August 5, 2015
"If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?"
Said Kelly Osbourne on "The View," with a view to attacking Trump... and an absurdly large blind spot.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
You looking for a job, lady?
(Or African-Americans, if you prefer)
John Henry
With "friends" like these, hispanics don't need enemies.
the statement is pretty stupid on its face, isn't it?
Nobody is talking about kicking every latino out of the country, only those here illegally.
That would leave tens of millions of Cubans, Puerto Ricans, persons of Mexican parentage born here and others here legally.
The woman is too stupid to be anywhere other than on TV.
And what's with the hair? What is sh trying to tell us with that look?
John Henry
Wait -- you mean an inanity was spouted on The View?
Who could have predicted that!
Not just your garden variety inanity, but a racist inanity!
Not every one. Just the illegal ones.
Typical Rich no nothing....You know who cleans her toilets!!! I clean my own...Thank you very much!! I don't pay illegals to do any of my grunt work...I do it myself!!
know....not no!!!
Arnold Schwarzeneggar's Guatemalan housekeeper cleaned his toilets and bore him a son.
Her dad was a known quantity. She didn't have to be. Why is she on TV?
Terry said...
Arnold Schwarzeneggar's Guatemalan housekeeper cleaned his toilets and bore him a son.
A medical miracle.
She went into hysterics during the commercial break, aware that the Terror (which she herself had exploited against a colleague) had made her its latest victim.
Kelly is probably typical of Hollywood Libs. Their main worry about immigration is who will do their toilets, kitchens, gardens, pools, cars, and nanny their kids.
Trump is the one with a common man's pragmatic approach to a mass migration north sponsored by Obama's refusal to follow Laws and attacks on States who try to enforce Laws.
She revealed the elite privileged brat's approach to the working class. She is the Marie Antoinette in this day and time.
Biased BS is not laying a finger on Trump. It only helps contrast him as the authentic man.
On Hugh Hewitt's radio show, Erwin Chemerinsky (Dean of the University of California Irvine law school), was asked what would happen if we deported all the illegals. After a few seconds of stunned silence he said that could never happen because then who would be our nannies?
Bloomberg was concerned about who would rake sand traps. The left are so empathetic.
"It only helps contrast him as the authentic man."
Trump has all the authenticity of a professional wrestling manager.
The View is entertainment for people who clean toilets.
Isn't this just making explicit the pro-immigration argument "jobs Americans won't do"? How is what she said different from that?
Some of us clean our own toilets, lady.
I am sure billionaire Trump can find non-Latino people to clean his toilets. For the right price, I will clean Trump's toilets.
Besides the assumption that all toilet cleaners are Latinos, the fact is that even if that were the case, and suppose all Latino toilet cleaners decided they weren't going to clean toilets anymore, then everyone who currently has their toilets cleaned will either (a) hire someone else to clean the toilet (there are plenty of unemployed people and others looking for extra work that don't mind cleaning a toilet if the price is right); (b) clean the toilets themselves (I've been doing it for a long time, it's not that hard to figure out); or (c) let their toilets get filthy (sadly a lot of people already do this). That's the economic reality that the Kelly Osbournes of the world don't understand.
And much as I found Trump's statements about illegal immigrants to be obnoxious, Osbourne's statement is far more offensive, and dumb. No one is proposing getting all Hispanics (legally here or otherwise) out of this country. And of course the assumption that toilet cleaning is an exclusively Hispanic activity.
If a statement like that were made on Fox News, we'd never hear the end of it. Apparently the View has become a haven for bigotry.
You mean "jobs Americans won't do (cheap)"?, Horseball.
I can't believe that there are people who consider themselves capitalists that push the "jobs Americans won't do" nonsense. If the supply of workers is low, wages will increase until the supply is met. If you don't believe that, you aren't a person who believes in free markets.
It seems to suggest that Hispanics must be cleaning the Osbourne toilets.
And wasn't is so gracious of Rozie Perez to give Kelly special dispensation so quickly, shielding her from further racism accusations? Now we can only accuse her of being stupid and hypocritical.
Trump should respond by saying, "I don't hire Hispanics to clean my toilets. I let the Polacks do it".
What was the context?
Back when I was a kid, Paul Rodriguez had his own show on Univision. The first Tim Burton "Batman" had just come out, and as part of his opening monologue, Rodriguez decried the point that there were no Mexicans in the movie. Translated into English, he said: "There's no Mexicans in Gotham City? What are white people washing their own dishes now???"
I mean, I know there's that concept about how comedy should not be "punching down," but I seem to remember most commenters on this blog rejecting that.
More than one person talking at same time = waste of time.
William Buckley, Brian Lamb; good.
Crossfire, The View, O'Reilly, Sean Hanity; waste of time.
There was a scene in Arrested Development where Lucille is at some black tie Hollywood awards ceremony, the Hispanic version of the Daytime Emmys, and she complains at the injustice of her being unable to get any of the waiters to take her drink order.
Somebody thought of that.
Upset over a slur towards Latinos on The View? Hey, remember when The View took on really important subjects, like rape?
How about rape enabler Whoopi Goldbeg in 2009 explaining, "It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape."
I remember when I stopped paying any attention at all to the View, and it was well before Ms. Goldberg defended child rapist Roman Polanski. I think it may have been the first time lead View pundit Baba Wawa opened her pie hole and made noises.
Hey, remember when Saturday Night Live was funny, and made fun of idiot news readers like Barbara Walters?
Trump should respond by saying, "I don't hire Hispanics to clean my toilets. I let the Polacks do it".
Why piss off potential Polish voters? Kelly is so dumb that inadvertently she said something true. That's a job that no self-respecting American on welfare would do. That's today's Negro work, no white does that. Better to mooch off other people than do a job even if its a lowly job. Trump should have said we don't need to import toilet cleaners,what we need to do is get those on welfare to take those jobs.
“Today we say to America: We’ve come here to work: We clean your toilets. We clean your hotels. We build your houses. We take care of your children. We want you to help us take care of our children as well.”
-- L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, 2006
Osbourne thought she was on safe ground for some good ol' moral preening. But she was out-preened.
Here in the Bay Area there was a popular protest called 'Day Without A Mexican.' (Not to be confused with the film of similar premise.) Supposedly all the Mexicans were supposed to take the day off or sick or whatever to 'show us' what the world would be like without them.
It was beautiful.
Traffic on our congested streets was now a dream. In San Francisco, the streets now had the appropriate number of people on them, and weren't unduly crowded. Commerce flowed through the restaurants at lunch at a brisk pace without lines. And so on. I saw only positive effects.
They haven't repeated the tactic.
It appears Bice is illegally coordinating with Democrats. Raid his home at 6am with masked gunmen.
"Traffic on our congested streets was now a dream."
They did the same thing in LA. Big mistake ! We've been trying to get them to do it again.
I'm white. I've had two jobs--the military service and a fast food restaurant--where my duties entailed looking after the latrine. Of course, I've never had a job that involved cleaning up after a wealthy, incontinent drug addict. That's probably ickier than the colostomy detail in a nursing home. All my sympathies go out to the domestic staff at the Osbourne residence.......I wonder if she survives this. She's on the wrong side of the PC laws, but she's also within the protective bubble of the PC elect. My guess is that after a few apologies she'll be good to go.
I haven't seen it for myself, I cannot suffer watching the show. However, I've heard that she said something like, "Oh come on, you all know what I mean."
And that, in a nutshell, is the difference between liberal and conservative.
A liberal can say almost any sort of stupid thing, but because we all, "Know what they mean" we will grant them a generous interpretation.
On the other hand, a conservative who says something perfectly acceptable can have that twisted into something grotesque and millions of people in this country will pretend that they certainly have no clue, "What they meant".
“Today we say to America: We’ve come here to work: We clean your toilets. We clean your hotels. We build your houses. We take care of your children. We want you to help us take care of our children as well.”
Obama has also said stuff like this. I've taken notice. The Elites live in a different world than the rest of us.
I cleaned the bathrooms in the dorm where I lived in law school my last year. It paid the tuition. I was glad to have the opportunity.
I was an RA; that paid the housing.
I worked as a research assistant for prof there. That helped me buy food.
Wilbur is not Hispanic. But I regard all work as honorable, including flipping burgers or cleaning toilets. I have only contempt (and a degree of pity) for those who believe otherwise.
I've not seen a single episode of the Osbourne show. I don't even know what it's called. Similarly, I've never seen a single "reality" TV show. Well, there's an exception, sort of. I started watching some cooking show by some lady who profiles the culture of North Carolina, and I thought it sucked so I stopped watching. Later on I found out that it wasn't really a cooking show. Instead, it was a PBS reality show about a professional cook.
Anyway, that got me to wondering. What TV shows have I watched from start to finish, on purpose. And by that I mean to exclude shows like "Gilligan's Island" and "Hogan's Heroes" and "The Odd Couple." I may have seen every one of those episodes, but it was by accident, merely because they were in reruns and just happened to be on the TV when I got back from school.
So here's the list of TV shows I watched from beginning to end, on purpose: (1) "Cheers;" (2) "The Bob Newhart Show;" (3) "Mad Men;" (4) "The Sopranos;" and (5)"Arrested Development." The system was something like watching one episode a week, either using DVDs or the DVR or NetStreaming or something or other.
It's not too long a list, really, and maybe "The Sopranos" shouldn't be on it at all because somewhere around midway through I started getting black-out drunk on a regular basis and I don't remember much of it. Frankly, it started to get like mob hit porn, if you ask me. Kind of boring. Gee, who's gonna get whacked next?!
Ooh -- if we deported all but one, we might have the following paradox: Maria cleans the toilets of exactly the set of people who don't clean their own toilets. Who cleans Maria's toilet?
I worked my way through college (in large part) as a janitor at a department store. One time someone took an enormous dump in the dressing room in the young misses department. That was no young miss, believe me. Anyway, the salespeople were aghast when I put my hand in a plastic bag and picked it up and took it away.
Throughout law school, I lived in a dorm suite with three other guys, in various configurations. Maybe 14 guys, total. I was always the one who cleaned the toilet . . . not because I got paid . . . because I had to.
Women, I don't know how the hell you put up with us.
Not terribly surprising. She just said what many others in her class actually believe. Today she is the Hollywood version of Howard Stern except without the humor or the strippers. Time will tell if she has the clout to get away with it.
Hmm, The View with strippers. How horrifying.
In her defense, Kelly was in Sharknado 2 and (SPOILER ALERT) did a very serviceable job as shark chow.
"The Elites live in a different world than us."
Yes, but Hemmingway was wrong when he replied to Fitzgerald about the rich: "Yes, they have more money." He failed to take into account the cultural and academic elites, many of whom have no more money (and often a lot less) than your average schlub (to them) owner of a cement company...but they gots lots of social status, man, status--and that's all that counts..
I don't disagree with that, but we could also say that some conservatives can say not-so-perfectly acceptable things about Vietnam War POWs and actually climb in the polls-- at least the polls of registered Republicans. There's definitely double-standards in this country. But they cut in every direction, we just tend to see only the ones we want to see.
I'm closing in on age 70, with the first 30 years spent in the mid-west and the rest here near the Washington DC cesspool.
All the janitors I can recall seeing through the mid 1970's were black. No hispanics. Ditto with car wash employees, fast food, etc.
The janitorial jobs were starting points into building maintenance, and better paying positions, and didn't require a great deal of education - just the desire to work, show up on schedule and follow direction.
It's now at the point where entry level jobs are 90%+ hispanic dominated, with one critical result being the unavailability of entry level jobs in the black community, where youth unemployment can easily top 50%. Donald Trump recognizes this and so do many of the older element of the black community. By underpricing low skill jobs via uncontrolled immigration, we have destroyed a generation of black youth in terms of having an opportunity for employment.
Iceland is well known for its lack of "Latinos" and its filthy toilets.
That quote sounds eerily similar to when that famous guy said, “I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make beds in Las Vegas.”
You would be cleaning my toilets Kelly, because then you might have to do actual work.
Blogger Bobby said...
I don't disagree with that, but we could also say that some conservatives can say not-so-perfectly acceptable things about Vietnam War POWs and actually climb in the polls-- at least the polls of registered Republicans. There's definitely double-standards in this country. But they cut in every direction, we just tend to see only the ones we want to see.
You get a special dispensation if you say bad things about Republicans.
She has a point.
Mexicans clean my bathroom.
Burn the racist witch.
No, seriously, she's a big SJW when it comes to attacking others, accusing them of sexism or racism. She made, on national TV, an obviously racist comment. Why is she still employed? Isn't one of Alinsky's tactics making your opponents live up to their professed standards and attacking them when they fail to do so?
Fire the racist K Osborne. Who'll start the White House petition?
I also have Mexicans on hand to wipe my butt after doing a number 2.
And of course she stumbled right into the reason establishment politicos on neither side is serious about immigration reform. Both benefit from a permanent underclass for different reasons.
virgil xenophon said...
"The Elites live in a different world than us."
Yes, but Hemmingway was wrong when he replied to Fitzgerald about the rich: "Yes, they have more money." He failed to take into account the cultural and academic elites, many of whom have no more money (and often a lot less) than your average schlub (to them) owner of a cement company...but they gots lots of social status, man, status--and that's all that counts..
8/5/15, 10:29 AM
Its a good thing I'm a schlub. I not smart enough to figure out how to pay bills with social status.
Throughout law school, I lived in a dorm suite with three other guys, in various configurations. Maybe 14 guys, total. I was always the one who cleaned the toilet . . . not because I got paid . . . because I had to.
Women, I don't know how the hell you put up with us.
Said the guy who doesn't have to clean up after women. I'm bad, but they're worse.
Warren Buffet would clean my toilet if the price was right.
So would Donald Trump.
They would clean their own toilets if it weren't for the opportunity cost of the time spent.
And of course the Straw Man being that Trump would want to kick every Latino out of the US--because if you think Latinos shouldn't be coming here illegally, you MUST be an anti-Lationo racist! It's called "Liberal Logic"--along with the Ad Hominem and the Argument from Pity.
@Mark Neilsen:Maria cleans the toilets of exactly the set of people who don't clean their own toilets. Who cleans Maria's toilet?
That position would be filled by a cleaner of toilet cleaner's toilets, whose toilet would in turn be cleaned by a cleaner of "cleaner of toilet cleaner's toilets"'s toilets. That could very well be Maria's second job, so unfortunately we will not derive full employment from the infinite regress.
Or should this be posted in the pizza logic thread?
Women, I don't know how the hell you put up with us.
In my first job ever, on my first day ever, I had to go clean the women's rest room.
The job REQUIRED a shovel and a mop to clean the mess up.
No, men are nowhere near as gross as women. Men's restroom might have a log in the toilet.
Women will have crap in their restrooms that would make Eli Roth shiver.
I don't disagree with that, but we could also say that some conservatives can say not-so-perfectly acceptable things about Vietnam War POWs and actually climb in the polls-- at least the polls of registered Republicans. There's definitely double-standards in this country. But they cut in every direction, we just tend to see only the ones we want to see.
Demcorats had few qualms attacking "crazy" McCain (and, yes, he is crazy --- he watched the media lambaste him as a bigoted old fool and he STILL sucks them off) with no damage done.
"She has a point.
Mexicans clean my bathroom."
You are wasting money.
Bathrooms are easy.
The best is to teach your kids to do this.
Gusty Winds said...
It seems to suggest that Hispanics must be cleaning the Osbourne toilets.
And wasn't is so gracious of Rozie Perez to give Kelly special dispensation so quickly, shielding her from further racism accusations? Now we can only accuse her of being stupid and hypocritical.
Trump should respond by saying, "I don't hire Hispanics to clean my toilets. I let the Polacks do it".
8/5/15, 9:03 AM
Actually, he should have responded with, "I don't hire illegals to clean my toilets. I hire Americans."
The assumptions liberals make about race are truly astounding when they say them out loud.
Be that as it may, conservatives are just as willing to overlook or even defend offensive comments made by conservative personalities as liberals are willing to overlook and defend offensive comments made by liberal personalities -- with each side believing that the hypocrisy is solely a part of the other side and not their own. The irony is amusing to those of us to whom American politics is not a tribal endeavor (or to whom our tribe is not represented by Republicans or Democrats).
I think it's possible that Kelly Osbourne has lived her whole life without knowing a single white person who had to clean toilets for a living. A Pauline Kael variation. I also think that she would be the most vehement in her denunciation of white privilege. That's the part of her hypocrisy and fatuity that I find most annoying--although she's annoying on many other levels.
I've cleaned toilets - it was part of my male privilege when Borders was going down the crapper and let go the janitor staff and the women on the closing shift with me declared it 'wasn't there job'.
Men's bathroom was day in day out mildly disgusting. Women's bathroom was a coin-flip between actually-not-that-bad to the most disgusting cesspit that I did not know was possible in a bathroom that had modern plumbing.
Back when I was a teenager, I had a job in a fast-food place (like 1980). As low-man on the pole, one of my initial tasks was cleaning the restrooms. The worst by far was one day when I was called to clean up the women's restroom. Some young lady had smeared feces on all four of the walls in one of the stalls. I was in there for over an hour...
By comparison, the worst in the men's room was an occasional stopped up toilet...
The Viewis America's daily reminder that ratification of the 19th Amendment was a colossal mistake.
Saw an article yesterday that said a poll showed Trump getting 34% of "the Hispanic vote;" by far the largest of the Republican candidates.
Food for thought.
From my travels, the race of the hotel maid staff tends to be Hispanic more often than not, but it varies depending on the location. One hotel was mostly African-American. Another hotel was mostly white.
Frankly, I don't care. I think that anyone who does an honest day's work for an honest day's pay is worthy of respect. People who look down on toilet cleaners and people without jobs that refuse to clean toilets are two sets of fools.
Its a good thing I'm a schlub. I not smart enough to figure out how to pay bills with social status.
It's all in The Big Lebowski if you view it as a text.
Eleven years ago I had a human infant and a five-month-old beagle puppy -- (R) in my profile foto -- under the roof at the same time. I don't recall a day of that time where I wasn't sealing a diaper, wiping a butt, picking #2 out of the carpet, or catching #2 in my hands while whisking the puppy outside in order to avoid picking it out of the carpet later. Plus I had to carry all of it out to a trash can and hold my breath while lifting the lid. Summers were murder. Oh, cracked fingertips and palms from the constant hand-washing.
No Mexicans or min. wage scale for doing so, Kelly. So pick up a toilet brush and get to work. But make me a sammich first.
Toilet training for public toilets is simply pissing into the toilet instead of pissing onto the lid or directly on the wall and the floor. So replacing African American men with Hispanic migrant men could end 90% of the cleaning right there.
One of the better Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes had Larry David committing serial racial faux pas' (e.g., handing a black businessman his valet parking ticket) and Wanda Sykes was there to witness each one and call him out.
When foreigners come to a country illegally and make demands, it's not immigration, it's an invasion.
If you saw the same poll I did, it was from PPP (Public Policy Polling) that was conducted on July 20-21, it didn't say that Trump was getting 34% of the Hispanic vote. It said that 34% of surveyed Hispanics viewed him "favorably" (the distinction is as obvious as it is cruical). It was, in fact, the highest among the Republican candidates (Bush had 31% and Cruz had 30%) and, among all candidates, second only to Hillary's 50% favorability rating. What's troubling for Trump is likely his much higher unfavorability rating, whereas many of his rivals have a lot in the "neutral" column.
I'd note that American Latinos are not nearly as monolithic as pundits like to suggest- Cubans are predominatly Republican, for example, while Puerto Ricans trend Democrat, and everybody else from Mexicans, Dominicans, Salvadorans, Hondurans, Colombians, Chileans and everyone in between spot along the spectrum. There's lots of pockets where trashing Cubans is going to get you Mexican votes, and vice versa.
""If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?""
Of course the obvious rejoinder is "Yo Mama".
"Viewing favorably" will do for my purpose, but, of course, voting is something else.
Ib New Mexico, northern New Mexico is almost solid Democrat because of the landgrant swindles in territorial days, which were perpetrated under Republican auspices though mostly by former Confederate "conversos." Also a very poor area where whole families are on welfare for the 4th and 5th generations, and the Democrats tell them that if they ever vote Republican they are going to lose their welfare checks.
In southern NM, it can depend on what side your great-grandparents where on in the El Paso salt flats war, or if they arrived with the "California column" to fight the Confederate invasion during the Civil War, or something like that.
Is she fired yet?
It may not be glamorous. It may not be sophisticated. It may not be exciting. It is productive work that many Americans do. It is not limited to janitorial services.
Osbourne is nursing a prejudice.
Trump's shit is so hot his toilets are self cleaning.
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