August 29, 2015

"And who is Huma married to? One of the great sleazebags of our time, Anthony Weiner."

Said Donald Trump, who then did typing-on-a-cell-phone finger gestures while mouthing "I love you very much."
Trump noted that he "knew him before they caught him with the —" he trailed off, again mimicking typing on a phone. "And he was a bad guy then; it turns out that he was a really bad guy," he added.

“So Huma is getting classified secrets,” Trump said. “She’s married to Anthony Wiener, who’s a perv. No, he is! Do you think there’s even a five percent chance that she’s not telling Anthony Weiner … what the hell is coming across?"
The response from the Hillary campaign — not Hillary herself, some spokesguy — was: "There’s no place for patently false, personal attacks towards a staff member" and Trump "should be ashamed of himself."

What's the "patently false" part? Trump didn't call Weiner the greatest sleazebag of our time, only "one of the great sleazebags of our time." Perhaps Weiner isn't a "great sleazebag," but it's the kind of opinion that can't be called "patently false."

Is it "perv"? Does the Hillary campaign want us to contemplate whether Weiner is a "perv"? What exactly does "perv" mean and does that apply to Weiner?

"Do you think there’s even a five percent chance that she’s not telling Anthony Weiner?" is a question. There's a way to argue that you can't immunize yourself from the accusation of slander by putting your assertions in the form of a question, but this is not a defamation lawsuit. This is political rhetoric, and the Clinton campaign is saying this is patently false. That's weak.

Is the patently false part "Huma is getting classified secrets"? But that's not a personal attack. There's no shame in probing into how Hillary handled classified material and whether the people she's trusted are trustworthy.

ADDED: Here's the video. I note that he does answer that "five percent" question: "I don't think so."


Big Mike said...

Is the patently false part "Huma is getting classified secrets"? But that's not a personal attack. There's no shame in probing into how Hillary handled classified material and whether the people she's trusted are trustworthy.

This is just ducky. The Democrats want to nominate someone who is desperately resisting having any impartial probe into how she handled highly classified and extremely sensitive data? Are they unaware that the President of the United States handles -- and generates! -- some of the most classified data in the country?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I find the conspiracy theories about Huma being an Islamic plant rather odd, given that she has stood by her man, arguably the worst Jew on the planet. The Clintons would no doubt have preferred her to dump his sorry ass.

JCC said...

I don't care for Trump or his persona, but this time, he has a point.

Is Carlos Danger on the email list?

sane_voter said...

It's worth watching the whole Trump speech. He is getting better and better at this. The four liberals discussing the speech afterwards on MSNBC (no Repubs were on the panel), especially Howard Dean, gave him props. He is slashing the presumptive Dem nominee and MSNBC is giving him unfettered airtime every day. We are in uncharted waters here.

Here is the full speech.
the Hillary /Huma part starts at 12:45

David Begley said...

Just another example of why Trump is so popular.

Achilles said...

Damn. Hearts and minds are being won. He may be disingenuous but I love what he is doing to the entire establishment here.

I would recommend he stay out of DC until inaugurations because he is goring a lot of oxen.

Ron said...

If there's anyone who qualifies as Bat Guano, it's Anthony Weiner!

Anonymous said...

Anthony is a certified Perv. Repeated Perving...

Take Trump to court :)

JAORE said...

Based on the language used by Ms. Clinton in the past few days, neither she, nor her spokespersons, have a leg to stand on re: over the top language.

Yeah, I know, they were shiny objects to distract over her e-mails. But disgusting none the less.

The Donald brings her back to the (self) server controversy and adds a layer of Hummus.

Laslo Spatula said...

If your wife was spending all her available time with Hillary Clinton you might be expected to resort to strange behavior.

Possibly related:

Huma strikes me as the kind of girl who doesn't swallow.

I am Laslo.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Huma/Weiner connection is interesting. It's almost like a junior varsity Billary political marriage, but this time the Wife gets to be the Alpha Dog.

Annie said...

ARM, given that Huma's family are known Muslim brotherhood, I'd be careful in dismissing it all as a conspiracy theory. Like her boss, I doubt she spends much time with her creepy husband.

At least she could say her husband hasn't sexually assaulted anyone. That we know of. Unlike her boss who attacked anyone who dared speak out.

Your Clintons are not nice people.

And it's not like you lefties haven't allowed plants of 'red' to infest our government before.

Chuck said...

Have we reached the point where MSNBC and the rest of the liberal media feel the need to pivot?

Previously, they wanted to draw attention to Trump (whom they presumed could never ever win the nomination) based on his immigration quotes, to quickly make their case that all Republicans are racists. They wanted to hurry up and do that, before Trump disappeared from the campaign.

Now, it seems, they'd like Trump to win. Win the Republican nomination, that is. And produce the weakest possible Republican to run seriously against in the fall of 2016.

We had a candidate almost exactly like Trump run for governor in Michigan, in 1998. His name is Geoffrey Fieger; a prominent and wealthy tv-advertising personal injury lawyer. Dr. Jack Kevorkian's lawyer. The thought among some was that his plain-talking low-level bombast might win a whole bunch of low-information no-affiliation crossover voters, and that with the support of Michigan's Democratic base of union workers and inner-city blacks, plus his AM radio listeners, he might win. Fieger styled himself as a "constitutional conservative," whatever that means.

He suffered the worst electoral drubbing in modern Michigan history in the general; 62% (Engler) 38% (Fieger).

Virgil Hilts said...

Trump is 100% correct on the hostages issue. If the administration could not even get the innocent hostages released as part of the negotiations then why should we believe the Obama team won a single significant important concession or deal point?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I enjoyed watching that, sane voter.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Would have been nice if someone (McCain, the media, bloggers) had used a similar approach to Obama in 2007/8. But that would mean taking responsibility.

Etienne said...

Obviously, to me, he's implying that Huma is a pervert too. I think she is. I think she's the only reason Mrs. Clinton can still orgasm, and Huma only does it for the huge money payouts. It's not like the old hag is even 5% sexually attractive.

madAsHell said...

From the wikipedia....

While a student at George Washington University, Abedin began working as an intern in the White House in 1996, assigned to then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. In 1998, she was also an assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.[12] For several years, she served as the back-up to Clinton’s personal aide, and officially took over as Clinton’s aide and personal advisor during the 2000 New York Senate campaign,[7] and later worked as traveling chief of staff and "body woman" during Clinton's 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination campaign.

Another empty CV....

William said...

I think you could fairly argue that Bill is a bigger sleaze bag than Weiner. The perv thing is subjective. Some of Bill's sex acts were creepy but were not, as commonly defined, "pervy". Weiner's acts were far less harmful than Bill's. I can't see how they did any harm to anyone but himself, but they were undeniably pervy. . I would like to see America evolve into the kind of country where rampant sleaze bags are held in less esteem than harmless pervs......But in any event it's good to hear Trump attacking someone other than Jeb Bush.

bbkingfish said...

Trump is simply showing that he is in tune with mainstream Republican thinking.

I think he will be a force to be reckoned with, when the primary campaign finally begins, a few months down the road.

In the meantime, he is winning the pre-primary season free publicity battle, hands down.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steve uhr said...

It may not be "patently false" but it is unfair to say that there is a greater than 95% chance that Huma is breaking the law because of her husband's conduct having nothing to do with state secrets. Any more than it is unfair to accuse anyone with access to classified materials of sharing that information with others. One should have EVIDENCE before making such an accusation. Trump has none.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Congratulations on the Clintonian parsing. I think there are plenty of people who'd find Trump's characterization of Hillary's aide as untrustworthy or unprincipled to be a rather weak and pathetic stretch. And anyone with a brain knows that he barely believes it, anyway. He just wanted to find a way to tie together Huma's husband's problems with the email issue, in the mangled minds of his supporters. It was a way to make Clinton seem "sleazier" or more scandalous, by way of a series of ever more tenuous associative stretches. Hell, I'm surprised he didn't throw in a link to Area 51, the Manson murders, or O.J. Simpson, while he was at it. You never know, of course. He's just "throwing it out there."

But you sure masturbated your way through more picayune language analysis than I've ever seen a person attempt in failing to reach that conclusion. Talk about perversions of perception. But I guess Trump's gotta do what he's gotta do to seem like an upstanding family man. He has the family values of Henry VIII.

iowan2 said...

Still not an answer to Senator Grassley's question. Does Clinton's wife have security clearance today?

But no answer. Why? Because Heinz' husband is an incompetent.

That's the question Walker and Cruz, and Trump should be asking at every public event. Why cant the Secretary of State, Hienz' husband, not answer a simple question.

steve uhr said...

He simply wants people to know there is some connection between Clinton and Weiner. I bet 95% of the population is unaware. Should Hillary have fired Huma simply because of her husband's conduct? That would have been unfair. If anything, I give Hillary credit because firing her would have been the politically smart thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was funny, but Trump doesn't have a lot of room to talk in this area. It's like reading about Winston Chuchhill calling people ugly.

Wince said...

I so regret not going down to Ernie Boch's house last night.

Ernie is a quirky and self-depricating guy with the gumption to take a business risk to make things interesting.

Without necessarily endorsing Trump, he invited Trump to speak and the protesters to protest.

Had to be the most intriguing social event of the summer in Massachusetts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not to worry, Ritmo - you have your corruption queen - queen Hillary.

Trump makes billions

The Clintons TAKE billions. Your kinda family.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's actually an interesting comparison, Chuck. And while Trump is probably slightly more charismatic than Fieger, I don't think it's by enough to change the outcome.

Beldar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brando said...

He's only wrong because Bill Clinton is a bigger sleaze bag than Wiener. I like how Clinton call this a personal attack on an aide--sorry, idiots, but this is no different from casting blame on Nixons aides. If Huma is in on this scam the Clintons ran, she is fair game. Weak defense.

Glad to see Trump scoring points against Hillary. She may regret encouraging him to run.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump makes billions...

Courtesy the government restructuring his quadruple bankruptcy declarations.

I don't mind Trump's attempts to speak honestly. I just seem to have this ability to tell the difference between when they're accurate/helpful and when they're being held slave to his baloney psychological disruptions. His ego can bend space-time worse than a black hole, and that's a liability. Unless you want a president who actually believes his own bullshit.

There's a certain amount of excessive psychological self-distortion that would backfire - even on a newly minted Republican.

Of course, Ann Althouse knows all about that kind of thing.

Beldar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All pols talk milquetoast generalities.

Your gal, Hillary, is corrupt. She used her private e-mail server to to buy influence and stuff money into her fake family charity.

Make America Great Again - how pathetic, right?

Hillary wants to be your champion. Now that's the sweet spot. She promises universal tax payer funded everything all while she and her husband will use the levers of power to create a grotesque Castro-esque nest for themselves.

Beldar said...

I'm not saying Trump's at all wrong in raising questions about Hillary and Huma and Carlos Danger. Those are good questions.

But I will point out that this is coming from the same guy who now insists he when he said there was "blood coming out of [Megyn Kelly's] eyes [and] blood coming out of her wherever,” he actually meant her "nose," and that "[o]nly a deviant would say that what I said was what they were referring to, because nobody would make that statement."

Frankly, it's easier for me to believe some of Carlos Danger's excuses than that one from Trump. But they do seem to have something in common when it comes to their attitudes toward women.

I wonder if Trump asked Hillary anything about Huma & Carlos when Bill & Hill came to Trump's most recent wedding? Or when Bill called him to encourage him to run for POTUS?

Anonymous said...

Two sleazebags: Bill and Tony. But are the women victims of the sleazebags, or are the sleazebags the women's stepping stones to power and riches?

Where would Hillary be without her sleazebag? Hillary Rodham, a female partner in the White Water Law Firm in Arkansas? May be, but she wasn't that good.

Huma, a burqa-cladded Muslim Brotherhood creature married to a head chopper?

Now, the sisters found each other, and live happily in power and in wealth, protected by the reputation of the sleazebags.

clint said...

Wish he'd brought up Wiener at the debate -- when he was asked why he donated money to Hillary.

The obvious answer was that Wiener was a shoe-in for Mayor of NYC and if Trump wanted to keep doing business in NYC he had to give to the Clinton Family Machine or Mayor Wiener would have cut off his business interests.

(The CAPTCHA is getting tougher. Should I start to worry that sometimes it takes me two tries to prove I'm a human being?)

Real American said...

Weiner is a pervert, though probably not a rapist like Bill Clinton. Huma does have ties to Muslim terrorists, at least through her family, and shouldn't be able to get a job in government even as a dog catcher.These are the people with whom Hillary Clinton associates. They are the type of people who will still be in government should she get a elected. Oh, and she a criminal, too. Hillary doesn't belong in the White House. She belongs in the Gray Bar Hotel.

chuck said...

Trump "should be ashamed of himself."

Good luck with that, Trump 1, shameless Hilary compaign 0.

traditionalguy said...

Why does Trump attack the Huma person for marrying into Democrat Party upper echelon power players. She has sex with two of the. That's Mata Hari class Iranian spy remember Obama's BFFs that declared war on the USA 35 years ago when Agent Huma was born for her deep "sleeper" agent work.

Michael K said...

"The Clintons would no doubt have preferred her to dump his sorry ass."

Wiener's a beard. Why worry about him ?

They sure don't.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
Wiener's a beard. Why worry about him ?

There's a lot of much neater beards available.

eddie willers said...

I don't care for Trump or his persona, but this time, he has a point.

Something I keep hearing more and more.

CAPTCHA....Can't I just eat my waffle?

Achilles said...

There is no way on god's green earth Huma Abedin would get a TS/SCI security clearance with her family ties and her husband and his activities. Is it fair? Nobody gives a fuck. The TS/SCI SIGINT and HUMINT that they were tossing around willy nilly on their private servers got people killed. Quite possibly people I knew. Additionally had I done what they did I would be in jail. If you even had a thumb drive you were investigated and you better not have put it in the wrong computer.

You don't fuck around with that information. People die.

People discussing this as if Huma and Hillary are good people are either stupid or evil.

Beldar said...

@ Achilles, who wrote (8/29/15, 1:11 PM): "People discussing this [classified information issue] as if Huma and Hillary are good people are either stupid or evil."

At last we are in complete agreement, although those are not mutually exclusive alternatives.

Michael K said...

"There's a lot of much neater beards available."

Not willing to tie up with people like Huma and Hillary.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Trump is a goon and it would be an embarrassment to have this flim-flam conman as president, but not as embarrassing as Obama has been, nor as destructive. And it is enjoyable seeing someone with a nationwide megaphone taking a piss on fools like Jeb, Hillary, and Weiner.

grackle said...

I say again: In Trump we are witnessing a modern master communicator. Inserting Huma into his rhetoric and the resulting flailing around for a counter-meme by the MSM is a deft touch that has him dominating the news cycle once again.

But the primaries will tell us whether Trump or one of the other GOP nominees have what it takes to translate enthusiasm into votes.

I will hate to see Hillary leave the race; scandal-ridden as she is she would be an opponent that just about any of the likely GOP nominees could beat in the general election.

The Democrat establishment right now should be begging on their knees for Biden to enter the race – which I think they probably are doing. The only other viable possibility is Elizabeth Warren, of Native American affirmative action infamy. I can only imagine with glee what Trump would do to her if she were to win the Democrat nomination and they went head to head in the general election.

Scenario: Obama and Hillary in an oval office meeting in the near future. Obama tells her she has a choice – either withdraw and enjoy retirement with her Clinton Foundation loot without fear of prosecution or face the indignity of a perp-walk into a courtroom for arraignment.

William said...

I'm not sure whether I disapprove or envy Trump's domestic life. A bit of both I guess. There's nothing about the Clinton's domestic arrangements that I envy. I'll be long dead when the truth comes out but that's got be a complicated back story. Ditto with Huma and Weiner.........I think if you have a few billion dollars, the rules are different. Gravity and the rules of attraction are different on the moon. His kids look sane, so give him that. If I had a few billion dollars, I would periodically trade my wife in for a newer model. I'm not sure I'd go the east European route though. Those girls are pretty, but the accent gets annoying after a while. I would recommend a Hispanic for a trophy wife, especially for a billionaire who's thinking of entering politics.

William said...

I have a sure fire way for Trump to pick up a few extra votes. He should vow to issue a full Presidential pardon for Hillary if elected. It might tilt a few of her supporter his way.

PianoLessons said...

Grackle - I agree Trump is a brilliant communicator. Maybe this is what people over the ages have always responded to - master rhetoricians - master orators (even if they are Hitlers). This one clip from his 2012 effort convinced me that he understand SO much how tone and speech matter way more than PC euphemisms and Snooze worthy Five Point Plans:

"Listen you motherfu##ers"

Quaestor said...

I'm not sure I'd go the east European route though...

There's less ink in the East.

Quaestor said...

Huma would only have to be CC'ed on one classified email for "The Hillary Show" to collapse into ruins.

Anonymous said...

The comments about Huma indicate to me that he is in it to win it. And not as a stalking horse for Herself. Donald's Don Rickles take on his opponents is devastating. Not seen on this clip from yesterday is a total wipe-out of CNN with a rapier retort to a gotcha question.

Anonymous said...

Blogger AprilApple said...
Not to worry, Ritmo - you have your corruption queen - queen Hillary.

Trump makes billions

The Clintons TAKE billions. Your kinda family.

Are you warming up to the Donald?

Anonymous said...

There's plenty more on Huma. She served (simultaneously) as Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton in the State Department, under a "special government employee" arrangement, while also being employed at the Teneo consulting firm, and as a paid consultant for the Clinton Foundation.

No need to say anything about the Clinton foundation connection, but the Teneo employment also represents a massive conflict of interest : (from the Teneo website)
"TENEO IS FOCUSED ON WORKING EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE CEOS AND LEADERS OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLEX COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS.Leveraging the deep global relationships, experience and intellectual capabilities across all 12 of our operating divisions, we sit at the center of information and networks, offering unparalleled execution to capture opportunities and solve complex problems."

And she is a devout Muslim who has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations.

There has to be a metric ton of specifics about all of the above in the emails we already have. Its raining shoes on the Clinton campaign. This could be it.

sane_voter said...

Trump needs to continue to pummel Hillary. Would also like to hear him take on the democrat socialist Berrrnie! And if Biden gets in, my goodness, what Trump will do to him!

cubanbob said...

Trump is bringing so much entertainment value to the campaign. It's rather enjoyable. What do the Democrats have? Hillary, an old grifter, at best another affirmative action hire assuming she can avoid an indictment. Biden a man so dumb Obama chose him as a life insurance policy. O'Malley a bar band musician and Governor of Baltimore. Very impressive. Sanders, an old bolshevik. Warren? A fake Indian pseudo-populist affirmative action hire. A real dream team pool of talent.

Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby went to jail for a lot less than what Hillary has done. Nixon must be spinning in his grave. After all, he was only involved in a third rate breakin and a cheap cover up. Not like Hillary! running a cabinet department on her private email server to avoid any possible future scrutiny security breaches be dammed.

Krumhorn said...

Are you warming up to the Donald?

I, for one, am definitely warming up to Trump. A month ago, I would have sworn to vote for anyone else on the ticket but Trump. Go figure.

The more I listen to him, the more I think he could actually do this. There are some people you meet in life who, when they walk into the room, immediately command the attention of everyone else there. Christie is a bit like that, but virtually everyone else in the field, including those I like the most such as Rubio and Walker, just do not have that kind of larger-than-life personality that is needed here.

It is simply astounding how effectively Trump has shut down the chorus of nay-sayers and tut-tutters. I think his statements about Megyn Kelly were appallingly stupid, and you have to wonder about someone who could be so idiotic. It would have immediately ended the campaign of anyone else. However, it has cost him nothing. Nothing!!

That is a very useful quality in confronting with the essential evil of the libruls. Someone has to deal with the lefty beta males and the shrieking prog harpies and call them his bitches. It won't be long before AR, Robert Cook and Ritmo are saying "yassuh, Mr. Trump."

In that way, I'll know that God is good.

- Krumhorn

averagejoe said...

EDH said...
I so regret not going down to Ernie Boch's house last night.

Ernie is a quirky and self-depricating guy with the gumption to take a business risk to make things interesting.

Without necessarily endorsing Trump, he invited Trump to speak and the protesters to protest.

Had to be the most intriguing social event of the summer in Massachusetts.

8/29/15, 10:29 AM

My Name is Ernie Boch- Come on down!

averagejoe said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
I just seem to have this ability to tell the difference between when they're accurate/helpful and when they're being held slave to his baloney psychological disruptions.
8/29/15, 10:48 AM

LOL! Yeah, you just have this singular ability- It's known as a delusion. Of all the crackpot unhinged progressive losers on this site, you are perhaps the one who is the LEAST insightful, provocative or interesting. Your comments are ALWAYS worthless insults and baseless silly demagoguery. But keep telling yourself how sharp and insightful you are, because the rest of us are just pointing and laughing at you. Fool.

sinz52 said...

Contrary to what the lunatic fringe claims,

there is not one shred of evidence that Huma Abedin is tied to any Islamic terrorist group.

The Muslim Brotherhood is NOT recognized by the State Department as a terrorist group. Now that they took over in Egypt, they're actually a U.S. ally.

The same people who made the allegations at Ms. Abedin just wouldn't want any American Muslims to be able to get security clearances.

BTW: During the Cold War, I had to apply for a security clearance despite having family ties in the Soviet Union.

sane_voter said...


you have listed some seriously out of date information.
The Muslim brotherhood did take over in Egypt after the 2011 uprising. When they started to shut down the democratic process and physically attack their political enemies, the parties of the moderates and christians, the military overthrew them in 2013. So now they are designated a terrorist organization in Egypt and are out of power.


And with Huma, she may be as pure as the driven snow. But I doubt it. And given her family ties, it should be a very high bar to get a US security clearance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It won't be long before AR, Robert Cook and Ritmo are saying "yassuh, Mr. Trump."

In that way, I'll know that God is good.

I'm sure that's exactly what a godless Nazi like you would need for that sort of proof. Apply the role you usually assume in your sado-masochistic politics to others.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

LOL! Yeah, you just have this singular ability- It's known as a delusion. Of all the crackpot unhinged progressive losers on this site, you are perhaps the one who is the LEAST insightful, provocative or interesting. Your comments are ALWAYS worthless insults and baseless silly demagoguery. But keep telling yourself how sharp and insightful you are, because the rest of us are just pointing and laughing at you. Fool.

Said in response to criticism of a guy who said this:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

No insight needed in response to someone defending that. There's just actual data out there about this and other stuff, and a pinhead like you ignores it. How "interesting, provocative or insightful" do you have to make WRONG? Wrong is wrong. Trump is wrong (usually), and everything you believe in is wrong. I'm not here to entertain your boring ass about the fact that you're an error-prone idiot. And there are always facts to back that up. Baseless indeed.

You need to change your name from averagejoe to subparjoe. Even the other retrogrades aren't as dumb as you are. Chew on that "insult" and piss and moan about how it's somehow not truth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your gal, Hillary, is corrupt.

As I said, so is just about every Republican. Even Trump knows that.

She used her private e-mail server to to buy influence and stuff money into her fake family charity.

The funny thing about that is that your political heroes aren't really so contemptuous of that as they are envious of the fact that she'll get away with it.

Gahrie said...

The Muslim Brotherhood is NOT recognized by the State Department as a terrorist group.

Perhaps..I haven't checked. But the Muslim Brotherhood is so recognized by the Department of Justice, and it has been confirmed by court decisions.

Now that they took over in Egypt, they're actually a U.S. ally.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not in charge in Egypt, and we probably helped oust them for a moderate regime.

Ambrose said...

Try pitching a book idea to the book people - A secretary of state married to a former president having a lesbian affair with an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood married to a Jewish congressman running for mayor of NY while having twitter sex with aspiring porn stars. Oh come on, they would say, that could never happen.

Anonymous said...

"Contrary to what the lunatic fringe claims,

there is not one shred of evidence that Huma Abedin is tied to any Islamic terrorist group.

The Muslim Brotherhood is NOT recognized by the State Department as a terrorist group. Now that they took over in Egypt, they're actually a U.S. ally."

so says sinz52

I am non-plussed to hear that I am considered a member of the lunatic fringe. But I don't think there is any doubt that Huma's family members have close ties, if not actual membership, in the Muslim Brotherhood. And the MB motto is : "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish". Maybe it doesn't actually say 'terrorist', there, but jihad certainly encompasses that activity.

And the fact that the State dept doesn't label MB as a terrorist organization is meaningless : the Obama admin can't bring themselves to label caught-red-handed "Allah Akbar" screaming Moslems as 'terrorists', even after they have committed mass murder at one of our military bases.

averagejoe said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
...“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you... They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime..."

No insight needed in response to someone defending that. There's just actual data out there about this and other stuff, and a pinhead like you ignores it.

8/29/15, 7:31 PM

So No Rhythm and Ball-less pukes up an opinion page from WAPO's completely discredited Politifact arm of progressive democrat party propaganda to support his stupidity.

Here's a few facts from the Government Accountability Office:

"What GAO Found-

The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about
55,000... the number of criminal alien incarcerations in state prison
systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent
data available), and the majority were from Mexico.

The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005... the number of criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

In 2005, GAO reported the percentage of criminal aliens in federal prisons was about 27 percent of the total inmate population from 2001 through 2004.

About 40 percent of individuals convicted as a result of DOJ terrorism-related investigations were aliens.

...criminal aliens incarcerated in selected state prison systems in
Arizona, California, Florida, New York, and Texas were convicted of various
offenses in fiscal year 2008 (the most recently available data at the time of
GAO’s analysis). The highest percentage of convictions for criminal aliens
incarcerated in four of these states was for drug-related offenses. Homicide
resulted in the most primary offense convictions for criminal aliens in
the fifth state—New York—in fiscal year 2008.

GAO estimates that costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009"

averagejoe said...

I'll help you with some of the figures in the above post, Ball-less, since you're too stupid to help yourself-

In 2009, over 350,000 illegal aliens incarcerated in the the US for felonies. A figure assuredly closer to 500,000 now after 6 years of marked increase in both illegal immigration and crime in the Age of Obama.

500,000 illegal aliens in prison for felonies, the majority from Mexico, but Trump is a bad guy, a crazy guy for what he said.

Illegal aliens in federal prison increased seven percent from 2005 to 2009... in state and local prisons increased 35 percent from 2003 to 2009. Again, under Obama's leadership, those figures have undoubtedly skyrocketed. Heckuva job, Barry!

From 2001-2004, illegal aliens comprised 27% of the federal prison population. Pretty safe to assume that that figure has only increased- So we have about one-third of the prisoners in federal prison are illegals, most from Mexico.

Nearly half the individuals convicted of terrorism related offenses are illegal aliens.

The four states with the highest number of illegal aliens convicted most of them for drug-related offenses- Not surprising considering the proliferation of illegal alien gangs infecting every city in the Nation. Trump must have been crazy to insinuate that illegals bring in drugs!

The fifth state with the highest number of illegals incarcerated has convicted the majority of them for HOMICIDE. I'll rephrase it to make it easier for you to understand, Ball-less: The number one crime committed by illegal aliens incarcerated in New York state is Murder. Well, at least it's not drugs, right Ball-less?

The cost to the federal government in housing illegal aliens in our federal and state prisons was 1.6 Billion dollars a year as of 2009- A figure most assuredly approaching $2 Billion or more in the year 2015.

But you know who's a bad guy? Donald Trump!

And you know who's a progressive know-nothing dipshit? No Rhythm and Ball-less!

Vet66 said...

Average Joe; I live on the border in Arizona. Some days it looks like a conga line of folks coming across the border turning themselves into the Feds because they know they will not be sent back. Once in, the rest of the clan does the same thing using new arrivals as what I refer to as "anchor families" as the numbers increase exponentially. I would be happy to provide illegal gang members who walk our streets with rhythm "no-balls" Blues address so they can have a chat with that person and discuss the situation. Trump is absolutely correct in his comments about rape, murder, mayhem, drug running, cartel hit squads fighting turf wars on our soil. To Ramos and Gutierrez (small thing) white lives don't matter if they can get more illegal aliens into this country. One of my relatives in the San Joaquin Valley who has a ranch just informed us that the usual illegal element just dropped off their weekly trash and garbage near his rural mail box because they don't pay Waste Management preferring the cheaper way. Victims of this so-called "drive-by trashing" have to remove it forthwith or the local bureaucrats will fine them until they clean up the mess which includes abandoned autos, diapers, and assorted booze bottles and other lovely detritus that begs the question as to how they afford booze and alcohol while collecting unemployment. No insurance, hit-and-run, expired plates, no stinking catalytic converters which they turn in for recycling the metals contained therein. The clueless on this site live in la la land and it is coming your way sooner rather than later. Good luck. I had to choose "burritos" on my list to prove i'm not a robot. Clueless!

furious_a said...

Trump didn't call Weiner the greatest sleazebag of our time, only "one of the great sleazebags of our time."

Touche'. Grand Master Trolling, too, maybe as good as Obama's.

Carlos Danger could not be reached for comment.

furious_a said...

I find the conspiracy theories about Huma being an Islamic plant rather odd.

John McCain rushed to defend Huma's honor, like he always does for his Senate Dem colleagues. That's all I need to know.

richard mcenroe said...

Trump is the triumph of the marketing age. Shout the same slogans often enough, and you can bludgeon people into accepting them.

Remember how indignant the left got when Nixon announced he had a secret for plan ending the Vietnam war?

Remember how indignant the right got when Kerry told us we'd have to elect him to find out what his plan for ending the Iraq conflict was? Or whenPelosi told us we had to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it?

But when Trump blows off anyone who tries to press him for specifics it's a chorus of "Go, Donald! Woof woof woof!" America as talk show audience.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, substandardjoe, I'm sure that $2 billion, as big a number as it is to a nobody like you, seems mighty scary. But it doesn't begin to approach the amount we're wastefully overspending on nonviolent "offender" incarceration (or as you called it, "drug-related offenses"), or the amount we overspend on our imperial military project. But since these are facts not meant to incite or entertain, but merely inform, I'm sure you'll call them useless and the messenger of them contemptible.

But that's what happens when a guy who can't prioritize, who equates incarceration of the illegal aliens he hates with a failure to deal with them effectively, who can't cite the "terrorism-related" statistic he hashes out (note, being the subject of an "investigation" is not an offense... Or perhaps we can call you a "terrorism-related" subject to investigation the next time TSA pats you down?), who thinks the drug war is a colossal success, who elevates entertainment and fun over simply being able to use his brain. And just because you've got the biggest hard-on for Donald Trump and pant like a dog at the thought of Mexicans in America, doesn't mean I'm "ball-less". It just means you're an easily excited, rabid walking erection for the cause of Latinos being thought not criminal enough for a xenophobic, pro-drug warrior crank, too consumed with himself and his paranoia to tell what time of day it is.

averagejoe said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

8/30/15, 2:50 PM

Nothing worth repeating. Bilious ad hominem attacks without addressing any of the facts and figures presented to him/it from the GAO's own website which support Trump's assertion and rebut No Rhythm and Ball-less' angry progressive propaganda.

Anonymous said...

R&B is arrogant and uncivil. And he seems to think that not only is he right about everything, but conservatives are wrong about everything- because they are all idiots. I doubt he's ever persuaded anyone of much of anything. He sounds angry as hell

averagejoe said...

Hi David Hampton- It is not good to hear your first-person account of life on the border. It wasn't always so either. There is a history of migrant workers and laborers coming from Mexico and returning when the season is over. This country used to have the bracero programs for hiring farm workers. But the politicians have incentivized illegal immigration, and the common citizen has embraced it. It makes me gag that so many Americans are willing to turn a blind eye to this issue just so that that middle-class people can have servants to clean their houses and cut their grass for them.

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