Bernie Sanders is beating her by 7 points in New Hampshire, according to a new poll.
And the email problem is roiling ominously.
But I can't picture her saying anything other than that it doesn't matter and look at those terrible Republicans.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Let's hope this means it's a good day for America. Enough bad days for her now, the fewer bad days America is likely to have later. I firmly believe this.
Well, there maybe a silver lining here. Yesterday on the radio all they were talking about was Kerry saying he absolutely thinks China is reading his email. So, having a private server on an unknown network in your basement and not using the State Department may actually work better.
But I can't picture her saying anything other than that it doesn't matter and look at those terrible Republicans.
With the press as it is, why does she need to say anything else?
Has any reporter done what Carly Fiorina asked, followed up with Hillary! and asked her to explain her "extreme" position on abortion? How about asking her to refute Carly's claim that she is a liar? What about asking her to name one single concrete positive thing she accomplished at state?
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller...
Well, to be fair, the burden to demonstrate that Hillary is a liar is on Carly. It's not on Hillary to refute it. I say that as someone who believes that Hillary is a congenital liar, and a bigger and more sociopathic liar and a more dangerous liar than her husband ever was.
It is not coincidental that Kerry made the statement on the day the FBI announced that Hillary's server was seized and the inspector general of the State Department announced the small sample of Hillary emails reviewed included two top secret documents.
Kerry is providing cover for Hillary. They hope people will jump to the same conclusion you did. This allows Hillary to repeat her trademarked slogan, "what difference at this point does it make."
Hillary only lies and conceals things for noble purposes...$140,000,000 of them.
Jason said...
Well, to be fair, the burden to demonstrate that Hillary is a liar is on Carly
I heard her demonstrate three clear examples on the radio yesterday.
Meanwhile, Scott Walker is falling off the map in NH, according to the same poll.
Back in March, Walker was co-leader with Bush at 15 percent. Now, he is in a three-way tie for seventh, at 4 percent.
The more people see of poor Scotty, the more they realize that there's no there, there.
This is what a full-scale meltdown looks like. Better start paying attention soon if you want to snap a selfie with Scotty circling the bowl.
The question is not so much what Hillary! will say, as what will the Democrats do.
At this point, Hillary! is still all they have, and they have to close their eyes and ride with her.
There is no Plan B.
Watch for HRC's use of the weasel wording such as: "Hillary never sent or received any material that was classified at that time". (implying it's only the VRWC that is retroactively making her a criminal)
What she means by that is that she never sent or received material that was "marked" with classification markings. The Big Top Secret at the top and little para markings (TS).
of course one of the functions of using the appropriate level email servers is that they force compliance with marking discipline.
The underlying sensitivity of material (e.g. whether it's classified) does not change whether it is marked or not. TS is TS.
Inside the Chappaqua Headquarters: Die Klintondammerung...
And, think of the OPM breach and the incompetent director who resigned. It is the same incompetent contractors who built the Obamacare website that are running these IT systems. Some agencies are better but it is a systemic problem of incompetence.
Es gibt kein Plan B!!!
pm317 said...
Well, there maybe a silver lining here. Yesterday on the radio all they were talking about was Kerry saying he absolutely thinks China is reading his email. So, having a private server on an unknown network in your basement and not using the State Department may actually work better.
Only if you never send an email to anybody whose email is getting vacuumed by the Reds.
traffic analysis.
‘Top Secret’ emails found as Clinton probe expands to key aides
I think we're entering the phase where a "key aide" will be fingered as the fall guy. I say fall guy because I can't imagine Huma taking the hit.
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
I think we're entering the phase where a "key aide" will be fingered as the fall guy.
I would not be sleeping well if I were one of the clinton IT guys...
damned if you do, etc, etc
The FBI hates being lied to. Ask Scooter Libby...
How is she not in jail?
Hilary's feeling the Bern :-)
She always has Trump.
This is very exciting for Bernie.
I haven't been this excited about a Democrat candidate for President since 1972!
Run, Bernie, Run!
All is proceeding as I have foreseen. By this time next year, this will be old news and everyone can focus on the War on Women.
Shouldn't get too excited about these early polls--but hopefully the Dems are smelling the weakness of their candidate. The Dem thinking has to go like this: "we have an electoral advantage, and the GOP is doing their usual thing of making themselves noxious to key groups and giving us a cakewalk. But on the other hand, our coalition is restless after 8 years of Obama dissapointing them, and the GOP might stumble into a strong candidate--we certainly have no idea now who they'll nominate. And Hillary is looking worse and worse, and her clumsy attempts to bring in the 'racial left' and the 'populist left' are only exposing her lunkyness as a candidate. Maybe it's time to consider Plan B."
someone pointed out that the BlackLivesMatter movement hasn't shown up to disrupt her.
Just another fake protest generated the year before a presidential election.
"The email problem" is a marvelously anodyne phrase for a very serious breach of duty (and likely violation of law). Her husband's perjury and obstruction of justice was just a "white lie about sex" after all, so Hillary's just got a small "email problem." No biggie.
The shoot down of Hillary Air Flight 2016 is a mystery to all. Some report a missile contrail was seen rising from Valerie Jarret's White House office window, but that is unconfirmed.
Well, if Hillary!! deservedly implodes, and as Bernie is inelectable nationally (and Democrats, please don't delude yourselves into thinking he is), then who is left?
Biden? It is to laugh (or cry).
Elizabeth Warren (Shudder)
Someone else we've never heard of before?
Algore ... call your fitness trainer.
In the words of a famous person "At this point who cares?"
Because Hillary isn't going to be the Dems nominee. It's going to be a White boomer chick, just not Hillary.
Obama's DOJ is holding an indictment against Hillary in their back pocket to: (a) make her sweat, (b) show her who has the real power, (c) get her on board with the Obama program and/or (d) pull the trigger if they decide that a Biden candidacy and potential presidency supports Obama's interest.
Rough politics at the top of the political/power food chain.
This is where Evan Bayh comes riding in on his white horse. Ex-governor, Ex-senator, Midwestern, non-offensive.....
Or insert some other person who the Dems think might have a shot. Hillary is heroically sacrificing herself to clear the way for the party's savior!
Or maybe they can run Michelle Obama in Hillary's place. They have the same qualifications, after all. And Michelle doesn't have as many prominent failures.
Apparently Howard Dean failed to spin so badly that even Mike of Morning Joe called him on it.
Kerry is providing cover for Hillary. They hope people will jump to the same conclusion you did. This allows Hillary to repeat her trademarked slogan, "what difference at this point does it make."
Which is disqualifying of ALL Democrats. This is what they unleashed and, shockingly, NOBODY'S head rolled.
MadisonMan: "Well, if Hillary!! deservedly implodes, and as Bernie is inelectable nationally (and Democrats, please don't delude yourselves into thinking he is), then who is left?"
One wonders precisely how viable Jim Webb might be in that particular circumstance.
"It's a horrible day for Hillary Clinton. Any chance we'll hear from her?"
The war on women continues.
All this sniping against Hillary!
Why, it's even worse than her experience in Bosnia!
Somebody needs to check Chelsea's birth certificate. I understand she is 35 now and born under a little rock somewhere in Arkansas which is rumored to be a State in the USA
"Well, if Hillary!! deservedly implodes, and as Bernie is inelectable nationally (and Democrats, please don't delude yourselves into thinking he is), then who is left?"
Joe Biden. If she drops out he's automatic front runner.
Biden/Sanders is as electable as Bush/Fiorina.
I'd have to take a B/F over a B/S.
But I'd have to vote for a Sanders/Biden over, say, a Perry/Huckabee. Those 2 give me the creeps.
And then this.
How does Sanders not give you the creeps? You'd hope a man as old as dirt would've learned SOMETHING in life?
And having a low-level functional retard as the second in command is a bit of a risk.
Hillary's busy right now continuing to threaten Elisabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and others waiting in the wings with whatever she's previously used to deter them.
Only if that dam breaks will she be in serious trouble.
I think she's quite content, for now, that her most serious opponent is Bernie Sanders. As a lifelong Republican, I'm rooting for him -- I don't think we'd see quite the same electoral college win against him that Nixon had against McGovern in 1972, but I think it would be close to that.
But that's sufficiently obvious to Democrats everywhere but places like Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and (maybe) California that I can't see Sanders getting the nomination. The Dems won't love her like they did Bill, and certainly not like they did Obama, but they'll hold their noses and vote for her to prevent the GOP candidate, whoever that may become, from winning.
bbkingfish: "Meanwhile, Scott Walker...."
"This is what a full-scale meltdown looks like"
If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
My Mother always said that.
The term "retard" is offensive.
We prefer the term "differently tarded."
Last time I heard a problem roiling ominously was the night before my colonoscopy.
Elisabeth Warren is lurking.
What I love are my Democratic buds who can hold these two thoughts in their heads at the same time:
1) Bernie Sanders, a openly socialist candidate, is the most exciting thing to happen in the Democratic Party since the nomination of Barack Obama.
2) No, the Democratic Party hasn't moved to the Left; the Republicans have moved right.
Ewww sekkrit routers! Hillary will be indicted any day now!
It will be interesting to see how Hillary spins the-Democrats don't like me- into its the Republicans fault. Does she think a lot of Democrats are listening to Rush ?
The key thing to remember is that Hillary! and Bill knew, way before this ever broke, exactly what had happened and what to do about it. Bill did, anyway, even if Hillary! didn't. Remember, he's the far more gifted of the two politically.
So, they likely had a plot line detailing how this would shake out, complete with branching flow charts that they and their closest, slimiest peeps went through meticulously and gamed out each and every possible outcome. With that, they then generated the best, or least-worst, response to every single outcome.
The point being is that we, the media, and likely the IG are being played.
Only two ways this goes completely south for Billary:
1) Something comes completely out of the blue at them, upsetting the entire flowchart and requiring nimble, unplanned tap-dancing.
2) They have several points-of-no-returns accurately built into that flowchart, after which they know there's no political recovery, and the scandal goes past one. Even then, they will have already gamed out what they will do.
Ewww sekkrit routers! Hillary will be indicted any day now!
Nobody suspects Hillary will have anything done to her.
Rules don't apply to her.
That she's a criminal in blatant violation of federal law, however, is undeniable.
The term "retard" is offensive.
We prefer the term "differently tarded."
That garnered a chuckle.
"Only two ways this goes completely south for Billary:
1) Something comes completely out of the blue.."'s happened before.
"The term "retard" is offensive."
Yes it is. It's bad enough to be tarded the first time. But it also depends on the meaning of "is".
That right wing conspiracy is vast indeed. It's getting vaster and vaster and vaster.
"Yes it is. It's bad enough to be tarded the first time"
I had a standup comedian friend who did a bit about this, using the pronoun "re" to mean again.
So in essence, in order to be retarded, you had to initially be tarded. "Sorry boss, I'm sick. I can't come in, I've got the tard."
Biden's strategy of letting her destroy herself is looking better and better.
"Only two ways this goes completely south for Billary:
1) Something comes completely out of the blue.."'s happened before.
--> I thought the problem is something DIDN'T come out of the blue.
@pm317, and who, pray tell, is responsible for administration of the State Department if not the Secretary of State? Should not this include InfoSec?
"But I can't picture her saying anything other than that it doesn't matter and look at those terrible Republicans."
She's very pragmatic that way. Useful to remember if she stays in, and you need something for your "how GOP-er X lost me" post.
Warren and Biden have a shot now.
@Drago, the problem for Jim Webb is that he thinks because he has registered as a Democrat that he actually is a Democrat
maybe you won't be able to vote for her after all.
I'll bet you're so hot for Sanders right now that Meade would be jealous if he weren't a leftist.
I just realized I prefer the next president be like Silent Cal and speak up only when necessary and don't be in the news and in our faces every f-ing day.
Obama has been in our faces every f-ing day. Obama loves to hear himself speak [empty cans make the most noise as the nuns used to say].
Trump won't ever shut the hell up and will be in our faces every day.
So give me a Cruz or a Walker who can live without the spotlight and just STFU unless we need them to speak.
It would almost act as a Hillary! defensive move if a reporter ever asks the president, "Did you ever receive an email from, or send an email to your Secretary of State"? "If so, did you notice or care that the address did not end with .gov"?
As secretary of state she had to deal with classified information on a regular basis. I assume people were told not to email such info to Hillary. So how did she get it -- hard copy of everything? Not very environmentally friendly.
"--> I thought the problem is something DIDN'T come out of the blue."
She didn't wash it..she enshrined it. Memories....
Die Klintondammerung...
Unfortunately for America it's much too true to be funny.
Hillary Clinton and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
Coming to a theater near you.
(In which Hillary Clinton, whatever happened to Rodham?, pulls out a big ol' gun and shoots herself in the foot, over and over. What could she have possibly been thinking when she set up that server so long ago? "The rules don't apply to me because I carry a special burden from fighting the vast rightwing conspiracy and I can do what I want is" is a good bet.)
PB said...
someone pointed out that the BlackLivesMatter movement hasn't shown up to disrupt her.
"Hillary Clinton met with five Black Lives Matter activists behind closed doors following her campaign event here on Tuesday evening, after the group tried to disrupt the forum but arrived too late to get past security. ...
While the group was initially not let into the event — a community forum on substance abuse at Keene Middle School — the campaign let them into an overflow room, where they watched on live stream."
"I haven't been this excited about a Democrat candidate for President since 1972!"
What (Mc)governs your attitude on that issue?
"Hillary will be indicted any day now!"
Not if she stays on the Democrat reservation and avoids disagreeing with Obama about how successful he has been.
Clinton Campaign Takes Its E-Mail Case to Supporters in Lengthy Message
"--> I thought the problem is something DIDN'T come out of the blue."
Mountain Maven said...
"maybe you won't be able to vote for her after all.
I'll bet you're so hot for Sanders right now that Meade would be jealous if he weren't a leftist."
Not just a leftist — an unconditional lover of gays leftist who wants women to continue having respected their legal right to flush their < 20wk-old progenies.
But what I really like about Bernie is that we finally now have a Democrat who not only admits to being a socialist, but TOUTS socialism. I've always wanted to vote for America's first honest president.
It is not the "classified" information that will sink Hillary! if too much of her e-mails come to light - the Democrats will shrug that off - but e-mails showing her doing "business" with national policy matters.
steve uhr said...
As secretary of state she had to deal with classified information on a regular basis. I assume people were told not to email such info to Hillary. So how did she get it -- hard copy of everything? Not very environmentally friendly.
I'm actually a little surprised she did anything as SecState other than to fly around and solicit donations to I figured Obama gave her the job as a way to get her out of his way, and allow her to burnish her credentials for her run. Or maybe he was just giving her enough rope. The old guys at State do all the heavy lifting anyway.
Why do conservatives hate free speech? Only a fascist would want to reveal private emails. Gulag and Guillotines!
No different than when Hitler marched into Poland, really.
garage mahal said...
Why do conservatives hate free speech? Only a fascist would want to reveal private emails. Gulag and Guillotines!
8/12/15, 3:20 PM
That is either really good snark (punching way above your usual weight class) or supreme idiocy if you are serious. I just can't tell which way you were going...
Why do conservatives hate free speech? Only a fascist would want to reveal private emails. Gulag and Guillotines!
The emails in question aren't private. They are public, per her job.
Troll better.
If it's a questions about Trump, or one of the Republicans, we'll hear from her.
I'm going to repeat what I've said on this blog before. Her goal isn't to become President. He goal is to remain relevant and powerful and keep getting money for her "charity".
She has to pretend to run for President in order to accomplish that goal.
" a socialist, but TOUTS socialism. I've always wanted to vote for America's first honest president."
Quaint that you think socialists are honest. You live in town run by them. How's that going?
Ask Sanders about the Bill of Rights. Ask him about gun control. Ask him about urging Obama to issue an executive order to raise taxes on high earners.
Walker ran a sekkrit email server right out of his office in the MKE Courthouse. For some really strange reason not one conservative condemned it. And here I was told this whole time that conservatives held deep principled beliefs. Starting to think I was being lied to!
Speak of the retard, and he appears. Sounds like Bitchtits is not feeling the Bern.
I do understand why tubby is such a staunch defender of that old shrew Hillary, as she may be the only person on earth with cankles more bloated than him.
Sick burn Shitty Jeans. Just devestating in its originality. Mind if I borrow it? I'll really impress my friends.
" Mind if I borrow it? I'll really impress my friends."
Oh come on, fat boy, you aren't fooling anybody.
We all know that you don't have any friends.
Tour stunning wit and biting satirical humor is unmatched. I mean, it makes sense, you're a lawyer! (LOL)
@Garage Mahal
"No different than when Hitler marched into Poland, really."
Don't forget that the Soviets marched into Poland, too, from the East. Kinda got airbrushed from history, too -- the Commies should have paid an enormous political price for such treachery, but they didn't.
Oops -- wrong thread.
No different than when Hitler marched into Poland, really.
Cognitive dissonance, the progressive's last refuge.
The second-to-last refuge is non sequitur. Garage burned down his house with one match.
It's a horrible day for Hillary Clinton. Any chance we'll hear from her?
None. Zero. Hirohito never owned up, and got to have tea with MacArthur, so why should the Hildebeest?
Garage, do you mean that Hillary was never really Sec State ? Wow ! What a chance to roll up the cash !
Obama has a faux Sec State and Hillary is rolling in dough. Very good.
Plus, of course, her e-mails were all private. Great work !
Since HRC is the one who made the idiotic decision to commingle work and private email she waived her right to keep them private. Then she wiped the server. Lean before the FBI could seize it.
That should be "wiped the server clean before the FBI could seize it."
It would quicker to get the correct the information about Hill's emails by asking the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians, the ISIS operatives then waiting for the FBI to detect the answers.
This is the battle for the future of the Democratic Party. Will Bill remain the titular head of the Party or will Obama disgrace the Clinton Crime Syndicate and assume the position? Certainly the Party has lurched leftward with him the past 8 years, but the CCS would really like to resume their (as they see it) rightful place at the top as King- and Queen-makers. At this juncture it appears Team O has the upper hand -- and the levers of legal pressure -- in his complete control.
Pass the popcorn!
I just hear from a "news" soundbite where she talks about the importance of tone/civility. Thaaat sounds familiar.
I wonder how many pres candidates have had phrases like "What difference does it possibly make.." dogging them BEFORE they're elected. So far no readily repeatable phrase regarding the e-mails.
Ok..there was "I Actually Did Vote for the $87 Billion, Before I voted Against It" but that guy had to settle for less. Obama had "spread the wealth around" but he was immune to this kind of thing because.."history"
Sooper Sekkrit Routers. Great stuff guyz!
Aaaany day now....
It's a horrible day for Hillary Clinton. Any chance we'll hear from her?
Most of the audience at her last campaign stop were wearing FBI windbreakers.
Mike asked...
Will Bill remain the titular head of the Party...
That's a moniker he enjoyed receiving regularly!
Richard Fernandez agrees with me about what is happening.
Hillary Clinton is in such deep legal trouble over her emails that she needs the backing of Obama to survive. [itals. mine] He controls the attorney general’s office and therefore he controls Hillary (and her freedom) as long as he is president. Everything she says and does in the presidential campaign must be viewed against this reality. This is further enhanced by her need to hold together Obama’s electoral coalition. But that’s the least of it compared to having erased 32,000 emails, most of which were undoubtedly government property, and done who-knows-what to the server, something that not even Nixon would ever have dreamed of.
Hillary must stay on the reservation.
Hillary used her position at state to line Clinton foundation coffers & her own pockets.
Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton’s State Department
As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations
garage mahal: "Sooper Sekkrit Routers. Great stuff guyz!
Aaaany day now...."
Under-educated rural white guy from lily-white-ville disagrees with actions taken by administration headed up by a black guy.
Who didn't see that coming?
That's just racism. Straight up.
"Walker ran a sekkrit email server right out of his office in the MKE Courthouse. For some really strange reason not one conservative condemned it."
Are you trying to make any sense? Lots of people have private mail servers. Did you think there was something wrong with that? Tell you what, go figure out what was wrong with the Secretary of State having a private mail server, and then come back and comment here.
Unless you think that the Governor of Wisconsin might have given away top-secret classified Wisconsin information to the State of Minnesota.
"might have given away top-secret classified Wisconsin information to the State of Minnesota."
OMG ! That's why the Minnesota economy is better ! It's not those big corporations in Minn. It's the genius of Dayton !
The Daily Mail claims an administration source said the reason the FBI took this long to move is to give Slow Joe time to prepare a run. Could the Obamans really be sandbagging her? Sweet revenge for 2008? Conspiracy theories can be fun.
Is your claim that George Washington was not honest? By what standard can you make that determination?
As Prof. Lipson pointed out in his Real Clear Politics column today, Hillary now faces legal jeopardy and it's out of her control. If the FBI finds that she mishandled classified information, it will be very hard for the Obama administration not to do what is normally done in such circumstances - i.e., prosecute. The intelligence communities are already pissed off, and if the Obama administration tries to bury or slow-walk a finding of criminal conduct, we can expect lots of leaks about that from the affected agencies.
Don't forget the popcorn!
@Birkel, of course not. Thank you. Bernie would be the Second.
Sometimes I think you believe your nonsense, Meade.
But I can't picture her saying anything other than that it doesn't matter and look at those terrible Republicans.
Of course you can't - even though you want to: Because you're a dummy. Those polls don't mean a single thing this early.
What I love are my Democratic buds who can hold these two thoughts in their heads at the same time:
1) Bernie Sanders, a openly socialist candidate, is the most exciting thing to happen in the Democratic Party since the nomination of Barack Obama.
And before him, FDR - only one of the country's best presidents.
2) No, the Democratic Party hasn't moved to the Left; the Republicans have moved right.
They're moving back from the rightward dead-end into which they followed the Republicans who trashed this country by undoing everything FDR did with the vengeance of a Rottweiler on steroids.
Rhythm and Balls:
Does the fact FDR's policies prolonged and worsened The Great Depression matter in your analysis of "best" president matter, at all?
As you are a fan of Obama, I believe I know the answer.
we are at the point now where Hillary! could go to prison if Obama and Lynch I don't want to keep her out. She has most likely committed federal felonies, from what we know already. Just giving her attorney a flash drive containing emails was probably sufficient for both her and her attorney. Wiping the hard drive, or even just deleting all those emails is also probably sufficient. Giving the attorney one classified document is a felony, as is deleting a single classified document. We know she received already classified information on her unsecured email server because some of it was signals intelligence from the NSA that apparently always comes marked as TS, etc (though the markings were apparently removed, which is another federal felony). Let me repeat - Hillary! turned over email that she would only receive already classified. Someone in her chain of command deleted the classification information, and moved it to an unsecured system to send it to her. She gave it to her long time family fixer/attorney, who apparently doesn't have a security clearance, and then had it deleted. We are talking maybe a half a dozen felonies for a single email. A random sample showed that 10%!of the "work related" emails on her server were classified. 10% of 55k is roughly 5k, and multiplied by maybe a half dozen is maybe 30k federal felonies. Even at one day of prison per felony, she would never get out.
It appears that the FBI has the case now, and that means that there is a decent likelyhood that sometime in the next yea or sor the DoJ will get a request to prosecute Hillary, her attorney, Huma, etc. Lynch/Obama can slow roll it until after the election (and if she wins, could pardon all involved, including herself). Still, it is hard to see how she wins, if the FBI has found much in the way of criminal behavior on the part of her or her minions.
What blows me away is that she thought that she could get away with it in the first place. Why would she go through the whole thing of bypassing normal departmental IT? Obviously, part of it was to evade responsibility for screw ups and corruption. As well as avoiding FOIA requests. The only thing that makes any sense is some sort of extreme hubris. That she thought that the normal rules and laws didn't apply to her, because she had been crossing the line most of her adult life (from at least when she was thrown off the Watergate investigation), and had never paid the price. But even then, after 20 years of being around classified information, she apparently gave a bunch of it to he attorney who didn't have a security clearance.
Now that the FBI is apparently involved, a couple more issues:
- Hillary! claims to have deleted the non-work related emails, instead of turning them over. How was it decided to delete these 30k or so emails? Some of it was apparently using search criteria to identify work related emails. How were the search criteria developed and validated? Did those involved have proper security clearances? Unlikely, esp since the brunt of the work appears to have been done by her attorneys. And ditto for emails that were individually reviewed, unless she, Huma, etc had done the review individually.
- What sort of security clearances did the people administering her private email system have? Likely none, but we shall see. Arguably (esp after what happened to Gen Petreaus), every email that contained classified information made available to those administering the email system is a federal crime. Of course, since the whole thing was done under her orders, not only were the system administrators probably committing crimes, but so was she.
- How was the deletion done? Hillary! likely didn't manually do the deletes. Was it done by someone with an appropriate security clearance? And even then, did they have the legal authority to delete classified material?
Point here is that this is a major can of worms, far larger, I suspect, than the Clintons ever expected.
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