than every other year since 1870:

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I would note that many here suspected that Ahmed Mohamed, the Clock Kid, may have been (wittingly or unwittingly) attempting to apply the same tenets in bringing his project to school."

Hmmm...how crafty that a would-be anarchist/terrorist/boogeyman-of-choice could unwittingly apply Che Guevera's guerilla tenets to...do what? They're so masterful at hiding their nefarious plots they don't even know they're doing it themselves!

As for the "many here (who) suspected...the Clock Kid" of anything beyond being a kid who wanted to show what he had done to his classmates and teachers, they're xenophobic nitwits.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"4) Cops are probably a bit paranoid about ambushes nowadays anyway and extra careful. They may have good reason to be paranoid."

Hmmm...what about the victims of police violence? They really have good reason to be--not paranoid--fearful!

Chris N বলেছেন...

The cheese is old and moldy, Cook.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...

Hmmm...what about the victims of police violence? They really have good reason to be--not paranoid--fearful!

Victims of police violence certainly have good reason to be fearful. People who happen to be the same color as the stereotypical victim of police violence also have good reason to be fearful. ( Not of police violence, which is quite rare, but of violence from other people who share their skin color. )

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The term is even more corrupted than the term "liberal."

I was a 17-year-old freshman when I got stuck in the backseat of a Fiat 128 with an anarchist. I don't remember where I was going or why; I was just bumming a ride with an upperclassman, as was the anarchist, who wanted to pass the time by whinging about the gubmint. Whenever I posited a situation which in civilized cultures calls for law and order the twerp mouthed "binding arbitration" like a parrot.

Anthony বলেছেন...

I have to agree with John Henry -- much as I hate those anarchist types I think they are just trolling with the police.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

First they came for the Police. But I was not concerned because I wasn't a cop.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Quaestor said...

Whenever I posited a situation which in civilized cultures calls for law and order the twerp mouthed "binding arbitration" like a parrot.

And what, exactly, binds the parties to the results of the binding arbitration?

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Costumed lives matter!

Michael K বলেছেন...

"As for the "many here (who) suspected...the Clock Kid" of anything beyond being a kid who wanted to show what he had done to his classmates and teachers, they're xenophobic nitwits."

Yeah, like those "xenophobic nitwits " who worried about a million Muslim immigrants.

Two decades on, though, "white flight" has left only one in five of Husby's flats occupied by ethnic Swedes, and many of their immigrant replacements do not seem to share his view that a new life in Sweden is a dream come true. Last week, the neighbourhood erupted into rioting, sparking some of the fiercest urban unrest that Sweden has seen in decades, and a new debate about the success of racial integration.
"In the old days, the neighbourhood was more Swedish and life felt like a dream, but now there are just too many foreigners, and a new generation that has grown up here with just their own culture," he said, gesturing towards the hooded youths milling around in Husby's pedestrianised shopping precinct.

Gee, I wonder where all those "xenophobic nitwits" went?

Peter বলেছেন...

"National Liberation Militia" is thinking small.

Why not at least claim to be a Global Liberation Army?

Alexander বলেছেন...

I understand these ragamuffins will not only dress in costumes (some of which may be cultural appropriation or suggest a support for violence) but then they will demand innocent homeowners either provide them with sweets or else they will be terrorized with a "trick".

Some of the more hardline terrorists may not even offer to negotiate, going straight for their weapons of eggs and toilet paper that, early reports indicate, may have been provided by the US government at the cost to tax payers in the billions in an ill-founded attempt to arm the more moderate factions who are inclined to demand candy even when it's not really age-appropriate.

Troubling rumors indicate that this 'season' of anticipated gluttony and expectations to receive property without any reciprocal effort could extend for the rest of the year, and trickling out until coming to an end sometime in mid-February.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

*runs out and reserves IntergalacticLiberationArmada.org*

Scott বলেছেন...

The Symbionese Liberation Army is described as "American self-styled left-wing revolutionary group" in Wikipedia. Presumably that's settled social science.

So what makes the National Liberation Army an "anarchist" group? They seem awfully similar.

Is it the word "National" vs the word "Symbionese?"

Scott বলেছেন...

Did you know... that the seven-headed snake symbol of the Symbionese Liberation Army "...was based on the seven principles of Kwanzaa, with each head representing a principle"? Says so in Wikipedia. It must be true.

So when we celebrate Kwanzaa, think of Patty Hurst. Maybe some clever person could draw up an SLA logo with Santa hats on each of the snake heads.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

And what, exactly, binds the parties to the results of the binding arbitration?

The party with the largest force of well-armed thugs makes those decisions.

n.n বলেছেন...

"American self-styled left-wing revolutionary group"
-- wikipedia.org

The left-wing features anarchists. The right-wing features revolutionaries. The difference is nuanced, but logically derived from each wing's identity. Wikipedia associates the romantic perception of revolution with domestic terrorists.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"The party with the largest force of well-armed thugs makes those decisions."

Ah, well. That would be the various smaller and larger governments of the United States of America and their respective police forces.

MAJMike বলেছেন...

A major, if not the major, objective of the terrorist is to convince the population that the Government Authorities cannot protect the population from the violent actions of the terrorists. By targeting the agents of Government Authority, the terrorists demonstrate this fact and further weaken the Government Authority.

In reaction, the Government Authority further suppresses the population and attempts to accrue more power to itself to protect the system.

All is proceeding according to the LibCong's plan.

JCC বলেছেন...

So, the FBI gets information about a threat from a group with a grandiose (but unimaginative) name, possibly including the names of at least some of the suspected group members which probably includes some disaffected former prison inmates with a known propensity for violence, from a source which may or may not be reliable. If they sit on the info and something happens, the FBI's in trouble, so they broadcast some kind of weasel, vague alert, to cover any eventuality, just in case. All of which probably arose during a prolonged dope-smoking bitch session (by the group, not the FBI) characterized by those present trying to one-up each other with chest-beating and the vehemence of their threats.

None of which means that some nutcase or another won't believe his own BS and actually try to ambush a cop on Halloween. But that's pretty much everyday stuff for cops to think about I would think.

@ Robert Cook -

"....the victims of police violence..."

Generally, all these people have to do is, you know, shut up and do what they're told to do. Get out, stop walking, put up their hands, drop the gun...whatever. True victims are not in control of their own fate, so this is a miscategorization.

rcommal বলেছেন...

Screw this. I refuse to relive the '70s for the nth time as specifically re-framed by laughing, mocking, dishonest, now-old retreads from that decade.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

Pretty sure this is at least 95% bullshit. But while we are on the subject of Halloween terror, take the time to read Devil's Night: And Other True Tales of Detroit by Ze'ev Chafets.

Quaestor বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Quaestor বলেছেন...

Ah, well....

Cook, you are a morally confused idiot. Too bad you are well passed the age when such deficits can be ameliorated. I pity you.

MAJMike বলেছেন...

Even if the threat is false, it still requires the agents of the Government to act as if it was. A sense of paranoia will begin to infect the agents of Government and the possibility of shooting innocent citizens will increase resulting in bad press for the Government.

All this contributes to an impression, rightly or wrongly, that the Government is incapable of acting efficiently and responsibility to protect the citizens.

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

""The FBI has issued an alert to law enforcement about a possible 'Halloween Revolt' by a dangerous anarchist group...""

Hee...guess all those warnings about the terrible threat of pirated DVDs weren't getting them the budget increase they wanted.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Oh I forgot. You just want to sit on your safe little couch and bitch about the people who protect you and keep your community safe."

Who keeps me and my community safe? Our military? Not in the least! We're in no danger from the world community of Muslims. As for terrorists, I (and you, and everyone else) is more likely to die from a fall in our bathtub or from a lightning strike, from a car crash or disease or police violence, than from a terrorist attack.

Our military is out there at the behest of Washington, who is using it to advance Washington's agendas. It is Washington, using the military as a blunt instrument to violently destabilize whichever parts of the world in which it seeks at any given time to advance its interests--creating aggrieved peoples who develop hatred for us for the damage and death we wreak--that is sparking or exacerbating most of the hostility toward us by those who might wish to do us harm.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

@Quaestor: "Too bad you are well passed the age...."

That would be "well past the age."

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"'....the victims of police violence...'

"Generally, all these people have to do is, you know, shut up and do what they're told to do. Get out, stop walking, put up their hands, drop the gun...whatever."

So, you accept the Dictatorship of the United States of America as an acceptable lived fact then. I mean, I guess you think it is a reasonable outcome for people to be beaten or killed just because they believe themselves to be free citizens rather than servile subjects of the state, and so may voice objections and not immediately obey a police officer's barked commands. (Sometimes they're not even given the opportunity to react at all.)

I admit, it may be more prudent to immediately stop, shut up, bow one's head, and accept whatever may come when a police officer issues a "command," but many Americans are still under the belief they are free and may disagree with a police offer and argue with him without the expectation of facing corporal punishment in response. I would obey without argument because I have no illusion that I and the police are, in fact--notwithstanding the stories we tell ourselves--equals; they are agents of the state, and I am a subject of the state, and they may do to me whatever they wish, without consequence.

jr565 বলেছেন...

I had a conversation with someone recently about how Bush should have done more on 9/11. He should have warned the public about the imminent threat. Even though it had less actionable intel than this threat did.
So for months the CIA had said something MIGHT happen at some point somewhere. and yet no threat materialized. The person I was arguing with said that the admin should have warned the people about it.

But look what happens when it gets leaked that there's a potential threat here:

FBI warns of possible "Halloween Revolt" by anarchists"
followed by Robert Cook saying
"Baloney. The FBI is either paranoid or they're trying to gin up fear of domestic terrorism."

Cook's reaction is exactly why they didn't tell the public in either case.

jr565 বলেছেন...

"4) Cops are probably a bit paranoid about ambushes nowadays anyway and extra careful. They may have good reason to be paranoid.

"Paranoid" as in "irrational fear".

The idea though that you would fear being killed by cops as a black person would be based on that same irrational fear though. So how about everyone stop complaining?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Cook wrote:
"So, you accept the Dictatorship of the United States of America as an acceptable lived fact then. I mean, I guess you think it is a reasonable outcome for people to be beaten or killed just because they believe themselves to be free citizens rather than servile subjects of the state, and so may voice objections and not immediately obey a police officer's barked commands. (Sometimes they're not even given the opportunity to react at all.) "

If they are adhering to the directives of the cop and still getting beaten or killed, then of course no one is accepting that. But people generally are not beaten and or killed unless they don't.
You are free citizens. It doesn't mean that cops can't pull you over and ask you for a license. YOu may think the articles of confederacy protect you or something, but they don't.
So, every single point you make is in fact a false one.
Lets take the one where they aren't even given an opportunity to react. When would that be justified? Only if the cop thought his life was in danger. If the cop asks for ID and then immediately pulls out a gun and shoots someone, or doesn't even ask for ID and shoots someone, WHO SUPPORTS THAT?
Stop conflating instances where the cop clearly is in the wrong versus ones where the cop may think his life is in danger.
This is obviously in reference to the kid shot by cops for brandishing a replica gun.
If cops think that the threat is real they can react to the threat and not start the process by asking for ID. Courts would then ask "Was the officers fear reasonable?" if it wasn't the officer should not get off.
But courts will say, that an officer in fear for his life has a right to use deadly force. So if he thinks a kid is pulling a gun, he doenst' have to wait until he's shot to respond.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Robert Cook wrote:
Oh I forgot. You just want to sit on your safe little couch and bitch about the people who protect you and keep your community safe."

Who keeps me and my community safe? Our military? Not in the least! We're in no danger from the world community of Muslims. As for terrorists, I (and you, and everyone else) is more likely to die from a fall in our bathtub or from a lightning strike, from a car crash or disease or police violence, than from a terrorist attack.

The stats for the army are roughly the following: Army 507,158 Navy 347,693 Air Force 347,352 Marines 179,762 Total DOD 1,381,965 Coast Guard 41,002 Total Armed Forces 1,422,967 Reserves 1,000,000 Paramilitary 53,000 Total for US Military 2,475,967
how big a number is it if 4,487 troops out of 2,475,967 die? Same argument would also suggest that the war is not that impactful considering so few actually died statistically.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Cook wrote:
I mean, I guess you think it is a reasonable outcome for people to be beaten or killed just because they believe themselves to be free citizens"
Let me stop you right there, sparky. So your argument is cops are killing citizens JUST BECAUSE they believe themselves to be free citizens? Once the cop finds out tht they think they are free he pulls out a gun and shoots them in the face? using Every instance brought forward by your side to suggest cops are racist, NAME 1, where the cop shot the person or killed the person, JUST BECAUSE they believed they were free. That is NOT the reason why anyone was killed by the cops.

jr565 বলেছেন...

(cont)so, no, I don't think its reasonable for cops to shoot people JUST BECAUSE they think they are free. But then again, no cop has done that. And no one supporting cops have said it would be ok for cops to do that. So if you want to mischaracterize cops motivations for shooting people as well as peoples reasons for supporting cops you can do so. But considering they are based on such a patently false premise, you may want to amend your remarks, lest you be considered a liar or someone who argues a straw man.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Why do those pushing the anti cop rhetoric keep resorting to "Cops shot him just for jaywalking. Or cops shot him for selling loosies. Or cops shot him just for being black". That is decidedly not the reason why anyone was killed by cops.