September 3, 2015

"A Madison police officer who intervened in a street fight Wednesday evening was quickly surrounded by a crowd, some of whom voiced anti-police sentiments, including, "We need to start killing these officers'..."

"The incident alarmed and dismayed local police officials, especially because the officer involved, Caleb Johnson, has spent years reaching out to residents in the area as the neighborhood officer."
"He's done tremendous work there with things like youth basketball tournaments and bike repair clinics," said West District Capt. Vic Wahl. "To be treated like that for his contributions to the neighborhood? Everyone should be angry about that."...


glenn said...

Let them fight.

traditionalguy said...

Madison is getting to be a scary place...if you are a sworn law officer. Lawlessness has flowed down from the lawless One in DC.

Tarrou said...

Clearly and obviously racist. Can't a peaceful mob of blacks assault a few police officers in peace without these KKK members getting all mad and locking people up? The cops should have been there earlier, and done less. This is because they were racists. And since when is it illegal to threaten to kill police officers to their face? I tell ya, the racism knows no end.

Hagar said...

There is going to be a lot more of this, and some of it is going to turn very ugly indeed.

MaxedOutMama said...

Read the article, that is disturbing. Kudos to whoever who called 911 to protect the officer, though:
A citizen who saw the crowd converge on the officer became concerned and called 911. The witness "felt the officer was in trouble," saying it appeared someone had gone for the officer's gun, DeSpain said.

The Godfather said...

Why is this shocking? There are always barbarians who will attack the forces of law and order, so that aspect of it is no big deal. If there's a problem it's that the regular folks, the ones who benefit from the police outreach programs, from reduced crime rates, don't seem to be present. If that's because they're afraid, it means that the police need to be more active, more assertive, so that the regular folks feel safe to be regular folks.

Michael said...

The thin blue line will pull back. From this. From basketball for the youth. Let their fathers take them to basketball practice. Let their fathers coach baseball.

cubanbob said...

Michael said...
The thin blue line will pull back. From this. From basketball for the youth. Let their fathers take them to basketball practice. Let their fathers coach baseball.

9/3/15, 8:44 PM"

There are sperm donors and then there are fathers. I suspect most of this criminal trash have donors but not dads.

Michael said...


I agree. It pains me to write what I wrote and pains more to know that it is so utterly true that there are no, or so very few, dads in that "community." I never, ever, ask my young black friends what they did with their fathers growing up. I don't bring the subject up. I think most people would find the topic awkward. Just accepted. Just. The. Way. It. Is.

JCC said...

From the linked article:

"no sympathy for police...The police should have been here earlier, and they should have just dispersed everyone with a bullhorn"

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the cop's fault. What didn't he act with sensitivity and kindness, you know, just shoot the guy in the leg or something? Gentle giant, he was never violent except for that robbery last month, he never had a gun....blah blah blah.

When you ask a moron pretty much anything, the reply will probably be, you know, moronic.

But this is nothing new. Just people are noticing for the first time. Cops always knew it.

David Begley said...

I had no idea there was so much crime in Madison.

Bay Area Guy said...

Althouse should create a "leftism" tag - it will get a nice work-out on these threads.

jr565 said...

once you open the spigots of racial grievance, start demanding a hands of policy on cxime, and demagogue cops based on a (false) narrative, this is what starts to happen.

By the way it will get worse. And by the way, it will mean an uptick in black neighborhoods and will mean more black people die.
As you sow, so shall you reap.

J. Farmer said...

Funniest line in that article:

“He’s done tremendous work there with things like youth basketball tournaments and bike repair clinics,” said West District Capt. Vic Wahl.

Does that naive captain actually think do-gooder social work by police will make any difference in black neighborhoods? Large numbers of blacks believe that crack was invented by the CIA to kill blacks, that HIV was invented by the government and/or Jewish doctors to kill blacks, and a black figure no less than Spike Lee actually entertained the idea that the levees in New Orleans were blown up to drown blacks.

Yeah, we need more cops organizing basketball tournaments in black neighborhoods. I am sure that will solve the limited cognitive ability and temperamental aggression that defines sizable numbers of black America.

PB said...

The thing I like about the Obama era is all the racial healing...

Original Mike said...

"The best part about the Obama era is all the racial healing."

Original Mike said...

Great minds ...

Original Mike said...

Heckuva job, Barry!

I'm Full of Soup said...

We should consider passing a law that the govt can't count or track people by race or sex or sexual orientation. That will make it tougher for the race hustlers to claim society is unfair to gays, backs, mexicans, women etc.

And the unintended consequence & benefit from that law is it will put about half of Althouse's colleagues out of a job.

Jim said...

The police should just drive through the neighborhood and let things run themselves. They will always be welcome in my development.

SteveR said...

As they say, and its become readily apparent in the current American society-"Stink starts at the top". yeah Barry but all the people who should have known better.

David said...

Someone is teaching these attitudes. Someone.

RecChief said...

as Obama sows, so do we all reap

Tarrou said...

These and other hilarious hijinks brought to you by The Continuing Adventures of Dindu Nuffin: Diverse Gentlegiant!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ice Cube says it's not the bad cops that are the problem. It's the good cops who tolerate them through the "no-snitching" rule that keeps them on the force.

trumpintroublenow said...

As mayor soglin knows well, there is a long history of anti-police sentiments in madison.

kcom said...

Obama's chickens are coming home to roost. It really is starting to feel like 1968 all over again.

In a few years we'll have our new Symbionese Liberation Army and our new Patty Hearst. And Bill Ayres will get all excited again thinking his time has finally come.

kcom said...

And thus begins the next round of education for those on the left getting mugged by reality.

David said...

The daughter has previous arrests for disorderly conduct, retail theft and forgery. She is on probation for the forgery. Mom's photo radiates anger and hatred. Not people you want to mess with.

kcom said...

A lesson perpetually in need of relearning as each moron generation follows the last.

kcom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Not surprising since Althouse lives in the most racist city in the country.

madAsHell said...

If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.

Carnifex said...

So there will be fewer police in black neighborhoods, leading to more deaths? Sounds like a plan. I approve.

Kirby Olson said...

In Waldorf, MD, a very nice suburban town about thirty miles south of Washington DC, a blacklivesmatter activist said all white ppl should die:

Obama's dad was the Mugabe of Kenya.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

White liberals have done a brilliant job of herding Blacks to their destruction. Seriously, I'm impressed. I'm trying to think of a historical precedent and I'm drawing a blank. That's some very clever, very vicious shit.

cubanbob said...

Michael said...

I agree. It pains me to write what I wrote and pains more to know that it is so utterly true that there are no, or so very few, dads in that "community." I never, ever, ask my young black friends what they did with their fathers growing up. I don't bring the subject up. I think most people would find the topic awkward. Just accepted. Just. The. Way. It. Is.

9/3/15, 8:59 PM

An excellent reason to abolish welfare for women who have kids as single mothers. Sooner rather than later the anger that the Trump supporters and the TEA Party supporters feel will eventually result in a substantial rollback of the welfare state and with it the pathologies that arise from it. When the welfare set can't marry Government Husband they won't be so quick to have kids with criminals and bums.

Paul said...

You can thank Obama and Holder for what's happening.

More importantly, you can thank all of you who VOTED FOR HIM.

I don't know who is the biggest putz, Obama or those who voted for him.

But go look in the mirror and congratulate yourselves.

May you live in interesting times.

cubanbob said...

Kirby Olson said...
In Waldorf, MD, a very nice suburban town about thirty miles south of Washington DC, a blacklivesmatter activist said all white ppl should die:

Obama's dad was the Mugabe of Kenya.

9/3/15, 10:58 PM

Soon enough one of those communist assholes is going to piss the wrong guy off and get shot dead the moment he utters the threat. And most people would applaud the shooting.

Browndog said...

Black women raise these thugs, yet the non-existant father is to blame.

chickelit said...

In typical Althouse fashion, there is no commentary telling the reader what her opinion of the matter might be. Yet, I get the feeling that she might actually be sympathetic with the LEO. And kudos to Althouse for that! Why, just last week it seemed that she still couldn't muster an iota of ire for that racist drama queen who shot the woman on live TV (blacks and gays have always been protected species in her view). Perhaps the worm is turning or else the proximity is hitting home.

Nichevo said...

Althouse, any chance of you actually sharing your own real thoughts and feelings on this? I mean, on practically anything ever but I am peculiarly impelled to press you in this case.

I mean, it is a little close to home, isn't it? How far by foot or bike?

Since today (oops guess it was yesterday, things may be different now) your new standard is don't put words in your mouth. So what do you think? Primary, secondary, tertiary?

Any sense of having contributed to it?

Nichevo said...

Lol jinx chick. I'd like to think she is on the spectrum between furrowed brow and lower lip clenched between the teeth, but more likely still at stompy foot nag deflect this-does-not-compute, per usual.

Would it be what they call frisson if she gets off on it? 'Ooh so close hold me! While I watch these bull breeding videos or whatever they're called teehee" ooh imagine if they had a riot like that in the parking lot of my office '

2am, I yield the balance of my time.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What was the racial make-up of the crowd?

Clyde said...

There was a Robert Heinlein quote that went something along the lines of 'If you feed a hungry dog, he will not bite you. This is the difference between dogs and people."

rhhardin said...

As long as there's a stupid TV audience paying the MSM news bills, nothing will change.

damikesc said...

Congrats BLM. You killed any hope of prison sentence or police reform.

Bobber Fleck said...

J. Farmer said: " I am sure that will solve the limited cognitive ability and temperamental aggression that defines sizable numbers of black America."

A truthful discussion of race in America would include an factual examination of your statement above.

Curious George said...

Little Nanyamka is just a sweetie, isn't she?

Curious George said...

"Jim said...
The police should just drive through the neighborhood and let things run themselves."

That's pretty much Milwaukee's policy.

gerry said...

They will knock on your door soon, Ann, and tell you to surrender property or they'll take your racist ass outside and show you what for.

Why stop at blue uniforms, when the white population is paying police to make the oppressed, fatherless, impoverished masses stay out of the white neighborhoods?

The Left is getting it good and hard in Europe now thanks to Obama, and it is not far behind here. They won't come into the neighborhoods of rightwingers because they fear what will happen then.

gerry said...

And by the way, it will mean an uptick in black neighborhoods and will mean more black people die.

Meh. Black on black homicides, abortion clinics, to liberals similar to Althouse, it's all the same.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Carnifex said...

So there will be fewer police in black neighborhoods, leading to more deaths?

Why do you write that in the future tense?

Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities

Unknown said...

As Insty has pointed out, the police aren't protecting the good people from the criminals, they are are just there for after action reports.

What they are doing is protecting the criminals from the good people and mob justice that will follow a break in civil society.

Choose your actions well lefties.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Why doesn't he just intimidate them all with his badge and ability to write them tickets for stuff he doesn't like because that's how his salary gets paid. Yeesh!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

But but but I'm one of the good ones!

Good luck w/that.

Bruce Hayden said...

What they are doing is protecting the criminals from the good people and mob justice that will follow a break in civil society.

We are starting to see this. Roughly 360 million guns in this country, going up maybe 20 million a year right now. And most of those are in the hands of those who would have the backs of cops. After the recent assasignations of cops, we are starting to see armed civilians protecting cops when, for example, they are refueling their vehicles.

What is weird these days is that the places where police are the most needed, are the same p laces they are most reviled, and most exposed to assasignation. And, places where they are the safest are the same places they are most respected. This time of year, I live in MT, where most everyone at least has a gun in their truck, and is willing to draw it to defend their community, the cops, or just help arrest BGs. Just the opposite of many lower income inner city Black communities, where even those most vulnerable to the violent thugs, with murder rates many times those throughout the rest of the country, support those very same violent thugs over the p olive trying to protect them.

My theory has been, for quite awhile, to build walls around these communities, and give everyone there the choice betweenlivinginside the wall without police protection, or live outside the walls subject to normal American rules, enforced by the police. Won't work, of course. But we can dream.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Saw this on the internet.

Darwin published his theory, and suddenly , and for the first time, everything in Biology made perfect sense -- making a powerful argument for its correctness.

Isn't it interesting that, if one provisionally accepts the published differing mean IQs by Race, suddenly, and for the first time, everything in History and Sociology makes sense, too?

RonF said...

If black mobs start attacking and killing white cops, those mobs are NOT going to like what happens next.

1) White mobs are going to start protecting other whites with lethal force and
2) the cops are not going to answer the resultant calls.

Blacks think that the cops are abusing them? They haven't seen anything if the current trend continues. And what they'll find is that they're actually being protected from street "justice" a lot more than they think they are. If the middle class starts to think that they have to protect themselves - they will....

RonF said...

"White liberals have done a brilliant job of herding Blacks to their destruction."

The day I'm in complete agreement with The Crack Emcee should not pass without being officially noted.

Alex said...

BTW - white liberals like Althouse & Meade have no problem with this.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

RonF said...

The day I'm in complete agreement with The Crack Emcee should not pass without being officially noted.

It might be worth noting that you are agreeing with The Cracker Emcee, not The Crack Emcee.

wildswan said...

I honestly believe the day of the lefty has passed. In the old days you listened to the other side,to Communists, in case they had a good idea or had picked up an issue. But there's no point listening to racial hatred spewing out. There's no point listening to people talking about how they hate the police when we know that every city which has listened to this has seen the murder rate soar. It's empty talk. It won't work because it isn't a social system or policy.

People are unemployed and have been unemployed for years - 94,000,000 black and white alike. The Democrats are pretending employment is good and the left isn't calling them on it. A job - this is the core left social justice issue. And what do we hear about it? Nothing from the left. That means they are dead. Sure, running universities. sure running papers, sure, electing Presidents. But the core issue is totally unaddressed. It's called decline and fall, degeneration, decay - what have you. The left is dead. The blue model is broken.

And the blacks have put all their eggs in the Democratic party basket, the blue model. Sure they are angry; they are being used and ignored. They'd be stupid if they weren't angry. But they still let themselves get kicked around; they still vote for the Democrats. In Wisconsin the chances of bettering yourself above your parents are 15 to 30% statewide but less than 4% in Milwaukee and Madison, the Democrat controlled cities. But the blacks, who mainly live in Milwaukee and Madison, still vote Democratic.

Conservatism is a basic instinct.

But one day the tipping point will come. Maybe if Republican candidates promised black pastors that whatever the cuts a budget required those pastoral outreach programs wouldn't be cut, then maybe Republicans could start to reach the deeply Christian blacks. The Dems have such an implicit bargain and are funding these truly Christian, truly pastoral programs as well as left garbage like ACORN and blacklivesmatter. Maybe the Republicans should (fund pastors, though not ACORN etc.)

Larry J said...

"Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
Ice Cube says it's not the bad cops that are the problem. It's the good cops who tolerate them through the "no-snitching" rule that keeps them on the force."

Bad cops are a problem that the Blue Wall of Silence enables. Just as a small percentage of cops are on the take, there are cops who act like bullies with a badge. I contend that no cop is any better than the worst cop he allows to remain in the force.

Nichevo said...

Isn't the minority standby "no snitching?" Eye, mote, beam.

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