June 17, 2015

"We’ve been to this corner of Crazytown before. If we’re going to have a billionaire dope running for the presidency..."

"... I prefer Ross Perot and his cracked tales of Vietnamese hit squads dispatched to take him out while Lee Atwater plotted to crash his daughter’s wedding with phonied-up lesbian sex pictures."

From "Witless Ape Rides Escalator," by Kevin D. Williamson, and that's more than I want to have to say about the person whose name I'm again declining to blog... which is what last night's post meant. I'm not saying his name. I'm not giving him the attention he wants. As my mother used to say: You'll only encourage him.

UPDATE: Originally this post had only one tag: nothing.


MarkW said...

So I saw part of an episode of 'Parts Unknown' the other day, and Anthony Bourdain was eating at a restaurant on the boardwalk in Atlantic City. He-who-will-not-be-named came up, and the joke was:

Q: Was is his name on all his buildings?
A: So the banks will know which ones to repossess.

Brando said...

As for the GOP fretting over having to let him on the debate stage, who says they have to? So he and his fans will complain--you can set your own criteria for who can attend the debates.

The bigger issue is the sheer number of candidates and the fact that so many fall below a low poll threshhold (not to mention how most leads are within the margin of error, and which poll should be used). If the party wants greater inclusiveness, then simply draw lots and break up the total into groups of six, switching out for each of the 20 or so debates. You can even let Trump participate--so he'll make a fool of himself and enable the other candidates to take shots at him. It'd only really hurt the party if the candidates show deference and respect for him.

Sydney said...

I could never understand why a guy who goes bankrupt so much has a reputation as a good business man.

pm317 said...

I don't understand how Trump can be any worse than all the rest of the buffoons we have in politics right now.

clint said...

"pm317 said...
I don't understand how Trump can be any worse than all the rest of the buffoons we have in politics right now."

Six years ago, way too many people said that about a junior senator from Illinois.

Doing well is hard. Doing worse is easy.

Meade said...

Marco Rubio and I welcome him.

Chuck said...

With all due respect, I'd say -- and I say this seriously -- Donald Trump is a more serious presidential candidate than is Bernie Sanders.

Bob Boyd said...

It would be disaster if an incompetent, egotistical poser, with a record of running up huge, unsustainable debt, crossed into Washington DC.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've embraced the same strategy for the clowns who run this weblog. Why give you any attention?

You've been sitting on your ass bitching for 40 years, prof. Any chance you'll ever find something useful to do with your life?

You could go back to the "I'm a nigger and my son's a nigger" thing, I guess. You're the original Rachel Donezal

When do you start the "Meade's a nigger, too" campaign? You toyed with that one for a while. That could fill up a lot of your empty time.

I'll send you a jar of blackface for Meade.

Crack ain't so useful any more, huh? Meade doesn't need the token nigger anymore? Or, is it just that the token nigger inevitably turned against the ultimate white pretender? Get thee to the tanning salon, wigger!

pm317 said...

I agree with "Doing well is hard. Doing worse is easy." But it is ridiculous that Trump can't be taken seriously while Sanders (or any of the other politicians that are running) is.

Hagar said...

I think The Donald's "almost 9 billion" refers to his present assets. Some intrepid journalist should ask him about the debits.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

While there can be a reasonable debate about who is the bigger idiot, Trump or Williamson, Trump does know one big thing, how to run a business poorly. His critique of the Quislings who control US manufacturing and China is close to the truth.

J2 said...

I believe Ross Perot.

machine said...

you're gonna need a bigger clown bus...

Brando said...

"I agree with "Doing well is hard. Doing worse is easy." But it is ridiculous that Trump can't be taken seriously while Sanders (or any of the other politicians that are running) is."

There's no simple objective criteria that makes Trump any more an unserious candidate than the others running. He polls better than most of them (due to name recognition) and has funding. He never served in any public office, but the same can be said for many other candidates who are taken seriously. He makes hilariously stupid statements, but again, that's clearly not a disqualifyer. Most people have a feeling he is just doing this for the publicity and has no serious desire to be president--but again, you could say that about a lot of candidates.

He'll get attention, as famous people do, but I don't expect it to have any impact different from Al Sharpton's in 2004. Cranks and weirdos are what parties have to put up with if they want to welcome all candidates.

Anonymous said...

We are already in Crazytown. I can't see how it can get any crazier in the good old US of A!! Just look around, and read the papers. Whites are turning black, men are turning into women and vice versa....and we have a President who resents America, and is trying to make it more like Europe..(and NO...I will not vote for Trump...unless it ends up being him against Sanders)

iowan2 said...

The Democrat PR dept (MSM) is in overdrive mocking Trump.ignoring the crazy Communist Sanders rantings and demanding he justify his positions.
Conveniently Trump provided cover for the new info that Hillary has in fact hidden e mails from congress. But that's just breaking the law.

Tank said...

sydney said...

I could never understand why a guy who goes bankrupt so much has a reputation as a good business man.

One part of trying many business ventures is that not all are successful. Life is like that too. Except in America we're now trying to make believe it isn't - everyone should be in a "safe space" all the time. Look at Trump's net worth now.

I don't think Trump will be president, nor do I think he should be. But he says a couple of things I like a lot. One is that he likes America and thinks we should be the best as we used to be. Another is that he unblinkingly says "I'm rich" and he enjoys working hard and being successful. Isn't that better than the constant search for victimhood. Compare his opening to Jeb Bush's video (before the speech) which seemed to concentrate on various victims and boxes to check off.

Hagar said...

In the 1840s the American Whig Party held a meeting and read John Tyler out of the party.
Is that still possible? Could the Republican Party declare The Donald persona non-grata and not one of theirs, to limit the damage?

Bob Ellison said...

iowan2, it's not just the Democrats. This buffoon has a regular gig on Fox News. He was on this morning. Usually he just spouts regular crap: China is bad, Obama is bad, etc. This morning, FNC put him on and he talked about his candidacy.

Disgusting. I mostly like FNC. Even Huckabee resigned when he decided to run.

pm317 said...

I want somebody to rip the facade off of 8 years of Obama and shred his "legacy" to pieces. Trump is the only one to do it. No establishment Republican will do it. Hillary is not going to do it for fear she will lose Obama (er.. Bernie Sander's) coalition.

Unknown said...

"I'm not saying his name. I'm not giving him the attention he wants."

(1) Do you think he really cares if you use his name, and

(2) Didn't you just write a column about him?

This is like plugging your ears, sticking out your tongue and making noise so you don't have to hear someone you agree with (or with whom you disagree).

Larry J said...

Einstein said that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. We keep electing career politicians and they keep making an ever increasing mess of things. I'm not saying that Trump is my guy but I'd vote for him over any Democrat alive if that's the only choice I have. As bad as he may be, he's still better than Hillary! or Sanders.

Michael said...


LOL!!! You might not like his hair or his bluster but I believe your observation on his lack of business acumen is derived from the several times he availed himself of bankruptcy to fend off creditors on over levered assets. He never took personal bankruptcy.

So how does a bad businessman heave up on the shores on one or many billions of dollars. Or are you one of those who knows you too could be that rich if only you didn't value coaching your kids.

Brando said...

"I want somebody to rip the facade off of 8 years of Obama and shred his "legacy" to pieces. Trump is the only one to do it. No establishment Republican will do it."

Why do you think Trump is the only one--or even the best one to do this? He's already considered such a joke all across the political spectrum that no one would take anything he says seriously. Almost every other GOP candidate is downright critical of almost everything Obama has done or tried to do--what special thing could Trump add to that?

Brando said...

"I'm not saying that Trump is my guy but I'd vote for him over any Democrat alive if that's the only choice I have. As bad as he may be, he's still better than Hillary! or Sanders."

Right now, fortunately, you don't have to make that choice--the choice is who the GOP nominates to face Hillary. If you think Trump would make a great president, and also be the Republican most likely to beat Hillary, then that's a different case to be made.

I'd vote for pretty much anything as an alternative to Hillary, but I'd prefer the choice not be so stark. This country actually needs someone who can get some things done.

Known Unknown said...

All I know is there's no gleaming Obama Tower in Chicago.


Known Unknown said...

I've heard you can use Donald Trump's name at Althou.se

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael said...
So how does a bad businessman heave up on the shores on one or many billions of dollars.

Eliot Spitzer also doing well in the current NYC real estate market, without any of the drama. Is he an even greater businessman?

You have set a very low bar for business acumen.

Anonymous said...

I support his run and I think you'll eventually combover to our way of thinking...

Michael said...


Eliot Spitzer? WFT. Is he your idea of a NY real estate mogul? LOL.

A guy who parlays a few million into a billion is good at something. Even in property.

If several billion is a mark of a low bar for business acumen what would be a high bar?


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I'm not claiming either is a good business man, both have billion dollar NYC real estate portfolios.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"I could never understand why a guy who goes bankrupt so much has a reputation as a good business man."

He's not the one losing money. What I don't understand is why anyone would invest in any of his enterprises.

machine said...

"Who would trust the nation to a guy who somehow managed to bankrupt a casino?"

I guess we know who...don't we.

JackWayne said...

So, He Who Shall Not Be Named is your concept of Trump. And you're sticking with it.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Except that he has more life accomplishments than the person you voted for in 2008. Why is he not to be "encouraged" when you fell over yourself encouraging a "community organizer Al Sharpton wanna be to be President. What exactly are your objective criteria for this dismissiveness?

cubanbob said...

Trump for all of his nonsense is still vastly better than anyone on the democrat lineup. That's what happens when the bar is set so low that an Obama can cross it. We have been in crazy town since November 2008.

William said...

I saw his family lined up behind him on the stage. It's infested with supermodels. He has the most photogenic and visually striking family of anyone in politics. I think Trump will run as a reality show contestant. He will say outrageous things against a backdrop of beautiful people. You will not want to pay any attention to him, but, like Rachel and the Kardashians, he will draw you in. It's not a train wreck or a clown show. It's a politicized celebrity show.

Pookie Number 2 said...

It's fun watching so many people prove that they're part of the right-thinking class by regurgitating the conventional wisdom of Trump's buffoonery.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

On the other hand, considering the state of the government's finances, maybe we should elect someone skilled at conning money out of suckers.

Wilbur said...

At least Trump never, to my knowledge, bro-hugged his good buddy Obama or gave an award to Hilary. A political ad of either those will sink Christie or Bush in the primaries.

If the Bushes wanna' pal around with the Clintons, fine. Bill's a good pal to have on some levels. But there's a price to be paid. And Jeb will pay it through the nose.

Ghristie got bought pretty cheaply, a few Federal crumbs of disaster aid for his state. I still don't think he'll run.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If only more would follow your example Ann, including Fox News and NBC. Jeesus let's just starve this beast of oxygen!

Michael The Magnificent said...

You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this blog post is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this blog post is about you
Don't you? don't you?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Donald Trump supported Obama in 2008 and has donated $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. So its pretty much a foregone conclusion that he will be the GOPs nominee for 2016.

Jaq said...

Bill had Ross to get him over the line, I wonder what Hillary promised The Donald for the same favor?

Michael said...


you would not know this, but many casinos go bankrupt. You would be one of those who think it is impossible for a casino to lose money. You would be another of those who know absolutely nothing about casino operations.

Jaq said...

So if a baker has to bake a cake for a gay wedding. What gives a singer a right to withhold rights for a song for political reasons?


Michael said...


Spitzer has never made a real estate investment on his own initiative. He just inherited a business. Trump did the same but increased the value of the business by many hundreds of times.

You glibly noted that Trump ran his business poorly. Can you give an example or two or his poor leadership? Isn't the mark of a good businessman the ability to recover from adversity?

Anonymous said...

tim in vermont said...
So if a baker has to bake a cake for a gay wedding. What gives a singer a right to withhold rights for a song for political reasons?

Hear..Hear!!! Great analogy!!!

Brando said...

"Bill had Ross to get him over the line, I wonder what Hillary promised The Donald for the same favor?"

To the extent that Donald has any political beliefs, he strikes me more as a Clintonian Democrat than anything--people in his business need government favors, and his social conservatism seems a new thing (also at odds with many of the businesses he's been involved in). But I don't think he's in this for anything more than to generate press--as he noted, his name is worth billions (in licensing mostly) so what better way to preserve or increase that value than to jump into the presidential race? He couldn't care less if that helps Hillary, and he'd probably be happy having a buyable president in the White House.

I dont' understant the Republicans who are backing him, though--it's not as though they don't have a wealth of outsider, non-politician types to choose from. And the opposition to him among conservatives is not limited to the "Beltway" types.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael said...
Spitzer has never made a real estate investment on his own initiative.

Did you read the linked article? That is exactly what he is doing. I don't think Spitzer is the next Steve Jobs, but it is not unreasonable to compare him to Trump, given the similarities in how they got their starts in the the same business.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Brando said...
I dont' understant the Republicans who are backing him, though

It is a mystery to me as well. It is hard to see what positive value his life exemplifies.

ken in tx said...

Now we need Ralph Nader and Lyndon LaRouche to balance out the election.

ken in tx said...

Or maybe Kinky Friedman.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Now we need Ralph Nader and Lyndon LaRouche to balance out the election. Or maybe Kinky Friedman.

James Traficant's hair could not be reached for comment.

Jaq said...

Now we need Ralph Nader and Lyndon LaRouche

Both would be running for the Democrat nomination, just so we are clear here.

Jaq said...

Trump 2007: Hillary’s “very, very capable,” her health care plan is “very good”

Hillary thinks Trump can win this for her. Maybe he can. She knows she ain't winning a majority.

Michael said...

"Mr. Spitzer acknowledged that he faced a learning curve when it comes to building on the Far West Side, or in Brooklyn"


You glibly noted that Trump ran his business poorly. Can you give an example or two or his poor leadership? Isn't the mark of a good businessman the ability to recover from adversity?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael said...
Isn't the mark of a good businessman the ability to recover from adversity?

Not self-created adversity. You apparently view Trump as admirable. It's a point of view. Not broadly shared.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

A learning curve is very different from repeated bankruptcies. You seem unable to grasp this.

Trump is a shameless self-promoter. Does this country need a reality show huckster as its leader? It would seem we have no shortage of this kind of crap already.

Drago said...

Apparently, there are no actual examples of how Trump ran his businesses poorly that were available to ARMeltdown.

Something tells me that Trump's businesses (like many many businesses) have assets and investments that made the underlying value of the firm sufficiently valuable to justify the restructuring of the debts of those entities.

Given the value of those firms at this point in time, it seems as though those assessments were spot on.

But you must remember, when the communists/leftists (but I repeat myself) show up and begin lecturing on private business performance and results, you should probably view their "contribution" to the conversation as somewhat...suspect.

Up next from the lefties: why French/German/Dutch/Belgian etc. workers owe Greece more money so the Greeks can retire at age 50.

Michael said...


You are apparently wrong. I don't view him admirably at all. But almost all business adversity is self inflicted as any businessman would know. The good businessmen and women know how to steer out of the troubled waters they sailed into even if it requires the use of the courts to protect assets. You are unable to grasp this because you do not live in the business world. I expect your mistakes are insignificant to you financially.

You claimed he ran his business poorly but you cannot point to anything other than the bankruptcy of single asset entities.

A few bankrupts that you can add to your list of bad business people: Walt Disney. Henry Ford. George Foreman. William Durant. H. J. Heinz.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Multiple bankruptcies do not count as less than ideal outcomes in the business world? There is no comparison to Disney and Ford, who were self-made men. Trump is just another rich kid riding on the efforts of his father. If he had made a success in some business other than real estate you might have a case, but he has failed at everything other than the business his father left him.

You guys are idiots. Hacks defending anyone with an R next to their name.

And you have yet to state how he differs, other than being even more tacky and having more bankruptcies, from Spitzer.

Drago said...

ARMeltdown used quite a few words to say, in essence, that he has no examples of Trump running his businesses poorly.

Quick question for ARMeltdown: what was the value, in todays $$, of the businesses that Trump inherited from his father and what is the value of those businesses today?

Here's link to a conversation with Steve Jobs speaking about how Apple almost went bankrupt: http://www.macrumors.com/2011/09/19/steve-jobs-apple-almost-went-bankrupt-because-it-failed-to-innovate/

Of course, you'll have to get over your gag reflex when viewing those engaged in capitalistic endeavors.

They do make pills for things like that though. (Pills that would never have been "innovated" into existence were we the type of society you desired)

Drago said...

BTW, given the types of businesses Trump involves himself in, I'm actually surprised he didn't go bankrupt more often.

Real Estate, Casinos, etc. Thats a recipe for permanent failure. Yet here Trump is and worth more than ever, with investors still clamoring to throw their dollars at his ventures.

Gee, whom to believe when it comes to Trumps business prowess? Investors risking their own capital, or a Verencemos Brigade alumni?

Tough call.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Multiple bankruptcies are not failures? Only if he has an R against his name. But then we knew that, because you are a hack.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Regarding his failures there are endless web pages devoted to listing these. Since you probably lack open access to Google in whichever insane asylum you are currently ensconced, I suggest looking at this one:


Drago said...

ARMeltdown has difficulty understanding that people in business take risks. They take these risks knowing full well what these risks might entail. There are inevitable setbacks along the way.

The most important metric is what the score is at the end of the game.

But since you brought up insane asylums, would now be an inopportune time to mention that you were a militant and loving volunteer support of one Fidel Castro, who delighted in throwing political prisoners and homosexuals into insane asylums. In fact, your beloved castro also had homosexuals lobotomized in these insane asylums.

I wonder if you ever felt any regret for your direct support of such a regime?

I suspect your "rate of insults" increases the closer you mentally come to confronting your support of such policies.

You could get some help for that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Although you are both an idiot and insane could you provide one piece of evidence for your claims regarding my relationship with Castro? Just one? Of course you can't, because you are an idiot and insane.

Drago said...

BTW, I heartily recommend everyone visit the BusinessWeek article for which ARMeltdown provides a link.

Some of these "failed businesses" were nothing more than minor single product launches and other endeavors not in the Trump core business scheme, including a dot com, a steak company, a drink, etc.

The fact that our resident Castro lover is using that article to blast Trump tells us much more about ARMeltdown than about anything "business" related to Trump.

But hang in there ARM, your fellow travelers in Greece are doing a bang up job!

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "Although you are both an idiot and insane could you provide one piece of evidence for your claims regarding my relationship with Castro? Just one? Of course you can't, because you are an idiot and insane."

You yourself referenced it in one of your postings.

I'd go pull it up but I can't guarantee you haven't erased it since you've erased so many of your hilariously over top "meltdown" posts! Your meltdowns are something of a legend here.

Michael said...


Of course bankruptcies are failures, you oaf!! Do you consider that an insight?

What you miss is that business failures abound but some repeat failures end up wildly successful. I don't give a shit if he is a progressive, he deserves credit for his success.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...
You yourself referenced it in one of your postings.

If you can't' present this evidence, which you can't, because it never existed, except in your delusional mind, will you accept that you are insane?

Drago said...

ARMeltdown: "If you can't' present this evidence, which you can't, because it never existed, except in your delusional mind, will you accept that you are insane?"


Have you, or have you not, erased embarrassing posts you've made on this blog?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael said...
he deserves credit for his success.

His successes amount to little more than continuing what daddy started. He is a success in the same sense that George W. Bush is a success.

Drago said...

ARMeltdown: "His successes amount to little more than continuing what daddy started"

What was the value of the business assets when Trump took over and what is the value of the business assets he controls today?

Any other metric is irrelevant.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So Drago you are exposed, once again, as a delusional fantasist. Will you finally admit that you are insane? A whack job cruising the internet displaying his delusional character for the world to see.

I feel sorry for you, man. It's obvious why you can't keep a job.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Come on Drago, where is the proof of your delusion? Where is it? Let's face it you are a nut job.

Michael said...


you are lousy at this. Stop. Just stop.

"Little more". Hilarious. Top drawer funny.

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "Come on Drago, where is the proof of your delusion? Where is it? Let's face it you are a nut job."

I'll repeat the question, since you clearly missed it the first time: Have you, or have you not, erased embarrassing posts you've made on this blog?

Go ahead, just admit it.

Everyone already knows it anyway.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago you are losing so badly here that I feel sorry for you once again. Where is it Drago? Where is this delusion that you have posted about literally dozens of times. Where is it? You are such an idiot it is sad.

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "Drago you are losing so badly here that I feel sorry for you once again."

Thank you. Your concern is touching and appreciated.

Now answer the question.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael, what is Trump's novel contrition to the NYC real estate business? He is just following in daddy's footsteps.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The question is, where is this delusion that you keep referring to, like a crazy man babbling out on the sidewalk?

Where is it Drago? You claim I deleted it but you must have posts where you referred to this delusion. Where are those posts? Or are you just a delusional fantasist?

Drago said...

ARMeltdown: "You claim I deleted it but you must have posts where you referred to this delusion."

I claimed you deleted it?


Would you mind posting the precise language I used to "claim" you deleted it?

I don't believe you can.

Which, by your very own rules, makes you......insane....delusional.

Hoist. Petard. Some assembly required.

Double-plus funny: IRONY

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So you admit you lied? You lied continuously and delusionally for months on end.

Drago said...

In any event, even I don't believe Trump is worth as much as he claims. But he is (almost) unique in having successfully monetized his name, his personal brand, as an asset to a degree that many can only wish to emulate.

And that is an asset for which it is terribly difficult to calculate value at a single point in time, much less over time.

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "So you admit you lied?"

Wow. So how you are imagining (in an insane and delusional way) that I admitted any such thing?

Your delusions are piling up.

My my, how the not so mighty have fallen (though not so far).

Phil 314 said...

87 comments about the Donald.

He would be so happy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

You admit it by failing to provide any, any evidence at all for your delusional lies. Not even crappy evidence. You have nothing. Yet you have repeated this delusional lie for months and months. It is just fucking sad, but typical.

Drago said...

Later ARM: "You admit it by failing to provide any, any evidence at all for your delusional lies"

Earlier ARM: "So you admit you lied?"

Even Earlier ARM: "You claim I deleted it but you must have posts where you referred to this delusion."

Earlier ARM and Even Earlier ARM have admitted to lying (per Later ARM's rules) by failing o provide any, any evidence at all for their delusional lies.

Which, in the final analysis, is a darn shame.

Drago said...

I want you to know ARM, that despite the fact that you yourself lied several times in this thread regarding what I've written, I don't hold you in any less regard.

For how could I?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Attempting to obscure your lies with blather is just making it worse Drago. You lied. You lied repeatedly. You lied repeatedly for months. Be a man and own it.

Drago said...

ARM, attempting to obscure your lies with blather is just making it worse. You lied. In this very thread. You lied repeatedly (more than once, in this very thread). Be a man and own it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Tell us more about the 'Verencemos Brigade', Drago. It has been funny for months, why stop now?

For your future reference, you spell it wrong. I had to look it up on wikipedia to have any clue what you were babbling about.

Drago said...

ARM: "For your future reference, you spell it wrong."

Curse the autocomplete Gods!!

Now, that we have dispensed with that, now would be a good time for ARM to show evidence for the following:

ARM: "You claim I deleted it but you must have posts where you referred to this delusion."

We'll wait patiently.

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