I called it weird and wild based on media reports and without watching it.
I've now watched it, and it seems like normal Trump, but with an extremely pushy Univision reporter, whom Trump kicks out, then lets back in and gives lots of time to.
Not everybody's talking about it. Progressive liars and their media enablers are having fainting spells because A) Trump trumps tramp B) Trump/REPUBLICAN mean to non-white C) Exploiting issue of illegal aliens is democrat party linchpin. The rest of us don't talk about it at all, just smile when the assholey Mexican got shown the door.
Love Trump! After years of demagoging these decisive issues to get the hillbilly vote, the chickens are now coming home to roost for the Republican Party. I predict Trump gets the nomination and Hillary wins in a landslide.
What media bias? Just calling balls and strikes here, folks. I mean, remember when all those reporters heckled Hillary at her press conference? Business as usual, nothing to see here.
Ramos tried to stage a coup and failed, brilliantly. Trump invited him to return and pose questions in the order he was called. There's probably a lesson here.
I wonder how long it will take for everyone who wants to compliment Trump and agrees with every substantive statement he makes to stop leading with the prefix "I don't really like Trump but...." I give it another month.
Ramos talking with Megyn Kelly tonight had a different take on that -- video here.
Ramos barely admits doing what he did which was to start blurting questions and in effect demand to called upon. If that's the sort of journalism you respect Lydia (perhaps because it's Trump?) disagree. You could even see in the clip with Kelly how he attempts to talk over her. So Univision's premier anchor is rude is still the take away impression.
If Ramos had really been "silenced" as he implies, Trump would not have let him back in to take questions.
One more thing: Ramos admonishes that we need to listen to the needs of the fastest growing sector of the electorate. He should be careful what he wishes for lest Trump turn out to be an even faster growing sector than the one Ramos represents.
I note that El Chappo has threatened Trump but not Ramos.......El Chappo has killed more innocent people than a Serbian war criminal. Mexicans treat El Chappo like a folk hero and Trump like a Bond villain. And that's why they're fleeing their own country. Mexicans are fleeing from Mexicans.......El Chappo, according to a recent article in The. New Yorker, had several tunnels built beneath the US-Mexican border. He used kidnapped laborers to build these tunnels. Some died in cave ins. In at least one case and probably others, he executed the workers upon completion of the tunnel. He was a mass murderer. He deserved execution and not a brief stay in prison......if you're a Mexican who finds Trump more evil than El Chappo, then you're an anti-Anglo bigot. Ramos is an anti-Anglo bigot. I know he'll claim that some of his best friends are Anglos, but, just as soon as an Anglo gets out of line, the mask slips and all his anti-Anglo bigotry becomes visible.
Ramos was clearly not acting as a legitimate journalist. He was there as an activist trying to get into an argument. Trump did a good job with him, though he should have said, "We're here for you to ask me questions and for me to answer them. If you want an argument, there's a room down the hall."
In some ways, he's absolutely brilliant. He's outside the game right now, playing by his own rules, forcing the media into his ring, so to speak. He has no one to answer to. Do you think he gives a rat's ass about Reince Preibus? Mitch McConnell? That's the beauty about an outsider run is that the traditional inside the beltway power structure is rendered meaningless.
I hate Trump, and right wing populism in general, but I liked him here. He was funny, confident, firm and magnanimous. Ramos looked like an unhinged asshole. And Trump is so damn magnetic. I can't stop watching him.
I've decided that people who say things like "I hate Trump" or "I don't like Trump, but..." (or anything between those two) fall into one of two camps. They're either liberals who want Hillary or Bernie, or Fauxahontas, or some other liberal, or they like the idea of a Jeb presidency with inside baseball advice from Karl Rove. That's about it.
After watching more than 10 minutes, I can surmise that Trump is a bit of an empty suit on most issues.
He's smart to stick to his narrative of poll watching and not delve too deeply into the details of any one particular issue. He's also smart enough not to sound rehearsed or predictably political.
But a majority of his rhetoric is like iceberg lettuce. Devoid of any real substance.
Ramos has the same view on reporting that he does on immigration. he thinks he gets to jump the line and take other peoples spot and is arrogant about it. If you complain, you are a racist!!!!!! How he was treated should be how illegal immigrants are treated. Kicked out and told to go back to Univision. Later, they can be let back in if they play by the rules.
madashell wrote: The Jorge Ramos conflict?? Yeah, he just shut down Bernie Sanders campaign." compare how Trump dealt with Ramos versus how Sanders dealt with two ladies from Black Lives Matter. those ladies silenced Bernie. If he can't deal with two hecklers, how is he going to address things like Iran getting nukes?
Trump simply took a page out of Obama's playbook. When Ramos started in his blustering interruptions Trump said "this is my house." That's how more pols should deal with people that try to disrupt their events. Lesson to learn, repubs.
Jorge Ramos is an obnoxious tool. He is a US/Mexican dual citizen, but acts like a traitor to his US side. He is very vocal in promoting unlimited Mexican immigration to the US. I believe this is to effectively facilitate Reconquista.
I am for no dual citizenship if you are a US citizen. If you become a naturalized American you should be forced to turn in your old passport and renounce any allegiance to your previous country, or any other country for that matter. If you subsequently get another passport from another country you would immediately lose your American passport and be subject to having your US citizenship stripped.
Trump kept saying that Ramos was screaming at him, didn't sound like it to me at all. If this is what he thinks is screaming, heaven help us all. Ramos, a little pushy, but not screaming
I still contend that he will be out by the end of the year.
Blogger victoria said... Trump kept saying that Ramos was screaming at him, didn't sound like it to me at all. If this is what he thinks is screaming, heaven help us all. Ramos, a little pushy, but not screaming
Trump kept saying Ramos was screaming at him?
You must be talking about a later interview of Trump by someone else? Link please.
Something strange occurred to me while I was watching this video. I think Trump might actually have something to him that we have not seen since Reagan. The ability to control the message despite the best efforts of a hostile media. He is not intimidated by them, he will not be cowed.
The more the media try to destroy Trump, the stronger he gets. I would not prefer this to be so, but I can't deny what I see happening. I do not think Trump would be a good president and I am still predicting his campaign to implode in Dean-like fashion, but am growing less sure about both of those things.
Dude works for Haim Saban who owns Univision effectively, and is a big backer of Democrats. Was a major Hilary contributor, don't know now. Basically Ramos is a Democratic party operator.
So I want to ask everyone who has commented here: if Ed Henry of the Fox News Channel did that at a Hillary Clinton press conference, would anybody in the media spend a moment worrying about Ed Henry?
No, of course not. They would lambaste Henry, and his employer, as an activist organization and unworthy of any categorization as a news reporter.
Just as the National Review has wisely categorized Jorge Ramos as an activist, and not as a journalist:
The dual-citizenship is a state of Ashley Madison. I imagine that most non-fake people do not favor infidelity.
Zeb Quinn:
People have reservations, but they like a winner; and there is a clear interest in his policy prescriptions. Trump, unlike Obama, has achieved this success despite the full force of the media opposing him. The media (e.g. Ramos/Univision) does not represent Americans. The suspicion is that Obama possesses ulterior motives, and the establishment of both parties are at odds with the people. So, Trump has become the de facto voice of the people, and is trending to be elected the next president.
Everybody’s talking about this weird, wild press conference …
“Weird?” Well, yes, it IS weird to see a La Raza activist talking head trying – not only to take over the press conference – but to throw a bunch of bullshit La Raza talking points at Trump instead of asking a question when his turn came. Ramos was going to use Trump’s presser to lambaste Trump but Trump is no Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t allow activist blowhards to take over HIS podium and microphone. The contrast is sharp and metaphorical.
What’s “wild” about this video is that Trump will probably see a rise in the polls because of it. It’s sooo funny to see CNN strengthen Trump while CNN tries desperately to find a clip that will bring Trump down. Everything the MSM(or Academia) thinks will kill him only pours fuel on his fire. It must be really weirding them out.
There's no downside for Trump. Any publicity is good for him. If he loses the nomination or if he gets the nomination and loses the election, the additional publicity is probably worth enough in hard cash dollars to bail out his increasingly fragile finances. Winning the election is irrelevant to Trump.
Kind of strange video if we are trying to figure out if Ramos was being a jerk. It starts with anonymous guy (looks low energy!) at the lectern, who cedes it to Trump. Even before Trump gets to the lectern, he eyes Ramos (I think) who is already talking. Trump then asks, "Who's next?" as though we don't have the whole press conference. Ramos says there were prior questions. Why does that matter? If Trump regularly allows reporters to do the Sam Donaldson without forcing them to politely raise hands, then Trump was purposely blowing Ramos off. It changes the complexion of the ejection.
And just think, once he's president he can have guys like that not just taken out , but taken out and shot.
Dare we dream?
Is Ramos sympathetic with La Raza? I will go on record stating that La Raza is racist.
Doubt he's come out, but I'd say yes. And they are PROFOUNDLY racist. Time for somebody to start quoting their literature and asking their supporters if they REALLY support that.
One more thing: Ramos admonishes that we need to listen to the needs of the fastest growing sector of the electorate.
Illegals? Well, I know Dems support the idea, but the concept is profoundly offensive.
I've decided that people who say things like "I hate Trump" or "I don't like Trump, but..." (or anything between those two) fall into one of two camps. They're either liberals who want Hillary or Bernie, or Fauxahontas, or some other liberal, or they like the idea of a Jeb presidency with inside baseball advice from Karl Rove. That's about it.
I didn't love the idea of Trump...but if he wins the nomination, I'd have no problems voting for him. That's not the case for a lot of the other nominees.
Dude works for Haim Saban who owns Univision effectively, and is a big backer of Democrats. Was a major Hilary contributor, don't know now. Basically Ramos is a Democratic party operator.
That's all reporters. As Instapundit says a lot -- they're Democrats with bylines. Treat them as such.
So I want to ask everyone who has commented here: if Ed Henry of the Fox News Channel did that at a Hillary Clinton press conference, would anybody in the media spend a moment worrying about Ed Henry?
We don't have to ask.
Remember the huge uproar when the Daily Caller dared to ask Obama a question when he mentioned his plans to change immigration policy a year or so ago? Wasn't even rude --- but because he dared to ask a question when Obama "wasn't taking questions", the press went off...on the reporter.
Kind of strange video if we are trying to figure out if Ramos was being a jerk.
Not really. Ramos is a raging asshole. He does what he tends to do and met a candidate who isn't going to play his game. I hope Trump wins and removes Univision from any WH Press Corps lists.
Again, they're Dems with bylines. Treat them as such.
Remember, the public HATES the media. Look at any poll.
Trump is spoiling Americans. No one else has the set of communication skills that stay ahead of the issues so quickly that the media seem befuddled as they scramble to catch up to him.
He has lapped the field and left team Bush a smoking wreck with the rest of them out of the race, except for Kasich and Cruz who seem to be racing well only they are a full lap behind him.
Ramos says his dual citizenship entitles him to vote in both countries' elections, and he does. Is that so? Dual citizenship I understand, but dual place of residence? Would think that Mexico also would have a problem with that - except for Ramos' propaganda value, of course.
I've decided that people who say things like "I hate Trump" or "I don't like Trump, but..." (or anything between those two) fall into one of two camps. They're either liberals who want Hillary or Bernie, or Fauxahontas, or some other liberal, or they like the idea of a Jeb presidency with inside baseball advice from Karl Rove. That's about it.
I've decided the people who love Trump, or cheer him, have fascist pro-government impulses, and want more government control.
It's an urge for order, for a boss. That's what drives his supporters. (I think perhaps the racism is secondary, but an important component). If this was Megyn Kelly being escorted from the room, people might have a different reaction. His attacks on the media, on Kelly, on Ramos, are part of an authoritarian urge to silence dissent.
It's beyond hating media bias. Trump hates anybody who questions his authority. You want to call me liberal in the classic sense, fine. This guy is a classic asshole, the worst boss in the world, a narcissistic blowhard and a pompous disaster. I weep for Republicans who are drawn to him. Wake the fuck up.
Trump would be a horrible President, (not as bad as the current occupant of 1600) however he is schooling the Republican establishment & Fox News. This is how you win. Leadership, no quarter.
Ramos is truly just a Democrat operative.
this: His daughter works for Hillary's campaign http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/06/21/jorge-ramos-discloses-daughter-works-for-hillary-clintons-presidential-campaign/
Ramos talking with Megyn Kelly tonight had a different take on that -- video here.
Uh, Lydia, this isn't a "Trump says 'this is what went down', and Ramos says 'nuh uh, this is what happened'" thing. There's a clear video of the incident. We can decide for ourselves. Did you miss it?
Ramos is a Mexican with American citizenship who uses that status to push the interests of Mexico and Mexicans against the interests of Americans. Like all racial/ethnic hustlers, he's always whining about the other guy's racism/ethnocentricity.
I will go on record stating that La Raza is racist.
And unlike the "white supremacists" under the bed, it gets to be racist with your tax dollars.
Many years ago (obviously), I though I would be P.C. and used the term "chicano." I was immediately politely, but firmly, informed that that was a Los Angeles term, and it would be appreciated if I did not use it about respectable New Mexicans.
Hunter... check out Scott Adams Dilbert Blog (the blog isn't about Dilbert, but is Scott Adams' views on the world... he has a lot to say about Trump and how he's controlling the message.
"I don't like Trump but he was absolutely right here. Ramos was a heckler."
Rather, he was journalist challenging a (purported) candidate for the presidency on his controversial claims as to what he will if he becomes presidents. It's a pity more journalists don't do the same of all the candidates. But, then...there are few real journalists with the mainstream cachet to be invited/permitted to these (usually) carefully stage-managed public relations events.
I've decided the people who love Trump, or cheer him, have fascist pro-government impulses, and want more government control.
My theory: Folks on the fence read ad hominem shit like this and like Trump a little bit more than before they saw it. And the Trump poll numbers edge a bit higher. And the anti-Trump people get a bit more hysterical. It’s like a feedback loop.
"Trump (well, security) threw out a rude man. Good for Trump."
-- And then let him back in to have a second chance. I'm confused as to what exactly the plan was, then I realized, people are STILL talking this Trump press conference, what, days after it happened?
I don't like Trump, in part because I think he's dishonest, left-er than I'd like on a lot of issues, and just a vague disquieting "This guy is sleazy" sense constantly going off. Then he goes and does something thoroughly decent like take kids on helicopter rides or gives a rude journalist a second shot, and I wonder if my sleaze sense is off.
Grackle, you're correct. Honestly, I was ambivalent about Trump. My main hope was that he would invigorate the rest of the GOP field into making the same kind of brash, "I-dare-you-to-call-me-on-this" statements, mainly because we've got some smart candidates who could skillfully defend those positions with facts and figures, instead of broad strokes and loud talking. But I'm warming to Trump pretty fast, and part of it is because I see establishment GOPers fretting over him. Just like they tried to keep Tea Party candidates from being on the ballot in many house and senate races. I want the Establishment GOP to suffer defeat just as much as I want the Dems to suffer defeat: there's not a whole lot of difference between the two, anyway.
Rather, he was journalist challenging a (purported) candidate for the presidency on his controversial claims as to what he will if he becomes presidents. It's a pity more journalists don't do the same of all the candidates. But, then...there are few real journalists with the mainstream cachet to be invited/permitted to these (usually) carefully stage-managed public relations events.
He's Mexican. One notes that if it were a non-Mexican trying to influence a Mexican politician in a Mexican election, he would be committing an illegal act per the Mexican constitution. But whether it's crossing borders or election cycles, what's wrong for the gringo is okay for the Mexican.
So there's a nice layer of irony there in addition to the fact he was just rude and badgering and trying to steal the show. Not enough for a La Raza to have a seat at the table, it better go first, and screw such niceties like waiting your turn.
Keep it up, Trump. I won't qualify you with a "I don't want to like him, but.." Trump is saying exactly what needs to be said. He is a breath of fresh air in a room of stale, decrepit, and rancid candidates. Anyone moaning about Donald's success should realize that the only shame is the sordid state of the establishment parties.
America needs a president that won't roll over when Mexico (or any one else), insists on a double standard that hurts Americans. A president who won't tolerate immigrants who claim they want to be "Americans" and yet somehow always end up supporting policy that aids their old countrymen over the new. Trump displayed that on national television.
Trump trumps!
And when you're polling 35% in the immigrant-free, purple state of New Hampshire, the concept that you are 'wild' and 'fringe' is nothing more than the same old liars telling the same old lies.
Robert Cook said.... It's a pity more journalists don't do the same of all the candidates.
But the fact is more journalists DON'T do the same, and they DON'T do anything like that to "all the candidates," just to candidates on one side. Remember Romney and "what about your gaaaafes?" I agree reporters ought to be much harder on all candidates (and all politicians). Since they're selectively hard, though, on just one side, you can't ignore the bias that represents.
Char Char Binks: averagejoe, is Jorge Ramos non-white? That blue-eyed man make George Zimmerman, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz look Congolese in comparison.
That's the joke, Char Char. Only a historically amnesiac people like Americans would let the 100% white descendents of one group of European conquerors get away with pretending to be the put-upon indigenous victims of "non-Hispanic white" Americans (evil gringos), the descendents of a rival group of European conquerors.
The butthurt of Ramos and his ilk is really just the contemporary playing-out of the 400 year old rivalry of two of the old European colonial powers. "Anglos", having been on a decades-long lunatic's mission of obliterating their own history and cultural roots, and deluding themselves that everybody else in the world is on board with their universalist fantasies, tend not to get the joke.
That's the joke, Char Char. Only a historically amnesiac people like Americans would let the 100% white descendents of one group of European conquerors get away with pretending to be the put-upon indigenous victims of "non-Hispanic white" Americans (evil gringos), the descendents of a rival group of European conquerors.
The butthurt of Ramos and his ilk is really just the contemporary playing-out of the 400 year old rivalry of two of the old European colonial powers. "Anglos", having been on a decades-long lunatic's mission of obliterating their own history and cultural roots, and deluding themselves that everybody else in the world is on board with their universalist fantasies, tend not to get the joke.
Especially odd given that, if you look at their former colonies, English colonies tend to be governed competently while Spanish colonies are shitholes.
I didn't watch the video but read the quotes from the press conference--what's the big deal? Reporters shouldn't be able to heckle or talk out of turn, and if they do so they deserve to be ejected. In this case, the guy was let back in and Trump took his questions. Much as Trump is often rude to the media, this is still miles better than how Hillary treats the media (i.e., avoiding any contact with non-softball questioning at all). Trump should be getting points for this.
"Especially odd given that, if you look at their former colonies, English colonies tend to be governed competently while Spanish colonies are shitholes."
No odder than anything else about the racialist grievance industry. Where else can you find someone arguing that a child born to a meth-addict single parent on welfare in Appalachia has some special privilege over a trust fund kid born to college-educated professionals in NYC simply because the latter kid is black? Or that a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived here knowing no English and with nothing but the shirt on his back is benefitting from "white privilege"?
Char Char Binks said... averagejoe, is Jorge Ramos non-white? That blue-eyed man makes George Zimmerman, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz look Congolese in comparison.
8/27/15, 11:36 AM
C'mon Char-Char, you know and I know and Angelyne knows that, particularly in this specific instance, Jorge Ramos is non-white, and Trump is white. Now, had Ramos shot and killed a negro who was attacking him, then he would become White-Hispanic, but that isn't what happened. In this situation, Ramos is as non-white as a body can be. It's got nothing to do with melanin, and everything to do with politics. Same as insisting that Bruce Jenner, with his penis, testicles and deep voice, is a woman named Caitlyn.
No odder than anything else about the racialist grievance industry. Where else can you find someone arguing that a child born to a meth-addict single parent on welfare in Appalachia has some special privilege over a trust fund kid born to college-educated professionals in NYC simply because the latter kid is black?
Good point. I grew up in Appalachia yet I have tons of privilege while the current President, who grew up in Hawaii and overseas, is just discriminated against relentlessly. My kids, according to that industry, have far more advantages than Obama's daughters, who are both black AND female as opposed to my two white boys.
Yup, logic abounds.
Or that a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived here knowing no English and with nothing but the shirt on his back is benefitting from "white privilege"?
I got heat in a Poli Sci course when, while discussing standardized testing, I asked how one could possibly write a test biased for whites AND Asians and OPPOSED to blacks AND Hispanics since the groups don't have a ton in common.
...this isn't a "Trump says 'this is what went down', and Ramos says 'nuh uh, this is what happened'" thing. There's a clear video of the incident. We can decide for ourselves.
But there's not a clear video of the incident -- the video doesn't show the beginning of the press conference, we come in at Trump saying, "okay, next question", indicating there were previous questions. That was part of Ramos's explanation -- he said had "followed the rules" and that there had been two other reporters who asked questions before him, and then he starting asking his question and no one said anything or told him to stop, and that it was only after he began his question about immigration that Trump told him to sit down.
it was only after he began his question about immigration that Trump told him to sit down.
The problem here is that instead of asking questions Ramos went on a La Raza talking points tirade. Trump will make you wait until you are called even if you decide arbitrarily to take over his press conference. He’s no Bernie Sanders.
Also, it must be pointed out that Trump has answered a myriad of questions about ALL his policies, including immigration, numerous times in numerous press conferences. And did so again after allowing Ramos back into the room. And will do in the future, unless some asshole tries to take over his press conference. It’s just silly to imply Trump is not available for questioning.
Hagar said... I do not know that it is a parallel, but while you are a citizen of all 50 states + territories, you are only entitled to vote in one place.
That is an interesting point. Up thread or in another recent thread, someone mentioned that dual citizenship (including voting) had been constitutionally tested and had been supported by SCOTUS. I'm highly skeptical of any claim that voting twice in any election had anyone's legal blessing, but it seems that we are about to test giving the vote to anyone who shows up at a polling place.
"I've now watched it, and it seems like normal Trump"
Hmm..I would bet many were, like I was, surprised by his good handling of this jerk...patient at times..not a quality he's shown much at all. Ramos made an ass of himself and embodied the entitled line skipping quotient that infuriates those of us who are sick of the insidious conflation of "undocumented" with "illegal". Does Ramos look illegal? no..but he behaves like an ass.
I notice on AM radio the last few weeks that Media Matters is buying airtime for spots called Media Matters minute. Yesterday's focused on Trump's supposed abuse of Ramos. The way they edited it to distort the context and completely exclude Ramos' behavior, I think they hired some of Jon Stewart's staff.
But yeah..considering how much this has been played, stupid for Trump to describe Ramos as screaming. There are so many other ways to describe Ramos' arrogant behavior.
La Raza racist? Heh..remember Dolores Huerta's appearance at an Arizona school where she stated to the crowd that “Republicans hate Latinos”.? Maybe Rubio is a "White Hispoanic"
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It was yet another reason why Trump detractors such as yourself don't get his appeal.
I think Ms. Althouse put this up because Trump was obviously right and it is kind of amazing how this became a media thing.
And just think, once he's president he can have guys like that not just taken out , but taken out and shot.
It's not often that Trump is reduced to the role of second-biggest asshole in the room.
I called it weird and wild based on media reports and without watching it.
I've now watched it, and it seems like normal Trump, but with an extremely pushy Univision reporter, whom Trump kicks out, then lets back in and gives lots of time to.
Not everybody's talking about it. Progressive liars and their media enablers are having fainting spells because A) Trump trumps tramp B) Trump/REPUBLICAN mean to non-white C) Exploiting issue of illegal aliens is democrat party linchpin. The rest of us don't talk about it at all, just smile when the assholey Mexican got shown the door.
"That is some weird, wild stuff.... I did not know that."
I don't like Trump but he was absolutely right here. Ramos was a heckler.
Love Trump! After years of demagoging these decisive issues to get the hillbilly vote, the chickens are now coming home to roost for the Republican Party. I predict Trump gets the nomination and Hillary wins in a landslide.
Ramos is pretty lefty. So Trump kicked his butt. Nice. I would like to see Trump do that to the MSM Democrats with bylines.
Ann Althouse: "I called it weird and wild based on media reports and without watching it."
Well. There you go.
Right, shutting up a Univision heckler is "wild" and "weird."
If the Progs keep up stunts like that, the rest of America may just get pissed off enough to . . . perish the thought.
Rest of GOP should watch and learn.
What media bias? Just calling balls and strikes here, folks. I mean, remember when all those reporters heckled Hillary at her press conference? Business as usual, nothing to see here.
Ramos tried to stage a coup and failed, brilliantly. Trump invited him to return and pose questions in the order he was called. There's probably a lesson here.
I wonder how long it will take for everyone who wants to compliment Trump and agrees with every substantive statement he makes to stop leading with the prefix "I don't really like Trump but...." I give it another month.
I thought Trump was a canard. After watching 30 minutes of CNN, I'm thinking this guy is serious.
The Jorge Ramos conflict?? Yeah, he just shut down Bernie Sanders campaign.
Ramos was a heckler.
Ramos talking with Megyn Kelly tonight had a different take on that -- video here.
@EDH Carsenio FTW.
Trump pretty much schooled Jorge, who was rude and tried to interrupt. Makes me like Trump a bit more.
Lydia said...
Ramos talking with Megyn Kelly tonight had a different take on that -- video here.
Ramos barely admits doing what he did which was to start blurting questions and in effect demand to called upon. If that's the sort of journalism you respect Lydia (perhaps because it's Trump?) disagree. You could even see in the clip with Kelly how he attempts to talk over her. So Univision's premier anchor is rude is still the take away impression.
If Ramos had really been "silenced" as he implies, Trump would not have let him back in to take questions.
Can someone answer a question off the top of their head?
Is Ramos sympathetic with La Raza? I will go on record stating that La Raza is racist.
One more thing: Ramos admonishes that we need to listen to the needs of the fastest growing sector of the electorate. He should be careful what he wishes for lest Trump turn out to be an even faster growing sector than the one Ramos represents.
That was much different than I thought it would be based on press reports.
Trump (well, security) threw out a rude man. Good for Trump.
Trump can't be racist because Mexicans are not a race. Even though the race-hustler La Raza aka "The Race" operates like it is a distinct race.
CL : Ramos may as well be La Raza.
I note that El Chappo has threatened Trump but not Ramos.......El Chappo has killed more innocent people than a Serbian war criminal. Mexicans treat El Chappo like a folk hero and Trump like a Bond villain. And that's why they're fleeing their own country. Mexicans are fleeing from Mexicans.......El Chappo, according to a recent article in The. New Yorker, had several tunnels built beneath the US-Mexican border. He used kidnapped laborers to build these tunnels. Some died in cave ins. In at least one case and probably others, he executed the workers upon completion of the tunnel. He was a mass murderer. He deserved execution and not a brief stay in prison......if you're a Mexican who finds Trump more evil than El Chappo, then you're an anti-Anglo bigot. Ramos is an anti-Anglo bigot. I know he'll claim that some of his best friends are Anglos, but, just as soon as an Anglo gets out of line, the mask slips and all his anti-Anglo bigotry becomes visible.
Ramos was clearly not acting as a legitimate journalist. He was there as an activist trying to get into an argument. Trump did a good job with him, though he should have said, "We're here for you to ask me questions and for me to answer them. If you want an argument, there's a room down the hall."
Unfortunate head position of audience member turns Donald into R U M P.
In some ways, he's absolutely brilliant. He's outside the game right now, playing by his own rules, forcing the media into his ring, so to speak. He has no one to answer to. Do you think he gives a rat's ass about Reince Preibus? Mitch McConnell? That's the beauty about an outsider run is that the traditional inside the beltway power structure is rendered meaningless.
We'll see if he can keep it up.
I hate Trump, and right wing populism in general, but I liked him here. He was funny, confident, firm and magnanimous. Ramos looked like an unhinged asshole. And Trump is so damn magnetic. I can't stop watching him.
He'd be a disastrous president, but he's so fun.
I've decided that people who say things like "I hate Trump" or "I don't like Trump, but..." (or anything between those two) fall into one of two camps. They're either liberals who want Hillary or Bernie, or Fauxahontas, or some other liberal, or they like the idea of a Jeb presidency with inside baseball advice from Karl Rove. That's about it.
BDNYC said...
I hate Trump, and right wing populism in general, but I liked him here.
Trump has not yet exercised his "left-wing populism" side. I'm certain that he has one, and if he can tap that, he's a shoo-in for the general.
After watching more than 10 minutes, I can surmise that Trump is a bit of an empty suit on most issues.
He's smart to stick to his narrative of poll watching and not delve too deeply into the details of any one particular issue. He's also smart enough not to sound rehearsed or predictably political.
But a majority of his rhetoric is like iceberg lettuce. Devoid of any real substance.
"Some of my best friends are from Wisconsin"
"That's about it."
What about Libertarians?
Ramos has the same view on reporting that he does on immigration. he thinks he gets to jump the line and take other peoples spot and is arrogant about it. If you complain, you are a racist!!!!!!
How he was treated should be how illegal immigrants are treated. Kicked out and told to go back to Univision. Later, they can be let back in if they play by the rules.
madashell wrote:
The Jorge Ramos conflict?? Yeah, he just shut down Bernie Sanders campaign."
compare how Trump dealt with Ramos versus how Sanders dealt with two ladies from Black Lives Matter. those ladies silenced Bernie. If he can't deal with two hecklers, how is he going to address things like Iran getting nukes?
Trump simply took a page out of Obama's playbook. When Ramos started in his blustering interruptions Trump said "this is my house." That's how more pols should deal with people that try to disrupt their events. Lesson to learn, repubs.
Jorge Ramos is an obnoxious tool. He is a US/Mexican dual citizen, but acts like a traitor to his US side. He is very vocal in promoting unlimited Mexican immigration to the US. I believe this is to effectively facilitate Reconquista.
I am for no dual citizenship if you are a US citizen. If you become a naturalized American you should be forced to turn in your old passport and renounce any allegiance to your previous country, or any other country for that matter. If you subsequently get another passport from another country you would immediately lose your American passport and be subject to having your US citizenship stripped.
Ramos is not a good person. He should not be treated as such. Trump was far to kind to him.
How do you say Trump follower in Mexican?
Trump kept saying that Ramos was screaming at him, didn't sound like it to me at all. If this is what he thinks is screaming, heaven help us all. Ramos, a little pushy, but not screaming
I still contend that he will be out by the end of the year.
Vicki from Pasadena
Blogger victoria said...
Trump kept saying that Ramos was screaming at him, didn't sound like it to me at all. If this is what he thinks is screaming, heaven help us all. Ramos, a little pushy, but not screaming
Trump kept saying Ramos was screaming at him?
You must be talking about a later interview of Trump by someone else? Link please.
Something strange occurred to me while I was watching this video. I think Trump might actually have something to him that we have not seen since Reagan. The ability to control the message despite the best efforts of a hostile media. He is not intimidated by them, he will not be cowed.
The more the media try to destroy Trump, the stronger he gets. I would not prefer this to be so, but I can't deny what I see happening. I do not think Trump would be a good president and I am still predicting his campaign to implode in Dean-like fashion, but am growing less sure about both of those things.
but am growing less sure about both of those things.
Me too. I'm beginning to warm up to the guy.
The Jorge Ramos conflict?? Yeah, he just shut down Bernie Sanders campaign."
I think we are on the same page. Bernie Sanders is ineffectual. Trump will kick your ass.
By the way, I'm not sold on Trump, but his CV is not empty....unlike the current White House occupant.
What Hunter said!!
Ann Althouse said...
I've now watched it, and it seems like normal Trump, but with an extremely pushy Univision reporter, whom Trump kicks out...
Trump deports anchor (cry)baby from his press conf. It works on SO many levels.
It's good to hear "I paid for this microphone." again.
It's good to hear "I paid for this microphone." again.
Anyone having a problem with that should think hard about about Carlos Slim.
The Republican adults need to wake up and start pushing a Cruz/Carly ticket before Trump becomes unbeatable.
Dude works for Haim Saban who owns Univision effectively, and is a big backer of Democrats. Was a major Hilary contributor, don't know now.
Basically Ramos is a Democratic party operator.
So I want to ask everyone who has commented here: if Ed Henry of the Fox News Channel did that at a Hillary Clinton press conference, would anybody in the media spend a moment worrying about Ed Henry?
No, of course not. They would lambaste Henry, and his employer, as an activist organization and unworthy of any categorization as a news reporter.
Just as the National Review has wisely categorized Jorge Ramos as an activist, and not as a journalist:
The dual-citizenship is a state of Ashley Madison. I imagine that most non-fake people do not favor infidelity.
Zeb Quinn:
People have reservations, but they like a winner; and there is a clear interest in his policy prescriptions. Trump, unlike Obama, has achieved this success despite the full force of the media opposing him. The media (e.g. Ramos/Univision) does not represent Americans. The suspicion is that Obama possesses ulterior motives, and the establishment of both parties are at odds with the people. So, Trump has become the de facto voice of the people, and is trending to be elected the next president.
Everybody’s talking about this weird, wild press conference …
“Weird?” Well, yes, it IS weird to see a La Raza activist talking head trying – not only to take over the press conference – but to throw a bunch of bullshit La Raza talking points at Trump instead of asking a question when his turn came. Ramos was going to use Trump’s presser to lambaste Trump but Trump is no Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t allow activist blowhards to take over HIS podium and microphone. The contrast is sharp and metaphorical.
What’s “wild” about this video is that Trump will probably see a rise in the polls because of it. It’s sooo funny to see CNN strengthen Trump while CNN tries desperately to find a clip that will bring Trump down. Everything the MSM(or Academia) thinks will kill him only pours fuel on his fire. It must be really weirding them out.
There's no downside for Trump. Any publicity is good for him. If he loses the nomination or if he gets the nomination and loses the election, the additional publicity is probably worth enough in hard cash dollars to bail out his increasingly fragile finances. Winning the election is irrelevant to Trump.
Kind of strange video if we are trying to figure out if Ramos was being a jerk.
It starts with anonymous guy (looks low energy!) at the lectern, who cedes it to Trump. Even before Trump gets to the lectern, he eyes Ramos (I think) who is already talking.
Trump then asks, "Who's next?" as though we don't have the whole press conference. Ramos says there were prior questions. Why does that matter? If Trump regularly allows reporters to do the Sam Donaldson without forcing them to politely raise hands, then Trump was purposely blowing Ramos off. It changes the complexion of the ejection.
Señor Ramos comes out rather like a bit loco than a journalist
...and the tent gets even smaller.
buwaya puti said: Basically Ramos is a Democratic party operator.
That can be said of much of the mainstream media. The pitch from Ramos was tame compared some to the loaded questions Helen Thomas asked GW Bush.
And just think, once he's president he can have guys like that not just taken out , but taken out and shot.
Dare we dream?
Is Ramos sympathetic with La Raza? I will go on record stating that La Raza is racist.
Doubt he's come out, but I'd say yes. And they are PROFOUNDLY racist. Time for somebody to start quoting their literature and asking their supporters if they REALLY support that.
One more thing: Ramos admonishes that we need to listen to the needs of the fastest growing sector of the electorate.
Illegals? Well, I know Dems support the idea, but the concept is profoundly offensive.
I've decided that people who say things like "I hate Trump" or "I don't like Trump, but..." (or anything between those two) fall into one of two camps. They're either liberals who want Hillary or Bernie, or Fauxahontas, or some other liberal, or they like the idea of a Jeb presidency with inside baseball advice from Karl Rove. That's about it.
I didn't love the idea of Trump...but if he wins the nomination, I'd have no problems voting for him. That's not the case for a lot of the other nominees.
Dude works for Haim Saban who owns Univision effectively, and is a big backer of Democrats. Was a major Hilary contributor, don't know now.
Basically Ramos is a Democratic party operator.
That's all reporters. As Instapundit says a lot -- they're Democrats with bylines. Treat them as such.
So I want to ask everyone who has commented here: if Ed Henry of the Fox News Channel did that at a Hillary Clinton press conference, would anybody in the media spend a moment worrying about Ed Henry?
We don't have to ask.
Remember the huge uproar when the Daily Caller dared to ask Obama a question when he mentioned his plans to change immigration policy a year or so ago? Wasn't even rude --- but because he dared to ask a question when Obama "wasn't taking questions", the press went off...on the reporter.
Kind of strange video if we are trying to figure out if Ramos was being a jerk.
Not really. Ramos is a raging asshole. He does what he tends to do and met a candidate who isn't going to play his game. I hope Trump wins and removes Univision from any WH Press Corps lists.
Again, they're Dems with bylines. Treat them as such.
Remember, the public HATES the media. Look at any poll.
Trump is spoiling Americans. No one else has the set of communication skills that stay ahead of the issues so quickly that the media seem befuddled as they scramble to catch up to him.
He has lapped the field and left team Bush a smoking wreck with the rest of them out of the race, except for Kasich and Cruz who seem to be racing well only they are a full lap behind him.
Like him or hate him we are being lead by him.
Journalists once believed the most unprofessional act was to become the story rather than report it.
Ramos says his dual citizenship entitles him to vote in both countries' elections, and he does.
Is that so?
Dual citizenship I understand, but dual place of residence?
Would think that Mexico also would have a problem with that - except for Ramos' propaganda value, of course.
I've decided that people who say things like "I hate Trump" or "I don't like Trump, but..." (or anything between those two) fall into one of two camps. They're either liberals who want Hillary or Bernie, or Fauxahontas, or some other liberal, or they like the idea of a Jeb presidency with inside baseball advice from Karl Rove. That's about it.
I've decided the people who love Trump, or cheer him, have fascist pro-government impulses, and want more government control.
It's an urge for order, for a boss. That's what drives his supporters. (I think perhaps the racism is secondary, but an important component). If this was Megyn Kelly being escorted from the room, people might have a different reaction. His attacks on the media, on Kelly, on Ramos, are part of an authoritarian urge to silence dissent.
It's beyond hating media bias. Trump hates anybody who questions his authority. You want to call me liberal in the classic sense, fine. This guy is a classic asshole, the worst boss in the world, a narcissistic blowhard and a pompous disaster. I weep for Republicans who are drawn to him. Wake the fuck up.
Trump would be a horrible President, (not as bad as the current occupant of 1600) however he is schooling the Republican establishment & Fox News. This is how you win. Leadership, no quarter.
Ramos is truly just a Democrat operative.
His daughter works for Hillary's campaign
Lydia: "Ramos was a heckler."
Ramos talking with Megyn Kelly tonight had a different take on that -- video here.
Uh, Lydia, this isn't a "Trump says 'this is what went down', and Ramos says 'nuh uh, this is what happened'" thing. There's a clear video of the incident. We can decide for ourselves. Did you miss it?
Jorge Ramos is a nut case from L.A.
How do you say Trump follower in Mexican?
I don't know, but "yuge" is spelled "lluge" in Mexican.
At least Trump actually holds press conferences, which is more than we can say for the lady who leads the polls in the other party.
chickelit: Is Ramos sympathetic with La Raza?
Yes, and La Raza loves Ramos.
Ramos is a Mexican with American citizenship who uses that status to push the interests of Mexico and Mexicans against the interests of Americans. Like all racial/ethnic hustlers, he's always whining about the other guy's racism/ethnocentricity.
I will go on record stating that La Raza is racist.
And unlike the "white supremacists" under the bed, it gets to be racist with your tax dollars.
Many years ago (obviously), I though I would be P.C. and used the term "chicano." I was immediately politely, but firmly, informed that that was a Los Angeles term, and it would be appreciated if I did not use it about respectable New Mexicans.
machine whined ...and the tent gets even smaller
Is your girdle pinching, honey?
Hunter... check out Scott Adams Dilbert Blog (the blog isn't about Dilbert, but is Scott Adams' views on the world... he has a lot to say about Trump and how he's controlling the message.
If you're a Republican, you can side with either Trump or Ramos on immigration. If you're a Democrat, you'd better side with Ramos, or else.
To a certain sort of mind, this proves that Democrats have the bigger tent.
"I don't like Trump but he was absolutely right here. Ramos was a heckler."
Rather, he was journalist challenging a (purported) candidate for the presidency on his controversial claims as to what he will if he becomes presidents. It's a pity more journalists don't do the same of all the candidates. But, then...there are few real journalists with the mainstream cachet to be invited/permitted to these (usually) carefully stage-managed public relations events.
I've decided the people who love Trump, or cheer him, have fascist pro-government impulses, and want more government control.
My theory: Folks on the fence read ad hominem shit like this and like Trump a little bit more than before they saw it. And the Trump poll numbers edge a bit higher. And the anti-Trump people get a bit more hysterical. It’s like a feedback loop.
"Trump (well, security) threw out a rude man. Good for Trump."
-- And then let him back in to have a second chance. I'm confused as to what exactly the plan was, then I realized, people are STILL talking this Trump press conference, what, days after it happened?
Point, begrudgingly, given to Trump.
I don't like Trump, in part because I think he's dishonest, left-er than I'd like on a lot of issues, and just a vague disquieting "This guy is sleazy" sense constantly going off. Then he goes and does something thoroughly decent like take kids on helicopter rides or gives a rude journalist a second shot, and I wonder if my sleaze sense is off.
Grackle, you're correct. Honestly, I was ambivalent about Trump. My main hope was that he would invigorate the rest of the GOP field into making the same kind of brash, "I-dare-you-to-call-me-on-this" statements, mainly because we've got some smart candidates who could skillfully defend those positions with facts and figures, instead of broad strokes and loud talking. But I'm warming to Trump pretty fast, and part of it is because I see establishment GOPers fretting over him. Just like they tried to keep Tea Party candidates from being on the ballot in many house and senate races. I want the Establishment GOP to suffer defeat just as much as I want the Dems to suffer defeat: there's not a whole lot of difference between the two, anyway.
Thanks for the pointer. Some interesting stuff over there.
Rather, he was journalist challenging a (purported) candidate for the presidency on his controversial claims as to what he will if he becomes presidents. It's a pity more journalists don't do the same of all the candidates. But, then...there are few real journalists with the mainstream cachet to be invited/permitted to these (usually) carefully stage-managed public relations events.
He's Mexican. One notes that if it were a non-Mexican trying to influence a Mexican politician in a Mexican election, he would be committing an illegal act per the Mexican constitution. But whether it's crossing borders or election cycles, what's wrong for the gringo is okay for the Mexican.
So there's a nice layer of irony there in addition to the fact he was just rude and badgering and trying to steal the show. Not enough for a La Raza to have a seat at the table, it better go first, and screw such niceties like waiting your turn.
Keep it up, Trump. I won't qualify you with a "I don't want to like him, but.." Trump is saying exactly what needs to be said. He is a breath of fresh air in a room of stale, decrepit, and rancid candidates. Anyone moaning about Donald's success should realize that the only shame is the sordid state of the establishment parties.
America needs a president that won't roll over when Mexico (or any one else), insists on a double standard that hurts Americans. A president who won't tolerate immigrants who claim they want to be "Americans" and yet somehow always end up supporting policy that aids their old countrymen over the new. Trump displayed that on national television.
Trump trumps!
And when you're polling 35% in the immigrant-free, purple state of New Hampshire, the concept that you are 'wild' and 'fringe' is nothing more than the same old liars telling the same old lies.
Robert Cook said.... It's a pity more journalists don't do the same of all the candidates.
But the fact is more journalists DON'T do the same, and they DON'T do anything like that to "all the candidates," just to candidates on one side. Remember Romney and "what about your gaaaafes?" I agree reporters ought to be much harder on all candidates (and all politicians). Since they're selectively hard, though, on just one side, you can't ignore the bias that represents.
averagejoe, is Jorge Ramos non-white? That blue-eyed man makes George Zimmerman, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz look Congolese in comparison.
Char Char Binks: averagejoe, is Jorge Ramos non-white? That blue-eyed man make George Zimmerman, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz look Congolese in comparison.
That's the joke, Char Char. Only a historically amnesiac people like Americans would let the 100% white descendents of one group of European conquerors get away with pretending to be the put-upon indigenous victims of "non-Hispanic white" Americans (evil gringos), the descendents of a rival group of European conquerors.
The butthurt of Ramos and his ilk is really just the contemporary playing-out of the 400 year old rivalry of two of the old European colonial powers. "Anglos", having been on a decades-long lunatic's mission of obliterating their own history and cultural roots, and deluding themselves that everybody else in the world is on board with their universalist fantasies, tend not to get the joke.
Here is the reference in an article
Vicki from Pasadena
I called it weird and wild based on media reports and without watching it.
Cruel Neutrality.
That's the joke, Char Char. Only a historically amnesiac people like Americans would let the 100% white descendents of one group of European conquerors get away with pretending to be the put-upon indigenous victims of "non-Hispanic white" Americans (evil gringos), the descendents of a rival group of European conquerors.
The butthurt of Ramos and his ilk is really just the contemporary playing-out of the 400 year old rivalry of two of the old European colonial powers. "Anglos", having been on a decades-long lunatic's mission of obliterating their own history and cultural roots, and deluding themselves that everybody else in the world is on board with their universalist fantasies, tend not to get the joke.
Especially odd given that, if you look at their former colonies, English colonies tend to be governed competently while Spanish colonies are shitholes.
I didn't watch the video but read the quotes from the press conference--what's the big deal? Reporters shouldn't be able to heckle or talk out of turn, and if they do so they deserve to be ejected. In this case, the guy was let back in and Trump took his questions. Much as Trump is often rude to the media, this is still miles better than how Hillary treats the media (i.e., avoiding any contact with non-softball questioning at all). Trump should be getting points for this.
"Especially odd given that, if you look at their former colonies, English colonies tend to be governed competently while Spanish colonies are shitholes."
No odder than anything else about the racialist grievance industry. Where else can you find someone arguing that a child born to a meth-addict single parent on welfare in Appalachia has some special privilege over a trust fund kid born to college-educated professionals in NYC simply because the latter kid is black? Or that a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived here knowing no English and with nothing but the shirt on his back is benefitting from "white privilege"?
Char Char Binks said...
averagejoe, is Jorge Ramos non-white? That blue-eyed man makes George Zimmerman, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz look Congolese in comparison.
8/27/15, 11:36 AM
C'mon Char-Char, you know and I know and Angelyne knows that, particularly in this specific instance, Jorge Ramos is non-white, and Trump is white. Now, had Ramos shot and killed a negro who was attacking him, then he would become White-Hispanic, but that isn't what happened. In this situation, Ramos is as non-white as a body can be. It's got nothing to do with melanin, and everything to do with politics. Same as insisting that Bruce Jenner, with his penis, testicles and deep voice, is a woman named Caitlyn.
No odder than anything else about the racialist grievance industry. Where else can you find someone arguing that a child born to a meth-addict single parent on welfare in Appalachia has some special privilege over a trust fund kid born to college-educated professionals in NYC simply because the latter kid is black?
Good point. I grew up in Appalachia yet I have tons of privilege while the current President, who grew up in Hawaii and overseas, is just discriminated against relentlessly. My kids, according to that industry, have far more advantages than Obama's daughters, who are both black AND female as opposed to my two white boys.
Yup, logic abounds.
Or that a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived here knowing no English and with nothing but the shirt on his back is benefitting from "white privilege"?
I got heat in a Poli Sci course when, while discussing standardized testing, I asked how one could possibly write a test biased for whites AND Asians and OPPOSED to blacks AND Hispanics since the groups don't have a ton in common.
...this isn't a "Trump says 'this is what went down', and Ramos says 'nuh uh, this is what happened'" thing. There's a clear video of the incident. We can decide for ourselves.
But there's not a clear video of the incident -- the video doesn't show the beginning of the press conference, we come in at Trump saying, "okay, next question", indicating there were previous questions. That was part of Ramos's explanation -- he said had "followed the rules" and that there had been two other reporters who asked questions before him, and then he starting asking his question and no one said anything or told him to stop, and that it was only after he began his question about immigration that Trump told him to sit down.
it was only after he began his question about immigration that Trump told him to sit down.
The problem here is that instead of asking questions Ramos went on a La Raza talking points tirade. Trump will make you wait until you are called even if you decide arbitrarily to take over his press conference. He’s no Bernie Sanders.
Also, it must be pointed out that Trump has answered a myriad of questions about ALL his policies, including immigration, numerous times in numerous press conferences. And did so again after allowing Ramos back into the room. And will do in the future, unless some asshole tries to take over his press conference. It’s just silly to imply Trump is not available for questioning.
I do not know that it is a parallel, but while you are a citizen of all 50 states + territories, you are only entitled to vote in one place.
Did anyone else notice that around 6:18 Trump said "They took our jobs!" lol
Hagar said...
I do not know that it is a parallel, but while you are a citizen of all 50 states + territories, you are only entitled to vote in one place.
That is an interesting point. Up thread or in another recent thread, someone mentioned that dual citizenship (including voting) had been constitutionally tested and had been supported by SCOTUS. I'm highly skeptical of any claim that voting twice in any election had anyone's legal blessing, but it seems that we are about to test giving the vote to anyone who shows up at a polling place.
"I've now watched it, and it seems like normal Trump"
Hmm..I would bet many were, like I was, surprised by his good handling of this jerk...patient at times..not a quality he's shown much at all.
Ramos made an ass of himself and embodied the entitled line skipping quotient that infuriates those of us who are sick of the insidious conflation of "undocumented" with "illegal". Does Ramos look illegal? no..but he behaves like an ass.
I notice on AM radio the last few weeks that Media Matters is buying airtime for spots called Media Matters minute. Yesterday's focused on Trump's supposed abuse of Ramos. The way they edited it to distort the context and completely exclude Ramos' behavior, I think they hired some of Jon Stewart's staff.
But yeah..considering how much this has been played, stupid for Trump to describe Ramos as screaming. There are so many other ways to describe Ramos' arrogant behavior.
La Raza racist? Heh..remember Dolores Huerta's appearance at an Arizona school where she stated to the crowd that “Republicans hate Latinos”.?
Maybe Rubio is a "White Hispoanic"
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