October 7, 2015

Charles P. Pierce re Bobby Jindal: "Please Punch This Man in the Dick."

Sexualized violence... it's funny because...? Exactly why is it funny to you Charles?

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Carnifex said...

Dickpunches are always funny. Not for the recipient of course. For everyone else/

bleh said...

Why is this guy defending the killer's father? Because he shares his opinion on gun control?

Jindal is right that the father should be ashamed, not lecturing Americans about gun control. Though I suppose lecturing about gun control is a surefire way for him to earn credibility on the Left while absolving himself of responsibility.

Static Ping said...

It is funny when people named "Pierce" make dick jokes.

I want to know what the "P." stands for. Or does it stand on its own? Oho!

Too bad his parents didn't name him Richard.

On the plus side, he beats Josh Marshall on the coveted content scale. It's not especially good content, but at least there is some.

Michael K said...

"He is the author of four books, most recently 'Idiot America.' "

Autobiography I would suggest without reading the trash pile.

Unknown said...

It's funny that a joke in bad taste somehow magically takes the stage ahead of a supposedly serious, I would even say sanctimonious, rant that goes way, way beyond bad taste.

Big Mike said...

It's not funny

MacMacConnell said...

Charles P. Pierce has dick on the mind? He probably would want someone to do the same to Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Esquire has fallen to such depths in my lifetime, sad.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

A note for any ladies who find themselves needing to engage in self-defense against a man:

As anyone who possesses male genitalia knows, ( and apparently Charles P. Pierce does not, ) a punch in the dick is not especially painful. The penis is not overly sensitive to compression.

A hit to the testicles is an entirely different matter. It is like getting the wind knocked out of you. It is not just painful, it is fundamentally debilitating.

Brando said...

Remember kids, it's only "rape culture" when it's directed at women. Feel free to joke about sexualized violence against men all you want.

Also stupid is the fact that he's not even addressing what, if anything, is wrong about what Jindal said. Is he wrong to dismiss gun control as a way to stop these tragedies? If so, why? What gun control measure is anyone proposing that would have made a difference? And if you say "gun show loophole" you deserve a punch in the . . . face. Because you are not a serious person and no longer deserve attention.

Is Jindal wrong to suggest this has to do with bad parenting? I think he is partly wrong, because the sad fact is some people are just plain murderous psychos and good parenting is desirable in keeping people out of trouble, but sometimes terrible tragedies just can't be avoided. We have a natural instinct to think we could change things, and surprise surprise, the change that would have made a difference happens to mesh perfectly with our own political views. So while I agree good parenting is desirable and can usually keep kids out of trouble, there are some monstrous acts that suggest nothing could have stopped this person.

No politician wants to say that though--otherwise, they're basically saying "stuff happens" and they sound callous. But sometimes stuff does happen, and we have to bear it.

Renee said...

Hitting below the belt, when not an act of self defense is truly beta male behavior.

Any guy who laugh at that is a pure jerk.

n.n said...

Playground humour, which was popularized by Generation B (Beavis and Butt-head).

tim maguire said...

I like how the Jindal quote is left to stand there on its own, with no commentary about why it's so grievously wrong. Because criticizing the father for daring to blame the rest of us for his son's killing spree is self-evidently wrong, I suppose.

John Scott said...

Is Pierce even a man? Everyone knows getting hit in the balls causes the most pain.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rick said...

Brando said...
What gun control measure is anyone proposing that would have made a difference?

By citing Australia and Great Britain as successes Obama admitted his goal is confiscation.

Of course during his first campaign he ridiculed as paranoid people who understood his goal, but anyone with even a quarter of a brain knew he was lying about his beliefs to present himself as less extreme.

Bay Area Guy said...

There are some honorable journalists on the Left - those who welcome the free exchange of ideas and sometimes even challenge their own ideas about inequality, poverty, etc. I would suggest TomEdsell of the NYTimes is one.

Charles Pierce is certainly not. He's simply a Beta Male clown

Unknown said...

Focusing on the sexualized part is one thing, but the broader point is the violence itself. No wonder these people want to limit gun access- they harbor violent rage against anyone who disagrees with them and presumably project that onto everyone else.

Scott said...

From Stanford University: List of Penis Terms.

Michael K said...

"they harbor violent rage against anyone who disagrees with them and presumably project that onto everyone else."

Actually, I believe they fantasize rage and violence but would shrink from any open (in person) expression of such feelings as they are cowards and fancy boys, as the term was once used.

Big Mike said...

@Rick, right you are. But as a demonstration of good faith I want to see Obama and his buddy Rahm disarm the gangs of South Chicago of their already illegal (!!!) guns.

FWBuff said...

Jindal's remarks are right.

Carter Wood said...

Charlie Pierce's greatest hit: "If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age."

Todd said...

C Stanley said...
Focusing on the sexualized part is one thing, but the broader point is the violence itself. No wonder these people want to limit gun access- they harbor violent rage against anyone who disagrees with them and presumably project that onto everyone else.

10/7/15, 12:10 PM

I do think for many on the left, the fear of guns is based on their own fear of what they would be capable of doing with a gun and as such (as you pointed out) can not bring themselves to trust anyone with a gun. If they can't handle that responsibility, surely no one else can!

damikesc said...

It's funny because you can't punch Pierce in the dick unless you're an incredibly accurate sharpshooter. Electron microscopes have a hard time pinpointing Mr. Pierce's phallus.

I like how the Jindal quote is left to stand there on its own, with no commentary about why it's so grievously wrong.

When does the Left feel a need to explain WHY something is the most evil thing ever?

Of course during his first campaign he ridiculed as paranoid people who understood his goal, but anyone with even a quarter of a brain knew he was lying about his beliefs to present himself as less extreme.

Amazing how we "rubes" don't often seem shocked by mendacity but our "elites" are so incapable of putting two and two together.

We are ruled by people with credentials but little education.

Also, keep in mind, they hate the military and think the police kill innocent people regularly --- and want those two groups to be the ONLY ones armed.

For now.

They will probably call for disarming the police soon.

Brando said...

"By citing Australia and Great Britain as successes Obama admitted his goal is confiscation."

Which is the natural followup to his speech last week--do you Mr. President favor outright gun confiscation like what the British and Australians did? Put him on the spot! Because then if he backtracks and says "well, not quite that far" then the question again--what would you like implemented that would have made any difference?

Plus, even if we did get rid of the 2nd and 4th amendments and try to implement what the British and Australians did, we can't unring the bell--the guns are out there in such quantities in a country so vast and populous that it wouldn't take much for gun owners to hide them and evade the confiscations. It'd be harder to get hold of them, but we'd never get the British results.

So even if I thought that was a wise course, it's just plain impossible.

Brando said...

"Charlie Pierce's greatest hit: "If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.""

That pretty much tells you he has nothing worth listening to. It takes a special mind to come up with that pablum.

BN said...

Two words: Moby Dick.

Monkeyboy said...

Hitting below the belt, when not an act of self defense is truly beta male behavior.

Even better, he's asking for someone else to do it for him.

Rick said...

Brando said...
So even if I thought that was a wise course, it's just plain impossible.

I'm not sure I agree with the "impossible" argument. What is the point of having a gun the possession of which gets you a longer prison sentence than almost all homicides? Are you going to brandish it when threatened giving the criminal the ability to turn you in? Are you going to use it to defend others when you know it will result in a decades long prison sentence? There's only a couple of scenarios where people will still use a gun knowing this penalty and they are rare. Are people willing to risk this much for something so unlikely? And even if you are will your grandchildren and their kids?

I suspect over the course of a couple of generations confiscation would be quite successful. Of course it wouldn't remove gun from gangs - who would simply import firearms along with the drugs - but obviously the confiscation policy isn't directed at them.

chuck said...

It's Esquire. That Pierce would, or could, throw the punch himself would be a miracle, and I don't believe in miracles. Hence the "Please".

hawkeyedjb said...

"...anyone with even a quarter of a brain knew he was lying about his beliefs to present himself as less extreme."

Interesting that both Obama's supporters and opponents generally assume he's lying about, well, darn near everything. They're both right.

John said...

Charles Pierce is one of the most aggressively stupid and ignorant men in the entire world. The fact that Pierce wrote a book called "Idiot America" is scientific proof there is no such thing as peak irony.

Seriously, Pierce fancies himself as a writer and intellectual and then says things like this. The Progressive Left is as intellectually dead as a fence post. They have lost the imagination and ability to understand and engage with anyone who disagrees with them. The ideology is moribund and should have died when the Berlin Wall fell. But people like Pierce have too much of their personal identity and self worth to admit it. At the same time, they no longer have the intellectual capital to engage their opponents. So they retreat into a self reinforcing bubble where everyone not in the movement is dismissed out of hand.

'TreHammer said...

Substitute "weiner" for "penis", then it would be funny, ala the Mac MacGuff character (J.K. Simmons) in the movie Juno - "I'm gonna punch that bleeker kid in the wiener next time I see him." Now, that's funny.

'TreHammer said...

...sorry, meant to say "dick"...

Brando said...

"I suspect over the course of a couple of generations confiscation would be quite successful. Of course it wouldn't remove gun from gangs - who would simply import firearms along with the drugs - but obviously the confiscation policy isn't directed at them."

That's just it though--in terms of getting rid of the guns, there'd still be a massive number in private (but illegal) hands, creating a horrifying situation where criminals have no problem getting guns but no one can get one to protect themselves (similar to a lot of big cities currently, but worse). There's just no way to turn us into Britain because Britain never quite had the number of modern weapons we do, or the large population and culture we do.

Rather that focus on all the guns in this country, it would do to consider why we have so many killers.

tim maguire said...

Of course, that Bleeker kid used his wiener to impregnate the man's daughter. So it had a punching coming.

tim maguire said...

I wonder how many people who think we can confiscate 200 million guns also think we can't deport 30 million illegals.

Kyzer SoSay said...

I helped one of my neighbors bury three of his guns. Two pistols and a rifle, along with plenty of ammo and some cleaning kit stuff. Marked the spot on GPS, drew a map using a compass and easily visible (and unlikely to drift) reference points, and called it a day. We both have a key to the locker it's buried in, though only he has the keys to the gun locks. Regardless, he advised me that if the shit hits the fan and those guns are needed, a standard bolt cutter should take care of those locks with little trouble. He knows I'd never try to steal them - and he knows that if he passes before I do (he's about 2 decades older), I'd take good care of them and could be trusted to do the right thing.

I'm going to bury a couple myself. Wouldn't surprise me if he already had his own separate stash.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The 2000 election drove the Left mad. They no longer have any interest in governing a nation of citizens, they want to rule a nation of subjects.

TrespassersW said...

Leftism is a mental disorder, characterized by an almost complete absence of rational thought, projection, and Tourette's-like outbursts of inchoate rage.

I think the P might stand for "panty-waist."

Michael K said...

The 2000 election drove the Left mad. They no longer have any interest in governing a nation of citizens, they want to rule a nation of subjects.

I completely agree with this. If somebody like Carly is elected next year, I anticipate chaos. I still can't see Trump being elected and he may not be completely honest about his intentions. Carly would drive them crazy.

Rick said...

Brando said...
That's just it though--in terms of getting rid of the guns, there'd still be a massive number in private (but illegal) hands, creating a horrifying situation where criminals have no problem getting guns but no one can get one to protect themselves (similar to a lot of big cities currently, but worse).

What makes you think confiscators find this circumstance "horrifying" rather than the understood end-state? When I say confiscation can be successful I mean among the targets of the policy, which is to say otherwise law abiding people. You can argue this result is horrifying but that has no meaning to those pushing the policy.

There's just no way to turn us into Britain because Britain never quite had the number of modern weapons we do, or the large population and culture we do.

If you open the drains of a large pool and a small one the eventual end state is the same it just takes longer to get there.

William said...

Behind every single mother there's an absentee father. Jindal did the equivalent of slut shaming the absentee father. That's a huge no-no in Pierce's book. Real man know when to walk away and when to inflict violence on those who attempt to shame them for walking away. Walk tall Charles and screw those child support payments..

Beldar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brando said...

"What makes you think confiscators find this circumstance "horrifying" rather than the understood end-state? When I say confiscation can be successful I mean among the targets of the policy, which is to say otherwise law abiding people. You can argue this result is horrifying but that has no meaning to those pushing the policy."

I think it'd be horrifying for all because we'd have even more massacres and gun crimes than before. At least the gun control advocates who truly believed gun confiscation would "work" (as in, reduce gun deaths) would consider it a failure. Those who just want control of course would see it as a reason to exercise ever more police power.

"I wonder how many people who think we can confiscate 200 million guns also think we can't deport 30 million illegals."

Or who think we cannot eradicate all the illegal drugs in this country.

I count myself among the people who think none of that can be done in a free society, and not really in an unfree society either. The state can be oppressive but it isn't omnipotent.

madAsHell said...

I'm going to bury a couple myself.

I think you would be better served by a little proficiency training at the firing range.

Beldar said...

On the subject of dicks:

(1) I agree with the comment above by "Ignorance is Bliss" (10/7/15, 11:40 AM): The whole "dick-punch" meme is confused: It's clearly not based on anatomy and nerve endings and relative-pain-received, so whatever's "special" about "dick-punches" is mostly metaphoric.

(2) We make a lot more jokes about dicks than we do about elbows. But we make more jokes about elbows than we do about, oh, say, forearms or thighs. As a species, we're more dick-focused, in our humor and all our other thoughts — probably because dicks have more to do with continuation of said species than elbows, forearms, or thighs.

(3) I tried a medical malpractice case some years ago in which the defendant physician was alleged to have botched a procedure that, as a result, dramatically worsened the patient's pre-existing Peyronie's Disease, which involves internal scarring of the tissues inside the penis. Throughout the two-week jury trial proceedings, without exception, no one made a dick joke, nor anything close to a dick joke. The only discussion of the peculiarity of the case was during my voir dire examination, and even then I didn't try to examine jurors' actual attitudes, but rather contented myself with a general exhortation-and-psuedo-question — something along the lines of: "We're all adults here, and you were each acting like an adult when you responded to this jury duty summons. Now are any of us unable to participate in a long trial about penises without acting like we're on a kindergarten playgrounds? I take it by your silence that I have a commitment from each of you to act like grown-ups if you're selected for this jury." Were dick jokes made in private before, during, and after that trial? Oh yes, of course. But every single person connected to that trial displayed more maturity than Charles P. Pierce, whoever the hell he is supposed to be.

Re the shooter's dad: He was the one who converted himself from a figure of some minimal presumptive sympathy into an aggressive and eager tool of the gun control lobby. He's no longer entitled to any presumption of privacy, and when he blamed gun laws for his son's crimes, he very much authorized those who disagree with that political prescription to point out his own biases and bad behavior. I wouldn't describe Jindal's rant as "tasteful," and indeed, I'm confident it was deliberately amped up to try to grab press attention for Jindal during a primary in which he's gotten no traction and is running out of time. But no, he doesn't need to be punched, in the dick or anywhere else, for his rant.

John said...

Missing in this entire debate is the importance of the emergence of 3D printing. Progressives as usual are living in a fantasy land on this issue. There is no way to stop people from having 3D printers and from printing guns with them. The only issue would then be obtaining ammunition, which could be smuggled into the country easier than guns already are being smuggled.

There is no way to ever create a gun free society or a society where criminals do not have access to them. Given that fact, any debate about gun control is pointless or just a subterfuge to obtain some other end.

Freeman Hunt said...

The real offense is that it isn't funny, not in a "That's not funny!" way but in a "What is the joke?" way.

traditionalguy said...

Mutilating corpses sounds so 20th Century. But then the Sharia guys are still in the glorious 6th century when a castrated infidel boy slave was normal.

Kyzer SoSay said...

I go a few times a year. I'm not the best shooter there by any means. Last time I went I outshot a couple of county sheriffs deputies who were there practicing with their sidearms and personal guns. Shooting isn't hard once you know the basics. I'm no sniper, but I trust my aim. If I start having trouble hitting targets, I'll go more often until I don't.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I am a federalist. I think that many of the problems the US has a nation are the result of political decisions being made at the least representative level of government (the imperial capital, aka the District of Columbia). From my POV, Bush was marginally better than Gore.
One of the great things about Bush was that he understood that America's enemies aren't Americans. The Left instinctively attacks Americans first, foreign enemies second (or third or fourth). Compare the Left's rhetoric re: ISIS vs. their rhetoric re: Kim Davis. It is inconceivable that a Right pundit who is the equivalent of Pierce would write that he would to punch a Dem candidate in the genitals. Michael Savage, maybe? The typical Left pundit writes at the level of the most objectionable, crass Right pundit.
If you are a regular American, and not a member of the Left's pet social classes, you need to understand that they hate you with every fiber of their being, and they will destroy you and everything you care about if given the chance.

Peter said...

"I like how the Jindal quote is left to stand there on its own, with no commentary about why it's so grievously wrong."

This is what stands out: that the author thinks what Jindal said is so obviously wrong, so deserving of contempt and perhaps gratuitous violence, as to have no need to explain to the reader just what is so grievously wrong with it.

Perhaps if the author were even more aggrieved he'd suggest tearing it off and burning it? But in any case, the author's words have nothing to say about Jindal, but plenty to say about the author.

jacksonjay said...

I remember when sexualized violence against Sarah Palin was all the rage. Maybe it does have something to do with being Republican.

damikesc said...

I wonder how many people who think we can confiscate 200 million guns also think we can't deport 30 million illegals.

Excellent question.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If I was an evil president, I'd make giving up handguns an administrative rule, if the courts would stand still for it. Start squeezing the handgun owners, first. Make them apply for and be granted a federal permit to own a handgun. Create an administrative list of reasons you are granted the right to own a handgun. Publicize all the guns you have taken away from known criminals, the mentally infirm, etc. Make it progressively more difficult to be granted a permit. Make a violation a felony. You can't be an officer of the court, a lawyer or judge, if you have a felony conviction. Eventually all the lawyers, all the judges, and most of the politicians will not be gun owners. Then send the cops after the holdouts.

Fritz said...

damikesc said...
I wonder how many people who think we can confiscate 200 million guns also think we can't deport 30 million illegals.

Excellent question.

It's something the left really want as opposed to something they oppose.

Beach Brutus said...

Re: Beldar @ 1:51 - not knowing who Charles P. Pierce is. Being from Texas don't you recognize Pierce as a pseudonym for a grown up Bobby Hill?


Etienne said...

Kyzernick said...I helped one of my neighbors bury three of his guns.

The city of Tulsa Oklahoma buried a brand new 1957 Plymouth. When they opened the buried crypt in 2007 it was obvious that the crypt filled with water off and on, and the result was a great big pile of shit.

Still though, I hear it will be in a museum.

Titus said...

Hi, how are you?

Kyzer SoSay said...

Tulsa didn't do it right then. The key is isolation and water rejection. Triple bagged in heavy duty garbage bags, rubber gasket behind a plastic clamshell, and each gun is individually bagged and coated with oil.

We also filled in pea gravel and sand around the locker (not as much as I would have done on my own, but enough, I think). It ended up being a pretty big hole, and until some vegetation regrew it was pretty obvious that something was either dug up or buried there.

If they rust to the point of uselessness (or even diminished effectiveness), I'll be very very surprised. I think one of the pistols is actually inside a container that is almost totally filled with MM oil - I wasn't there the whole time my neighbor was readying the locker, but he mentioned doing it and I think he did.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Looks like that car will be in a museum in Roscoe, IL, by 2016. I'll have to go check it out. Thanks for the link Coupe!

Wilbur said...

When I was a kid I had a neighbor named Dick Pierce.

The thought that the name might be funny never crossed my mind until Static Ping mentioned it above.

It's been my life experience that males who talk tough (like Chas. Pierce) almost never are.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Horror of horrors, a man who chose to speak out publicly and push an agenda with which many disagree and who, by the way, happens to be the father of an infamous murdere--that man isn't being granted "absolute moral authority" by someone in the public eye? Quick, someone lend me their pearls that I may clutch them!

Hey, is threating and/or fantasizing about sexual violence not "a bit rapey?" Did we drop that one already? I would say something like "screw this guy Pierce, his faux indignation and attempt to show that Jindal's statement is self-evidently wrong backfired right in his face" but apparently that'd be evidence of our rape culture, somehow.

campy said...

"Eventually all the lawyers, all the judges, and most of the politicians will not be gun owners."

Are lawyers, judges, and politicians a significant proportion of America's gun owners today?

HoodlumDoodlum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HoodlumDoodlum said...

Cosmoline Mil-Spec Grease only $2k for a 55 gallon drum! Not available through Amazon, unfortunately.

Step 1: carefully disassemble
Step 2: open drum, pour off a gallon or so
Step 3: drop into barrel
Step 4: bury barrel
Step 5: X?
Step 6: profit

Bob Ellison said...

I once had a customer named Dick Stump.

A friend had a Dick Rash.

But there madness lies. Don't go there let's. Rest, Yoda must.

Michael K said...

"Make them apply for and be granted a federal permit to own a handgun. Create an administrative list of reasons you are granted the right to own a handgun. "

Note that there is massive civil disobedience already in the New York gun magazine and "assault weapon" law.

It won't happen. If they try to enforce it, there will be another Clive Bundy standoff until the appeal is heard. It might be enough to get the USSC to revisit some of these goofy laws again. Maybe even Obama's other "executive actions."

richard mcenroe said...

Because he hasn't got the balls to dickpunch Jindal himself?

the wolf said...

Do it yourself, coward

chuck said...

>and the result was a great big pile of shit.

Obviously not buried by experts. On the other hand, not so long ago there were Croatians digging up arms buried by their grand parents. Best argument for keeping in touch with family that I've heard.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Michael K wrote:
"It might be enough to get the USSC to revisit some of these goofy laws again."
Then it will depend on the makeup of the SC. These people don't care about democracy, they want the power to impose their vision of America on the citizens and will stop at nothing. Remember when we thought that maybe citizens would be allowed to vote on same sex marriage?

damikesc said...

Then it will depend on the makeup of the SC. These people don't care about democracy, they want the power to impose their vision of America on the citizens and will stop at nothing. Remember when we thought that maybe citizens would be allowed to vote on same sex marriage?

But they expect others to respect legal decisions.

You know, the whole "IT'S THE LAW!!!" shit they've pulled.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Chuck wrote:
"On the other hand, not so long ago there were Croatians digging up arms buried by their grand parents."

In the Soviet Union, when Stalin decided to starve the Kulaks to death, he knew that the wily peasants were used to thieving governments and armies and were very good at hiding food, and at living off the land. Stalin simply declared that anything that was edible was Soviet property, and could only be consumed by a person permitted to do so by the Soviet government. If you were starving to death and were reduced to chewing on weeds they would put a bullet in your brain. The commies were serious. They built watch towers in the countryside and had teams scanning the landscape with telescopes looking for violations of the food rationing rules. They sent teams of zealous young commies to perform surprise searches of peasant houses. Any unpermitted food found, and you got a bullet. They made peasants who were starving to death harvest the grain they had planted and send it out of the country.
In the 21st century, a totalitarian government has all the tools it needs to enforce compliance with any law it makes.

Michael K said...

"They made peasants who were starving to death harvest the grain they had planted and send it out of the country. "

That can't be true because the New York Times said it wasn't.

Why a Pulitzer Prize was awarded for the reporting. And the stories have not been retracted.

Would the Times lie ?

BN said...

"...but anyone with even a quarter of a brain knew he was lying about his beliefs to present himself as less extreme."

Ouch, that's gotta sting at least a little, eh, perfesser?

BN said...

"It's been my life experience that males who talk tough (like Chas. Pierce) almost never are."

Ever been in prison? Also, crazy is sometimes more important a factor than toughness when it comes to whether someone is willing to go beyond words to fists and then to weapons.

damikesc said...

Make them apply for and be granted a federal permit to own a handgun. Create an administrative list of reasons you are granted the right to own a handgun.

I like the caterwauling over regulation of abortion with equal nonchalance about regulating gun ownership, given that only one of those two are in the Constitution.

Rick said...

BN said...

Ouch, that's gotta sting at least a little, eh, perfesser?

Why? I don't think she would have believed that any more than she believed Obama to be against gay marriage.

Michael K said...

It's interesting that I did not realize that Esquire had become a gay magazine. This has to be the case as I can't imagine a straight guy talking about punching someone in "the dick." I guess the gay boys took that over, too.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

the wolf said...
Do it yourself, coward

Molon labe: Come and take it

érthei kai na grothiá: come and punch it (Google translate)

Lewis Wetzel said...

"I like the caterwauling over regulation of abortion with equal nonchalance about regulating gun ownership, given that only one of those two are in the Constitution."

The LA times, in a recent anti-gun editorial, wrote
This page believes the Supreme Court erred in the initial Heller decision by upending an interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that had been embraced for half a century — that the amendment's reference to a "well-regulated militia" limits the right to keep and bear arms to organized military units, such as the National Guard.
The LA times think that the 2nd amendment, alone among the amendments of the bill of rights, empowers the government rather than individuals, and that while the Constitution itself, in article 1, section 8, says congress can raise a federal army, the founders decided an amendment in the bill of rights was neccessary to guarantee this army could have guns?
What can the country do when its intellectual elites are so @#$%^ srupid?

Kyzer SoSay said...

Heh. Cosmoline is also the stuff I wash off my new rotors before changing my brakes. Not good for the pad material, but prevents the rotors from rusting on the shelf.

Wilbur said...

Wilbur is pleased to report his life experience does not include prison, at least as a resident or prison staff.

wildswan said...

Well, my education continues.

Apparently, Punch em in the dick is a popular song in certain circles. It has tasteful lyrics such as

Punch 'em in the diiiiick
Punch 'em in the diiiiick
You motherfuckers talk shit
I'ma punch 'em in the dick


But you ain't gotta be a dude
Shit, I'll dick-punch a chick
Because I don't discriminate
When I punch em' in the dick

and there is more at

So I guess this guy is getting a bad rap from the commenters who think he's a beta male while he's really a cultural appropriator trying to wield stolen squalor as a cultural weapon.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Some of the overwrought rhetoric on the Left is a result of the importance they place on signaling that they are on the Left. During the Bush years you would see this as "I hate Bush" statements inserted into non-political written pieces. A travel essay about some canyon in Arizona would, for example, include odd sentences like "the sky was as blue as it was before Bush's illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq."
The Left has a serious problem of negative democracy, where to be in the minority is the only way of being "on the side of history". The vanguard cannot consist of most of the army, after all. And if the vanguard is the most exalted position, than the vanguard of the vanguard must be more exalted still. So you get a kind of arms race.

"I've written a book describing Blacks going to war on the cops!"
"Oh yeah? Well I've written a book calling for Blacks to go to war on the cops!"
"All those white republifascists should be dick-punched!"
"You sissies, I've just written this article calling for the death of all white people who don't live in New England or on the West Coast."

And the spiral continues downwards, because there is nothing to check it. David Letterman jokes on television that Palin's minor daughter has sex with a pro baseball player during a break in the game and Letterman's career flourishes. criticizing Letterman would put you on the wrong side of history, the people who are to be ruled rather than the side of those who intend to rule them.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If you doubt my analysis, here is the NY Times "ethicist" column telling Letterman his joke regarding the Palin kid was just fine, though its sexism was a little disturbing. Palin has no right to complain about it, but feminists might.
The NY Times "Ethicist" columnist has no training or special knowledge of ethics. He is a humor writer who worked once worked for Letterman.

Lewis Wetzel said...


Rusty said...

'TreHammer said...
Substitute "weiner" for "penis", then it would be funny, ala the Mac MacGuff character (J.K. Simmons) in the movie Juno - "I'm gonna punch that bleeker kid in the wiener next time I see him." Now, that's funny.

It's funny when a kid says it.
When a liberal says it they're expressing their usual violent fantasy about people they hate.
IOW. Given the chance he really would punch Jindahl in the dick.
Liberlism is a very violent ethic.

Birkel said...

Rounding up an alleged 12 million illegal immigrants... Impossible!

Rounding up 330 million guns in the hands of citizens... Reasonable!

Leftist Logic in action.

Smilin' Jack said...

Nobody's going to punch him in the dick, because euuwww. On the other hand, he does have the kind of face that any normal person wants to sink a fist into.

Unknown said...

Greetings from Britain; Brando is right. After an outbreak of emotional incontinence following a massacre, draconian confiscation laws were introduced - even if you have an old WW2 pistol (but no ammunition) in the attic, kept as a souvenir of a relative who fought in the war, you risk a jail sentence. The result? Only the criminals have guns and use them increasingly.

Unknown said...

There should have been a response about Charles P Pierce being a drooling pants wetting jounolistic imbecile.

damikesc said...

Nobody's going to punch him in the dick, because euuwww. On the other hand, he does have the kind of face that any normal person wants to sink a fist into.

Pierce? Agreed. Cunt needs a whooping.

Laura said...

Note the racism. The proper way, according to Mr. Pierce, to silence a brown man is to diminish his sexual capacity.

Todd said...

damikesc said...
Make them apply for and be granted a federal permit to own a handgun. Create an administrative list of reasons you are granted the right to own a handgun.

I like the caterwauling over regulation of abortion with equal nonchalance about regulating gun ownership, given that only one of those two are in the Constitution.

10/7/15, 5:23 PM

Also, out of the two "rights" listed above, only one of them is guaranteed to end a life and surprise, surprise it is NOT the one that is actually in the constitution.

Funny that...

Larry J said...

I noticed he doesn't have the balls to do the job himself. Instead, he begs someone else to commit violence against someone he disagrees with. Let someone else risk violence and jail time, not him. Not exactly manly, IMO.

TrespassersW said...

Coincidentally, I just sat through some training at work on workplace safety. A portion of this training was about what to do in the case of an active shooter. In short, the guidelines were:
Run. But if you can't run, hide. And if you can't hide, then improvise a weapon (and anything can become a weapon) and fight. Fight savagely. Fight dirty.

Carson said exactly what people need to hear. Be a wolf, not a sheep.

Larry J said...

Roy Jacobsen said...
Coincidentally, I just sat through some training at work on workplace safety. A portion of this training was about what to do in the case of an active shooter. In short, the guidelines were:
Run. But if you can't run, hide. And if you can't hide, then improvise a weapon (and anything can become a weapon) and fight. Fight savagely. Fight dirty.

Carson said exactly what people need to hear. Be a wolf, not a sheep.

I had the same training just a few weeks ago. If you can, run. If you can't run, hide. And if you can't hide, arm yourself with whatever improvised weapons you can find and fight for your life. BTW: better to be a sheepdog than a wolf. It's the wolves that are causing the problems.

Todd said...

Larry J said...

I had the same training just a few weeks ago. If you can, run. If you can't run, hide. And if you can't hide, arm yourself with whatever improvised weapons you can find and fight for your life. BTW: better to be a sheepdog than a wolf. It's the wolves that are causing the problems.

10/8/15, 10:20 AM

It is a shame that the most ideal "weapon you can find" would be the CCW sidearm you are not allowed to carry but that you would normally carry, in case something like what is currently occurring that is forcing you to come up with an improvised weapon, is for.

I think that is called "ironic"...

somercet said...

Problem, Ann: you left out, "Charles P. Pierce is a Walter Mitty wishing he were an Ernst Röhm."

ken in tx said...

"Are lawyers, judges, and politicians a significant proportion of America's gun owners today?"

Yes they are. A female suburban New York DA just made headlines by trying to forbid her subordinates from owing guns, and of course caring guns. It caused an uproar. Other NY DAs, in response, (all male btw), offered to pay for their subordinates to get carry permits. They deal with dangerous people and they should be armed.

Taurus manufactures a line of powerful pistols called "The Judge". My model is a Judge Public Defender. It's my nightstand home defense weapon.

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