August 17, 2015

"She almost grabbed her crotch when she said that. Did you notice?"

I said, watching this video of Carly Fiorina.

But the important thing is she didn't. Also, she had on a nice "farm girl" costume, suitable for the location, the Iowa State Fair.


averagejoe said...

"she had on a nice "farm girl" costume"- Hot!

2yellowdogs said...

Carly's looking good in her farm girl duds. The Hildebeast couldn't stuff one of her cankly legs into those jeans.

madAsHell said...

I hope she didn't wear the high rise thong, cuz....whale tale is so yesterday.

OK,'s a sexist comment, but that ain't one of Hillary's pantsuits, and she is playing the sex card....and God bless her....she plays it well!!!

LL said...

Oh for fuck's sake, that is a strange observation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But the important thing is she didn't.

The important thing is, who gives a shit?

Not everyone's as afraid of their vagina as you are.

chickelit said...

Not a faux pas Althouse. And it's nowhere near as memorable as Obama's nut-cuppingly defiant stance on stage in Iowa during the 2007 primaries. May that image persist forever and become his legacy!

jj121957 said...

Oh Carly, you wear it well.

JCC said...

I don't think so, and I agree...that's a weird observation.

traditionalguy said...

She did go for her sweet spot as she dreamed of Big Bad Bill the President of Women he desires.

But poor Carly's small breasts will never get her any attention from Hillary's husband.

Michael K said...

No, she did;t. But she does look very good. Hillary needs to go on diet, soon !

JEB Bush has lost weight. Why not Hillary ? Post menopausal grandma. Heart disease catches up.

David said...

I don't know who is dressing her, maybe herself? (nah), but they deserve an award.

madAsHell said...

Damn!! Rockin' the low rise jeans at age 60. I did not know she was older than me. Nature, and a skilled plastic surgeon has been kind to her.

I could warm up to her. Either in the election booth, or the back seat of Dad's station wagon.

I am not Lazlo, but I might be a gravy ladle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And it's nowhere near as memorable as Obama's nut-cuppingly defiant stance on stage in Iowa during the 2007 primaries. May that image persist forever and become his legacy!

Ding! Ding! Ding! And we have now identified someone with an even stranger focus of attention and memory than Althouse.

What is it about Obama allegedly holding his nuts that makes you so interested in memorializing the image, Chicken Man? Are you concerend that yours were inadequate?

gspencer said...

A would-be president who thinks that the Islam of the past was a positive.

That of course describes a loon. Good bye.

chickelit said...

@R&B: I just think that Obama set the gold standard for near-genital touching in public in Iowa. And I wonder if Althouse even noticed back than.

As for big balls...

Thuglawlibrarian said...

She is nice on the eyes.

Bay Area Guy said...

Looking good, Carly. Dare I say a slightly older version of Daisy Mae? Yowza. Yes, keep the comparisons with old Hillary coming!

F said...

I didn't see that as "nearly grab[bing] her crotch." Am I naive or old? One thing's for sure if this comment gets posted: I'm not a robot.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump on Halle Berry: 'From the midsection to the shoulders, she's a 10. The face is a solid 8. And the legs are maybe a little bit less than that'

This is my favorite Trump quote so far - weirdly, quantitatively specific. Curious to hear his thoughts on Angela Merkel.

le Douanier said...

At first, this video looks like there is a bit of crotch and ass grabbing. But, it's probably just the result of jeans that ride below the waist. Sometimes, folks who wear these jeans seem to give a little tug here and there, as they strive to make sure everything is where it should be.

This is even more common with short skirts. I've often wondered why a girl would choose to wear a skirt if it makes her feel like she needs to, fairly often, give it a little tug down as she walks.

Lewis Wetzel said...

What is it about Obama allegedly holding his nuts that makes you so interested in memorializing the image, Chicken Man? Are you concerend that yours were inadequate?

The person who calls himself "Rhythm and Balls" accuses someone else of having a testicle obsession.
Ten seconds of introspection would drive most Lefties insane. Well, even more extremely insane

le Douanier said...

Btw, I don't think farm girls wear that sort of costume. At least not while on farm duty.

le Douanier said...

Maybe the cons should go all business this time.

As things stand, MAGA would be on the top of the ticket: NPRL, while better than RGS, is still not as cool as MAGA. MAGA on top!

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

No she didn't.

grackle said...

But poor Carly's small breasts will never get her any attention from Hillary's husband.

SHUT UP! You’re talking about the woman I love and the next President of the United States.

It looked to me as if she were wiping the palm of her hand on her jeans. Sweaty palms?

le Douanier said...

"But poor Carly's small breasts will never get her any attention from Hillary's husband."

Is it sexist to wonder why she didn't have these done? Or, at least given a little lift?

Is there a societal acceptance of slicing and stretching your face, but tit improvements are gauche? Why?

le Douanier said...

Also, how does her work fit in w/ Althouse's bald spot comparison?

Nichevo said...

Ermagerd, sandwich, Althouse is a superficial twit with ADD! You broke the code!!! What's your next trick?

... Implants? Really?

...R&, nothing, just keep on the way you're going...

MathMom said...

"But poor Carly's small breasts will never get her any attention from Hillary's husband."

Wha??? The woman had breast cancer. It's possible she doesn't even have real breasts any more.

And no, she didn't almost grab her crotch. Crikey.

traditionalguy said...

Saying we feel an erotic message from Carly is a big plus for any political speech maker. That IS the connection they all attempt to make. She is Bill Clinton like. She has IT. She did the seductive hair smooth over the ear signal and then pointed at her sex with a finger so quick the men without antenna missed it.

The mystery is solved how this secretary became CEO of a computer company.

The next mystery is whether JEB will slither his way into the CEO of the Bush owned GOP so sneaky that those without antenna don't notice him coming into the inherited throne.

le Douanier said...

Trad Guy,

Starting to get that Palin-type lust again? Starbursts?

Jim S. said...

For all those commenting on her breast size, she's had a double mastectomy.

Jim S. said...

Sorry, forgot to include a reference:

le Douanier said...


FYI, the double mastectomy, when mentioning a person who is obviously a fan of face chopping and stretching, is precisely the reason for questioning the modesty regarding breast reconstruction.

What's your opinion? If she can chop and stretch her face, why can't she get some full Cs?

le Douanier said...

Btw, do folks commenting here personally and closely know folks who have face chopped and chest packed?

I do.

Nichevo said...

WTF PBJ, are you trying to be the new Laslo or the new Titus? It's ok to show a little restraint, we won't think less of you.

Big Mike said...

@PB&J, Carly Fiorina is worth about ten thousand of you. That's on the worst day of her life and the best day of yours.

@Althouse, what's this foolish shtick about Carly maybe grabbing her crotch? It never occurred to me watching the clip since her left arm is making a gesture and she lets it fall straight down. Is that silliness something you picked up in the faculty lounge in your incandescently blue university? Maybe we'll elect a woman after all. Just tell yourself "President Fiorina." See how it falls trippingly from the tongue?

chickelit said...

Blogger Nichevo said...

WTF PBJ, are you trying to be the new Laslo or the new Titus? It's ok to show a little restraint, we won't think less of you.

If you consider all of Titus's grammar and misspellings to be a mere schtick, there's actually quite a bit of similarity between the two.

traditionalguy said...

Talking Sexual Personae is offensive and insulting to sexual morality supporters. But we still can do it as an analysis of politicians who USE it. Why did everyone really like Carly after 10 minutes of watching her. Hint: it wasn't because she is a strong intellect.

Some like Trump are not very good at it, but they try harder to stay in the race. Trump has to add a big dose of glamor of wealth as success. That's all he has, but he communicates it fast and furious. Bill Clinton and Carly and Sweet Sarah Palin are naturals at erotic personality focusing.

It took Katie Couric to stump Palin since Couric is a ninja grand master at seduction performance art.

le Douanier said...

Nich and BM,

It's cathartic to rail a little against face lifts and breast implants. In non-tube life I need to bite my tongue.

To a very close bystander (like me), it's obvious that these surgeries are insanely painful. I wish women didn't feel pushed to do this, but they do. And, I know that, after a certain point, I can't say otherwise.

The truth is that I wish Carly had avoided the face lift, but I know that she'd be worse off for doing so. She's not alone.

Lydia said...

She did once stuff her pants with athletic socks, though:

Fiorina herself has made a point of showing that she can play with the big boys throughout her career.

She told a story about making a presentation before a “very macho” all-male sales team.

Fiorina knew she would have to prove to them that she and her team, which was half female, were tough enough.

To accomplish this, Fiorina walked on the stage with her husband’s athletic socks stuffed in her pants and announced that she and her team had “balls as big as anybody’s.”

rcommal said...


Nichevo said...

Plastic surgery is a godsend, or rather the pinnacle of hard-won millennia's edifice of medical arts, lessons learned from homework done on living flesh, only the last couple of centuries with painkillers and the germ theory of disease in our locker, penicillin only since WWII, the internet only decades.

(If you want someone who is ten thousand times better than the other contenders, try your Dr. Carson or your Dr. Paul. Political leadership however requires its own skill set which may or may not be available to them, which might affect their ability to be POTUS.)

For those who need it. For some it is a want, perhaps, and perhaps a poisoned chalice. I haven't paid much attention to Ms. Fiorina at any time, but I agree she looks airbrushed in the last video I saw of her, I wouldn't know if she net benefited photogenically, or what blame attaches.

I despise Hillary Clinton, and am happy to criticize her every aspect. If I were to choke on my soul and shake hands with President Obama and thank him for something, it would be for at least delaying if not denying her the White House.

But if say she had one of those lying blue pop-eyes of hers removed against cancer of the optic nerve, I would to draw the line at calling her a "one-eyed long john silver half blind bitch." It should be sufficient to stick with "Cankles Bribeletta," which name she comes by honestly, and not draw obloquy by alluding to her unfortunate medical condition. Unless it affected her ability to be POTUS.

So yes, while I personally disfavor unfortunate cosmetic surgery, people do worse things. Frankly I don't see Fiorina as a sexpot...haven't looked at Ann's link, but in fact if her face and body, her persona is neutral, attractive, and intelligent, then probably good enough. How tall is she?

Tradguy, are you saying Carly Fiorina is not intelligent?

Nichevo said...


Katie Couric is a whosywhatsit?(sp)

Nichevo said...

As for the short skirts, shhh, don't make waves.

Nichevo said...

Actually, PBJ, you have involvement with plastics patients?

rcommal said...

OK, whatever. At the end of the day, folks don't wanna get called out, specifically on account of their only wanting to be able to call out others and be cheered for focusing on doing that. Yet not get called out by others!

As by way of my pointing out already: Pfah.

rcommal said...

Never will I rely on the likes of so many, and for very good reason. ; ) !!!!!!!!

tds said...

Yes, I clicked on this

james conrad said...

No, I didn't notice & it's odd that you did.

Etienne said...

I didn't even notice what she was saying because my mind was focused on those cute little low-rider jeans and the hint of a cute little ass when she turns sideways.

Hormones, I guess...

jeff said...

I'm with Coupe on this one, besides, who wants to look at Easter egg colored pantsuits for the next 4 years. Kinda like the post a couple of years ago about our host having large breasts. That image is now planned, exactly what Carly wants, good for her.

Roughcoat said...

Kinda like the post a couple of years ago about our host having large breasts.

Wait ... what?

David Begley said...

She was just moving her hands around normally. Ridiculous to suggest that she almost grabbed her crotch.

I saw her last night in Iowa and had my picture taken with her. She had on makeup, but NO plastic surgery. You can read my report at Power Line Blog.

Rusty said...

To be honest anything is better than that scold in polyester.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Man she does have a nice butt. Not really suited for twerking, but certainly suited for some bump'n'grind. Based on what I've seen of her and read about her and heard from her, she'd be a decent President. She's smart, has a sense of humor, seems to be forward-thinking, and is definitely good looking. If I were her, I'd have opted for some nice C's after the double mastectomy though. Nothing flashy, nothing erotic, just something to fill out the frame.

Nichevo said...

If you really don't get it, try this on for size.

You go to Iraq. You get your face blown off in a roadside bombing in Diyala.

Miracle surgeons in Germany can repair your face. Do you prefer:

-Your own face back

-Someone else's face, perhaps handsomer than yours

Maybe Carly just wanted to be what she was again. It's really like some of you people are not human, that you are so disconnected as to not get this.

Jaq said...

Hillary had plastic surgery on her face by a guy recommended by her fellow Arkansas mafia member, Sharon Stone.

Sharon Stone has been keeping up on the maintenance though.

Francisco D said...

PBJ = High School virgin brainwashed by leftist teachers.

Ignore it!

RecChief said...

she squints a lot.
Was it sunny that day?

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