October 1, 2015

"Everyone you know will be able to rate you on the terrifying ‘Yelp for people’ — whether you want them to or not."

Get ready for Peeple.

"Notice the spelling," says Meade. "They're going to pee on people."

ADDED: Suddenly, I'm thinking about slam books. Remember slam books?

AND: Slam books were a thing that girls did, and just look at the "founders" of the Peeple app:


Scott said...

Anyone know a good attorney specializing in libel?

Laslo Spatula said...

""Notice the spelling," says Meade. "They're going to pee on people."

Wait until 'Poople' starts up.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

"...and just look at the "founders" of the Peeple app"

Romy and Michele's High School Web Site.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Romy and Michele's High School Web Site."

Because the one on the right does kinda look like Lisa Kudrow.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

Proof. Romy and Michele..

I am Laslo.

Bob Ellison said...

Oh, man, this is gonna be fun!

Twitchy's bound to start Peepster.com or something like that where we'll be able to read the funniest stuff.

Known Unknown said...

It's nice to be of a certain vintage where you don't give a shit about what anyone thinks of you.

Nonapod said...

What could possibly go wrong?

Titus said...

I have been working out like crazy-7 days a week-no break and it is making me completely wicked horny.

I like have a hardon all day. I can't even get water in my office because you can see my hog in my pants make a big teepee.

I think it has to do with all the endorphins flowing in my body right now.

Last night I came and didn't even touch my hog-while I was walking outside-that is how intense my horniness is

I am fucking horny.

MayBee said...

Ha! This reminds me of that website- what was it? At Yale or something? Where guys could rate the way women looked. That was an outrage.

Sal said...

"If you haven’t registered for the site, and thus can’t contest those negative ratings, your profile only shows positive reviews."

Sounds like another social media plaything that can be safely ignored.

Titus said...

Today in my office I took my first dick pic to send to this hottie from grindr.

We sometimes meet during lunch over by MIT and do it. He wants to get together outside of our trysts but I am like no won't happen. I am married.

He has an amazing body and tats everywhere.

He is very hot.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...but I am like no won't happen. I am married.

No, you're not.

damikesc said...

Look like bitches, honestly.

Jaq said...

OK, I'll go first. They aren't as pretty as they think they are.

Hunter said...

Community predicted this a year and a half ago.

Which is to say, I guess, only a year and a half ago this idea was obvious satire.

cubanbob said...

tim in vermont said...
OK, I'll go first. They aren't as pretty as they think they are.

10/1/15, 10:15 AM"

They aren't so bad. In my dissolute youth I did a lot worse. Maybe I'm too old to get it but a people ranking version of Yelp just doesn't seem like a well thought out idea in a very litigious society. Romy and Michelle indeed.

Ann Althouse said...

You don't know how pretty they think they are.

If you don't try to look like you think you look good, you are going to look really bad. You have to pretend to think it. Show me a good picture of a women who isn't either pretending to think she looks good or actually does think it. And show me a picture of a woman who is only pretending to think she looks good but doesn't really think it.

Another pop quiz from Althouse.

Ann Althouse said...

NOTE: I'm only asking for pictures where the woman is looking at the camera and knows a picture is being taken, where she is self-conscious. So I'm disqualifying all pictures where the woman is just spontaneously doing something and a picture gets taken.

Anonymous said...

Yelp, cyber home for mean-girls and bullies.

Jaq said...

I agree that they actually look like they are very aware that they are not as pretty as they would like to be at a minimum.

I just hate the idea of their website and made a choice to be openly nasty, since that is where we all know it is going.

Jaq said...

Probably if I knew them in person, and they were nice people, I would find them attractive. They started out on the "not nice people" at the first step so their obvious flaws come to the fore.

Laslo Spatula said...

"And show me a picture of a woman who is only pretending to think she looks good but doesn't really think it."

I would direct you to the Romy and Michelle photo I linked to above.

This could be because they are acting the part of self-concious women who have been picked on through life, in which case their acting fits your statement.

I am Laslo.

richard mcenroe said...

You know these gals have screwed the pooch when Ann winds up on the same side as Robert Stacy McCain

This site is guaranteed to spark killings and suicides. The harpies will probably get a daytime talk show or HBO series out of it. Now that Lena Dunham's out, there's an opening.

BN said...

"Slam books were a thing that girls did, and just look at the "founders" of the Peeple app"

I see what you did there. Good one.

Jaq said...

If this is constitutionally protected free speech, when the vast majority on there will not be public figures, then, in fact, the Constitution is a suicide pact.

Larry J said...

Why is it that some people - more often than not of the female persuasion - never seem to mature past middle school bitchiness? Yes, males can be little bitches, too.

Matt Sablan said...

I want to go on there and give myself 0 stars.

damikesc said...

You don't know how pretty they think they are.

Professor --- yeah, dudes know exactly how hot a girl thinks she is. We're way more perceptive than you seem to think.

I've always said that women's body issues aren't derived from men. Women will do more to slam a girl's self-esteem than any dude would.

Known Unknown said...

"No, you're not."

Titus isn't even gay.

William said...

Finally, a place where people can go to express their love and admiration of Lena and Hillary.

Matt Sablan said...

"If you haven’t registered for the site, and thus can’t contest those negative ratings, your profile only shows positive reviews."

-- I think that solves most of the worst of the problems.

Jaq said...

So how are the text reviews of 300 million people or whatever checked for "positive or negative"? How can this possibly produce an income stream sufficient to support that kind of effort?

Everybody has stuff they would like to forget. Look for the French Foreign Legion to get large enough that maybe they can get the empire back together.

Matt Sablan said...

Dunno Tim. I imagine there'll be a star scale or a thumbs up, thumbs down, and anything below X stars or thumbs down will flag as negative. A lot of folks will try to outsmart the system by damning with faint praise: "His hygiene has really improved!" "She's not as bitchy as her sister!" Or just thumbs up someone and write, "Killed my cat."

Matt Sablan said...

[Note: Solving most of the worst of the problems still doesn't solve ALL the problems. Of which there are still many.]

eric said...

In Washington State we have a vague law called cyber staking.

Seems like a website like this could get a lot of people in trouble for cyberstalking. I'd be willing to bet lots of states have similar laws.

Is ignorance of the law still an excuse? If you go on this website and say mean things about someone, and get arrested, can you then she the owners?

eric said...

Here is the text of the law

(1) A person is guilty of cyberstalking if he or she, with intent to harass, intimidate, torment, or embarrass any other person, and under circumstances not constituting telephone harassment, makes an electronic communication to such other person or a third party:

(a) Using any lewd, lascivious, indecent, or obscene words, images, or language, or suggesting the commission of any lewd or lascivious act;

(b) Anonymously or repeatedly whether or not conversation occurs; or

(c) Threatening to inflict injury on the person or property of the person called or any member of his or her family or household.

Matt Sablan said...

Eric: I don't think so. Negative comments cannot be posted or seen about people who did not opt in. If someone opts in, does not like what is said about them, they can opt out to kill the negative comments [I think.]

It seems to me, they're no more liable than AOL or Comcast are. They provided a service that was misused. You'd need to show that the company ignored policies to allow the harassment to continue, I think. But, I'm not a lawyer.

eric said...


I would agree with you, except there was a case in 2011 here in Washington State, Vancouver V Edwards, where the woman, Ms Edwards, wrote on another woman's blog. The things she wrote weren't threatening, but they were nasty and used foul language. Calling the woman names and such. The woman was able to delete the messages from her blog. But even given that she was able to delete the nasty messages, Edwards was still convicted.

I read an amicus brief written in 2012 on the case, basically arguing that the law itself is a violation of ones first amendment right. But it seems even with the amicus brief, she still lost.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
"You don't know how pretty they think they are.

If you don't try to look like you think you look good, you are going to look really bad. You have to pretend to think it. Show me a good picture of a women who isn't either pretending to think she looks good or actually does think it. And show me a picture of a woman who is only pretending to think she looks good but doesn't really think it."

There is actually a strong negative correlation in the relationship between how attractive men think women are and how attractive women think they are individually. The girls that think they are ugly or fat or whatever do try harder and tend to score higher on attractiveness ratings from men. It took me years to convince my wife she was very attractive and that men were asking her out on dates and for her phone number for a reason.

The problems come when a hot chick actually thinks she is hot.

Smilin' Jack said...

"If you haven’t registered for the site, and thus can’t contest those negative ratings, your profile only shows positive reviews."

Problem solved.

Show me a good picture of a women who isn't either pretending to think she looks good or actually does think it.

I've known some very good-looking women who weren't thinking anything. I mean there was literally just a dial tone in there.

Ann Althouse said...

"Professor --- yeah, dudes know exactly how hot a girl thinks she is. We're way more perceptive than you seem to think."

If females are not always as pretty as they think they are, maybe males are not always as knowlegeable as they think they are.

You are asserting that you know what's in women's minds, but women don't know what's in men's minds. You should worry that women are manipulating you by fooling you into believing you got the power to read female minds.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

That picture says, "C'mon, let's go dish about some people. He he."

Smilin' Jack said...

"Professor --- yeah, dudes know exactly how hot a girl thinks she is. We're way more perceptive than you seem to think."

If females are not always as pretty as they think they are, maybe males are not always as knowlegeable as they think they are.

You're all overthinking this. A girl is as hot as she is. No thinking required by either party.

damikesc said...

If females are not always as pretty as they think they are, maybe males are not always as knowlegeable as they think they are.

Men are quite able to differentiate confidence from faking it (it's super easy in women below 40). Even in photos. We can tell when women don't care about looks, know they aren't hot and it freaks them out, etc.

You are asserting that you know what's in women's minds, but women don't know what's in men's minds. You should worry that women are manipulating you by fooling you into believing you got the power to read female minds.

Most women tend to think men have little going on in their minds. Precious few women realize that men can do this. Most men won't until they actually think about it. It's just how it is. It's like noticing how you're breathing. You don't notice until you really think about it.

Men have a reputation of being shallow...and, fortunately, we seldom see much of a need to disprove inaccurate notions. But we notice way more than you think we do.

Freeman Hunt said...

I have drawn a single card from this deck. I am looking at the card and thinking of the card intensely. I have a perfect image of the card in my mind. What card am I holding?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Hilariously, the founders of Peeple have now been recorded online asking how to prevent people from making disparaging postings about them on various Facebook pages.

RecChief said...

actually, they are going to peep on people.

Kinda like the Stasi.

And the people most likely to rate others on Peeple are the ones who have no business rating anyone

rcocean said...

"You don't know how pretty they think they are"

If you're a man, why would you care? She's either hot, or she's not.

rcocean said...

I've worked in mostly female offices and always felt like they using dog whistles with each other. The women were always picking up insults and hostility that I and the other men never picked up on.

R. Duke said...

This will be a catty bitchfest. I can't think of a single guy I know who go near a site like this. I remember slam books. We ignored them too.

Gahrie said...

You should worry that women are manipulating you

Women manipulating men? How could that be possible in a Patriarchy?

MPH said...

I created RateMyProfessors and various other rating websites, as well as a very popular people search engine called PeekYou (10mm+ monthly visits). I know his stuff better than almost anyone. "Yelp for People" won't work because that isn't how we think about relationships with other people. We can rate services, classroom experiences, and restaurants, yes. And it makes sense, because even before the Internet we were effectively rating and reviewing these things when we would share those opinions with our peers. But that isn't how we deal with other people as human beings (unless you are a psychopath). No one is going to actually use this service. And with no content, there will be no readers/visitors.

mishu said...

Encourage women to get in tech and this is what you get. Yeah i went there.

Jim S. said...

"Notice the spelling," says Meade. "They're going to pee on people."

Heh. I tell people that my final rank in the military was "peon". Because everyday someone would pee on me.

Grackle said...

@ Freeman Hunt - Queen of Hearts!!!

False Grackle

Jaq said...

If they don't become billionaires, look for a claim of sexism. They will sue the people of the United States.

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