October 13, 2015

CNN uses the concept of "Vegas" to try to titillate us about the debate.

I found this inappropriately sexual:

Received, just now, in my email.

Now, I'll check my instincts by Googling "what does what happens in vegas stays in vegas mean," because I know the internet is quick with answers to questions like that. For example, earlier today, I found the answer to a question I had: What is happening to the weasel in "Pop Goes the Weasel" when the weasel pops? That question has a very interesting answer:
[T]here have been many suggestions for what... "Pop! goes the weasel" [means], including: that it is a tailor's flat iron, a dead weasel, a hatter's tool, a clock reel used for measuring in spinning, a piece of silver plate, or that 'weasel and stoat' is Cockney rhyming slang for "throat", as in "Get that down yer Weasel" meaning to eat or drink something. An alternative meaning involves pawning one's coat in order to buy food and drink, "weasel" is rhyming slang for "coat" "pop" is a slang word for "pawn.'

A clock reel is commonly called a spinner's weasel, and consists of a wheel which is revolved by the spinner in order to measure off thread or yarn after it has been produced on the spinning wheel. The weasel is usually built so that the circumference is six feet, so that 40 revolutions produces 80 yards of yarn, which is a skein. It has wooden gears inside and a cam, designed to cause a popping sound after the 40th revolution, telling the spinner that she has completed the skein.
As for "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," it was originally a tourism marketing slogan — "What Happens Here, Stays Here" — that was designed connect Las Vegas to something other than just gambling. The idea was:
The emotional bond between Las Vegas and its customers was freedom. Freedom on two levels. Freedom to do things, see things, eat things, wear things, feel things. In short, the freedom to be someone we couldn't be at home. And freedom from whatever we wanted to leave behind in our daily lives. Just thinking about Vegas made the bad stuff go away. At that point the strategy became clear. Speak to that need. Make an indelible connection between Las Vegas and the freedom we all crave....


Ann Althouse said...

Me, out loud, just now: "I finally got the weasels. The weasels weaseled their way into a post."

Ann Althouse said...

And now there are 16 posts on this blog with the tag "weasels."

I love that!

AllenS said...

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

They are talking about your money.

traditionalguy said...

Weasel is really a code for The Woman Hillary Clinton, who is the the most secretive con artist since time began.

damikesc said...

Is drooling and babbling incoherently really something risqué?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So to sum up:

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas == Freedom

Democrat's vision for the future of this country != What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


Democrat's vision for the future of this country != Freedom


Please vote accordingly.

Chuck said...

By comparison, championship prize fights in Vegas are marketed more honestly.

Brando said...

It'll be a yawnfest. Next to Democratic debates, the GOP debates are pure excitement.

It's not a bad thing, from the Democrats' perspective--these debates often are a chance to embarrass yourself, and their debates are usually boring because no one criticizes each other (they're all still more scared of the GOP taking over than Republicans are of the Democrats taking over). But boring nevertheless.

Ron said...

In a just world Hillary would be a greeter in Vegas and Wayne Newton would be President.

Anonymous said...

If only there were some way to ensure that what happens in Washington stays in Washington.

JT said...

A Rush Limbaugh caller today brought up the fact that the GOP held its debates in Cleveland, site of the 2016 GOP convention, and The Reagan National Library. The Dems jump on Sin City.

Seems about right.

JHapp said...

The questions are going to Hillary and she is going to talk about Trump and his beauty pageants, Trump and his bankruptcies, and some dirt on Carson. It will go good for her.

Expat(ish) said...

I have trouble seeing either of the two real contenders as somehow sexual in any way.

Add Uncle Joe in that for a ménage à trois of what my teenage daughter calls "gross old flappy people sex."


robother said...

I'm pretty sure the Vegas marketing slogan was created in the aftermath of the disclosure of Republican commentator Bill Bennet's gambling debts and its adverse effects on his political/media viability. I assume high rollers like Bennet contribute disproportionately to casino profits, and average corporate shlubs from middle America are even more at risk from such disclosure.

richard mcenroe said...

They're holding the debate in Vegas because the waitresses will bring your drink right to you stool and that's a big help for Hillary.

Gusty Winds said...

The people who will vote for the occupants of tonight's Democrat clown car won't be watching (they're just not that interested), and the people who won't vote for them won't be watching either. It's a non-event.

And although the slogan seem inappropriately sexual, it illustrates CNNs desperation and mediocrity.

Carol said...

and The Reagan National Library

God what a stupid caller..the Reagan library is in Socal next to Simi Valley.


Bilwick said...

If only the government-sniffing and State fellating that will happen in Vegas would STAY in Vegas.

JT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

They picked Las Vegas as a way to distance themselves from Obama. He told people not to go there way back in the day. See how independent they are! He can't tell THEM where to go.

JT said...


The caller knew the Reagan Library is in California. Blame me for the bad grammar/poor sentence structure. I should have been more clear.

rehajm said...

It's easier to fix the fight card in Vegas

Quaestor said...

Matt Drudge has headlined a scoop from The Weekly Standard. It seems that Anderson Cooper is, or at least was, a member of the corrupt tax-free cash machine know as the Clinton Global Initiative.

CNN has fallen into depths of journalistic malfeasance unplumbed by any "news" organization save for the likes of MSNBC. Fox News is the only channel left with a modicum of integrity, and is now in the catbird's seat regarding coverage of the upcoming election season.

Quaestor said...

Anderson Cooper is a fool. He's been tripped up by his own arrogance, hoist with his own petard. How could he imagine that his connection to the Clintons would not be exposed?

Hmmm. On further reflection this may be the bones of a cunning plan. By his unethical association with the Clinton's foundation, Cooper has made his fitness to moderate tonight's debate a hot topic for a marginal candidate like Martin O'Malley to harp on, drawing attention from Hillary, who needs desperately to not be the center of attention. The Weekly Standard should check their sources on this one. They may be being played.

Known Unknown said...

Related, so to speak.

Curious George said...

"Althouse: I found this inappropriately sexual"

Really? Then you are looking to be offended.

Known Unknown said...

Or this, maybe.

The BubFather said...

Hhhhmmmm titillate?

Playboy stops putting nudes in its nudie mag? what's a 14 year old to do? why go to the internet of course.

Democrat debate needs titillation? What's a person to do? Welp, there's a boat load of stuff on TV...some playoff baseball, Hockey, soccer, cooking, Big Bang Theory, Castle, Dirty Jobs, Walking Dead, Antiques Road show.....should I go on? Oh and there's always porn on the internet,

Fred Drinkwater said...

I prefer my weasel shaken, not popped...

n.n said...

The Choice made in Vegas will be Planned, sampled, with some nice fava beans and a glass of Chianti.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

An underused PG insult: "crapweasel."

Bob Ellison said...

Hillary should stay focused on the notion that she is the only person for the job.

She should not bring out angry Hillary. Let angry Sanders play that role.

madAsHell said...

According to Drudge, Trump will be live tweeting the Democrat debate.

I think this is genius!!...and will likely be much more entertaining.

Sebastian said...

"I found this inappropriately sexual"

Kidding, right?

On the off chance you were half-serious, do you think it occurred to anyone under 60 to associate anything sexual with an ad for a debate between gramps and granny?

gadfly said...

What happen in Dem politics stays with Dem politicians - so don't ask and the Dem candidates will not have to lie.

No Benghazi questions.
No "What have you done for me lately?" themes.
No 110 MPH fastball questions.
No "What about the Joose?
No "How do you and Vlad get along?"inquiries.

But anyone can ask when all the wars will end and exactly when we can expect a world government - especially one that supports Sharia Law.

MountainMan said...

All the debates should be on CSPAN and moderated by Brian Lamb. And the format should be like the Lincoln-Douglas debates. I never watch any of these because they are so incredibly dumb.

wildswan said...

I predict Anderson Cooper will try to show Bernie is a menace and instead Hillary will look shrill. Martin O'Malley will rip off his shirt and gag Hillary. Webb will suggest that Republicans are alien-life-forms - a meme he used in Virginia. Chaffee will have a wireless implant sending him answers. The implant will be broadcast into the Apple watches in the crowd - the scandal over this will showcase a new technology which will turn out to have been Chaffee's intention all along. This will be the only thing that anyone notices. The headlines the next day will be "Hillary Wins." What happens in a Vegas debate, stays in Vegas.

jeff said...

For a 65 year old woman Ann sure finds a lot of things sexually stimulating, lucky Mead.

Birches said...

The Dem debates have absolutely no one interested or excited for them, therefore they put the thing in Vegas hoping that people might watch for a nip slip or something....

Birches said...

Not Hillary's nip slip, of course... Maybe one of the dancers from Ballys.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The phrase "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas" covers all manner of debauchery not necessarily sexual, such as illicit drug use or getting very drunk. And sure, playing pop goes the weasel with people you've only just met.

But how does one judge what is "inappropriately sexual" when one grew up with Playboys on the coffee table? Does that raise or lower the standard?

Laura said...

If the Republicans were any fun they'd organize a blue dress and cigars rally outside the venue. Stays in Vegas, right?

BN said...

"Titillate" is a wonderful word.

Much better than "weasel".

Over to you, Laslo.

BN said...

"In a just world Hillary would be a greeter in Vegas and Wayne Newton would be President."

Wayne Newton IS the president.

BN said...

"CNN has fallen into depths of journalistic malfeasance unplumbed by any "news" organization..."

Tuner married Jane Fucking Fonda. What did you expect?

MayBee said...

Questions I hope they ask:

Do white lives matter?

Is it safe for women to attend college?

Who should be able to buy a gun?

What gun control measure would have stopped the last 5 shootings?

When is it too late for a woman to get an abortion?

Should campaign workers be unionized?

Should we allow volunteer campaign workers?

Should a publisher be able to publish a book about a candidate within 3 months of an election?

Are the women in your office paid equal to men?

As President, what will you do to reduce your own carbon footprint, and the carbon footprint of those in your administration?

MayBee said...

Questions they will probably ask:

How wrong is Donald Trump about Mexicans and immigrants?

How will you put a stop to the war on women?

Should life-saving work using fetal tissue continue?

How will you convince Republicans to stop being Climate Change deniers?

How much do you love a good gay wedding?

How much should the minimum wage be?

Why should students have to pay off their student loans?

BN said...

Yay Maybee!

BN said...

"But how does one judge what is "inappropriately sexual" when one grew up with Playboys on the coffee table? Does that raise or lower the standard?"

Yeah, that wasn't normal, perfesser. Just sayin'. You Episcopalian?

BN said...

By not normal, I mean, " in the heartland", of corse. Who knows what was "normal" on th wicked coasts?

MayBee said...

Starting off with a Big Brother speech from Obama. That's creepy, CNN.

BN said...

I like reading ocasionally about red diaper babies. Fascinating. Let me tell you, I never knew of them in Topeka ( for example, not where I grew up).

BN said...

But, hey, whatever, to each his own. I grew up with four brothers. Pretty sure those Playboys would have disappeared after a couple of hours or so.

BN said...

In those days, we had to WORK for our Playboys. Harrumph!

BN said...

Oops, wrong thread?

Hey, forget it Jake, it's the Internet.

BN said...

If the Republicans were any fun they'd organize a blue dress and cigars rally outside the venue. Stays in Vegas, right?

10/13/15, 5:55 PM

I don't know what that is, but I'm in!

BN said...

Oh, wait, I get it. Duh.

BN said...

Hmmm, I get Bill now too. Uh oh....

Guildofcannonballs said...

Making, for over a decade, contrary points based on assumptions assuming some are flawed yet insufficently examined, is as hopeless* to others for a day whom may feel the same way as other than a Yale or Harvard grad pipe-dreaming of being confirmed to the Supreme Court of The United State of America.

*It takes courage to an extent laudable to have faith in oneself, given plenty of goodness and earning plenty more, perhaps plenty plenty more, and concluding daily day in-and-out all the naysayers just haven't heard enough.

BN said...

"Now, I'll check my instincts..."

You check, girl!

BN said...

"Making, for over a decade, contrary points based on assumptions assuming some are flawed yet insufficently examined, is as hopeless* to others for a day whom may feel the same way as other than a Yale or Harvard grad pipe-dreaming of being confirmed to the Supreme Court of The United State of America."

I'm going to ponder that for a long while. Thanks. I was just waiting fot the end of the 9th inning. Now I'm going to be up all night.

Oh never mind. Game's over. I'll try again tomorrow.

tpcelt said...

According to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:

"Pop goes the weasel

Now regarded as a children's song, the original was obviously intended for their parents:

Up and down the City Road,
In and out the Eagle,
That's the way the money goes,
Pop goes the weasel.

The Eagle was a tavern and old-time music hall in the City Road, London, and a popular rendezvous for singing and Saturday night drinking, which explains the need to "pop" or pawn the "weasel". What the 'weasel' was is not clear, but it may have been rhyming slang for a coat ('weasel and stoat')."

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