July 30, 2015

"Are you saying that all this noise is about a dead lion? Lions are killed all the time in this country. What is so special about this one?"

Said Tryphina Kaseke, a used-clothes salesman in Zimbabwe.
"Why are the Americans more concerned than us?" said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father-of-two cleaning his car in the center of the capital. "We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange."
Cecil the Celebrity Lion may only be a celebrity to Americans.


SteveR said...

People don't care about Cecil. They don't like guns and hunters. And when the hunters are stupid they are easy targets (no pun intended). No brainer journalism.

Moneyrunner said...

I'm not up on celebrities these days. If I were to go on a shooting spree I'm not sure that I would be able to pick out a Kardashian from the average street hooker in Madison. In fact, until DRUDGE pointed out that a late night TV comic cried about his carcass I was unaware that such a thing as a celebrity lion existed outside of the beginning of MGM movies.

Luckily I'm of an age where I don't have to keep up.

Sebastian said...

Dear Mr. Kaseke: It's not about you. It's about them. With American Progs, it's always about them.

Dentist (doesn't everyone hate them anyway?) killing lion: great opportunity for moral grandstanding. Animals killing Africans: meh.

It's not even about animals, for if Progs cared they would support hunting that makes wildlife economically sustainable.

Anonymous said...

A celebrity to American leftists to change the headlines from Planned Parenthoods selling babies organs and tissues to buy a Lamborghini, to a gun-toting dentist killing a lion.

Btw, I don't think anyone, especially hunter-for-fun, should kill a lion, or a tiger. They are really endangered. They should only be taken down to save a human.

Moneyrunner said...

Speaking of dead felines, there a new movie about Benghazi. Remember when the Left used Benghazi as a punch line? I have not heard that lately.

MisterBuddwing said...

When the lion was identified by a name, and was described as something of a local celebrity, complete with photographs, the outrage that followed seemed pretty inevitable, at least to me.

Gahrie said...

Btw, I don't think anyone, especially hunter-for-fun, should kill a lion, or a tiger. They are really endangered. They should only be taken down to save a human.

Lions are not endangered. Tigers are endangered in the wild but there are so many privately held tigers, the species is not in danger of going extinct.

jr565 said...

Hunting lions actually is a conservation measure. If you want to keep lions in the world you need to allow for hunting of lions. Let me expalin.lions need a habitat. The land is either going to be used to maintain that habitat or it's going to go to agriculture.
What maintain that habitat? That its profitable to Mantain it in its natural state.
That's where hunters come in. They pay big bucks to get a license to shoot a lion. In Zimbabwe that money goes to preserving the habitat, and protecting the lions and paying money to the villagers.
you do t want poachers killing the lions. You let Zimbabwe regulate the number of allowable hunts and make it lucrative for Zimbabwe to allow for lion hunting.

Expat(ish) said...

@elkh1 - one is endangered the other isn't. And a tiger is different than a lion.

Ligers, on the other hand....


Gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

Terry Anderson describe the issue this way:
" Anti-hunting groups succeeded in getting Kenya to ban all hunting in 1977. Since then, its population of large wild animals has declined between 60 and 70 percent. The country’s elephant population declined from 167,000 in 1973 to just 16,000 in 1989. Poaching took its toll on elephants because of their damage to both cropland and people. Today Kenya wildlife officials boast a doubling of the country’s elephant population to 32,000, but nearly all are in protected national parks where poaching can be controlled. With only 8 percent of its land set aside as protected areas, it is no wonder that wildlife in general and elephants in particular have trouble finding hospitable habitat.

For the landowners who bear the costs of wildlife, the decision of whether to protect wildlife is a simple one: if it pays, it stays. The ban on hunting gives wildlife little or no economic value, causing rural Africans to view wildlife as a liability to be avoided rather than an asset to be protected. As a result, landowners have increasingly turned to agriculture instead of habitat protection, which decreases available habitat and increases the potential for human-wildlife conflicts.

In sharp contrast to Kenya, consider what has happened in Zimbabwe. In 1989, results-oriented groups such as the World Wildlife Fund helped implement a program known as the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources or CAMPFIRE. This approach devolves the rights to benefit from, dispose of, and manage natural resources to the local level, including the right to allow safari hunting. Community leaders with local knowledge about wildlife and its interface with humans help establish sustainable hunting quotas. Hunting then provides jobs for community members, compensation for crop and property damage, revenue to build schools, clinics, and water wells, and meat for villagers—just as Parsons’ elephant did.

By granting local people control over wildlife resources, their incentive to protect it has strengthened. As a result, poaching has been contained and human-wildlife conflicts have been reduced. While challenges remain, especially from the current political climate in Zimbabwe, CAMPFIRE has quietly produced results with strikingly little activist rhetoric.

The numbers attest to the program’s success. Ten years after the program began, wildlife populations had increased by 50 percent. By 2003, elephant numbers had doubled from 4,000 to 8,000. The gains have not just been for wildlife, however. Between 1989 and 2001, CAMPFIRE generated more than $20 million in direct income, the vast majority of which came from hunting. During that period, the program benefitted an estimated 90,000 households and had a total economic impact of $100 million.

The results go beyond the CAMPFIRE areas. Between 1989 and 2005, Zimbabwe’s total elephant population more than doubled from 37,000 to 85,000, with half living outside of national parks. Today, some put the number as high as 100,000, even with trophy hunters such as Parsons around. All of this has occurred with an economy in shambles, regime uncertainty, and mounting socio-political challenges.

Throughout southern Africa, hunting and wildlife-related tourism have spurred private sector investment in wildlife conservation. The region is now home to more than 9,000 private game ranches, 1,100 privately managed nature reserves, and over 400 conservancies. In Namibia, which allows hunting, more than 80 percent of all large wild mammals live on private and community lands, and those populations have increased by 70 percent in recent years. In these regions where wildlife pays its way, habitat is conserved and wildlife populations thrive."
So, boo boo, the lion died. If he broke laws then hold him accountable. But huntin get lion may in fact be necessary and do more to preserve the habitat then hunting bans.

iowan2 said...

"Btw, I don't think anyone, especially hunter-for-fun, should kill a lion, or a tiger. They are really endangered. They should only be taken down to save a human."

Its an animal. Not an ancient one of a kind artifact. Not a piece of art. Its a natural resource to be used as man sees fit. If not for hunters, money for wild life support would be 10% of what ever meager money is being spent now. Because for all the high and mighty language being screeched by the leftist, they dont give a shit about animals and are blind to how little they are willing to do for them. Like every 'good' cause, liberals wont spend their money, but the will use the force of govt to extort money from all their neighbors.

jr565 said...

"Community leaders with local knowledge about wildlife and its interface with humans help establish sustainable hunting quotas. Hunting then provides jobs for community members, compensation for crop and property damage, revenue to build schools, clinics, and water wells, and meat for villagers—just as Parsons’ elephant did."
Numbskulls like Ricky Gervias are all on abou the lions. Do they not a are about the villagers? Jobs for black people? Revenue to build school? And even preservation of a lions habitat? It's all brought to you by hunting.
so shut your yapping. Pie hole, Ricky. Or cough up the bucks to pay these villagers enough where they can do all this and not have to kill a single lion. .

Boltforge said...

Millions suffer and die because of Progs and their irrational hatred of genetically modified food (research golden rice). Millions suffer and die because of Progs irrational hatred of DDT and the wholesale acceptance of lie (research the fraud of Rachel Carson). They cry and rage on national television about a lion killed by a man and will never shed a tear for an African killed by a lion.

Progs hate people who don't look like them, think like them, or maybe just inconvience them. They push the worth of animals above the worth of humans. Especially humans in Africa.

Michael K said...

The dentist is a white man with a gun. What else is there?

Elephants were the topic of a TED program by a guy who admitted what an idiot he was.

The lion story is a hoax. Most of Zimbabwe is a hoax.

Michael said...

The problem with all of these Progressives, particularly young progressives, is that they believe that they should never have to feel bad, and if someone makes them feel bad that someone should have to pay. Unleash the digital dogs of war! All of these people are emotionally and intellectually about six years old. But they vote.

MathMom said...


Thanks for that very clear explanation. Succinct.

Katrina said...

"Dentist (doesn't everyone hate them anyway?)"

Not only a dentist, but a well-heeled white American male. In Prog World, there is nobody more worthy of hate.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA: "Cecil the Celebrity Lion may only be a celebrity to Americans."

Objection, vague and overbroad.

Not "Americans," but emotional, perpetually aggrieved Leftists, who use twitter a lot.

William said...

Lighten up. He wasn't an oil executive.......Things I will never do: Kill a lion. Pay $50,000 for the privilege of killing a lion. Get a sex change operation. Have my penis cut off. Get an abortion. Buy teeny weeny body parts from surplus dead babies........I feel that many of the big moral issues of the day are distant from the kind of ethical dilemmas I face.

sunsong said...

feds open investigation into Cecil the lion's death

Freeman Hunt said...

With fall coming on, I hope none of the deer have names.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Oh, no! You've killed ol'Moe, the beloved white tailed buck of West Virginia!"

traditionalguy said...

Wild lions are not loved by the people living around them. Their only use besides as hunt trophies sold to wealthy Europeans and Americans is for the depressed Africans to commit suicide by wandering around outside town.

Lions are cute Death Panels.

Skeptical Voter said...

I don't know--nor care much about Cecil from Zimbabwe. But what's the latest on the Milwaukee Lion?

Mark said...

Cecil-the-not-selling-fetus-parts-lion is what Cecil is (well, was).

n.n said...


Impartial death panels at that. They do not maintain a pretense to [class] diversity. Black and white unarmed meat are equally eligible in the order they arrive. Brains, hearts, livers, etc. fetch an equal value on the African plains. In an open market, lions would put Planned Parenthood out of business.

Jaq said...

"We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange."

Black lives don't matter.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I have to wonder whether back in the Pleistocene there wasn't a kerfuffle when someone unfairly killed one of the dangerous wild animals now known as dogs.

Anonymous said...

Cecil was 13. Average lifespan of a lion in the wild is 10-14 years. He lived a full life. The hunter was probably a kinder death than another lion.

AllenS said...

Freeman nailed it. Never shoot an animal with a first name.

Goju said...

How,exactly, do I know an animal has a first name? I doubt Cecil knew it himself. Did the guides, perhaps,lure him out of the preserve by calling his name? Would an African lion understand his name in English? If Cecil as ESL, may the dentist didn't recognize his name in the native African language of the guides.

Inquiring minds want to know. To hell with the economy, Iran deal, PP videos, etc. The real issue on the world stage is an old African lion. Has anyone asked the Pope about this? Merkel? The Iranian leaders? The Greek PM? My God, how could they be so callous and uncaring about this earth altering issue?

Loren said...

But the shrine of "Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage" demands it's weekly sacrifice!

Bill said...

Cecile the Lyin' must have been relived at the appearance of Cecil the Lion.

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing this talking point all over the place. What, exactly, is the point? Is it:

* Zimbabweans don't care about their environment, so we shouldn't either;
* They do care about their environment, and they know about a secret cache of tens of thousands of lions that render the species non-threatened;
* The do care about their environment, but not the large animals that are part of it, because they've determined somehow that the natural environment would be improved by their absence;
* Environmentalism as a concept is fundamentally amoral because it elevates animal concerns over human concerns;
* Something else;
* Snark snark look at me snark snark hahaha I'm so smart

...can someone explain which of these actual points people are trying to make when they find some Zimbabweans who don't care about this?

Anonymous said...

I'm especially interested in why this is a "left/right" issue. I know that makes sense to a low-info voter, but I thought the crowd here prided itself in not being low-info.

If you're not low-info, then surely you're aware that conservatives have pointed out for about 40 years or so that wealth is the best protector of the environment: prosperous democracies do a much (much, much) better job protecting their environment than poor dictatorships. You'd know that conservatives have long advocated for smart environmental regulation, *especially* using ownership to encourage stewardship (exactly the principle violated here by illegally luring the animal out of protected property).

So I'm a little surprised that the universal reaction here is to make, frankly, retarded-sounding noises about "liberals". I guess it's the same kind of character who thought that Cliven Bundy, who was a lying freeloading thief, was some sort of "conservative" icon. And, in turn, the same kind of people who admire Trump: the kind of people who think that cheap noisemaking actually constitutes some sort of philosophy or argument.

Anonymous said...

Even stranger are the people saying "there are more important things going on." Well, yes. And?

This argument is -- well it's not an "argument" at all, it's just noise being farted out of people's mouths. But if there were some sort of argument there, it'd be something like "we oughtn't care about this because it distracts us from solving [something else]."

So then what in God's name are you doing making comments about THE PEOPLE MAKING COMMENTS about it? By definition, they're less important than whatever they're commenting on, and your whole point (to the very small extent you have one) is that what they're commenting on is dangerously unimportant, so then just what the hell does that make you?

Anthony said...

This is why he was special.

Carnifex said...

D.S. said--"Snark snark look at me snark snark hahaha I'm so smart

Self awareness. You lack it.

I assume DS stands for Dip Shit.

Nichevo said...

Well, DS, the hostess is welcome to stop posting the cobwebs floating through her mind and talk about important issues. But she won't. So this is what we get. Maybe you should go away and find a blog you like.

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