August 1, 2015

"Caitlyn has every right to be just as conservative as she chooses. But many transgender men and women need social programs to survive..."

"... and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If Cait's going to be a spokesperson for the community. This is something she's going to have to understand."

Pushback... as Caitlyn Jenner shows her political conservatism. Eh. Or something like that. The quoted dialogue comes from a trailer for the show, as does Jenner's expression of conservatism. I think what's going on is more that show needs dramatic tension, so something was set up, and the show needs a narrative arc, and there will be one. Thus, early on, Jenner expresses the view that people can get "totally dependent on" government, because they think "they can make more not working with social programs than they actually can with an entry-level job," and they start thinking "Why should I work?" and they "get in trouble." Later, I'm betting, Jenner will become more aware of social problems and the value of government programs. Narrative arc achieved. Quite boring of course, but not so boring that I'm trashing this post.


Gahrie said...

What could be more tense than awaiting the moment that Bruce finally decides to cut his penis off?

Or alternately waiting for the morning (as has happened to other trannies before) he wakes up, looks in the mirror and says to himself: "What the fuck was I thinking?"

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It works on a lot of people though.

And because that particular narrative arc works, he will be given some award, again, for his courage and bravery in learning how wonderful government programs are.

Which is another reminder of the difference between liberals/progressives and libertarians/conservatives. Yesterday a commentator repeated the meme, started in pop culture, that libertarians and conservatives might care about saving innocent life from destruction, but once that life comes into this world, we no longer care about it.

This is a very clever strategy to fool the low information voter. Hey, look what we're doing! Medicare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, you name it. We're taking care of the poor! Just like Christ! But those evil, dastardly, Republicans don't want to do this! Evil!

It takes some actual looking under the hood to see the philosophical and practical differences. And this sort of study requires time and attention. Time and attention your low information voter doesn't want to spend.

But anyone on this blog should be well enough informed not to repeat such garbage, unless they are a liar or mentally deficient.

It's clear that libertarians and conservatives believe in taking care of their fellow man is better done, not through forced taxation and one size fits all federal programs overwhelmed by bureaucracy and corruption, but through smaller units such as family, friends, community, Church, work, etc

rehajm said...

Does the president get in touch with Caitlyn directly to dictate the narrative? Her people? Does Jon Stewart relay the message? How does this work exactly?

traditionalguy said...

The question of the moment is whether on the big day Cait will donate her penis for stem cell research? That would be conservative.

rehajm said...

I'm interested to hear the regret about the negative impact on the golf game.

hombre said...

"Later, I'm betting, Jenner will become more aware of social problems and the value of government programs."

Is that because there is some inherent connection between sexual deviance and the welfare state?

furious_a said...

Caitlyn may not be interested in the Narrative Arc, but the Narrative Arc is interested in her.

Quaestor said...

So conservative means "not a social parasite." At lease we may take comfort in the Left having finally owned up to their true relationship with the rest of us.

If they're so goddamned normal and equal and and stuff they can jolly well take of of themselves. It's just like Quaestor the Elder told his son, if you live at my expense you live by my rules, else begone.

Sebastian said...

Sorry, Bruce. Politics trumps gender.

Either you toe the Prog line or they will start questioning whether a conservative woman-with-a-penis is pulling a fast one on the Anointed.

He should know that the only approved form of insanity is insanity at others' expense. Fending for yourself is just crazy.

Michael K said...

""What the fuck was I thinking?"

The money will help. Sutton's Law at work. I just sorry for the kids getting caught up in adult games that are really destructive.

At least they weren't aborted.

Bay Area Guy said...

Look at me - I'm on TV! But don't judge..,,,,,.,,

Anonymous said...

I think there is a real problem with Medicaid, especially in the states that did not expand Medicaid, and work. If you need health insurance, really need it, and can only qualify if you have no assets because any entry-level job will not get you anywhere close to health insurance, then you have to stay out of the market to stay alive. If you want to start getting back in the labor market, you'd lose your medical under the old rules (still current in some states).

Now that really is terrible and is another reason why health insurance should not be tied to employment.

This is less of a problem now that Medicaid has been expanded.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Actually, needing social programs to survive is something very much to be ashamed of.

For some odd reason I find myself recalling that some of my classmates in grade school, middle school and high school were not the least bit ashamed to groan about having to learn vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

Why should one be ashamed of having serious health problems and needing medical care to survive?

That makes no sense.

cubanbob said...

Wow! A tranny has to support progressives to be authentic. Who knew?

Gahrie said...

Why should one be ashamed of having serious health problems and needing medical care to survive?

You shouldn't. Expecting other people to pay for your medical care however.......

There is no right to health care. There never has been. but now that Obamacare has passed the Progressives have moved on. Now they have discovered a right to the internet.

Michael K said...

When I was in practice my partner and I both did surgery on uninsured patients and worked out payment plans or did barter arrangements. One big problem today is all the contracts that doctors are obliged to sign. If I treat you for a nominal sum, I can be punished or even prosecuted by Medicare. That's one reason you don;t read much about this. Another reason is that there is no margin in medicine anymore to allow doctors to treat people for free.

He did a mastectomy on a woman artist in Laguna and she gave him a painting in return which is probably now far more valuable than any fee would be.

Achilles said...

SOJO said...
"Why should one be ashamed of having serious health problems and needing medical care to survive?

That makes no sense."

Reality usually makes no sense to ignorant drones. I would use crayons for you if I could but this will have to do.

1. Health care becomes a right. People expect to get it for free.

2. Government gives people free health care.

3. Compensation for providers/services is controlled by the government. Insurance companies, large providers, and bureaucrats collude and set prices. Resources are distributed not by patient need or preference but by crony deals and inefficient central planning.

4. Doctors, nurses and actual health care professionals are put under administrators and paper pushers. Their compensation falls as a percentage of the resources distributed and administrators chew up more and more, just like universities today. As costs skyrocket, like tuition and health insurance costs are now, administrators cut compensation for doctors and nurses.

5. We don't have enough doctors and nurses.

6. Prices are set for new procedures in a way that purposely deincetivizes innovation to protect the current groups colluding in part 3. With no incentives for efficiency care becomes more expensive and scarce.

7. Rationing for the poor. Rich people and government cronies will always be fine.

Socialism starts the same way promising free things every time. It ends the same way every time. Stupid is no longer an excuse. People who push this crap are evil.

H said...

It goes something like this: "This transformation has made such an enormous difference to my happiness and mental health. But it only happened because I was fortunate enough to be able to afford the medical treatments. My heart goes out to those who are not so lucky, and I believe that we as a society have a moral obligation to help them by increasing food stamp allotments and section 8 eligibility, and support for teachers' unions. Oh, I almost forgot, and support for drone strikes and the TPP."

eddie willers said...

Reminds me of how Christopher Reeve discovered the urgency of spinal injury research after he fell on his million dollar ass.

Bill Crawford said...

"Bruce" Jenner tag. I see what you did there.

hoyden said...

"Narrative arc achieved."

Leftist media puts a "Conservative" perspective out there so it can be trashed later. Leftist media never accurately portrays conservatism. Never.

Skeptical Voter said...

Let's just say that Caitlyn has put me off Wheaties for the rest of my life. I'm an aging male, and I don't want to wake up as a 20 year old nymphomaniac. Had my share, been there done that, and I'm happy the way things are.

The Godfather said...

I'm not surprised that Bruce (as he was)/Caitlyn (as she is) is conservative. I've never known a transgender person (I did have a client years ago who was a cross-dresser -- guy one day, gal the next -- confusing, but that's beside the point), but I do know gays and lesbians who are conservative. If conservatism represents the best way to arrange relations between the people and the state, wouldn't a transgender or gay or lesbian person be capable of perceiving that? The situation is muddied, of course, by the fact that some conservatives embrace policies that are negative towards gays, lesbians, and transgenders; these conservatives should remember that we believe in a generous realm of freedom wherein people can be themselves, and should be left alone. Leftists seek to exacerbate these tensions, such as by attacking Baptist bakers who don't want to bake wedding cakes with two grooms or two brides. I hope Caitlyn stays true to her conservative political principles. If she doesn't, that will make me think less of her. I have no business criticizing her gender identity, but I would criticize -- or praise -- her politics on their merits.

Valentine Smith said...

Astounding how a major delusion can carry one to such ecstatic heights.

I've known 2 men who labored under this particular (popular) extreme fantasy, one hetero- one homosexual, neither of whom you would call attractive either as a man or a woman.

The hetero dude 6'3" about 240 long stringy gray hair, who I knew fairly well for about 5 years as Donna, walks up to me one evening says matter-of-factly, "I had a breakthrough in therapy, you can call me Don now." A year later I met his fiance at a mutual friend's wedding.

There's no such thing as a transsexual. I will not enable delusional people.

The social services industry is overflowing with marginally educated lunatics attempting to mainstream people who will never feel comfortable in their own skin even if the population of Peoria lined up and kissed their asses on ESPN. Like they did with that sap Jenner.

Valentine Smith said...

BTW the gay guy also snapped out of it. I did not know him all that well but he did tell me his story.

Swifty Quick said...

The one "social program" they most need is being urged by very few, if any: psychiatric treatment. Name any other psychiatric condition where we indulge the patients by catering to their delusions and obsessions.

Unknown said...

What you've said may well be true (though I think Jenner is rather conservative politically), but who knows, in a year he (sorry) may tell us that 'transitioning' hasn't solved anything, and being true to himself really involves facing his disorder honestly, getting therapy maybe. Now that would rate an award for courage.

Renee said...

The gay/transgender community seems quite affluent, considering the strong lobbying efforts I'm sure they can fundraise.

Gahrie said...

Name any other psychiatric condition where we indulge the patients by catering to their delusions and obsessions.


David Begley said...

Could Jenner just please go away?

And take the Kartrashians with him.

SeanF said...

Bruce Jenner said he was a Republican back in April, in the same ABC interview when he came out as transgender - a couple of months before he (publicly) became "Caitlyn."

DanTheMan said...

>>Could Jenner just please go away?

I would rather it be us that leave him alone. He's old, and mentally ill.

Anonymous said...

"Name any other psychiatric condition where we indulge the patients by catering to their delusions and obsessions."

Easy: Progressivism. SJWism. Feminism. Free Shit Armyism.

The Godfather said...

"Name any other psychiatric condition where we indulge the patients by catering to their delusions and obsessions."

The Presidency.

I'll grant exceptions for both Bushes, Reagan, Ike, and Truman -- all of whom appear to have been driven by an urge to public service, which may be a pathological condition but not a delusion or obsession. You might also exclude Taft and Coolidge; they were before my time, so I'm not sure. I don't feel competent to evaluate the 18th and 19th Century presidents.

That leaves both Roosevelts, Wilson, Harding, Hoover, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, [I don't count the accidental Ford], Carter, Clinton, and Obama. "Delusions and obsessions"? Check.

Carnifex said...

00:14:59! Better get your money Bruce.

Michael K said...

Alan Greenspan said the only psychologically normal president he ever met was Ford.

Most are narcissists.

Reagan was probably the one Greenspan liked best.

Throughout his professional life, the President understood the self-correcting tendencies of free markets and the fundamental wealth-creating capacity of capitalism. He trusted Adam Smith's invisible hand to stimulate creativity and innovation and to produce outcomes that he perceived as generally fair.

A great deal of what Reagan saw in the America of the 1970s was not to his liking, and he changed much of it when he became President. Yet for all that he accomplished in those remarkable eight years, one could argue that he had an even greater effect after he left office, when a whole generation of people who were proud to be identified as Reaganites moved into positions to influence policy.

If he was ever discouraged, I suspect it was because not even Ronald Reagan could fully rein in excess government spending and significantly pare the size of the bureaucracy. To be sure, no American President, with constitutionally limited powers, has been able to mold a nation as complex as the United States to his set of values. But Ronald Reagan surely stands in the first rank of American Presidents measured by the breadth of their legacy for good.

walter said...

Hey Valentine,
Interesting stories you shared. Any idea how often those reversions occur?
As an unwaivering hetero guy, I do remember a period in early youth of confusion over nether-regions in the opposite sex...even drew my assumptions on paper at one point. Once further informed via precocious friend's playboy mag, there was some further confusion followed by completely undirected adjustment that "took" completely. I often think about that period when people talk about being "born that way". Not so sure..looking back on my own experience. I suppose you could argue that was only about view of the opposite sex and not related to Bruce/Caitlin..but again..I am not so sure. What if something at that adjustment moment doesn't quite gel?

But hey..what's the update on that car crash bit?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Why should one be ashamed of having serious health problems and needing medical care to survive?

Why should one be proud of being sick?

furious_a said...

1. Health care becomes a right. People expect to get it for free.

Health care becomes a weapon, like the Taxing Authority (IRS) or food distribution (Venezuela). What is given can be targeted and taken away.

"Greetings, Citizen. I'm a frightening and inquisitive stranger with credentials from some quasi-governmental entity. Would you like to sign this petition in support of the Ruling Party or shall I tear up your Ration Card here and now?"

deepelemblues said...

Can I see the raw data showing that "many" transgender men and women need "social programs" to literally "survive"?

Of course, many transgendered people happen to be prostitutes. Not all or most, but many. I wonder if their need for "social programs" is a result more of that in many cases than of their being trasngendered.

Unknown said...

His name is Bruce.

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