1. Watch along with me. Comment. I'll just be expanding this numbered list of insights. What do we expect? Fireworks? Boredom? Somebody — Kasich?? — making a showy play for attention?
2. My son John is live-blogging too. I recommend that.
3. These CNBC commentators are horrible. Do they even know they're on television? Talking over each other, desperate, contentless. Ugh! They talk like they're drunk.
4. Biggest weakness? Kasich leads off by not answering the question at all, forthrightly refusing. Huckabee denies having weakness, or... he plays by the rules. Jeb says he's impatient. Rubio says he's not sure it's a weakness, but he's optimistic. Trump says he's "too trusting" and if people let him down, he never forgives. Carson says his weakness is not seeing himself in the position of President (until people convinced him). Fiorina says she was told she doesn't smile enough (and she smiles). Cruz says his biggest weakness is he's passionate, he's a fighter, and he's not the guy you want to have a beer with, but he's the one to drive you home. Christie points out the weaknesses of the Democrats. And Rand Paul complains about the budget deal, and he's beginning tomorrow to filibuster it.
5. Trump is asked if his campaign is a cartoon, and he says that's not a very nice question.
6. Carly wants the tax code reduced to 3 pages (from 73,000). The moderators are interrupting and arguing way too much.
7. Big cheer for Rubio's criticism of the Sun Sentinel for being biased in favor of Democrats. Jeb gets on Rubio for missing Senate votes, and Rubio catches him for hypocrisy.
8. Cruz launches into a criticism of the questions the moderators have asked so far. It's a vivid indictment and it gets a big cheer. This interchange ends in near chaos. Cruz really tried to intimidate the moderators.
9. This debate is so stressful and ugly. The moderators are so disrespectful and the candidates are all yelling. Almost all. Carson will never yell.
10. The audience (at the University of Colorado in Boulder) showed tremendous support for Ben Carson. It cheered wildly when he attacked the questioners for criticizing his "vetting process" because he didn't prevent a webpage from using a photograph of him.
11. Trump goes on about those terrible super PACs. And Rubio says: "The Democrats have the greatest super PAC. It's called the mainstream media." That gets a big cheer from the audience.
12. Subsidies are "a bunch of crap," says Carson.
13. Christie is highly critical of the moderators: "Even in New Jersey, what you're doing is rude."
14. Rand Paul wants "a government so small you can barely see it."
15. "In your heart of hearts, you can't wait to hear a debate between Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina," says Carly Fiorina.
16. Ben Carson thanks the audience for being so attentive.
17. Trump will make good deals for America because he made the deal that got the debate reduced from 3 hours to 2.
18. Who did best? Maybe Christie. Maybe Cruz.
19. Did anyone even mention Ronald Reagan tonight? What happened? That was weird.
1 – 200 of 239 Newer› Newest»Jeez, the CNBC pre-debate commentators seemed either drunk or stupid, in some cases both drunk and stupid.
Trump coming out swinging. Is not going to let John Harwood frame this debate.
Kasich is an angry compassionate conservative. Is that a thing?
Kasich hijacking the debate so far, and they're letting him. Is he the libs new darling?
I don't get Ben Carson. What is his appeal?
If they can keep this thing focus'd on the economy, the 'pubs will make some gains here. I'm sure they'll veer into Social Justice and other weird stuff.
CNBC reporters are supposed to be sophisticated on economic matters but they have no understanding of static vs. dynamic tax scoring.
What's your biggest weakness.
The Candidate-Quayle answer:
"I have difficulty bringing myself to answer stupid questions."
Quintanilla is the guy who ambushed Romney with the "...would you ban birth control..." farce, so I don't take any of his questions seriously.
In the initial question, Rubio says he was an optimist.
The very next question he says we are running out of time else we will leave the country worse for our children.
"What's your biggest weakness."
Agreeing to this debate.
I am Laslo.
Once again we get moderators who think they're the stars. And what is it with the ridiculous comments scrolling across the screen?
OMG I want Marco Rubio to be the next Preezy
Biggest weakness? Kasich leads off by not answering the question at all, forthrightly refusing.
My respect for Kasich goes up a bit. It's a damn stupid interview question and it's even worse in a "debate".
Also, Trump should have said "I have no weaknesses". That way he would have treated the question with the seriousness it deserves, and his supporters would have eaten it up.
ARM said: "I don't get Ben Carson. What is his appeal?"
Not surprising (see Pauline Kael/Nixon). Not that Carson might win, but that's not my point.
Rubio is ready. He's a beast.
Just a bit too short, but Hillary is a midget.
There are times when I'm glad I don't have cable. This is one of them. Thank you, Professor, for watching so I don't have to.
They are going candidate by candidate and using the talking point attacks against them. I guess its good for them to get a chance to refute, but it never breaks any new ground.
Cruz gonna fight for the team!! Go Cruz go!!
Could the CNBC spoke-whores couldn't be more transparently obvious in their transparent shilling. And yes, the guy who pays a million in income taxes ought have hos vote count one million times more than the deadbeat welfare voter.
Humperdink said...
Not surprising (see Pauline Kael/Nixon). Not that Carson might win, but that's not my point.
You don't have a point. You could have responded by outlining his appeal to you personally.
Go Cruz!
I switch over to the World Series when its Rand's turn, let me know if I miss anything.
Well, I do think Cruz just stole the evening.
Is there any chance this is getting bad enough that TV moderated debates will be dispensed with for the 2020 elections?
This is an epic crap fest. LOL
Cruz with his first legitimately strong point. Call those jerks out
Cruz said what 200 million people have been muttering to themselves for weeks/months. Bravo.
Harwood is now, and has always been…a hack.
Bad Questions, biased moderators, too many candidates.
Thanks RNC and CNBC.
Going to do other things.
"I switch over to the World Series when its Rand's turn, let me know if I miss anything."
Paul's last point was exactly right. If they cut SS outlays but RAISE other programs, that is not "addressing" entitlements.
For anyone with only an internet connection you can watch here:
These moderators are awful
Trump is asked if his campaign is a cartoon, and he says that's not a very nice question.
Correct answer: Is your journalism degree a practical joke?
Harwood is supposedly sleeping with Maria Canwood (D-$$$)
The moderators are hacks. They should be mocked, exposed, ridiculed and told to go pound sand. Are they on the Clinton payroll too?
@ARM. No chance will I enlighten you, nor could I.
This debate appears to be 'go for broke' for a few or the participants - Christie, Kasich, Huck. Others are still biding their time.
Has Trump talked since weakness question?
Cruz: the questions should be about issues.
Moderator: I asked you about the debt limit and got no answer
Trump is asked if his campaign is a cartoon, and he says that's not a very nice question.
Correct answer: Is your journalism degree a practical joke?
That be over-the-moon fantastic.
Is Carson starting to grow on you, Professor?
Big difference between the people not currently in power in DC and the rest on the debt deal, except for Rand Paul. Moderators should pound away on this. Why is there such a disconnect between actions and rhetoric on the deficit and what does this tell us.
At what point will the GOP agree to a debate where the moderators are not part of the corrupt DEMOCRAT MEDIA INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX?
"This debate is so stressful and ugly. The moderators are so disrespectful and the candidates are all yelling. Almost all. Carson will never yell."
I'm assuming the field will be winnowed after this debate, so we are seeing some purging here.
Pitching duel going on over in Kansas City
moderators should ask questions and be time keepers. Not interviewers or arguers.
The liberal moderators think that by trying to land zinger questions on the candidates they may land a damaging blow.
Highly unlikely. The audience for the Republican debates are Republican primary voters, and every time a candidate tells a member of the press to go fuck himself, his stock rises among the base. There is no group of people on the planet that the Republican base loathes more than the MSM.
As for the other future voters (Democrats, independents), well, the Democrats probably aren't voting Republican anyway, and it's a long way to the general election, so the independents will have to have long memories for tonight to affect their vote.
How many of the moderators have given to the Clinton Foundation?
This debate is so stressful and ugly. The moderators are so disrespectful and the candidates are all yelling. Almost all. Carson will never yell.
Precisely as it is designed to be by the network(s).
Here is the answer to the debt limit: cut spending. Lets start with the ethanol for fuel program. Then lets eliminate mandatory highest price bidding for federal and state and local government construction programs. Then lets eliminate the non-profit and tax exempt status of the so-called charity world. Let them pay taxes on the investment income a gross receipts tax on the contributions. Stating with the fraudulent Clinton Foundation. There are so many other ares more to go.
Mets 1 KC 0 top of 4th
Has Trump said anything interesting?
"This debate is so stressful and ugly. The moderators are so disrespectful and the candidates are all yelling. Almost all. "
Which is why I am not watching.
I love Carly's delivery. So practiced, patient, emphatic without being harsh, and I believe everything she says.
It's all Obama's fault and the liberal media.
Rubio has really big ears.
Yes, these moderators are terrible. This is the first time most people will ever have seen CNBC. It will likely be the last time for many of them.
I've never understood this personal finances line of attack against Rubio. It's so classist and sneering. If he was a Democrat, it would be considered racist.
Ann! Don't give up, keep going!!
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders cannot communicate like any of these guys. Agree with them or not, they haven't gotten soft due to a cheerleading media (Best week ever! How Hillary won the Presidency!)
"our cause" says the female moderator about some "women's" issue
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders cannot communicate like any of these guys. Agree with them or not, they haven't gotten soft due to a cheerleading media (Best week ever! How Hillary won the Presidency!)
So true!
But NYT will declare Hillary as winner of this debate by tomorrow.
BDNYC said...
I've never understood this personal finances line of attack against Rubio. It's so classist and sneering.
No different to Trump being asked about his bankruptcies. Trump has executive experience whereas Rubio's executive experience is limited to being head of his household.
“You just listed a litany of discredited attacks from my Democratic opponents.”
Rubio, calling out yet another Kangaroo Moderator.
Trump was uncommonly transparent about his weakness that as a competitive Protestant American he trusts men until he is betrayed by them, and then he never forgives them. That is a high wire act that must use up lots of energy.
No. Rubio was not born wealthy. His answer to the question was exactly right. He's had to take out loans and has spent most of his adult life as a member of the middle class. Now he has made some money and paid off his debts. Where's the issue?
The only issue I can see is that he's been a career politician rather than a practicing attorney. But apparently he's not corrupt.
Quintanilla running his BS agenda again against Dr. Ben.
Crowd smells a rat, and its Carl Q.
The candidates should talk to each other during this break and agreed to tell the moderators to shut the fuck up or else they're all walking out.
The interrogators are so reliably antagonistic to the Republican candidates. If that's what they were looking for, CNBC could have randomly chosen three members of the UW faculty.
"The candidates should talk to each other during this break and agreed to tell the moderators to shut the fuck up or else they're all walking out."
Does Reince have any clue about the pro-democrat hack - kangaroo moderator problem?
Cruz is going to get some ink tomorrow for his attacking the moderators.
That was the best response I've heard in a debate in a long time.
The CNBC debate was the worst debate last go round.
This one is worse.
Another FOX debate is next, I believe.
Remember when they had presidential TV debates moderated by the League of Women Voters?
Good times, good times.
92% of people who lost their job during Obama's tenure were women? iCarly making shit up again.
"our cause"
Rubio just won the debate: "The Democrats have the biggest superPAC - the American mainstream media."
Rubio - boom.
Rick Santelli is the 'founder' of the tea party.
Good question about the Fed to Cruz and Rand.
Carson just lost Iowa.
He's against ethanol subsidies? Wonder if he realizes what he just did.
"Carson just lost Iowa."
He may have just got my vote. I wish I could imagine a political neophyte as President.
Carson just lost and Trump just won. Boom.
Now I have heard three times that wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Do these people understand what an indictment of Reagonomics this complaint is?
Rubio and Cruz have owned the debate so far. Fiorina strong as usual.
He may have just got my vote. I wish I could imagine a political neophyte as President.
So who would you rather have staring down Vladimir Putler in a crisis, Clueless Carson or Donald Trump?
I basically loathe Ted Cruz but he's been very impressive tonight.
Even Iowans may support eliminating all subsidies.
Rubio sounds nervous. Not the voice of someone who I want staring down Putler. Trump is the only one who sounds like authoriteh.
GO Trump!
"So who would you rather have staring down Vladimir Putler in a crisis, Clueless Carson or Donald Trump?"
Can I just shoot myself instead?
I watched as long as I could stand it. Carson looks good. Why is Huckaby still on the stage ?
"I don't get Ben Carson. What is his appeal?"
Honest man. You would't understand.
As a Marylander who can (could?) see those aerostats from my office, Hucks made me LOL.
KC 1 NYM 1 bottom of 5th
Look, I'm sure Carson is a swell guy to have over for a beer & BBQ, but not President!
Go Donald Trump!
Kasich sounds like a mad man. I've never seen this guy in action.
Honest man. You would't understand.
Honestly, you super-emotional conservatives I never understood. But you are the emotional liberals are two sides of the same coin.
I think these moderators are all on Ritalin
"I don't get Ben Carson. What is his appeal?"
Honest man. You would't understand.
He honestly believes in a universe that was created in six days.
Now that takes honesty!
Stupidity, too. Blind belief, as well.
But honesty is what we're after in the GOP. And whether you're stupid enough to believe something or not is not as important as whether you honestly admit believing it.
It's about time we had a GOP candidate who gullible enough to believe something even more outlandish than the idea that tax cuts pay for themselves.
ARM asked: "I don't get Ben Carson. What is his appeal?"
Michael K responded: "Honest man. You would't understand."
I laughed at that.
Michael K said...
Honest man. You would't understand.
If it is a rational appeal, as opposed to something visceral, then you should be able to make a rational argument.
Balls - nobody cares. Go sign up for the Hillary corruption express and bugger off.
Oh look, it's Montana Urban Legend concern trolling the Republicans again!
Ben Carson honestly believes in magic.
Let's give him the credit he deserves for that.
Out of gullibility, credulity and honesty the greatest virtue is gullibility - because it makes the others more likely.
GOP = Gullible outlandish procrastinators.
You were right, Michael K.
Mets fending off a KC rally.... LGM!
Arrrrgh! KC breaks thru.... now KC 3 NYM 1
Balls - nobody cares. Go sign up for the Hillary corruption express and bugger off.
I love you April. A more transparent expression of butthurt has never been made before the above comment.
Now let me know if you'd like some salve for your emotional-political injury.
Maybe we can even get the good Doctor Adventist to rub it in.
All will feel right with the universe then.
Ann, took your advice and checked out John's blog.
If you don't have access to the video or audio and are looking to get the flavor of the debate, I wouldn't recommend relying on this type of commentary. It appears that he's trying to get a short description of every question and answer but isn't a quick enough typist to do so, so he cuts everything up.
This is how he summed up the explosive Cruz portion that probably had half the audience at home on their feet cheering, and 100% of my household:
8:46 — The moderator asks Cruz about the debt limit, but instead of answering, he criticizes the questions for not being "substantive" and just "trying to get the candidates to tear into each other." He uses up all of his time, so he never gets to the substantive question.
8:50 — The question about the debt limit goes to Paul, since Cruz missed his chance to answer it. Paul isn't worried about keeping the government open; he's worried about "bankrupting the American people."
Wow, that's the description? If you only read that, you'd have no idea how on fire Cruz was and how terse the back and forth was with the snarky "questioner".
A much better approach is done by certain blogs who just give an update every 10 or 15 minutes with some detailed highlights, rather than try and fail to give a point by point blow by blow. And I don't think John is trying to downplay Cruz or bury what Cruz is saying, in a defense of the Dems, it's just that he's using the wrong format.
Oh look, it's Montana Urban Legend concern trolling the Republicans again!
Well, Alex. No one ever accused you of being intelligent.
First off, I'm not "concerned". Not for them. For the country, yes. Not for them.
And second, this is awesome entertainment for me, and nothing less.
Plutonium-grade entertainment.
I don't even watch tv, or subscribe to some asshole cable provider. But I saw the others.
Let me know if the clawing, panting, hissing and pawing is getting to Typical Republican Intensity. (TRI).
Made myself a cup of tea with a slug of brandy and watched the debate while I drank it.
This is just awful. Worse than I thought it could get.
Another thought struck me. I am reading a biography of Deng Xiaoping, the primary Chinese leader after Mao, and according to the journolists on this panel, Deng could not be described as anything but a far rightwing ideologue, and though Deng apparently gave up on socialism a long time before Mao died, he certainly remained a firm Communist!
The current occupant of the White House is a Christian. oh wait- that's bad. Which is it, Balls? Oh that's right *wink* Obama is not *really* a Christian because that would mean that he too thinks the earth is only 6 days old. what do we do now? R Christian = flat earth. D Christian = wink and nod.
Christie just complained that Obama failed to protect the security of the US. What is his take on W's achievements in this area?
Did they ask Ben for a follow-up on his gun-violence plan?
I remember last time he said that he told the gunman at the Popeye's chicken to just aim his firearm on the guy behind the counter.
Now that's a serious proposal. Getting violent firearms aficionados to shoot other people instead. Why didn't anyone think of it!?!?!?!
I think that's what we'll try in Chicago and Baltimore. Just get them to shoot other people.
We don't have a gun violence problem. We have a gun violence against the wrong people problem.
Good Ole Doctor Ben!
Whatever Obama is, it seems certain he's not a biblical literalist, fundamentalist, or inerrantist. And either of those are good by me.
I hardly think the problems we face in the world include a lack of, or not enough fundamentalism (whatever the belief). But YMMV.
Who cares what his take is on W ? W isn't in charge now,the O-Bummer is
Fiorina isn't doing as well in this debate as the previous ones. Trump is showing more restraint and humor, which is working for him.
5th inning finally over KC 4 NYM 1
"our cause"
Rubio says under his plan he would still be in Cuba
I realize if I say Dr. Ben too much then people might confuse that with Uncle Ben.
It's Dr. Carson.
Oh yes, Chris Christie!
Debate has desolved completely.
I have to go concentrate on the game.
I'll stop back later.
Trump is the master showman. And Fiorina does seem to be much more of a hack.
If he siphons votes back away from her, that might push him back over Dr. Ben Carson's lead.
Attacking the moderators is now working for everyone, even Christie scores a goal, possibly for the first time in his life.
I didn't understand Christie's answer regarding global warming. Seems it boiled down to "subsidies".
You can thank Carson and Trump for this not being 3 hours long.
rcocean said...
You can thank Carson and Trump for this not being 3 hours long.
I'm enjoying it so fuck 'em.
Funny comment by Coulter:
"1 hour, 40 minutes into the debate, FIRST mention of Reagan, abortion or Israel. (Kasich: "It worked for Reagan") COULTER GETS RESULTS!"
MSNBC has been openly hostile to all opponents of Clinton.. Do they get a bounty for knocking off Republicans?
At least they are not like FOX and only hostile at Trump.
People who complain about mansplaining and about women not being heard, are feeling confused at their feelings of annoyance toward Becky Quick.
...even Christie scores a goal, possibly for the first time in his life.
A great game for Christie would involve making goals out of how many donuts he could guide into his mouth. Other people could throw them at his wide-open face, and he could direct them in the way ground control does. Or when a stripper points to the part of her where she wants the crumpled dollar bills thrown at her peach pit to hit. Or when they clear the ice in front of a curling stone.
You get the picture. He waves you in, and you park it. Pin the cruller on the tonsil. That's the game we play with Christie.
Huckabee's going to cure cancer.
Christie could solve America's energy problems by slowing his metabolism down yet another 0.1% or so. Tap a wire to his midsection and watch the dynamos whirl.
He's like a human battery. There has to be at least a quadrillion extra gigawatt-calories in him that he can can power Atlantic City with.
I'm watching baseball and after looking over twitter just now and Althouse's live blog, I'm so glad that I am.
Did CNBC plan to give a red meat debate, because that's what it looks like from reading twitter. They threw their moderators to the wolves and planned it that way.
Come on GOP candidates - ask the moderators how much money they have given the Clinton Foundation. do it!
Oh, did someone mention Chris Christie?
Someone get that man a medal! Now THAT'S LEADERSHIP!
His ass is leading the way to the floor.
Zero base budgeting. Thank you, Carly.
Raising the retirement age is a class issue. Manual workers generally cannot work until 70 years of age, their knees and backs give out and they lack the fitness of younger people. In contrast, white collar workers in comfortable chairs and air conditioned offices can easily work into their 70's.
Free stuff! - That's the taker crowd, Garage. They are hanging with blu-grandma, The socialist, and that other guy.
"our cause"
I've caught the last few minutes. Weird vibe, terrible moderators.
I'm leading Rubio, but open to Cruz. They seemed pretty good - the small snippets I saw.
Harwood is a joke. Who chose this forum?
"The moderators are interrupting and arguing way too much."
Faux surprise, right?
"In contrast, white collar workers in comfortable chairs and air conditioned offices can easily work into their 70's."
Really? Are YOU still working?
I hear the kangaroo moderators spent all their time talking to the only democrat on the stage.
AprilApple said...
"Does Reince have any clue about the pro-democrat hack - kangaroo moderator problem?"
You seem to think Reince serves different masters than the democrat party. He serves the donors just like all of the democrats except Sanders. The GOPe has been undermining the people who want smaller government for the last several decades.
Everyone knows the debate was originally scheduled by CNBC for 3 hours and Carson/Trump led the charge to limit it to 2. John Harwood is either an idiot or a lying sack of ...
Troll brigade's out, I should have known they'd be drawn to ruin the night for everyone like moths to light.
Rythmn n Balls, GARAGE MAHAL
Rythmn n Balls, GARAGE MAHAL
Rythmn n Balls, GARAGE MAHAL
Rythmn n Balls, GARAGE MAHAL
Well Rythmn uses a lot of posts and words to try and unseat GM(Grandmaster Mahal)
But Garage scores with terse, sparse comments.
Ima call it a tie, tonight. GM retains posesion of the crown.
rcocean said...
Really? Are YOU still working?
I plan to work into my 70's. I still have a way to go. Even now, however, I would struggle to do a job that had a large manual work component. My knees are an issue and I don't have the same level of physical fitness that I had in my 40's much less my 20's.
"18. Who did best? Maybe Christie. Maybe Cruz."
My top two were Fiorina and Carson. Every answer Fiorina gave was excellent (didn't think much of her closing statement). Carson on his change in support for ethanol leading to a general condemnation of government subsidies was spot on.
I freely admit that instead of saluting the pompous indignities as they pass and saying, "Nice tie, Mr Santorum!" I'd rather troll under the bridge being crossed by the best comedic material in America: THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES!
I can't stop. Nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than watching the dingbats and dingleberries of the GOP as they emulate monkeys.
I'd say Cruz, Fiorina, Carson, Rubio, with Christie and Paul trailing,
Rhythm and Balls said...
"I can't stop. Nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than watching the dingbats and dingleberries of the GOP as they emulate monkeys."
You are regressing.
yes, he's quite nearly at the chewing his tongue 'Altered State' stage,
"In your heart of hearts, you can't wait to hear a debate between Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina," says Carly Fiorina.
Damn right!
Hopefully next time the candidates are smart enough to figure out the RNC is selling them out. CNBC wasn't even trying to hide their intent. It is pretty clear the RNC has written this election off and is trying to tank it.
""In contrast, white collar workers in comfortable chairs and air conditioned offices can easily work into their 70's."
White collar workers often take work home with them, and endure more stress-related issues than blue collar types. I do a lot. My brain is where I earn my keep. Can't really shut that off like you can a factory floor or something. I think that gets overlooked.
Also, I have a standing desk. No comfy chair for me.
Trump won. Rubio improved his standing immensely. Carson is unique and can't be scored. Cruz was interesting. Fiorina consistently strong. Christie trying but no ones buying it. Bush, Kasich, Paul, Huckabee are also rans.
Biggest winner: H. Clinton (as usual)
Bigger loser: CNBC (Total dogshit panel)
Having R&B here was kind of like having Hillary herself tag along and comment. He's got the whole "Republicans are the enemy" thing patted down like a TSA employee.
Rhythm and Balls said...
"I can't stop. Nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than watching the dingbats and dingleberries of the GOP as they emulate monkeys."
You are regressing.
Yes! I see my evolutionary forebears in them!
It's like a mirror-image of my ancient ancestors, before they came down from the trees and started freely walking the savanna.
I wave to them, and say, "Hi Grandpa Og! Make a bigger club to thwack Grog!"
Og likes my advice. It's simple, and cuts to the chase. None of the excess verbiage of these feeble modern humans!
@ MayBee " our cause" - That was Becky Quick? To what was she referring?
I listened to the debate on the radio. The moderation sounded terrible! I hope they LOOKED good doing that.
You are regressing.
Is that even possible?
Limited blogger said...
Bush, Kasich, Paul, Huckabee are also rans.
They should be triaged.
EMD said...
endure more stress-related issues than blue collar types.
In general research doesn't back up this assertion. The more control you have over your work the less stress you experience and in general white collar workers have more control over their work environment.
if he regressed any further, he'd get a prehensile tale,
He's got the whole "Republicans are the enemy" thing patted down like a TSA employee.
No! NOT my enemy!
My ancient ancestors.
It's like that opening scene of 2001. You know, when the historical progress of man is shown in its various stages.
At first it's hard to equate Mozart to earlier scenes. But then you realize that those apes bashing bones were just a more rudimentary version of the team that saved Apollo 13.
Much, much much more rudimentary.
But you recognize it as part of your heritage and muster that nice bit of pride nonetheless.
They've come so far!
the wisdom of 'our betters'
they probably have rarely been challenged, to any significant extent,
"Honestly, you super-emotional conservatives I never understood."
I know. I'm not super emotional but you still wouldn't understand. Math is hard.
" He's got the whole "Republicans are the enemy" thing patted down like a TSA employee."
He's worried about MacDonalds getting robots.
"He honestly believes in a universe that was created in 6 days".
There are now some physicists who say that the equations of Quantum Mechanics allows for a universe to appear as old as the accepted age now, but is actually much younger.
He's worried about MacDonalds getting robots.
Just like an early primate that has mastered the use of a single tool, Dr. Mickey K. has stumbled upon this "McDonalds" device and wears it away as his only advantage in a world too cruel and complex to understand the limitations of his meager skill set.
There are now some physicists who say that the equations of Quantum Mechanics allows for a universe to appear as old as the accepted age now, but is actually much younger.
Yes. Their names are Professor Torah Scribe, Chief Scientist Billy Falwell, and Technology Engineer Joseph Smith.
so quintanilla, quick, and harwood are ignorant of economics, as they cheer the market, Santelli, is the only one there, that has a clue,
Cruz is the big winner. His takedown of the panel and liberal media in general was epic.
Everyone did well and some very well, but Cruz will be the talk of the talking heads tomorrow, big time.
Goodnight, Future Leaders of Early America!
You refer to Carly Fiorina as "Carly" in paragraph 6, but don't refer to any other candidate by their first name only. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it just jumped out at me immediately.
"in general white collar workers have more control over their environment"
Maybe in comparison to the assembly-line sort of blue collar work, but the mass of white-collar workers are ridden far harder and subjected to far more stress than the skilled working-class heroes of the trades. Government office workers and illegal aliens would be, respectively, the exceptions.
15. "In your heart of hearts, you can't wait to hear a debate between Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina," says Carly Fiorina.
Retirement age as class issue...-150pts for ARM. Any talk of increase has always been marginal/incremental..especially in context of increasing health/lifespans since these "entitlements" were enacted.
But yes..not getting so damn obese helps the knees...that's Huckerbee's thang.
I loved Kasich towards the end..without a hint of irony, reminding folks of his history. It woudl be like donald saying "Did I mention the wall?"
we've been governed by a fool who doesn't know how auto insurance work, thinks profit is part of overhead, thinks they speak Austrian, among many gaffes,
Hey narciso..we talk about "Washington", not about Obama.
Rubio and Cruz won. Rubio is the real candidate. The nomination is his for the taking.
well what's really the difference, the more ignorance and malice he showed, the more authority he was given, the more he was entrusted, those who have spoken truth to power, have been ridiculed all the same, as if the calamity was their fault,
"There are now some physicists who say that the equations of Quantum Mechanics allows for a universe to appear as old as the accepted age now, but is actually much younger."
It always been possible the universe was created yesterday, but looks much older. But I sure wouldn't bet on it.
You refer to Carly Fiorina as "Carly" in paragraph 6, but don't refer to any other candidate by their first name only. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it just jumped out at me immediately.
I find I do that as well. The reason is that I never can remember if the name is Fiarino or Finrina or......Carly!
I am turning towards Cruz.
I used to think "no more senators for prez" because Obama. He split the country. No executive experience. All he had to represent was his majority (and he was in a safe district in Illinois).
Cruz I am beginning to respect. Sometimes the country needs an ideological conservative who is not afraid to tell the other side that they are wannabe totalitarians, and that the country would be better off if they just went off and fucked themselves.
Maybe because "Carly" is promoting her first name:
Rubio and Cruz won. Rubio is the real candidate. The nomination is his for the taking.
He's been my man for four years now.
The two people I have heard who best are able to articulate not only the conservative position, but why it is the most humane and logical way for a society to organised itself are Rush Limbaugh and Marco Rubio. And Rubio gets to throw in his humble beginnings and really express why that system allowed him to be up there asking for your vote to make him president.
And being Hispanic is just icing on the cake. When Spanish speaking people see him on Telemudo, etc., running ads with him speaking the language himself, pride will see them voting for him in droves.
Liberals will try to suggest otherwise, but if Colin Powell had run in 2008 as a Republican, he would be our first black president with close to the same percent black vote as Obama.
Yep..because racism is a "white" thing....
BDNYC said...
"Rubio and Cruz won. Rubio is the real candidate. The nomination is his for the taking."
The people who vote for republicans are tired of being lied to, and Rubio is a liar. If he was a democrat sure. They like being lied to as evidenced by the women leading their polls. But for non-idiot voters that is a tough sell.
eddie willers said...
"And being Hispanic is just icing on the cake. When Spanish speaking people see him on Telemudo, etc., running ads with him speaking the language himself, pride will see them voting for him in droves."
Will it make up for the people who stay home because he has lied to them? Telemundo might get some Hispanics out for him. But when they start showing his interviews on Univision translated to the rest of America and what he tells Jorge in Spanish it wont work out as well as you want to think.
"When Spanish speaking people see him on Telemudo, etc., running ads with him speaking the language himself, pride will see them voting for him in droves."
No. Mexican-American's will see a white Cuban Republican.
ctmom4- it was a women's pay issue.
Cruz had the best put down of the media. Chrystie's was also good. Chrystie's was a twofer. His "WTF are we talking about fantasy football" contrasted with he dullness of Jeb's response Huckabee's put down was also good. It was witty and good natured. But Rubio was the only one whose disparagement of the media made me move in his direction........CNBC was the biggest loser. They're a business station. I presume a lot of their watchers are conservative, and I know many of their commentators are far more conservative than that panel. They had Santelli, the guy who baptized the tea party, ask a few questions and then disappear. Even to enhance heir own brand CNBC couldn't play it straight.
Thanks, MayBee. Megyn Kelly talked about it on her show. She was appalled. I guess we knew Becky was ready for Hillary. Maybe it's better when they are so obvious about their bias.
I once had DirectTv but got tired of paying $100 a month to watch 2-4 channels. I used to watch CNBC for laughs: whenever Jim Cramer said to sell Intel, I bought Intel. When he said buy, I held during the dip. It worked very well. Anyway, with apologies to the hostess, I followed this debate on Vodkapundit, to give this debate the proper setting. I knew it would turn out this way.
This debate was like a W.C. Fields movie where Fields screws up in every possible way and then winds up a rich man despite himself. The RNC negotiators were dumber than a box of rocks, don't ever hire any of those jerks to be your lawyer. But, the candidates all won this debate (except maybe Bush) because the "moderators" were smug, arrogant, vain, and clueless. Unlike the Candy Crowley fiasco, the Republicans are learning to fight back. What Romney should have done was what Rubio, Cruz, Christie, and Trump did tonight. Call them out.
My impressions, by candidate (alphabetically), regarding their performances in this debate. Note well: This is not a list of my preferred candidates, this is just my guestimation of how this debate is likely to affect their respective candidacies.
Bush: My heavens, that was a painful performance to watch, and I hope Barbara or someone in the family will stage an intervention. It is time, and past time, for Jeb to drop out. GRADE: F
Carson: Those who support Carson because they think he’s a nice and smart man, a different sort of man, a non-politician, etc., will still feel the same way about him after this debate, but I think that otherwise he did nothing to attract new voters. And I have serious doubts whether those warm fuzzies will continue to translate into primary voters or delegates. GRADE: C+
Christie: Once again I thought Christie ranted very effectively. I think he’s improving his general favorability among GOP voters, but not to the point that they’ll actually consider voting for him. He’s running now for Attorney General. GRADE: B-
Cruz: Cruz anticipated the “us candidates vs. you moderators” turn that this debate might take, and he seized his first opportunity to engineer exactly that. His scathing denunciation of the hosts’ questioning will be, by a very large margin, the most re-played clip from the debate. This was Cruz at his very best, applying devastating rhetorical and oratorical skills in framing and delivering those lines. It is a very classical style — it would have been recognized and appreciated by Lincoln and Douglas! — but without a sufficiently dramatic context, it sometimes strikes observers as overly theatrical or over-dramatic. Seeing it tonight, though, I thought: That’s exactly why Ted Cruz was among the most effective and sought-after appellate oral advocates in the country. I think Cruz also made a small handful of other points on his checklist in an effective way. He’s had a string of performances in each of which he’s prompting some additional number of viewers who thought they already had ruled him out to lift an eyebrow and reconsider. He's going to get another bump in the polls, and a continuation of his strong fundraising. GRADE: A+
Fiorina: She started strong, I thought, and spoke well. I don’t think she lost ground, but she didn’t have a moment as dramatic as her clash with Trump (re his “look at that face” line) in the last debate. The only attack on her was a rehash of something covered in earlier debates (a very argumentative and repetitive questions about her tenure at HP), and ironically, she might have benefited from another opportunity to score riposte points. She strikes me as an increasingly likely Veep choice for several other candidates, especially (as I think now inevitable) that Hillary gets the Dem nomination. GRADE: B+
Huckabee: Non-factor, got no traction; the genial uncle, but it’s way after his bedtime, and he needs to drop out of the race before he does something to mess up his prospects for his next cable TV show. GRADE: C
Kasich: Disastrous performance. Trump’s line about Lehman Bros. scored, but most of the damage to Kasich’s candidacy was done by Kasich’s own rashness and weirdness. Who could possibly be giving this guy any money? GRADE: D-
Paul: Wait, was he even there tonight? Why? GRADE: INC/ABSENT
Rubio: He had powerful comebacks to a series of strong attacks tonight, and although I don’t think he had a single moment that was as powerful as Cruz’ attack on the questioners (which Rubio and others “me-too’d”), I think overall he had the strongest performance. GRADE: A+
Trump: I don’t think Trump lost any of his most rabid fans. They could care less about whether he did or didn’t attack the Facebook guy about visas. But I’m confident that Trump made no new ones, either because he certainly had nothing new, different, or substantive — and I don’t know how many more seasons this reality TV show can last. GRADE: D
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